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Struggling to craft a thesis on research paper topics related to youth gangs? You're not alone.

a thesis on such a complex and sensitive subject can be incredibly challenging. It requires in-depth
research, critical analysis, and a thorough understanding of the topic. Additionally, navigating
through the vast array of literature and data available can be overwhelming.

Furthermore, tackling a topic like youth gangs demands a nuanced approach. It involves exploring
various sociological, psychological, and criminological factors that contribute to the formation and
behavior of these groups. From examining root causes to analyzing the impact of interventions, the
breadth of the subject matter can be daunting.

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Such a network is critical so that information, brochures and direct contact can be made with
community residents and organizational leaders. Living in the slums presents destructive elements
that make children feel that their only way to survive is to join gangs (Siegel, 2014). Envy for what
other people possess that the youth lack makes them look for an opportunity to acquire these things
quickly, as long as they swear their allegiance to the certain gang. (Wolf, 2017). The gang power
mentality and the affluence offered by money laundering and drug sale makes it hard for many
youths to resist joining gangs. As gang involvement and violence continue to rise, the leaders are
faced by a dilemma: Identify and tackle the problem, or assume the problem does not exist. This
study could also attempt to highlight ways through which youths can withdraw from the gangs.
Identify the Problem: As shown in the novel The Outsiders, gangs have been a part of American
culture for decades. Because youths are ambitious and have a lot of unaccomplished goals, the
window of opportunity presented by groups seems to be the choice of many (Sanders, 2017).
Connected to this issue is the question of prosecutorial reaction. Factors such as racial stigmas,
economic marginalization, law enforcement attitudes, and street culture must all be taken into
account, as well as the historical trajectories and patterns of the groups committing urban violence.
From the discussion of the theories, they all recognized that delinquent gangs commit different illegal
activities. Conclusion: The results were disappointing as the subjects investigated were too broad. In
these communities, the uncertainty of life facilitates risky and violent behaviors that promulgate into
the social issue. They may also feel less responsible for their crimes because they did it as a group.
They may play a crucial role in advising other youths not to join gangs. Most gangs end up becoming
criminals of a certain neighborhood or society. Others have incorporated new strategies like vertical
trial; this is where a prosecutor is given particular members of a gang and follows them through each
prosecution. On a scale of 1-5, indicate the amount of gang presence or activity in your city (1 being
no gang presence and 5 being gang presence in all neighborhoods of the city). Case managers are
given specific youths, with relevant information on program involvement, school progress, legal
system involvement, and other life aspects. They emphasize the importance of community, both as a
context that shapes opportunity and as a resource that promotes positive youth engagement. Decent
individuals are more accepting of mainstream values and pass on these values intergenerationally.
Secondly, attention must be paid to the relationship strength between being in a gang and the
delinquency of the members. Keep on browsing if you are OK with that, or find out how to manage
cookies. The dream of America is to promote an equal opportunity to everybody; however, it is not
the case among the minority groups, the middle and the lowers social class. It is the need for
acceptance among friends that makes one want to prove that they are not cowards and can break the
law. Journal of Health and Social Behavior, 34 (September), 226-236. The delinquent behavior that is
a common characteristic of youths brings the picture of the membership to the gangs and their
solidarity to the groups. The problem, however, is that teams are associated with violence, crime,
drug abuse and all other forms of social misconduct. A Broken Place. Arik Tai. Who: The Article
deals with Native American youth living on a reserve called Hobbema, who have been drawn into
gang life. They are aware that they have limited options for gaining wealth and status, so they attain
them through gang membership (Siegel, 2014). Civil democrats oppose that this policy violate the
right of students to wear as they desire and should not be implemented school systems.
Treating community as a crucial unit of analysis and action, these essays reorient our understanding
of gangs and the measures undertaken to defeat them. While impoverished, the decent are working
members of society that value perseverance and self-sufficiency. Their social networks may also shift
towards the inclusion of fellow deviants in their ingroup. Also, the sense of belonging brought
crucial emotional advantages; youths feel they are in a place where they are trusted and honored and
they could share their opinions freely with others. Secondly, the church gives a social system that is
similar to a gang in several ways. The results illustrate the established role gangs play within English
prisons, but also the relevance of other groups, collectives and “sets” within the penal environment.
Primary intervention involves dealing with actions taken to prevent the youths who are at risk of
membership from joining the gang. Studies are yet to prove that in the absence of reasons why the
youth engage in crime and gang activities there will be fewer gangs in the community. (Shelden et
al., 2012). As reported in one study, however, is that a person joins a group based on personal
affiliations such as peer pressure. The members have given up on the goals and means of non
conventional and conventional. In the ghetto mentioned in The Code of the Street, the street and the
decent were both relatively poor, so this distinction was not as prevalent as with the significant
income disparity seen in The Saints and the Roughnecks. Young street girls are also more likely to be
lured into prostitution than ordinary girls are. Cotterell, J. (1996). Social networks and social
influences in adolescence. Furthermore, this chapter’s literature review shows the far more
entrenched nature of gangs in the American penitentiary system, including their deeper historical
roots and highly racialized dimensions. This management of one’s social position in the eyes of peers
and one’s own self-image are all defining characteristics of street culture that are conducive to urban
violence. Gao (2002: 8-26) indicated that the term Anomie refers to condition of lack of norms, that
promotes in most cases higher suicide rates. The perfect outlet for the middle class adolescents are
the gangs, they can meet the acceptability criteria. This is not easy to note particularly when the
economy is so poor and our University and City are in economic turmoil;, however, we will need to
explore funding for the project. These classes are taught by police officers, analysis have shown that
there is a small increase of students’ capacity to oppose peer pressure and gang involvement.
Therefore, anomie is the direction that disintegration of the society takes when there is dissociation
between legitimate societal means and valued cultural ends to those ends (Myerhoff et al, 2001).
They often sought out and engaged in fights inside and outside their group, to which they’d fight
with rival gangs, black people, and those from other schools. Decent individuals are more accepting
of mainstream values and pass on these values intergenerationally. Therefore, as a result, their
deprivation of their status leads to status frustration. This, however, does not necessarily hold for
female gangs since in most cases they end up becoming victims of other gangs (Lane, 2003). Gao
(2002: 8-26) observed that some youths are organized into groups but are not gangs. However,
Lowney (2009) pointed out that the achievement of the success is expected through conventional
and honest means. Need for a sense of belonging: Youths who have low self-esteem may be lured
into gangs where they are accorded the respect they may have lacked amongst their peers. Legal
Definition The Californian State's jurisdiction has defined criminal street gangs as an organization or
group whose primary activities include one or more serious violent criminal acts, a common
identifying name or symbol and that its members have been involved in criminal gang activity
(OJJDP, 2006). The first is to build a network of social, economic and religious organizations in the
six communities adjacent to Norfolk State University. These risk factors are failure in school, family
problems, substance abuse, pattern behaviors and “conduct” problems, gang membership and gun
possession, and incidents of violence.
In the street, notions of masculinity revolve around physicality and the manifestation of “nerve,” or
the intentional disrespect of another individual to further one’s own reputation and respect. To
browse and the wider internet faster and more securely, please take a few seconds to
upgrade your browser. A gang can also be a group of people who associate together or act as an
organized body.. Type of Gangs. Street Gangs Prison Gangs Outlaw Motorcycle Gangs. Lastly, the
fifth issue is the degree to which delinquency of the middle class and the gang membership
relationship exists in various communities and particularly the males. This is a real problem based on
the fact that these gangs are always at loggerheads with each other even though they have no
compassion for human life and therefore will go to any lengths, including murder, to protect their
interests. Ultimately, the street code fosters the notion that “might makes right” and adversity should
be dealt with physically. A connection between drug dealing and violence is common in prison
gangs, and this relationship to the streets. The students should also be open to their parents to share
their experiences in school, for example when they are bullied or forced to enter into gangs. Like
how the street-oriented are typically poorer than the decent, Roughnecks were relatively more
impoverished than the Saints. According to Salzinger et al (2006), adolescents in public schools face
the middle class expectations that are imposed by teachers, administrators and students that represent
all class backgrounds. However, a different approach to the topic could also highlight the other side
of the factors behind this delinquent behavior. Today, many researchers agree that the youth
involvement in drug trafficking is bounded by street-level distribution, involving gang members
working on their own. The writers during that period observed gangs as mischievous and gentle
although they carried out criminal activities. Those who seem to be betraying the course are dealt
with severely. The study employs a qualitative methodology, principally drawing its conclusions
from interviews conducted with prisoners. Effective prevention measures should tackle every social
system, deal with every danger and protective measure, and should cover every level from the family
system to the government. NSU has been partnering with them for a little over three years, have
been the site of a couple of conferences, and it is where many meetings of the group have been held
all within the School of Social Work and NSU’s Brambleton Center of late. Treating community as a
crucial unit of analysis and action, these essays reorient our understanding of gangs and the measures
undertaken to defeat them. In contrast, street individuals are relatively poorer than the decent and
have a loose and disorganized family structure. The results illustrate the established role gangs play
within English prisons, but also the relevance of other groups, collectives and “sets” within the penal
environment. The theory further proposed that adaptations and deviant are given explanations by the
locations in both opportunities structures that are both legitimate and illegitimate. Klein, Melissa.
Gang Grief. (2009, March 1) Current Health 2. I thought, “I’ve gotta get the fuck out of the city. The
second way to prevent this smatterings is to implement stern action such as suspension and
expulsion. Increase in Relative Youth Unemployment Started Before Recession. Keep on browsing if
you are OK with that, or find out how to manage cookies. There cannot, therefore, be a complete
answer as to why youths join gangs or engage in criminal activities. I’ve gotta get away.” And I
couldn’t cope with what I’d seen, and I cracked up and went to me doctor’s. Many cases involved
money and these make the parent's worried. However, in the urban ghetto, avoiding a fight is not
only potentially damaging to one’s identity and sense of respect, but also to one’s subsequent
interactions with others.
Journal of Contemporary Criminal Justice, 27(1), 18-42.Siegel, L.J. (2014). Juvenile delinquency:
The core (5th ed.). California: Wadsworth. Print. Many more inexpensive and free PSHE, GCSE
Citizenship and RE resources at my shop. They emphasize the importance of community, both as a
context that shapes opportunity and as a resource that promotes positive youth engagement. London:
Routledge. Eckert, P. (2003). Language and adolescent peer groups. Greeley et al (2005: 33-41)
observed that the youths who cannot get what they desire or need in life through conventional
means will often use the unconventional means like crime to get the necessities they need. Relevant
theoryA suitable theory is that the decision to join gangs and criminal activity is a result of a
combination of several compelling reasons rather than one single cause. Studies have also
established that the affiliate boy gang is responsible for all drugs and their usage within a female
gang. These are important indicators to make others aware of what the program will address and to
make certain that these youngsters need special attention. I’ve gotta get away.” And I couldn’t cope
with what I’d seen, and I cracked up and went to me doctor’s. In these communities, the uncertainty
of life facilitates risky and violent behaviors that promulgate into the social issue. From a sociological
viewpoint, the norms and values surrounding urban violence can be traced to the interplay of class
structures and a code to negotiate respect and gain status. The theory encompassed many stress or
strain sources. The evaluation effort is intended to provide continuous feedback to the leadership of
NSU, the leadership of the City of Norfolk, and others within the communities, as well as
contributing to the understanding of addressing the problems of youth at risk. American Catholic
Sociological Review, 24, 33-41. Lowney, J. (January 01, 2009). The Wall Gang: a study of
interpersonal process and deviance among twenty-three middle-class youths. The theories that will be
presented here will be applicable to analyze of crime and delinquency in society. Parents play a
significant role with their involvement in the child’s school life. Such plans form part of a way of
breaking the conception that gang membership is a right of passage. The type of locales that we are
considering would be the public and private schools, the cChurches, recreation and community
centers, hair salons and barbershops, and any other places where people gather. Since then, a handful
of scholars have recited the same information, sometimes identifying the 1985 work, and at other
times, identifying secondary sources. Maybe with this exposures can give something new to their
spiritual and hopefully they are able to change. To browse and the wider internet
faster and more securely, please take a few seconds to upgrade your browser. When the children have
problem then the parent's must come to school to discuss father. Social Forces, 42, 3, 328-335. Gao,
S. (September 06, 2002). I will discuss other gangs, and their ties into Organized Crime. It is the
need for acceptance among friends that makes one want to prove that they are not cowards and can
break the law. Also, drug and substance abuse among the youth makes it difficult to make sound
decisions, and therefore they are easily convinced to join gangs or commit a crime. As Lowney
(2009: 527-38) observed, in a gang, a youth will find money, friendship and above all to get what
they need. This indicates girls who get involved with gangs at an early age are more likely to drop
out of school (Lane, 2003). The fourth issue involves the peer group solidarity effect in causing
delinquency. This paper “Female Juvenile Gangs” gives a literature of scholarly papers relating to
young women and their association with violent street gangs.

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