Ancient China Research Paper Topics

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Exploring the vast and rich history of Ancient China can be an exhilarating journey, but when it

comes to crafting a thesis on the subject, the challenges can be daunting. The intricate layers of
Chinese civilization, spanning thousands of years, demand meticulous research, critical analysis, and
coherent argumentation. From the philosophical depths of Confucianism and Daoism to the military
prowess of the Qin and Han dynasties, the breadth of topics is both expansive and nuanced.

Delving into Ancient China for a research paper requires not only a deep understanding of historical
events but also an ability to navigate through cultural, social, and economic landscapes. The plethora
of available sources, ranging from ancient texts to archaeological findings, adds another layer of
complexity to the task. Moreover, interpreting these sources within their historical context while also
addressing contemporary scholarly debates demands a high level of academic rigor and attention to

For many students, the sheer magnitude of information and the need for comprehensive analysis can
be overwhelming. Time constraints, conflicting priorities, and the pressure to deliver a high-quality
thesis further exacerbate the difficulty of the task. In such circumstances, seeking expert assistance
can provide invaluable support and guidance.

That's where ⇒ ⇔ comes in. With a team of experienced scholars and writers
specializing in various fields, including Ancient Chinese history, ⇒ ⇔ offers
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provide the support you need.

By entrusting your Ancient China research paper to ⇒ ⇔, you can alleviate the
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Ordering from ⇒ ⇔ not only saves you time and effort but also ensures that your
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Two plant substances especially associated with China may be singled out. Han Fei Tzu believed a
good emperor needs to have six powers, namely: the power to enrich or impoverish, the power to
give life or death, and the power to promote or demote, in a system of rewards and punishments.
The laws and justice system were different because of the lack of education and experience of the
Ancient Chinese and the lack knowledge of what law and justice system have been proven
successful to make their vision of the country. Even the experts in incantation and dietetics were
considered medical specialists and were often held in higher regard than other doctors; surgeons
were generally of low rank. Drugs were considered more likely to be good if they tasted bad.
However, this was an expensive and time-consuming process. The emperor need not intervene or
make personal decisions, for every answer can be found in this comprehensive set of laws although
the first emperor made many important decisions himself, relegating his ministers to mere
sycophants. With enough karma, a Buddhist reaches a state of nirvana. Report this resource to let us
know if this resource violates TPT’s content guidelines. Keep on browsing if you are OK with that,
or find out how to manage cookies. Later in this dynasty a Chinese metallurgist discovered that
wrought iron and cast iron could be melted to make an alloy of what we call steel. We see those
loyal to the throne being treated well and showered with gifts so that they continue being loyal and
expose those they suspected of disloyalty. It very different from the justice system in Ancient China.
Throughout 600 AD to 1500 AD, Chinese stood as worlds most technologically advanced society.
These early compasses were south-pointers: south being the primary direction for the Chinese. The
key to a peaceful existence, according to the analysis of Confucius, was a return to the virtues of
humanity and benevolence in social relations by reciprocity. The ultimate goal of the criminal justice
system is to reduce crime and increase the security of the people, which is a completely different
perspective from the Ancient Chinese. Basically the three virtues; loyalty, justice, and honor were a
major aspect in China during those times. Report this Document Download now Save Save Ancient
China Study Guide-Answers For Later 100% (2) 100% found this document useful (2 votes) 2K
views 3 pages Ancient China Study Guide-Answers Uploaded by Dan Klumper AI-enhanced
description The Ancient China Exam will consist of the following: -Map Labeling (know where the
physical features are located) -What the Silk Road is: Important Trade Route from china to Europe.
Keep on browsing if you are OK with that, or find out how to manage cookies. Yu Hsiung also was
said to be responsible for another great compendium, The Discourses of the Yellow Emperor and the
Plain Girl, which thoroughly covered the subject of sex from the Taoist point of view. The religions
are different from Ancient China because of the different culture that exisits. By the fourteenth
century women were officially recognized as physicians. Ming porcelain demonstrates a large variety
of shapes, glowing colors and a plethora of patterns and designs, including landscapes, portraits,
flowers and birds. (Caldwell and Fullem, 2006). There are inverted female and male roles where the
woman work and the man stay at home. Early Chinese paper was made by mulberry tree and other
plant fibers. This gave the Chinese advantage on making weapons over all the other Civilizations.
Chinese history, culture, and politics of China 2019-02-17. Nevertheless, by the twelfth century
hospitals had again become so numerous that virtually every district had at least one tax-supported
institution. The invention of the movable type is the precursor of printing in the rest of the world
which culminated in Gutenberg’s printed Bible.
India has similar threats that we had faced from China, including a larger population, and expanding
nuclear arsenal, and an advanced technology. The one-child policy has prevailed effectively in
slowing down the population growth, but it has caused great anguish among Chinese families.
Ancient Chinese contributions to the world are numerous, including tea, silk, the umbrella and more.
Tao is believed to be the influence that keeps the universe in balance and in order; its basic principle
is of peace and “non-action”. China is one of the world's oldest continuous civilizations; it is the only
ancient civilization that has continued to this very day. As China was one of the oldest empires in the
world its development had certain peculiarities. This paper, relatively easy to make and lightweight,
was called the “paper of Maquis Ts’ai.” (Bodde, 1942). By substituting these cheaper materials for
the expensive silk and the cumbersome bamboo used earlier, paper was brought within the grasp of
the common man. The aim of these treatments was to drain off excess yang or yin and thus establish
a proper balance, but external energy also could be introduced into the body. Filial piety and
benevolence translate into kindness for parents and all old people, caring for them always and
sensitive to their needs, while benevolence in the larger social sphere will reduce violence. However,
in some respects ancient physicians saw each patient more completely as a reflection of his
surroundings (indeed, the entire universe) than does the doctor of today. The legalists advocated for
a strong central authority, preferably emanating from one ruler, the emperor, while he may use
services of his ministers and advisers too, in a form of elitism or rule by the elites. This invention is
still used to this day mainly for direction. He gave them all the gold and silver he was given and
would also stay up the whole night by their door to make sure nothing happens to them. Honor is
being able to defend these beliefs even if it means death. Ts’ao was also a victim of disloyalty when
he chose to leave Yuan Shao’s command as an imperial inspector in Yen after he was trusted with all
of Yuan Shao’s best men. These principles gave the first emperor of Chin a right to exercise his
authority in no uncertain terms while also consulting oracles and divination to legitimize his power.
This is an indication that justice for the people was the main reason why he (Lui Pei) wanted to start
a campaign against the rebels. It changed little over the next centuries, xcept for a gradual decline,
and by 1800 there was only one medical school left in Peking. Confucius taught the importance of
leading by example, and believed that strong familial loyalty, ancestor worship, respect for elders,
and that the family unit form the basis of good government. However, the legalists disdained a
democratic rule as it tends towards chaos, anarchy and eventually, riots. The legal theories of Han Fei
Tzu survived and prospered during his turbulent times because these legalistic principles enabled the
state to become strong. Report this Document Download now Save Save Ancient China Study
Guide-Answers For Later 100% (2) 100% found this document useful (2 votes) 2K views 3 pages
Ancient China Study Guide-Answers Uploaded by Dan Klumper AI-enhanced description The
Ancient China Exam will consist of the following: -Map Labeling (know where the physical features
are located) -What the Silk Road is: Important Trade Route from china to Europe. This principle is
contained in the statement by Han Fei Tzu which says, “But if he employs such measures as will
keep them from doing evil, then the entire state can be brought up to a uniform standard. The
Ancient China Civilization was entirely different from the Modern Western Civilization because they
have a different viewpoint on almost all aspects of life. Children in wealthy family received an
education and those who were not worked on the family farm or for a neighbourhood shop. For
instance, somewhere in 300 BC, chinese used to do calculations using tortoise and rods. Historian
Sima Qian (or Szuma Chien) did not totally agree with using only the legalistic approach as a sole
way to govern; the laws must be tempered with humanity, justice and equity for all. Gold was
sometimes used to cover teeth, but the purpose was decorative rather than protective. Early
compasses were not used for navigation but divination (Gies and Gies, 1994, p.94).Earliest Chinese
compass used to point towards south and called south-pointer. This paper identifies ten of the most
useful inventions that we owe to the ancient chinese culture, and then pinpoints four of the author's
particular favorites.
India has similar threats that we had faced from China, including a larger population, and expanding
nuclear arsenal, and an advanced technology. As an end to their unit, the students put their posters
on display for an open house. Ancient Chinese contributions continue to influence every aspect of
contemporary life. As an end to their unit, the students put their posters on display for an open
house. In acupuncture the skin is pierced by long needles to varying prescribed depths. Assignment 2:
Project Paper ancient chinese Contributions Introduction The modern world is full of wonderful
devices and ideas which allow societies to create elaborate cultures and exploit the rich resources of
the natural world in novel and exciting ways. This represents the extremities of the government in
Ancient China during the Qin and Han Dynasty. The Ancient China Civilization was entirely
different from the Modern Western Civilization because they have a different viewpoint on almost all
aspects of life. We use cookies to create the best experience for you. Many of the laws and acts
passed under Legalism were designed to make the common people ignorant and weak. Emperor Shih
Huang Ti managed his empire through this set of laws, because the elaborate legal machinery he had
instituted functions on its own accord, which allows for free time to attend to other things. This
principle is contained in the statement by Han Fei Tzu which says, “But if he employs such measures
as will keep them from doing evil, then the entire state can be brought up to a uniform standard. The
legalists as exemplified by Han Fei Tzu believed a good legal system will ensure the very survival of
the state itself. The key to a peaceful existence, according to the analysis of Confucius, was a return
to the virtues of humanity and benevolence in social relations by reciprocity. It takes place between
the months of late March and late April. During the Han dynasty an epidemic of what appears to
have been typhoid fever killed two-thirds of the population of one region. In the Han dynasty (202
BC-AD 220), travelers used this compass. To prevent further attacks by the Xiongnu people, the
Emperor ordered for the completing of the six partially complete walls and the extension of the
Great Wall. There are also other relevant political philosophies on what makes good governance,
especially today where democratic rule is considered paramount when the people are given a voice
and a choice. The Ancient Chinese believed that women should not be educated and that the more
ignorant she was, the better. However, this was an expensive and time-consuming process. The
students were introduced to expository, persuasive, and descriptive essay writing before the start of
the project. Was there education for people who didn't aspire to the civil service exam system. Paper
use in writing was discovered after a century of its discovery. Shen Nung is also said to have drawn
up the first charts on acupuncture, a medical procedure presumably even older than the legendary
emperors. If the topic of the assignment does not interest you, then it is more likely that your readers
will identify the lack of interest. Assignment 2: Project Paper ancient chinese Contributions
Introduction The modern world is full of wonderful devices and ideas which allow societies to create
elaborate cultures and exploit the rich resources of the natural world in novel and exciting ways. The
lifestyles that the ancient Chinese had is extremely different then the lifestyle that the Modern
Western Civilization which includes North America and Europe currently has because of the
different way that people thought and made decisions. Similarly the ancient chinese mathematics
books have a vast collection of practical problems, giving the problems first and followed by their
solutions. This shows the extent to which disloyalty was not tolerated.
However, in some respects ancient physicians saw each patient more completely as a reflection of his
surroundings (indeed, the entire universe) than does the doctor of today. In the second century B. C.,
the Chinese ambassador Chang Chien spent more than a decade in Mesopotamia, Syria, and Egypt,
bringing back information on drugs, viticulture, and other subjects. Throughout the Ming dynasty
(1368-1644), the practicing medical theorists could be divided into six main philosophic schools.
This list includes silk, tea, porcelain, paper, printing, gunpowder, the mariner’s compass, plants
(peach, apricot, citrus fruits, chrysanthemums, camellias and gingko), zinc, lacquer, medicines and
leisure activities (playing cards, dominoes, kites and shadow play). It can unequivocally be said that,
without the Chinese invention of paper, printing would have remained a laborious, expensive and
exclusive process, confined to the rich who could afford the high cost of parchment. Throughout the
novel, we see Ts’ao personally determining what was to happen to anyone who was found
committing a crime. Physicians were also rated according to their results, and as early as the Chou
and T'ang dynasties each doctor had to report both successes and failures—to control his movement
up or down in the ranks. He emerged without delight, he went back in without a fuss. The amount of
lives, cultural traditions, and differing intellectual thoughts that were lost and destroyed as he strove
to meet his goals for the country can never be recovered or replaced. Malpractice How can we
balance the need to lower the cost of malpractice insurance with the fact that physician malpractice is
one of the leading causes of death. It was played at weddings, funerals, religious festivals, gatherings
and etc. A magnetized needle (obtained by rubbing an iron needle with a lodestone), was floated in a
bowl of water with directional markings, or suspended from a thread, and incorporated the principle
of magnetic deviation. The laws and justice system were different because of the lack of education
and experience of the Ancient Chinese and the lack knowledge of what law and justice system have
been proven successful to make their vision of the country. The ornamental and exotic fish in
aquariums and the folding parasol also originated from ancient China. (Bodde, 1942). This list is by
no means exhaustive: some other Chinese contributions are the philosophic doctrines of
Confucianism and Taoism, the civil service examination, paper money, matches, the seismograph,
stirrups, plowshares and calligraphy. (Caldwell and Fullem, 2006). In the essay “Bronze Mirrors of
ancient chinese Art” the author focuses on China, which is famous for its beautiful and ornamental
Ancient culture and art. The top students could be heart doctors, the next level were assistant
examiners, and lower scores could mean limited assignment in teaching. There were also
gynecologists, pediatricians, and pulsologists for internal diseases, external medicine, the nose and
throat, and for children's illnesses. The reason I chose this topic for my project was because I found it
very interesting and I wanted to learn more about it. Buddhism believes in the purity of mind and
action, and the build up of karma by doing good deeds and avoiding bad ones. Disloyalty was a
serious offence not tolerable in the Chinese society during this period and any slight sign of
disloyalty normally led to nothing less than execution. Translating the Book Seventeen from the
Analects of Confucius, Slingerland (209) notes that in one of the accounts from the Record of
Rituals, Confucius used to give ritual instructions to guide his disciples and emphasize the antiquity
of chinese culture. From simple bamboo tubes filled with gunpowder, the Chinese incorporated
rocket fire-arrows in warfare. The effect of this influence can be seen when looking at pre colonial
China and events that followed as Britain slowly gained greater influence and power over the
Chinese. People were rewarded for telling on other who broke the law and those who were
convicted on crimes were punished brutally by execution, mutilation, or penal labor. To what extent
does gender actually dictate thought process. Peace and order will then be attained as people act
accordingly based on their status in the hierarchy. This is what I call not using the mind to repel the
Way, not using man to help out Heaven. The Chinese doctor wanted to learn ow the patient had
violated the tao, and to do this he took into account the patient's rank; changes in his or her social
status, household, economic position, sense of well-being, or appetite; the weather; and the dreams
of the patient and his or her family. We are using up our planet and are striving to do whatever we
can to be the powerhouse in the world even if that means spending a ridiculous amount of money on
a new arms race that could be used provide the entire world with safe drinking water. In this list of
multiple inventions, the one which stands out in the importance of its contribution to the history of
mankind is the Chinese invention of paper.

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