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IDENTITY: We are Muslims.

Characteristics of Muslims: (a) Believe in the unity of Allah; (b) Belief in the
Prophets and in the teachings they left behind; (c) Belief in the existence of
angels; (d) Confidence in the reliability of the Scriptures; (e) Belief in the Day of
Judgment; and (f) Belief in fate. Anybody who affirms these principles is a Muslim.

INDIVIDUALITY: Every person is different. He or she is completely distinct in

both their inner and outside lives. Every human being is a unique being that lives,
acts, thinks, and feels. Human behavior is the exterior expression of human
individuality in the outer environment. Every human being designs his or her life
in accordance with their particular goals, aspirations, and values. According to the
Quran, “Everyone behaves according to his own temperament," each human
being is unique.”


WHITE HAT: An example to follow is the Prophet (S.A.W). The Sunnah of the
Prophet shows believers how to live according to its teachings. Indeed, it is
evident from the Sunnah that the Prophet (S.A.W.) guided his society in all things
and provided examples of proper behavior for Muslims. The entirety of the
Prophet's (S.A.W.) life demonstrates a seriousness, responsibility, and sensitivity
that does not even the smallest aspect unnecessarily. This is the outcome of our
Prophet (S.A.W) teaching his society "knowledge" alongside the Quran:
You have an excellent model in the Messenger of Allah, for all who put their
hope in Allah and the Last Day and remember Allah much.
(Surat al-Ahzab :21)

YELLOW HAT: Applying Positivity

The believers are those who follow the Messenger, the unlettered Prophet,
whom they find written down with them in the Torah and the Gospel,
commanding them to do right and forbidding them to do wrong, making good
things lawful for them and bad things forbidden for them, relieving them of
their heavy loads and the chains that were around them. Those who believe in
him, honor and help him, and follow the Light that has been sent down with him
are successful. (Surat al-A`raf: 157)
Hazrat Muhammad (S.A.W) is the Embodiment of
We’re bound to succeed if we follow the life of our Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W).

BLUE HAT: The Goal we’re trying to achieve!

Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W) pushed individuals to work together as a team to
serve humanity by his leadership, his message, and his personal example. He also
inspired people to alter their lives through his character, message, and example.
I intend to follow the trait of Simplicity from the life of Prophet Muhammad
(S.A.W) for this Novel writing.

RED HAT: Feelings / Emotions

Our Prophet (S.A.W) led a very simple yet Impactful life. Being their follower it
gives us huge comfort, relief and happiness that our lives are not meaningless.
This feeling gives Muslim Ummah a great courage and purpose to make this world
a better place under the Banner of Islam.

Green Hat: New Idea

My main goal is creating a story in which the Protagonist by following the
teachings of Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W) becomes successful in His / Her life.

By creating stories in which we highlight the Teachings of Islam, Life of Prophet
Muhammad (S.A.W), True purpose of our lives here in this world. We can play
major role in spreading the teachings of Islam, in portraying a true picture of
Islamic society to counter Islamophobia.

Amin ul Hasnat
SAP: 43481

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