Script Hneg Rithy

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First of all, I would like to say good evening to teacher and ladies and Gentlemen in this
class. My name is Heng Rithy along with my other team members such as:
……………………… and we are from group 6. And today we are very excited and honored
to be here to present all of you a topic. And the topic that we are going to talk about today
which is about politics on Power and Authority.
So in this presentation, we are going to divide into 6 different categories:
1 is talking about…………. til 6
So without wasting our time let’s dive right into our presentation:
To begin with, I want to explain all you the definition of the word politics.
Politics is a fascinating field that encompasses the study and practice of power and authority
in societies. It delves into the complex dynamics of governance, decision-making, and the
distribution of resources and responsibilities. At the heart of politics lie two fundamental
concepts: power and authority.
*** Move on to the first point of our presentation is about: Micropolitics and Macropolitics
****So let’s start with Micropolitics
Micropolitics is the exercise of power in everyday life, such as deciding who is going to
do the housework. (meaning in the textbook)
Micropolitics focuses on the small-scale or local aspects of political behavior and power
dynamics. It examines how power operates within everyday interactions, social relationships,
and smaller groups or organizations. In micropolitics, the emphasis is on understanding power
dynamics, decision-making processes, and conflicts at a more individual or localized level.
(Based on political studies book)
Example: Consider a workplace where employees engage in informal power struggles to gain
favor with their superiors or influence decision-making. Micropolitics would analyze the
dynamics of these power struggles, exploring how personal relationships, alliances, and
informal networks shape the distribution of power and influence within the organization.
2. Macropolitics:
Macropolitics is the exercise of large-scale power, the government being the mot
common example. (meaning in the textbook)
Macropolitics focuses on the broader, systemic, and large-scale aspects of politics. It
examines political phenomena at a societal, national, or international level, analyzing
structures, institutions, policies, and ideologies that shape governance and influence collective
behavior. Macropolitical analysis often explores how power is exercised through formal
institutions, legal systems, and policy-making processes. (Based on political studies book)
Example: A study of macropolitics might involve analyzing the political systems and
ideologies that shape a country's governance. It would examine the functioning of government
institutions, electoral processes, political parties, and the formulation of national policies.
Macropolitical analysis goes beyond individual interactions to understand the broader political
landscape and its impact on society.
And the next point is talking about Power, Authority, and Coercion, but I want to give this
opportunity to my friend Visal to describe more about it.

Thank you Socheat.

Now moving on to the next section which is about Dictatorships and Oligarchies.
C. Dictatorships and Oligarchies: The Seizure of Power
Dictatorship is a form of government in which power is seized by an individual.
Oligarchy is a form of government in which power is held in a small group of
individuals; the rule of many by the few.
Dictatorships and oligarchies are governments characterized by the concentration of
power in the hands of a few individuals or a small group.
In dictatorships, a single leader exercises absolute control, often through force or
coercion. Oligarchies are ruled by a small elite group, typically based on wealth or other
privileged factors.
North Korea is an example of a dictatorship, with Kim Jong-un as the supreme leader who
holds significant power and controls the country. In contrast, Russia is often regarded as an
oligarchy, where a select group of wealthy and influential individuals hold considerable
influence over political and economic affairs.

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