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GENERAL TECHNICAL RG CHO.001 elf DOCUMENTS an Rev: A Date : 9an001 HEAT EXCHANGERS. Page: 1 of 14 |General revision 920307 0 [First issue ‘920107 Revistow PURPOSE OF REVISION ATE REVISION INDEX Modifications indicated by <- ‘ha deur ne pan a a eb coed i aes 2 paca et prion ih oi GENERAL TECHNICAL RG CHO.D01 el F DOCUMENTS Pov A — HEAT EXCHANGERS raat is eral tes contents sco7e REFERENCE DOCUMENTS, REGULATIONS 24, codes 2.2, Standards 2.5. Specific technicat documents 2. ELF AQUITAINE General Technical Documents [ENGINEERING AND DESICK CALCULATION Heat exchanger definition 3.2. Definition of heat-exchanger design conditions 33. materials 3.4, Construction category ~ Construction class 3.5. Regulations 3.8. Wiseet taneous (CHOICE OF MEAT EXCHANGER TYPE SPECIFIC CASE OF TUBULAR HEAT EXCHANGERS 5.1. General 5.2, Choice of tubular heat exchanger type 5.3. Standardization - Interchangeabit ity 5.4. Tube bundles 5.5. Drains and vents of vertical shells 5.6. Corrosion attowance 5.7, Inspection and access porte 5.8. Types of flange facings 5.9. Teets 5.10. Final polishing 10 0 10 0 © Tha seamen ne pope Eland sha lb dnd hi peepee htt prion oi GENERAL TECHNICAL Re cnODs DOCUMENTS elf — HEAT EXCHANGERS Re Ape St Pagers of 6 6, SPECLFIC CASE OF AIR cooLeD HEAT ExcHANCERS " 61. orate " 6.2, Standordizetion " 6.3. Thermal date " 6.6. Process fluid temperature " 65. Fine a 6.6. vanes e AITACHENT 1 LIST OF STANDARD ORAWINGS 8 ATTACHMENT 2 ~ SPECINEN BATA suEET % “Ti coca propa wr nl nt be scan pan pacino pion he cant GENERAL TECHNICAL DOCUMENTS elf HEAT EXCHANGERS RG CHO.D01 Rev. : A Date : s20s01 ot :t4 This baste practice covers the definition of unfired heat exchangers. The term "heat exchangers" applies to all vessels designed to transmit a heat flow enong severat Products, whether or not there occur a change In state of one or more products (evaporation, condensation, crystallization, etc.), and this irrespective of the exchanger technology: + tubuter, plate, telded plate, ceuble pipe, * seraped, + celta, spiral + aie-cooted, tice shall apply to the bundles, coils or other renovable components of @ pressure vessel ‘hernal energy between a heat-carrier and the product contained in the pressure vessel. Shall be excluded from the field of application of this Basic Practice: + vessels which transnit directly heat generated electrically, + vessels for which one of the products Is subject to combustion, + Jackets, + atmospheric cooling toners, {vessels transaicting heat through produet mixing, heat exchangers for sot las. ‘This Basic Practice supplements RG CH0.801 when the Latter applies to the type of heat exchanger concerned: 2.__REFERENCE DOCUMENTS, REGULATIONS “-> Unless otherwise specified in particular contract {together with any addends, shell be the Latest ed Instal lations established on french territory: The regutations a | conditions, all the reference documents to be used, LI be applicable in accordance with the provisions of their executive orders. Installations established outside french territory For installations established outside France, the (ocat regulatfans shalt be applicable where they exist. ‘Nevertheless, such installations mst remain in compliance with the minimum requirements as defined in this. docunent. Where no local regulations exist, French regulations ard the present docunent shall be applicable. Ble codes ‘he provisions of S0H 1311.cho shall apply. Vessels intended for use in establishnents lecated outside France may be governed by special codes. "In such eeses, it is important te mention the codes! order of priority in the job Spee ication, The provisions of SoH 1511.CH0 shall apply. ‘ha dooce roan EM a sala ee GENERAL TECHNICAL RG CHO.D01 elf DOCUMENTS Rev. | A__Dato : 920901 ren HEAT EXCHANGERS, Page: 5 oof 4 23,__ speci cociments The provisions of SOM 1311.cH0 shalt epply. 2d. ELF AQUITAINE General Technical Docunents 6 cH0.008 Netallic pressure vessels and colume 6 cn0.003 Guide for determining pressure-vessel construction categories SON T31T.C10 [Metallic tubular heat exchangers SOU 1351.00 [Air cooled heet exchangers See also the List of standard forme fn Attachnant 1. ING ID DESIGH CALCULATION S.l__Heat exchonger definition ALL invitations to tender and orders for heat exchangers shall be accompanted by documents drain, \p by the ONER oF Nis Engineering representative, specifying the following data on the cata ‘sheets for each equipment item (see exanple in attachnent or equivalent, acconpanted by @ sketch Of the heat exchanger). ~ operating conditions and construction characteristics necessary for heat exchanger sizing Cineluding factors due to the process or to the environment unfch could generate particular stresses auch es vibrations, thermal cycle, fatigue, brittle fracture, corrosion, structural Hirepecofing, eter minimum design temperature, + the ELF AQUITAINE oF COOKP construction category for each of the hest-exchanger sections, + heat exchanger class (R oF N as per CCDAP) for tubular heat exchangers, * French regulations sere applicable (the vapour pressure of Liquide at the design temperature shall be stated for gas pressure vessels), * theoretical shape and size of the heat exchanger and the Layout of nozzles and equipment. Wote that for vessels other than tubular heat exchangers, the shape will not be recommended because process sizing will be performed by the CONSTRUCTOR, generat characteristics of nozzles, manholes, bosses, ete, * principles of internal and external fittings (for tubular heat exchengers enty>, + materials to be used, including special costings, gaskets and bolting + value of corrosion allownce(s), ~ heat and surface treatents If not specified in the relevant code (shot blasting, mx. Foughness, internal Uining), + testing, enecks and planned acceptance tests (including the need for re-testin). ‘The above information fs trested in detast in the following sections. Definition of h ner design conditions The provisions of RG CH0.601 shalt pply. ‘a doxmentia ta out Ea sal nb co pain pecend ou prion on cut ele. GENERAL TECHNICAL RG CHO.D01 DOCUMENTS Rev. A Date : 920301 HEAT EXCHANGERS 6 oof ii Noreover, the particular operating conditions of heat exchangers lead, by their nature, to Renperatire differences betwean the materfals, which the OWNER shall specify on a case by cose basis, for all the various enacbers. For heat exchangers, the "Guidance Form for determining Design Conditions" shall be enclosed With the heat excharger data sheet Cege SCH 1111.CKO,FS02 or equivalent). The provisions of RG CHO.801 shalt apply. 4. Construction category - Construction class 3.4.1. Construction eategory The provisions of RG CH0.B01 shall apply. In certain cases where the two chanbers have quite different risk levels and if justified on econonic grounds, a different category may be applied for each chanber of the heat exchanger The determined category can be used only for metal heat exchangers in which one oF both chanbers comply ulth the COOAP rules. 3.4.2. Construction etass 1 fs recomended that the most stringent COOAP class (R) be applied to construction categories Tend 2. 3.5. Regulations The provisions of RG CHO.801 shal apply. 3.6. _Miscot taneous ALL the provisions of RG €H0.801 shall apply. 4. CHOICE oF NEAT excMANGER TPE Depending on the operating conditions, the hest exchanger type can be selected in accordance with the following guide. This table fs merely Indies ve and does not give an exhaustive List of all heat ‘exchanger types. In particular, the following types are not mentioned: fixed or rotary regenerators, + tubular’ of plate plastic-film exchangers, * graphite block exchangers, ~ fibular heat exchangers made of teflon or other plastics without shell. ‘decor te pet Esa oe cod pin pce that pm oor GENERAL TECHNICAL elf DOCUMENTS Fev. A Date : s20s01 ee HEAT EXCHANGERS: RG CHO.Do1 Page: 7 of 14 GUIDE TABLE FOP SELECTION OF HEAT EXCHANGER TYPES EXCHANGER TYPE max. P Hox. P SPECIAL COMMENTS Tebular Untinited [Unlimited |= Construction generally wore cunborsome than plate types + Proven technolosy + Possibitity of preventing product contact by double tubesneet + Selection of tubular see § 5.2 = Available in PVDF and PTFE plastics, with Pond T Units nat exchanger type, Plate end frome 20 bar 1s0¢ ~ Neat exchanger easily adjustable within @ Pressure diff. 230°e ‘iver range between products | if asbestos |. tov neos tosses = turbutence Bro o Los head 1 induced turbul atlows high-viscosity products, but risk of erosion Particle dia. < plate clearance Unsuitable for high gas flow rates Very long gaskets, hence risk of Leakage * Available In plastic materials: and Sante Wiha pews] Goes mr | eke cosa ees Se ett van ran Dee eee en feelers Teh Brat pines] 50 bar | Rb ew a Yeap, sotto ae TO fees feet ar] olan = Conpast + Tew head Tenses ~ ® 1 Te Ret we emt 10 ba ~ Mechanical cleaning very difficult: =r anes meres [ Mecsas ec come cae a istterad | titted | tortor sey ig Tepes Sate eee Spc araier es cae Leelee ential eel es Ee neal Sette i {eigt eet Steen tl esa Tali He Encore Nr coled vat [anicea oe Uigsd or gr sling to T > bien T exchanger Condensat on ee ‘is cocamuta he peony ot and shalt te Sncoeedto rd para pda od pio th cunt AG CHO.Dot GENERAL TECHNICAL DOCUMENTS Rav. : A Date : 920301 ele, HEAT EXCHANGERS Page: 8 oot: 14 CASE OF TURAAR NEAT excuancen: Sat. General Unless otherwise specified, all water-cooled units shall be designed s0 that water flows inside the tubes; tuberside flow also applies to: ~ other Liquids Liable to cause deposits and Liquide contafning suspended sotids (except for U= tebes), + corrosive fl However, in the specific case of a major pressure differential between the tube side and shell Bide, a’ concession ney be granted by the OWNER upen submission sf economic just fiestion; in sueh'cases, the tube turdle shall mandatority be recovable and uith 2 squere pitch arrangement if external cleaning is to be performed mechanical ty ‘A triangular pitch may be used in speciat cas the fouling fector. ject to the OuNER ngreement, depending on ‘As a general rule, Longitudinal baffle exchangers, which are seated by a flexible metal gasket, shallnot be used. Concessions may be granted in exceptional cases. The Layout of chamels and floating heed covers ‘at Least 30% greater than the tube cross-section, LU be such that the inter-pass flow are 5.2. choice of ot Heat exchangers shalt profarably be of the renovable bundle and floating heed type with removable channel and Channel cover (type AES). The bonnet channel type (type 8) may be used in certain eases, after approval by the CMNER, except for services that require frequent cleaning inside: the’ tube > The externally sealed floating tubesheet (type U) shalt be prohibited when there is @ potential risk from possible contact between products. "U-tube" bundle exchangers may be preferred for clesn Liquids rurning in the tubes. Horizontal reboiters shall be of the "Kettle type, AKU. Type BXU may be used only with the OWER"S agreement, Stationary tubesheet heat exchangers may be used when the fouling factor on the shell side ie less than 2 x 10°F metric; the OWER's agreement will be required for each application. here any risk of contact between the two products must be prevented, the heat exchanger shall be built either of tubes welded to tubesheets, er with tho tubesheets. The heat exchangers reliability wilt then be Linited by the tube teliability.. Separate double tubesheets may Be replaced by a single integral tubesheet inside which has been drilled a network Intercomect ing att the tube holes. This network shall be comected te the open air or a non-pressurized chanber.” This integral tubesheet device facilitates access for any work to be perforied on the expended tube sections on the shell side, uheress access might be impossibte with thick plates spaced out far fron one: another. To prevent major stresses due to differential expansion of the tubes (which can be reduced by ‘adding © shell expansion bellows), no multipass tubular exchangers, should be used shen the terperature difference between the inlet and outlet of the fluid flowing through the tubes (s too high Likewise, the thermal stresses for the materfals used in the flanges and tubesheet shall be studied taking into account the maximum temperature deviations between, on the one hand, the shell and box, and on the other hand, between the inlet ard outlet st cach pass, ‘Ta denon ternary ot ar hal note ead pain paced wou prion ow aor GENERAL TECHNICAL RG CHO.D01 elf DOCUMENTS Rev. : A ote : g20a01 ae! HEAT EXCHANGERS. Page: 9 of: 14 ardization = intercha mn Standerdization shall apply to tube diawetere, lengthe, materials, shell end bundle dianeters, ‘and ratings. The Gesign offices shalt endeavour to ensure bundle interchangeabiity, shells shall be standardized so as to obtain the maximum poss Le runber of int changeable bundles. The bundles of heat exchangers equipped with deflectore at the product inlet shall be provided ith on identical deflector, placed diamtrically opposite, #0 es to allow 180" turnover In the. event of Localized corrosion, provided the heat exchange rate achieved after turnover reaains, aceeptabie.. When severat heat exchangers of the sane type and size, designed for the sane circuit, have their inlet nozzle located elthor at the front or at the rear of the shell (e.g. for’ two ‘tacked vessels), the bundles shall be equipped with four deflectors to allow then to be used in ‘any of the various shells. In general, the nominal diameter of ath mracinun diameter shall be defined according t its mintainabiLity and thermal stresses (Gee. section ‘agreenent will be required. it exchangers shall be Limited to 58" (1.673 m). The he weight of the bundle, {ts hoisting syster, 5.2). Above that dlaneter, the CANER'S The Length of straight tubes shall in principle be 10' (3.048 m) or 20" (6,096 m>. linen existing plants are already equipped with heat exchangers meeting @ different standard, and in the case of unit extension, the latter standard may be used due to possible sterese problems Im general, seantess deann tubes shal be used. Mowever, in the case of stainless steels, for design pressures (ese then 10 bar, Longitudinal ly welded fubes may be used in the conditions provided Yor by French stancard NF A'49. 207 Cin Porticuler, post-weld redrawing). The use of welded tubes a6 per French Stendard NF A 49-245 shall be acceptable for non-corrosive services, after specific agreement by the OWNER: Carbon steel seamless draun tubes shall meet the conditions of French Standard NF A 49-215. The tube dianeters shall preferably be 3/4" or 1", Preferably, 3/4 tubes shalt be used. The winimum thickness (BUC gauge) of tubes to be used shoun in the table bel Carbon or low | Stainless ateels [Non ferrous nate Titania alloy steels Die. 37a" 16 2.108 sm | 16 (1-65 em 16 (1-65 mm 20 (0.88 m= = 12 2.76 em) 16 1.65 em | 16 (2.108 am) | 20 (0.88 am Thicker tubes can be used if the eperating conditions so require. ‘Da docaeria ne como Ettand sa rb ceeded pai rapa that pion th ct GENERAL TECHNICAL RG CHO.D01 el F DOCUMENTS — Pav. iA Dato : s2aso1 HEAT EXCHANGERS. Page: 10 of: 16 Tubes shal be specttied butt-welded onto e tubesheet by resi with @ slight expension) fn the following cases: nce welding and not rolled 500 an shall be provided with at Least one hanchole if the bundle cannot be €ianounted. Flange facing types The provisions of RG CNO.801 shall apply. Uhen tongue and groove Flenges are used: + the nozzle attached to the hest exchanger + en horizon flange, * emponents of vertical heat exchanger shall bear the female face shell flange on the upper section and the male face shell flange on the (over section. 5.2, Teats 11 bear the groove or fenole face flange, exchangers, the removable channel (or boanet) shall beer the tongue or male face The provisions of RG CH0.601 shal apply. ‘A g0s leak test is reccomended on the tube/plate assenbly, at Least for tubular exchangers of categories 1, 2, 3 and for all tubular exchangers with tibes welded te tubeshects ‘The acceptable Leak rate shall be es specified by the CWNER, inal polishing ‘he provisions of RG CH0.801 shat apply. Potishing ean reduce tube fouling shen handling certain achesive products. ‘dosent ae 0p) and shal rte cosh pate creda! hd prince ct GENERAL TECHNICAL RG CHO.Do1 el F DOCUMENTS — Rev: A Date HEAT EXCHANGERS one 6._sercisl 1B COOLED HEAT EXCHANCERS The choice of air cooled heat exchangers is based en the follouing technical date: = forced or induced draft, = type of finned tubes, + type of headers, = type of deive units, + dimensions of exchange surfaces and drive unite, + regulation system for fluid to be cooled. 6.1.__prat ‘As © general rute, forced draft shall be adopted in the following ca + for multiple service heat exchangers, * shen several sections are stacked, hen the outlet temperature of the cooled fluid exceeds 85°C and the outlet temperature of the exceeds 77°C (endurance of fane and their drive elements). On the other hard, induced draft shat be used: + shen it ia necessary to attenuate the effect of atmospheric disturbances; to obtain better natural draft by stack effect, to achieve better clearance under the equipment. ion consists of several units, the maximum possibilities of component interchangeability shall be taken Into account the design offices and the CONSTRUCTORS shall also take into account the possibilities angeabi ity with heat exchangers already installed in the GAMER'S plants $3, thermal data * The Leyout of the afr coolers shall be taken into account in determining the enbient oir temperature, 1 the fouling factors have not been determined, the values adopted shell be at least equal to those of the TEMA Standard. The desisn office shalt draw up its specification based on the economic belence end installation possibilities; in particular, it shall checks + whether ft would net be advisable to use 9 tho-stage cooling syst = primary cooting by air coolers, * Final cooling by water. + that the anbient air temperature adopted as a basis for calculation is not exceeded more ‘thon 20:daye per years 6.6. Process fluid tempersture ‘he process fluid tenpersture chatl be set at the value of the maxima fluid inlet ceeperature, plus 20°C, ‘Tis cocuret am soon ot tan sro be secona Me puted wtou pion ofthe cart GENERAL TECHNICAL RG CHO.D01 DOCUMENTS Rev. : A Date : s20s01 HEAT EXCHANGERS. ot :t + atacepherie corrosion. ound fins without base root shall be unacceptable. Fin attachment to the tube by brazing shall Likewise be unacceptable, The most cannon types of Fins are as foto = extruded, + builtin, erinped, = Cound, + Civound, knurled, + wound in double L. Im general, the table below can be used as a guide for selecting aluminium fin types: Type of fin extruded | Built-in, | wound, | Cwourd, [ooible woud. crimped, krurled, ax. temperature 300° od 20°C 250°C 120°C Resistance to Excellent Poor | Acceptable | Average atnoepherie corrosion Mechanical strength Excelent | Acceptable | Poor ‘Acceptable Poor ‘The use of other types of fins shall be eubject to the OWNER areenent. For offshore production installations, fins shall be of the extruded type. In the case of » corrosive atmosphere, vanes shall be made either of aluminium or composite macerials. im a marine environment, vanes shall be made of conposite materials exclusively. ‘ra docaract ate pany tad sal nb acca es pre pnd wou pane he re GENERAL TECHNICAL el F DOCUMENTS — Rev. A Date ; 920901 HEAT EXCHANGERS RG CHO.Dot ATTACHMENT LIST OF STaNoARD oRAKINGS The standard dravings Listed in Attachnent 1 of RG CHO.B01 shall be applicable, supplemented by the foltoning standard dravings specific to heat exchangers, Tom 1371.00.07 ‘Attachnent systems for renovable bundles. Tom 1341-€40,002 “eck serexe and centring pins STO 1317-€H0.008 Protection of expansion bellows - STOM 1311. CHO. 006 fendard noazle for vent nd purge oF vertical tabular eat exchanger ‘Wa cocuact min opny tan shart dnd ti pte dies wrod pra th care GENERAL TECHNICAL RG CHO.Do+ elr DOCUMENTS fv Abate: 62001 — HEAT EXCHANGERS a 1“ To t ts Sona $ em — ane mea Salo one Toffee gant tae Tr tiascee. tey 12 [wigs thie ate [ita eer 15a ea ar ee efor te wisenteyart EP [Wig sata 3] eg set na = ease pete taste Seas at Se Hinata te eae ne | Santa premare wear = 32 test pare 3 fasigetep eS AEOTATON - Senet a Seay st pips 3 Te en 35 ti ot tts Beige aoe ett i He oe aT ETS Tisist Tanti eka # TTA { TE = ra fee (e Tes [Tyo temp _|ress_| trat be jamancliag of the bundle hes of amantag ott i Hae a Ao 25 [het oer | ‘—(——) ‘ef fsstg had | i 7 [ehenet an cover meal a a Sr tol 49 | Botting: Gasket: 3 * 30 eee ot ae i 7 $e wrist oe tales "a is 3: 3 3 Hobe tend shal! diconeae hed pts pede wou pein cor

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