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Detailed Lesson Plan in

Moving from individual lesson to units of study with historical

fiction and non-fiction – finding materials

Grade: Six Time: 7:00-8:00

Section: Apple Date: January 14, 2022

I. Objectives
At the end of this lesson the students are expected to;
a. Differentiate fiction and non-fiction selections of text
b. Define non-fiction and fiction; and
c. Give examples of both fiction and non-fiction works.

II. Subject Matter

Topic: Fiction and non-fiction
References: http.// com, https://
Materials: Manila paper, Pentel pen, chart
Values Integration: Awareness
III. Procedure

Teacher Activity Pupil’s Activity

A. Preparation
a. Prayer
Everybody stand up for our

In the name of the father, the son, the holy

spirit. Amen.
b. Greetings
Good morning class

Good Morning ma’am.

c. Energizer
Stand up everybody for our
energizer. Let’s sing “ I have two
I have two hands, the left and the right, hold
them up high so clean and bright, clap them
softly. One two, three clean little hands are
good to see.

d. Checking of attendance
Who is secretary in this room?
Simeon kindly what who is
absent for today.
Yes ma’am.

e. Review
Before we start our class for
today who can recall our
discussion last meeting?
Yes Maria?
Ma’am our topic last meeting is geography.

Very Good!
What is geography Darwin?
Ma’am geography is the study of places and
the relationships between people and their

Okay Very Good!

f. Motivation
I have here newspapers, comic
books, novels, biographies and
Class what do you call this?

Is it example of fiction and non-fiction.

Yes. Very Good!

It is example of fiction and
g. Unlocking of difficulties
Fiction- It is literature in the
form of prose, especially short
stories and novels that describes
imaginary events and people
Non-fiction- It is prose writing
that is based on facts, real
events and real people.

B. Proper Discussion
This Morning we will talk about the
fiction and non-fiction
Non-fiction is any document or media
content that intends in good faith, to
present only truth and accuracy
regarding information, events or
people. Most importantly non fiction
writing must involve real people places
and events. The stories told in non-
fiction works must be true. If something
in the story is made up, then it falls
under fiction. Non-fiction must also
contain facts, which are information
that can be proved to be true.
Example of non-fiction is biography,
business, art and music, history, health
and fitness.
Fiction is any creative work chiefly any
narrative work, portraying people,
events or places in imaginary ways that
are not strictly based on history or fact.
A fictional work does not claim to tell a
true story. Instead it immerses us in
experiences that we may never have in
real life. Introduces us to types of
people we may never otherwise meet
and take us to places we may never visit
in any other way.
Fiction can inspire us, intrigue us, scare
us and engage to us in new ideas. It can
help us see ourselves and our world in
new interesting ways. How ever fiction
has come to encompasses imaginary
narrative expressed in any medium,
including not just writings but also live
theatrical performances, films,
televisions programs, radio dramas,
comics, role playing games, and video
Example of fiction: fantasy, horror/
paranormal, novels, short story,
Literature has a wide range of genres
and all those forms of literature can
either be fictional or non fictional.
Fiction is one that is based on
imagination and fantasies. As against
Non-fiction implies the form of writing
which talks about real-events people
and facts. In short we can say that
fiction represents something which is
not true it is unreal, whereas non fiction
indicates a factual account.

Understand class?
Yes ma’am.

Okay Very Good!

1. Practice
To test if you are learning we
have an activity group
yourselves in two groups.
Then choose 2
representative to answer
here in front. I have here a
comparison chart. First chart
is non fiction and second is
Okay class! Based on our
Activity What have you
Yes shella?

Ma’am based on our activities I learned that

non fiction is it based on a true events and
fiction is does not contain real events.

Okay Very Good!

2. Generalization
What was our lesson today?

Non-fiction and fiction ma’am.

So again, what is non fiction

and fiction?
Yes Mariel?
Non-fiction ma’am is it based on true events
and it is to educate or inform the readers.

Very Good!
Anne? What is fiction? .
Fiction ma’am it does not contain real, events
and it is to entertain readers.

Alright Very Good!

Is everyone understand our

lesson today?
Yes ma’am

Any questions? None ma’am

IV. Evaluation
Direction: Choose in the box what is example of fiction and nonfiction

Novels fantasy business

Biography Comedy Art and music

News Short Story

History Horror

1. Non-fiction
2. Fiction

V. Assignment
Please study modelled reading

Tabanao, Justine B.

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