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GENERAL TECHNICAL DOCUMENTS ‘CONSTRUCTION OF CONCRETE STRUCTURES 0 9080 REVISION PURPOSE OF REVISION DATE, REVISION INDEX Modifications Indicated by Ths documents the property of Groupe EN Aqutane acd shal not be Aecosd 1 thd partes or reproduced without pemsson of he owner GENERAL TECHNICAL DOCUMENTS CONSTRUCTION OF CONCRETE STRUCTURES Secon teste sone ce. 002 TABLE OF conrenTs Page 41. GENERAL 4 1. Scope ‘ 41.2. Standards and codes 4 2. CONCRETE INGREDIENTS 5 2.1, Aggregates 5 2.2. Cements a 2.3. Water “ 2h, Additives 6 2.5. Steels for reinforced concrete 16 2.6, Prestressing steele ” 13. PREPARATION OF CONSTRUCTION AREA ~» 3.1. Grade 2 3.2. Formork, stripping of foraork a 3.3. Tolerances B ‘4. PLACING OF coMCRETE % 4.1, Manufacture % 4.2. Tine alloved for placenent % 4.3, Pouring % This document ete propery of Groupe Et Agua and shal ot be daclosd to thd pares o epreduced without pemision of he ewrer GENERAL TECHNICAL DOCUMENTS CONSTRUCTION OF CONCRETE STRUCTURES Rev, : 0 bate : 890801 4.4, Vibration 4.3. curing 4.8. concreting in cota vesther 4.7, concreting in hot weather 4.8. stean curing 5. CONTRACTUAL STRENGTH AND PROPORTIONS 6. MISCELLANEOUS OOLIGATIONS 6.1. Materials and nunber of specinens 6.2. shape of specinens lee ait eee 6.3. as-built documents This document isthe propery of row El Aaults and shal rot be dscoad 1 hed pete oF reproduced without pamasion of ha our GENERAL TECHNICAL DOCUMENTS CONSTRUCTION OF CONCRETE STRUCTURES fev. 20 1. SEMEL 4.4. Seope The present Basie Practice for the construction of concrete structures falls within the scope of civil ‘engineering and building vorks contracts thet the officers of the group are to have carried out by a CONTRACTOR and supervised by an Inspector. 41.2, Standards and code 1.2.1. General AL codes, standards and other docunents to be used shall be taken from the Latest edition and with the additives in force 6 months prior to the call for tenders. Regulations are applicable in accordance with the provisions of the current application Legislation. InstaLtations for foreign projects For foreign projects, where national regulations exist, such regulations shall be applicable. However, the installations aust be in conformity with the minimum requirenents set forth in the present’ docunent For installations set up abroad, for vhich no naticnal regulations exist, French regulations and the present document shat be applicable. ‘The choice of regulations to be applied will be specified in the specific appendics Reference documents REFERENCE nme Franch standards NEP 15.301 | Hydraulic binders - Definitions, classification and specification of | coments | NF P 18.303 | concrete ~ Placeaent ~ Mixing water for construction concrete | Ne P 18.305 | concrete ~ Ready-nined concrete wep 18.572 | Aggregates - nicro-teval wear test Ne P 19,573 | Aggregates - Los Angeles test wep 18.576 | Aggregatee loacurenent of sand reliability coefficient ep 18,582 | Aggregates - oetermination of total sulghur content Tris documan i the eroary of Groupe EH Agung and sal not bo diclsed to thi patie or reproduced without permison ofthe ow \groupe (ett aquitaine GENERAL TECHNICAL DOCUMENTS woe ‘CONSTRUCTION OF CONCRETE STRUCTURES Rev. 20 bate : 890301 aaa 2. CONCRETE INGREDIENTS 2.1, Aagregates REFERENCE nme We P 12.586 | Aggregates - Determination of orga fe matter by calorimetry ne» 18.591 | Aggregates ~ Determination of surface properties ne» 18.592 | aggregates - Hethylene blue testing wr» 10.598 | agaregates ~ sand equivalent vu 21.4 | Use of calcium chloride and additive containing chlorides in the production of slurrtes, sortars and concretes asta stm ¢ 150.86 | Standard Specitication for Portland Cement sand ‘The quality of the sand used has a great influence on concrete quality. igh quality sond scans siliceous end round-grain sand. Lov quality sand means shelly oF crushed sand or even dune sand. If no other sand is available, lov quality sand say de used. To compensate for the Low 3 conpressive and tensile strengths, a larger proportion of cement may be used (50-100 kg/a', depending on teat results). The approval of the sand will depend on the folloving eritert ‘rageent content, grain size, salt and organic matter content leantines 1 shelly Sand containing porphyry, granite, schists and quartzite, and which is Likely to deconpose or cause alkali reactivity shall be rejected unless a epecial study = carried out by an approved Laboratory shoving the compatibility of such sand with a particular type of coment, the use of hich shal be nandatory, coments® concrete containing dune sand, even with high cement proportion, shall be used only if shrinkage effects are not haraful. A technical study shall be carried out to justify its ‘This document tthe property of Groupe BN Aqultene and shal rot be enclosed 1 id aries or reproduced without pammssion of te owne. GENERAL TECHNICAL DOCUMENTS CONSTRUCTION OF CONCRETE STRUCTURES Rev. : 0 bate : O90501 a ett aguitaine 2 Purity of eng ‘The test to be taken into account is the "Visual sand equivalent” (VSE - French standerd Nr P 18-598), Prestressed or exceptional concrete vse > e0x Reinforced concrete (ordinary or quality-controlled) VSE > 70% Solid mass structures vse > 65% Temporary structures se > 60% comment 4 It is not advisable to use a sand vith a VSE lover than 60% as there would be a high risk of over resistance in a corrosive eavironsent Comment 2: Additional, cert If the VSE 1s Lover than 75x for alluvial sand and lover than 65% for crushed sands, the blue value methylene blue test, French Standard NF P 18-592) shall be Less than 1 g for 100 g of fines (or, for eruptive rock, 1.5 g for 100g of fines) except in the case of ‘emporary structures, ») Sand hardness. The friability coefficient (French Standard NF P 18-576) shall be less than 40, except in ‘the case of temporery structures ©) Shelly fragaents ‘The shelly fragnent content shall be less than 3Ot except in the ease of temporary, structures, © Grain size ( ‘graph on Page 9) ‘The grading curve of the sand shall fall within the envelope of grading A which corresponds to an ideal envelope. Cement proportions given in the descriptions of the Unit prices apply to thie envelope of grading. Ths document the poverty of Groupe Bf Aquitaine and shal ot be calosed 1 Id paras 0 reproduced without semieion af he owrer = ] GENERAL TECHNICAL DOCUMENTS — Beran ‘eff aquitaine CONSTRUCTION OF CONCRETE STRUCTURES Rev. 20 pave + 890801 1t fs permissible for the grading curve to cross areas 8 and/or C. ‘Area B corresponds to a sand which is too fine, requiring a larger proportion of vater (and hence of cement). Area C corresponds to a sand uhich is too coarse and yields concretes difficult to place (probabitity of excessive cenent proportions) ‘Any extra costs resulting from the fact that the curve does not fall within envelepe A shall lof course be borne by the CONTRACTOR. ©) salt content Sulphates, sulphides: the sand shall have a total sulphide content expressed in sulphurte ‘anhydride’ 803 of less than 0.4% in veight CFrench Standard NFP 18-582) provided that the distribution s uniform end that the aggregates used contain only slight traces. Chlorides: the chloride content of the sand shall be such that the total chlorine fon content of the concrete 12. lese than 0.65% of the cenent weight tn the case of reinforced concretes vith reinforcements covered by at least 4 cx, and ess than 1% of the cement eight in the case of grout, mortars and unreinforced concretes or reinforced coneretes ith reinforcenente covered by at lanst 4 cw of concrete (OTU 21-4). 1 onganie matter The organic matter content of the sand shalt be sufficiently lov so thet the cotouring given by the coloriaerry test is Lighter than the character‘atic’ colour (French standard nr 18-586) coment: AY the colouring ie darker, comparative tests shall be carried out on mortar betveen the sand fn question and sand rid of its organic matter. The aechanical strength values found after 7 days vith the sand in question shall be at least 90% of those obtained with the ‘treated sand. This document tte property of Groupe Bt Agutahe end shal not be eaclosed to Ud parties or maduced without mission of he wre GENERAL TECHNICAL were, DOCUMENTS elf aquitaine CONSTRUCTION OF CONCRETE STRUCTURES Rev: 0 bate : 2905m1 Sea send ‘Sea sand may be acceptable for temporary structures, provided a marine cement is used. for final structures in: = unreinforced concrete: use @ marine cenent, = reinforced concrete: wash the sand by tamersion in a fresh water basin, 24.2. Gravel Hf gravel does not cone from a quarry already inspected, the CONTRACTOR shall propo 2 quarry ‘supplying gravel with the fotloving characteristics; = mineralogical analysis not revealing a tendency tovards decomposition or altali-reactivity, = Mflattening® coefficient lover then 30%, = percentage passing 0.5 sm less than 2% (French standard NFP 18-591). In the case of chippings, ‘this value my reach 5Y provided the fines do not contain ciay (nethylene blue value of Less than 11g for 100-9 of Fines, or 1.5 9 for eruptive rocks), = LOS AWELES coefficient of Less than 40 (French Standard NF P 18-573), or vet Micro Dev ‘coefficient Less than 35 (French Standard NFP 18-572), hollov shel content of less than Se, and flat shell content of Less than 10%, = porosity of less than 10%. For the design study test, the CONTRACTOR may propose: = either a class of gravel with an extended envelope of grading (auch as 5/25 mm), = of two classes of gravel, each having @ narrow envelope of grading (euch a 10/12 ma and 20/40 me) 2.2. coments, ‘The quality and proportions of cement to be used may be Laid doun in the specifications (standard or job specifications). In this case, no waiver shall be accepted without the written consent of the OWNER. This document ste ropry Of Groupe Ef Aang ad Sh not be closed Yo thd patio or prodeed without parison ofthe one. eff aquitaine COSTRUCTION OF CONCRETE STRIETRES Reve 20 Date + SADT ENVELOPE OF GRADING OF SAND % passing o.10 0.20 0.40 0.30 1.60 31S 5.0 Sfeve (in am This document i the prover of owe Bf Aaulang an shal not be cecoen to hd pares cr reprduced without pemiein of he owner GENERAL TECHNICAL DOCUMENTS ‘CONSTRUCTION OF CONCRETE STRUCTURES groupe elf aquitaine Rev. = 0 date + 690501 Poge: 10 of 4 Cements shall be stored by type and class, sheltered from the weather, where there is no risk of spoiling. A description of the storage conditions ‘shel be included in'» CONTRACTOR proposal, and ‘Subaitted to the Inspector for approvals ‘any batch of coment uhich has becone Lumpy to eny extent shall be rejected and removed from the site. Any silos receiving a neu cenent shall be carefully cleaned beforehand. Comment 4 Unless otherwise specified, the CONTRACTOR may propote © choice of cenente according to the various uses provided for in the folloving table, It fs pointed aut that the ecrength class ‘corresponds to an average compressive strength value for ordinary nortar, expressed in Pa, and rot a guaranteed minimum strength. Tut document is he propery of Groupe Bt Agutaine nd shal not be daclted to thd patie or raprodvcd without parmison ofthe ewer GENERAL TECHNICAL is oc8. 002 DOCUMENTS: ‘CONSTRUCTION OF CONCRETE STRUCTURES Rev. +0 bate + 890801 Page 1 of = foment 1 (Contd. Strength class « 35 4“ Designation of cenent cos | con | come | crs | cour | ene | cx | curr asonry x x x x Ordinary concrete (plain or with Light reinforcement: FiLLing, foundations, small spine, deferred stripping of formwork) x x x x x Heavily loaded reinforced concrete (bearing structures, ete.) x x x x x x x Reinforced concrete with accelerated stripping of formork « x x x Precast products in plain concrete (concrete blocks, hollow blocks, ete.) x x x x x x Precast nite in reinforced concrete (beans, joists, Large surface elements, et.) x x x Prestressed concrete x x orks requiring exceptional, rechantcal properties Soil stabilization and cenent= ‘treated aatertats x x x x x x oad concrete x x x x x hassive concrete works (done, ete.) « x x x x x Thi document ste property of Groupe El Agutahe anc shal net be dled 0 thd pares or eeoduckd witha oemision of he oweee GENERAL TECHNICAL DOCUMENTS CONSTRUCTION OF CONCRETE STRUCTURES fev. 2 0 Page: 12 of 2 34 Comment 1. (Contd. strength class 38 Designation of cement wee{ con | come | cou | coun | car | oe | ume Magonty ooeseeeeesee a Ordinary concrete (plain or with Light reinforcenent: filling, foundations, saall spans, deferred stripping of formuork) . Heavily loaded reinforced cencrete bearing structures, ete.) . x x x x x x x Reinforced concrete with accelerated stripping of formwork .. x x x x x x x Precast products in plain concrete concrete blocks, hollow blocks, ete.) x x x x x Precast unite in reinforced concrete Geass, joists, Large surface elenents, WROD vevseceseenseee x x x x x x x Prestressed concret x x x x orks requiring exceptional aechanicat Properties .. x x x x x Soil stabilization and cenent-trested oad concrete x x x x x esive concrete works (dame, ete.) Ths document «the property of Groupe Bt Aguas and shal et be eelosd to thn parte or apreducid witout semision of the comer GENERAL TECHNICAL DOCUMENTS ‘CONSTRUCTION OF CONCRETE STRUCTURES \groupe a elf aquitaine The sources of cenents for sen works as vell as for works in high sulphate-content water shall be subject to opproval by the COPA (COPLA isthe “Commission Permanente des Liants Hydrauliques et Adjuvants du Béton" =” Permanent Commission on Hydraulic Binders and AdGitives for Concrete). The epproved Lists are published in the Bulletin Officiel du Ministére frangais de L'Equipement (Official Gorette of the French Nintstry of Equipment) only after approval by the OWER, and after becoming fully fanitiar with the utilization conditions Of ‘the cement, shall be CONTRACTOR be authorized to deLiver the cenent to the site and prepare the Suitabiity test coment 2 The folloving table from French standard MF P 15-301 specifies the type and percentage of ingredients for the cenent categories appearing in the table of Consent 1. ERENT cATESORY TYPE OF INGREDIENT cry 3u6 PormOLAn FAS FILLER cra > om om a * Oto se rs > 65% 0 to 35% 0 to 55% 0 to 354 0 to 35x cur 22 to ox 4 to 75% 0 tom ax 0 to 20 > ox Oto m cur 25 to 60% 20 t0 45% 20 to 48x Oto Comment 5: Anerican Standard ASTH ¢ 150, Cenents are classified tn tive types: = type 1: ordinary cement type 11: cement vith moderate resistance to sulphates and vith noderate heat of hydration, type 111: high early strength cement, = type 1: Low heat cement, = type Vs conent vith high sulphate resistence. As far ag strength valu ve concerned, it may be seid that = type I and 11 cenents correspond to French cement classes 45 and 45 R, type 111 cements correspond to French cenent cl 3 HR, = type IV cenente correspond to French cement class 35, type ¥ cenents correspond to French cement class 4S For sea works, type 12 cement (Cy A < BR) or type V cement (C, A < 53) shall be used ‘Tos document ste proper of Groupe Et Auta and shal not be atclond to third paras or eroduced wthovtpamisin ef th owe. ‘elf aquitaine ‘CONSTRUCTION OF CONCRETE STRUCTURES fev. 2 0 GENERAL TECHNICAL DOCUMENTS coment 4: British standards There are 6 standard cenents in Great Britain: = OFC: Ondinary Porttand cenent (6S 12) = RPC: Rapid hardening Portland cenent (8S 12) = LARC: Loveheat Portland cenent (88 1370) = SRPC + Sulphate resisting Portland cement (BS 4027) = LiPEC: Loveheat Portlond blast furnace cenent (08 4226) = PBC: Portland blast furnace cenent (6S 146) These correspond to the folloving standard cements used in France: = OFC coments : classes 45 and 45 8 ~ RAPE cenente: classes 55 and 55 R = ire cenents: class 35 SRPC cement : clase 45. 23, ater The characteristics of mixing water shall be in conformity with Franch Standard NF P 18-305. In particular, vater shall not contein acide (with @ pH higher than 4), alkalies, oft of hydrocarbons The waxinun dissolved salt content shall be lover than 2 g/t for reinforced concrete and prestressed concrete and shall not be Limited fer unreintorced concrete (provided the nature of the dissolved salts 4s checked) The ongante matter content shall be Lees than 10 ag/U¥. Seauater may be used only for unreintorced concrete structures, in which marine cenent or sulphate- resisting conent shel be used. coment If the organic matter content is higher than 10 ag/t, before pouring any conerete, the influence af the organic matter content on the mechantcal strength and satting tine of the concrete shall be checked by a laboratory. ‘Th document the propery of Groupe Ef Aun and shal rot be cacloed to thd partes or reproduced without pemision ef the oweer GENERAL TECHNICAL groupe DOCUMENTS fs oes. 802 |etf aquitaine ‘CONSTRUCTION OF CONCRETE STRUCTURES Rev. : 0 Date : 850301 rage: of 2B 2.4, Abdtives 2.4.1. Approval No nonappraved praduets shall be used in the concrete Additives shalt consequently: = appear on the approved COPLA List (French regulations), = undergo investigation by the OWNER before their use 12 approved. 2.6.2. Recomendations uses A001TIVE Leak-resistant cank/frost-thay Uaterproot, fn tidal tones Long hauling (especially in hot weather) Retarder | Puaped concrete Plasticizer, fluidizer Flat and needle aggregates Flutdszer Risk of early age freezing Fluidizer/antifreeze acenent in hot vesther Water reducer, fluidizer, retarder | and/or exceptional concretes specific study 2.4.3, Proportioning Additives are mixed in the mixing ater in a tank, prior to the main mixing operations, with ‘the exception of fluidizers which shall be added after preliainary mixing of the concrete, 1m every case, the manufactur ' Instructions shalt be carefully complied with, coment ive proportions shall be avoided, including that due to non-honogensous mixing; compliance with the proportioning described above {e consequently mandatory. Thue document isthe property of Groupe Ef Aquitaine ard shal not be dacloned to thd gee or reproduced without permson ofthe ower GENERAL TECHNICAL groupe. DOCUMENTS ( / elf aquitaine ‘CONSTRUCTION OF CONCRETE STRUCTURES Rev. 2 0 Page: 18 of: 34 2.5. Steels for reinforced concrete a Grades Steals shall comply with current standarde (for France, they must comply with "Fasctoule 4, Titre 1") | Winiaun volues guaranteed in french Standards are given in Ha (1 HPa = 10.2 ko/em"). values | for the most commonly used steels are given in the table below: GUARANTEED MECHANICAL PROPERTIES TYPE oF sree. REINFORCEMENT eaves % 6 ea ‘Smooth round feew as 330 - 490 2 bare fee 2 2s 410 - 460 2s Deformed bars fee wo 400 40 “ Fee sO 00 $50 ca elded me 520 520 0 8 latticevork Te 500 500 350 8 Deformed steel Fe Te 400 “0 0 wire Fe TE 500 500 550 8 ere: YS = yield strength TS = tensile strength E = elongation lothervise specified in the Job Specifications. ‘This documents the repent of Grouse Ef Aquila ssh not be eecloned to nd pare or aproccnd without permission of 19 Owe GENERAL TECHNICAL ‘agroupe DOCUMENTS Deraquitaine (CONSTRUCTION OF CONCRETE STRUCTURES Rev. : 0 bate : 890301 age: of 3H 2.5.2. sending Any bending or unbending of deformed bars is prohibited. Deforsed bers which have been bent during transport shall be cut at the bends. The bent part shall not be used, The dianeters of bending blocks to be used on the sites shall be at least equal to the values given in the folloving tables (for @ temperature higher than 5°). [ANCHORING AND ELEOKS Cam NOMINAL DIAMETER (oe s|e]alwl2]| ul] ola} | o ancoring | 40 | 50 | 70 | 70 | 100 | 100 | 150 | 150 | 200 | 250 | 300 Fee Ko ewwove | - | - | - | 00 | 150 | 150 | 200 | 250 | 300 | 400 | S00 anchoring | so | 70 | 70 | 100 | 100 | 150 | 150 | 200 | 250 | s00 | «oo Fe E50 eos | - | - | - | 150] 200 | 200 | 150 | 300 | 400 | S00 | soo STURRUPS AND FRAMES (nn) NOMINAL DIAMETER Cam) eres a|vee Ever |e) irae | ced ee Fees - | - | @ | 2 | 0 | | so | m | 10 Feeso 2 | x0 | 3 | w | so | m | 7 | 100 | 150 Comment: If the work fe to be carried out in temeratures Lover than 5° ¢, specific. Laboratory testing of bending conditions shall be required. ‘Th doumant the popaty of Grouse EH Agua and shal not be aces to ted partine or reproduced without poison ofthe 0 GENERAL TECHNICAL DOCUMENTS CONSTRUCTION OF CONCRETE STRUCTURES Rev. : 0 bate : anasan ‘cross-sections ‘The cross-sections considered in the daily vork staterente are various scraps, bent portions of bars and staples are included in the work requirements. 1 approval is obtained for lots with test values lover than the contractual values, the additional steel required to resist the tensile stresses ehall be chargeable to the CONTRACTOR. 2.5.4. Junctions Reinforcement bar junctions shall be made by velding (provided that the steels used are of veldable quality) or by overlapping, as indicated in the drawings, with dimensions as follows: = W dian, for HA Fe € 40 steels = 50 dian, for WA Fe € 50 steels and for plain elbow bars in Fe E 22 and Fe E 24. Attachments at intersections ney be as follove: = tying with wire at each Intersection, = spotvelding (hen veldable steel is used), = oxyacetylene welding (uhen veldable steel ts used). 2.5.5. Placenent When placed, the bars shall be clean. Traces of Laitance and rust Which are not adhering are to be avoided. There shall be no traces of formwork stripping oil. coment. 4 Nonadhering Laitance oc rust shall be removed by brushing, preferably before placenent.. ars soiled by stripping oil shall be rejected. The winimum coating thicknesses of the bars are shovn in the dravings. compliance vith these values is mendatory This documents the rosary of Groupe EY Aautae on shall not be dacloned to hd paries a reproduced miro emission o he rer GENERAL TECHNICAL DOCUMENTS ‘elf aquitaine CONSTRUCTION OF CONCRETE STRUCTURES Rev. : 0 Date : 890501 2.6, Prestressing steels ALL types of reinforcement bars used (wi Cabten) shalt" be supplied by opproved. factories, In accordance with a procedure. described in 3 ‘government circular (for France, Geonetrical, mechantcal and tecmologieal characteristics appearing on the approval. shee Reinforcement bar ch construction documents, 26.1. 2.6.2, ‘The document the pope of Groupe Et Aauiteng an shal not be celozd t hd paras 0 reproduced witha parmasion af he weer. Spacers chall be either in plastic of an approved model, or in goad quality concrete and in sufficient quantity so that the position of the reinforcement bare 1 not modified during pouring and vibration. coment 2 Conplignce with minimum covering thicknesses is essential for the proper conservation of the structure. If acceptance inspections on the structure reveal that the covering thicknesses are insufficient, a proportionate apount will be deducted fron the final account at the tine lof provistonal, acceptance. for deformed bars, strands, stranded or unstranded cicule 4, titre 2°). Their quelity ‘shall be defined by the jcteristics shall be as indicated in the Job Specifications and in the Preparation Specitied cable Lengths shall be complied with to within # centinetre. Cable tensioning ducts shall be placed 20 that they hong betveen their tvo ends and the nflexion points, before attachnent, to evotd ony spurious Loss of tension. Tensioning Tensioning shell be carried out in accordance with @ schedule defining the eable tensioning order and the elongation required for each cable. In the event of @ discrepancy greater than SY between specified elongations and actual elongations, tensioning shall be tnterrupted until the causes have been found and corrected, a Gif aguitaine GENERAL TECHNICAL DOCUMENTS CONSTRUCTION OF CONCRETE STRUCTURES Rev. =O bate : 890801 16 608.802 Poge : 20 of: 34 2.6.3. routing The CONTRACTOR shat: 1 Inject vashing vater and then compressed air several tines 2 day into the ducts of cables already tensioned but not yet grouted, in order to flush out any huwigity and possible jeitance which may be precent. by Grout the cables as soon as possible and no later than 6 days Cin normal atmosphere) after tensioning, to avoid stress corrosion. ©) Measure the anount of grout in the theoretical volUre. ich duct until it 4s completely full, for comparison with © Allow the grout to overflow sufficiently to ensure that no air rensins trapped in the duct. ©) Avoid grouting {f the temperature 4s Liable to drop betow 45°C vithin the next 48 hours 3. PREPARATION OF CONSTRUCTION AREA 3.1, Grede saa. 3.1.2. This documents the open of Groupe EY Aqutain and shal ot ba czlosad tthe parties or eproduced without permision of First case Soil which fs cohesive and dry and vhich 1s not Lisble to be contaminating subsequently rising of damp oF salts): Surface preperation shall consist only in careful grading after compacting second case Sandy or vet cohesive soil. ‘ny of the folloving types of surface preparation is acceptable: = 5 enof soil-cenent, property tanped = 5-em of blinding concrete (stronger but more coxtly than soil-cenent) = Thin polyethylene sheet (damp barrier). GENERAL TECHNICAL DOCUMENTS (CONSTRUCTION OF CONCRETE STRUCTURES ev, 20 bute + 690001 3.2. Formork/Formvork stripping 3.2.4, ‘This document ete property of Groupe Et Aquitaine acd shll not be dsclosnd 1 rd pais 0 eroded without pein ofthe owner Third case Contaminating soil (for example, 1% or wore of eulphate) or foundation of @ structure exposed to acid water, briny vater, seanater or glacier water, or soils presenting a risk of subsequent. Surface preparation shalt consist of the fottowing: = If the polyethylene is rot Liable to be attacked: 5 cx of blinding concret and a polyethylene sheet 200 microns thick. lor sof L-conent = If there is a risk of the polyethylene being attacked: concrete with 350 kg of cement able to resist any attack and/or special film such as palytetrafluorethyLene. coment 4 If necessary, the excavation grade shall be drained by means of @ sump. coment 2 If the CONTRACTOR’ excavation is too deep, he shall, at his oun expense, re-form the isturbed soil to a degree of compaction equal to 95% of the Hedified Proctor Optimum, or place # soil-cement Layer using at Least 4% cenent Instat lation The CONTRACTOR shall guarantee the folloving vith respect to formork. 1 shall be: 12) Nondeformble Cin particular under the pressure of fresh concrete). ©) Watertight (to avoid Laitance Losses during vibration), ©) Erected with the necessary canber ) Treated with an approved str ing oil. ©) Designed to allow stripping without spat ing. Congrate shall not be poured until approval of the formork installation, vithout hovever reLteving the CONTRACTOR of his Liability GENERAL TECHNICAL DOCUMENTS ae CONSTRUCTION OF CONCRETE STRUCTURES Rev. : 0 pate : 890301 page : 22 of: 4 coments, Stripping oil shall be compatible with ary concrete surface treatnents applied (painting, plaster, ete.). ‘The application of stripping ofl 1s mandatory on etallic formork, and recommended in all high quality formork. Formork fasteners going through the concrete shall be alloved only if they are guaranteed to be noncorrosive and not detrimental to the mechanical strength of the section For alt concretes designed to be visible in the surface thal be of a very high quality, stripped” condition, the formork 3.2.2. stetpping 1 After concrete pouring, formork shall not be stripped before the folloving minimum periods: VNENIMUN TENE FORRWORK MUST BE KEPT IN PLACE [ACCORDING TO THE MINIMUM TENPERATURE OF THE CONCRETE DURING THE PERIOO CONCERNED i iF * ect sor <2 <2 zor ct Vertical walls and columns 3 days 2 days 1 doy Undersides, without removing props 7 days 4 days 2 days Resoval. of props 16 days 7 days 3 days In specific cases, and if shown to be justified (sLipforns, steaw curing of high early strength cement, etc.), the CONTRACTOR nay propose a reduction of these tine requirements. In every ease, the Liability of the CONTRACTOR renaine unchanged. b> ALL formork stripping operatiens shall be carried out in the presence of the Inspector: stripping 4 ‘author {zed only as long as the curing apparatus is ready for use. ‘he document isthe propery of Groupe Ef Aautine ad shal at be dcioged to tid panies Or agrodiced witout parmison ofthe owe. GENERAL TECHNICAL DOCUMENTS ‘CONSTRUCTION OF CONCRETE STRUCTURES Rev. = 0 groupe ‘ett aquitaine ©) No soothing of the concrete surface shall be performed without the written consent of the Inspector, specifying the product to be used and the procedure. Consent: 1t is wrong to regard a strength of 10 Wh ‘ine of stripping necessary and sufficient in most cases at the ~ For vertical walts (valLs-colums) a strength of about 5 HPa is generally sufficient. ~ For a propped floor, @ strength of 10 to 15 MPa is generally required. ~ For a beam, strength requirenents range from 15 to 25 HPs depending on the span. 3.3, Tolerances Unless othervise specitiedt, the peraissible tolerances are as follows: 3.3.1. Straightness of edge or generatrix of flat surface ‘The Larger of the two quantities: - tte, = £17800 of the Length of the edge or generatrix 3.5.2. Dimensions between opposite facings = ftenwithd cm, = £1 See with tm cdcee, t2enwitha> 2m, 3.3.3. Verticality - dtenwithh<2a, ~ £2envithh> 2a ‘This document isthe acpery of Grouse Ef Aang and sha ot be caclotad to id paris cr reproduced without persion of he owrer GENERAL TECHNICAL DOCUMENTS CONSTRUCTION OF CONCRETE STRUCTURES Rev. 0 bate : 290301 4 42, 4. PLACEMENT OF CONCRETE 41, manufacture Tox aocumen 1 he oroery of Groupe EF Aquitaine snd shal not be closed to thi partie or rpraced without permission ofthe owner Structure designed to house equipment mechanically independent of the equipaent of other structures: + 3 cm, Structure designed to house equipment sechanically Linked with equipment of other structures: pte, Up to the tine of acceptance, the axes shall be marked by pins 5 cw in diameter driven into strong, stable frames. conentet Hore stringent tolerances shall apply in particular to: = the building (paragraph 25.2 of the “Fascicule Spécial No. 69.15 ter” of the Offictal Bulletin of the French Ministry of Equipment) = Interfaces with steel parts or structures, The tolerance shall be thet of the steelvork ‘builder and shall be stipulated én the Standard or Job Specifications. feady-nixed concretes prepared in the factory shall be in conformity vith French standard WF 18-305. Concrete mixing plants shalt be equipped with watt-hour-weters and servo-vorkability weters or similar apparatus for checking the consistency of the concrete during mixing. Before the Suitability test, the CONTRACTOR ‘shall substt for the approval of the Inspector the Work ‘Accuracy range he guarantees. in relation to the standard proportioning established by the Laboratory for the design control test. The range shall be as follovs: = coment: $58 to 3 ~ aggregates $64 to tt = vater: +6 t0 6 = additive 458 to 5H GENERAL TECHNICAL DOCUMENTS ‘CONSTRUCTION OF CONCRETE STRUCTURES Rev. = 0 ate = 890801 42. 4.1.3. concrete mixer Time alloved for concrete placenent Thi cocuman the sraery of Groupe EF Aqulaine ad shal nt be close to tind partie or rpraciced witout gemiasion ofthe owner ‘The mixing tinet shal be long enough to ensure good mix homogeneity. coment After the addition of att ingredients, the nixing tine shall be as follovs = afxing plant with pug mill mixer: 1 minute, - other mixing plants and rotary sixers: 3 winutes, ‘hese mixing tines shall be tested with » suitability test Loading shall be carried out using boxes and vessels vhich have undergone the sultability test [Additives shall be incorporated in the mix in an aqueous solution. For transport by a mixing lorry, the maxima tine alloved for placesant sh temperature of the concrate is equal to or lover than 25°C and Th if th concrete te higher then 25°C UL be Th 30 Sf the ‘empersture of the In other cases transport by dumper, concrete waiting on site), the tine alloved shall be reduced to 45 minutes i# the venperature of the concrete fe lower than or equal to 25°C, and to 30 minutes if it fe higher than 25°C. With each delivery, crivers shall show a voucher signed by the pereon in charge of the mixing plant and indicating at uhat tine it vee aixed. The addition of water or additives to the concrete mix by drivers fluidizer, as prescribed). prohibited except for concrete not complying with the sbove requirements shall be rejected. It may hovever be used inmediately se bLinding concrete or deungraded concrete for gravity structures (if any exist) at the rake and expense of the CONTRACTOR; im which case, the CONTRACTOR shall be responsible for testi and demolition, if required, at Kis ovn expense. He shall be paid only if 28-day teste a satisfactory. coment ‘There are setting retarders which make it possible to extend the maxinun tine eltoved for concrete placenent. Sone additives must be added during atxing. Instructions for the use of these additives shalt be complied with. GENERAL TECHNICAL DOCUMENTS CONSTRUCTION OF CONCRETE STRUCTURES 4.3. Pouring Before any placement of concrete, the CONTRACTOR shall drev up @ pouring schedule according to the construction joints called for in the reinforcesent dravings. Proposals for modifications of construction joints may be submitted for the Inspector's approval. and Imust be rentioned on the most recent reinforcenent dravings marked "approved for construction Before pouring the concrete, construction joint surfaces shall be roughened to bare the aggregates and ‘then cleaned and wet generously. 1f necessary, the application of a bonding resin is indicated in the Job Specifications The concrete shall not be dropped from a height greater than 2 4.4, Vibration 4 External vibrators External vibrators are used for concrete parts vith small thicknesses here the steel reinforcement density is high; in thie case, the formork shall be made of steel. 44.2. Surface vibratars ‘The thickness of the concrete shal not be greater than 20 cn 4.4.3. Internal vibrators The depth shall not be greater then the Length of the vibrator (upper Limit: 60 om) The thickness of Layers to be vibrated shall not exceed 50 a. The vibrator shall not be inserted into the concrete to a distance greater than ten tines its dianeter It is not desirable for the poker to be inclined by more than 45°. 4.4.4. The criteria for setting the aaxinum vibration tine are the folloving: ‘Aepearance of Laitance on the surface; when no more sir bubbles appear on the surface; end of concrete settlenent; and vibrator noise steps varying. The poker of the vibrator, inserted rapidly, mist be removed slovly in 10 to 15 seconds, otherwise holes will form apd USUl be fitted with Laitance, ‘Thi document th propery of Groupe Et Aquitaine an shal not be cscs to third pre 0 reproduced without permission ofthe ower GENERAL TECHNICAL DOCUMENTS CONSTRUCTION OF CONCRETE STRUCTURES (DSraquitaine 4.5. concrete curing The purpose of curing is to protect the free surface of the concrete from the sin, from drying, and roa rain and trost, The curing method shall be proposed by the CONTRACTOR at the beginning of the vorks, and all material Provisions shall be wade before the start of ach pouring operation The protection shall be applied within 2 hours of pouring on surfaces with no formork, and only 8 fev Iinutes after formwork removal on surfaces with formwork. Curing times shall be as indicated in the foltoving table: Hardening of concrete quick | average | quick average slow Anbient conditions 1 1 mando} om [om | om | om > 10 1 1 2 4 5 «ec 1 2 2 4 8 0 Hinsoun curing ‘ine in days IF there 14 no isothermal protection, curing is continued as Long as the temperature renains belov #5°C (then refer to the corresponding boxes of the table) Anbient conditions = Concrete sheltered from the sun and vind with relative huwidity of air of 80% or more 1 = Average sun and/or wind and/or relative humidity of atr of SOX or wore. HII ~ Strong sun and/or wind, relative hunidity of air of Less than 50k. aciooed to third pentes or epoduced witout pemision of he owre GENERAL TECHNICAL DOCUMENTS CONSTRUCTION OF CONCRETE staUCTURES \ groupe g elf aquitaine Protection shalt be provided by any of the folloving mean = keeping formork in place, = covering with a jute cloth or vet strav, = thin polyethylene sheet, = spraying with a curing product fn accordance vith manufacturer's instructions, ~ steam curing (reduced curing tine), —heet insulatton. coment The absence of curing, or insufficient curing, may lead to @ loss of concrete strength of up to 30K compared vith that of the tested specinens. 4.6. concreting in cold weather 4.6.1. Temperature around 0°¢ In a period of slight frost (temperature forecasts of O° + 5° for the 3 days folloving concrete pouring) concreting 1s possible, provided that: 2) The conposition of the concrete is specially examined by a Laboratory Cin particular for cement generating considerable heat during setting? ) Aapregates containing ice Lenses are not used. ©) Shocks, bending and unbending of steel bars are avoided (deformed reinforcing bars. in particular) © Wining water is heated (up to 80°C naximun).. © The structure fe covered with insulating sheeting. 1) A series of specinens is placed under the sane protection at the structure. coment (ving to the risk of forecast error, a hot-air generator actuated by a thermostat shall be ‘set up on the site and installed near the structure ready to be used. Uhenever the generator is used, the surface of the concrete shall be protected by a thin polyethylene sheet to ‘void dehydration. ‘This document tthe propa of rouse Ef Aquilae and sha not be calosed to hid arias or eorecced without pemision of te owner GENERAL TECHNICAL DOCUMENTS ‘CONSTRUCTION OF CONCRETE STRUCTURES 4.7, concreting in hot veather 4.6.2. Temperature lover then -5°¢ If the temperature is expected to drop or remain belov -5°C uithin the 3 days following concrete pouring, the folloving is essential: @) Heating of aggregates (with ho fF generator or steaa). b) Heating of mixing vacer (up to 80°C maxiaun). © Pouring of concrete at a tenperacure at Least equal to +10% at tine of pouring @ Covering the structure with an insulating sheet © Placing a series of specinens under the sane protection as the structure 4 Heating of concrete, covered with vet strav, for at least 3 days. © Keeping the structure at @ temperature above O°C until the seventh dey. at is meant by hot-veather concreting is concreting carried out uhen the temperature in the shade is between 50° and 45°C, especially unen te 18 cry and windy Belov 30°C, normal curing precautions shall be simply strengthened and observed strictly Concreting 1s prohibited when the temperature is sbove 45°C, as well as during sandstorn coment A concrete structure, built without taking special precautions at 40°C can experience 9 50% drop ‘nthe 28-day mechanical strength compared with specinens of the sane structure kept at 20°C. ‘he foLLoving precautions shal be tal = use of additives such as water reducers (and plasticizers if necessary). The relevant recomendations shalt be nade in the Job Specifications. = cooling of aggregates and mixing water, if necessary using ice flakes, eo that the temperature: fof the concrete is never higher than 35°C as it Leaves the concrete mixer. = spray-cooling and sheltering of formork and reinforcement bars, = no concreting between 9 h and 15.h (9 AM and 3 PHD. = curing: application of an approved curing preduct or laying of @ wet jute cloth no Later than 1 hour after the pouring of the concrete. Use of fine-spray Jets during First hour ‘This documents the ore of Groupe BY Aquitaine a Sha not be celosed to id partes or produced without pemieion of he owner, GENERAL TECHNICAL DOCUMENTS CONSTRUCTION OF CONCRETE STRUCTURES Rev. : 0 ate : 890801 Brequtaine 4.8, Steam curing ‘The steam curing temperature shall be lover than 80°C. ‘The steam curing cycle shall be defined and technically justified ‘Throughout the cycle, the temperature gradient shall be Less than 1° per centinetre. The stripping of excessively hot parte shall be ‘temperature between the concrete parte and the arbient, ded: the maximum authorized rie 30°C. ifference in A series of 9 samples per lot of 100 parts sh infornation testing. AL be subjected to the sane steaw curing cycle for ‘on stripping, nondestructive tests shall be carried out. The minimum stripping steength Will depend on the type of part. comment 1 fs an example, the stean curing cycle includes the fottoving stages: Presetting 3toTh Rise in temperature 10 to 30°c/m Constant temperature plateau 10 t20h cooting 5 to aren curing + several hours to several days. coment 2 The amount of abxing water is very important, especially with steam curing. It is consequently recommended that the snount of mixing water be reduced as much as possible to obtain compact concrates. coment 5 In general, to compensate for loss of strength due to steam curing, heated concrete shall have 2 higher proportion of cenent than similar non-heated concrete. Thi documents the rover of Groupe Ef Aetna sl not be closed to tid patie or reproduced without parison of GENERAL TECHNICAL DOCUMENTS ‘CONSTRUCTION OF CONCRETE STRUCTURES eee ent 5. CONTRACTUAL, STRENGTH AND PROPORTIONS Unless more stringent requirements are set forth in the Job Specifications, the strength values to be taken fs contractual are the average strength values in MPa (1 MPa = 10.2 kg/cm’) at 7 and 28 days ‘ORDINARY concRETES HoH QUALITY concRETES 7 days 28 days 7 days 28 days PROPORTIONS, (Ki compressive | Tensite | compressive | compressive | Tensite | compressive ‘strength strength strength strength strength serengeh 250 10 15 6 18 e 300 10 Ww ” 6 20 B 350 8 18 3 * ae Fa 400 6 20 2 ma 26 » These average strength values shall be obtained from the various tests on samples or by nondestructive testing, Even if these strengths are exceeded, the CONTRACTOR is not authorized to reduce the cement proporttons (Cthis includes readjeaixed concrete) Af these strengths are not reached in the suitebility teste, the COMTRACTOR shall use @ different cenent or ‘neraase the proportions at his ovn expense. It, after the scructure has been completed, it ie found that these strengths have not been reached, a direct lotding test may be carried out at the expense of the CONTRACTOR ‘The folloving penalties shall be applicable: = reduetion of anount due, for provisional acceptance, representing up to 20% of the construction cott. = demolition or reconstruction at the expense of the CONTRACTOR This document isthe ropa of Groupe Ef Aut an shal not be eaioed othe partes or eproduced without pemiain o he owes GENERAL TECHNICAL DOCUMENTS ‘CONSTRUCTION OF CONCRETE STRUCTURES a0 coment 1 ‘The concept of “quality controlLed* concrete, hich also appears in the unit prices, implies: = that concrete quality control tests are carried aut throughout the duration of the works, = that the proportioning, aggregate content and vater content initially provided for are optinized if required during the execution of the work. comment 2 Oving to their approval, ready-nixed concretes prepared in the factory are regarded as "quality controlled concretes, at lesst until delivery to the site. 1t fs pointed out that quality control 1s to be provided until curing is finished. 6. MISCELLANEOUS coLT6ATIONS 6.1, Materials and number of eaxples ‘The CONTRACTOR shall aubnit sufficiently in advance and in eufficient quantity aL samples of materiale ‘and shall prepare all concrete specimens required for testing: = sands and aggregates: for analysis if the quarry has not yet been approved, = water (if non-potable water is used), = steel bars for tensile tests, = sands, aggregates, cement, additives for design control test (quality controlled concretes, 18 samples), = materials and equipment for suitability test: fabrication of 12 specimens, except for building and Civil engineering structures, for which the number of speeinens shall be 20 For quality-controlled concretes: preparation of a control sample of reinforced concrete with a volune of $00 Litres end having the sane reinforcesent percentage as the parts with the highest density of Feinforeenent bare, in order to enaure the workability of the concrete, 3 = specimens for inspection teste, per quantity of 100 12 for highway engineering structures and buildings 6 for other structures = specimens for information tests 12 for highway engineering structures and buildings 6 for other structures Thus documant i the property of Groupe EW Acie and shal not be cise to tips ar praised witout permason ofthe owner GENERAL TECHNICAL DOCUMENTS CONSTRUCTION OF CONCRETE STRUCTURES 6.2, Shape of specimens The reference shape 3 LL be a cylinder 16 em in dianeter and 52 cm high. Cylindrical, cubic or prismatic specinens of various dimensions may be used provided that: ~dineneions are entered in the test report, = a shape coefficient ie applied to the test results. This correcting coefficient shall also be Ientioned in the teat report. AWE OF SHAPE COEFFICIENT SPE COEFFICIENT ‘TPE oF sPeciHEN ETH FACES ASSUMED DIMENSIONS To 8 GROUND ‘aRIATION LintTs | AVERAGE PERHISSIBLE ‘VALUE cytinder 16x32 a 1.00 Gimneter x height) 10x20 0.96 to 1.00 os 25 x 50 1.00 to 1.10 1.05 cube 0 0.70 to 0.90 0.80 6 0.70 to 0.90 0.80 2 0.75 to 0.90 0.83 Prise Bx X45, 0.90 t0 1.20, 1.05 20x 20x 0.90 to 1.20, 1.05 | coment 1 Specinen shape can have a very significant influence on the value of results since the shape coeffictent can very fron 0.56 for a height equal to one-third of the base, to 2 for a height equal to 5 tines the base. coment 2 If the specinens are prepared in cardboard soulds, external roulds fn steel shall be used. ‘Th document the propa of Groupe Et Aaultang anc shal not be diced ro hd pris o reproduced without persion ofthe owner GENERAL TECHNICAL DOCUMENTS CONSTRUCTION OF CONCRETE STRUCTURES Rev. 0 Date : 890801 6.3. as-built documents In generat, the CONTRACTOR shall supply, prion to the start of any operations, the results of analyses, factory certificates, approvals, technical data sheets, concrete delivery vouchers, laboratory ‘report, and all sketches ‘and technical documents requested by the Inspector | 1f the works contract calle for the preparation of as-built drawings to be supplied by the CONTRACTOR, hhe shall update ‘then as soon as approval for construction has been obtained and shall subait the complete set of dravings before Provisional acceptance, ALL docunents are to be in standard format, preferably At, and shall offer background and Line quality suitable for microfilming. ALL requirenents in this regard are to be provided by the Inspector: [___ 72 document the property of Groupe Agueane and sha rot be dcosed fo third pares 0 reproduced without pemiasion ofthe owner

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