Assingnment 2

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In today’s digital age, social media has become an important part of our lives.

Therefore, we
must be aware of key factors like maintaining a balance online and offline, responsible usage,
fake news awareness, and privacy control in our lives.

First, balance your online and offline lives. It is important to maintain an online and offline life
because it can help to have a healthy lifestyle. Also, by limiting screen time and prioritizing face-
to-face interactions, a person can build a healthy lifestyle and relationships with society or a
community. Also, managing tagging settings and staying informed about platform updates is
very useful for utilizing social media.

Second, responsible usage involves kindness, respect, and inclusivity online, and we are also
responsible for avoiding cyberbullying and harassment to be in a positive online community.
Being mindful and using respectful language is also required. Protecting privacy by reporting,
blocking accounts, or blocking content that violates guidelines creates a safer environment on
social media.

Third, fake news awareness is a prevalent issue on social media, and everyone is facing it. It is
crucial to verify the credibility of news before accepting, believing, or even sharing it. Check the
news from multiple reliable sources or use fact-checking websites and check URLs that ensure
the accuracy of the news.

Finally, privacy control: it is crucial to ensure the safety of personal information to have control
and be secure in an online community. Regularly update privacy settings, understand the policies
of social media, and take steps such as enabling two-factor authentication and limiting third-
party app permissions to enhance account security.

To sum up, it is important to know the importance of privacy settings and control on social
media platforms, as well as the need to be cautious of fake news and misinformation. It also
emphasizes social media usage, including being respectful, verifying information before sharing,
and maintaining a healthy balance between online and offline life.

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