Third Periodical Test Grade 7 English

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region III
Division of Bulacan
Sibul Springs, San Miguel, Bulacan


S.Y 2017-2018
Name: Score:
Section: Date:

Directions: Read the selection and answer the question that follows.

One day, a shepherd was tending his flock of one hundred sheep. As night drew near,
he counted his flock. He found out that one sheep was missing. He was very much worried so
he immediately left the ninety-nine sheep to look for the missing one. He did not stop until he
has found the lost one. When he found it, he was happy.

1. What is the good title for the selection?

a. The Good Shepherd c. The Foolish Shepherd

b. The Lost Sheep d. The Black Sheep

2. Which sentence is true?

a. The shepherd did not mind the lost sheep.

b. The shepherd left the other sheep to look for the lost one.
c. It is foolish to look for one lost sheep.
d. None of the Above.

3. Which of the following words best describes the shepherd?

a. responsible c. obedient
b. irresponsible d. boastful


Find the meaning of the underlined word in each sentence.

4. Carla used red ribbons to accentuate the coppery tones in her hair.

a. highlight c. cut
b. stress d. straight

5. Mary did the ethical thing and turned in the diamond necklace she found.

a. honorable c. scary
b. embarrassing d. precious

6. The tour guide showed us the opulent living quarters of the royal family.

a. wealthy c. simple
b. poverty d. unhealthy

Choose the correctly spelled words in each letter.

7. a. denouement c. denowma
b. denoment d. denomma

8. a. Misisipi c. Missisippi
b. Missisipi d. Mississippi

9. a. receive c. receave
b.recieve d. resieve

10. a. lisence c. license

b.lisense d. licence

11. a. millionaire c. millionare

b.millionnaire d. milionare

IV. Identify the following sentences if it’s in the active or passive voice.
A. Active
B. Passive
12. Sita was reading a book.
13. The watch was stolen by him.
14. He was disgusted with the flattery of his assistant.
15. His hard work satisfied me.
16.The lion was killed by the hunter.
17. The windows have been cleaned by her.
18. The child is eating bananas.
19. Daryl will play his guitar.

V. Choose the letter of the correct answer.

20. A sentence that is a simple declarative clause.
a. kernel sentence c. simple sentence
b. imperative sentence d. none of the above
21. It is always affirmative.
a. kernel sentence c. simple sentence
b. imperative sentence d. none of the above
22. A part of speech that modifies a verb, adjective or another adverb in a sentence.
a. adjective c. pronoun
b. verb d. adverb
23. Which of the following is not a type of adverb?
a. Adverb of manner c. adverb of frequently
b. Adverb of time d. adverb of place
24. It is a type of adverb that tells how an action occurs.
a. Adverb of manner c. adverb of frequently
b. Adverb of time d. adverb of place
25. It is a type of adverb that tells where an action occurs.
a. Adverb of manner c. adverb of frequently
b. Adverb of time d. adverb of place
26.Which of the following is NOT an example of adverb of manner?
a. happily c. gracefully
b. carelessly d. ugly

27. Which of the following is an example of adverb of time?

a. Yesterday c. daily
b. Usually d. sometimes
28. Words that can be found at the beginning of a noun phrase.
a. Noun c. determiners
b. Adjective d. prefix
29.” The girl loves a chocolate.” is an example of what sentence?
a. compound sentence c. complex sentence
b. kernel sentence d. none of the above
30. Which of the following is an example of kernel sentence?
a. The girl is walking.
b. Boys and girls are playing at the park.
c. She got sick because of playing in the rain.
d. She is cooking while Vin is cleaning the house.
31. Which of the following is NOT an example of kernel sentence?
a. Ian is playing outside.
b. Because of too much heat, the flowers went dry.
c. The dog is barking.
d. The child is eating bananas.
32. Which of the following is true about kernel sentence?
a. It is a simple declarative sentence.
b. It is always affirmative.
c. It is the simplest and basic sentence.
d. All of the above

VI. Choose the correct sequence of determiners that is appropriate for each sentence.
33. students will participate in the Math competition.
a. Both of the c. of the both
b. The both of d. Both the

34. In days, Christmas season will be over.

a. more few a c. a few more
b. a more few d. few more
35. teachers are needed to complete the researchers team.
a. More two only c. more two
b. Only two more d. only more two
36. The band show was so bad that the concert hall was filled.
a. Of half c. only half of
b. Half of only d. only half
37. classmates were very good in reading English stories.
a. Two first Maria’s c. Maria’s two first
b. First Maria’s two d. Maria’s first two

VII. Choose the letter of the correct answer in the box below that best describes the
given situation.

38. Naomi loves to be with her family. He goes to church with them, joins them for
regular get together, and celebrates holidays with them as much as she can. She would love
to live with his family even as she gets older.

39. Ezekiel sees things through until the end. He always has hope and looks at the
brighter sides of things. He does not get discouraged when confronted with problems. In
fact, no matter how miserable his life is, he moves on, knowing that in the end, the sun will
shine again.

40. Freya loves to entertain guests, friends and even strangers. She is very warm-
hearted and generous in receiving visitors at home, in the office, or wherever she met people.

41. Yumiko’s belief in God is very strong. She does not complain because she knows
that God will take care of everything. She keeps and venerates religious symbols in his house.
42. Maxwell is very good at inventing new things. He can make new things using old
newspapers and used soft drink cans. He kept recyclable things for future use.

43. Whenever there’s someone who needs Maxpein when she’s in need, she feels that
she needs to return a favor to that person. She would not feel comfortable if he does not
repay that person in any way that she can.

44. Kimeniah kisses the hands f her parents, grandparents and older relatives. She
listens and gives importance to their advice and helps them in any way she can.

45. Darryl is always there to help his neighbors and other member of his community. He
is always available whenever his barangay needs his help.

46.Jeydon respects his mother and this respect is extended to his sister, female friends
and female colleagues.
47. You will always see cheerfulness in Chesca’s face wherever she goes. He tries to
maintain harmonious and peaceful relationship with everyone.

a. Bayanihan (cooperation) Close Family Ties

b. Pakikisama Respect for Elders
c. Hospitality Trust in God resourcefulness
d. Utang na Loob Respect for Womanhood
e. (debt of gratitude) Optimism/Patience


Arrange the following sentences by putting A, B, C to form a meaningful


The Proud Filipino

48. The best course of action to take when visiting this country is just mo mind your own
business and goes about enjoying what this beautiful country has to offer. At times, this might
be difficult especially on a society that thrives on story telling, mind you not all Filipinos are like

49. Above all else the Filipinos are a very proud race. They do not take criticism easily
even if you have acted without malice. Jokes can easily be taken the wrong way and that is a
sure recipe for antagonism.

50. There is big disparity in terms of culture and attitude between the “have not’s” and
those who are well off. Then again with half the population living below the poverty line and a
substantial percentage marginally above it, the odds of you bumping into a middle class
individual is 3 out of 10.

1. a 26. d
2. b 27. c
3. a 28. c
4. a 29. b
5. a 30. a
6. a 31. b
7. a 32. d
8. d 33. a
9. a 34. c
10. c 35. b
11. a 36. c
12. A 37. d
13. B 38. F
14. A 39. J
15. A 40. C
16. B 41. D
17. B 42. H
18. A 43. E
19. A 44. G
20. a 45. A
21. a 46. I
22. d 47. B
23. c 48. B
24. a 49. A
25. d 50. C

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