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Autumn 2023, Issue 38



Syunik-Development NGO

From September 15 to 17, 2023, the exquisite This �me, the NGO has provided a solar photo-
Mountain Miracle Honey, cra�ed by the skilled voltaic sta�on with a capacity of 16 KV to the
hands of 16 experienced beekeepers from ten secondary school in the border guard Khndzorut
communi�es, cap�vated visitors at the Armenia se�lement of Vayots Dzor region.
EXPO Interna�onal Universal Trade-Industrial The comple�on of the solar photovoltaic sta�on
Main Exhibi�on Forum. This pres�gious event is was commemorated on September 19 with an
recognized as the largest, most an�cipated, and event �tled Peace Full of Sun, which was a�en-
most effec�ve gathering in the region. ded by Archbishop Abraham Mkrtchyan, the
primate of Vayots Dzor Diocese, Davit Sargsyan,
Deputy Governor of Vayots Dzor RA, and em-
ployees of Syunik-Development NGO.
The solar photovoltaic sta�on specifically
addresses the hea�ng needs of the school, ser-
ving approximately 96 schoolchildren in the
Khndzorut and Nor Aznaberd se�lements of the
Vayots Dzor region. This ini�a�ve has not only
improved the educa�onal environment but has

also led to significant budgetary savings for the

secondary school in the Khndzorut se�lement.
These financial resources can now be redirected
to tackle other pressing issues.
During the exhibi�on, due to the mee�ngs of
various companies, several new collabora�ons
were formed, which was considered one of the
main goals of the exhibi�on.
The 22nd Interna�onal Universal Exhibi�on
Forum of Armenia EXPO 2023, held at the Sports
Concert Complex named a�er Karen
Demirchyan, hosted 300 companies from 11
countries, each presen�ng their brands and
products. Among them, Mountain Miracle
Honey proudly showcased the unique flavors of
the Vayots Dzor region.
Our exhibit featured not only pure Vayots Dzor
honey but also candles and soaps made from The event showcased ar�s�c performances by
beeswax. These products provided a sensory the school’s students and the ethnographic
journey, offering a taste and scent that embo- dance ensemble of the village.
died the essence of Vayots Dzor’s nature. This impac�ul project received support from the
A�er the exhibi�on, several companies, inclu- NGO’s longstanding partner, the German Bread
ding Mountain Miracle Honey, were honored for the World organiza�on. Their collabora�ve
with cer�ficates of par�cipa�on. efforts have undoubtedly made a posi�ve diffe-
rence in the community, demonstra�ng the

poten�al for sustainable solu�ons to enhance by communi�es, youth ini�a�ve groups,
both educa�on and living condi�ons in the schools, and non-governmental organiza�ons.
region. The Youth for a Favorable Climate program, sup-
ported by the Austrian Development Agency
(ADG) and implemented by UNICEF, operates in
23 SUB-GRANT PROJECTS IMPLEMENTED collabora�on with the RA Ministries of Environ-
IN VAYOTS DZOR AND SYUNIK REGIONS: ment, Territorial Administra�on and Infrastruc-
ture, Educa�on, Science, Culture, and Sports.
The sub-grant component in the Vayots Dzor and
Syunik regions is executed by Syunik-Develop-
ment NGO, showcasing a commitment to local

Syunik-Development NGO, in collabora�on with

UNICEF Armenia, ini�ated a sub-grant tender in
the Vayots Dzor and Syunik regions as part of the
Youth for a Favorable Climate program.
This ini�a�ve aimed to empower adolescents SUPPORT TO SOCIALLY MARGINALIZED
and young adults to implement climate change PEOPLE LIVING IN THE BORDER
mi�ga�on ac�ons, fostering socially and envi-
ronmentally sustainable communi�es in Arme-
To outline the sub-grant applica�on process, During our autumn ac�vi�es, Syunik-Develop-
Syunik-Development NGO, along with UNICEF ment NGO con�nues to provide valuable sup-
Armenia, organized informa�ve mee�ngs in va- port, facilitated by the German Bread for the
rious communi�es, including Yeghegnadzor, World organiza�on. This support falls within the
Jermuk, Vayk, Areni, Yeghegis, Kapan, Tatev, framework of our project which aims to assist
Meghri, Kajaran, Gorayk, Sisian, Goris, and Tegh. socially vulnerable groups on the border and
These mee�ngs witnessed ac�ve par�cipa�on those displaced to the Vayots Dzor region of
from leaders, administra�ve heads, representa- Armenia due to the war in Ukraine.
�ves of municipal departments, ANAC/NOACs, The primary objec�ves of the project are two-
NGOs, educa�onal ins�tu�ons, and young indi- fold: firstly, to integrate socially vulnerable
viduals. border groups into the labor market for econo-
We are pleased to announce that, within the mic stabiliza�on, and secondly, to facilitate the
sub-grant component of the program, 23 pro- integra�on of Ukrainians who have relocated to
jects were selected from a pool of 74 applica- the region due to the Russian-Ukrainian war,
�ons in the Vayots Dzor and Syunik regions. thereby ensuring and improving their socio-eco-
These projects are currently being implemented nomic life. To achieve these goals, our NGO has

implemented and con�nues to offer integra�on collabora�ons implemented by the organiza�on.
courses, Armenian language courses, and legal Subsequent discussions and visits showcased
and psychological counseling. various projects, culmina�ng in an event cele-
The integra�on courses cover a range of topics bra�ng the comple�on of a solar sta�on installa-
aimed at fostering skills and opportuni�es for �on in the Khndzorut se�lement school of
the targeted groups. Legal and psychological Vayots Dzor region.
consulta�ons are conducted every month, with The day, a�ended by guests, representa�ves
mee�ngs organized as necessary to address spe- from the governor՛s office, and organiza�on em-
cific needs. ployees led by Archbishop Abraham Mkrtchyan,
the primate of Vayots Dzor Diocese, was filled
with emo�ons and smiling faces.
The partners and friends also visited the Jermuk
Community Center, where Lusine Mar�rosyan
presented gi�s: a sewing machine, and kni�ng
accessories. The center, a vital means of ensu-
ring self-employment for young women in the
community, welcomed the gesture.

On October 10, Syunik-Development NGO

hosted Consul General Mortella Abedin Varamin
of the Islamic Republic of Iran and his delega-
�on. The visit aimed to explore poten�al coope-
ra�on in the Vayots Dzor region, par�cularly in
the fields of educa�on and culture. Discussions
were held with Archbishop Abraham Mkrtchyan
PARTNERS AND FRIENDS: and organiza�on employees, introducing the
visitors to various projects already implemented
and those planned for the future.
Today, Syunik-Development NGO sustains its
commitment to collabora�ve efforts, as demon-
strated by recent visits from esteemed partners.
On September 18, Lusine Mar�rosyan, Kathy
Aber, Diane Banks, Deborah Ruse, and Thomas,
Eva Tukdaryan visited the organiza�on. Follow-
ing a prolonged hiatus, the mee�ng with part-
ners included presenta�ons on projects and



Between 19 and 20 September 2023 a�er nine

months of blockade, Azerbaijan launched a mas-

sive military campaign in Nagorno Karabagh of Nagorno-Karabagh.
(NK)/Artsakh, which caused the displacement of We invite you to explore the “Forcibly Displaced
thousands of people. Syunik-Development NGO People of Nagorno-Karabagh: A Chronicle of
was among the organiza�ons that swi�ly Assistance” Emergency Newsle�er on the NGO’s
responded to the urgent need for assistance, website. This chronicle provides a comprehen-
standing alongside our compatriots displaced sive overview of our long-term ac�vi�es, high-
from Nagorno-Karabagh. This support remained ligh�ng the dedica�on of our team and the
significant throughout the en�re autumn ac�vi- impac�ul support from our global network.
ty of the NGO. The Siranuysh camp, adminis-
tered by the Vayots Dzor Diocese, became a cen-
tral hub for NGO’s humanitarian endeavors. CONVENED FOR A MEETING IN THE REPUBLIC OF
Over 320 residents of Nagorno-Karabagh, GEORGIA FROM OCTOBER 31 TO NOVEMBER 1:
abruptly displaced from their homes, workpla-
ces, educa�onal pursuits, and en�re lives in
Nagorno-Karabagh found refuge and support
through our dedicated efforts.
The NGO’s team, augmented by numerous
volunteers, took the lead in providing immediate
assistance to the displaced people arriving at the
Siranuysh camp. This mul�faceted effort encom-
passed, registra�on, provision of rooms, bed-
ding, hygiene, food, medical supplies, etc. A
holis�c approach was underscored by the inclu-
sion of psychological support, facilitated by invi-
ted psychologists, recognizing the comprehen- The HEKS-EPER organiza�on orchestrated a
sive needs of the displaced residents. familiariza�on mee�ng among its partner orga-
The outpouring of support from partners, niza�ons, which included the ac�ve par�cipa-
friends, and volunteers, both locally and interna- �on of Syunik-Development NGO.
�onally, played a crucial role in bolstering our Throughout the mee�ng, each partner organiza-
mission. Their collec�ve dedica�on and gene- �on had an opportunity to showcase its ongoing
rosity contributed significantly to the effec�ve- projects in collabora�on with HEKS-EPER.
ness and sustainability of our relief efforts. Syunik-Development NGO took the floor to pre-
For detailed insights into our ongoing commit- sent its array of projects, with a specific focus on
ment to suppor�ng the forcibly displaced people a humanitarian assistance ini�a�ve aimed at
suppor�ng the refugees from Nagorno-
Karabagh (Artsakh).
Lilit Khachatryan, the representa�ve of
Syunik-Development NGO, played a pivotal role
during the mee�ng. Her presence ensured that
the organiza�on’s efforts in humanitarian aid
were effec�vely communicated, fostering colla-
bora�on and understanding among the partner
The gathering served as a pla�orm for frui�ul
discussions, enabling the exchange of ideas,
experiences, and best prac�ces. It underscored

the collec�ve commitment to addressing pres- Vayots Dzor and Syunik regions.
sing humanitarian issues and fostering sustai- From informa�ve mee�ngs to project imple-
nable development in the region. menta�on, this ini�a�ve stands as a testament
As Syunik-Development NGO con�nues to to the transforma�ve power of collabora�on
ac�vely engage with interna�onal partners, such between Syunik-Development NGO and UNICEF
mee�ngs contribute to the organiza�on’s broa- Armenia.
der mission of making a posi�ve impact on the In the midst of suppor�ng socially marginalized
communi�es it serves. The collabora�ve spirit groups and displaced individuals, the NGO
displayed during the event reinforces the impor- played a pivotal role in integra�ng them into the
tance of partnerships in achieving shared goals fabric of society. Offering not just prac�cal assis-
and crea�ng las�ng posi�ve change. tance but also courses in language, legali�es,
and psychology, the NGO extended a helping
hand to those in need.
EPILOGUE: The warmth of collabora�on was evident in the
visits from esteemed partners and friends, re-
As we bid farewell to the Autumn Season, we kindling connec�ons and showcasing the collec-
reflect upon the vibrant tapestry of ac�vi�es �ve impact of shared endeavors. From the gi�s
woven by Syunik-Development NGO. In the spirit presented to the Jermuk Community Center to

of collabora�on, innova�on, and unwavering discussions with the Consul General of the
compassion, the organiza�on has le� an indeli- Islamic Republic of Iran, these encounters high-
ble mark on the communi�es it serves. lighted the strength found in unity.
The journey began with the sweet success of Undoubtedly, the defining chapter of this season
Mountain Miracle Honey at Armenia EXPO 2023. was the response to the humanitarian crisis
The synergy between tradi�on and modernity resul�ng from the war in Nagorno-Karabagh.
was evident. The commitment to sustainable The Siranuysh camp became a beacon of hope
development manifested in the form of a solar for over 320 forcibly displaced people, a testa-
photovoltaic sta�on gi�ed to the Khndzorut ment to the resilience and generosity of the
se�lement’s secondary school. The “Peace Full human spirit. The dedicated efforts, supported
of Sun” event celebrated not just the harnessing by a global network, exemplified the power of
of solar energy but the illumina�on of educa- compassion in �mes of adversity.
�onal opportuni�es for 96 schoolchildren. With In closing, the Autumn Quarterly Newsle�er
the support of the German Bread for the World stands as a chronicle of Syunik-Development
organiza�on, this ini�a�ve marked a significant NGO’s commitment to fostering posi�ve change
stride towards a brighter and greener future. in the region. As we look ahead, the echoes of
Empowering youth to be stewards of change, collabora�on, compassion, and community
the Youth for a Favorable Climate program engagement linger, pain�ng a promising picture
unfolded with 23 sub-grant projects in the for the seasons to come.

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Office of Interna�onal & Public Affairs Tel/Fax: +374(281) 20409

Syunik Development NGO Email:
Momik St.5, 3601 Yeghegnadzor
Vayots Dzor Province, Armenia

Syunik-Development NGO Public Rela�ons Officer: Anna Gyulnazaryan

Syunik-Development NGO Graphic Designer: Artashes Hakobyan 16

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