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The Two Witnesses Of Revelation Eleven Will Soon Appear!

They Will Testify Of The Works Of Revelation Chapter 12 As Posted At;

Revelation 11;5 And if any man will hurt them, fire proceedeth out of their mouth, and devoureth their enemies: Revelation 12;5 And she brought forth a man child, who was to rule all nations with a rod of iron: God does not change, He is the same yesterday, today and tomorrow. He still calls, and still speaks through, prophets. Amos 3:7 Surely the Lord God will do nothing, but He revealeth His secret unto His servants, the prophets.

Come unto Me, My Blessed Child; for My arms are outstretched wide to you and My heart is overflowing with love towards you and My Little Son, who lives in you! My Blessed Child, I am setting you up high on My olive branch; for from this perspective I shall cause you to see far and wide! For, I shall soon give you new eyes, new ears, and a new power, which is unlike anything that you have ever seen! And, I shall put into your

mouth a sword of fire; and into your hands a sword of fire; and through this fire, I shall wreak havoc on the enemy! My Blessed Child, eat from My hands what I now feed you, and drink from this cup what I now give you to drink, for a day of great reckoning is at hand! It is a time wherein I will raise up My Two Witnesses, and a time wherein I will also raise up a few Joshuas and a few Elijahs. Blessed are you, My Beloved Child, for even as My Chosen One, Moses, was called and was sent down with My law, with My Ten Commandments, I have likewise called you, have chosen you to come forward, even unto Me, and to bring forward a set of new laws and commandments, which will go out through My manchild, which you have born into the earth; and whom you are now birthing into the earth! Yes, My Little one, My work through the little manchild, through My very own Son, will bring into the Earth a new set of laws! For, He is the birthing of My Kingdom Come and My Will Be Done in the Earth! And, he is My new set of laws and My laws are in him! And, it is through him that I shall bring forth My New Covenant with My people, that through this Covenant, each is the living law, the law manifest; for I AM THE LAW AND THE LAW IS ME! My Little One, this is My Kingdom Power, and I am the basis of this Kingdom Power, a power, which is built upon truth, honesty, integrity, love, compassion, faith, and honor, among other divine attributes. But, the basis of this law, My Little One, is My pure love! And, none will walk in this new power if they will not love Me above all, and truly love others, even as they love themselves! For, this power comes to each one through My Little Son, the Manchild of Revelation Chapter Twelve! It is time, My Blessed Child! It is time for him to return to My throne! It is time for him to go out into My faithful, to take up residence in them! When this takes place, I will begin to rise up My Supernatural Army in and through these! It is time for My Little Son to come back to My throne! Yes, My Little One, you have waited a very long time! And, you have suffered great and unspeakable tortures and persecutions! And, I have watched! I have looked! I have weighed many things; and I have tarried for a season, but My promise to you is that the time (to take My son home) is truly now at hand! For, I have set the stage! I have moved many pieces of the puzzle into place. I am busy preparing the Two Witnesses, for these shall soon appear and they will shock the world. For, I shall bring them forth in a way and in a place, wherein many shall be shocked! But, even so, I shall bring them forth! My Little One, you see great and marvelous things taking place around you regarding My Little Son, and you are amazed at My handiwork in My Son; and rightly so! For, I have prepared Him for such times as these!

My Blessed Child, My Little Son will help many, who are sick and dying from all manner of diseases, but he will set free especially many, who have the Morgellons Implant Disease! Yes, it is an implant disease, one in which Satan and his many hoards have viciously implanted the bodies of many with foreign substances, the purpose being to siphon off their light, and to override their electrical (neurological) systems until they are either mind controlled slaves, or dead! They really do not care, but delight in all of the suffering, which they have inflicted upon these unsuspecting souls! (end of excerpt, finish reading chapter 59 at I am your Father Yahweh, yea Jehovah, Most High God! As witnessed, dictated and recorded this 11th day of October, 2009, Linda Newkirk

Chapter Sixty-Six Two Little Children!

My Blessed Child, I am your Father, Yahweh, the Most High God! My Little One, do you see what I have in My hands?

Yes, My Lord, I see two little children, who are full of fire! And, they are on bended knees before You as they sit, one in each one of Your hands. Then, Father, I see that around each one there forms a pool of liquid light, of white, liquid fire; and from this pool the two little children now arise as two little olive trees. And, Father, also I hear a popping, a roaring and a crackling, like that of a fiery wind, which is in the midst of these two. My Little One, do you remember My words from Joel Chapter Two? Oh, Yes, my Lord, these words are especially about Your Supernatural Army! You tell of the fire, which is upon them and how the terrain before them will seem like the Garden of Eden, yet behind them will follow a great wasteland. For, they will be full of Your allconsuming fire! My Little One, is it time for the world to see My army ride in this way?

Father, I do not think so. For, surely Your army is Your Bride; and You have already said that You must scrub Your Bride. But, what do I have here in My hands? Father, You have two, little ones, two little children, who are on bended knees before You! They are clean! Their robes are white and they are humble and fearful before You! You have them both in Your hands, one on Your right and one on Your left! Are these My Army, My Little One? No, My Lord; for they are only two. Two is not an army. No, My Little One, this not an army! But, two ride at the head of My army, one on My right and one on My left. Do you see? Yes, my Lord. So, My Little One, from what I tell you now, it is important that You know that two not only ride at the head of My army, but two also precede My army. (end of excerpt, read chapter 66 at ) As witnessed, dictated and recorded this 5 th day of December, 2009, Linda Newkirk

Chapter Sixty-Six Part Two The Two Witnesses! At the Mouth of Two Witnesses, or Three Witnesses.
My Blessed Child, I am your Father Yahweh, yea Jehovah, Most High God. Blessed are you, My Little One, even blessed above all women; for I have chosen you, I have selected you to be the earthly mother of My very own Son of Fire! In due season, even as I have told you, I will exalt you; for you have been severely trampled in the Earth! Your name has been slandered! Lies have been spread about you far and wide! Your enemies have lined up to throw mud at you! Satan and his many hordes have persecuted you and tortured you! Militaries from around the world have colluded in their terror assaults

against you to destroy you, to take you over and to steal My Little Son of Light, who is in you! But, I am with you, my blessed child, and I have been with you throughout these many years, even when you were lost and did not know Me. I never took My eyes off you; for I have known My great work, which I would do through you! Do not be troubled, My Blessed Child, it is but a little wait for you and I will raise you up in fire! And, in a great fire, you shall walk! I shall cause the earth to tremble beneath your feet; for I shall shut the mouths of the mockers and scorners! And, I shall raise up the two witnesses of these very works, of these works of Revelation Twelve, the very works, which so many mock! Yes, I shall shut the mocking mouths; for out of the mouths of these two witnesses, I shall establish these truths all over the world, that Revelation Twelve is true, that My little Son of Fire and Light is real and that you are indeed the mother of My Son of Light and Fire in the Earth! Yes, out of the mouths of these two witnesses, I shall indeed establish the fact that you are indeed the Woman of Revelation Twelve; for the fire of My Son shall proceed forth out of your very mouth! And, this same fire shall also proceed forth out of the mouth of the other witness, out of the mouth of the humble, old man, who has been your friend since the beginning of these works in the summer of 2004. Yet, what you do not know or fully understand, is that he has been your friend for a very long time. And, I have put him in the Earth at this time for this specific purpose, to be a witness to these works! (end of excerpt,) As witnessed, dictated and recorded this 8 th day of January, 2010, Linda Newkirk

Chapter Sixty-Six / Part Three More about the Two Witnesses

And, with this said about the two witnesses, My Little One, the mystery of the two witnesses is revealed! For, you have asked for some time, Why are they called the two witnesses? What have they witnessed? These have been your questions and this is My answer. These are two, who have witnessed the most things about the works of Revelation Twelve. You, firstly; for you are the Woman of Revelation Twelve; and the old man secondly, for I have called him in early summer of 2004 and brought him forth to be your friend, although he did not know it (the nature of his work) at that time; and neither did you!

But, by early fall of 2004, you would know him and since that time, I have caused him to be your friend from a great distance and your confidante. From your almost daily conversations with him over the years, he has witnessed more than others, who only converse with you now and then! As I have told you, there are indeed other witnesses, who know of the truths regarding these works! But, I have chosen only two, who will testify before the people with fire, with many signs and wonders and with great judgements! And, I have shown you these two! For, this is a rebellious house; and I will soon call forth these two, who will plead with them through great fire and through great judgements. And, with this settled, I am your Father Yahweh, yea Jehovah, Most High God!

As witnessed, dictated and recorded this 12 th day of January, 2010, Linda Newkirk

(start of excerpt from chapter forty nine)

And, I see then a stairway of light, and some few, who go up it, like angels of light! And, some few, who come down this stairway, like angels of light. And, they take their places in the world and in this nation, amidst this torture and persecution. And, among them are two, who are exceedingly tall, like trees! And, their power is great to shut up, to pull down, to loose, to bind, to heal and even to destroy! And, I see that these two are also the two beautiful candlesticks and from them flow the golden oil! And, they stand tall, very tall, above all humans and creatures. For, they now bring a new power into the earth, a power, which has never been known or seen in the Earth. And, lightening bolts go between their hands and as they hold their hands up, I see a very large bowl; and from this bowl a continual stream of liquid light. They snap their heels and I see them now high above the earth. Our Saviour stands between them and I hear Him say the words, Not just now, but soon. Soon, indeed! And, when I heard him say the last soon, to both of these were

given giant wings of light, that they may descend from the presence of the Lord and that they may be able to travel at His will to any and all places in the Earth, even as He so directs. And, no bars shall hold them back! And, no storms shall hinder or prevent them! And, no road blocks shall stop them! And, no authorities in the earth shall have power over them until their time is up! Oh, so lovely is this vision, my Lord! Yes, My Little One. And, all that you see shall now come about very quickly, even in its entirety. Write as I have given you and post, that all may be the wiser. I am your Father, Yahweh, yea Jehovah, Most High God. As witnessed, dictated and recorded this 20th day of January, 2009, Linda Newkirk

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