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Roy G. Callahan, USN, Ret.

1529 NW 143rd Street Gainesville, Florida 32606 Tel: (352) 332-9144 Fax: (352) 332-9144

Thursday, November 03, 2011 To the dismay of establishment politicians Rick Perry was telling the truth when he said, The 1913 passage of the 16th1 and 17th2 Amendments was a great milestone on the road to serfdom. The federal income tax gave Washington a giant faucet of money to exercise control over the states and the people. Social Security is a failure, its unconstitutional, and its a Ponzi scheme. "Social Security is something we have been forced to accept for more than 70 years, and there stands a crumbling monument to the failure of the New Deal all at the expense of respect for the Constitution and limited government." "Ever since the dawn of the so-called Progressive movement over a century ago, liberals have used every tool at their disposal including notably the Supreme Court to wage a gradual war on the Constitution and the American way of life," An arrogant President [Franklin] Roosevelt, an emboldened Congress and a compliant Supreme Court agreed the federal government could enforce minimum wages, regulate manufacturers, protect unions, police Wall Street and guarantee pensions for older Americans. The result is a complete and total failure. Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, the Prescription Drug Program and now Obamacare are unconstitutional Ponzi schemes made legal only because government and politicians say it is legal. Each generates a revenue stream that is consistently stolen by Congress and used for other purposes.3 These programs were designed to make Americans dependent and destroy the Federalism enshrined in the Constitution. Bernie Madoff will die in prison for his 60 billion dollar Ponzi scheme he is guilty of while members of Congress who enacted and continue to support these programs are untouchable. What is wrong with this picture if the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution says all men are created equal and nobody is above the law? Enactment of the 16th and 17th Amendments set the stage for the financial and unconstitutional problems Americans face today. Republicans talk out of both sides of their mouths claiming that they want to Repeal and Replace Obamacare but they want to Replace Obamacare with their own version of National Health Care. They reject the Galveston example 4 or the alternative, private accounts5 politicians cannot touch.

The power to tax is the power to destroy. A government which lays taxes on the people not required by urgent public necessity and sound public policy is not a protector of liberty, but an instrument of tyranny. Calvin Coolidge. 2 Direct election of Senators decapitated Federalism with States losing their power and representation in the Senate. It enhanced Federal power over the States rendering the 9th and 10th Amendments harmless. If the legislatures still appointed Senators it is likely Social security et al would not be in place absent a Constitutional Amendment allowing them. Similarly, the corruption and criminality of the Cornhusker Kickback would have been diffused to 50 different states thus precluding politicians like Ben and Bill Nelson from committing the scandal we saw on a national level. (Both are obviously more concerned with their own welfare than the welfare of the people they represent.) 3 Senator Tom Daschle and Representative Dick Gephardt Social Security is safe. The money is in a lock box. 4 Congress closed the Galveston loophole in 1983. The vote tally in the House was 243 for closing the loophole (163 Democrats; 80 Republicans). 54 Democrats and 48 Republicans voted NO. 51 Democrats and 38 Republicans did not vote. In the Senate

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Republicans could have repealed Obamacare using the Continuing Resolutions that Congress had to pass but chose to compound the distrust Americans feel toward Congress when they lied about the amounts cut in those resolutions6 that passed which included continued funding for implementation of Obamacare. Their Compromise and Bipartisanship showed a lack of principle. Politicians showed their power and privilege meant more to them than the well-being and future welfare of this country. Furthermore, Republicans showed no interest in defunding departments like the EPA, DE, DOE, HUD or any of the other myriad of unconstitutional government departments that some members advocated.7 Eliminating these departments would have saved Americans Trillions of Dollars and begun the process of restoring American freedoms and the Rule of Law the Constitution demands. Republicans continue to irresponsibly use the baseline budgeting scheme a Democrat majority enacted in 1974.8 Baseline budgeting mandates each new budget uses the spending levels of the previous year as its starting point. It continues funding each program at the same level while increasing it. Cuts are a joke because the revenue stream previously authorized continues despite cuts. Any cut is temporary if there is a cut. In contrast, zero based budgeting requires approval of every line item in the budget. Justification is required for every program and its allotted funds. Zero based budgeting forces Congress to justify spending increases eliminating automatic increases inherent in baseline budgeting thus blowing the cover politicians have used to lie to their constituents. Both parties have much to fear from politicians like Sarah Palin, Michelle Bachman, Rand Paul, Jim DeMint, Herman Cain and possibly Newt Gingrich. I support these candidates because they represent a threat to the establishment that has replaced tranquility with anarchy. Manipulating and playing with the primary schedule is an attempt by the establishment to impose a New England establishment republican9 (Romney) on millions of Tea Party supporters and other Americans that do not support the establishment. Both parties and politicians mock the Constitution, their oath of office, Article I, Section 8, and its demands for limited government. I have spent a good part of my life defending this country against all enemies, foreign and now domestic. As an Oath Keeper my battle continues. Yours in the Bill of Rights,

Roy G. Callahan Copy to: Senators Rubio, DeMint , Rand Paul, and Bachman et al.
26 Democrats and 32 Republicans voted YES to close the Galveston loophole, 6 Democrats and 8 Republicans voted NO. . 14 Senators did not vote. 5 Allowing the people to make their own decisions transfers power back to the people which politicians in both parties abhor. 6 The real figure was millions, not the trillion promised. Their compromise allowed continued funding for implementation of Obamacare. 7 Senator Rand Paul comes to mind as an example. 8 Before 1974, every President submitted his budget which set the course of national spending. Each new budget worked off spending levels in the previous years budget as its starting point or Baseline. Congress tinkered with the budget but it had no mechanism to develop its own budget plan, so it responded to the Presidents budget piecemeal. Richard Nixon considered Congressional budget altering fiscally irresponsible. Like Presidents before him, he asserted authority to withhold from federal agencies or impounded money appropriated by Congress. By 1973 Nixon impounded up to 15 Billion from the Democrat controlled Congress allocated for high building and pollution control. Democrats were furious and overrode his veto. They also decided to seek a legislative solution, thus creating the Congressional Budget Process. In 1974 Congress overrode Nixons veto and passed the Congressional Budget Act of 1974. This legislation prevented presidential impoundment of funds, established the House and Senate Budget Committees and created the Congressional Budget Office (CBO). This law also required the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) to prepare projections of federal spending based on the continuation of existing level of governmental services making spending increases automatic. 9 Romney gave the people of Taxachusetts Romney Care (Which is Constitutional for states.) However, his model was used as a template by Obama to enact Obamacare and RINO Republicans followed suit giving Americans Prescription Drugs which is unconstitutional.

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