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Social Services

Financial Support Programs

Social Welfare System
Healthcare Services

Housing Assistance

Child Protection Laws

Elderly Care Regulations

Legislation in Social Work
Disability Rights

Domestic Violence Legislation

Privacy and Conf identiality

Advocacy f or Clients
Client Rights and Advocacy
Legal Rights

Access to Services

Prof essional Codes of Conduct

Ethical Decision Making

Ethics in Social Work
Conf lict of Interest

Cultural Competence and Diversity

Social Work Act

General Legislation T he Child Welf are Act

Non-Discrimination Act

Indicators of Child Abuse

Reporting Child Abuse
Obligation to Report

Child Protection
Parental Responsibility

Child Custody and Visitation Rights Child Custody Disputes

Visitation Rights

Elderly Care Act

Elderly Care Healthcare Rights

Rights of the Elderly Accommodation Rights

Financial Rights

Disability Services Act

Disability Rights Access to Services

Rights of Persons with Disabilities Employment Rights

Education Rights

Social Assistance Act

Housing Support
Social Services
Financial Assistance

Support f or Immigrants

Retirement Benef its

Disability Benef its

Types of Social Security Benefits
Survivor Benef its


Age Requirements

Work Credits
Eligibility Criteria
Disability Criteria

Relationship to Worker

Required Documentation

Application Channels
Application Process

Appeal Process

Functions and Services

Online Resources
Social Security Administration
Local Of f ices

Contact Inf ormation


Disability Benef its

Understanding Benefits
Unemployment Benef its

Family Benef its

Employee Contributions

Contributing to Social Security Employer Contributions

Self -Employed Contributions

Application Process

Eligibility Criteria
Accessing Social Security Services
Required Documents

Processing T ime


Rights and Responsibilities Obligations

Reporting Changes

Policy Changes

Social Security Reforms Impact on Benef iciaries

Future Developments

Social security system in Finland

Def inition and Purpose Provides f inancial support and services to residents

Aims to ensure a minimum level of income and access to

essential services

Basic income security

Social assistance

T ypes of Benef its Housing benef its

Child benef its

Unemployment benef its

Managed by Social Insurance Institution (Kela)

Administration and Funding

Funding comes f rom taxes and mandatory social insurance

Reduces poverty and inequality

Impact on Society Supports vulnerable populations

Promotes social inclusion and well-being

Adapting to demographic changes

Future Development Enhancing digital services

Ensuring sustainability through policy ref orms

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