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Industrial Engineering

Subject Code: PEME8012

Answer Bank for Term Test-1



1.Define Industrial Engineering?

->. Industrial Engineering is a branch of engineering that focuses on optimizing complex

systems, processes, or organizations to improve efficiency, productivity, quality, and safety. It
involves the application of engineering principles, mathematical techniques, and scientific
methods to analyze, design, implement, and manage systems in various industries such as
manufacturing, healthcare, transportation, and services. Industrial engineers work to streamline
processes, reduce waste, minimize costs, and enhance overall performance by integrating
people, machines, materials, information, and energy effectively.

2.Discuss what is Productivity ?

-> Productivity refers to the measure of output generated from a specific input within a given
timeframe. It quantifies the efficiency with which resources such as labor, capital, materials,
and energy are utilized to produce goods or services. Essentially, productivity measures how
well an organization or individual can convert inputs into outputs.

There are various types of productivity measurements depending on the context, such as labor
productivity, which focuses on the output generated per unit of labor input; capital productivity,
which measures output per unit of capital input; and total factor productivity, which considers all
inputs relative to all outputs.

3. Interpret Value Engineering?

-> Value Engineering is a systematic and organized approach used to optimize the value of
goods, products, or services. It involves analyzing the functions and requirements of a product
or service to achieve the desired outcome at the lowest possible cost without sacrificing quality,
performance, or reliability.

The primary goal of Value Engineering is to identify and eliminate unnecessary costs while
maintaining or enhancing the value perceived by the customer. It focuses on understanding the
essential functions of a product or service and finding alternative solutions that offer the same
or better performance at a reduced cost.

Value Engineering typically involves a structured process that includes the following steps:

1. **Analysis:** Understanding the functions, requirements, and constraints of the product or


2. **Creative Idea Generation:** Brainstorming and generating alternative solutions or

approaches to meet the required functions.

3. **Evaluation:** Assessing each alternative solution based on criteria such as cost,

performance, quality, and feasibility.

4. **Selection:** Choosing the most cost-effective solution that maximizes value while meeting
the desired objectives.

5. **Implementation:** Implementing the selected solution and monitoring its performance to

ensure it meets the desired outcomes.

Value Engineering can be applied in various industries and sectors, including manufacturing,
construction, healthcare, transportation, and service industries. It is often used during the
design and development phase of a project but can also be applied to existing products or
processes to improve efficiency and reduce costs.

Overall, Value Engineering enables organizations to achieve cost savings, improve

competitiveness, enhance customer satisfaction, and drive innovation by optimizing the value
delivered to customers.

6. Demonstrate Value Analysis?

->. To demonstrate Value Analysis, let's consider a hypothetical scenario where a company
manufactures a product, such as a smartphone. We'll go through the steps of Value Analysis to
identify opportunities for cost reduction while maintaining or improving the product's
performance and quality.

1. **Identify the Product:** The first step is to clearly define the product under analysis. In this
case, it's a smartphone.
2. **Breakdown the Product:** Next, we break down the smartphone into its components,
functions, and associated costs. This includes the screen, processor, camera, battery, casing,
software, packaging, etc.

3. **Analyze the Functions:** For each component of the smartphone, we analyze its functions.
For example, the screen provides display functionality, the processor enables computing power
the battery powers the device, etc.

4. **Evaluate the Costs:** We assess the costs associated with each component, including
materials, manufacturing, assembly, packaging, and distribution costs.

6. **Evaluate Alternatives:** We evaluate each alternative based on criteria such as cost savings,
performance impact, quality, feasibility, and customer satisfaction.

By following the Value Analysis process, the company can identify cost-saving opportunities
throughout the product lifecycle, from design and manufacturing to distribution and sales, while
maintaining or improving the value delivered to customers.

7.Explain Factors Affecting Productivity in Manufacturing ?

-->> Several factors influence productivity in manufacturing. Here are some key factors:

1. **Technology and Automation:** The level of technology and automation integrated into
manufacturing processes significantly impacts productivity. Advanced machinery, robotics, and
automation systems can increase efficiency, reduce cycle times, minimize errors, and enhance
output per unit of time.

2. **Workforce Skills and Training:** The skill level and expertise of the workforce play a crucial
role in productivity. Well-trained and skilled workers can operate machinery efficiently,
troubleshoot problems effectively, and optimize production processes. Continuous training and
upskilling programs can improve workforce productivity.

3. **Production Planning and Scheduling:** Effective production planning and scheduling ensure
optimal utilization of resources, minimize downtime, and reduce idle time between production
runs. Efficient scheduling helps balance workloads, streamline operations, and maximize

4. **Supply Chain Management:** The efficiency of the supply chain impacts manufacturing
productivity. Timely delivery of raw materials, components, and supplies is essential to avoid
production delays and minimize inventory holding costs. Streamlining logistics, inventory
management, and supplier relationships can enhance productivity.

5. **Quality Control and Maintenance:** Maintaining high-quality standards and preventive

maintenance practices are critical for productivity. Ensuring product quality reduces rework,
scrap, and downtime due to machine breakdowns. Regular maintenance of machinery and
equipment prevents unexpected failures and prolongs their lifespan.

6. **Process Optimization:** Continuous process improvement initiatives such as Lean

manufacturing, Six Sigma, and Total Quality Management (TQM) can enhance productivity by
eliminating waste, improving efficiency, and standardizing processes. Identifying and
implementing best practices and adopting lean principles streamline operations and boost

7. **Facilities and Equipment:** The layout of manufacturing facilities and the condition of
equipment affect productivity. Well-designed layouts minimize material handling, reduce travel
distances, and optimize workflow. Up-to-date equipment with high reliability and performance
capabilities improves efficiency and output.

8. **Employee Engagement and Motivation:** Eng

9. **Regulatory Compliance and Safety:**

10. **Market Demand and External Factors:**

8.The Value Analysis (VA) procedure is a systematic and structured approach used to analyze
products, processes, or services to identify opportunities for cost reduction while maintaining or
improving performance, quality, and functionality. Here's an overview of the Value Analysis

1. **Define Objectives:** The first step is to clearly define the objectives of the Value Analysis
study. This involves identifying the goals, scope, and constraints of the analysis, such as cost
reduction targets, performance improvements, quality enhancements, or specific problems to
be addressed.

2. **Select the Target:** Determine the product, process, or service to be analyzed. This could
be a specific product line, component, manufacturing process, or service offering that requires

3. **Breakdown the Target:** Break down the selected target into its constituent parts,
components, functions, and features. This involves identifying the key elements and attributes
of the target and understanding how they contribute to its overall value.

4. **Identify Functions:** Identify and define the primary and secondary functions performed by
each part or component of the target. Functions represent the essential purposes or tasks that
the target must fulfill to meet user requirements or customer needs.

5. **Evaluate Costs:** Assess the costs associated with each part, component, or function of
the target. This includes direct costs such as materials, labor, and overhead, as well as indirect
costs such as maintenance, warranty, and disposal costs.

6. **Analyze Relationships:** Analyze the relationships between functions, components, and

costs to understand how changes in one area may impact others. Identify dependencies,
redundancies, and opportunities for optimization.

7. **Generate Ideas:** Brainstorm and generate creative ideas, alternatives, or solutions to

improve value or reduce costs while maintaining or enhancing performance. Encourage
divergent thinking and consider a wide range of possibilities.

8. **Evaluate Alternatives:** Evaluate each idea or alternative based on criteria such as cost
savings, performance impact, quality, feasibility, and customer satisfaction. Assess the
potential risks, benefits, and trade-offs associated with each alternative.

9. **Select Solutions:**

10.**Implement Changes:**

By following the Value Analysis procedure, organizations can systematically identify and
implement cost-saving measures, improve efficiency, enhance quality, and increase the overall
value delivered to customers.

9.Advantages of Value Analysis and its Applications?

--> Advantages of Value Analysis:

1. Cost Reduction: Value Analysis helps identify cost-saving opportunities by eliminating

unnecessary expenses, reducing material usage, optimizing processes, and streamlining

2. Improved Quality:

3. Increased Efficiency:

4. Innovation and Creativity:

5. Enhanced Competitiveness:

6. Customer Focus:
7. Risk Mitigation:

8. Sustainability:

Applications of Value Analysis:

1. Product Design and Development: Value Analysis is commonly applied during the design and
development phase of new products or product redesigns to optimize functionality, quality, and

2. Manufacturing Processes:

3. Supply Chain Management:

4. Service Delivery:

5. Construction and Engineering Projects:

6. Public Sector and Government:

Overall, Value Analysis offers a versatile and effective approach for organizations to enhance
value, reduce costs, and improve competitiveness across a wide range of industries and

10. Two industries mfg. two components. Standard time per piece is 2 minutes. Output of both
industries is 400 and 250 respectively per shift of 8 hrs. find

1)What is the Productivity of each per shift?

2)What is the production of each week (6 days) based on double shift?

-->> To find the productivity per shift and the production per week based on double shifts for
each industry, we'll use the given information:

1) **Productivity per shift:**

Productivity is calculated as the output per unit of time.


- Industry 1 output: 400 pieces per shift

- Industry 2 output: 250 pieces per shift

- Shift duration: 8 hours (or 480 minutes)


- Productivity of Industry 1 = \( \frac{400}{480} \) pieces/minute

- Productivity of Industry 2 = \( \frac{250}{480} \) pieces/minute

2) **Production per week based on double shifts:**


- There are 6 days in a week.

- Each day consists of two shifts, so there are a total of 12 shifts in a week.

Therefore, to find the production per week for each industry, we multiply the output per shift by
the number of shifts per week:

- Production of Industry 1 per week = Industry 1 output per shift × Number of shifts per day ×
Number of days in a week

- Production of Industry 2 per week = Industry 2 output per shift × Number of shifts per day ×
Number of days in a week

Let's calculate:

1) **Productivity per shift:**

- Industry 1: \( \frac{400}{480} \) pieces/minute

- Industry 2: \( \frac{250}{480} \) pieces/minute

Simplifying the fractions:

- Industry 1: \( \frac{400}{480} = \frac{5}{6} \) pieces/minute

- Industry 2: \( \frac{250}{480} = \frac{25}{48} \) pieces/minute

2) **Production per week based on double shifts:**

- Industry 1: \( 400 \times (2 \times 6) \) pieces

- Industry 2: \( 250 \times (2 \times 6) \) pieces


- Production of Industry 1 per week = \( 400 \times (2 \times 6) = 400 \times 12 = 4800 pieces

- Production of Industry 2 per week = \( 250 \times (2 \times 6) = 250 \times 12 = 3000 \)

So, the results are:

- Productivity per shift:

- Industry 1: \( \frac{5}{6} \) pieces/minute

- Industry 2: \( \frac{25}{48} \) pieces/minute

- Production per week based on double shifts:

- Industry 1: 4800 pieces

- Industry 2: 3000 pieces


11.Define work study?

-->> Work Study is a systematic and structured method used to analyze and improve work
methods, processes, and systems within an organization. It involves the application of various
techniques and tools to assess and optimize the utilization of resources such as time,
manpower, machinery, and materials to achieve greater efficiency, productivity, and quality.

The primary objectives of Work Study include:

1. **Method Study:**

2. **Work Measurement:**

By combining Method Study and Work Measurement, Work Study enables organizations to:

- Identify and eliminate non-value-added activities and waste.

- Standardize work methods to improve consistency and quality.

- Optimize resource utilization and minimize idle time.

- Establish realistic production targets and performance standards.

- Improve workforce productivity, morale, and job satisfaction.

- Enhance overall efficiency, competitiveness, and profitability.

Overall, Work Study provides a systematic framework for organizations to analyze, optimize,
and control work processes effectively, leading to improved operational performance, cost
savings, and customer satisfaction.

12. Certainly, here are a few advantages of Work Study:

1. **Improved Efficiency:**

2. **Cost Reduction:**

3. **Standardized Processes:**

4. **Better Resource Allocation:**

5. **Accurate Performance Measurement:**

6. **Enhanced Workforce Productivity:**

7. **Improved Quality:**

8. **Facilitates Continuous Improvement:**

9. **Better Decision Making:**

10. **Competitive Advantage:**

Overall, Work Study offers numerous advantages for organizations seeking to optimize their
operations, improve performance, and achieve sustainable growth in today's competitive
business environment.

13 What is Method Study ?

--> Method Study is a systematic and structured technique used to analyze and improve work
methods, processes, and systems within an organization. Also known as methods engineering
or work simplification, Method Study aims to identify and eliminate inefficiencies, bottlenecks,
and waste in work processes to achieve greater efficiency, productivity, and qualit.

14. Describe any five Therbligs symbols ?

Transport empty [unloaded] (TE): receiving an object with an empty hand. ...

Grasp (G): grasping an object with the active hand.

Transport loaded (TL): moving an object using a hand motion.

Hold (H): holding an object.

Release load (RL): releasing control of an object.

15. Explain principles of motion economy ?

--> The principles of motion economy, also known as the Gilbreth's principles, are a set of
guidelines developed by Frank B. Gilbreth Sr. and Lillian M. Gilbreth to improve efficiency and
reduce wasted motion in work processes. These principles are based on the idea of minimizing
unnecessary movements and optimizing the flow of work to increase productivity and reduce
fatigue. Here are the key principles of motion economy:

1. **Use of Both Hands Simultaneously:** Encouraging the simultaneous use of both hands
whenever possible reduces the total time required to perform a task. By distributing the
workload across both hands, tasks can be completed more quickly and efficiently.

2. **Avoid Unnecessary Movement:** Eliminating unnecessary movements or actions helps

streamline work processes and conserve energy. Workers should strive to minimize excessive
reaching, bending, twisting, or walking, focusing only on essential tasks.

3. **Use of Short, Direct Motions:** Using short, direct motions reduces the distance traveled
and the time spent on each movement. Workers should aim to minimize unnecessary travel and
keep motions concise and efficient.

4. **Workstation Design:** Designing workstations ergonomically and organizing tools,

materials, and equipment within easy reach minimizes wasted motion and enhances efficiency.
Workstations should be arranged to facilitate smooth workflow and reduce unnecessary

5. **Motion Standardization:**

By applying these principles of motion economy, organizations can improve productivity, reduce
fatigue and strain on workers, and enhance overall efficiency in work processes.
16. Describe Predetermined Motion Time System (PMTS) with advantages and Drawbacks ?

--> The Predetermined Motion Time System (PMTS) is a technique used to establish standard
times for performing specific tasks or operations based on predetermined motion elements.
PMTS relies on predetermined time values assigned to individual motions or movements,
allowing organizations to estimate the time required to complete a task accurately. Here's how
PMTS works, along with its advantages and drawbacks:

### Advantages of PMTS:

1. **Accuracy:** PMTS provides accurate estimates of the time required to perform tasks based
on empirical data and standardized time values for individual motions. This helps organizations
plan and allocate resources more effectively.

2. **Consistency:** By standardizing work methods and time values, PMTS promotes

consistency in performance across different workers, shifts, and workstations. This consistency
improves the reliability of production schedules and ensures uniform quality of output.

3. **Efficiency:** PMTS helps identify and eliminate unnecessary motions, streamline work
processes, and optimize resource utilization, leading to improved efficiency and productivity.

4. **Objective Performance Measurement:** PMTS provides an objective basis for measuring

worker performance and productivity. By comparing actual performance against standard times,
organizations can identify areas for improvement and implement targeted interventions.

5. **Workload Balancing:** PMTS enables organizations to balance workloads and allocate

resources more effectively by accurately estimating the time required for different tasks and

### Drawbacks of PMTS:

1. **Complexity:** Implementing PMTS requires considerable time, effort, and expertise to

conduct motion analysis, assign time values, and establish standard times accurately. The
process can be complex and resource-intensive, particularly for large-scale operations.

2. **Subjectivity:** Despite efforts to standardize time values, PMTS may still be subject to
some degree of subjectivity and variability. Time values may vary depending on factors such as
worker skill level, work conditions, and task complexity.

3. **Resistance to Change:** Workers may resist the implementation of PMTS if they perceive it
as overly prescriptive or intrusive. Resistance to change can undermine the effectiveness of
PMTS and hinder its adoption within an organization.
4. **Inflexibility:** PMTS may lack flexibility to accommodate variations in work methods,
workloads, or production requirements. Standard times may become outdated or irrelevant in
dynamic and rapidly changing environments.

5. **Overemphasis on Time:** PMTS focuses primarily on time as a measure of performance,

overlooking other important factors such as quality, safety, and employee well-being.
Overemphasis on time may lead to rushed or suboptimal work practices.

In summary, PMTS is a valuable tool for estimating standard times, improving efficiency, and
optimizing resource utilization in manufacturing and other industries. However, it is essential to
consider its limitations and potential drawbacks when implementing PMTS within and

17. Explain Concept of Standard data along with types of data?

-->> Standard data refers to predetermined time values assigned to specific motions or
activities in a work process. These time values represent the average time required to perform
each motion or activity under standard conditions, such as a specified level of effort, pace, and
skill. Standard data is used in various time measurement and management techniques to
estimate the time required for completing tasks, setting performance standards, and planning
and scheduling work activities effectively.

### Concept of Standard Data:

- **Precision and Consistency:** Standard data provides a standardized and consistent basis for
estimating task times, enabling organizations to make precise and reliable predictions about the
time required for completing work activities.

- **Performance Measurement:** Standard data facilitates objective performance measurement

by providing a common reference point for evaluating worker productivity, comparing actual
performance against standard times, and identifying areas for improvement.

- **Resource Planning:** Standard data helps organizations plan and allocate resources
effectively by accurately estimating the time required for different tasks and activities. By using
standard times, organizations can optimize workforce scheduling, production planning, and
resource allocation to meet production targets and deadlines.

- **Continuous Improvement:** Standard data serves as a basis for identifying opportunities for
process improvement and efficiency optimization. By comparing actual performance against
standard times, organizations can identify deviations, inefficiencies, and bottlenecks and
implement targeted interventions to enhance productivity and performance over time.

In summary, standard data plays a crucial role in time management, performance measurement,
and process improvement by providing standardized time values for estimating task times,
setting performance standards, and optimizing resource utilization in various work

18. Explain Maynard Operation Sequence Technique (MOST).

The Maynard Operation Sequence Technique (MOST) is a predetermined motion time system
(PMTS) used to establish standard times for performing specific tasks or operations in
manufacturing and other industries. Developed by Zandin and Maynard, MOST is based on the
principles of motion economy and work simplification, aiming to optimize work methods and
processes by analyzing and standardizing elemental motions.

### Key Components of MOST:

1. **Basic Motions:** MOST breaks down tasks or operations into basic elemental motions or
movements required to perform the work. These basic motions include actions such as
reaching, grasping, moving, and releasing objects.

2. **Elemental Standard Times:** Each basic motion is assigned a predetermined time value
known as the elemental standard time (EST). ESTs are based on empirical data, time studies,
and motion analysis, representing the average time required to perform each motion under
standard conditions.

3. **Work Measurement:** MOST combines the elemental standard times for individual motions
to calculate the total standard time required to complete a task or operation. This total standard
time, known as the predetermined time, represents the estimated time required for a qualified
worker to perform the task efficiently and effectively.

4. **Work Measurement Techniques:** MOST employs various work measurement techniques

to determine elemental standard times, including time study, predetermined motion time
systems (PMTS), and predetermined time standards. These techniques involve observing and
analyzing work methods, recording time data, and assigning standard times to individual
motions based on predetermined time values.

5. **Standard Data Library:** MOST maintains a standard data library containing predetermined
time values for a wide range of elemental motions and work activities. This library serves as a
reference for establishing standard times, facilitating the efficient and accurate estimation of
task times for different operations.

### Advantages of MOST:

1. **Accuracy:** MOST provides accurate estimates of task times based on predetermined time
values for individual motions. This accuracy helps organizations plan and schedule work
activities effectively, optimize resource utilization, and meet production targets and deadlines.

2. **Consistency:** By standardizing work methods and time values, MOST promotes

consistency in performance across different workers, shifts, and workstations. This consistency
improves the reliability of production schedules and ensures uniform quality of output.

3. **Efficiency:** MOST helps identify and eliminate unnecessary motions, streamline work
processes, and optimize resource utilization, leading to improved efficiency and productivity.

4. **Objective Performance Measurement:** MOST provides an objective basis for measuring

worker performance and productivity. By comparing actual performance against standard times,
organizations can identify areas for improvement and implement targeted interventions.

5. **Workload Balancing:** MOST enables organizations to balance workloads and allocate

resources more effectively by accurately estimating the time required for different tasks and

In summary, the Maynard Operation Sequence Technique (MOST) is a valuable tool for
estimating standard times, improving efficiency, and optimizing resource utilization in
manufacturing and other industries. By applying MOST principles and techniques, organizations
can enhance productivity, reduce costs, and achieve operational excellence.

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