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Are you struggling with writing your thesis on the West Memphis Three case? You're not alone.

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Memphis Three case.
Other wounds and injuries on the murdered boys were attributed to a wide range of animals and all
claims of human bite marks ceased. It’s definitely a little odd to see so many of the suspects
teenagers rather than focusing on adults, in my mind the more logical perpetrators. Sign Up for Free
Oxygen Insider Exclusives Check out never-before-seen content, free digital evidence kits, and
much more. But the more I researched, the more obvious it became to me. Prosecuting Attorney Scott
Ellington has said he believes Echols, Misskelley and Baldwin are guilty and he has seen no
evidence to convince him otherwise. The text and background contrast sharply, making the words
easily readable. REDDIT and the ALIEN Logo are registered trademarks of reddit inc. He claimed
he was on the phone with 3 different girls during the time the murders took place, which was
immediately found to be a lie. The trench coat that - according to Jessie's confession - Damien was
NOT wearing that day in the woods. They loved playing outside and being in Cub Scouts. In 2012,
there was a movie called West of Memphis that summarized the case and legal proceedings. It is also
true that mosquito bites take time to develop, and may not be visible on a dead body if the
inflammation process does not have the time. So, we’re going to back up through the day and I’m
going to present the several different versions of Damien’s day on May 5th. An Argument for the
Conviction of the West Memphis Three The strength of the arguments for the conviction of Jessie
Misskelley, Damien Echols and Jason Baldwin somehow depended mostly on Jessie’s statement
before he was pronounced guilty. He was stupid not to keep his mouth shut and lawyer up
immediately, but he's not wrong about any of what he says. I don't have a lot of interest in this case
and don't really care what Damien Echols' personality defects might be. Yes, of course, there are a
lot of little mismatches in testimonies and evidence - that's always the case, it's not precise science,
there is nothing unique about it. Though that was not necessarily unusual, since the brother attended
Search and Rescue on the first Wednesdays and third Wednesdays of the month, this would mean it
was not possible for this person to have attended the wrestling practice when the payment was made
on April 28th, since that was the last Wednesday of the month. You can attack it. You can dispute
what it does or does not mean. As she laughs and he curses, they realize he's dislodged something.
One was that he was observed during an officer call at 6:30 in Highland Trailer Park, and that he
then went to a wrestling match around 7:30 in Dyess, Arkansas. I think you should grow up and
recognize that there used to be a bunch of negativity regarding sexuality back then. Here’s two
articles that argues why they may be guilty. JMB had airtight alibis on the day of the murders and
was always around. But it’s hard for me to believe it was made up, it was a lie or a case of mistaken
identity as Damien had a pretty distinctive look AND they all knew him. That’ll be explored later in
the alternate suspect section. When asked about this by the prosecution, Pam said that her memory
was refreshed by seeing her husband’s wedding cake and realizing that they had split up the day of
his birthday. TJ was never interviewed. (Interesting tangent, I actually found that person on a WM3
message board. Was wondering where you were.:) I always appreciate the insight you have to add.
There's also this image (WARNING: also graphic) that shows one of the bodies apparently next to
the tree where Allan initially entered the water.
He was interested in a variety of things, some relating to Satan, some not, but I don't think you can
just lump all of them in together. I sometimes wonder if fundamental assumptions about the case are
just plain wrong because they're so many lingering questions, starting right when the WMPD found
the bodies. In 2007, Pam Hobbs said in her interview that Chris came over around 3:30 and asked to
play with Stevie. At trial, the WMPD said that there was not any comparable fingerprints recovered
from the scene. Domini Tear claimed they went over to Jason’s once he came back from school,
Jennifer Bearden claimed she called Damien at Jason’s house sometime between 4 pm and 5 pm, and
Damien admitted he spent some of the day with Jason. At trial, the WMPD said that there was not
any comparable fingerprints recovered from the scene. On the phone, the caller taunted the police,
saying “I’m the one that killed those kids, three kids, what ya gonna do?” You can listen to the audio
and make up your own mind. The only information that Todd Moore shared with the WMPD was the
color of his sons wallet (he did have an alibi for that day since he was at work until early the next
morning). A lot of that has been attributed to the testimony of Vicki Hutcheson given at the end of
the May. An example of this is an interview with suspect Daniel Warwick. In the eyes of the law the
killers have been found and convicted. That is a myth created by the Paradise Lost documentary
makers because it made a good story. But I'm genuinely open to the possibility that I'm wrong, which
is why I wanted some kind of debate and discussion. Campbell and Loomis both report that the
round slot where the compass had been matched the wound on Branch's forehead. She has provided
crime commentary, profiling, and forensic analysis for just about every major TV network and is the
author of several books on criminal profiling. He was sent to Craighead County Detention Center in
September of 1992 and then transferred back to the Charter Hospital of Little Rock that same month,
after sucking blood that came from a peer. Officer James Sudbury was with Jones on May 7th and on
May 10th, and made no note to correct Damien. The WMPD interviewed all the employees in a big
group, before choosing to only interview the employees who had worked the afternoon shift
individually. This would be “secondary transfer” and makes the hair of no probative value. The part
of their lives these men spent in jail wrongly convicted was what is called their prime years. Damien
Echols, Jessie Misskelley and Jason Baldwin were convicted in 1994 of killing Steve Branch,
Christopher Byers and Michael Moore a year earlier and leaving their naked bodies in a ditch in West
Memphis, Ark. Ultimately, the judge ruled that Damien’s rights were not substantially violated. This
list of inconsistencies and outright lies was compiled by WM3 case researcher Fred J. Many
residents of West Memphis resented the presumption that outsiders knew the details of the horrific
case better than they did. The girl, meanwhile, said she reached him not until around 9:30pm and
that they had spoken only briefly; an earlier attempt to reach him at 8 or 9pm had indicated he was
out; and when she asked him where he'd been that evening, he'd told her with co-defendant Jason
Baldwin. Damien describes drinking blood as giving him more power and strength. I sometimes
wonder if fundamental assumptions about the case are just plain wrong because they're so many
lingering questions, starting right when the WMPD found the bodies. That's a myth. There's
approximately one neo-Nazi group who swears they do it, but they don't actually do it and use it as
an intimidation tactic. The prosecution called in a witness that was the final name on the list, that
claimed he signed it before May 5th. In a June 10th statement, Buddy initially claimed that Jessie
had given him those shoes in February.
The Arkansas Supreme Court ordered the new hearing in November, giving new life to efforts to
exonerate the three men. Besides, Jessie’s reactions in court, like bowing his head, are that of a guilty
man. The Sanders were extremely close family friends that Damien’s family had lived with for a
time. Damien describes drinking blood as giving him more power and strength. He has been kept
there until he was picked up for court. More On This. Defense attorneys, along with celebrities and
legal experts, have long said the men were wrongly convicted. And how did he end up with severe
PTSD from witnessing a traumatic event around the time of the murders before he was a suspect, if
it was a false confession and he never witnessed it. Because of his friendship with Jessie Misskelley
Jr., Lucas was interrogated extensively in the 1993 investigation but never has been a suspect in the
case. If they are innocent, I don't fault them for living their lives and I certainly don't think it makes
them guilty: I was just musing on them having more resources and a bigger audience than a lot of
people. Damien said that he had been suspended 7 times prior, due to setting fires. Now, that same
defense team and a slew of celebrity WM3 supporters are hounding Arkansas officials for full
exoneration. We can be fairly sure that Jason did go to school that day, being let out sometime in the
vicinity of 3:00 pm and coming home in that hour. I need to do more learning to come to my own
conclusion. If you're truly involved in the case like that, putting effort toward finding out who did it
should be the road to take. This leaves no doubt that the WM3’s own attorneys came up with the
idea for their clients to plead guilty. June 3, 1993: With consent from his father, Jessie was taken to
the West Memphis Police Department for questioning. Woody: Well, he's alot younger, but it just
stuck up on it's own. Ignore any and all evidence that actually points at these three as being the
killers but strongly claim that one hair found on a shoelace and not even exclusively linked to anyone
is substantial evidence against Terry Hobbs. The officers testified that they did not go to the actual
trailer. In the offset, the case against the resulting suspects would appear to be tenuous at best. He
claimed initially that he did not know the neighborhood of the victims, before amending at the cross,
that he did in fact walk frequently in the Robin Hood Hill Area. The filmmakers actually said that
they initially thought the WM3 were guilty- they wanted to make a film about why kids killed other
kids. He categorized them as organized, methodical, likely familiar with the victims, and that they
put considerable effort into hiding the evidence. The word “OXYGEN” is prominently displayed in
uppercase letters, followed by the phrase “TRUE CRIME” in smaller font size below it. I get that
you disagree and think a lot of my writeup is filler. She alleged that she attended a cult meeting with
Damien and gave the WMPD other pieces of incriminating information about him. And the more I
study different trials, the more I see that the investigation and trials on this one were solid. One was
that he was observed during an officer call at 6:30 in Highland Trailer Park, and that he then went to
a wrestling match around 7:30 in Dyess, Arkansas. Jason’s parents claimed that Jason and Jessie had
a falling out in May over some stolen shirts and a stolen necklace. Damien’s mother would later claim
in trial that Everett arrived at 5 and Damien would claim that he asked for a lawyer three times while
being questioned, though he seemed to have a hard time remembering when exactly he
communicated that to the officer questioning him.
I'm not sure the legal processes exactly but seems to me it would make sense that those results would
be released before allowing more testing done by a means that will destroy any chance of future
retesting with new technology (which the MVAC will do). Misskelley and Baldwin were ordered to
spend the rest of their lives in prison. However, I think his trust was greatly misplaced, especially
now knowing that there was some corruption in the WMPD. So how the hell did she see them at
10.30 at Damien's house when she saw them heading the opposite direction at 09.40? Were they just
walking around on that service road from Lakeshore to Broadway trailer park like blind bats. They
probably took hundreds of photos at the crime scene and don't remember exactly why, and exactly
when. Domini was Narlene's niece, so I guess she would not confuse her for Jason on that service
road. The three men, known to supporters as the West Memphis Three, won new hearings from the
Arkansas Supreme Court in November, more than 15 years after they went to prison despite little
physical evidence linking them to the crime scene. The penis showed injuries consisting of segmental
intense hyperemia involving the mid shaft, glans and head of the penis with overlying very fine
scratches. This is backed up by Misskelley describing Jason as the most violent of the three and
another witness claiming a Jason (inaudible) Baldwin was a part of a cult, pausing in the middle. He
threatened to kill Deanna threatened to kill several of my family members just not my uncle but
several others. Granted someone could have more rolls of film with them, but it also takes time and
costs money to develop film to prints. Some have speculated that the State of Arkansas freed the
WM3 for fear the WM3 might sue for millions if they were exonerated in a second jury trail. You are
a twisted homophobe. Fact. Damien raped and killed those boys. The actual evidence and trial are
coming (and I know. This person knew Chris Byers but did get the descriptions of the bicycles
wrong. Authority figures in the boys lives like one of the kid’s teachers, the janitor at their school,
and the boy’s cub scout leader were interviewed but did not make up much of a portion in the
WMPD’s suspect pool. I might go through the confessions (haha, that's going to be fun) and
evidence first. The children were removed from the water before the coroner arrived at 3:55, and
clothing was piled next to the river. Damien’s step-father, in addition to the sexual abuse allegations,
was possessive of her and apparently was “mentally abusive” to his step-children. Because of his
friendship with Jessie Misskelley Jr., Lucas was interrogated extensively in the 1993 investigation but
never has been a suspect in the case. I did probably mock them a bit, telling them that if they didn't
leave me alone they would regret it. Do officers routinely take tons of picts, most of which aren't
relevant and thereby it seems coincidental that they had photos of that moment? 2. That alone shows
you haven't read the ACTUAL reports. So she just happened to catch you leaning across the ditch,
just happened to catch you falling in the ditch - just by luck, when nobody even knew that you were
going to find anything - nothing significant had occurred, but y'all just happened to be taking
photographs - is that correct. Someone taking official photos of a police search would not be taking
tons of light hearted pictures. So the defense team is the one who first brought the Alford plea to the
table. The fact that three of them were brutally murdered pretty much confirms that. The three
agreed to a legal maneuver that lets them maintain their innocence while acknowledging prosecutors
likely have enough evidence to convict them. This information was presented to a judge by attorney
Ken Swindle, attorney for Terry Hobbs’ ex-wife. (Read more about this aptly-named attorney here: ).
He didn’t believe that the defense was lying, just that the portion proving Jessie was suggestible
didn’t happen to be on tape.
There have been episodes of fire starting and anger outbursts with fighting towards the other
children. I think he is disturbed because of a combination of many different things. This information
was presented to a judge by attorney Ken Swindle, attorney for Terry Hobbs’ ex-wife. (Read more
about this aptly-named attorney here: ). There is no record of an interview with “George” in
Callahan. In any other situation, you definitely would see this kind of thing from a teenage boy. TJ
was never interviewed. (Interesting tangent, I actually found that person on a WM3 message board.
The third film, I think, is a blend of those two instincts, storytelling and advocacy. Damien claimed
that the officers put words in his mouth and asked leading questions, like “So would you say that the
kids may have drowned?”, while Damien responded “Yeah, I guess.” Damien did also admit to
saying certain incriminating things in that interview, like claiming the boys were chosen by the
perpetrator because they would be easy to control. The defense would soon maintain that the
castration of Chris Byers with a knife was, in fact, the work of alligator snapping turtles. That's a
myth. There's approximately one neo-Nazi group who swears they do it, but they don't actually do it
and use it as an intimidation tactic. Damien had been interested in Catholicism at the time and
admired Father Damien, who tended to lepers on Molokai. Whether Narlene was lying or not is a
little more complicated. They snap some photos while this is happening and Mike is grunting
comically, they laugh about it. The fact of the matter is that the procedures we expect police and
investigators to use in cases like this are built almost entirely off mistakes made in cases from this era
and the decades preceding it. I'm disgusted with the way Burnett allowed them to be carried out.
The CBS reporter, Erin Moriarty (a long-time champion of the innocence of the WM3), did not
bother to ask Echols about his perjury. In December 2010 the Arkansas Supreme Court granted an
evidentiary hearing scheduled for December 2011. In what's called an Alford plea, they would agree
that prosecutors have a solid amount of evidence against them -- likely enough to win a conviction.
So the minor detail that the families were on the side of the wrongly convicted did not make much
difference to the masses. I didn't know there was any DNA testing done at all. Nevertheless, the
stories they tell are interesting. If you have something new to present to me regarding TH I would
love to review it. His MMPI evaluation (which begins on page 199) also made note of Damien’s
apparent “impulsive hostility” and how he may “feel justified in treating others in an unprincipled
matter” due to perceived wrongs. One of the children she could identify as Chris Byers. They found
a broken Evan Williams bottle in the exact area that Stidham indicated Jessie said it would be.
Graduated high school but in the resource room. Held a job. The sworn statements by Guy and
Stewart were based on alleged admissions from Buddy Lucas. Without full exoneration, the WM3
will forever remain convicted child killers and convicted felons. Told through the Paradise Lost film
trilogy, Devil’s Knot, and West of Memphis, the West Memphis Three were three teenagers who
were wrongly convicted for the attack and murder of three 2nd grade boys in West Memphis,
Arkansas. Byers died from knife wounds, particularly to his scrotum and penis.
Echols and Misskelley attempted to provide alibi witnesses, but they were all discredited on the
stand during the trials. If you don’t know a whole lot about the case, it could be confusing. It will
be of war. It will be a time when everyone must pay for their mistakes. There was no Officer
Callahan that testified in trial. I was wondering which side was the first to bring up the Alford plea.
The agreement with prosecutors, known as an Alford plea, does not sit well with everyone. On May
16th, he told the WMPD he had seen Jason at 7 pm. Mr. Misskelley’s confession was not admitted at
their trial, though recently a former lawyer for the jury foreman filed an affidavit saying that the
foreman, determined to convict, had brought the confession up in deliberations to sway undecided
jurors. This is 100% legal. You may not submit downloaded papers as your own, that is cheating.
Also you. It sounds like an aggrieved edgelord teen vowing revenge on the people who falsely
accused him in the most ridiculous language possible. About as much as the children testifying in the
Satanic panic preschool cases a few decades back. He does apologize to Jason for taking part in the
trial, but doesn't explain why beyond stating that he wasn't sure why he agreed to testify. Prosecutors
claimed the sample was used up in the original testing, so the blood on the necklace cannot be re-
tested. WM3 has always intrigued me but it has been really difficult to find balanced information on
the case so I have kind of avoided it. The “Jacoby hair” is completely meaningless as evidence in
court. The FBI even stated that in all the years since the murders happened, there hasn't been a shred
of evidence found that helps the WM3: no new evidence, no new suspects, no new motives, just a
few highly unlikely other suspects and nothing else, and that the only reason the case is still open is
because people don't want to believe that they did it. Damien also claimed that Ridge fed him this
information. He apparently had requested it of Damien at age 10, though Damien would not change
his name until later. Seen here: The West Memphis Three shortly after being freed. The three agreed
to a legal maneuver that lets them maintain their innocence while acknowledging prosecutors likely
have enough evidence to convict them. Facts easily researched if you only had the ability to discuss
the ugly motivation of the crime. He did admit to sucking blood out of the peer’s neck. There wasn't
enough of it to do further testing, IIRC. When I would do something that didn’t turn out exactly right
I would be horrified. I mentioned his statements that they found incriminating and sure I probably
could have added more about his history with the police. Their attorneys point to new DNA evidence
that they say should help exonerate the three men. His profile of the culprit, published in the local
newspaper soon after the murder, included an age range of late teens to early twenties, stressed a
menial job, and claimed that they were probably a local, who was familiar with the area. The theme
of this poem centered around death and power. It may be kind of shady of the police and it certainly
shows a certain amount of tunnel vision, but that's basically the story of the way that the WMPD
investigated this murder. I simply think that it's a result of a (rather successful) campaign run by the
supporters of these guys.

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