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Orchestrating Winning Performance

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Our Vision
Challenging what is and inspiring
what could be, we develop leaders
who transform organizations and
contribute to society.

Our Mission
Founded by business executives
for business executives, we are an
independent academic institution
with Swiss roots and global reach.

We strive to be the trusted learning

partner of choice for ambitious
individuals and organizations
Keep your OWP neurons firing! 5


signature program was After such an energizing and It’s also important to remember
engaging week together, we wanted that, for these ideas to have a real
held in Dubai for the first to help you maintain this momentum impact on your life, you need to
time. It was an inspiring by providing you with this overview of implement what you have learned
and stimulating week, and the content from OWP Dubai. and regularly review the actions you
we hope you left feeling are taking, the impact they have and
In these pages you’ll find interviews ask yourself if you need to adjust
energized and full of bold
with our truly inspirational keynote accordingly.
new ideas for the future! speakers on topics as varied as the
UAE’s mission to land a probe on It was a pleasure to meet you in
This has been a landmark year Mars by 2021, and how education Dubai. We know how precious
for Orchestrating Winning can inspire the next generation of your time is, and we hope that you
Performance (OWP). In addition to tech entrepreneurs in Africa. enjoyed your week with us and with
a very successful Lausanne edition You will also find summaries of one another.
in June, we also met in November the main sessions with our faculty
for the first ever OWP to be held in members, which we hope will serve We also hope that you will take the
Dubai. as a reminder of what you learned time to review your key insights
and – more importantly – how you from the week, and that this
We are proud and delighted to say can carry these lessons forward summary will help you to do so.
that the inaugural meeting in the and find success and purpose in
United Arab Emirates was one of your private and professional lives. Best wishes for continued success.
the best OWPs yet!
As you probably recall us saying at Sincerely,
The program brought together 20 the opening ceremony: neurons
faculty and 150 participants from that fire together, wire together! Your OWP Co-Directors
45 nationalities traveling from 33 This means that it’s not enough to
countries for five days of interactive be exposed to ideas once. So, we
sessions, networking opportunities encourage you to set time aside
and keynote speeches. The topics to revisit your insights from OWP
discussed were as diverse as they regularly so they stay fresh in your
were enriching. mind.

Professor Jean-François Manzoni Professor Tawfik Jelassi

Scan me IMD President and Nestlé chaired Professor of Strategy and Technology
To watch the video Professor Management

"If you don’t have

a superior value
proposition, then you
shouldn’t be offering a
premium. It’s something
that I am going to take
away and work on."
Alan Sy
All Press Inc

The importance of business models in value creation
Salvatore Cantale


Welcome - Foreword 5

• Seize tomorrow’s opportunities – are you future-proof? 8

Developing Leaders 11

• Getting relationships right 12

• How to lead in a crisis 16
• How to become a great leader and break bad habits 18
• Three questions for: Lindiwe Matlali 20
• Leading and managing change 22
• In the frame: How to make better strategic decisions 26
• Effective board leadership in the digital age 30
• Leadership skills for the future 34

Transforming Organizations 37

• Disrupting the disruptors 38

• Building an ‘intrapreneurial’ family business 40
• Meaningful differentiation: What it is and why your business needs it 44
• Ecosystemic innovation 2.0 46
• Creating, delivering and capturing real value 48
• Orchestrating digital transformation 50
• Three questions for: H.E. Omar Sultan Al Olama 54
• Future-proofing your business with agility 56

Contributing to Society 59

• Three questions for: Omran Sharaf 60

• Artificial intelligence: Boom or doom? 62
• China's innovation imperative 64
• Blockchain: The “big” disruption 68
• Staying ahead of trends and preparing for shocks 72
• Beating the competition 76

Real Impact 81

• Regional innovation 82
• OWP Dubai in numbers 86
Seize tomorrow’s opportunities –
Are you future-proof?
In a rapidly-changing world,
strong leadership means always
anticipating, preparing and investing
for the future

Today’s business landscape is changing faster than ever. Rapidly evolving

digital technology, artificial intelligence, disruption from abroad, new
generations entering the workplace, agile leadership, design thinking:
these trends and more are shaping the future.

At OWP Dubai 2019, we carefully selected a wide range of topics to

help leaders stay ahead of the curve and to create opportunities out of

By better understanding and analyzing the forces at play, leaders can

adopt a more positive, opportunity-rich outlook.

Strategy is about where to play and how to win. Identifying potentially great
opportunities is hence an important, necessary first step, but it must be
complemented by selecting the opportunities that are most promising for
you and your organization.

Seizing opportunities requires aligning your organization’s forces,

resources and capabilities. Too often organizations identify the right
opportunities but are unable to make the most of them because there is
insufficient alignment across the silos.

OWP Dubai 2019 featured several sessions to help you align your
organization and create the right capabilities, with topics like
competitiveness, leadership, transformation journeys, organizational
culture and many others.

The first edition of OWP Dubai also offered several sessions focused
specifically on leaders’ personal development, which is necessary for
leaders to help their organizations remain at their best.

Your organization faces new challenges and so do you – stay future-proof.


"As a leader you need

to be accountable and
to be able to represent
yourself in the crises
that we go through."
Susan Musonda
Barclays Bank Zambia Plc

Framing matters – learn to frame strategic challenges
Arnaud Chevallier

Developing Leaders

Becoming a better leader for your

business and society
Getting relationships right
By Jean-François Manzoni, IMD
President and Nestlé Professor

More often than they realize, If I was to describe someone to you and intentional the behavior is,
managers set employees up to fail as an extrovert, you would probably which leads us to be more likely
by applying labels and reinforcing imagine them as loud, outgoing or to attribute the behavior to an
biases that workers then live down boisterous. If I labelled someone enduring individual characteristic
to. How can we save ourselves confident, you might think they are than to circumstances.
from what we call the 'set up to fail’ assertive, positive or self-assured.
syndrome? You would form a clear picture in This process is particularly acute
your head, even though you don’t for negative labels because,
know this person. empirically, bad is stronger than
good. Negative impressions are
Human beings apply labels to quicker to form and harder to
people and situations because change than good ones.
these labels help them to function
faster by suggesting what behavior Human beings have evolved this
to expect from the other party and way because, for our ancestors, the
hence how to behave towards them. world was a very dangerous place.
This simplification is very helpful for The choice was friend or foe, and - if
individuals living in an increasingly foe - whether to fight or run. Under-
complex world. estimating a threat then might cost
you your life! A few thousand years
Now, imagine an individual driving later, most of us now live in safer
fast and somewhat furiously. As the environments but our brains are
individual overtakes us vigorously still hard-wired to scan for threats.
and forces us to brake, most of us
would probably jump to the most In crowd, out crowd
obvious conclusion – this individual How does this apply to the world
is reckless and irresponsible! We of work? Over the last 20 years,
would generally not think that this my research has examined the
is someone driving fast to make an experiences of thousands of
important appointment. managers representing all levels
of seniority, industries and parts
This is another common of the world. In particular, I asked
characteristic of human beings that managers how they think of their
psychologists call the fundamental various subordinates.
attribution error. When explaining
others’ behavior, we tend to “Better” performers, they say, tend
overestimate how representative to be motivated and take charge.

They are proactive and innovative, see This segmented approach is

the big picture and communicate up typically well intended; the goal
and down more comfortably. is to provide more support and
guidance to employees who need
“Weaker” performers rarely go it. Unfortunately, it also leads
beyond the call of duty, often these individuals to feel over-
need to be pushed and hoard monitored, under-trusted and
information. They let themselves under-appreciated, which leads to a
get swamped and tend to be more decrease in their motivation and in
critical of innovation. their self-confidence, which in turn
leads to reduced performance over
When asked if they treat these two time.
groups the same way, managers
explain that of course, they do not! These observations led us to
They tend to be more empowering conclude that, when weaker
and more supportive toward their performers underperform, it’s
perceived better performers, often not in spite of their boss’s
and more controlling and less behaviour, but rather because of it.
encouraging toward the “weaker We called this dynamic the ‘set-up-
performers”. to-fail syndrome (SUTF).
14 It’s not just about perceived Because we observe what we
performance expected, we don’t question our
More recently we have realized responsibility in the process!
that SUTF labels go well beyond
someone’s expected performance For example, A labels B negatively
or competence. For example, we and starts behaving more negatively
often apply negative personality toward B. After some time, B
labels such as ‘difficult’ or ‘know notices and starts to feel frustrated
it all’. We routinely assess others’ and/or annoyed, which leads B to
motivation and apply labels like behave less positively toward A
‘ambitious’, ‘lazy’ or ‘self-centered’. than s/he would have otherwise. A
We make assumptions about how notices this negative behavior and
someone will respond to a new “reluctantly” confirms the opinion
project… that s/he had of B… Meanwhile, A’s
behavior toward B also leads B to
To our surprise, we came to develop a negative impression of
understand that the scope for such A, which at some point translates
labels is considerable and spans into a negative label for A. Once
culture, gender, age, ethnicity, B has labelled A negatively, B’s
socio-economic background, negative predisposition toward
profession and department or A further reinforces B’s negative
organization. attitude toward A, which leads to
more negative A behavior toward B,
Continued research also led us to which then leads B to “confirm” his/
realize that – quite obviously, when her impression of A. Both parties
one thinks about it - labels are not see their negative impressions
only applied between bosses and confirmed as they both live down to
subordinates; they are applied very the other party’s expectations.
liberally by individuals and groups
to other individuals and groups. But wait a minute! Neither A
nor B misbehave all the time,
The SUTF syndrome is hence a right? They both live down to
very pervasive phenomenon that one another’s expectations, but
gets triggered by an individual or a not 100% of the time! Why don’t
group negatively labelling another A and B notice that the other
individual or group. party does act cooperatively and
productively some of the time?
Self-fulfilling process and The answer lies in human beings’
confirmation bias propensity to display confirmation
But if this is true, why haven’t we biases, i.e. to observe, interpret
noticed earlier that our negative and remember reality in ways
attitudes towards individuals and that are heavily shaped by our
groups tend to be dysfunctional? expectations and beliefs. Basically,
There are two reasons for this. human beings tend to find it easier
to unconsciously “distort” their
First, we create a self-fulfilling perception of reality than to change
process where our behavior makes their beliefs. As a result, A’s and
our expectations come true. B’s positive behavior will tend to
disappear from the other party’s how you may be labelled. Are there What is needed is a ‘reset’ based on 15
radar screen. They won’t notice it, some behaviors you should avoid? two premises: that you do not see
and if they do they will find a reason the whole picture, and that your own
to disqualify it. Interruption behaviour has contributed to some
Interrupting the SUTF syndrome extent to this dynamic.
As a result, labels we assign to is hard because by the time we try
people become very hard to change to interrupt it, both parties have Search for the disconfirming
as they become self-fulfilling and experienced substantial negative evidence that may overturn your
self-sealing - both for us and for the emotions and both believe they confirmation bias and make a
other party. have clear and incontrovertible conscious effort to “decenter”, i.e.
evidence on the negative to look at the situation from other
Prevention behaviours and intentions of the angles. Work also at restoring
How can we prevent this syndrome? other party. empathy and compassion for the
The problem often starts with other party. This will help you to
recruitment. Invest time and Your goal should be to hold a approach the conversation and its
energy, not just on competency, but productive conversation leading to preparation with a more positive
on finding people that are the right an agreement on the contribution attitude.
psychological fit. of both parties and on what they
can do to improve their joint Getting relationships right is not
You should also agree on mutual performance and relationship. easy, and it is sometimes too late to
expectations, set KPIs and clarify But, because of the strong save some. But making a conscious
how to work together. Spell out your emotions likely to be present, effort to prevent and interrupt SUTF
non-negotiables, and ask them this conversation will need to be syndrome can help to break the
about theirs. And be sure to give prepared; it cannot be a traditional cycle, improve the atmosphere,
feedback to the other party - sooner “feedback session”. When a and aid your and your team’s
rather than later. relationship is not good, mutual performance.
trust is missing and feedback is
Be mindful of the labels you are hence unlikely to be accepted by the
applying to people and be mindful of other party.
How to lead in a crisis
By Sameh Abadir, IMD Professor of
Leadership and Negotiation

What happens in a crisis, how The higher you progress up the behavior. Some people have the
should you react, and how do career ladder, the less honest ability to absorb it, some don’t. You
you even know you are in one feedback you will receive. This need to surround yourself with
in the first place? means that as your professional people you can trust, and it also
life progresses, the lonelier you will helps if you stay physically fit.
become. Third, you must save people’s
energy for what can be an extremely
This can make recognizing that you stressful and tiring experience. If
are in a crisis – and dealing with it – you can let people walk, why ask
even harder. them to run? If they can sit, why ask
them to stand?
Lesson number one? Acknowledge
it. This can be difficult because Fourth, make sure people working
often it is only the people around us for you share bad news as early as
that know we are in one. We are who possible. You are more experienced
we are, and unless people tell us so you can step back and look at the
that we’re facing a crisis, business broader picture – they can’t.
as usual will continue.
Finally, and most important of all, if
Emotion up, logic down you are ambushed, professionally
What happens in a crisis? As or privately, the only way to survive
someone who served in the is to counter-attack.
Egyptian Special Forces, I’ve
learned some valuable lessons on Allies in a crisis
the events that typically occur. You have three allies to help you
respond to a crisis.
Number one – people act with their
reflexes, emotion is turned up high, The first is time. Ask yourself, can I
and logic is turned off. It is like a buy more time to deal with a crisis?
heightened discussion with your Unfortunately, the answer to this
family. When you lose your temper, question is usually no.
are you thinking logically before you
speak? Of course not. Second, you have distance. Can I
step back and return to my base?
Secondly, under severe stress it is This is where you can get help and
impossible to predict a person’s feel comfortable.
Lastly, you have your own Even when the crisis has seemingly Khrushchev or to humiliate the 17

moderation. People who overreact come to an end, you must stay Soviet Union.
in a crisis tend to make it worse or focused. If you lose your job, for
to create a ‘post-crisis crisis’. For example, it’s important to stay alert Or take the Kadesh peace
example, if you get bad news by to any potential knock-on effects, agreement in 1259 BC.
mail, sleep on it before you respond such as disruption to your personal
if you can. life. Again you need to beware of the You can be as powerful as a pharaoh
post-crisis crisis syndrome. or a king, but you still need to
Empathy is good but you shouldn’t declare victory. If you humiliate
show too much. Empathy is Saving face people, you are forcing them to
exhausting, and it’s a zero-sum When trying to solve or manage a decide whether to be smart, or to
game; you give it to some people crisis, never allow someone to lose maintain their dignity.
and you may be taking it away from face. History can teach us some
someone else. And from a business powerful lessons about this. Finally, effective teamwork where
perspective, too much empathy can everyone understands their role
erode business ethics. Take the 11-day 1962 Cuban Missile is essential. When a crisis occurs,
Crisis for example. multiple fronts will appear at the
After a crisis – always stick to the same time. No one – including
facts, even though everyone will Robert F Kennedy, US Attorney you – can handle all of them. We
have an opinion, and avoid too much General at the time, said that his are all gifted at different things and
embellishment. brother President John F Kennedy everyone should be doing what they
was careful not to disgrace Nikita do best.

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How to become a great leader and
break bad habits
By John Weeks, IMD Professor
of Leadership and Organizational

The most important thing you do as a leader is to shape the

organizational culture around you.
The first step in this process is to The best role models share certain You may ‘derail’ yourself.
acknowledge that your company characteristics. For example, great
has a culture, and it can be defined role models are teachers, able to These derailers are often
as ‘what people say and do when explain what they are doing and dysfunctionally extreme versions
they think you are not looking’. It’s why. But while it’s not true that all of attitudes and behaviors that are
reflected in the priorities, the values teachers can be great leaders, it is normally part of what makes us
and the sense of what is the right true the other way around. successful.
thing to do in your organization.
We should be able to see things We all have these derailers, and
You influence this culture, whether in our role models that we would usually we cannot change them –
you want to or not. You influence like to incorporate into our own but we must be able to recognize
it through what you’re saying and behavior. It’s also important to them and manage them. To lead
what you’re rewarding. And usually, remember that actions matter others, you must be able to manage
you are making this culture worse, more than words – great leaders yourself.
not better. make their behaviors visible, in big
and small ways. Your aim is not to change or get rid
Thankfully, it’s not hard to change of your derailer. It is, after all, an
an organization’s culture. What is Consistency matters most. exaggerated version of something
difficult is shaping this culture in Bad behavior leaves a stronger that is otherwise a strength. To do
the way that you want. impression than good behavior, so that you must increase your self-
building credibility takes time and, if awareness, learn what it is that
The leader’s edge you don’t want people to lose faith in triggers your derailers, and build
It’s possible that a good person or you, it’s a process that never stops. the emotional intelligence you need
a good leader can be an invisible to stop this happening.
role model, or even a bad one. This Derailing behavior
is because role modelling is not a In times of stress or embarrassment, Talk to your team about your
side-effect of leading, it’s a skill you you may lose your cool and act in a derailers – they will already be
can learn. way that you later come to regret. aware of them! You also need to
have empathy and understand that 19

other people, like you, are human

Research carried out by psychologists Robert and
and have their own triggers.
Joyce Hogan two decades ago pinpointed 11 traits
that, when triggered or taken to the extreme, can
Can you change bad habits?
derail us on our quest to become a successful leader.
Most of us have tried to change a
habit at some point in our lives – it’s
Bold: which can lead us to behave overly self-confident,
not easy.
Cautious: unassertive, resistant to change
There are some lessons we can
take from Charles Duhigg’s book, Colorful: dramatic, attention-seeking
‘The Power of Habit’. Diligent: meticulous, precise
Dutiful: eager to please, reluctant to act independently
To change a leadership habit so
Excitable: moody, easily annoyed
you can be more consistent as a
Imaginative: thinks and acts in unusual or eccentric
role model, you first need to be as
specific as you can with your goal.
‘I need to listen more’ isn’t enough, Leisurely: overtly cooperative but privately irritable,
but saying ‘I need to listen and
not interrupt people in my weekly Mischievous: risk-taking, limit-testing
meeting’ is more likely to succeed. Reserved: aloof, indifferent to the feelings of others
Skeptical: distrustful, sensitive to criticism
You also need to recognise what
is the trigger that will take you
off autopilot, and ask, who is my
accountability partner?

Another method is to reward

yourself. If you have a big goal, give
yourself rewards along the way
as these small, immediate wins
will be key to creating a sense of

Finally, ask yourself, do you believe

enough in the change to stick with
it, even in times of stress? If not,
you’re unlikely to see the change
you want to see.

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Three questions for: 21

Lindiwe Matlali
The founder and CEO of Africa Teen
Geeks on her journey from growing up
in poverty in apartheid South Africa to
becoming a CEO improving the lives of
children by teaching them how to code.

1. Can you describe the journey that has brought you to

where you are today?
I am the youngest of seven children. My mom died when I was four
years old. My father ran off with another woman after my mother’s funeral
to avoid responsibility. We were raised by my grandparents who were
already pensioners in their 70s. They ended up having to look after 12 kids,
all under the age of 16, because my mom and her sister died two weeks
apart. It was a huge challenge for them. And it was the height of apartheid.
I was a poster child for poverty and disadvantage.

I got to where I am today because my grandfather valued education.

He always told us that if we stayed at school and we worked hard, one day
we wouldn’t even remember we were orphans. I ended up graduating
from the University of Cape Town, one of Africa’s best universities. I sit on
President Ramaphosa’s commission for the Fourth Industrial Revolution
and am recognized in my field as a leader. I was recognized by Queen
Elizabeth II as a "Point of Light". To me that is proof that education is an

2. What inspired you to create Africa Teen Geeks?

I founded it six years ago after I was exposed to an eight-year-old girl
who had just created an app. I was so inspired that I started to look around
at what was happening with coding in our schools. I was shocked to learn
that only five percent of our schools taught IT and those schools are mainly
in affluent areas. I contacted the CEO of Microsoft South Africa at the time
and asked if he would help me set up a program to teach kids how to code.
Through that contact, we received out first grant. We’ve now reached over
100,000 kids.

3. What advice would you give to young leaders?

I’ve always believed in raising aspirations. You could say you want to be
an astronaut and fly a space shuttle. But if you don’t get there, the chances
are that you could still become a pilot and fly a plane.
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Leading and managing change
By Bettina Büchel, IMD Professor of
Strategy and Organization

Change is often handled in a ceremonial way, hindered

by a lack of commitment or even active resistance.
Success requires broad stakeholder support and smart

No company can escape the need for change. Markets, industries and
ways of working are transforming rapidly across the globe. Unfortunately,
many companies struggle to adopt and adapt effectively to change.
Strategic initiatives can often feel ‘ceremonial’, driven by inefficient
hierarchies and choked by disinterest.

How can companies achieve real impact with transformation, while

ensuring the process runs smoothly?

The journey to impact

Let's divide the change process into two phases: inception and
implementation. During the inception phase, the emphasis should be on
finding the right solution and aligning key stakeholders. As the project
moves into its implementation phase, the focus shifts towards engaging
more broadly and delivering for the organization.




Understand Enlist Envision Motivate Communicate Act Consolidate

1. Understand the organization by emphasizing opportunity over 23
Gather information to identify crisis. Share information and
the problem by interviewing communicate honestly: What are
leaders, managers, and front- the implications of the status quo?
line employees. Engage with Make it personal: Why might the
customers and non-customers. change be personally desirable?
Benchmark competitors and other Encourage input and two-way
organizations. Determine root dialogue.
causes, not symptoms. Create
alignment with key stakeholders by 5. Communicate
sharing an honest assessment of Mobilize the organization around
the current state of affairs. the future state. Create certainty
and reduce anxiety by establishing
2. Enlist key people clear roles, expectations and
Who in the company is negative, targets. Test concepts with various
neutral, positive or a champion? groups to surface barriers to
Who are your sponsors, project adoption and then seek to mitigate
leaders, project team and key them. Use various methods of
stakeholders? You may find that the engaging communication such as
majority of people are ‘bystanders’, metaphors, stories, and face-to-
while there is a limited number of face dialogue.
supporters who can help you make
initial progress. 6. Act
Encourage an experimental
3. Envisage the future mindset by testing ideas in the
Co-create the future by involving spirit of learning. Make structures
all stakeholders. The greater the compatible with the vision by
input from others, the greater their aligning practices, policies and
commitment. If you are creating systems. Provide the training that
something new, consider involving employees need. Generate short-
others early on. Articulate your term wins, and deal with those who
vision. Make it tangible, desirable, undercut needed change.
feasible and flexible, focused and
simple. Great visions are behavioral 7. Consolidate
at their core and translate easily Move into a continuous
into action. Define how success is to improvement loop. Continue to
be measured. review what is working and action
what is not. Accelerate storytelling
4. Motivate the why? with qualitative and quantitative
Communicate the ‘why’ at both success stories. Encourage, reward
a rational and emotional level. and celebrate successes. Capture
Create a positive sense of urgency lessons learned for future projects.

Engaging key players underestimate the power of

The attitude and involvement of informal and formal networks,
team members can range from full which can be more effective in
resistance to change agent, with a influencing behavior and sharing
large number of bystanders who information.
are typically neutral. The way these
characters are managed through Communicate with impact
the process of change will dictate Use all mechanisms available for
how successful your project will be. communication to raise awareness,
accelerate adoption, build
Typically, organizations tend to momentum and reach the tipping
overestimate the importance point early on, creating a sense of
of hierarchical relationships inevitability. When communicating
in enforcing change, but these remember three things: How you
can be slow, inflexible and poor frame the project, how you focus on
at disseminating information the substance and how you deliver
effectively. Conversely, companies matters.
Deliver: Not only your words count. to encourage a desire to change 25

Focus on your tone of voice, facial rather than investing in creating

expressions and body language. dissatisfaction with the status
quo. Ask the team to support the
Frame: Use a varied range of process rather than commit to a
contexts, such as metaphors, plan. Communicate each milestone
stories, contrasts, rhetorical in the journey, and do not ignore the
questions, lists and repetitions. real cost of change in human terms.

Substance: Ensure your When expectations for change

communication is infused with are managed well, people have
moral conviction, collective a shared story about the future
sentiments, ambitious goals, and and understand there will be
confidence in those goals. setbacks, that multiple levers
must be managed, and - ultimately
Managing expectations - that they play a role and share
As leaders manage change, responsibility for getting there.
they need to remember that the
change process and outcome is
dictated by how people perceived
what happened and what they
expected to happen. It is important
In the frame: How to make better
strategic decisions
By Arnaud Chevallier, IMD Professor
of Strategy

Improving how we make You are the pilot on a transatlantic process: framing, exploring and
strategic decisions can have flight. You run through all the usual deciding.
a transformative impact, but checks and then lift the plane into
too often executives make the clouds but, before you know • Framing provides the over-
big mistakes early on in the it, you have already strayed a few arching question that you want
process. degrees off-course. Eight hours to answer
later, you are far from your intended • Exploring yields a set of
destination and scanning the alternative answers to the
terrain below for somewhere safe question
to land. • Deciding isolates the answer
that, on balance, best serves
Every executive has the potential your goals
to be this unfortunate pilot. Let a
few small oversights or unchecked Choose an excellent frame
assumptions into the framing of Framing is often overlooked, as
your decision and, before you can it is temping to go straight into
fix it, your strategy unravels and finding solutions. Asking questions
results disappoint. The method you can seem superfluous or even
use in the decision-making process counterproductive. After all, don’t
can mean the difference between we already know what we want to
success and failure. achieve? Actually, in most cases,
we don’t. After spending a little time
Getting a good balance with your original formulation, you
You can improve your decision- always end up finding a better one.
making by employing a three-stage

Making a conscious effort to identify a hero get to the treasure, given that
better question yields high dividends. there is a dragon in the way?

How do you establish an excellent The rules of the frame

frame for a decision? Using a We can apply four rules to establish
situation-complication-question our frame in a robust way.
sequence with the involvement of
all stakeholders will help to cut The backpack rule: Only include
through the noise. what you need. Every meaningful
concept in each part of the
Imagine you are watching a sequence must appear again at
Hollywood movie with a hero, a least once in another part.
treasure, a dragon and a quest.
The rabbit rule: No surprise
The situation is the necessary, appearances. Everything in your
sufficient, positive and undisputed question must appear earlier in the
information that specifies the part sequence.
of the universe of interest to us. In
our movie, this is the hero and the The Dolly rule: Clone your
hero’s clearly defined goal - the language. Refer to things in a
treasure. The complication is the consistent way. No synonyms or
dragon blocking the hero from the ambiguity.
treasure - it is the single problem in
this particular part of the universe. The Watson rule: Examine,
And the question that we need to question and check your
answer is the quest - how can the assumptions.

Be a great explorer
Once you have framed your problem, you can begin exploring all options
available to you. This can be effectively navigated by developing a question
or ‘how’ map. Good maps follow four rules:

1. A map answers a single question. This is harder than it sounds; these

ideas can help you stay on target:
• Make each node an idea, not just a title
• Start new nodes in the map with an action verb
• Use a parallel phrase structure to change as little as possible
• Highlight what is changing

2. A map progresses from the key question to a set of potential options:

• ‘Diverge’ by breaking your question into parts to gradually reveal
more detail
• Then, ‘converge’ on a limited set of hypotheses

3. A map has a MECE structure:

• All options and questions are mutually exclusive - with no overlaps
• All options and questions are collectively exhaustive - with no gaps.
• Include everything, even if it seems ‘dumb’ at the time

4. A map has a structure that is insightful:

• It is correct breakdown of the key question and a useful one, using a
perspective that helps you discover more about your options

Make an excellent decision

Employ a decision matrix to rank your options against relevant criteria to
identify the most appropriate solution.

Select good criteria. As for maps, good criteria are MECE and insightful:
don’t double count and include everything that is relevant to all key
stakeholders. Be insightful by giving more weight to important criteria,
making criteria vary in a consistent direction, and choosing a relevant
range for ranking performance.

It’s now time to make your decision:

1. Import feasible options from the ‘explore’ phase into the matrix
2. Input the criteria you’ll use to assess each option
3. Weigh each criterion in terms of its importance, involving stakeholder
4. Define a performance scale for each criterion from worst to best
5. Grade the options against each criterion
6. Compute the weighted average for each option

Sanity check! Once you’ve completed your

Finally, run your decision through a corrections, you are ready to
sanity filter. Does the ranking from implement your decision. Do so
the decision matrix feel appropriate still by proceeding cautiously and
and credible? Would you feel uneasy keep an open mind. As you move to
sharing the results with any of implementation, you might uncover
your stakeholders? Is your ranking new evidence that will make you
robust when you change the want to revisit your question, your
weights or the performance score? options, or your criteria. If you think
that’s warranted, do so and correct
Chances are, you’ll want to adapt your course accordingly.
some of your variables, and that is
perfectly fine. This whole approach
is meant to get you to see your
decision in a new light.
Effective board leadership in the
digital age
By Didier Cossin, IMD Professor of
Finance and Governance

Greater demands, pressure The playing field for companies and boards has changed beyond
and scrutiny are being placed recognition in the the last decade as technology and social expectations
on corporate boards in the transform the landscape. This has placed increasing pressure on board
digital age. Today’s most members to be capable of understanding and navigating the new world
effective boards focus on while delivering and enforcing the highest standards of corporate behavior.
risks, strategy, management
How can board members adapt and perform successfully in this uncertain
relations and integrity.
and changing environment? Our research shows that a sustainable,
prosperous company needs governance excellence built on the following
four pillars:



People quality, Structures Group dynamics/

Focus and & Governance
dedication processes culture
Transformational leadership New risks in the digital age 31

Within this approach, oversight The role of the board in the age
and leadership must adopt the of transformation has, of course,
same spirit of transformation retained its core foundations. A
that is sweeping through the responsible and effective board sets
conditions that companies operate the tone, expectation and ends. It
in. Transformational leadership identifies the management team
inspires both leaders and followers and ensures that expectations are
to raise each other to the higher met.
levels of motivation and morality
required to navigate a rapidly But, as the world faces new risks
changing world. and challenges, the weight of
responsibility on board members
In particular, transformational has shifted and evolved, touching
leaders must: all areas from the balance and
decision making of governance
• Empower followers and nurture and the vision and communication
them in change of leadership to the efficiency and
• Become strong models for their results focus of management,
followers and the rules and procedures of
• Create a vision for the administration.
• Act as a change agent for new The pressures are great. More
direction within organizations than ever, boards must be expert
• Become social architects and adept at adapting to risks,

formulating effective strategies Strategy assumptions and corporate taboos;

in an uncertain economy, building Boards should also seek to myopia such as sub-optimal
strong relationships between avoid falling into the trap of time devoted to thinking about
the executive and management underestimating strategic risks the future; and decision-making
teams, and maintaining the highest or failing to see a strategic biases such as cognitive biases
standards of integrity. opportunity, by identifying and and problems from flawed group
mitigating strategic blindspots. decision processes.
To be best in class, boards must Strategic blindspots to be wary of The board’s active involvement
take a view of risk that is untainted include strategic biases such as in strategy should cover co-
by, and elaborated separately the misjudgement of industry and creation through retreats and
from, the executive. This involves competitor boundaries; historic the identification of blindspots,
extending risk thinking beyond biases such as influences from supervision through providing
the executive realms into areas shared frames of reference among information and coherence, and
such as culture, social evolution, management and boards, and support through communication
regulatory trends and technological anchoring influences which can and by being an ongoing, reliable
disruption. bias views of the future; corporate presence.
biases such as unchallenged


• Is this something we can do legally? • Is this something we can live with?

• Is it permitted? • Is is acceptable?
• Compliance • Integrity/conduct
• No one will know • It will come up
• Don't get caught • You will be caught
• Being judged based on standards of • Yesterday's conduct being judged
conduct applicable at the time on today's standards
• Local impact • Global impact
• Slow impact • Immediate impact
• Somehow will depend on judiciary • You'll be crucified even though still
outcome deemed innocent
• You knew • You should have known
• One thing at a time • It's all commingled

CEO and team selection/relations Integrity

The next important responsibility The integrity of management
of board members is to oversee is driven and strengthened by
healthy relations with CEOs and the values and culture of an
their teams, and the selection organization, training, and its rules,
of appropriate individuals for processes and controls. The board
those roles. An example to bear in can complement this structure
mind is the leadership transition by supporting management in
attempted by Wang Laboratories in the embracing and embedding of
the early 1990s. Wang, a successful values, asking lots of questions,
computer company, had grown an maintaining a healthy level of
average of 40 percent each year for scepticism and being prepared to
more than 30 years. jump in when things go wrong.

An Wang, the company’s founder, The compass has shifted and,

was determined to pass his with it, the tone and focus of the
personal control to his older son oversight, responsibilities and
and ignored strong objections from questions now required from board
directors. Eventually, the company members.
went bankrupt.
Leadership skills for the future
By Ina Toegel, IMD Professor of
Leadership and Organizational

As technology advances in the Business leaders operate in an understanding the sources of those
‘emotion industry’ and change environment that is increasingly behaviors but also by being able to
creates greater uncertainty, challenging, both inside their predict and mitigate them. When
leaders must learn to better organizations and in the outside you manage these emotions and
manage and regulate their team’s environment. Technological behaviors, you can manage your
emotions and behaviors. innovation, new ways of working, talent, inject your teams with agility,
demographic change, the war for and deliver performance more
talent and increased competition effectively.
are just a few of the pressures
influencing and shaping the market Technology drives the need for new
and workplace. capabilities
Technology is taking on more
In this uncertain environment, and more of our tasks in the
leaders need to recognize, process workplace, raising day-to-day
and interpret an increased amount questions about the role of human
of complex emotional information talent and leaders. Organizations
from their teams that relates to increasingly feel the need to
change and transformation, such upskill their employees. Some
as fear, anxiety and frustration. of these capability areas include
The most effective executives of cognitive load management -
tomorrow will be those who are how to filter and prioritize in the
most capable of handling this midst of information overload;
emotion-focused task, in order transdisciplinarity – approaching
to help their teams adapt and tasks with a broad approach
perform. that sees the interconnections
between disciplines, functions, and
This will mean learning how to
interpret individual and team
Scan me
dynamics and behaviors, by To watch the video
concepts; virtual communication such as ‘sense making’ and social people skill – and a differentiating
– skillfully leading teams across intelligence. For leaders in an factor for successful leaders – is
distances and over video. uncertain and data-driven world, their skill to manage and regulate
Innovation is not just impacting being the sense maker for your the emotions present in themselves
work processes, it is also making teams and organization is likely to as well as in others.
inroads into the area of softer skills. prove crucial.
Advances in artificial intelligence With the right questions, sense
and data analytics mean that the This means taking in and analyzing making can help others ‘map’
‘emotion’ economy is predicted large volumes of data from a wide and focus their energies in more
to be worth $90 billion by 2024. range of sources, while being effective ways. In an AI-driven
Analytics and affective computing prepared to let go of old ways of ‘emotion economy’, emotion
enable us to instantly read and thinking and assumptions. Helping whizzes can focus on managing and
identify feelings, from data and others interpret information will regulating individuals and teams
metrics based on our voice, body prove to be a critical leadership towards stronger performance.
position and body language. skill. Alongside sense making,
leaders must increasingly learn The most effective business leaders
The leaders of tomorrow can how to become an emotional and of tomorrow will be able to combine
harness this information to focus social ‘whizz’. brain and heart - as the sense
on the increasingly vital role of maker and the emotional whizz.
managing and regulating the Can you understand, recognize and
emotions present in teams and manage negative emotions in your
individuals. team such as anxiety, frustration,
sadness, fear and doubt? Advances
Sense making and emotional in machine learning mean that
regulation software will soon surpass humans’
The most important work skills of ability to read and identify feelings.
tomorrow will include concepts However, what will remain a unique

"Start with the

customer - in a
nutshell. It’s win-win.
It’s about ultimately
letting your customer
be the driver of your
Mag Kirwan
Irish Sea Fishers Board

Ecosystemic innovation 2.0
Frédéric Dalsace

Transforming Organizations
Leading your organization to future
success by embracing change
Disrupting the disruptors
By Goutam Challagalla, IMD
Professor of Strategy and Marketing

Is the dominance of big technology As recently as 2007, the list of the to dominate both the industries
companies set to be challenged world’s most valuable companies in which they operate and the
by a fresh round of industry was dominated by one industry - oil. everyday lives of people all over the
disruptors? world.
Fast forward to 2017, and this list
had been completely transformed Fight scale with scale
by technology. Alibaba, Alphabet, Could the likes of Uber and Airbnb,
Amazon, Apple, Facebook and huge disruptors of traditional
Tencent had all joined Microsoft industries, themselves be ripe for
on the list of the top 10 wealthiest disruption?
companies on the planet.
Take ride-hailing apps, for example.
These companies are all, of course, In 2012, their presence in the US
famously known as ‘disruptors’. But was minimal; just 1 percent of
what else do their business models rides taken were with ride-hailing
have in common? companies. By 2018, that number
had grown to 88 percent - a
They are also - crucially - all phenomenal level of growth.
platform businesses. They make
money by connecting two parties This level of dominance can be
together, with Apple’s business challenged, but only if those
model of connecting us to app companies looking to ‘disrupt the
developers being perhaps the most disruptors’ have the right strategies
famous example. in place.

Uber, Airbnb and Traditional methods of

are just some of the companies differentiation do not work. If
that have also used this model you want to challenge Uber, for

example, then you need to fight Another key principle is to turn of disruptors, is unlikely to happen
scale with scale. the strengths of these major overnight. It will take seven, eight or
players into weaknesses. Uber nine years, rather than in the next
This is exactly what Estonia-based takes 28 percent commission from three.
Bolt (formerly Taxify), a company its drivers, while
that is looking to challenge Uber’s requires 20-35 percent - numbers And where will we see this change
dominance, tried to do when it which represent unbelievable happen first? In Europe, where
launched in London in June 2019 power, but one that isn’t immune regulators already have their eyes
with 20,000 registered drivers. to challenges from rivals that on how data is being used, followed
are willing to charge less. This is by the United States. China, which
Nevertheless, Uber is still something that Bolt is doing by is currently much more open to
responsible for 5 billion trips a charging its drivers less to use its the sharing of data, will take a bit
year, and disrupting something this platform. more time, but there are signs
powerful will take time. everywhere that a new architecture
Some new companies even believe is being created that could disrupt
While this happens, challengers they can grow while charging zero the technology industry yet again.
must focus on the principles of how commission. So how will they make
this disruption could take place. money? Some of them are using
Don’t focus on the disruptor, focus cryptocurrencies to make and
on the type of disruption. receive payments, relying on the
value of these going up to generate
Rules of engagement revenue. But this is, of course,
Rule number one - change the speculative, and cryptos are treated
rules. If you want to disrupt a with suspicion by governments
market leader, never play by their around the world.
rules, because they have mastered
them. Doing the same thing will It is weaknesses like this that tell
only work 5% of the time. us this transition, this disruption
Building an ‘intrapreneurial’ family
By Peter Vogel, Director of the IMD
Global Family Business Center and
IMD Professor of Family Business
and Entrepreneurship

Family businesses have their roots Many family businesses struggle While the spirit of entrepreneurship
in entrepreneurship. Embracing with the challenge of managing and ambition might be enough
a culture of ‘intrapreneurship’ successful transitions from to build a business empire, it
– the act of behaving like an
generation to generation. The ideas may not be enough to sustain
entrepreneur while working within
a large organization – can drive and environment that spurred it across generations. Instead,
innovation and future growth while wealth creation in the past may family businesses should
empowering the next generation. have faded, and a new world of embrace ‘intrapreneurship’ to
relentless change and uncertainty drive innovation, resilience and
awaits. sustainable growth while also
giving the next generation a real say
In the worst-case scenario, we and part to play in the future of the
have the three-generation rule company.
- where the first generation of
entrepreneurs establishes the
business, the second generation
controls it, and the third generation
destroys it.

An entrepreneurial vs intrapreneurial approach

































. RE









Why intrapreneurship? • Ensure continued

There are several key reasons for innovativeness and
adopting this approach as a family competitiveness of the business
business. Intrapreneurship can: • Innovate new ventures that
become the new core of the
• Foster the natural business
entrepreneurialism in the • Ensure the family portfolio
family, especially among the evolves in a bottom-up, organic
next generation way
• Build emotional ownership • Create opportunity for
and confident, inspired active generations to collaboratively
successors, rather than fearful work on the future of the family
passive heirs enterprise
• Overcome the three-generation • Trigger employee engagement
rule (Generation 1 creates,
Generation 2 controls,
Generation 3 collapses)

The 10 commandments of should build ‘intrapreneurial have the finance they need.
intrapreneurship ecosystems’, where ideas, talent, This means providing financial
Intrapreneurship is not just about capital, structures and process can resources to the next generation to
new business opportunities, but combine freely to create value. work on their ideas and teaching
also about changing the culture of them financial literacy. It requires a
the organization. This means re- An intrapreneurial setting starts healthy balance between M&A and
examining structures, values and with honest company and family intrapreneurship investment – with
management style. There are 10 values that support agility and direct investments into start-ups
key steps that innovators can adopt innovation. It requires leaders and a family-wide ‘seed fund’ for
to shift their company towards an to listen seriously to the next entrepreneurial ideas. In the age
intrapreneurial culture. generation, and to serve as a of platforms, take advantage of
mentor and sounding board to crowdfunding.
1. Never ask for permission. Ask enable their ideas to grow. And,
for forgiveness. by creating a sense of urgency to Raising the next generation of
2. Put data over rhetoric, and innovate while turning learning into value creators
people before processes and a playful and creative interaction, Through fostering a culture
red tape. family businesses can put the of ‘intrapreneurship’, family
3. More prototyping, less foundations of intrapreneurship in businesses can tap into their
PowerPointing. Prioritize speed place. entrepreneurial spirit to diversify
over aesthetics. and thrive in an ever-complex
4. Come to work each day willing Embracing a culture that accepts global marketplace. To help
to be fired and ridiculed. failure will also help the next unleash the potential of the next
5. Stay committed to your goals generation experience and handle generation, so that it creates –
but flexible in your approach. risk and their own boundaries. It rather than destroys – value in your
6. Get out of the building. allows them to make mistakes and business, business owners should:
7. Spend time connecting with and learn from them, so that they can
helping other intrapreneurs. find and own their personal way of • Involve the next generation
8. Learn something new without contributing. early on and carve out space
any apparent practical benefit. where they can grow
9. Remember to honor your Strategy and capital • Let your kids take responsibility
sponsors. There should be a supportive and decisions on their own
10. Disregard the job description, management and board strategy • Allow them to be critical about
do what needs to be done. to encourage innovation and the status quo and create new
diversification. The owners and ideas
Board of Directors can provide • Ask for their opinion and let
How to build an intrapreneurial guidelines for industries, them grow into the firm
setting specific types of businesses
Your company’s teams and or other boundaries for future This might just prove be an
the next generation might be entrepreneurs, intrapreneurs or important step in the pathway
brimming with new ideas, but this portfolio builders. towards a smoother, dynamic
will all come to nothing without transition between generations.
a supportive framework in place. We also need adequate provision for
To achieve this, family businesses capital in place, so that innovators
Meaningful differentiation: What it
is and why your business needs it
By Dominique Turpin, IMD Dentsu
Chaired Professor of Marketing

To stay relevant and keep The topic of branding isn’t new, but But the brand moved into the
customers engaged, in an ever-competitive landscape fashion market and became a
businesses need to establish where innovation is getting harder premium product. How did it do it?
a clear, meaningful identity and harder to sustain, how can By innovating on every element
and innovate proactively. companies set themselves apart of its business chain through
from their rivals? meaningful differentiation.

To really stand apart, companies The company knew, for consumers

need to focus on two keywords: to see Havaianas as a premium
‘meaningful differentiation’. product, that traditional marketing
communication and advertising
This, as I will explain, is a strategic wouldn’t be enough.
process to create your company's
story. In response to this, they created an
emotional connection with their
Success stories audience by communicating the
Pricing is no longer the only thing backstory of the sandal.
that matters to customers. A
consumer will buy a Nike t-shirt for The company hired leading
$100 that has come from the same designers to create attractive,
factory as a t-shirt made for $5 – all colourful designs and, critically,
because they have an emotional included the consumer during
connection with the logo. every step of the design process.
Soon international celebrities
This shows how businesses were wearing the new designs,
and investors are increasingly and this allowed Havaianas to
recognizing brands as one the use an 'A'-class acceptance as an
company’s most valuable assets. endorsement.

Take the success story of They also used innovative

Havaianas, for example. They are, at marketing strategies such as
the end of the day, just rubber flip- placing a giant model shoe in
flops made in Brazil. Sydney and using graffiti artists to

market the flip-flop on the side of brand character, what are our
buildings in New York City. brand values, and what is our brand
Its marketing message has always
been innovative and aspirational. Tech giant Apple, for example,
It also builds on Brazil’s fun image has a brand identity that is artistic
overseas by portraying Havaianas and liberated. Their brand values
as a colourful, joyful, simple are non-conformist and fun. Their
product. brand purpose is great design and
being easy-to-use.
Havaianas also stayed relevant with
new annual collections and now It’s critically key to be customer-
more than 300 different styles and centric and to listen to their
colors are on the market. Company consumers – then communicate
sales and net profits have boomed – a clear and consistent messaging
they sold over 240 million flip-flops over time.
last year.
At the end of the day, your brand
Principles of meaningful is not what you think it is; it’s what
differentiation potential and existing customers
What can companies learn from think it is!
this? Every business needs to
establish a clear, simple and
meaningful differentiation identity
and ask themselves, 'What is our
Ecosystemic Innovation 2.0
By Frédéric Dalsace, IMD Professor of
Marketing and Strategy

The world needs a new type What sort of world do you want to to tackle these challenges. Not
of innovation to solve some of leave behind for your children, and disruptive innovation, triadic
its biggest problems. your children’s children? innovation, frugal innovation,
collaborative innovation - or any from
The world faces a long list of the long, long list of innovation types
formidable challenges, from currently familiar to many of us.
climate change and depletion of
resources to population growth and I am putting forward something I
growing inequality. Resources per call ‘Ecosystemic Innovation 2.0’.
capita are going down, and the gap
between the haves and the have What does Ecosystemic Innovation
nots is getting wider. 2.0 look like?
Firms used to be very isolated and
In 2010, 388 billionaires owned now operate within their own -
the same amount of wealth as the albeit extended - ecosystem, doing
poorest half of the global population. their own innovating and handling
Today, that figure has narrowed to beyond their own supply chains. But
just 26. How long until that number they still tend to only work with 'for-
falls to just one person? profit' partners.

Firms need to be involved, and Companies now need to be more

they need a new type of innovation open. More specifically, they should
start working with new actors, The Toilet Board Coalition (TBC), stoves. In return for restoring 47

particularly not-for-profits such as is aiming to address the global natural ecosystems and reducing
academia, governments, NGOs and sanitation crisis by accelerating pollution, investors receive carbon
charities. what it calls the “sanitation credits.
economy” - making money out of
What do non-profits bring to the human waste. These types of mutually beneficial
table? A lot! Legitimacy, reputation, relationships are very hard for
a license to operate, and the ability In its own words, the TBC is companies to do on their own.
to attract and retain employees as “connecting large and small
well as expertise and a long-term companies and ensuring close Principles of Ecosystemic
mindset that isn’t just focused on collaboration between private, Innovation 2.0
quarterly results. public and non-profit sectors It is possible to do well by doing
with the common goal to achieve good. But for Ecosystemic
They also offer resources, in terms Sustainable Development Goal Innovation 2.0 to be successfully
of huge networks of volunteers, 6 (SDG6), universal access to deployed, firms need to remember
communities and other people who sanitation”. this is not your traditional corporate
can get things done. responsibility. These are business
The list of partners is notable not ventures, not a CSR initiative.
Ecosystemic Innovation 2.0 in just for number and size of the
action companies involved - Unilever, The process also requires a clear
Let’s take a look at some examples Kimberley Clark, Tata, to name just captain, and you must develop a
of this in action. a few - but also the involvement whole experimentation program,
of the likes of the London School because it is quite possible that you
MOVIN’ON is a successful “think and of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, will fail before you succeed.
do initiative” working on sustainable WaterAid,, the World
mobility that has been developed Bank and Unicef. This process also requires
by Michelin. This ecosystem now an unusually high level of
federates a network of over 300 All of these partners share one goal transparency. Meanwhile, it’s
public and private actors, including - they believe that they can deliver essential that members of both
for-profit firms and start-ups, but significant impact to both business the traditional and non-traditional
also associations, public institutions and society. businesses talk to each other, as
and cities. MOVIN’ON pursues this is where the innovation will
two main goals. First, it fosters the Livelihoods, meanwhile, “funds occur.
development of communities of and promotes farming practices
interest, each working on a specific that can increase food production Ecosystemic Innovation may not
topic (such as last mile urban while preserving our natural drive profits in the way a traditional
delivery, automated transport, and resources”. It’s made up of a long business does, but for-profit firms
others). Secondly, it spearheads list of private firms (Danone, Veolia, will benefit by motivating people,
international learning expeditions Hermès, Firmenich) and public preserving their license to operate
and organizes a yearly event, called organizations, NGOs and social and gaining social capital.
“the Summit”, which over the years enterprises that has, among other
has been described as “the Davos of things, invested in family farmers to It is one powerful tool to help firms
sustainable mobility”. improve supply chains - which has “do well while they are doing good”.
obvious benefits for all parties.

The fund has also spent 40 million

Scan me
euros planting 130 million trees
To watch the video and equipping houses with better
Creating, delivering and capturing
real value
By Salvatore Cantale, IMD Professor of

Organizations need business When Twitter co-founder and CEO clients, key resources, cost centers,
models that offer a superior Jack Dorsey sent the company’s channels, and revenue streams.
value proposition that is first ever tweet, he and his
hard-wired into customer colleagues had no idea what they In this article, we will focus on how
goals to deserve a premium. wanted to become. The company your value proposition sits at the
was repeatedly criticised for not heart of any successful business
having a business model, and after model. Quite simply: without a
four years of operating had zero superior value proposition, you do
revenue. not deserve a premium.

In response, Twitter announced a Superior value

revenue model contest, otherwise As you know, I am a professor for
they would shut down. This led to IMD. But my value proposition
the multi-billion dollar business cannot just be that I profess.
model they have in place today How would I gain any competitive
- providing a customer centric advantage? Who would want to
service that makes it easier for come to my classes? Instead, in line
people to connect and broadcast with IMD’s goal, I aim to deliver real
content in return for their data. learning and real impact so that the
people that attend my programs
What sets companies like Twitter or read my research might take
apart from the competition? How do something valuable away and apply
they earn the right to a premium in it successfully to their work or
today’s intense and unpredictable business.
However, in reality, the value
Business models not businesses proposition from far too many
Well, just because you run a companies is limited to the idea
business does not mean you have a that they simply have something
business model. Effective business that they think we should buy. We
models create, deliver and capture are a dry cleaning service, bring your
value for you and your customers. clothes! Others manage to go one
better and say they have something
To create this kind of model, you to sell that has additional features.
need to factor in a broad range of We are a dry cleaning service that
interconnected elements such offers repairs, bring more of your
as key partners, key activities, clothes! Some make the leap to
value proposition, relationships, think about their customers and
offering in a more symbiotic way So, the first step towards creating or created by the attributes and 49

- they say to their audience: we a superior value proposition is to functional benefits of our offering.
listened, and here are your benefits. focus rigorously on the customer. Reach that third rung, and you
We are a dry cleaning service that It’s not about what you do as a can start to think about charging a
helps you claw back precious time company, it is about what the premium.
in this crazy world, just make the consumer does with what you do.
connection and we’ll do the rest… Ringfence your value!
Second, this goes well beyond the By building a business model that
The ladder of value features and attributes of what you supports and focuses on creating,
Research shows that companies are offering to the market. Don’t delivering and capturing value
with better customer satisfaction get me wrong, it’s great to have lots through a customer-centric,
outcomes report higher annualized of useful and innovative features superior value proposition, your
returns. This means fully that provide a functional benefit to company can earn the right to a
understanding your customers the customer. But how does your premium.
from an inside-out and outside-in business model help your customer
point of view. If you were starting achieve his or her goals in life? But, remember, it is vital that
your business from scratch, where you find ways to protect your
would you begin? What questions Let’s imagine the search for ‘value’ value proposition - either in its
would you ask? What would you is like climbing a ladder. The first conception, creation or delivery
measure? rung on that ladder relates to the - so that it cannot be hijacked by
basic features and attributes built competitors. The moment this
Inside out: How can we sell more? into your offer. The second rung happens, your ability to charge
What can we do? relates to the functional benefits a premium will disappear as
that customers gain from those customers realize they can go
Outside in: What customer attributes. And the third rung then elsewhere for the same or better
problems are we solving? How can equates to the customer goals or experience, probably at less cost.
we help customers succeed? emotional benefits that are enabled
Orchestrating digital transformation
By Michael Wade, Director of the
IMD-Cisco Global Center for Digital
Business Transformation and IMD
Professor of Innovation and Strategy

Old change management Digital business transformation There are many reasons for this.
approaches do not work for digital is becoming increasingly Old fashioned, episodic and siloed
business transformations. necessary for all companies to transformations lack synergy.
remain competitive, but many Transformation is misunderstood
organizations are struggling to as an event, when it is actually
reap the benefits of this brave a perpetual leadership task.
new world of technology-enabled There may be a low risk tolerance
performance. culture in a company, common
detachment between business
Research by the IMD Global Center units, a lack of digital talent or an
for Digital Business Transformation absence of the core organizational
shows that, globally, 79 percent of factors necessary for a successful
respondents say that implementing transformation.
digital business transformation is a
major challenge. This can often be How to manage digital
the result of managers seeking to fall transformations
back on and apply standard change A three-pronged approach to
management strategies which are managing digital transformation -
simply just not up to the task. based on clarity of ambition, agility
and resource orchestration - can
In fact, a staggering 95 percent of support the delivery of a successful
digital transformations fail to meet evolution.





Clarity of ambition best decision in a given situation.

The first step in this journey is to This means empowering and
create and communicate a clear collaborating with people to make
transformation ambition. This quick, evidence-based choices.
must be precise, realistic, inclusive,
succinct and measurable - PRISM. Fast execution is a company's
ability to carry out its plans quickly
Agility and effectively. This means putting
Digital business agility is not decisions into practice rapidly,
just one thing, it is three things - mobilizing resources dynamically
hyperawareness, informed decision and continuously monitoring
making and fast execution. Each options and progress against set
of these components contributes goals.
to the kind of agility necessary for Info
digital transformation. ss rm
e ed


Hyperawareness - a company’s


ability to detect and monitor


changes in its business

environment. This means being
highly alert to the internal and
external environment, especially Agility
changes that spotlight challenges
or threats.

Informed decision-making is st e x e c u tio n
a company's ability to make the

Resource orchestration GO-TO-MARKET

Digital transformation requires the What are the channels available
careful and considered mobilization to you to reach your market, such
of all resources in sync. Think of retail, wholesale and e-commerce,
your ecosystem as an orchestra, and the products or services that
where all facets have a contribution you can transform?
to make to maximize the impact of
your transformation. This means ENGAGEMENT
focusing on each instrument and What new ways are there for
each section of your orchestra you to connect and engage with
to understand what role it can your customers and partners,
play, from go-to-market and and to engage and prepare your
engagement to the organization workforce?
itself, and how people, digital
infrastructure and data will support ORGANIZATION
the process. How can your structure, culture and
incentives support the process of
digital transformation?
The Transformation Orchestra

© 2019 Global Center for Digital Business Transformation. All r


Rethink the question

out how to digitize function X in
Finally, companies often make
isolation, explore ways to digitize
mistakes early on in the digital
across your entire organization.
transformation process because
they do not understand what digital
is really for or how it can help them
to improve and compete in the

Make sure you are asking the right

questions to understand why digital
transformation is necessary and
how it can help you. For example,
don’t ask how can we become more
digital, ask how can we use digital
to improve performance. Rather
than asking ask how you can build
a digital strategy, ask how you can
use digital to build a more agile
strategy. Instead of trying to figure
Three questions for: 55

H.E. Omar Sultan Al Olama

The United Arab Emirates Minister
of State for Artificial Intelligence
explores the country's pioneering
approach to artificial intelligence.

1. Why is the UAE leading the way on AI policy?

When our AI strategy was launched in 2017, all the groundwork had
been done over the last 17 years. The infrastructure necessary to deploy AI,
to collect data, to access people and for people to access you was already
laid. It is proactive planning and forecasting the future that takes you from
a traditional government to an AI government - having a leadership that
understood the importance of technology and AI early on. Laying that
groundwork has allowed us to thrive.

2. What are the UAE’s competitive advantages in AI?

The first is the unique and diverse data sets that we have. The second
is that we can actually develop and deploy AI quite quickly, much faster
than anyone else. And third, we are able to use AI to empower the sectors
that we are leading in and to also elevate the sectors that we want to

3. What are your recommendations for embracing AI?

The AI revolution has started. We don’t know the impacts yet. We
see some negative and positive impacts. If you are prepared, you will make
use of the positives. If you are not prepared, you will be challenged by the
disadvantages. Being prepared is paramount, and being agile is the key to
being prepared.

If we just look at the economic gains, we will fail. Don’t look at the
economic gain of AI, because the numbers are really appealing and will
induce you into thinking AI is only going to lead to good things. But there are
challenges that will come along. If you don’t think of the social implications
of AI and just deploy for economic gains - that is going to lead to a future
that none of us want. You need to balance between the big numbers and the
Scan me
To watch the video implications for people and how it changes their lives.
Future-proofing your business with
By Stéphane J.G.Girod, IMD Professor
of Strategy and Organizational

In the age of uncertainty, The rapid intensification of Future-proof through agility

companies must reimagine their technological innovation, social Faced with this uncertain
leadership and strategic approach change, environmental concerns environment, companies must
to move from rigidity to agility. and geopolitical risk has left many increase their ‘hyperawareness’
industry leaders struggling to hold and adopt better informed decision-
on to their market share. New, making. They must embrace new,
disruptive entrants have proven agile ways of strategizing, working
more adept at surfing the wave of and leading to create organizations
innovation and uncertainty. embedded with adaptability.

This has forced many organizations In the previous era of more

to rethink how they work in order to predictable business environments,
secure their futures. In the ever- it was easier to anticipate cause
evolving global economy of today and effect relationships. Risk
and tomorrow, only the agile with management and best practices
survive. But a big lesson of the enabled companies to observe
stream was that agile methods do what was happening, analyze it, and
not necessarily equal to agility. respond.

In today’s unpredictable world, ways of working. But incumbents Create more agility, now
cause and effect relationships often operate across multiple How can your company move
are only clear in hindsight. This business lines and countries. What from rigidity to agility? First, run
new epoch requires ‘uncertainty’ works in one part of the company a thorough diagnostic on each of
management and emergent may not work somewhere else. the four elements in the tensions
practices, where companies must While incumbents need to simplify, referred to above. How nimble is
experiment and learn before they shouldn’t over-simplify. your organization? How stable is it?
responding. How simple is it? And how complex?
Building organizational agility
Unfortunately, most established In the stream, participants With this information, focus on
companies tend to be rigid, caught worked on the eight principles of each element as it relates to the
in a success trap where the idea organizational agility. They learned five building blocks of agility:
of changing a winning model feels how to deploy five levers to give strategy, structure, process,
reckless or caught in a downward life to these principles: strategy, people and rewards. How can you
spiral trap where they cannot people, rewards, structure and apply a nimble, stable, simple and
respond to disruptors with enough processes. They figured out that complex approach to each area in
urgency. Their approach to change each company needs to decide a way that is appropriate for the
can also be destructive, employing where to place the cursor on circumstances of your business?
old ‘big bang’ transformations that nimble-stable and simple-complex This will tell you whether you should
are inappropriate in an uncertain as a function of its internal and jump on the bandwagon of agile
world. external circumstances. Some processes or not. And if you do,
companies like Lego, General you will need to deploy those five
Agility is about flexibility and Electric or Roche will choose to blocks to unlock their full potential.
adaptability, not just speed form hybrid organizations where If you don’t, you have other ways of
For incumbents to navigate the some units apply agile processes creating organizational agility. It’s
age of uncertainty, they must such as design thinking, lean more critical for business leaders
learn to to reconcile two tensions startup or scrum while the rest to understand and focus on the
simultaneously in order to create of their organizations continue to principles of agility rather than
organizational flexibility. function as traditional hierarchies. tools. An organization’s principles,
values and beliefs must align with,
To be prepared for whatever Other companies facing more underpin, enable and drive the
lies ahead, incumbents must urgent disruptive threats, rewarding journey to agility.
become nimbler, that is more like ING or Haier, go one step
entrepreneurial and faster. But further towards nimble and
with a core business to defend, they simple by creating radically new
cannot afford to let chaos unfold: organizational models for agility.
Incumbents need some stability as The important discovery was
well. that Haier shows a great degree
of agility but without using the
The second tension to resolve is currently fashionable scrum, agile
between simple and complex. To processes and squads and tribes
be as responsive to unexpected (à la ING). Each company must find
changes as necessary, incumbents its own shape, degree and path to
need to simplify their bureaucratic agility.

"How can we foster a

more entrepreneurial
spirit within the family
enterprise? In the world
that we live in today, that is
changing so quickly, how
can we address those new
Frederico Barreira

Navigating your family enterprise into the future
Peter Vogel

Contributing to society
How to deliver positive impact:
doing well by doing good
Three questions for: 61

Omran Sharaf
The Director of the United Arab
Emirates’ mission to land a probe
on Mars in 2021 talks about why his
nation decided to skip the moon and
go straight to the Red Planet.

1. Why has the UAE decided to send a probe to Mars?

In July 2014, the President of the UAE, Sheikh Khalifa bin Zayed Al
Nahyan, announced the country’s ambitious plans for space exploration.
But the journey actually began in 2005. His Highness Sheikh Mohammed
bin Rashid Al Maktoum, the Vice President and Prime Minister, wanted
to create a project that would boost the science and technology sector in
Dubai and the UAE.

We were already developing initiatives in many sectors – including the

financial and tourism sectors – to work towards a post-oil economy. To
do that, you need to be knowledge-based. But to survive in a competitive
environment, your knowledge-based economy needs to be creative and
innovative. That’s done by strengthening your science and technology
sector. The government’s vision was that, through the space program, they
would build the foundations for a stronger science and technology sector.
One year ago, we launched the first satellite built in the UAE, so we’ve
made great progress.

2. What is the significance of landing on Mars in 2021?

Around the same time the UAE launched the project to build our first
satellite in the country, His Highness the Prime Minister came to us and
said that he would like to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the UAE with
a very big achievement, one that’s also linked to the wider region. More
than 800 years ago, the Middle East was a symbol for tolerance, knowledge
generation, and civilization. The moment we stopped giving back to
humanity, stopped thinking, stopped accepting people from different
backgrounds, that’s when we started moving backwards. In the UAE, we
like to do things differently, so we skipped the moon and went directly to

3. Why is the project named ‘Hope’?

The project represents hope for the region and Arab youth and hope
for the future of the UAE. His Highness made it very clear that it is not a
space project. It’s a national project that every single sector in the UAE has
ownership of. Mars is a cold dead planet. However, scientists believe that
more than four billion years ago, Mars might have been similar to Earth. A
better understanding of Mars will help us better understand the changes
Scan me happening on our planet and the universe we’re in. This is how you serve
To watch the video humanity.
Artificial intelligence: Boom or doom?
By Amit Joshi, IMD Professor of Digital
Marketing and Strategy

AI is widely misunderstood and needs to be demystified.

To better grasp what AI is and how it will affect examples of pattern-focused AI in action.
our future, it helps to break it down into two That means jobs that mostly entail prediction
categories: narrow artificial intelligence and or are relatively simple are the most likely
general artificial intelligence. to be replaced in the future: cashiers, food
preparation and service workers, office
Narrow artificial intelligence is already a daily clerks, administrative assistants, waiters,
reality, it’s used every day in smart speakers, heavy truck drivers, bookkeeping clerks and
self-driving cars, and when we make internet many sales jobs.
In fact, AI is more likely to work with us and
General artificial intelligence is technology help us at our jobs. A radiologist, for example,
that can do everything a human can do. In isn’t going to be replaced by technology, but
reality, we are nowhere near robots replacing he or she could be amplified by it.
humans and, depending on who you ask,
we won’t reach this point for another few The future of learning
decades. Today, AI does not even have the To keep the world’s workforce skilled
general intelligence level of a small animal. It and relevant, we can’t continue with the
is certainly no Terminator. traditional system of teaching and learning.
We need to move away from a sequential
We tend to overestimate what AI is capable model of value creation and value capture
of but underestimate how it can be applied. – where people spend 12-18 years of their
Applicable AI has arrived and is here to stay. formative years creating value through
If implemented properly, it promises to make education and then the rest of their lives
our lives better. capturing this value – to a system of lifelong
learning. Workers need to learn throughout
Where is disruption most likely? their careers to keep up with technological
AI right now can do one thing - pattern change so that they can simultaneously
recognition (taking massive amounts of create and capture value.
data and processing it). And at this it is
superhuman. Recommendations for songs Whereas education is currently based on the
and shows on your favorite apps are perfect three R’s – reading, (w)riting and (a)rithmetic,

– the education of the future But since there is not yet a full unintentionally learn bias from
must be based on the four C’s: picture of what AI will be used a variety of different sources.
critical thinking, communication, for, we don’t know exactly what Everything from the data used to
collaboration and creativity. regulation will be necessary. train it, to the people who are using
it, and even seemingly unrelated
The drawbacks of AI Here are three major challenges for factors, can all contribute to AI bias.
AI does pose a number of the future of AI: Until we can fix AI’s bias problem,
challenges in terms of ethics and humans have an important
privacy. Google, fined for multiple 1. Making AI more transparent role to play in designing new AI
privacy breaches in the past, AI is currently an unexplainable systems to avoid bias and prevent
recently announced a partnership black box. Humans program it to discrimination.
working with the second-largest do tasks but not how to do them.
hospital system in the United States We currently can’t figure out 3. Reducing damage
to store the data of millions of what processes it uses to come There have been and will probably
patients and analyze it using AI and to conclusions. Until we can, we be more deaths involving self-
machine learning. should use it for relatively low risk driving cars, for example.
tasks. Autonomous systems will be faced
This raises many questions: Do with choosing the ‘least bad’ option
patients know their data is being 2. Eliminating bias in AI such as turning left and causing
transferred to the tech giant? Can While there’s a common belief that two fatalities instead of right and
Google’s employees view patient algorithms are supposed to be built causing three. There must be ample
files? Can data be hacked? without any of the bias or prejudices feedback loops to allow humans to
that color human decision making, intervene quickly and as often as
AI will require strong regulation. the truth is that an algorithm can required.
China’s innovation imperative
By Mark Greeven, IMD Professor of
Innovation and Strategy

Chinese business systems China’s emergence as an economic It is not all plain sailing, however,
are rapid, responsive and and innovation powerhouse has There are headwinds. Many
resilient. The Chinese way of big implications for the destiny industries are suffering from
innovating is highly suitable of businesses in the rest of the overcapacity, China’s financial
for turbulent environments. world. Understanding how and why system is highly indebted, and
It’s time to think beyond Chinese businesses innovate can policy is top-down. There are
teach us valuable lessons on how to isolated ‘innovation islands’,
recognized boundaries.
remain competitive in the future. weak enforcement of intellectual
property rights, restrictive trade
What is driving Chinese barriers and tariffs, and control
innovation? of the Internet. This has created a
At the heart of China’s innovation ‘closed innovation system’.
imperative lies a nation in perpetual
and rapid transformation. The rise The iceberg of innovators
of millennials alongside changing While we might be aware of the big
customer needs, technologies, names in Chinese commerce and
industries, growth markets, industry, this is just the tip of the
regulations and cost structures iceberg. There are many thousands
contribute to an economic cauldron of innovative companies emerging
with internal market dynamics and taking strong footholds in both
that are 40 percent higher than the niche and mass market industries
global and regional average. in China and worldwide.

The conditions are ripe for The most prominent groups of

innovation. There is a large Chinese companies that are
domestic market that is scalable, important to the global value chain
and a large and growing talent are the newcomers - the underdogs
pool. There is a supportive physical and the changemakers - and the
infrastructure and abundant private incumbents - the pioneers and the
capital. Regulation and policy is hidden champions
improving, fuelled by the Belt Road
Initiative, and the private sector is in
the ascendancy.

Pioneers Hidden Champions Underdogs Changemakers

There are about 30-40 There are about 200 of There are about 150,000 There are about 200
of these companies, these companies, such of these companies, of these companies,
such as Alibaba, as Hikvision, that are often started by elite established by
which are self reliant, characterised by a strong entrepreneurs such as next generation
‘boundaryless’, digitalized R&D focus, continuous Royole Technology. They entrepreneurs, such
and entrepreneurial. product innovation, gain early international as iCarbonX. They are
Alibaba is not so much a and rapid growth from exposure, move under fuelled by venture capital,
company as it is a vast, divergent roots. They the radar, and embrace embrace a need for speed
interconnected, self- leverage the advantage of cutting edge technology and digital disruption, and
reliant ecosystem. being hidden to achieve as niche innovators. are highly visible.
global impact.

The Chinese way Furthermore, Chinese innovators way other companies around the
What are the secret ingredients of are characterized by: world tend to approach innovation.
this success in innovation? And how
does it differ to the approach taken • A sense of urgency, not However, in today’s ever-changing
in more developed economies? complacency and turbulent global economy,
• Tinkering, not product planning the Chinese model of ‘swarm’
The underlying approach in China is • Customer obsession, not innovation is highly suitable and
‘swarm innovation’. Through swarm product prime for adoption more widely.
innovation, innovators go for proven • Continuous upgrading, and the As a starting points, companies
opportunities and selling points, idea that something is never should:
not unique opportunities or selling good enough
points. They are market driven, not • Rapid decision-making, not • Think beyond recognized
technology driven. There is intense consensus building boundaries
competition between a large • Ecosystem thinking, not silos • Cast a wide net
number of pioneers as opposed to • Strengthen your home base
competition within incumbents. Learn from the best
In China, there are ‘winner takes There is much to learn from the
all’ markets, not the diversified way Chinese companies have taken
markets of developed economies. the world of innovation by storm.
And there is strong geographic This rise has been fueled by highly
market clustering, rather than competitive domestic conditions
technology clustering. and is, of course, different to the
Blockchain: The “big” disruption
By Arturo Bris, Director of the IMD
World Competitiveness Center and
IMD Professor of Finance

Leaders must understand the applications of new technology

such as blockchain to embrace the full potential of a rapidly
evolving world of finance, trust and transparency.

The digital age has triggered problems lies with the applications
multiple questions and challenges of blockchain. Blockchain is a new
for businesses and the global technology that has the power
economy, not least the way in which to unlock value that until today
money moves around the world and could not be monetized. It is the
the way in which we interact with disruption that will render many
each other. business models obsolete and
revolutionize human interaction.
Until recently, digital networks had Most importantly of all, if you think
been found wanting. Centralized blockchain is the future, you are
networks such as Facebook, Tesla wrong: It is the present. It is already
and SWIFT have suffered from reshaping our world.
issues with trust, security or cost,
while decentralized networks have How is this happening? Well,
struggled to overcome challenges blockchain is the first workable
such as double spending, an solution to one of the big nagging
impossible consensus, a lack of problems of the digital realm: How
transparency, and the transfer of can we transfer something of value
assets through time or storage from one person to another without
capacity. middlemen having to make sure
that the item is not copied or, in the
Blockchain is the answer case of money, spent more than
The solution to many of these once?

Taking the above challenges It can solve the riddle of the

facing decentralized networks, for impossible consensus by offering
example. Blockchain can overcome a consensus algorithm where the
double spending because it acts as rules of the game can be agreed
a distributed ledger which lists and upon by everyone - or ‘proof of
preserves all transactions across work’, as it applies to Bitcoin.
a peer-to-peer network through




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Smart contracts To watch the video
To address issues of trust, security and transparency, blockchain
technology enables the establishment of smart contracts including
cryptocurrencies, tokenization and the IPOs of the digital age - initial coin

An option contract between parties is

A triggering event like an expiration Regulators can use the blockchain to
written as code into the blockchain.
date and strike price is hit and the understand the activity in the market
The individuals involved are
contract executes itself according to while maintaining the privacy of
anonymous, but the contract is the
the coded terms. individual actors’ positions
public ledger.
Tokenization is already making Beyond Bitcoin enable the technology in line with 71

inroads as a way to formalize But the applications do not stop existing economic rules.
trust in the complex global digital there. This new technology has
economy. The token economy has the power to transform the worlds From stones to ICOs
been embedded in several national of compliance, accounting and What does this mean for the future
financial regulatory frameworks, taxation, social interaction, the of business? Blockchain and its
including in Switzerland, where global registry of physical asset applications have huge implications
three types of tokens are covered: ownership, legal contracts, bonded for the way companies operate,
identity services and property. the way financial systems function
Payment tokens are synonymous and the way we interact. The ability
with cryptocurrencies and have Blockchain is allowing us to to monetize any form of capital
no further functions or links to reimagine the financial services will result in large improvements
other development projects. This industry leading to public sector in our quality of life and spur
includes Bitcoin and Ethereum. innovation and financial market wealth creation. We will soon be
decentralization for assets able to monetize everything in a
Utility tokens are tokens which are such as interest rate swaps and transparent and secure way.
intended to provide digital access e-currencies. It could even redefine
to an application or service, such as how democracies function through
Lympo. the creation of decentralized
autonomous organizations.
Asset tokens represent assets such
as participations in real physical The number of initial coin offerings
entities, companies, or earnings is also growing exponentially as
streams, or an entitlement to companies in a range of industries
dividends or interest payments. tap into this financial revolution
This includes equity tokens and to raise funds from investors, and
Caskcoin. regulators devise frameworks to
Staying ahead of trends and
preparing for shocks
By Omar Toulan, IMD Professor
of Strategy and International

With the collapse of the Far-reaching changes to the global What is a trend?
‘Washington consensus’ following economy have transformed the A trend is something either positive
the global financial crash, business landscape. The demise or negative that is accelerating
companies must learn to navigate of the neoliberal consensus that in popularity, often with ‘hockey-
the emergence of game-changing fueled globalization and the rise stick’ style growth. Trends can
trends and shocks to remain of multinationals has resulted in a be spotted by paying attention to
competitive. new world order where companies signals of change, such as data.
must contend with unprecedented For companies to take advantage
uncertainty. of a trend, it is important to catch
a trend early - before it starts to
Amid all the noise, how can accelerate:
companies compete? How can
businesses adapt to trends that • Identify early adopters in your
reshape their markets? How can market and listen to customers
executives prepare for and mitigate • Monitor the competition
one-off shocks? • Surround yourself with smart
and diverse individuals
• Identify the influencers in your

Trends can impact all corners of a Demographic/environmental

company’s competitive space. trends
These are changes in the
Competitive trends competitive landscape. By 2030,
These are changes in the the global demand for energy will
companies that you compete increase by 50 percent and 40
against. For example, the number percent of the world’s population
of Chinese companies in Fortune will be affected by water shortages.
500 grew to 112 in 2018 from just
four in 2000. Geo-political trends
These are changes in the rules
Technological trends of the game. Since 2008, 7000
These are changes in the way protectionist measures have been
that companies compete with imposed globally. As a result,
each. Take retail, where online country risk management has
platforms and technology are not become a skill firms must master.
just replacing, but redefining entire
business models.

Absorbing shocks are four steps required to effectively Mitigate

While detecting and reacting to manage ‘country risk’ shocks and Can you reduce exposure to the
trends will support your company’s to turn them into opportunities: risks you have identified? Do you
growth and viability, it is equally have a good system and team in
important to understand and Understand place for timely warning and action?
prepare for shocks, such as the What is your organization’s How can you limit damage once
increasingly complex field of risk appetite? Is there a shared something happens?
country risk. This can include a wide understanding of this risk appetite?
range of political, economic, social How can we reduce blind spots? Respond
and environmental factors that Are you learning from near misses?
affect companies on a micro and Analyze Are you reacting effectively
macro level, from ownership and How do you obtain good information to crises? Are you developing
operations to the transfer of funds. about the risk you are exposed mechanisms for continuous
to? How do you ensure rigorous learning?
By nature, such shocks are analysis? How do you integrate
unpredictable, and affect political risk analysis into business
companies in different ways. There decisions?

Navigating trends and absorbing Of these four elements, agility

shocks with agility and a SAVE takes on a special significance.
mentality An agile mindset, organizational
Trends tend to trigger a shift in structures, rewards and processes
the value of companies, markets, will empower your company to drive
services and products, with value competitiveness as trends and
creation for some and value shocks redefine the marketplace.
destruction for others. While
online retail platforms such as
Amazon rocketed in market value,
traditional high street stores
suffered a loss in value.

Companies must embrace a

balanced growth portfolio between
‘exploitation’ and ‘exploration’. This
means using current resources
and capabilities in an efficient and
reliable way to head in the same
direction while also searching
for, acquiring and developing new
resources and capabilities to go in a
new direction.

Companies can prepare for the new

age of megatrends by adopting a
SAVE mentality:

Speed in reacting to trends

Agility to react to changing
competitors, technologies and
Values-based management
Empathy to appreciate changes in
the environment
Beating the competition
By Christos Cabolis, IMD World
Competitiveness Center Chief
Economist and IMD Professor of
Economics and Competitiveness

Competitiveness is the key In a time of rapid change, competitive economy boosts the
to prosperity: policymakers megatrends and uncertainty, long-term capacity of companies
must carefully navigate countries must do more to develop and organizations to remain
sweeping changes to the the competitiveness of their profitable and create fulfilling jobs,
global economy and society economies to create opportunity, while minimizing the environmental
attract investment and talent, and impact of their activities.
to safeguard and improve
secure future, sustainable growth.
their economic performance.
Measuring competitiveness
Why is competitiveness so The conditions influencing
important in the policy mix? Well, competitiveness are as complex
the more competitive a country as they are varied, ranging from
is, the more likely it is going to be social factors and education
able to foster an environment in policy to financial regulation. In
which enterprises can generate order to help make sense of this
sustainable value creation. A maze of information, each year,


efficiency Company


the IMD World Competitiveness Boosting competitiveness economies that are more
Center measures more than 330 Our ranking provides policymakers transparent, more open with
criteria weighted and assessed and business leaders with a respect to trade and less protective
across the pillars of economic gauge of national and global are also the economies that rank
performance, government competitiveness, while higher in the competitiveness index.
efficiency, business efficiency and also highlighting strengths,
infrastructure to create its annual weaknesses, best practice and With respect to gender parity,
global competitiveness ranking. lessons to be learned from others. we have found that women’s
Singapore, Hong Kong, the USA, labor participation is more or
Switzerland and the United Arab While there is no silver bullet to less the same irrespective of the
Emirates were the top five ranked building a super-competitive competitiveness ranking of the
nations in 2019, displaying broad- economy, our research shows economies. The same holds for
based strength in all areas. a clear correlation between the percentage of women with a
competitiveness and progressive, tertiary education degree. This pool
innovative societies. For example, of skills, however, is integrated

differently in the economies we

study. In fact, women take more
leadership positions in more
competitive economies translating
into higher disposable income for
them. Less competitive economies
are slower in giving ample
recognition to the most highly
skilled female members of the

Beyond this, one significant

challenge that policymakers must
address to maintain or improve
competitiveness is the ageing
global population. We know that
significant increases in the size
of a nation’s older population has
a dampening effect on economic
growth. Tough questions must be
asked and answered in order for
society to find solutions to the extra
cost and labour market impact of
ageing populations and the link to
economic performance.

As the technological revolution

advances, it is also important for
nations to develop workforces that
are future ready, agile and capable
of innovation. Our research shows
that productivity and efficiency
improve if a country’s population
is well equipped with ‘adaptive’
attitudes and future readiness,
while innovation drives job and
labor productivity growth.

Get ready for the future Regulation: Policymakers should

How can nations foster and invest seek to create an environment
in a supportive environment for that will ‘enable’ the private
innovation in order to drive future sector to create value such as
competitiveness? We identify the reducing administrative barriers
three pillars of innovation as: to starting a business. Efforts
should also be made to ‘connect’
Capital: The state builds the stakeholders that may improve
framework: it sets the rules and economic performance such
corrects for market failures. as business needs and talent
Governments, however, also play through areas such as equal
an important role in spearheading opportunity legislation. Finally,
investment for innovation and they regulation should be ‘facilitating’
should continue doing so as they did in the sense that it alleviates
in the areas of digital technology, potential constraints in developing
biotechnology and nanotechnology. innovation. For example, in credit
restricted economies, it may
Talent: Governments should invest choose to subsidize the availability
in the development of local talent, of capital.
improve the country’s appeal to the
international talent pool, and match
the needs of the market with the
skills and competencies obtained in
the talent pool.

"It’s not about robots

taking over our lives, it’s
about how we automate
or use patterns so that
computers can give us
information for us to do
our jobs better."
Thokozile Mcopele
ABS Bank of South Africa
South Africa

What are the limits of AI?
Amit Joshi

Real Impact
Turning real learning into action in
life and business


How to transform disruption into an opportunity

Like many countries around the world, ride-hailing
companies have taken Saudi Arabia by storm. Tech
company Elm helped regulators respond.

As ride-hailing platforms disrupted its traditional taxi sector, Saudi

Arabia’s Public Transport Authority (PTA) quickly realized that the country
was lacking regulation to manage the rapid rise of this new technology and
the services it provides.

This is where tech firm Elm stepped in, creating Wasl - a platform that
links ride-hailing apps and traditional taxi companies with the PTA, while
ensuring same standards of service.

“As a regulatory authority, the PTA needed a sound policy framework to

ensure fair, orderly, transparent and efficient markets while providing
best in class service. Therefore, it was vital to build a digital platform
that could provide the same services while still governing it and
protecting the end users,” said Dr AbdulRahman Aljadhai, CEO of Elm,
speaking to Orchestrating Winning Performance participants in Dubai.

For the PTA, the application helped streamline data and information from
ride-hailing companies, allowed it to monitor and control transport flows
and ensure higher levels of safety and security.

The platform also improved the For the general public using ride-
government’s readiness to respond hailing apps, Wasl means they are
to mishaps or crisis situations, such now using a service that is more
as lost property or a person going secure, better regulated, more
missing. accountable and more transparent.
At the same time, it facilitates
Elm’s innovation also encouraged access for startups in this part of
the competitive spirit among ride- the economy.
hailing companies, elevating the
overall level of service across the Avoiding pitfalls
country. Aljadhai added that when a
disruptive innovation enters the
For Wasl end users - the providers market, the “non-proactive”
of transportation services - the approach is a recipe for failure.
platform has opened up a number Authorities should be agile,
of services including vehicle embrace change and regulate
registration, driver registration and services to facilitate, not stifle
validation of security status, all of progress.
which can now be carried out on the
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Can technology turn Dubai into the world’s smartest,

happiest city?
One system will connect citizens to all the services they
need, from education to health.

Dubai’s digital revolution began at the turn of the century, when it launched
its e-government system. Now, the authorities have ambitions to make
Dubai the “happiest city on Earth”, said Wesam Lootah, CEO of Smart
Dubai Government, at a keynote Orchestrating Winning Performance

“Governments are there to enable and to allow everyone to prosper,” said

Lootah. “Technology is just a means to an end. You need a purpose - and
happiness is ours.”

A digital government in a box

Smart Dubai’s ambition is to provide a “digital government in a box” - one
system that connects citizens to all government services, from housing
and healthcare to transport and education.

“If someone living in Dubai wants to start a business, they can do this
using one platform, rather than jump around government departments,”
Lootah said. “They can also pay for fuel, renew their car registration, move
house, pay bills and fines. Can one system serve an entire city, and can this
system be exported to other parts of the world?”

The great enabler

The Dubai government will issue its
last paper transaction in 2021.
“This will save the government
AED900m, save 1 billion pieces of
paper, 125 million work hours and
save 130,000 trees,” Lootah said.
Dubai has launched a payment
system linked to blockchain,
which processed almost 50 million
transactions and collected AED67
billion between 2015 and October
this year.

Smart Dubai has also made 500

datasets available to the private
sector via a platform called Dubai

Lessons learned
What insights should other cities
take from Dubai’s digital adventure?
“Be ambitious and dream big,” he
said. “Bring people on board and
get them excited about it. Create a
sense of urgency. You should also
obtain leadership support, which is
the overarching enabling factor to
achieve an ambitious goal.”

It’s also important to “think win-

win,” said Lootah. “Include partners
in your success story. You should
not outshine your partners, you
need to win together.”

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