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List of all of the angels Anthony has told us about.

Let me know if I am missing any.

List of The Essential Angels (Book one)

Angel of Mercy: She is God’s most powerful Angel. When things seem at
their darkest call upon her for guidance.

Angel of Faith: Call upon her when you are lacking faith or need a
boost to the faith you currently have now.

Angel of Trust: She will help you when you have been betrayed or
feeling like you have been kicked to the curb.

Angel of Healing: Call upon her when needing help from temporary health
issues, for yourself or a loved one. (long term illness needs the Unknown

Angel of Restitution: She helps with the recovery from an emotional


Angel of Deliverance: Call upon her if you are going through an earthly
judgment, like a divorce or being fired from a job.

Angel of Sun: Call upon her to maximize the benefits of the sun’s rays
to all of the cells in your body.

Angel of Light: She will help you when you feel unsafe or want to be
protected from someone who is being dishonest with you.

Angel of Water: Call upon her to cleanse the water you are bathing in
or the water you are drinking.

Angel of Air: She has the ability to cleanse the air and change the
vibration of negative energy around you.

Angel of Purity: Call upon her when struggling with any addiction.

Angel of Fertility: Call upon her when you want to make and carry to
term a healthy baby.

Angel of Birth: She is the Angel you want in the delivery room, to
ensure you and your baby are healthy.

Angel of Peace: She helps with healing you mentally and helps you
regain hope.

Angel of Beauty: Call upon her to appreciate your surroundings and the
beauty of nature.

Angel of Purpose: If you are not sure what you want to do with your
life or what your calling is, this is the Angel to ask for help.
Angel of Knowledge: Call upon her when you don’t have the words to help
someone who needs your advice.

Angel of Wisdom: She is your Angel when you need to make a decision and
don’t know what to do.

Angel of Awareness: If you need help with staying in the present and
being mindful of your surroundings, she is the Angel you need.

Angel of Relationships: Call upon her if you need help with your
relationship, whether it’s your mate, friend, mother-in-law, or a work

Angel of Dreams: Ask her to enter your dreams and help you with any
emotional turmoil that may be interfering with you having peaceful

Angel of Time: She can help you remember specific times in your life.
Whether you need to revisit to remind yourself of happier times or help
you let go of guilt from unpleasant times.
Angel of Free Will: If you feel trapped in your decision making and not
sure how to proceed, call upon this Angel for guidance.

Angel of Free Will: Call on the Angel of Free Will for assistance with
making decisions that are governed by you rather than anyone who is
governing over you. She helps free you up from anyone who has control
over you, and guides you to your own path. Ask for the Angel of Wisdom at
the same time to use your free will for the greatest outcome.

Angel of Promise: This Angel is best with promises, ones kept and ones
broken. She will help you with the heartache of a broken promise.

Angel of Inner Vision: Call upon this Angel when you want to understand
yourself better. Whether you are feeling lost or broken, or in the wrong
place, she will help guide you to where you need to be.

Angel of Strength: She will empower you with strength to persevere.

Whether you need strength for yourself or to help another.

Angel of Dimension: She helps us to see the bigger picture. We can get
trapped in our own bubble, unaware of what is going on around us. She
helps us see the forest for the trees.

Unknown Angels
The Unknown Angels are named as such because they do not have names.
They are an army of Angels, all 144,000 of them. They are quite powerful
and benefit you most when you are sleeping, healing your body, mind,
heart, spirit, and soul. Call upon these Angels when you need help and
healing with chronic illness, or you are fighting one of the battles of a
spiritual war (i.e. fatigue, anxiety, stress, temptation, fear, despair,
lies, or revenge).

List of Life Changing Angels (LCF)

🩵Angel of Disarmament: When you are eating produce that you know is laced
with pesticides/herbicides, call upon this Angel to protect you from the
damage of them.

🩵Angel of Abundance: Call upon this Angel when you want a bountiful crop
in your garden.

🩵Angel of Provision: She will help get food supplies to the hungry and
starving people.

🩵Angel of Enrichment: Call upon her to strengthen the nutrition of the

Holy Four (Wild foods, fruit, vegetables, and herbs and spices).

🩵Angel of Harmony: She will help you with staying in the moment and
enjoying your food. She will also help you overcome fear of past eating
too much or too little.

🩵Angel of Synchronicity: This Angel helps with the delicate balance of

growing plants. She is the Angel that can help you with caring for your

🩵Angel of Habit: Call upon her when you need help with food addiction.
She will help you turn to healthier options.

🩵Angel of Addiction: She is the one you call upon when helping to break a
habit of overeating or consuming unhealthy foods.

🩵Angel of Solidarity: She is the one to help with others supporting your
new eating habits and not tempting you with unhealthy foods.

🩵Angel of Honesty: Call upon her when you need the truth about the food
you are eating. Whether you are in a restaurant or a friend’s house who
may be dishonest about the source or the preparation of the food.

🩵Angel of Insight: She is the Angel that will help you stay on track with
your healthy choices of food.

🩵Angel of Mother’s Milk: Call upon her when you want your baby to have
the most nutrient dense breast milk from you.

Angels of Order: who bring order to diseased, inflamed, or otherwise

weakened liver. (LR)

Other Angels:

Angel of Sleep: The Angel of Sleep is there to help you get a better
night’s sleep. Call on her when seeking guidance or comfort. She will
assist you in overcoming health or emotional issues that interfere with
your sleep. If you have an unresolved problem that keeps you awake, speak
to her. Let her know you are struggling and need her help. She will calm
your emotions and guide you to restful sleep. More effective than any
sleeping pill, the Angel of Sleep will watch over you as you journey to
the subconscious.

Angel of Creativity: Angels witness every creative act, whether it’s

painting, writing, singing, or any other creative pursuit. Your creative
acts are never lost to the void and have a force of their own that lives
beyond us and becomes written into the universe. By acknowledging the
Angel of Creativity and other heavenly beings watching over you, your
creativity takes on new meaning. The act of creating something beautiful,
useful, or therapeutic is a divine act that becomes imprinted in the

Angel of Trees: Call on her to put you in the best frame of mind when
performing the Surrounded by Trees meditation described in chapter 24 of
Medical Medium (Revised and Expanded Edition).

Angel of the Ocean: Call on her to put you in the best frame of mind
when performing the Waves on the Beach meditation described in chapter 24
of Medical Medium (Revised and Expanded Edition).

Angel of Order: The Angel of Order helps to bring order to livers that
are diseased, inflamed, or weakened, and this power can be used for any
liver condition. Also call on her for assistance in performing the
Disease Reversal Nighttime Meditation described in Chapter 40 of Liver

Angel of Forgiveness: The Angel of Forgiveness can bring great relief

to the heart and soul. For many, forgiveness can be difficult. We can
hold onto guilt, pain, and affliction for years without finding healing.
Asking the Angel of Forgiveness directly is a powerful and healing
technique. By praying with sincerity and intention, she can free your
soul from suffering and pain. To connect with her, find a quiet spot and
request her help in releasing the knots and wounds within your soul.
Trust in her presence and have faith that she will bless you with her
loving kindness and grace

Angel of Love: Before going to bed at night ask the angel of love to
come down and heal your soul. You will be surprised on how profound and
effective this can be.

Angel of Replenishment: There are many different ways to practice

mindfulness. Spending a moment in gratitude before each meal is one of
the best ways to do this. Call on the Angel of Replenishment during this
time, and she will help and strengthen your digestion while giving you
the chance to be at peace in the moment. Additionally, this will give you
the awareness to fully appreciate and enjoy the meal you are consuming.

Angel of Rest: Napping stabilizes and balances our being, but some
believe it’s lazy. Napping is actually a gift from the Angel of Rest and
a form of meditation. A 10-15 minute nap can reduce stress and improve
vitality. You can ask the Angel of Rest for help with this and for
specific healing during this time. When you open your eyes, you’re
refreshed and ready to continue the day. Rest is an act of self-
compassion and love for yourself.

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