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Me, R) ‘eo ada wat ot oo Bharatiya Janata Party » CU wwe Xe Date: 19.07.2023 ne To. The Election Commission of India Nirvachan Sadan Ashok Road. New Delhi-1 Meg! tate. I am sending herewith statement of election expenditure of Legislative Assembly of Meghalaya_along with soft eopy (CD). hope which you found in order We regret the delay in the submission of the information Thanking you Yours Truly works Mahendra Kumar Pandey) PHC ERtary BHARATIYA JANATA PARTY Central Office: 6A, Deen Dayal Up: New Delhi- wh 6, Grama soars ani, 7 ecft-110 002, FMA : 011-23500000 waa + 011-23500190 A, Deendayal Upadhyay Marg, New Delhi-110 002, Phone : 011-23500000 Fax : 011-23500190 STATEMENT OF ELECTION EXPENDITURE OF POLITICAL PARTY IN ELECTIONS TO LORSABHA / ASS {team the date announcement | Name of politcal pany BHARATIYA JANATA PARTY, CENTRAL OFFICE lection il he dat of completion of lesion) 2. Elston othe baa LepsativeAstembly of State: MEGHALAYA (mention he same of the stein caf Astemly an ike out which sot elvan) 2. Date of amouncemert flection 101.2023 Dae of completion flection 04.03.2023 5 Det of lesion Expendueincuednutoried at Party Cental Headquarters Fr 3 Wada Party Central Headquarters (On ie Gt basen oT ETON) Description ra [cand Tape [a Bak alse ‘Union Bank Ae 1991100700238, A.P_ Baan Beach, New Deb 11001 vs. ‘Unan Bank ic TN91UOI00265- AP Blawa Branch New Del 11000 Taro. ‘As Bak We 250T0100094250, Kao Bagh, New Dei = OO 2409.2 ‘nos Hk Ac no_10897 TOOIWOS, AP Bawa Brash, New Deli 11007 0) ana sk Ac 1098301005802, Jeewan Dhar Bldg Partsnent Set, New Def 11000 ECORI Canara Hak Ac 1098201005776, Parent Set, New Del 11001 1275055 ‘Canara Bak Ac H46HI010007S Parent Set New Det 11001 =| Canara sk Ac 440, Farinment See Nim Deli 110001 a5 Canara Hak Ac 109420100785, Parent Sweet New DeISTIDOT Tana) THOT Banke 313100010279, H-0, Ose Cele, Commught Pies, New DER TOT 221 THDFC Bk Ne No, 00007250RT9T3, G4 Suna Rian Busing Branch, New De TUT area THDFC Bank AC TAROT TOOTS, NE Outer Cle, Opp Super Bar. Connaugh Pace, New Da = TOO Tan TEICL nk Ae No OOS TOSOTGIS, FI Pre Via Branch, New Deli 10092 Tao TOBY Bank Ne TT TOSTGDRDOT6-K-G. Mang New Des 11000 : 300,70] TAL Bank A 0120130770, KG. Marg New Del 110001 ean] TDL Bank Ne O11 TO0O7HBGT, LG Mang New Oe 11000, Tees Tada Ac $9501, Braham Breck, De Gopal Das Shavan, New Dal TTRO1 57 SHI Ave SSTTT2E2, Chalk Bung, Cnsauat Place, New Det 110007 Ss ae ‘SBT Ae TISRATIETA, Mam ranch, Primo See New Deli HOT esata Ga Oter Depon wih as Tao TSR 7.904 IST [as Gros resp af Pary Coral Wendguarer Tom al woures from te nnouneeiit een oe date of comp Dasepton [a cash [ip Chegue ora [i fbn (Reened cmplmany goods o sees Ram ay pene) esc mention detail and san vle of sch item goods or ervices sch slope services rected compliment fom ay person et) Toa Tanwar IS Ju Goss Epraiare incur autoriaed ty Party Central Weadguarers Tor general Fri propaganda rom the announcement feet othe date of completion of eto i aretha one ne we soled then thea ws tal experaesincured by te Paty Cental Heal Quarters tobe even Schedule 1) scion of Gro expenditure by Party Central Headguriers im jerca [ay Chagae dao Tosa [Epes ator at vomsning attanding On ao Caplcion of econ Tal [Tae expanses of Sar Compaies a cnnoned explanation Taf Secvon TToTHe CF Aa. ST EET Dees to be enlsed in forma given in Seed: 2) [Trane expnss of ender ter an Sar ampaignes |e te enclose in frat given in Schedule: 24) a Eapeac on Mia averisement (print and clon Dak ss ale, web, TV Ghee) on Genel Pay Popo Tra) tn woe essed in orm en in Schedule 3) [a Expeac ov Piya sting poss anes: DRG RG, WETS, a DGD aT Ta Tr BEA TY RENN THAT] | Oct ected i ort en in Shel) [ov Expense on Public meetings /prosesins ally et Tor evel pry poms Taso Dens ws enclsed norman in Seeds) fr Any oer expe owas Genel Pay pops Ta Des fo betwen oman in Sched) “Taal epenar on aT fa a Gross Bape curd autre by Party Central Wend Quarters forthe Can iat) Tea amp sum payments) to Candas) of the party of te antes) autoried cured by Paty Cental Wend Ques Sermo Dp (Dems eel in format gnen Sched 7) [a To Expense oo Medi Advisement (pin and eons Daw ctl web Tin Tomes Canis wh pa or TARE OT (Deas tobe enclosed in format given in Schedule 8) Toa expese on Public Mates ike posters, banner cecon mater a) wih i and owas he anda) (Des to be enlsed norma given in Schedle:9) [st Tea Expense (Oe hangecral party propaganda om PUNE cigs” pronoun aula red woh Tor OE (oem 1 ented format gen in Sched 10) Any ater expense forcandidts) | Dems to i enlsed format gen in Schedule) Expensre sated on pblshng crimnaatcedcns of Wi canta) by Cena [Den to be enlsed in forma gven in Sched: 234) aban [iy Expenses on vival carpi ough Soci Mes pons Appr wey Pary Ceol Hades (Des be enclosed aa gen Schedule 244) “ort expense on cance ITS" ap sm amount given by Party Cera eadguarier to Sate Walt) fhe Pi Gsudiog the Gris and ical uns or other parts for ele pees PIE mention state ite amment) pct pary makes payments om are than one acai then date wise dei ae to be mentioned af Sate Unit OF Paty to wich payne ade] Name of Other Poll Pars Gta Caan heed Te ia Tat Pay Mealy TGS KO [hry Jana Pay Mealy RTGS ‘Sia [Bharata Janata Pary= Mealy RIGS. 00.00 [Bhar Janae Party Mealy anos RIGS ‘Sino Teal In [55 Ja Closing Watnae af ary fo at Party Central Weadguarers nthe compen afl eon Description wat [oy cash a hand Tae Yor Bonk balan [Union Bank i 108911 00000258, 4.P Bhawan Branch New Deh 10001 isan Uno Bank Ae ORD T0025, AP Bhawan Branch New Det —11001 Tis Ais Bak Ac 3250101000902930, Kao Bagh, New Deli - O00 aR Union Bank Ai 0 0H911 0000080, AP Bhawan Branch New Deli TORT om Canara Bank 1098010880, eewan Bhar Bll Palmas See, New Dei F100 Taos Canara Bank 109801008736, Paiamen St, New Delt 11007 Tapes Cana Bank Ae 846810100075 Patames Set New Det 11001 o Cana Bank Ac 40, Prien! Sect NE Det 110008 Tass Conca Bank A 1094008745, Patmos Suet, New Det 11007 aus THDEC ak A 3151000010279, HOw Cele, Coomught Pe, New DET [OOT a2 THDEC ak A No, (0003256000925, G3 4. Suny Kaas Bulg Branch, New Del 11007 Taos, THDEC Bank Av 1790111000018, M19, Quer Cie Opp. Super Bua Conmugh Pas, New Dati 11000 1a TCICT Bark Ae No. 07705016334 F-1 Pret Vitar Branch New Del - ODD Tao TBI Bank Al 0111020087916. G. Mag New Det = 11000 "0.767 TDI Bank Ne 012015027000, KG. Marg New Det 110001 maT TBI Bank A 00111020007 7861, KG. Marg New Det 11007 Teese Ted A 59531, Burak ranch, De Gopsl Das Shawan, New Da 11007 S78 SOI Ae S51 7TFS211, Chal Bung: Canaugh lice, New Deli. OOO) EXITS SBI Ale 375908344 Main Branch, Faient Sect, New Dei O00 Ts s80807 [Other epost wit Bask TITS Tal SITS Expenses by Party Central Headquarters [Schedule 1 I [State wise break up of Gross Expenditure authorizediincurred by Party Central Headquarters for general Party propaganda from the date lof announcemenrt of election to the date of completion of election 5 Name ofthe State Cash Cheque ate Expenditure authorized, but Tol No. ‘remaining oustanding on date ‘of completion of pol T Toial a ‘Schedule: Travel expenses of SNo[ Stateand Venue ‘Name ofthe Star Campaigner [Mode of travel (Taxi, Name ofthe payee incase of] Total Amount Helicopter, Aircraft) | helicopter oF Airerat T Megas Tauaas 15a Tir IP Na irra Saari Aways Pot La 5950] Tegan STOTSE DSRS Mr Mian, Mir Rar Sinks Aral Tarth Ainaye tO Mc Agun Munda, Mr. Joh Bars Mr Rajev Chnadasbekiva, Mr Nalin Kol, Me N Biren Singh, “Mr_ BL Santos, Mr. Himanta Biswa Sharma, Mr. Numal Momin, Me. JP Nadds Me Chub ‘Ao, Me Shit Pata 7 Tegan ‘DAO 360 Tir Anan Mund, Mr Ray ara Tir Chane Senvees PO Ld TET Sinha, Mr BL Santosh, Ms Hem: ‘Malin, Mr, Suvendu Adhika, Ms: Smt ran, Mr Sarbanands Sonowal, Me Kiran Ri Me ¥ Paton, Mr Sambi Patra ‘GRAND TOTAL. TRIE ‘Schedute.2, Travel expenses of Other leaders) incured/Authorined by Party Cental Headquarters (inciing expenses aller announcement and before nom SY State and venve Date ot the Name of te Teer Mode ot Travet Name atte “Taal No mmestng (Taxi Heticpoter, payee incase f| Aircraft ete) Helicopter or Aiecrat Cc GRAND TOTAL Schedules Expenses) on Media Advertisement (print and electronic, bulk sms, cable, website and TV Channel etc.) on General Party propaganda authorizedincurred by Party Central Headquarters SNe Sate Nameat Payee Name of edie ‘Dave ot print elecasts) Toa Amount T Tegan Googie India Po Lid reson TeOTas “HORI Tra (GRAND TOTAL Twos. xpense() on Publicity Materials including posters banners, badges, stickers, arches, gate, cutouts, hoardings las ete for general party propaganda authorizedincurred by arty Central Headquarters S Sate ‘Nov and Name of he Asem Denil of ems Tol Amoant Na PariConsttuencey T Nagas ‘Datdaoe Campagring 7700.00 2 ‘hala I Kits 15.000, 3 Meghalaya Cutouts 2.658 GRAND TOTAL HOSS ‘Schedles Expens(s) on Public mectingsprocessiow/Ral (like diavaudia/barricadelvehicts et. auth rizedincurred by S.No] State & Venve Date af the Meeting, Procession, Rally Details of the Fem Total Amant 1) Meghalaya - Tor & 780 Rally Tar Shillong |Meat - Fa, TROT -O4OF Rally 700 Stullon ‘GRAND TOTAL Tas 000 Schedules [Any other expenses for General Party propaganda authorizedincureed by Party Cental Headquarters SNe Sie Perpose Date Denil at ems “Total Ament T Datdoor Moniorng TRS z ogists aos z Sune Tss8.08 ‘GRAND TOTAL : 2459898 (Sshedule-7 3p sum payments) Candidates) of the party or other candidate) if any authorizedincurred by Party Central Headquarters, ther la ash oF by Tnstraments The [cneque/DD/PORTGSiFund Transfer et. I polteal party makes payements) 0 candidates) on more than one occasion then date wise details are tobe mentioned. Name of te Sate! Dates of Car Chew Total Na. | Novand Name ofthe payment Amount no. ete and Amount ‘Assemby! ‘mentioned in eae of Date paid Par. Consitueney other party ‘GRAND TOTAL : (Sehaiuie-8 [Total Expense on Neda Nivertiement (print and decronz bulls able, web TV Cael ec) for specie cate) wih pho or wame of andlate or aba] ny candidate) authoraedincursed by Party Centra Head Quarter SW] Sas] Nac of th cance | Name of edi pn cecroncanvabe es) ] Das ot poneecarans | —Toa Aran Gacaing saan ant) (Shetuie9 [Total expense on Pay Matera (ike postr: banners Wecion male 6) wih 'y Party Central Head Quarters {andlor wane ofthe candies) or atvibatable Yo eanddateG) and authored] ‘SNe | Sate No a Name othe Asse Pa Name fie canis ‘Deals af even | Tol Anau aading Conny stn a) [Seed FToal Expense (Other ham general party propaganda a Ishise for the adince supporters at he rally of Star Campaigners ize vacorved by Paty Cenial Head Quarers om Public mess 7 ther leaders with endidates), ocesons ee (barnes auao We ied SNe] Sie vemie | Nama ot ie Sar Name of he Cae) Da rns exper] Tol Anson Giang capers) and thr ‘outanding at) Tears) = Tonal [Seheduie 1 [anyother expen for the candsare) authorised Tacrred by Pary Cenral Wend Quarts 5 Tae | No-and Nene oe ‘Name of he Candas) Detar ar he Ran Teal Amon lang oa SY ‘AssenbiyPa Constiensy [Schedule 230" Total expenses incurred /authorized on publishing criminal antecedents, if any, of candidates sponsored by the political party located in State/ Distt/ Local Uni its Website Nenspaper Telasion [S'No | Period during which | Name(s) of Dateisyof Nimeyot_] Dateisy & Time | Mode of payment displayed Newspaper publishing shan of ins ronic/cheque’DD/ t Cash) PL Specify rT [Total Schedule 24A [Total expenses incurred /authorized on virtual campaign through Social Media platforms/Apps Other means on General Party Propoganda authorised incurred by State! Dist Local Units IS No Sate ‘Nature of Virtual Campaign (Indicate | Namc of Content | Name of media vo disseminate message Social Media Platforms/Apps / Other reator Means T a GRAND TOTAL nditure incurred/authorized by State Unit of che political party or by State Party He: adquarters ding all distriets level and local units for the State of MEGHALAYA. political party incury/ authorizes election expenses in more than one state, the details for each state is to be ate sheet as per this pro-forma, te state political party h headquarters wit in the state shall submit report in this pro-forma, a. Opening balance of ‘State Units (including district Tevel (On the date of announcement of election) and local units) Deseription Amount (Cash in hand 13,12,878 Bank Balance-State Bank of India SBINO006320 Meghalaya Secretariat Ale 31264114064 62,29,792, iii) Other Deposits with Banks Total] 75,42,669| . Gross receipts from all sources from the ai cluding district level units and local units) nouncement of election to the date of completion of election by State Unit] ‘Amount ii) Cheque or draft ete 30,00,000] iii) In kind (Received complimentary goods or services from any person/ertity) | Please mention details and notional value of such item- goods or services such as helicopter services ete. eceived as complimentary from any person /entity) Total 30,00,000 = Gross Expenditure incurred/ authorized by State Unit Gncluding district level units and local units) Tor ‘general Party ‘ropaganda (from tie announcement of election to the date of completion of election) description of Gross expenditure by State Unit Amount i Cash | ii) Cheque? draft ete 2,03,43,546] ii) Expenditure authorized, but remaining outstanding on date of completion of election 10,09,132 Total 2,13,52,678 - Break up of the above general party propaganda expenses incurred/authorized State Unit (including district level units nnd local units) ) Travel expenses on Star Campaigners incurred by State Unit Details to be enclosed in format given in Schedule- 12) i) Travel expense on Other leaders by State Unit 35,14,110) Details to be enclosed in format given in Schedule- 13) it) Expense on Media Advertisement (print and electronic, bulk sms, cable, website and TV Channel, eto) 1,19,28,58 ‘n general party propaganda 2etails to be enclosed in format given in Schedule- 14) ¥) Expense on Publicity Materials including posters, banners, badges, stickers, arches, gates, cutouts, 23,10,587| ardings, flags ete for general party propaganda by State Unit Seneral Party Propoganda given to candidates has not been allocated to thm as the expenditure pertains to| party details to be enclosed in format given in Schedule- 15) 2 ) Expense on Public meetings/processions/Rally etc. for general pariy propaganda by State Unit 16,72,140] details to be enclosed in format given in Schedule- 16) i) Any other expense for general party propaganda by State Unit 19,27,259] details to be enclosed in format given in Schedule- 17) Total 213,352,678 t ee rey one a 6.4]a. Gross Expenditure incurred or authorized by State Unit for Cand date(@) including District level] Units and local units attribute to candidate(s) (other than for general party propaganda) \(i) Total lump sum payment(s) to Candidate(s) of the party or cther candidate(s) authorised /| 4,12,00,000 incurred by State Unit, either in cash or by Instruments like-Cheque / DD / PO / RTGS Fund| Transfer etc. (Details to be enclosed. in format given in Schedule- 18) (ii) Total Expense on Media Advertisement (print and electronic, bulk sms, cable, website, TV. [Channel etc.) for the candidates) with photo or name of candidate(s) by State Unit (Details to be enclosed in format given in Schedule- 19) (iii) Total expense on Publicity Materials (like posters, banners, cut-outs, election materials etc) 68,98,630 with photo and/or name of the candidate(s)by state Unit '*General Party Propoganda given to candidates has not been allocated to them as the expenditure pertains to the party. |(Details to be enclosed in format given in Schedule- 20) (iv)Total Expense by state Unit (Other than general party propaganda) on barricades Jaudio etc! - /hired vehicles for the audience /supporter at the rally of Star Campaigners with candidate(s) (Details to be enclosed in format given in Schedule- 21) (v) Any other expense for the candidate(s) by state Unit > (Details to be enclosed in format given in Schedule- 22) (vi) Expenditure incurred on publishing criminal antecedents of the candidate(s) by State Unit 3,26,510 |(Details to be enclosed in format given in Schedule- 23B)* (vii) Expenditure on virtual campaign through Social Media platforms/Apps/Other means by State 5 [Unit (Details to be enclosed in format given in Schedule- 24B)* Total expense on candidate (s)| 4,84,25,140 6.5/Total lump sum amount given by State Unit of the Party (including the districts and local units) to] |Other party(s) for election expenses. If political party makes payment (s) on more than one occasion then date wise det are to be mentioned. |Name of State Unit Of Party to which payment made/Name of Other] Date(s) of Cash, Amount Political Party (if any) Payment | Cheq/DD/ete no. 7 zi 2 = : 2 Total| - 6.6]a. Closing Balance of State Unit of the Party (Including the districts and local units) on the completion of election [Description Amount (i) Cash in hand 10,97,636 (ii) Bank Balance-State Bank of India SBIN0006320 Meghalaya 1,22,96,360 Secretariat A/c 31264114064 1,33,93,995 ' (enate Party ‘Magpelays, Shillong State Wise Details of Election Expenses Name of the State MEGHALAYA. [Schedule-12 Travel expenses of Star Campaigner(s) authorized/ incurred by State/ Distt.) Local Units S.] Stateand Venue | Date of meeting | Name(s) ofthe | Modeot | Na] Total No. star Travel | me| Amount campaigner(s) | (Taxi, | of | (including Helicopter, | the | outstandig Aircraft ete.) pay} amt. ee in case of Heli copt er Aire raft Total] - [Schedule-13 Travel expenses of other leader(s) authorized/ incurred by State/ Distt/ Local Units ( including] lexpenses after announcement and before nomination) S.] Stateand Venue | Date of meeting | Nameofthe | Modeof | Na] Total No. leader's) Travel |me| Amount (Taxi, | of | (including Helicopter, | the | outstandig Aircraftete.)| pay| amt. 1 (Guwahati 20-Jan-23 Pramod Kr Jain Taxi 7,000 Shittong 2 Tura 25-Jan-23 Bikrajit Sharma Taxi 15,000 Baruah 3 Delhi 30-Jan-23 Ernest Mawrie Flight 7,000 4 Delhi (04-Feb-23 Emest Mawrie_| Flight 11,000 3 Delhi (06-Feb-23 Ernest Mawrie Flight 14,000 6 Tura 14-Feb-23 | Gavrishan Gupta |__ Taxi 5,000) 7 Tura 14-Feb-23 Shiv Gupta Taxi 5,000 8 | West Khasi Hills [20/01/2023 to 15-| _ Niewkorlang Taxi 30,000 02.2023 Syieraligjh 9] South West Khasi | 20/01/2023 to 15- | Surgeon Nongrum,| ‘Taxi 50,000 02-2023 10 | Shillong City | 10/02/2023 10 15-| _ alder Bryan Taxi 20,000 02-2023 Shabong 11 | 18-West Shillong [~ 16-02-2023t0 | Samir Thapa Taxi 20,000 25/02/2023 12 | Raliang, Jowai, | 20/01/2023 to 23-| _ Niewkorlang Taxi 30,600 Khliehriat, Sutnga 02-2023 Syiemligjh 13] — Raliang, Jowai, [20/01/2023 to 23- | Surgeon Nongrum,| Taxi 30,000 Khliehriat, Sutnga 02-2023 14 Garo Hills 20/02/2023 to 25-| _ Dipu Ghosh Taxi 10,000 02-2023, 15 Garo Hills 20/02/2023 to 25- | Shivshankar Dutta| Taxi 10,000 02-2023 16 | Mondal President- | January2023 ‘Sony Syiem Taxi 10,000 Nongpoh 17| District President [~ January2023_|_ Skhemborlang Taxi 25,000 Ribhoi Swett 18] District President - [~ January2023_ | Sanjay Bhowmick] Taxi 25,000 SWGH 19 | District President- | January2023 Woskingland Taxi 15,000 WKH Marbaniang | 20] District President- | January2023__{ Cyril S Sangma | Taxi 25,000 WGH 21] District President- | January2023 Torry Teison Taxi 25,000 EKH Kharsati 22 | District President- | January2023 Jemswell Ch Taxi 25,000 EGH Marak 23 | District President- | January2023 Rakesh Kr Taxi 25,000 WJH Agarwal 24] Mondal President- | January2023 Shaphrang Taxi 15,000 WIH Lyngdoh 25 | Mondal President- | January2023 Rudy Hess Taxi 20,000 Mawsynram —e 1 non 26] MondalPresident- | January2023. |Rathew Buhphang] Taxi 20,000 Shella 27| MondalPresident- | January2023 [Pilelad Khongtiang] Taxi 10,000 Pynursla 28 | Mondal President- | January2023 Prasanta Paul Taxi 20,000 Ampati 29 | Mondal President- | January2023__ | Prakash Ch Das Taxi 20,000 Mahendraganj 30 | MondalPresident- | January2023- [Anjoy Kharkongor| Taxi 20,000 West Shillong 31 | MondalPresident- | January2023_ |Nikseng A Sangma| Taxi 20,000 Phulbari 32 | Mondal President- | January2023 ‘Surendo Ch Taxi 20,000 Rajabala Sangma 33 | Mondal President- | January2023° | NikhilChRabha | Taxi 20,000 Tikrikilla 34 | Mondal President- | January2023__ | Sudarshan Koch Taxi 20,000 Selsella 35 | Mondal President- | January2023. | JohnKeneddyT | Taxi 10,000 Dadanggre Sangma 36 | Mondal President- | January2023 Tikram Lama Taxi 20,000 North Tura 37 | Mondal President- | January2023_ | Arnab Hajong Taxi 20,000 Rangsakona 38 | Mondal President- | January2023_ | Minath Sangma Taxi 20,000 Dalu 39 | Mondal President- | January2023_ | Ankur R Marak Taxi 20,000 Raksamgare 40 | Mondal President- |” January2023_ | H Bob Lyngdoh Taxi 20,000 Nongthymmai 41 | Mondal President- |” January2023- |Firstborn Manners] Taxi 10,000 Amlarem 42 | Mondal President- | January2023_ | Heimon Lapasam | Taxi 10,000 Mawkaio 43 | Mondal President- | January2023 | ArlangkiLyngdoh| Taxi 20,000 Raliang 44| Mondal President- [~ January2023_ | Kyrmenskhem Taxi 10,000 Jowai Siangshai 45 | Mondal President- |” January2023_ | Ridon Phalygki Taxi 10,000 Nartiang 46 January2023 Hubert Taxi 20,000 South Shillong Marbaniang (Ges) 47 Mondal President- | January2023 | Dominic Rongrin Taxi 10,000 Mawshunrut 48 | Mondal President - January2023 Mathiewly Taxi 10,000 Nongstoin Nongrem 49 Mondal President - January2023 Ronald D Taxi 10,000 Ramrai Shangpliang 50 | Mondal President - January2023 Ananias Nongdhar | Taxi 20,000 L Pynthorumkhrah 31} Mondal President - January2023 Malcom Naijar Taxi 20,000 North Shillong 52 | Mondal President- | January2023 | Benjamin Sohtun Taxi 20,000 East Shillong 53 | Mondal President - January2023 Rakesh Kr Taxi 10,000 Mawlai Agarwal 54 | Mondal President - January2023 Kamal Rabha Taxi 20,000 Mendipathar 55 | Mondal President - January2023 Jefferson S Momin 20,000 Resubelpara 56 | Mondal President - January2023 Chonsil Sangma Taxi 20,000 Bajengdonha 57 | Mondal President - January2023 Salman G Momin Taxi 20,000 Kharkuta 58 | Mondal President - January2023 Heringstone R Taxi 10,000 Chokpot Marak 59 | Mondal President - January2023 Greatwill R Taxi 10,000 Williannagar Sangma 60 | Mondal President - January2023 Lopsing Marak Taxi 20,000 Sonsak 61 | Mondal President - January2023 Rapuish Ch Taxi 20,000 Rongjeng Sangma 62 | Mondal President - January2023 Shanbor Ramde Taxi 20,000 Umroi 63 | Mondal President - January2023 Preachwell Dkhar Taxi 20,000 Umsning 64 | Mondal President - January2023 Christwill R Taxi 20,000 Baghmara Sangma 65 | Mondal President - January2023 | Nolendro Lyngdoh. Taxi 20,000 Mawphlang 66 | Mondal President - January2023 Tengmem Sangma Taxi 10,000 Gambagre 67 | Mondal President - January2023 Rubert RS Taxi 10,000 Nongkrem. Lyngdoh 68] Kishan Morcha January2023 Justice Syiem Taxi 25,000 President 69 | Mahilla Morcha January2023 Judy Surong Taxi 25,000 President 70 | Yuva Morcha January2023-_| Krison Langstang [Taxi 25,000 President 71 | District President- | January2023-|Daullhat Ch Marak] Taxi 25,000 Tura City 72 | Given to District January2023 Dipu Ghosh Taxi 10,000 President West Garo Hills 73 | Given to District January2023 Jems Well Taxi 25,000 President 74 | Given to District January2023- | Sanjay Bhowmick| Taxi 25,000 President West Garo Hills 75 | Mandal President | January2023 | Salibath Sangma | Taxi 20,000 Salmanpara Mandal 76 | Ribhoi District January2023._ | Skheraborlang Taxi 10,000 President Swett 77'| District Incharge- | January2023 Gagenn Jain Taxi 10,000 West Jaintia Hils 78 | Given to District January2023 babul Suting Taxi 10,000 Incharge Ribhoi District 79 | Khasi & Jaintia Jan’2023 Various leaders Taxi 34,300 80 |__Khasi & Jaintia Jan'2023 Various leaders Taxi 9,400 81 | Khasi & Jaintia Jan'2023 Various leaders Taxi 19,600 82 | Khasi & Jaintia Feb’2023 Various leaders Taxi 15,790 83 | Khasi & Jaintia Feb2023 Various leaders Taxi 97,020 84 [Khasi & Jaintia (05-Feb-23 Various leaders Taxi 1,54,000 85 |__Khasi & Jaintia 18-Feb-23 Various leaders Taxi 2,80,000 86 | Khasi & Jaintia 23-Feb-23 Various leaders Taxi 10,00,000 87 | __Khasi & Jaintia 28-Feb-23 Various leaders Taxi 4,60,000 Total 35,14,110 [Schedule-14 [Expense(s) on Media Advertisement (print and electronic, bulk sms, cable, website and TV ae i 8. State Name ofthe | Nameofmedia | Date(of | Total Amount No. payee (print/electronic/s| print/telecas| (including ms, cable, ty, | t/smsete. | outstanding amt.) website, TV Channel ete i Meghalaya Neyaz Ahmed | Whatapp bulk | 19-02-2023, 31,440 2 Meghalaya Rangdap Electronic 18.01.23 - 2,00,000 Kharshing 04.03.23 3 Meghalaya Rangdap Electronic 18.01.23 - 2,61,380 Kharshing 04.03.23 4 Meghalaya U Nongsain Hima Print 01/02/2023 1,96,000 to 27/02/2023 | 3 Meghalaya Meghalaya Times | Newspapers _ | 01/02/2023 98,000 Advertisemernt to 27102/2023 6 Meghalaya Rupang, Newspapers | 18.01.23 - 98,000 Advertisemernt_| 04.03.23 7 Meghalaya UPeitngor Newspapers | 01-02-2023 98,000 Advertisemernt_} 15/02/2023 8 Meghalaya Kynjatshai Newspapers | 01/02/2023 98,000 Mankasngi Adyertisemernt to 27/02/2023 9 Meghalaya Mawphor Newspapers | 18.01.23- 2,94,600 Advertisemernt_| 04.03.23 10 Meghalaya Entertainment Radio (06/02/2023 2,45,000 Networks Advertisement to 19/02/2023 i Meghalaya South Asia FM Radio 72/2023 10 2,453,000 Ltd Advertisement _| 17/02/2023 12 Meghalaya Social Aviator Electronic 18.01.23 - 2,94,000 04.03.23 13 Meghalaya Dominic Savio Electronic 18.01.23 - 68,600 Diengdoh (17 04.03.23 News) 4 Meghalaya U Shillong Mail Electronic | 24/01/2023 98,000 to 24/02/2023 15 Meghalaya Hynniewskum Electronic 18.01.23 - 1,22,500 Media Group 04.03.23 ae 16 Meghalaya Reliance Broadcast Radio (06/02/2023 318,500 Network Limited || Advertisement |T015/02/202 3 7 Meghalaya Suresh Pulimia Electronic 18.01.23 - 73,500 04.03.23 18 Meghalaya UNongsain Hima| Newspaper | 01/02/2023 3,92,000 Advertisement to 27/02/2023 19 Meghalaya Meghaya Times | Newspaper | 01/02/2023 1,96,000 Advertisement to 27/02/2023 20 Meghalaya Rupang ‘Newspaper 18.01.23 - 1,96,000 Advertisement | 04.03.23 21 Meghalaya U Peitngor Newspaper | 15/02/2023 1,96,000 Advertisement to 27/02/2023 22 Meghalaya Shillong Times | Newspaper | 16-02-2023 6,60, 766 Advertisement 23 Meghalaya [Reliance Broadcast| For Radio 18/02/2023 2,20,604 Limited Advertisement |T025/02/202 3 24 Meghalaya Dhwani Records | Electronic 18.01.23 - 1,16,000 04.03.23 25 Meghalaya Suresh Pulimia Electronic 18.01.23 - 1,76,400 ae 04.03.23 26 Meghalaya [Kynjatshai Man ka] Newspaper _ | 01/02/2023 1,96,000 Sngi Advertisement to 27/02/2023 7 Meghalaya South Asia FM Radio 20/02/2023 1,50,000 Lid Adversisement to 25/02/2023 28 Meghalaya Entertainment Radio 20-02-2023 150,000, Network Adverrisement to 25/02/2023 29 Meghalaya Shillong Times | Newspaper | 18/02/2023 3,92,000 Advertisement to 23/02/2023 30 Meghalaya U Shillong Electronic 18.01.23 - 78,400 Monitor 04.03.23 31 Meghalaya R.C Foundation Electronic | 23/02/2023 78,400 to 25/02/2023 32 Meghalaya Neyaz Ahmad Electroni 27-02-2023 ay 33 Meghalaya News 17 Electronic 18.01.23 - 49,000 04.03.23 34 Meghalaya Batesi TV Electronic 18.01.23 - 1,22,500 04.03.23 35 Meghalaya U Shillong Mail Electronic | 24/01/2023 78,400 to 24/02/2023 36 Meghalaya Meghalaya Electronic 18.01.23 - 78,400 Monitors 04.03.23 37 Meghalaya Shillong Times [~ Newspaper | 16-02-2023 3,19,787 Advertisement 38 Meghalaya U Peitngor Newspaper _ | 21-02-2023 63,700 Advertisement Er) Meghalaya Meghalaya Newspaper 18.01.23 - 38,800 Guardian Advertisement] 04.03.23 40 Meghalaya Shillong Times Newspaper | 24/02/2023 9,80,000 Advertisement to 27/02/2023 4 Meghalaya Pride East Radio 23/02/2023 3,82,800 Entertaiment | Adversisement to (Times of India) 25/02/2023 2 Meghalaya ‘Awedience Print 26/02/2023 2,31,132 Connect Private & Lid 27/02/2023 B Meghalaya ‘Awedience Paint 18/02/2023 4,64,000 Connect Private TO Ltd 27/02/2023 4 Meghalaya Mawphor Newspaper | 18.01.23 - 4,90,000 Advertisement _| 04.03.23 45 Meghalaya Shillong Times | Newspaper | 21/02/2023 7,82,422 Advertisement | &25/02/2023 46 Meghalaya UNongsain Hima | Newspaper | 01/02/2023 2,65,776 Advertisement to 27102/2023 a7 Meghalaya Meghalaya Newspaper | 18.01.23 - 38,800 Guardian Advertisement | 04.03.23 48 Meghalaya The Meghalayan | Newspaper | 22/02/2023 1,32,300 Advertisement TO 27/02/2023 0 Meghalaya Neyaz Ahmed SMS 18.01.23 - 1,19,975 04.03.23 50 Meghalaya Dhwani Records Electronic 18.01.23 - 2,06,500 04.03.23 51 Meghalaya Suresh palinia Electronic 18.01.23 - 1,17,600 04.03.23 52 Meghalaya Avinash Kr Electronic 18.01.23 - 44,100 Pandey 04.03.23 53 Meghalaya RR ODB Calls 18.01.23 - 94,417 Communication 04.03.23 54 Meghalaya Mehta Brothers Electronic 18.01.23 - 3,22,595 Pvt Ltd 04.03.23 355 Meghalaya Sakshi ‘SMS 18.01.23 - 73,297 04.03.23 56 Meghalaya Neyaz Ahmed SMS 18.01.23 - 1,14,310 04.03.23 Total 1,19,28,582 Schedule- 15, [Expense(s) on Publicity Materials including p wosters, banners, badges, stickers, arches, gates, s. State No. and Name of [Details of the Total Amount (including No. the Assembly/Parl. items, outstanding amt.) Constituency 1 Meghalaya ‘Meghalaya Hoarding 45,000 2 Meghalaya Meghalaya Manifestos, 95,000 Invitation Cards 3 Meghalaya Meghalaya Cards, Badges, 3,00,000 Man festos 4 Meghalaya Meghalaya Leeflets 2,00,000 5 Meghalaya Meghalaya Leaflets 3,35,365 6 Meghalaya Meghalaya Parchis 3,05,382 7 Meghalaya Meghalaya [Pamplet, Sticker & 3,00,000 Car Mesh Advertising Branding, 8 Meghalaya Meghalaya |Pamplet, Sticker & 4,34,840 Car Mesh Advertising Branding, 9 Meghalaya Hoarding, 95,000 Total] 23,10,587 i [Scoedule- 16 Expense(s) on Public meetings /procession/Rally (like dias / audio/ barricade/ vehicles éte,) authorizediincurred by State/ Distt./ Local Units S.] State and Venue Date of the Details of items Total Amount (including No. meeting/procession/ outstandig amt.) rally 1 | MEGHALAYA- 16-Feb-23 For Tent Work Garo Hills - 5,00,000 TURA Home Minister Visit Shri Amit Shah Ji 2 | MEGHALAYA- O7-Feb-23 For Making Stage & Sound 4,90,000 SHILLONG System Ete 3 | MEGHALAYA- 24-Feb-23 ‘Complete Stage, Sound, 3,93,820 SHILLONG Light end Carpets etc- for PM Rally 4 | MEGHALAYA- 21-Feb-23 Tent for Amit Shah Rally 1,98,320, SHILLONG at West shillong 3 | MEGHALAYA- 16-Feb-23 For Tent Work Garo Hills - 90,000 TURA Home Minister Visit Shri Amit Shah Ji Total! 16,72,140 [Schedule- 17 Any other expense(s) for General Party propaganda authorized/ incurred by State/ Distt Local Units ch State Purpose/Details of the Date of expenditure Total Amount (including No. items, outstanding amt.) 1 Meghalaya Accomodation 05-Feb-23 20,000 2 Meghalaya Accomodation 13-Feb-23 18,867 3 Meghalaya Accomodation 15-Feb-23 10,838 4 Meghalaya Accomodation 18-Feb-23 4,00,000. 3 Meghalaya Accomodation 28-Feb-23 1,25,950 6 Meghalaya Fooding Expenses 28-Feb-23 38,990 e Meghalaya Accomodation and Fooding 01-Mar-23 8,721 8 Meghalaya [Accomodation and Fooding| 01-Mar-23 4,49,600 9 Meghalaya [Accomodation and Fooding 03-Mar-23 5,00,000 10 Meghalaya [Accomodation and Fooding 04-Mar-23 43,980 "1 Meghalaya Meeting Expenses 20-Jan-23 10,000 Including Fooding Expenses Ete hone Meghalaya Meeting Expenses Including Fooding Expenses Ete 23-Jan-23 10,000 Meghalaya Meeting Expenses Including Fooding Expenses Ete 30-Jan-23 4,000 Meghalaya Meeting Expenses Including Fooding Expenses Etc 20/01/2023 to 03-02-2023 50,000 Meghalaya Meeting Expenses Including Fooding Expenses Ete 20/01/2023 to 03-02-2023 50,000 Meghalaya Meeting Expenses Including Fooding Expenses Ete 05-Feb-23 5,000 Meghalaya Meeting Expenses Including Fooding Expenses Ete (05-Feb-23 5,000 Meghalaya Meeting Including Fooding Expenses Ete 05-Feb-23 5,000 Meghalaya Meeting Expenses Including Fooding Expenses Ete 05-Feb-23 5,000 20 Meghalaya Meeting Expenses Including Fooding Expenses Etc 05-Feb-23 5,000 21 Meghalaya Meeting Expenses Including Fooding Expenses Ete 05-Feb-23 5,000 22 Meghalaya Meeting Expenses Including Fooding Expenses Ete 05-Feb-23 5,000 23 Meghalaya Meeting Expenses Including Fooding Expenses Etc 05-Feb-23 5,000 24 Meghalaya Meeting Expenses Including Fooding Expenses Ete 05-Feb-23 10,000 25 Meghalaya Meeting Expenses Including Fooding Expenses Ete 05-Feb-23 5,000 26 Meghalaya Meeting Expenses Including Fooding Expenses Etc 05-Feb-23 10,000 27 Meghalaya Meeting Expenses Including Fooding Expenses Etc (05-Feb-23 5,000 G ean ‘shitfone [ 28 Meghalaya Meeting Expenses 05-Feb-23 3,000 Including Fooding Expenses Ete 29 Meghalaya Meeting Expenses 06-Feb-23 5,000 Including Fooding Expenses Ete 30 Meghalaya Meeting Expenses 25/01/2023 to 06-02-2023 20,000 Including Fooding Expenses Ete 31 Meghalaya Meeting Expenses Tanuary2023 30,000 Including Fooding Expenses Ete 32 | Meghalaya [Accomodation and Fooding| (09-Mar-23 31,593 33] Meghalaya [Accomodation and Fooding| TI-Mar-23 4,720 Total 19,27,259 ‘Schedule- 18 Total lump sum payment (s) to Candidate(s) of the party or other candidate(s) if, any authorized/ incurred by| ‘State/ Distt./ Local Units, either in cash or by Instruments like- cheque/ DD/PO/RTGS/Fund Transfer etc. If] [State/ Distt/ Local Units makes payment (s) to candi to be mentioned. lidate(s) on more than one occasion then date wise details are| S| Nameofthe [Name of Candidates(s) and] Date(s) of payment | Cash | Cheq/DD] Total amount No. | State/No. and Name} name of Party to be Amoun| no. ete. paid lof the Assembly/Parl.| mentioned in case of other t | and Date Constituency party 1 3-Raliang Lakhon Biam 13-02-2023 NEFT 3,00,000 2 | $2-Rangsakona Dipul Marak 13-02-2023 NEFT 5,00,000 3_[ 10-Firang (ST) Riya Sangma 13-02-2023 NEFT 3,00,000 4 | 51-South Tura (ST) Bernard Marak 13-02-2023 NEFT 3,00,000 S_| 45-Tikrikilla(ST) [| Rohinath Barchung 14-02-2023 ‘NEFT 3,00,000 6 [8-West Shillong (GE! Ernest Mawrie 14-02-2023 NEFT 5,00,000 7 Pi-Nongthymmai(ST| Shri David Kharsati 14-02-2023, RTGS 3,00,000 8_[29-Mawkynrew (ST)|_Shri Counsellor Mukhim 14-02-2023 RTGS 2,00,000 9 | 4-Mowkaiaw (ST) [Shri Currentis Rabon 14-02-2023 RTGS 2,00,000 10 6-Sutnga Saipung (ST| Shri Krison Langstang, 14-02-2023 RTGS 3,00,000 11_[39-Resubelpara (ST)| Shri Sukharam K Sangma 14-02-2023 RTGS 5,00,000 12 | 44-Raksamgre (ST) [Shri Benedric R Marak 14-02-2023 RTGS 5,00,000 13 [38-Mendipathar (ST)|_Shri Sengnab Ch Momin 14-02-2023 RTGS 2,00,000 14 | 20-Mylliem (ST) [Shri Samuel Hashah 14-02-2023 RTGS 2,00,000 15 | _1-Nartiang (ST) Shri Remiki Sarien 14-02-2023 RTGS 2,00,000, 16 | 6-Khlichriat (ST) [Shri Bayes Chyrmang 14-02-2023 RTGS 2,00,000 17 | &Mawhati (ST) [Shri Evarirst Myrsing 14-02-2023 RTGS 5,00,000 18 [3-Mawryngkneng (S1j Shri Highlander Kharmalki 14-02-2023 RTGS 3,00,000 19 14-02-2023 RTGS 5,00,000 VPage {Se Alexander Laloo Hek PON ‘ Hho! IN GF Zu 30-Mairang Shri Mark Rinaldy 14-02-2023 RTGS 2,00,000 Sawkmie 21 | 32-Nongstoin (ST) | Shri Diosstarness Jyndiang 14-02-2023 RTGS 2,00,000 22 | 40-Bajengdoba (ST)| Shri Herendra A Sangma 14-02-2023 RIGS | _3,00,000 23 | 41-Songsak (ST)_| Shri Thomas N Marak 14-02-2023 RTGS 3,00,000 24 | 46-Phullbari (GEN) | Shri Edmund K Sangma 14-02-2023 RTGS 5,00,000 25 | 50-North Tura (ST)| Shri Adamkid M Sangma 14-02-2023 RTGS 3,00,000 26 53-Ampati (ST) Shri Premananda Koch 14-02-2023 RTGS 3,00,000 27 f4-Mahendraganj (ST]__ Shri Tingku N Marak 14-02-2023 RTGS 3,00,000 28 | _57-Dalu (ST) Shri Akki A Sangma 14-02-2023 [_RtGs | 3,00,000 29 59-Chokpot Shri Novembirth Ch Marak 14-02-2023 RTGS 2,00,000. 30 | 37- Kharkutta (ST) Shri Elstone D Marak 14-02-2023 RTGS 2,00,000 31_[58-Rongara Siju (ST)} Shri Calis G Momin 14-02-2023 RTGS 2,00,000. 32_| 42-Rongjeng (ST) | Shri Rapiush Ch Sangma 14-02-2023 RTGS 3,00,000 33 2-Jowai (ST) Shri Allan Keith Suchi 14-02-2023 RTGS 2,00,000 34 | _7- Amlarem (ST) Shri Firstborn Manner 14-02-2023 RTGS 2,00,000 35, 12-Umroi (ST) Shri Shanbor Ramde 14-02-2023 RTGS 2,00,000 36 15-Mawlai (ST) Shri Wandonbok Jyrwa 14-02-2023 RTGS 2,00,000 37 |16-East Shillong (ST)|_Shri Wankitbok Poshna 14-02-2023 RTGS 2,00,000 38 | 22-Nongkrem (ST) | Shri David Kharkhongor RTGS 2,00,000 39 23-Sohiong (ST) | Shri Seraph Eric Kharbuki 14-02-2023 RTGS. 2,00,000 — 40 |25-Mawsynram (ST)| Shri Himalaya Muktan 14-02-2023 RTGS 5,00,000 Shangpliang 41 26-Shella (ST) Smti Arena Hyn ta 14-02-2023 RTGS 5,00,000 42 | 27-Pynursla (ST) Shri Rowelly Khong: 14-02-2023 RTGS: 2,00,000 43 [-Mawthadraishan (S{~Smi Darikmen L 14-02-2023 RTGS 2,00,000 Marshillong 44 }-Rambrai Jymgam (S|_Shri Spasterlin Nongrem 4-02-2023 RTGS 2,00,000, 45 |34-Mawshynrut (ST) Shri Bijoy Kynter 4-02-2023 RTGS 2,00,000 46 [36-Mawkyrwat(ST)[ __Smti Bity Jyrwa 4-02-2023 RTGS 2,00,000 47 | _56-Gambegre (ST) Shri Daniel M Sangma 4-02-2023 RTGS 2,00,000 48 | 60- Baghmara (ST) |_ Shri Samuel M. Sangma 4-02-2023, RTGS 3,00,000 49 48-Selsella (ST) Ferlin Sangma 15-02-2023 NEFT 5,00,000 50 | 9-Nongpoh (ST) Marian Maring 15-02-2023 NEFT 3,00,000 51 11-Umsning (ST) Duruth Majaw 16-02-2023 NEFT 2,00,000 52 | $1-South Tura (ST) Berard Marak 18-02-2023 NEFT 2,00,000 53 | 55-Salmanpara (ST) Boston Marak 19-02-2023 NEFT 5,00,000 34 | 47-Rajabala (GEN) | __Bakul Ch Hajong 19-02-2023 NEFT 3,00,000 55 49-Dadenggre Shri Braining R Marak 02-2023 NEFT 2,00,000 56 3-Raliang Lakhon Biam 13-02-2023 NEFT 7,00,000 57 B1-Nongthymmai (ST Shri David Kharsati 22-02-2023 RTGS 7,00,000 58 [29-Mawkynrew (ST)| Shri Counsellor Mukhim 22-02-2023 RTGS 3,00,000 59 |_4-Mowkaiaw (ST) Shri Currentis Rabon 22-02-2023 RTGS 3,00,000 60 -Sutnga Saipung (ST] _ Shri Krison Langstang 22-02-2023 RTGS 3,00,000 61 Shri Sukharam K Sangma 22-02-2023 RTGS 5,00,000 39-Resubelpata (ST), f oper “Shitfong oz | 44-Raksamgre (ST) | Shri Benedric R Marak 22-02-2023 RTGS 3,00,000 63 [38-Mendipathar (ST)] Shri Sengnab Ch Momin 22-02-2023 RTGS 7,00,000 64 | 20-Mylliem (ST)_[~_Shri Samuel Hashah 22-02-2023 RTGS 3,00,000 65 | 1-Nartiang (ST) Shri Remiki Sarien 22-02-2023 RTGS 3,00,000 66 | 6-Khliehriat (ST) | Shri Bhayes Chyrmang 22-02-2023 RTGS 3,00,000 67 | _8-Mawhati (ST) _[_ Shri Evarirst Myrsing 22-02-2023 RTGS 5,00,000 68 |3-Mawryngkneng (S1] Shri Highlander Kharmalki 22-02-2023 RTGS 3,00,000 69 | 30-Mairang Shri Mark Rinaldy 22-02-2023 RTGS 3,00,000 Sawkmie 70 | 32-Nongstoin (ST) | Shri Diosstamess Jyndiang 22-02-2023 RTGS 3,00,000 71 | 40-Bajengdoba (ST)| Shri Herendra A Sangma 22-02-2023, RTGS 2,00,000 72 | 41-Songsak (ST) | Shri Thomas N Marak 22-02-2023 RTGS 3,00,000, 73 | 46-Phullbari (GEN) |_ Shri Edmund K Sangma 22-02-2023 RTGS 3,00,000 74 | 50-North Tura (ST) | Shri Adamkid M Sangma 22-02-2023 RTGS _[~_ 5,00,000 75 f4-Mahendraganj (ST|__ Shri Tingku N Marak 22-02-2023 RTGS 7,00,000 76 | _57-Dalu (ST) Shri Akki A Sangma 22-02-2023 RTGS 7,00,000 77 | 59-Chokpot | Shri Novembirth Ch Marak 22-02-2023 RTGS 1,00,000 78 | _37-Kharkutta (ST) | Shri Elstone D Marak 92-02-2023 RIGS] 3,00,000 79 |_24-Mawphlang Wossarroi Rani 22-02-2023 RTGS 5,00,000 80 | _9-Nongpoh (ST) Marian Maring -02-2023, RTGS 3,00,000 81 | 45-Tikrikilla (ST) | Rohinath Barchung RTGS 3,00,000 82 | 48-Selsella (ST) Ferlin M Sangma RTGS 5,00,000 83 | 51-South Tura (ST) |__ Bernard N Marak RTGS 5,00,000 84 | 17-North Shillong | Mariahom Kharkhrang RTGS 7,00,000 85. p-South Shillong (GE Sanbor Shullai RTGS 7,00,000 | 86 |58-Rongara Siju (ST) Salis G Momin RTGS 3,00,000 87 [_42-Rongjeng (ST) | Shri Rapiush Ch Sangma RTGS 7,00,000 88 | 2-Jowai (ST) __| Shri Allan Keith Suchiang RTGS 3,00,000 89 | 7-Amlarem (ST)_|_ Shri Firstbom Manner RTGS 3,00,000 90 | 12-Umroi (ST) Shri Shanbor Ramde RTGS 3,00,000 91 | 15-Mawlai (ST)_[_ Shri Wandonbok Jyrwa RTGS 3,00,000 92 |16-East Shillong (ST)|_Shri Wankitbok Poshna RTGS 8,00,000 93 | 22-Nongkrem (ST) [Shri David Kharkhongor 22-02-2023 RTGS 3,00,000 94 | 26Shella (ST ‘Smti Arena Hyniewta 22-02-2023 RTGS 5,00,000, 95 | 27-Pynursla (ST) | Shri Rowelly Khongsni 22-02-2023 RTGS 3,00,000 96 [l-Mawthadraishan(S}__ Smti Darikmen L 22-02-2023 RTGS 3,00,000 Marshillong 97 }-Rambrai Jymgam (S|_Shri Spasterlin Nongrem 22-02-2023 RTGS 3,00,000 98 [34-Mawshynrut (ST)|___ Shri Bijoy Kynter 22-02-2023 RTGS 3,00,000 99 | 36-Mawkyrwat (ST) Smti Bity Jyrwa 22-02-2023 RTGS 3,00,000 100| 56-Gambegre (ST) | Shri Daniel M Sa 22-02-2023 RTGS 1,00,000 101 [ 60-Baghmara (ST) | Shri Samuel M. Sangma 22-02-2023 RTGS 5,00,000 102[_10-Jirang (ST) Riya Sangma 22-02-2023 RTGS 7,00,000 103] 52-Rangsakona Dipul_R Marak 22-02-2023 RTGS 5,00,000 104 Boston Marak 22-02-2023 RTGS 5,00,000 Sse eR Bhs w pyle ~» [tvs \8-West Shillong (GEI Ernest Mawie 22-02-2023 [_RTGSs 5,00,000 106] _11-Umsning (ST) Duruth Majaw. 24-02-2023 NEFT 3,00,000 107] _35-Ranikor (ST) Martin M Danggo 25-02-2023 NEFT | 5,00,000 108] _53-Ampati (ST) Preamanda Koch 25-02-2023 NEFT 5,00,000 109| 47-Rajabala (GEN) Bukul Hajong 25-02-2023 NEFT_|_ 5,00,000 Total 4,12,00,000 ‘Schedule- 19 Total Expense on Media Advertisement (print and electronic, bulk sms, cable, website, TV Channel ete,)| authorized/ incurred by State/ Distt./ Local Units for specific candidate(s) with photo or name of candidate(s) or| attributable to any candidate(s) S.] Name of the Name of media Date (0° printtelecasv/sms] Total Amount (Including No.] candidate(s) _| (prinv/electronic/sms cable ete.) outstnading amt.) ty, etc) T : [2 : Total : ton Schedule -20 Total expense on Publicity Materials (like Posters, banners, election materials ete) with photo and/or name| lof the candidates or attributable to candidate(s) authorized/ incurred by State/ Distt./ Local Ui S. | StateNo. and Name of [Details ofthe itzms, [Total Amount (includning outstandig amt) No | Nameofthe | Candidate(s) Assembly/Parl. Constituency I | Nartiang | Shri Remiki Sarien] FLAG,CAP, Play 115,325 2 Towai Shri Allan Keith | Card, Badges etc. 1,13,150 Suchiang Raliang | Shri Lakhon Biam 1,20,450 Mowkaiaw | Shri Currentis 110,725 Rabon Sutnga Saipung] Shri Krison 16475 Langstang Khliehriat Shri Bhayes 1,16,475 Chyrmand ‘Amilarem ‘Shri Firstbomn 119,000 Manners Mawhati ‘Shri Evarist 1,26,625 Myrsing ‘Nongpoh | Smt Marain Mari 1,29,450 Jirang ‘Smt Riya Sangma 1,13,425 Umsning — | Shri Duruth Majaw 113,150 Umroi ‘Shri Shanbor 1,13,150 Ramde Mawryngkneng| Shri Highlander 112,025 Kharmalki PynthorumKhrah| Shri Alexander 128,900 Laloo Hek Mawlai Shri Wandanbok 1,12,025 Jyrwa East Shillong | Shri Wankitbok TI a75 Poshna North Shillong | ShriMarahom 124,255 Kharkrang West Shillong | ShriEmest Mawrie 1,31,600 South Shillong [Shri Sanbor Shullat 1,31,600 Mylliem — [Shri Samuel Hashah 1,13,150 Nongthymmai_[ Shri David Kharsati 113,150 ‘Nongkrem Shri David T 1,13,150 Kharkongor fst ee Sohiong | Shri SeraphicEric 1,13,150 Kharbuki Mawphlang | Shri Wossary Rani 1,13,150 Mawsynram | Shri Himalaya r 1,13,150 Muktan Shangpliang| Shella Smt Arena 1,513,150 Hynniewta Pynursla Shri Rowelly 1,13,150 Khongsni Sohra Shri Mieal 1,13,150 Ronnie Kshair Mawkynrew | Shri Councelior 1,13,150 Mukhit Mairang | Shri Mark Kinaldy 1,13,150 Awkmie /Mawthadraishan| Smti Darikmen L . 1,13,150 Marshillong Nongstoin | Shri Diosstamess 1,13,150 Jyndiang Rambrai Shri Spasterlin 1,13,350. Jymgam Nongrem Mawshynrut_| Shri Bijoy Kynter 1,13,150 Ranikor | Shri Martin 1,13,150 Danggo Mawkyrwat_| Shri Bity Jyrwa 113,150 Kharkutta__ |Shri Elston D Marakl 113,150 Mendipathar | Shri Sengab Ch 113,150 momin Resubelpara Shri Sukharam K 1,13,150 Sangma Bajengdobsa Shri Herendra A 1,13,150 Sangma Songsak Shri Thomas Ni 1,13,150 Marak Rongjeng |” Shri Rapuish Ch 113,150 Sangma William Nagar | Shri Raknang Ch 1,13,150 Momin Raksamgre | Shri Benedic R 1,13,150 Marak Tikrikilla Shri Rohinath 13,150 Barchung Phulbari Shri Edmund K 1,13,150 Sangma Rajabala Shri Bakul Ch 1,13,150 Selsella 113,150 Dadengre | Shri BrainingR 113,150 Marak North Tura | Smti Adam kid M 113,150 Sangma South Tura_| Shri Berard N 1,13,150 Marak Rangsakona_| Shri Dipul R Marak 113,150. ‘Ampati Shri Premnanda 1,13,150 Koch Mahendraganj | Shri Tingku N 1,13,150 Marak Salmanpara_ | Shri Boston D 1,13,150 Marak Gambegre Shri Daniel M 1,13,150 Sangma alu [Shri Akki A Sangma| 113,150 Rongara Siju | Shri Calis G 113,150 Momin Chokpot [Shri Novembirth 1,13,150 Ch Marak Baghmara_| Shri Samuel M 113,150 Sangma Total 68,98,630. [Schedule- 21 |Total Expense incurred/authorized for the candidate(s) by State/ Distt./ Local Units (Other than general] party propaganda) on Public meetings /processions ete., (barricades /audio etc., /hired vehicles for the| -nce /supporters at the rally of Star Campaigners or other leaders S. | State and venue [Name(s) of the Star] __Name of the Date Items of | Total Amount No campaigner(s) and | Candidate(s) expenditutre | (including other leader(s) outstnading amt.) T : 2 = Total 5 [Schedule- 22 ‘Any other expenses) for the candidate (s) authorized/ incurred by State/ Distt Local Units s State No. and Name of [Name ofthe [Details of the] Total Amount Gncluding the Assembly/Parl. | Candidates) items outstanding amt.) Constituency T z 2 = Total = 7." Scuedule -23 B¥ ‘Total expenses incurred /authorized on publishing criminal antecedents, political party located in State/ Distt./ Local Units if any, of candidates sponsored by the| Website ‘Newspaper Television s. | Period during Name(s) of Date(s) of Name(s) of | Date(s) & Mode of | Total Amount No} which Newspaper publishing channel | Time of | payment | (including displayed Insertion / |(electronic/c} outstandig telecast heque/DD/C] amt.) ash) Pl. Specify 1 Kynjatshai (04-02-2023 53,900 Mankasngi 2 [Kynjatshai Man kal 14/02/2023 to 181,300 Sngi 1602/2023 2 Awedience 04-02-2023 37,410 Connect Private Ltd 4 JAwedience | 04-02-2023 r 33,900 Connect Private Ltd Total 3,26,510 Schedule -24 B* Total expenses incurred /authorized on virtual campaign through Social Media platforms/Apps/ Other means jon General Party Propoganga authorised incurred by State/Distt. / Local Units Ss. State Nature of Virtual Campaign (Indicate | Name of | Name of | Total Amount (including No Social Media Platfors/ Apps/ Other | Content | Mediato | outstanding amount) Means Creator | disseminate message 1 ‘Total re 2 PART-C 7. Summary of all Receipts and expenditure incurred / authorized by the Political Party during election (from the date of announcement of n ill completion of election) as mentioned in tables in Part ~A and B. A [Name of the Party BHARATIVA JANATA PARTY B [Date(s of Pot TR.01.2023-04.03.2023 [© [Blection t , (mention the State names and Assembly / Lok Sabha Constituency ) MECHALE D_ Opening Balance (for Party central Head Quarter and state/Disi Local level units all included) Description Amount 1. Cash in hand [5.1 a(i}6.1.a() of al election related tates) 15,335,008] HL. Cash in bank [5.1.a.(i)+6.1.a (i ofall election related slates] 35,180,935,569 IL, Total Opening Balance 35,196,290,574] [Gross receipts from date of announcement of election to the date of completion of election (both at Party ‘central Head Quarter and state/Dist./Local level units) Description Amount I. Cash [5.2.() + 62.a() of all sates) 1. Cheque or Draft [5.2.a(i) + 6.2.a(ip of all sates] ZS8651,281 HI. In kind (or complementary receipts) [5.2.a.ii) + 62.a( i) ofall election related states] [Total of F UV) + G (IV) above of this table] IV. Total receipt(s) 2.389,631,281 (Gross Expenditure ineurred/ authorized for general Party propaganda from the date of announcement of election to the date of completion of election (both at central Head Quarter and state/Dist/Local level units) Description Amount 1. Cash or Cheque/DD ete. [5.3.4 (1) +6.3.a() ofall election relatee sites) | IH. Cheque or Draft [5.3.1 (i) +6.3.a,(i) ofall election related states] 0.922.854 HI. Expenditure authorized, but remaining outstanding on cate of completion of election [53.0 16,236,604) +6.3.a(iii) ofall election related states) IV. Total Expenditure on general party propaganda T7AS9AS7 GC |Gross Expenditure by Political Party incurred’ authorized for tie Candidates) other than general party propaganda (both at central Head Quarter and state/Dist/Local level units) Description Amount I. Cash or Cheque / DD ete. payment to candidate(s) [54a() r6 4ali) 47,200,000] H. In kind, | HI. Break Up: fa. Media payments [5.4.2 (1)}+6.4.a() of all election related tates) 6,898,630) b. Publicity materials (5.4.2. ()+6.4(iif) ofall election related states] c. Public meetings, processions ete.[5.4.a(iv) +6.4..(iv) ofall election related sates] 1 fd. Any other expenses (5.4.a.(v) + 64.a(v) ofall election related states) z fe. Publicity of Criminal Antecedents [5.4.a(vi) + 6.4.a(vi) ofall election related Sates) f. Virtual Campaign [54.a.(vii) + 64.a.(vil ofall election related states|* IV. Total Expenditure on candidates) [Gross Total Expenditure for general party propaganda and for candidate(s) (Closing Balance (both at Party central Head Quarter and state/Dist/Local level units) Description a. Cash in hand [5.6.a.() 6.6.a,() of election related sates) 246450) b. Bank balance [5.6.a.(i 6.6.2.) of election related states] 35,972.436,094] c.Total Ch 35,986,682,54 1g Balance 4 Ph. No- 0364-2225327 Bharatiya Janata Party Meghalaya Pradesh DEENDAYAL BHAVAN Bivar Road, Near BSNL Guest House, Shillong - 793001, East Khasi Hills (Meghalaya) Email : | I, Shri SARWAN JHUNJHUNWALA do hereby verily and declare that the account of election expenditure as funished in the statement of election expenditure (Part A, B, C) includes all items of election expenditure ineurred/authorized by the political party (Party Central Headquarters / State Unit(including Distriet level & Local Units)}* in connection with the ! General elections the State Assembly MEGHALAYA and nothing has been concealed or withheld/suppressed there from and ‘That the said statements of election expenditure, are true and correct accnount to the best of my knowledge and belief and no ‘material fact has been concealed. } Date: | = ignature Seal Of Treasurer (Or Aurthorized Person Counter signed by the Party President! General Secretary Centfied by the Auditor ! Cenifed that tothe best of our knowledge and bli and as per the information and explanation provided tow and the i documents availabe, the election expenditure statement in Part B comprising ofall lection expenses incurred through the state unit including its various other unitvoffices, is true and correct, fin a \ Signature and Seal ofthe Audit UDIN: Udine: 23314421662 HUU33 1, Rajesh Agarwal, Treasurer, do hereby verify and declare that the account of election expenditure as furnished in the statement of election expenditure (Part A, B, C) includes all items of election expenditure incurred/authorized by the litical party {Party Central Headquarters Pi party { y | State Unit (including District Level & Local Units)} in connection with the assembly elections of MEGHALAYA PRADESH and nothing has been concealed or withheld/suppressed there from: and That the said statements of election expenditure, to the best of my knowledue and belief are true and correct and no material fact has been concealed, wher ‘e\of Treasurer Date : ]4-O% -2022 Or Counter signed by a Ze Signature of the Party President/General Sec Authorised Person Certified by the Auditor Certified that to the best of our know ledge and belief and as per the information and explanation provided to us and the documents available for the Central Office unit for details in Part-A and with relience being placed on the State unit Auditor for the details provided in Part-B, which have been merged with Part-C, the election expenditure statement is true and correct. For V.K. THAPAR & CO. CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS FIRM REGN. NO. 201181N Mui: a wena wn oa Signature and Seal of the Auditor UDIN- 23093522 BGYGIK 4yIZ

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