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This article has been accepted for publication in IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing.

This is the author's version which has not been fully edited and
content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TMC.2024.3368331


Two-Factor Authentication for Keyless Entry

System via Finger-Induced Vibrations
Hongbo Jiang, Senior Member, IEEE, Panyi Ji, Student Member, IEEE, Taiyuan Zhang, Student
Member, IEEE, Hangcheng Cao, and Daibo Liu, Member, IEEE

Abstract—Keyless entry systems (KES) have become popular due to their high user-friendliness, while fingerprint and digital password
authentication are two of the most widely used unlocking ways. However, current KES are vulnerable to security threats, such as
fingerprint films that deceive fingerprint sensors and stolen passcodes. To address these issues, this paper presents Fingerbeat, a
two-factor authentication system to defend the security risks of the current widely deployed KES devices. Fingerbeat combines original
credentials, such as fingerprint or passcode, with unique and persistent finger-induced vibrations (FIV) to create a two-factor secure
authentication model, without compromising any user-friendliness. Fingerbeat leverages the fact that each person’s finger structure is
distinct and can be represented in distinct vibration patterns. During authentication, FIV are triggered and embodied in the mechanical
vibration of force-bearing body (i.e., KES panel), which can be captured by a low-cost accelerometer. We developed a proof-of-concept
prototype of Fingerbeat, which can extract FIV features from mixed vibration recordings, eliminate the impacts of variable behavior and
external disturbance, and model user identity. We implement a Fingerbeat prototype and use extensive evaluation to demonstrate its
security and effectiveness.

Index Terms—Keyless entry system, Two-factor authentication, Finger-induced vibration biometrics

1 I NTRODUCTION Allow Access Deny To Access

Keyless entry systems (KES), particularly those utilizing

fingerprint biometrics and self-created passcodes, have be-
come widely popular due to their user-friendliness and Or
Original igi
are commonly used in residential and office environments. na V
l FI
According to recent Global Smart Door Lock Market Reports
Attack Attack
[1], KES market size value was USD 6.7 Billion in 2022 and is
forecasted to reach USD 22.8 Billion by 2028. However, the Original Credential KES FingerBeat-based KES

Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) [2] recently reported

Fig. 1: An illustration of utilizing Fingerbeat to defense at-
that annually, over 2.5 million illegal intrusions occur in
tacks with fake fingerprints or shoulder surfing. An attacker
private residences, with 34% being attributed to the leakage
may use fake fingerprints or shoulder surfing to bypass
of biometric data and passcodes. This leads to over 260,000
default authenticating scheme, e.g., fingerprint or passcode,
personal injuries and an average direct economic loss of
but it is difficult to fool the other factor, namely Fingerbeat,
$2700 per family [3], [4]. The report highlights that finger-
which identies the FIV released from finger-KES interaction.
print films can easily trick fingerprint sensors and passcodes
can be stolen through shoulder surfing and hidden cameras
[5], [6], presenting a serious threat to personal and property
safety. Thus, it is imperative to upgrade the existing unlock- and further compromising the security of KES users. An
ing mechanisms to address these intrinsic vulnerabilities. ideal biometric credential for KES systems, as per market
To ensure the security of KES, the use of advanced analysis [13], [14], should have a balance of security and
biometrics-based technologies, such as FaceID [7], iris recog- user-friendly authentication process. Despite advancements
nition [8], voice recognition [9], and ultrasonic fingerprint in technology, there is still a significant gap between the cur-
scanners [10], has been considered. However, these bio- rent available options and the desired biometric credential
metric modalities face several limitations that limit their that meets both security and user-friendliness requirements.
ability to meet both security and user-friendliness require- Under this context, we explore methods to improve the
ments. The collection of explicit user biometrics, such as unlocking security of the widely deployed KES, which use
fingerprints, facial and voice features, is still vulnerable to fingerprint or code-based credentials, without sacrificing
information leaks and counterfeiting [11], [12]. Additionally, any user-friendliness. To achieve this, we introduce Finger-
the requirement for specialized high-end sensors can signif- beat, a two-factor authentication model for both fingerprint
icantly increase hardware costs and reduce the feasibility of and code-based KES. This model enhances the security of
wide deployment. Furthermore, these technologies require the commonly used unlocking credentials (i.e., fingerprint
the collection of visible and tangible user biometrics, expos- and passcode) by binding them with the unique physical
ing sensitive sensors to potential destruction by adversaries biometrics characteristics of the user. The fundamental idea

Authorized licensed use limited to: VTU Consortium. Downloaded on March 27,2024 at 05:54:55 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
© 2024 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission.See https://www.ieee.org/publications/rights/index.html for more information.
This article has been accepted for publication in IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing. This is the author's version which has not been fully edited and
content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TMC.2024.3368331


behind Fingerbeat is that the physical structure of each

finger is unique and constant. When unlocking the x(t)
response vibration
the operating finger releases distinctive and sealed vibra- response x(t)
f(t) (FIV) patterns,
tion, referred to as finger-induced mvibration
during the act of finger-KES interaction, such as fingerprint m
scanning or code inputting. These inherent K
FIV patterns can C K
be detected by an inbuilt low-cost accelerometer sensor, and
Fingerbeat then combines these patterns with the original
credentials to achieve two-factor authentication. (a) Finger-KES interaction (b) Vibration model
However, turning this concept into a practical system
presents multiple challenges. First, the interaction between Fig. 2: Finger-KES interaction and vibration model.
the finger and the KES device during fingerprint scanning or
password inputting can produce a complex series of mixed
vibrations that are influenced by the finger structure, KES, • We analyze the mechanism of finger-induced vibration
and external interference factors. Uncovering the intrinsic and demonstrate the feasibility of FIV-based user iden-
features that accurately characterize the uniqueness and tification.
persistence of the finger structure is a critical and difficult • We have successfully implemented the Fingerbeat pro-
task. Additionally, eliminating the impact of external inter- totype and conducted comprehensive experiments to
ference, e.g., inconsistent interaction behavior and location, evaluate its effectiveness. The results are encouraging,
on the extraction of FIV signals is another challenge. Unlike demonstrating that our method can attain the best
active vibrations, FIV signals are passive and unmodulated, performance with a FPR of 0.1% and a TPR of 99.97%.
composed of a variety of frequencies that are mixed in the
vibration recordings, making pattern matching much more
challenging. Finally, to ensure high accessibility and user 2 P RELIMINARIES AND T HREAT M ODELS
acceptance, it is important to provide users with freedom In this section, we present the vibration model, FIV, of
while unlocking the KES systems. In situations where user finger-KES interaction and explore the feasibility study on
behaviors are difficult to control precisely, it is critical to using FIV patterns to enhance the unlocking mechanism for
determine how to select features closely resembling FIV. KES. Afterwards, we introduce potential threat model.
To overcome these challenges in the practical implemen-
tation of Fingerbeat, we first denoise the vibration caused
by external activities and identify the FIV signals leveraging 2.1 FIV Model
the differentiated traits in both time and frequency domain. Principle Behind. When a finger operates on the interactive
Then we investigate the FIV property through a theoretical interface of KES panel, e.g., fingerprint scanner or numeric
model by considering the generation and propagation of vi- keypad as illustrated in Fig. 2(a), the force-bearing area,
bration signals. We propose a fine-grained feature extraction namely the contact position of finger-KES interaction, is
mechanism to enhance the uniqueness of vibration features deformed and thus generates vibration waves. Note that
by studying the factors affecting the FIV-based user identity vibration generation and propagation depend on structure
through a mass of vibration-related features and effectively properties such as spring constant and damper coefficient
distill a set of critical features that are highly relevant to of both the operating finger and KES’s sensing field, which
the user identify and insensitive to interaction behavior. jointly form an oscillator. Therefore, given the same oper-
This process enhaces Fingerbeat to achieve robust FIV ex- ating finger and interactive interface, the finger-KES inter-
traction and eliminate the impact of subtle changes in user action between them could produce user-specific vibration
behaviors. Based on the critical feature vector, Fingerbeat signatures [15].
generates a FIV-based user model, then it combines with Theoretical FIV Model. To describe the finger-KES interac-
the original credentials to achieve two-factor user authenti- tion stage, we adopt a mass-spring-damper model [16]–[18]
cation. as shown in Fig 2(b). The finger-KES oscillator can be char-
We have designed a proof-of-concept prototype of Fin- acterized using its mass m, spring constant k , and damper
gerbeat to emulate a commercial KES device. The Finger- coefficient c, which are affected by the structure of the finger
beat prototype consists of a fingerprint scanner, a touch- and KES. The operating force f (t) exerted by the finger
based password entry panel, a processing unit, and a vibra- tapping on the KES body is a complex and time-varying
tion collector module. We conduct extensive experiments force. It excites the vibration response x(t). By performing
to evaluate the performance of Fingerbeat by recruiting a quadrature decomposition of the signal, it can be shown
15 volunteers. The results of our experiments indicate that that any continuous time signals can be represented as the
Fingerbeat’s True Positive Pate (TPR) and False Positive Pate accumulation of a series of sinusoidal/cosine functions of
(FPR) are 93.31% and 3.06% respectively for single-vibration different frequencies [19]. Thus, f (t) can be viewed as a
authentication, and 99.97% and 0.1% for multi-vibration superposition of a series of sinusoidal forces. Suppose that
authentication. In a nutshell, our main contributions are f (t) contains n frequency components and the frequency set
summarized as follows: is ω = {ω1 , ω2 , . . . , ωn }. The formula can be expressed as:
• We propose Fingerbeat, a two-factor authentication
model for widely used KES, delivering a secure, seam-
f (t) = Fi sin ωi t. (1)
less user experience at a low cost.

Authorized licensed use limited to: VTU Consortium. Downloaded on March 27,2024 at 05:54:55 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
© 2024 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission.See https://www.ieee.org/publications/rights/index.html for more information.
This article has been accepted for publication in IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing. This is the author's version which has not been fully edited and
content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TMC.2024.3368331


The vibration response caused by f (t) is formed by the U1(D1) 1

0.06 U1(D2)
interaction of vibration responses caused by the the de- U2(D1) 0.8 Case2

composed sinusoidal forces. Therefore, we can infer the 0.6 (7,0.8)

influence factors of FIV from the vibration response caused 0.4
by sinusoidal signals. In the spring-mass-damper model, the 0.02
vibration response generated by the sinusoidal excitation (7,0.21)
0 0
can be expressed as: 0 50 100 150 200 250 0 5 10 15
Frequency(Hz) Distance
d xi (t) dxi (t)
m +c + kxi (t) = Fi sin ωi (t). (2) (a) ASD of FIV (b) FIV uniqueness
dt2 dt
The equation is transformed into:
Fig. 3: Empirical results on the uniqueness of FIV measured
d2 xi (t) dxi (t) Fi with amplitude spectrum density (ASD) and Euclidean dis-
+ 2ξwn + wn2 x(t) = sin ωi t. (3)
dt2 dt m tance.
where wn2 = m , ξ = √c . The solution of this equation is
2 mk
as follows:
2.2 Feasibility Analysis
xi (t)
In this section, we conduct a feasibility study to corroborate
ξwn sin ψ − ωi cos ψ
= X0 e−ξwn t sin ωd t + sin ψ cos ωd t the theoretical analysis presented in the previous section.
 v0  and explore the feasibility of using FIV-based implicit bio-
−ξwn t
+e xi cos ωd t + sin ωd t metrics for user identification.
+ X0 sin (ωi t − ψ) . Experimental setup. We designed a prototype of KES that
(4) integrates with a fingerprint scanner, touch-based password
where ψ = arctan 1−λ 2ξλ
2 , X 0 = √ Fi /k
, and λ = entry panel, processing unit, and a vibration collector mod-
2 2 2
(1−λ ) +(2ξλ)
ωi ule, to evaluate the feasibility studies and the performance
wn . of Fingerbeat in Sec. 4. The FIV signals is acquired by
According to the expression, we can find that the vi- a builtin accelerometer sensor in model AKF392-T-68. We
bration wave generation (i.e., vertical displacement xi (t)) is instructed 15 volunteers to operate the KES. Without loss of
affected by m, c, k , Fi and ωi . From this result, we infer generality, we select the collected FIV signals of two random
that x(t) is affected by three factors. (1)The m, c and k volunteers (denoted as S1 and S2 ) to represent the analysis
parameters of the finger-KES oscillator, depending on the results. The detail experimental results of all volunteers are
structure of the finger and KES; (2)The amplitude of each given in Sec. 4. We use Euclidean distance to denote the
sinusoidal component, F = {F1 , F2 , . . . , Fn }, is related to dissimilarity of two vectors, which can be calculated by
tapping force; (3)The frequency composition ω of f (t). Due Dynamic Time Warping (DTW) [22]. The Euclidean distance
to the differences in bone structure, muscle, and size among is 0 if two vectors are the same; the greater the difference
fingers/users, the structure of each finger-KES oscillator and between the two vectors, the larger the distance.
the pattern of forces exerted by the fingers are unique. More
Uniqueness. For each finger-KES interaction, i.e., finger-
importantly, the finger is a nonlinear response medium due
print scanning or passcode entry, the frequency distribu-
to its complex physiological structure [20], which means that
tions and harmonics of the produced FIV are dependent
the frequency composition of the vibration response x(t)
on the internal composition of vibrating source. Such traits
cannot be predicted.
can be characterized by the amplitude spectrum density
After the vibration signal x(t) is generated in the force-
(ASD) of the FIV signals. Therefore, we can use the fea-
bearing area, it will spread outward through the finger-device
ture of ASD profiles to distinguish FIV signals generated
oscillator, which finally can be sensed by the accelerom-
from different fingers. To verify the uniqueness of FIV, we
eter installed in the KES, as shown in Fig. 2(b). During
instruct two volunteers to repeatedly operate the KES on
this process, vibration amplitude continuously attenuates,
the same position with an identical finger for more than
which is characterized by the following vibration attenua-
10 times. Fig. 3(a) shows the ASD of collected FIV signals,
tion model [21]:
which indicates the ASD of FIV signals generated from the
y(t) = x(t)e−αd , (5)
same finger are with similar outline, and the ASD of FIV
where y(t) is the propagation vibration signal at the ac- from different fingers are significantly different. Fig. 3(b)
celerometer, α is the attenuation coefficient related to the shows the cumulative distribution function (CDF) of the
propagation medium, and d is the propagation distance Euclidean distance between the FIV signals from the same
between the press point and accelerometer. Note that dif- finger (Case1) and the Euclidean distance between differ-
ferent device materials and press points can lead to distinct ent fingers (Case2). The distance between FIV signals of
values of the coefficient α and d, which in turn affect the the same finger is significantly smaller than the distance
attenuation of x(t) during propagating. between FIV signals generated from different fingers. More
According to the above theoretical model, the captured than 79% of the distances in Case1 are less than 7, while
FIV feature is mainly composed of the relevant parameters more than 80% of the distances in Case2 are larger than 7,
m, k and c of the finger-KES oscillator, the tapping force which sheds light on the feasibility of exploiting FIV signal
related to the structure of finger, and the parameters α and for finger identification. Moreover, there is an overlapping
d affected by different tapping locations. area between Case1 and Case2, which means that we cannot

Authorized licensed use limited to: VTU Consortium. Downloaded on March 27,2024 at 05:54:55 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
© 2024 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission.See https://www.ieee.org/publications/rights/index.html for more information.
This article has been accepted for publication in IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing. This is the author's version which has not been fully edited and
content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TMC.2024.3368331


1 1 0.03 0.03
FF Position1 Time1
FS Time2
0.8 Case4 Position2
FT 0.8


0.02 0.02
0.6 0.6


0.4 0.4
0.01 0.01
0.2 0.2

0 0 0 0
0 4 8 12 0 50 100 150 200 250 0 50 100 150 200 250
4 6 8 10 12
Distance Distance Frequency(Hz) Frequency(Hz)

(a) Time persistence (b) Impact of force (c) Different position (d) The same position

Fig. 4: Exploring the impact of inconsistent interaction behaviors and position on FIV, (a) distance between FIV signals
under different time; (b) distance between FIV signals under different forces; (c) ASD of FIV signals at two differennt
positions; and (d) ASD of FIV signals at the same position.

directly leverage raw FIV signals to fully distinguish users. tap position.
Therefore, we need to further extract fine-grained features Summaries and insights. In summary, The FIV contains
to amplify the differences across fingers (users). the user’s unique finger structure information and changes
Time persistence. To verify the time persistence of FIV little over time, has the potential to be used as a credential
signals, we recruited volunteers to use the same finger for identity authentication. Although different interaction
operating on the same position of KES panel 10 times every forces and inconsistent operating positions have an impact
other month. By using the 10 samples collected in the first on FIV signals, we can still find partial signal components
month as the benchmark, we calculate the distance in the that is less affected and highly relevant to the finger identity,
following two cases: only among the benchmark samples; such as the interval with a large correlation in the frequency
between benchmark samples and other ones collected at domain sequence, statistical features such as frequency of
different times. For simplicity, we use “FF”, “FS”, “FT” to peak, smoothness, etc. Moreover, we use the method intro-
respectively denote the distance between the samples of the duced in Sec. 3.3 to extract features and use some intelligent
first month, between the samples of the first and the second algorithms to try to eliminate the impact of different forces
months, and between the samples of the first and the third on FIV authentication.
months. As shown in Fig. 4(a), the results show that for the
same finger, the FIV signals collected from different time 2.3 Threat Model
are very similar, which indicates the implicit biometrics of Assuming that an attacker attempting to gain illegal access
finger in form of FIV signals is with good time persistence to a victim’s private space by spoofing the Fingerbeat sys-
and also verifies that the parameter m, k and c in the mass- tem, there are four potential types of attacks that can be
spring-damper model are constant. carried out on both fingerprint-based and passcode-based
Impact of inconsistent interaction behavior and position. KES.
To evaluate the impact of inconsistent interaction behaviors Blind attack. An attacker does not have any prior knowl-
and positions on FIV-based user identification, we first ask edge of the user’s fingerprint, password, or FIV information.
two volunteers to tap the same position on entry panel for In the case of a fingerprint-based KES, an attacker tries
10 times with gentle forces and heavy forces, respectively. unlocking the system with different fingers. In the case of
We calculate the distance between the samples of the same security-code KES, the attacker repeatedly inputs different
finger with the same force (Case3), the distance between patterns of six-digit passcodes.
the samples of the same user with different force (Case4), Premeditated attack. An attacker has premeditated to ob-
and the distance between the samples of different users tain the user’s fingerprint or security code. However, he/she
with the same force (Case5), respectively, and plot them in does not have any information on the victim’s FIV signals.
Fig. 4(b). As shown, the average distance of the same user On the premise of successfully passing the fingerprint or
with the same force is smallest and the distance of samples password authentication, an attacker randomly presses the
generated with different forces is significantly larger, which fingerprint scanner or password interactive panel. At the
demonstrates the interaction force has an impact on the same time, the operation will generate an FIV signal to
generated FIV signals. Then, we let volunteer S1 tap on emulate a legitimate user and try to trick the Fingerbeat
different positions of the entry panel and plot the distance system.
in Fig. 4(c). As shown, due to the impact of parameter d Deliberate attack. An attacker not only successfully obtains
in Eqn. 5 on signal propagation, the FIV signals generated the victim’s fingerprint or security code, but also deliber-
from different locations are distinguishing. However, when ately eavesdrops on the victim’s FIV signal through an ac-
we tap the fingerprint scanner or a number, the position celerometer sensor deployed 50cm away from the door lock.
change is weak. Fig. 4(d) shows the spectrum of the same However, in practice, the eavesdropping device must be
user tapping the same number twice. It can be seen that the placed in a more inconspicuous location to avoid detection.
effect of slight changes in position on FIV is not obvious. The technical difficulty of reproducing the signal and the
Therefore, in the security-code KES, we train the classifica- asynchronous problem of two-factor authentication during
tion model for each number to eliminate the influence of the the attack are ignored.

Authorized licensed use limited to: VTU Consortium. Downloaded on March 27,2024 at 05:54:55 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
© 2024 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission.See https://www.ieee.org/publications/rights/index.html for more information.
This article has been accepted for publication in IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing. This is the author's version which has not been fully edited and
content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TMC.2024.3368331


Fingerprint/Password Original Certification Module

+Vibration Signal
|| 123456

Feature Extraction Mathch? & Match?

Feature Selection
Segment FIV-based Authentication
Signal Collection and Detection Finger Profile Result

Signal Processing FIV-based Two-Factor

and FIV Detection User Profile Authentication Model

Fig. 5: System overview of Fingerbeat, consisting of Origial Certification module, Signal Processing and FIV Detection model,
FIV-based User Identification module, and Two-Factor Authentication Model.

Flood attack. Attacker has ample time and patience to con- frequency of 15Hz to eliminate the interference of human
tinuously execute the premeditated attack until the desired motion.
outcome is achieved. Normalization. Accordig to the theoretical FIV model, it
is difficult to ensure that the user’s operating behaviors,
such as tapping force ft=0 , always keep identical. Therefore,
3 S YSTEM D ESIGN we use a lightweight normalization method to solve these
In this section, we first present the system overview of problems. Specifically, the mean and variance of FIV signal
Fingerbeat and then introduce the technical details of each in the time domain are normalized to 0 and 1, respectively.
3.2.2 Segmentation and Detection.
To detect the finger operation event from the acceleration
3.1 System Overview signal, we further conduct two rounds of segmentation.
Fig. 5 illustrates the system overview of Fingerbeat. The col- Firstly, we cut out the vibration events in coarse granularity
lected fingerprint/password and FIV signals are processed based on the energy threshold (ET). Secondly, we use the
in separate modules. The fingerprint/password signals are finger operation event detection method presented below to
sent to the Original Certification module for one factor au- screen out the real FIV signal.
thentication, while the FIV signals are first sent to the Signal Event Segmentation. Fingerbeat first used a sliding win-
Processing and FIV Detection module (detailed in Sec. 3.2) dow algorithm based on adaptive energy thresholds to
where the FIV signals is extracted after preprocessing. The segment the vibration events from the acceleration signal.
FIV-based User Profile module (see Sec. 3.3) extracts the criti- For more accurate segmentation, the ET should be related
cal features from FIV signals, which are then used to classify to the noise level. Assuming that the noise conforms to the
the user identity, i.e., the other factor authentication. Finally, Gaussian distribution, the mean and standard deviation of
the results of both fingerprint/password authentication and the noise energy are calculated in the non-vibration period.
FIV-based authentication are combined in the Two-Factor The sliding window is used to calculate the energy of the
Authentication Model (see Sec. 3.4) to jointly determine the acceleration signal and compare it with ET to determine the
user’s identity. The Original Certification Module is imple- position of the cutting point.
mented using existing technologies [23] [24], and we briefly FIV Detection. The signals obtained by the above steps are
describe it in this paper. segmented into various events, including those generated
by door-related actions such as knocking, ringing, opening,
etc. Thus, we need a method to determine whether it is a FIV
3.2 Signal Processing and FIV Detection event. Fig. 6 shows the time-domain and frequency-domain
3.2.1 Preprocessing diagrams of these signals. By closely examining both the
We first conduct signal preprocessing to normalize the cap- time and frequency traits, it is possible to differentiate the
tured FIV signals. signals. Our analysis reveals that the duration of FIV sig-
Unification of sampling rate. The sampling rates of ac- nals is between 0.4-0.6 seconds and distinct from the other
celerometers of different equipment are not uniform, which signals. The frequency spectrum of FIV signals displays
is difficult to carry out a unified time-frequency analysis. distinct symmetry and trailing patterns when compared to
Therefore, we first use sinc interpolation to unify the sam- the other three ones. To accurately identify FIV signals, the
pling rate to 1000Hz [25]. time-domain signal duration, as well as the skewness and
Denoising. External vibration signals generated by hu- kurtosis in the frequency domain, have been selected as
man activities such as walking, going up/down stairs, and relevant features.
running vehicles can affect the user authentication, which
need to be denoised. Most of the noise generated by hu- 3.3 FIV-based User Profile
man behaviors and running vehicles is concentrated within We have verified that tapping devices by different users will
15Hz, however the information of FIV is concentrated above produce FIV signal unique to users in Sec. 2.1. Next, we
15Hz, so we use Butterworth high-pass filter with cut-off analyze the critical features that can be used to identify user.

Authorized licensed use limited to: VTU Consortium. Downloaded on March 27,2024 at 05:54:55 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
© 2024 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission.See https://www.ieee.org/publications/rights/index.html for more information.
This article has been accepted for publication in IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing. This is the author's version which has not been fully edited and
content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TMC.2024.3368331


0.0 0.02 0.5

0.45s 0.2 0.15s 0.01 2.7s 1.5S


-0.5 0.0 0.00 0.0

-0.2 -0.01

-1.0 -0.4 -0.02 -0.5

0 0.5 1 1.5 0 1 2 0 2 4 0 1 2 3
Time(s) Time(s) Time(s) Time(s)

(a) Finger-KES interaction (b) Knocking door (c) Doorbell ringing (d) Opening door
0.01 0.02 0.01




0 0 0 0
0 100 200 300 0 100 200 300 0 100 200 300 0 100 200 300
Frequency(Hz) Frequency(Hz) Frequency(Hz) Frequency(Hz)

(e) Finger-KES interaction (f) Knocking door (g) Doorbell ringing (h) Opening door
Fig. 6: Vibration signals generated from different daily activities in both time and frequency domains: (a)-(e) finger-KES
interaction, (b)-(f) knocking the door, (c)-(g) doorbell ringing, and (d)-(h) opening the door, where subfigures (a-d) show
the vibration signal in time domain, and (e-h) show their spectrogram respectively.

3.3.1 Feature Extraction search ability of the improved particle swarm optimiza-
According to empirical studies, the features of FIV signals in tion(BBPSO) [29] and the local search ability of the filtering
both time and frequency domain contain the characteristics method. In BBPSO algorithm, each particle contains a vari-
of users. Hence, we can extract some overall statistical able number of features, which is the candidate solution of
features of two domain signals. the optimization problem. A particle updates its position in
Statistical features. Through the study of signal process- the following ways:
ing, statistical features can be used to represent multiple

N (µij , |δij |) , r < prob
attributes of the FIV signal [26]. Therefore, we use the xt+1
ij = t
P bij ,
LibXtract tool to capture scalar statistical features for each
FIV signal in the time and frequency domain. where xt+1ij = 1 indicates that j
feature is selected into ith
Amplitude spectral density (ASD). We perform Fast feature subset in the (t + 1) interaction; otherwise, it is not
Fourier Transform (FFT) on FIV signals to obtain the corre- selected. N (µij , |δij |) is Gaussian distribution, where µij is
sponding amplitude spectral density. As mentioned above, mean, which is calculated by µij = 0.5 P btij + Gbtj ; |δij | is
we fix the sampling rate of accelerometer at 1000Hz. Ac- variance, which is calculated by |δij | = P btij − Gbtj + ∆,
cording to Nyquist Sampling Theorem [27], the value range where ∆ = r3 × P btmj − P btnj × exp (f (Gbt ) − f (Xit )),
of amplitude spectral density is between 0 and 500Hz. r3 is random value between 0 and 1, P bi and Gb present
Therefore, by taking the amplitude at each frequency as the personal and global leaders respectively. The local search al-
feature, we can get a fixed length feature vector. gorithm uses mutual information to calculate the similarity
Through Sec 2.1, we can know that since the FIV signal between features and the correlation between features and
is tightly sealed in fingertip’s physical structure and is tags, so as to improve the local search ability.
only activated by the finger-KES interaction, how to extract The feature set obtained by F S method deletes the fea-
features highly related to user identity from the signal mixed tures sensitive to tapping position, equipment, and similar
in mechanical vibrations is needed. Here, we choose the features, and retains the features that effectively represent
statistical features and amplitude spectral density(ASD) as the uniqueness of fingers/users, which further ensures the
the basic features, and filter out some key traits. reliability of authentication and reduces data redundancy.

3.3.2 Feature Selection 3.3.3 FIV-based Finger Profile

However, not all features are conducive to correct classifica- Fingerbeat adopts binary classification model for identity
tion. For example, Fingerbeat should eliminate the features decision. The Fingerbeat stores the collected FIV signals
that are sensitive to user behavior and environment. We first (labeled as an invalid class) of illegal users in the database.
calculate the basic features of all FIV signals, and put them In the registration phase, the FIV signals generated by
into the particle swarm optimization algorithm for training, legal user is labeled as a valid class, which together with
where the label is the user. Therefore, the feature selection the invalid class data constitutes training data. Then, this
problem is to select a feature subset X , which contains n data is used to train a binary classification model for the
features, so that the accuracy of user classification is the user. In the finger identification phase, the generated FIV
highest. signal is fed into the model for classification, and then the
In order to solve this optimization problem, we borrow user identity is determined according to the classification
the MIBBPSO algorithm [28], which combines the global result. The training data is composed of the data of one

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This article has been accepted for publication in IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing. This is the author's version which has not been fully edited and
content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TMC.2024.3368331



4.1 Experimental Setup

We have developed a prototype of the KES system that
incorporates a fingerprint scanner, a touch-based password
entry panel, a processing unit, and a vibration collector
module. The purpose of this prototype is to evaluate the
performance of Fingerbeat. The FIV signals are captured
using a built-in accelerometer (AKF392-T-68) as shown in
Fig. 7. The algorithm for the system has been implemented
Fig. 7: Experiment settings. using Matlab R2020a. In addition, we calculate the average
time cost of conducting one thousand authentications is 0.54
seconds and the CPU ratio is only 0.7%.
legal user and the data of multiple illegal users, is not During the experiment, a total of 15 volunteers (6 males
balanced. Compared with other classifiers, Support Vector and 9 females) aged from 22 to 48, participated in the
Machine(SVM) have been proven to have better processing data collection process. Before starting the experiment, the
performance on unbalanced data sets( [30], [31]). Therefore, volunteers were informed about the purpose and nature
Fingerbeat chooses SVM as the classifier. Hyperparameters of the experiment and were asked for their consent. The
such as the kernel function and kernel scale of the SVM are participants used their dominant hand’s index finger to
adjusted to optimize the performance of the SVM. collect the data. They were not instructed to apply specific
forces or angles, but were asked to maintain an interval
of more than 0.6 seconds between recordings. The data
collection process took place over a period of three months.
3.4 Two-Factor Authentication Model In each experiment, 70% of the collected data was used as
3.4.1 Two-factor authentication logic the training set, and the remaining 30% was used as the test
Fingerbeat includes fingerprint/password (the first factor)
authentication and FIV-based vibration (the second factor)
authentication. If both authentication results are successful, 4.2 Evaluation Metrics
the user passes the authentication. Otherwise, the user is
denied to access. Fingerbeat can be deployed on fingerprint- The binary classification system has four possible outcomes:
based KES and security-code KES, but the second authen- True Positive (TP), where positive samples are correctly
tication strategies of the two locks are different. The for- classified as positive; True Negative (TN), where negative
mer is single vibration authentication while the latter is samples are correctly classified as negative; False Positive
multi-vibration authentication. Multi-vibration authentica- (FP), where negative samples are wrongly classified as pos-
tion consists of six FIV-based authentications. In order to itive; and False Negative (FN), where positive samples are
take into account both security and convenience of KES, we wrongly classified as negative. To evaluate the performance
stipulate that if three or more of the six results pass, it is of the system, we use commonly used performance metrics
deemed to have passed the multi-vibration authentication. such as true positive rate, false positive rate, and balanced
True Positive Rate (TPR). TPR is the ratio of the number of
3.4.2 Deadlock Mechanism true positive samples that are correctly classified to the total
Fingerbeat introduces a deadlock mechanism to project number of positive sample, defined as T P R = T PT+F P
N . It
against Flood Attack(mentioned in Sec. 2.3. When the sys- reflects the probability of a legitimate user passing through
tem falls into a deadlock state, it will block external authen- the system, and is closely related to the user’s experience.
tication requests. The condition for triggering the deadlock False Positive Rate (FPR). FPR is the ratio of the number
mechanism is that five consecutive authentication failures of negative samples that are incorrectly classified to the
are caused by successful fingerprint/password authenti- total number of the negative samples, defined as F P R =
cation but failure of vibration authentication. This trigger F P +T N . It represents the rate of illegal users passing
condition can improve the security of Fingerbeat. Attackers through the system, which can be considered as the attack
can easily pass fingerprint authentication using fingerprint success rate.
film. Numerous attacks may cheat vibration authentication, Balanced Accuracy (BAC). BAC is the average of the
but the probability of success within three times can be classification accuracy of positive samples (TPR) and neg-
negligible due to lacking practicality. Moreover, The trig- ative samples (T N R = T NT+F N
P ), defined as BAC =
ger condition prevents the inconvenience of overprotection. 2 (T P R + T N R). A good verification system has high
Some non-threatening behaviors (such as children’s pranks, TPR and extremely low FPR. However, choosing different
Blind Attack) cannot be authenticated by fingerprint. There- thresholds in the classifier will increase/decrease TPR and
fore, the deadlock mechanism will never be triggered in this increase/decrease FPR at the same time. Therefore, BAC
case. A legitimate can use a physical key or an electronic metric is needed to describe the overall performance of the
key(installed on mobile phone) to unlock the deadlock state. system.

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© 2024 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission.See https://www.ieee.org/publications/rights/index.html for more information.
This article has been accepted for publication in IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing. This is the author's version which has not been fully edited and
content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TMC.2024.3368331


1 .0 T P R B A C F P R evaluate the performance of multi-vibration authentication

under the security-code KES, we evenly selected positions
0 .8 1, 3, 5, 7, and 9 to verify. Each volunteer collects 30 sets of
data at each location and finally obtains 1500(10 × 5 × 30)
0 .6 samples. There are ten classification models trained by the
0 .4 above data at each location. Fig. 10(a) shows the TPR at five
positions, Fig. 10(b) shows the BAC and Fig. 10(c) shows
0 .2 the FPR. The average TPR, FPR and BAC for position 1
were 93.44% ,2.9%, and 95.27%, respectively. The average of
0 .0 position 3 is 95.58%, 1.86%, 96.86%. The average of position
U 1 U 2 U 3 U 4 U 5 U 6 U 7 U 8 U 9 U 1 0 U 1 1 U 1 2 U 1 3 U 1 4 U 1 5
U s e rs
5 is 95.7%, 1.39%, 97.16%. The average of position 7 is
92.97%, 3.81%, 94.58%. The average of position 9 is 93.51%,
Fig. 8: Authentication results of 15 users. 2.57%, 95.47%. Based on this result, we observe two key
points: One is that the performance under security-code KES
1 is better than that on fingerprint-based KES. The reason for
this performance difference is that the tapping position in
0.8 security-code KES are relatively concentrated (for the same
number). The sensing range of the fingerprint scanner is
0.6 larger than that covered by each digit, so the positional
deviation of multiple tapes will be larger. Another one is
that the results across five positions are different. This is
because the propagation paths to the accelerometer from
five positions are different. However, the worst result (TPR
0 of 92.97%, FPR of 3.81%, BAC of 94.58%) still meets the
TPR BAC FPR requirements for authentication accuracy.
For common 6-digit passwords, the security-code KES
Fig. 9: Overall authentication results.
corresponds to multi-vibration authentication consisting of
six continuous vibrations. We leverage the results of single
vibration authentication (in position 7) to evaluate the per-
4.3 Experimental Result
formance of multi-vibration authentication under different
In this part, we evaluate the performance of vibration strategies, while showing the result in Fig. 11. In a single
authentication in fingerprint-based KES and security-code vibration, the probability of a legitimate user passing the
KES. authentication is P1 = 92.97%, and the probability of failing
is q1 = 7.03%. The probability of attacker passing single vi-
4.3.1 Authentication Accuracy bration authentication is P2 = 3.81%, the probability of fail-
We first evaluate the performance of the single vibration ing is q2 = 96.19%. We use permutation and combination
authentication method in the fingerprint-based KES system theory to calculate the results when different thresholds are
and the multi-vibration authentication method in the secu- set, as shown in Fig. 11. In multi-vibration authentication,
rity code system, respectively. the threshold is set as 3. Under this strategy, TPR is 99.97%
Single Vibration Authentication. In this experiment, we indicating a high probability of successful identification of
collected vibration data from 15 volunteers. Each volunteer legitimate users, and FPR is 0.1%, indicating a low prob-
served as a legal user in their own classification model and ability of successful attack. Therefore, the multi-vibration
as an unauthorized user in the classification models of oth- authentication strategy proposed in the Sec. 3.4 takes into
ers. When acting as a legal user, each volunteer was required account both security and convenience.
to collect 30 sets of data. When acting as an unauthorized
user, they wore fake fingerprints to deceive the fingerprint
4.3.2 Performance of Vibration Detection Algorithms.
lock and collected vibration data 10 times. In total, each
volunteer collected 40 sets of data, resulting in a total of In the experiment, we collected the interference vibration
600 data points (15 x (30 + 10)). generated by knocking on the door (”knocking”), ringing
Fig. 8 displays the classification results for the 15 user the doorbell (”ringing”), opening the door (”opening”),
models, and Fig. 9 provides a statistical analysis of these and FIV signals to verify the performance of the detection
results. It can be observed that the average TPR is 93.31%, algorithm. 30 groups of each type of the above signals are
the average FPR is 3.06%, and the average BAC is 95.13%. collected. The experiment results in Table 1 are obtained.
Although these results may not be considered outstand- The vibration signals generated by ”tapping”, ”opening”,
ing, Fingerbeat uses single vibration authentication as an and ”ringing” are all correctly classified, while a small
additional layer of security in conjunction with fingerprint amount of vibration signals generated by ”knocking” are
locks, which significantly enhances the overall security of wrongly classified as FIV. The reason for this result is that
the fingerprint lock system. the duration of the vibration signal generated by knocking
Multi-vibration Authentication. In the previous experi- is the closest to that of the FIV signal. Moreover, compared
ment, we have verified the vibration authentication re- with missing FIV signals, the cost of misdiagnosing FIV
sults corresponding to the single digit. To comprehensively signals is almost negligible.

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© 2024 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission.See https://www.ieee.org/publications/rights/index.html for more information.
This article has been accepted for publication in IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing. This is the author's version which has not been fully edited and
content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TMC.2024.3368331


1.0 1.0 0.15

0.9 0.9


0.8 0.8

0.7 0.7 0.00

L1 L3 L5 L7 L9 L1 L3 L5 L7 L9 L1 L3 L5 L7 L9
Position Position Position
(a) TPR values of 10 users at 5 locations. (b) BAC values of 10 users at 5 locations. (c) FPR values of 10 users at 5 locations.
Fig. 10: Classification results of 10 positions in password unlocking

1 0 0
1 0 0 .0 0 1 0 0 .0 0 9 9 .9 7 9 9 .4 1
9 3 .8 7
T P R walking on Fingerbeat. We conducted comparative experi-
F P R ments in three environments: (1) no walking, (2) one people
8 0 walking and (3) two people walking. The results in Table 2
6 4 .5 7
6 0 show that the performance difference in the three scenarios
is very small.
4 0
TABLE 2: TPR in different environments.
2 0 .7 9
2 0 Environment TPR
1 .9 7 0 .1 0 0 .0 0 0 .0 0 0 .0 0
0 no walking 93.31%
S 1 S 2 S 3 S 4 S 5 S 6 one people walking 93.26%
T h r e s h o ld V a lu e two people walking 92.8%
Fig. 11: Multi-vibration authentication strategy selection.
TABLE 1: Vibration signal detection result.
Vibration Type/Detection Result FIV Interference
4.4.2 Robustness of Attack
FIV (30 times) 30 0 In this part, we evaluate the security of the KES de-
Knocking (30 times) 2 28 ployed with Fingerbeat under the four attacks mentioned
Ringing (30 times) 0 30 in Sec. 2.3.
Opening (30 times) 0 30
Defend Against Blind Attack. In this case, the at-
tacker does not know the user’s fingerprint information
and password. Without knowing the user’s fingerprint, it
4.3.3 Performance of Different Classification Models
is almost impossible for the attacker to pass fingerprint
To choose the most appropriate classifier, we compare authentication. In the security-code KES, the probability of
the performance of common classifiers using the data in an attacker guessing the 6-digit password is 1016 , which is
Sec 4.3.1. The experiment compares the performance of approximately 0. Therefore, in the blind attacker scenario,
five classifiers, Support Vector Machine (SVM), K-Nearest whether or not Fingerbeat is deployed, the probability of
Neighbor (KNN), Decision Tree (DT), Naive Bayes (NB) and successful is approximately 0.
Logistic Rregression (LR) [32]. The training set and test set
Defend Against Premeditated Attack. In this case, it is
of each classifier are exactly the same. Fig. 12(a), Fig. 12(b)
assumed that the attacker can successfully deceive finger-
and Fig. 12(c) respectively show the TPR, FPR and BAC
print/password authentication. Thus, the probability of an
value of the classification results of different classifiers. It
attacker passing a KES (no Fingerbeat) is 100%. Fingerbeat
can be seen that the performance of SVM classification is
adds single vibration authentication for fingerprint-based
better than other classifiers.
KES and multi-vibration authentication for security-code
4.3.4 Performance of Panel Materials. KES. According to Sec 4.3.1, the attack success rates of single
vibration authentication and multi-vibration authentication
In addition to fingers, the panel material can also affect
are 3.06% and 0.1%.
the structure of the whole vibration body and hence FIVs.
Defend Against Deliberate Attack. In this case, it is as-
Therefore, in this section, volunteers are asked to click
sumed that the attacker can pass fingerprint/password au-
on three types of materials (i.e., wood, plastic, iron) 100
thentication and attempt to attack vibration authentication
times each time. Subsequently, we calculate the average
with eavesdropped FIV signals. We designed an experiment
performance variation across distinct materials, i.e., 0.14%
to test the ability of Fingerbeat to resist the attack. We let
TPR and 0.09% BAC. The result states that the door mate-
legitimate users perform the unlocking operation normally,
rial imposes an insignificant impact on the authentication
and the acceleration sensor is placed 50cm away from the
performance, hence it is a neglected factor.
lock body. This signal is directly used as an attack signal and
put into our trained model for classification. We collected 80
4.4 Robustness Verification
attack signals and none of them were successful. This result
4.4.1 Robustness of Walking is not surprising. The model in Section 2.1 mentions that
When we are unlocking, there may be neighbors walking the propagation distance affects the vibration signal. The
in the corridor, so it is necessary to discuss the impact of eavesdropped signal propagated for a certain distance and

Authorized licensed use limited to: VTU Consortium. Downloaded on March 27,2024 at 05:54:55 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
© 2024 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission.See https://www.ieee.org/publications/rights/index.html for more information.
This article has been accepted for publication in IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing. This is the author's version which has not been fully edited and
content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TMC.2024.3368331


1.0 0.3 1.0

0.9 0.9
0.8 0.8


0.7 0.7
0.6 0.6

0.5 0 0.5
Classifier Classifier Classifier
(a) TPR of different classification models. (b) FPR of different classification models. (c) BAC of different classification models.
Fig. 12: Performance of different classification models.

the medium changed from the lock body to the door panel, new scenarios, such as the impact of pedestrian walking,
which was obviously deformed and distorted. Therefore, it hand tremors, and vehicle bumps on authentication. In
is difficult to be identified. future work, we also need to explore the performance varia-
Defend against Flood Attack. In this case, the attacker tion of the authentication mechanism when the user’s finger
repeats premeditated attacks countless times. Although the structure is damaged, while proposing the corresponding
success rate of a single attack is very low, repeated many fault tolerance method.
times is bound to succeed. Fortunately, the deadlock mecha- Advanced network. As shown in Sec. 4, Fingerbeat has a
nism of Fingerbeat only allows three unsuccessful attempts good performance using simple classifiers for identity de-
in a short period of time. Therefore, the attack success rate cisions. However, a well-designed learning-based network
of Fingerbeat deployed in the fingerprint lock is 8.9% and can further improve authentication performance described
security-code lock is 0.3%. in TouchPass [33], HandKey [15]. In future work, we will
Fig. 13(a) and Fig. 13(b) show the success rates of try to design an effective network such as contrastive learn-
fingerprint-based KES (with and without Fingerbeat) and ing for Fingerbeat to further improve its robustness facing
security-code KES under four attacks, respectively. It can cross-domain applications. In addition, we need to explore
be seen that Fingerbeat can effectively resist the above four a unified metric [34]–[38] to measure the superiority and
attacks, which greatly improves the security of fingerprint- uniqueness of the biological features themselves.
based KES and security-code KES.

1 0 0 1 0 0
1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 6 R ELATED W ORK
8 0 8 0
O n e -fa c to r O n e -fa c to r
T w o -fa c to r T w o -fa c to r
F P R (% )

6 0 6.1 Keyless Entry Systems

F P R (% )

6 0
4 0 4 0
2 0 2 0 Keyless entry systems use the user’s own memory, portable
8 .9 0
0 0 .0 0 3 .0 6 0 .0 0
0 0 .0 0 0 .1 0 0 .0 0 0 .3 0 smart devices or unique biometrics to unlock the door and
a te d a te d
0 0
a te lo o d a te lo o d
B lin dP r e m e d it D e lib e r F B lin dP r e m e d it D e lib e r F completely get rid of the ”keychain”. In the early stages,
(a) The success rate of fingerprint(b) The success rate of fingerprint keyless entry system unlock credentials were user-defined
lock attacks in the three scenarios. lock attacks in the three scenarios. passwords [39], which relies heavily on the user’s memory
Fig. 13: Performance of defending potential attacks. and increases the user’s burden. What’s more, passwords
are easily peeked by covert camera attacks or shoulder surf-
ing attacks, posing a privacy leakage risk that cannot be ig-
nored [5], [6]. Due to the higher security and convenience of
5 D ISCUSSION AND F UTURE W ORK Fingerprint-based KES, it has become the choice of more and
The current version of Fingerbeat has some limitations. In more users. However, users will leave complete fingerprint
this section, we will discuss these limitations and explore information on the items they have touched. Attackers can
where we can improve in the future. use fingerprints left on items to create fingerprint films to
Potential advanced attacks. The unique propagation char- deceive fingerprint-based KES [11]. More advanced sensors
acteristics of vibration signals make it difficult for attackers can solve this problem. Qualcomm Fingerprint Sensor [10]
to steal. However, advanced attackers may obtain the FIV uses sound waves to scan the sweat pores of the user’s
features of legitimate users from the operating system and finger to obtain accurate 3D images. However, the high cost
inject them into the login system. In our further work, we and unknown risks make it difficult to apply it on a large
should explore the security risks of this attack targeted at scale. SoundLock [35] leveraged the auditory-pupillary re-
the operation system. sponse as biometrics to construct a novel user authentication
Apply to more scenarios. To improve the security of the scheme for VR devices, but it is not suitable for the contact
widely used KES, Fingerbeat uses as a secondary authen- human-computer interaction scenario. Fingerbeat combines
tication factor. Finger tapping, as a natural and convenient fingerprint/password authentication and vibration authen-
interactive action, has the potential ability to be applied in tication to realize two-factor authentication, which makes
more scenarios, such as mobile phones, computers and on- up for the security loopholes in the above authentication
board devices. Inevitably, there will be new challenges in methods.

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© 2024 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission.See https://www.ieee.org/publications/rights/index.html for more information.
This article has been accepted for publication in IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing. This is the author's version which has not been fully edited and
content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TMC.2024.3368331


6.2 Vibration-based User Identity the use of FIV-based authentication to address the security
Existing vibration-based authentication mostly relies on ac- shortcomings of fingerprint-based and security code KES
tive sensing, such as the methods described in [16], [26], systems. Additionally, the operation of Fingerbeat is simple
[33], [40]. These methods generate vibrations using a motor and avoids the major drawback of two-factor authentica-
or other excitation source, then capture the vibration signals tion, which is its complicated operation.
transmitted by the human body for identity authentication.
VibID [26], [40] is deployed on smartwatches and uses the 7 C ONCLUSION
vibration signal generated by an external motor to sense This paper presents Fingerbeat, a two-factor authentication
the unique physical characteristics of the user’s arm. Touch- model for Keyless Entry Systems (KES) that combines both
Pass [33] employs a Siamese network to mine hidden fin- fingerprint and security code recognition. The unique phys-
ger structure features in the vibration signal. VibWrite [16] ical structure of each finger results in distinctive, constant
senses the touch position of the finger to identify the legality vibrations, known as finger-induced vibrations (FIV), dur-
of the PIN/pattern/gesture entered by the user using the ing unlocking interactions such as fingerprint scanning or
vibration signal. It needs a motor as a signal source to code inputting. By utilizing these FIV patterns, we can dis-
actively trigger vibration signals; while our work relies on tinguish users for authentication purposes. Our implemen-
the vibration signal generated by passively clicking the tation of the KES prototype integrates a fingerprint scanner,
touch panel to complete the authentication. Velody [20] touch-based password entry panel, processing unit, and a
senses the unique physical structure of the user’s palm vibration collector module. The results of our experiments
for authentication using vibration signals and includes a demonstrate that Fingerbeat accurately authenticates users
“challenge-response” mechanism to prevent replay attacks. and effectively defends against various attacks.
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to identify items that vary in size and weight. Another
proposed method [42] utilizes user-generated involuntary R EFERENCES
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