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Crafting a thesis on the topic of drunk driving poses unique challenges to students.

The intricacies
involved in delving into this subject matter require not only a deep understanding of the issue but
also meticulous research and analysis. From gathering relevant data and statistics to examining the
psychological and societal impacts, writing a comprehensive research paper demands considerable
time, effort, and expertise.

One of the primary difficulties in writing a thesis on drunk driving lies in navigating through the vast
array of information available. With an abundance of studies, reports, and legal documents
surrounding this topic, sifting through the data to identify credible sources and pertinent findings can
be daunting. Moreover, synthesizing this information into a coherent and persuasive argument
requires critical thinking and analytical skills.

Another challenge is ensuring the paper's accuracy and relevance. Given the sensitive nature of drunk
driving and its implications for public safety, it is imperative for researchers to present factual
information backed by credible sources. This necessitates thorough fact-checking and verification of
sources to uphold the integrity of the research.

Furthermore, addressing the multifaceted nature of drunk driving requires a nuanced approach.
Beyond simply examining its prevalence and consequences, researchers must also consider factors
such as legal regulations, prevention strategies, and societal attitudes towards alcohol consumption.
Incorporating these various perspectives into the thesis adds complexity to the writing process.

In light of these challenges, students may find it beneficial to seek assistance from professional
writing services. ⇒ ⇔ offers expert guidance and support to students tackling
complex research topics like drunk driving. With a team of experienced writers and researchers, ⇒ ⇔ can provide invaluable assistance in crafting well-researched and compelling
theses. By entrusting your project to ⇒ ⇔, you can ensure that your thesis meets
the highest standards of quality and accuracy.

For students grappling with the intricacies of writing a research paper on drunk driving, ⇒ ⇔ offers a reliable solution. With their expertise and dedication to excellence, ⇒ ⇔ can help you navigate the challenges of thesis writing and produce a polished
and impactful final product. Don't let the complexities of this topic overwhelm you—reach out to ⇒ ⇔ and take the first step towards academic success.
I feel that everyone should be aware of the injuries and danger people are put into when drunk
driving is in the picture and the simple solutions to not do it. Body: a. INJURIES I. All injuries are
prevenTABLE ii. Keep on browsing if you are OK with that, or find out how to manage cookies.
The paper 'Anti- drunk driving - Cultural Systems Operating in the Advertisements, Text, and
Images' is an engrossing example of term paper on marketing. It is unusually advisable to have a
designated driver while going to parties for everyone to be safe. Drinking is prohibited for the
teenagers because their systems are under development and needs energy to grow mentally and
physically, which eventually, is affected because of the drinking habits. It is obvious that the lower
drinking age works for the teens mentioned in Reid's article because they are given full responsibility
for their actions. Alcohol consumption impairs focus and slows response time, greatly increasing the
risk of causing deadly accidents or severe harm. Consequently, it has been necessary to ensure
teenage drunk driving is stopped. DUI is a crime and may be classified as either a felony or
misdemeanor depending on the circumstances in which the crime is committed. Although impressive
reductions in alcohol-related fatalities occurred between 1982 and 1997, during which all 50 States
enacted the basic impaired-driving laws, progress has stagnated over the last decade. In America, for
every fifty one minutes, someone is killed in a tragic drunk driving accident. Usually, these occur
when they are reminded of the accident by things such as when they ride in the car or reading about
a similar incident. Amy Mittelman, Inc NetLibrary; 2007, Brewing Battles: The History of American
Beer, Published by Algora Publishing, p178. This has created the image of liquor as forbidden fruit
for the teenagers. People get drunk in parties and friends or family gatherings and drive recklessly
which is dangerous not only for the driver, but the people sitting with in the vehicle and the other
pedestrians (Mittelman and Inc NetLibrary 178). A well-written introduction needs to set the tone
for a research paper using a thesis statement. Before Reading Slide I would state: Out of the 10
scholarly references three studies used simulators to produce evidence in support similar behaviors of
texting while driving and drunk drivers. However, those teenagers who have good communication
with their parents or guardians are still away from this habit and they usually get succeeded in
delaying their urge for liquor and intoxication till the legal permitted age of 21 years. Many car
accidents affect the drive, passengers in the car and also pedestrians walking along the road. Yet
many people drive while under the influence all the time. The number of young alcohol consumers is
gradually increasing with the passage of time. Young adults are dangerous drivers because they
belong to the high-risk group, which means that first of all, they are young and then they are totally
unaware of the rules needed to drive a motor vehicle. If we stiffen the penalties for impaired driving,
it may very well make repeat offenders think twice before getting behind the wheel of a car while
intoxicated, or even the first time for that matter. “During the year 2007, alcohol-impaired driving
was involved in the deaths of nearly 13,000 Americans.” ( These statistics
are too high. All in all, revising the paper before submitting the final draft is important because
students tend to miss out small details that would make the paper look unprofessional. Drunk driving
to the limit where driving capabilities become impaired with that of driving motor vehicle is highly
prohibited legally in almost every country in the world. This has raised the ratio of tension in the
national traffic control legislation, and the parents of those teenagers. Cite This paper. Select a
citation style: Copy to Clipboard Copied. This is for the reason that males are more involved in
alcohol drinking as well as they are much heavier drinkers than females. We want to get to our
destination in a calm state of mind but also worry-free”. Heavily drunk students are more prone to
certain health complications.
Although thousands of lives are saved each year, by designated drivers many more are needlessly
lost. The United States has taken several steps to eliminate DUI driving. Drunk Driving Disarray
While media never fails to show the unfavorable and dramatic effects of drunken driving, what they
do not seem to bring light to is the details. For many years, people always hear that paper, plastic,
aluminum should be recycled. In this paper I am going to be talking about the problems of drinking
and driving and it should concern people on the road. In conclusion, these three ways can help
reduce, or eliminate the deaths caused by drunk driving. Receive a tailored piece that meets your
specific needs and requirements. The argument needs to be supported by evidence in an organized
report. It is the realisation of such statistics that each state in the country has its own drunk-driving
reinforcement measures and methods. DUI driving is completely preventable and with time
organizations like Mothers Against Drunk Driving, MADD, have assisted the public in understanding
how truly detrimental DUI driving is for all people. Drafting board is important difference between
george and driving and research. However, usually, time is not their friend, which is why. Driving
under the influence is a class A misdemeanor for all DUI convictions with three or fewer previous
convictions for DUI. Road carnages due to drunk driving have led to death and paralysis of many
youths who are economic powerhouse of any society that eyes economic growth and development.
This research paper is an argumentative research regarding the teenagers and their conditions while
driving under drunken circumstances. The people who take advantage of their driving privileges by
break the law by drinking and driving should lose their licenses permanently. According to a survey
the age of frequent alcohol consumer teenagers varies from eleven (11) to fifteen (15) years. You can
download the paper by clicking the button above. The reason for extreme limit of drinking by the
teenagers is because of the fact that they are not allowed to have it openly and is prohibited from
their parents, guardians and school systems. This not only increased their urge to drink liquor more
frequently, but they ought to take drinking as adventure while partying and having little friends' get
together. We use cookies to create the best experience for you. Driving under the influence, DUI, is a
class A Misdemeanor in Tennessee and has resulted in thousands of deaths in recent years. One of the
identified reasons that have influenced binge drinking in teens is the accessibility of alcohol, as
anybody can have it with little or no effort if they want to (Lohmann, 2013). At present, in the
present United States, drinking publicly is prohibited for the young adults less than twenty-one years
of age. Furthermore, the majority of the drunk drivers are quite young and they age around 21 to 25
years (Madd, 2015). With this intense pressure of liquor and intoxication intake, the teenagers are
also accused of rash and rough driving in drunken conditions. Let us write or edit the research paper
on your topic. The at the level of 0.08 a person is considered legally drunk and if driving they are
eleven more times likely to have an accident than a non- drinking person. Males account for 15.1%
and females account for 7.9% drunk drivers (Madd, 2015). Such notions can result in fatal
consequences, hence should be avoided.”. They will target and prevent drunk driving across the state
by developing harsher laws and consequences for those found guilty of these offenses.
Road carnages due to drunk driving have led to death and paralysis of many youths who are
economic powerhouse of any society that eyes economic growth and development. This further
disputes the claim that ignition interlock is to severe as it is yielding positive result and more stricter
laws should be implemented to have positive effect like the ignition interlock program. Once I got
the completed paper, my last doubts were gone. Although, the teenagers are not legally permitted to
buy liquor from any authorized dealer or store, but they somehow find a way by bribing an adult
friend who could easily buy all the required drinking materials for his young adult friends. The Effect
of Alcohol on Biological Membranes Essay Sample. A research paper on drunk driving requires an
in-depth research for facts and statistics about the root cause of drunk driving and those who are
affected by this problem. The entire assignment was quite a great challenge for me, but not for the
writer at GetEssay. Most of the teenagers opposed the law of drinking which is under twenty one
years of age to allow an adult to buy and consume liquor. Under the influence of alcohol is not a
problem as long as you keep it under control, but once you decided to put the key in the engine is a
big problem. The report further stated that the issue is on a rise and the number of drivers driving
under alcohol influence is increasing on rapid basis. Drunk Driving and Its Consequences, essay on
drunk driving. Learn More. This essay on Drunk Driving and Its Consequences was written and
submitted by your fellow student. At present, in the present United States, drinking publicly is
prohibited for the young adults less than twenty-one years of age. Teen drinking is bad, because it
leads to several fatalities, sex, rape, drunk driving, pregnancy, and jail time. Many car accidents
affect the drive, passengers in the car and also pedestrians walking along the road. In America, for
every fifty one minutes, someone is killed in a tragic drunk driving accident. If you plan to drink,
then it’s better to play it safe and get a designated driver. Be a designated driver and become a hero
and save someone’s life or future for making a wrong decision. Passing mandatory alcohol and drug
testing in fatal crashes to promote prosecution of drivers Transition: after telling you about drunk
driving risks, hope you never drive a vehicle when under the influence. Well, it could just save your
life and the lives of others. Arab Spring: Cause and Effect How the Arab Spring has failed to liberate
the Arab World For many years, the Arab world has been under brutal conflicts with some
degenerating into civil war. Statistics prove that the normal alcohol consumption by the teenagers of
ages 12 to 13 is approximately 1 once per month at the most minimum ratio scale. In this case, the
main reasons were to avoid accidents (28.3%) as opposed to avoiding sanctions (10.4%). On the
contrary, the remaining 9.7% acknowledged they had driven after consuming alcohol. However,
research indicates that evidence-based laws in the 50 States and current best practices in DWI
enforcement are not being fully adopted or used. But usually, the teenagers find someway to get
liquor and have it somehow off the campus or at parties with friends. Drivers’ safety behavior
research using in-vehicle technologies 7. For this reason, the government should enforce the law for
drinking and driving. This has created the image of liquor as forbidden fruit for the teenagers.
Alcoholism can definitely take a toll and someone when it causes them to lose their family, their job,
and even their sense of well-being. George L. Maddox, Bevode C. McCall; 2008, Drinking Among
Teen-agers: A Sociological Interpretation of Alcohol Use by High-school Students, Published by
Publications Division, Rutgers Center of Alcohol Studies. Research Paper Report Case Study
Assessment Discussion Board Post Other.
It is also brewed with tea and mixed with cakes and brownies. You can download the paper by
clicking the button above. Punishment may also include revocation of one’s driving license. At
present, teenager drunken driving is one of the most serious and biggest problems exists in our
society. They will target and prevent drunk driving across the state by developing harsher laws and
consequences for those found guilty of these offenses. Friendships come and go; the real ones stick
around trying to find solutions to help while other friends who encourage drinking and driving. Each
body paragraph has to contain separate points, use each paragraph for each point followed by
evidence to support the hypothesis. If we stiffen the penalties for impaired driving, it may very well
make repeat offenders think twice before getting behind the wheel of a car while intoxicated, or
even the first time for that matter. “During the year 2007, alcohol-impaired driving was involved in
the deaths of nearly 13,000 Americans.” ( These statistics are too high. A
sub point would be after the first indent: “The table shows that the research method used the most
was using a simulator that counted as 30 percent of the table. The fact that a person may possess a
valid driving license should not be used as a reason why drunk driving should be allowed. If one is
caught drinking and driving they may have to take a field sobriety test and if they fail the officer
will ask for their permission to... When driving under the influence of alcohol, the risk of causing an
accident is high. The body paragraphs need to integrate statistics, examples, and figures to prove the
research hypothesis. As alcohol impaired driving persists, The biggest problem with drunk driving by
young adults is the high rate of traffic accidents. However, usually, time is not their friend, which is
why. At times, the reports made against the young teenagers bring hazardous effects in their bright
future. I had 5 days to complete my paper and not even a single chance to do it by myself. The
decision on whether to drive home or get a designated driver is what is most important. Drunk
Driving Disarray While media never fails to show the unfavorable and dramatic effects of drunken
driving, what they do not seem to bring light to is the details. Drivers who are 16 years old are more
than 20 times as likely to have a crash, as are other drivers. You have to support every statement with
facts and figures. Drinking is prohibited for teenagers in the United States and needs parental or
guardian guidance under certain circumstances. Although thousands of lives are saved each year, by
designated drivers many more are needlessly lost. A misdemeanor is preferred when the drunk driver
causes no injury to other persons or people’s properties. Drunk driving does not only affect the
victim, but it also affects the family of the victim and the nation at large, making it one of the serious
issues that need to be reviewed to prevent more deaths.”. Argumentative essaysin lowdham colts
black reach 5 paragraph persuasive essay. The designated driver concept is easy to understand, simple
to implement, costs nothing, and is effective. Before writing the paper, students need to be familiar
with research paper structure and the content requirements. If you stay on our website, it means that
you agree to our. You should not drink while under the influence as it can put yourself and others in
danger. Explanation of the Multistep Synthesis of Benzilic Acid.
Different levels of BAC affect a person in different ways. A good thesis statement needs to highlight
the problem and briefly to inform the reader what the research intends to achieve. Cite This paper.
Select a citation style: Copy to Clipboard Copied. Even though people are aware of the adverse
impacts that drunk driving can bring about they just ignore it. Most of the teenagers opposed the law
of drinking which is under twenty one years of age to allow an adult to buy and consume liquor.
Cause and Effect of Mother's Drinking Alcohol During Pregnancy The consumption of alcoholic
beverages by women is a socially accepted norm that is not seen as having a negative effect on those
around them. However, usually, time is not their friend, which is why. You can use essay samples to
find ideas and inspiration for your paper. As a rule, no personal opinion is welcome in on drunk
driving. When one is paralyzed or kill someone while drinking, all his dreams and hopes could be
taken away, especially when convicted of killing an innocent person. Mothers Against Drunk Driving
(MADD) is an institute that has collected piles of information in relation to profiles of drinking and
driving. The main purpose of the work is to give people awareness about the social problem of drunk
driving. In America, for every fifty one minutes, someone is killed in a tragic drunk driving accident.
It has been said that young adults used to drink buckets of ale in the Pre-Revolutionary America.
Most of the kids' parents are never in the position to believe that their kid could go for drinking or
driving before the permitted age. That almost equates to twenty seven people every single day. The
majority of the injuries related to the alcohol-related crashes are not just cuts and bruises, people got
paralyzed, severely disfigured, or even the loss of a life. Though most incidents of drunk driving do
not end in either a crash or an arrest, when they do, it is often a wake-up call for the driver to modify
his or her behavior. After the sub indent I would explain “As more of the research continues I would
actually like to see which research method is more successful. This is not always easy for people to
understand but it is a lesson in which need to learn. It has also been reported, that alcohol affects and
damages the mental capabilities and skills of the youngsters more than it does to the mature adult
brains. The increasing number of drinking teenagers has increased the tension between the school
systems and parents because they get highly tensed how to overcome this problem by convincing
their kids not to drink liquor (Jacobs 13). Professor Date Teenage drunk driving Teenage drinking
and driving is a shocking reality among many youths in the United States of America. The most
alarming statistics is the number of people being killed in drunk driver cases. Mom and dad said that
if I drove well that they might get me my own car one day. I received a completed paper in two days
and submitted it to my tutor on time. These statistics are presented in the following order (Goodman
and Simon 98). The most common body injuries from a car accident are to the legs, neck, chest,
back, and the brain. Our law in Georgia states, “that it is illegal to operate a motor vehicle Essay
Examples on Drunk Driving An Impact of Drunk Driving on Society. The entire assignment was
quite a great challenge for me, but not for the writer at GetEssay.

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