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Talking about my Committee I must say that, I’ve chosen the best ones who deserve to be in the Interact

Committee of Maliyadeva Balika Vidyalaya.

Ladies and Gentleman let me introduce my board of Committee Members first and foremost.

Committee members are the ones who are appointed to accomplish tasks. So, these committee
members of mine are extremely talented and exceptionally active. These individuals are the strength of
mine as they are always waiting enthusiastically to do the work that I assign them. Ladies and
Gentleman please welcome on stage, Int. Wethmi Wemalya, Int. Amaya palliyagedara and Int. Sehansa
Gamage on stage.

This individual is one year younger than me and also the official photographer akka of our school. This
person is the one who annoys me the most and also the one who listens to all the stupid talkies of mine.
Ladies and Gentleman please welcome on stage our punchi amma and the committee member for the
years 23/24, Int. Isini Chandrasena.

This individual can never be in the serious mood and always makes fun of whatever said by me. When
talking about her, I must say that she is one of the most hardworking committee members in our
committee. Ladies and Gentlemen please welcome Int. Methaya Jayamanna on stage.

Next, this individual is the quietest person in our committee and does the work that I assign her on time.
This person seems lazy but actually she is not. She’s someone who puts the utmost effort when it comes
to work. That ‘she’ is none other than, Int. Gangali Wasala.

This individual is sporty and gets distracted soon. This committee member jumps out of the track so
quickly and it is harder for me to take her mood back to the situation. These days I’m learning how to
keep her in the right mood. (JK) Please welcome on stage, Int. Pethara Ranasinghe.

This individual is a person who puts her full effort to the work that I assign. Also this individual has a
super power to do whatever the work that I assign in the next minute. I’m so grateful to her for being
the one of the active committee members. Ladies and Gentleman please welcome on stage the captain
of the Basketball team of our school and my dear friend whose phone camera is always in action to take
ugly photos of mine, Int. Dulansa Abeysinghe. The Hulk

Finally I’ve got the chance to roast this individual. (JK) This individual is super lazy and whenever I assign
her a work she always says, Ilma, I’ve got to go to NIBM today. Even when I told my committee members
that we have the installation on 9th of September, she said, Ilma mata NIBM yanna thiyenawa. I was just
kidding guys, though she says that she wants to go to NIBM she always makes sure to do the task that I
assign her on time. One of the active committee members and if someone awards a PhD or an award to
a person who can roast the President in a super talented way, trust me guys this individual deserves it
the most. Please welcome on stage, Int. Akashi Kaluhendiwela.

Next, I would like to introduce an individual who is super talented in shooting and has a gooood sense of
humor. This individual is more enthusiastic in engaging in District Initiatives than the own clubs projects.
Also, this individual is afraid of dogs. Please welcome on stage, Int. Zeyna Ahamed.
That part is done. Now lemme introduce my Board of Directors.

This individual panics a lot, hot-tempered, over sensitive and also jovial. She is the official DJ of our club
and is most talented in doing raps. Once she got a nickname called ‘Polkatti’. Though she panics a lot she
is onawatath wadiya active in Club matters. This directress recently chopped her hair off and the
hairstyle turned out to the hairstyle of the meme girl. Then we started calling her keratin kella. This
individual is capable of handling money matters. Ladies and Gentleman please welcome on stage our
dearest Director of Finance, Int. Ishini Dasanayake.

This individual thinks that she has a good sense of fashion and does weird stuffs to her hair. She annoys
me a lot by taking calls to ask silly things. She is one of the tubelights and also the one who has a very
beautiful laughter. This individual is also an active directress and whenever she meets me she comes up
with a project idea. Please welcome on stage the President of the UNESCO society and the Director of
International Understanding, Int. Hansana Abayarathne on stage.

This individual owns a button phone and she herself calls it as an Iphone pro. This directress never says
no to whatever the project that I assign her to do. She is exceptionally active and I must mention that
this individual is a well- talented chess player. This individual has a unique dancing style which you all
would get to know sooner. She is the Director of Community Service, Int. Thamadi Gunawardana.
Unfortunately she is not here today.

Moving on, I would like to introduce about an individual who calls me Sudammi all the time. This
directress has a big brain and a goooood sense of humor to be honest. This directress never bunk
classes. This individual is also one of the most dedicated and hardworking directors in the board. It is
none other than, Int. Nawanga Dissanayake – the director of Club Service

I would say, this individual always has a pleasant smile on her face and has a super power of creativity.
She is very energetic and too excited when it comes to work. Please welcome on stage the director of
Public Relations, Int. Dewni Rajapakshe

This individual is super smart and has a thorough knowledge on Agriculture related stuffs. She is one of
the most dedicated and hardworking directresses in the committee and when I assign her a work she
does it on time and I will never have to repeat the same thing again and again for sure. I’m so proud to
say that I’ve got the best Green Life director for real. Please welcome on stage, Int. Sandu Wijekoon.

This individual always makes fun of her duties. She tries to control the students but students are the
ones who have to control her. She is none other than our dearest sergeant at arms, Int. Bhawani

This individual is the editor of almost all the clubs in the school. If I need to make a post I’ve got to send
her 100 messages plus call 100 times. Recently, everyone in the committee call her as ‘Kate ko’. This
individual is the shortest one in the committee and gets angry for silly things. She is none other than
Int.Pramudi Somadantha – the editress of our club
This individual is the ‘hichchi maha banku adipathi’ of our club and she is so talented in maths. Later on
I knew that if a treasurer has done commerce then it’s easier to handle money matters. But this person
has done Japanese instead. Recently I figured out that this individual has the capability of studying new
things easily. This individual is jovial and I heard that she is an adopted child of the family. Ladies and
Gentlemen please welcome on stage, Int. Minsadi Ariyadasa – the treasurer of the Interact Club of
Maliyadeva Balika Vidyalaya.

This individual has a1000GB memory storage. She is a chess player and always makes sure to mention
her ranking thingie whenever we start up a convo about chess. Trust me guys, her works are neat and
tidy and I’ll never get a chance to say anything wrong. I’m so grateful that I have her in the committee.
It’s none other than the human chat gpt and the assistant secretary, Int. Movindi Herath.

Have you ever seen a vice president who plays the role of all of the committee members? Luckily or
unluckily idk I’ve got one such personality. I always get blamed from this individual and currently she
acts as the motivational amma of our club. This individual seems lazy but when she jumps into a work
she gets serious more than me. This individual frequently changes her hairstyles and thinks that those
styles are beautiful. Ladies and Gentlemen please welcome on stage, Int. Oneli Dissanayake the vice
President of the Interact Club of MBV.

Last but not least, this individual is crazy and she doesn’t need a mic cause her voice sounds like
throwing stones to a takarama. When we discuss about something we always argue but never get angry
or never keep any grudges. That’s something special about us and this individual is so famous as
‘halapaya’. She pisses me off almost all the time and gets fun out of me all the time. This individual likes
to collect more chats on whatsapp and currently she has 400+ unread messages if I’m not mistaken. I’m
sure now she’s waiting till I say something good about her. Dearest Secretary don’t expect too much I’m
not gonna say anything good about you. LOL. Ladies and Gentlemen please welcome on stage, my right
hand Int. Thiseni Mapa.

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