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Global downturn, Cultivating Presumptive

local challenges brand loyalty tax not a

strain BNC new animal

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ZSE Top Performer to March 13 , 2024
Company Name: BridgeFort Capital Limited
Sector: Conglomerate
CEO: Vernon Lapham
Share Price: 7 000 cents
Weekly Change: +100pc
YTD Change: +311,76 percent
Market Cap: $840 billion

 Business in wait-and-see mode as MPS stalls

Business Writer unknown so a contract may lead to exchange Statement presentation, creates uncertainties, approach, probably meant to give the policy

or Zimbabwean business executives, losses,” the stockbroker said. which will eventually lead the financial measures the greatest impact to address the
January typically brings a renewed sense Walter Mandeya, an markets to operate at the very perceived challenges.”
of direction. The annual release of the analyst with Trigrams fringes of and in the directions “A simple statement from the RBZ saying that
Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe’s (RBZ) Monetary Investment, said which policy makers might the institution is in leadership transition and the
Policy Statement (MPS) has traditionally been a lack of clear pro- not want the markets to incoming Governor has sort and been granted
crucial planning tool. nouncements go, leading to “imme- some delay in presenting the Monetary Policy
This year, however, the familiar rhythm of the on the diate effect”policies, Statement, would have gone a long way to keep
economic calendar has been disrupted, leaving delay that perpetuate the markets from going into unnecessary spec-
executives in a state of anxious limbo. in the the policy ulative if not panic mode,” he said.
With the MPS now overdue by two months Mon- inconsistence Mandeya said as a business or investor; “ you
and whispers of a potential delay until April, etary culture. obviously don’t want to get caught flatfooted by
when the new central bank governor Dr John Pol- “One of the policy pronouncements, but at the same time
Mushayavanhu assumes office, businesses across icy biggest risks such situations are also how opportunities for
the country are grappling with the challenge of of operating massive investment profits are created”.
navigating an uncertain economic landscape. in Zimba- Truworths chief executive officer, Themba Nde-
Critical decisions regarding investment, hiring bwe, espe- bele, said the much talked about introduction
and pricing all hinge on the unknown — the cially in the of ‘a structured currency’ is making it difficult for
direction of interest rates and the government’s financial businesses operating in the credit markets.
approach to foreign exchange management. markets In a statement accompanying its last set of
“Without clarity on these issues, it’s difficult to has been results, Truworths said it stopped ZWL credit sales
make any long-term plans,” an executive with a policy in July 2022. Although USD credit sales have since
ZSE-listed entity said. inconsist- been introduced, they make only 18 percent of
BridgeFort CEO Vernon Lapham “Do we invest in expanding our stock? Do we ency with total sales for the full year to July 9, 2023.
hold off expansion projects? It all feels like a gam- most “To return to sustainable profitability, the busi-

About BridgeFort
ble right now,”said the executive who requested policies ness needs to offer credit in a stable currency and
to speak off record. being access long-term funding at affordable interest
His story reflects a wider sentiment of unease effected rates. Regrettably, these conditions do not cur-
gripping the Zimbabwean market. with an rently exist in the Zimbabwean economy,”reads

Capital Ltd
Most businesses and consumers are struggling “imme- part of the financial statement.
to cope with the lack of clear economic direction. diate In a text message, Ndebele said; “the whole
“We are in a state of limbo,” said economic effect” economy needs a reset, a USD economy is not
analyst and veteran asset manager, Dr Alfred sustainable without USD savings and interna-
Mthimkhulu. tional credit. We saw that from 2013 and what it
“Clients are holding back on making decisions. led to,” he said.

ormerly known as MedTech Holdings, is a publicly traded It is affecting us meaning they too are really Another business executive who spoke off
private equity company listed on the Zimbabwe Stock suffering. State of limbo,” said Mthimkhulu in the record said the delayed announcement of
Exchange (ZSE) since 1997. a texted message. the MPS is of major concern.
BridgeFort operates across various sectors in Zimbabwe, He said investors are particularly concerned “We were told the currency issues and their
including: about exchange rate policy “especially the price distortionary impact will be resolved by the
Fast-Moving Consumer Goods (FMCG): Manufactures and form of local currency and extent to which MPS, we are in some sort of limbo. We are hoping
markets personal care products. USD will keep being used.” the measures announced will mitigate some of
Medical Supplies: Produces pharmaceutical products for Mthimkhulu’s sentiments were shared by the effects of the Finance Act,” he said.
wholesale distribution to retail pharmacies. a local stockbroker who requested not to be Others are, however, not concerned by the
Light Industrial Products: Manufactures a variety of prod- named for professional reasons. delay and are happy that authorities are taking
ucts. The delayed release of the MPS is “ defi- their time, hopefully to allow them to come up
The FMCG division focuses on personal care products, while nitely a factor” in the decision-making of with sustainable and conducive policies.
the medical division produces pharmaceuticals. BridgeFort investors. Bongai Zamchiya — President of Restaurant
also supplies laboratory products and services educational “People are concerned about a possible Operators Association of Zimbabwe, expressed
and healthcare institutions. conversion with the new currency so only full appreciation that“changes at the central bank
Leadership and expertise conservative decisions are being made. ◆ To Page 2
Vernon Lapham, a qualified chartered accountant with Interplay between ZWL, USD
extensive experience, leads BridgeFort as the Chief Executive and new cur-
Officer. He received the W.A. Duff Award for achieving the rency is
highest marks in his final exams and later became a partner
at Ernst & Young.
Lapham’s expertise comes from his deep interest in compa-
nies’ inner workings and his dedication to supporting the suc-
cess of Zimbabwean businesses. Since 2008, he has provided
corporate advisory and business consultancy services through
Progility Consult, where he serves as the managing partner.
Lapham’s experience extends beyond BridgeFort. He cur-
rently holds non-executive director positions at African Sun
and several private companies. Additionally, he previously
served on the boards of The Cotton Company of Zimbabwe
and Dawn Properties.
Manufacturing and distribution
BridgeFort, through its MedTech arm, has retail outlets in
Harare and Bulawayo. It also operates a manufacturing plant Incoming Reserve Bank of
that produces a range of products, including: Zimbabwe Governor Dr
Petroleum jelly and glycerin, health, beauty, and personal John Mushayavanhu (left)
hygiene products and over-the-counter pharmaceutical prod- and his predecessor Dr John
ucts. These products cater to the local Zimbabwean market Mangudya in a conversation
and are exported to Mozambique and Zambia through their at a recent press conference
subsidiary, Baines Imaging Group. in Harare.

Alarm over potential rise in energy costs ‘New currency doomed

Nelson Gahadza
average electricity generation at Kariba sively gone up, it just makes the cost of for solar energy, businesses are tapping
without right policy mix’
usinesses are increasingly getting Power Station at 214 megawatts (MW) until producing more expensive, and those into a sustainable and renewable energy
Business Writer

worried about the potential rise in the end of the March quarter of 2024. costs will be transferred to the goods and source, reducing reliance on conventional on the interbank market.
energy expenses as the country While the Hwange Power Station will services that are being sold,” he said. power systems, especially hydro, which HE structured currency the Govern- The depreciation, analysts said, reflected
faces crippling power shortages going be providing much of the power, it also He added, “It is not good for us as pro- is also prone to the effects of the El Nino ment intends to introduce to curtail a lack of confidence in the domestic cur-
into the year and some will take drastic continues to face some technical glitches ducers but also not good for consumers; weather phenomenon. persistent exchange rate volatility rency, amid speculation the major driver of
measures that include staff rationalisa- while Independent Power Producers (IPPs) this will just make the cost go up.” According to ZERA, the majority of will not yield the desired result in the the currency slide was unrestrained Zim-
tion, reduced production and rising costs are feeding only about 18 MW into the While the companies are investing in energy investments are now into solar absence of appropriate policy measures babwe dollar liquidity flow into the market.
of products. national grid. alternative energy, Matsheza said most energy, with some thermal, mainly in the to address key fundamentals, economic With prices in the Southern African
Zimbabwe’s prolonged power crisis Confederation of Zimbabwe Industries of them are short-term, as huge power mining sector. analysts said ahead of the release of the country linked to the domestic unit’s US
is set to worsen after the Zambezi River (CZI) president, Kurai Matsheza, told Busi- projects require significant capital outlays. ZERA noted that most successful pro- eagerly awaited framework for the new dollar exchange rate, the annual inflation
Authority (ZRA) this week cut the amount ness Weekly that electricity costs have con- According to the energy regulator, the jects are the ones funded by private medium of exchange. rate shot to 47,60 percent in February from
of water allocated to ZESA and ZESCO for stantly been increasing while at the same Zimbabwe Energy Regulatory Authority companies and in most cases, they are Zimbabwe’s currency has plunged about 34,80 percent in January.
power generation at Kariba Dam due to time supply remains depressed. (ZERA), there has been increased invest- produced for their own consumption. 97 percent on the open market since the Reserve Bank Governor Dr John Man-
the water crisis. “Some companies will switch to more ment in renewable energy by IPPs, mainly Matsheza said that as the price of beginning of the year while the official rate gudya said recently the 2024 monetary
ZESA and the Zambian utility, ZESCO, expensive alternative sources of power, for their own consumption, in order to products goes up, consumers will not be has lost just over 152 percent of its value at policy statement (MPS) would carry the
equally share water at Kariba for power so again, it is an increase in cost. offset the adverse impact of erratic power able to buy them; hence, demand comes the start of the year. finer details of what exactly the structured
generation. “When that happens, combined with supplies. down, which is a burden on industry pro The domestic exchange unit is now currency will look like, how it will operate,
In that regard, the ZRA has directed the the real cost of electricity that has aggres- By harnessing the power of the sun ◆ To Page 2 changing hands above $23 000/US$1 on the and what instrument or asset will be used
black market and $16 600 to the greenback ◆ To Page 2
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2 15 — 21 March 2024 Business News BusinessWeekly

National herd under threat Summer season crops: A mixed

bag with glimmers of hope

from severe drought Z

Business Writer 10 000 tonnes a decade ago to over 120 000
imbabwe’s ambitious plan to trans- tonnes annually, mirroring a global trend.
form its agriculture sector faces chal- Potato consumption is also on the rise, with
lenges this season due to erratic weather an estimated annual production exceeding
patterns and lingering consumer preferences. 500 000 tonnes. These trends highlight the
While the country aims to become a need for diversification and strategic invest-
US$13,75 billion agriculture powerhouse by ment in alternative food sources.
Oliver Kazunga

they put it to stock feed,” he said. he said. able that the glut on the market is causing the 2025, the 2023/24 summer cropping season Government intervention
IMBABWE’S national herd is under “It does not help for one to continue cling- On account of the prevailing situation, prices to go low because everyone is selling presents a mixed picture, with bright spots
threat as it is now evident that the coun- ing to your herd of cattle, and then at the end Makombe said already there are overtures that to try and prepare for this very bad season. emerging from a backdrop of uncertainty. and a glimmer of hope
try will be ravaged by a severe drought of the day, all the herd is going to perish due to the Government will soon be declaring that “The farmers want the full value of an ani- Challenges posed by El Niño and The Government has implemented various
this year with livestock farmers being encour- lack of feed. It does not make sense. there is drought this year implying that there mal, even during drought because animals are schemes to support farmers, with a particular
aged to start destocking to hedge against the “We are saying farmers should have the will be an emergency situation where ordi- life to us. We raise these animals, they are our consumption patterns focus on small-scale producers.
imminent losses. business mindset to know that farming is a narily, policies which would be done under a bank and also an investment. Authorities say a prolonged dry spell lasting The Presidential Input Support Scheme,
Last year, the World Meteorological Organ- business, to mitigate loss factors. If people normal environment would be avoided. “As farmers, we are businesspeople and we more than 28 days has negatively impacted targeting smallholder farmers under the
isation warned of El Niño conditions that don’t dispose of it now, they will be forced to “At the same time, a subsidy may be helpful are looking at a heifer that costs for not less crops in various Zimbabwe regions with cer- Pfumvudza/Intwasa programme, has ensured
could severely impact farm output in Zim- dispose of it for a pittance.” or find ways that at least farmers will continue than US$800 and we are looking for a fully tain crops temporarily wilting, while others are prompt distribution of fertilisers and seeds.
babwe and the southern Africa region in the Presently, Makombe said, stock feed prices to survive that is the prices of stock feed or well-groomed animal for slaughter that sells showing signs of permanent wilting. Additionally, the Government revised the
2023/2024 summer cropping season. are relatively reasonable but going forward in terms of tax to mitigate like as it is, the 30 for not less than US$1 000, but these guys (buy- The crop condition under Pfumvudza/ physical strategic grain reserve from 750 000
Against this background, the 2023/2024 into the drought season, the prices would percent tax that is there when one sells the ers) have another signal that they are using, Intwasa condition is fair to good, and farm- tonnes to 1,5 million tonnes, aiming to achieve
rainy season has seen the country receiving steepen because demand will be high against produce in terms of, if you dispose of your which is not our signal as farmers and we are ers anticipate higher yields than those under self-sufficiency over the next three seasons.
below normal rainfall as had been predicted a scarce commodity. cattle, you are to pay 30 percent. concerned,” he said. conventional tillage, according to the 2023/24 The area under traditional grains like sor-
that the country and other regional coun- He said even the price of the beasts on the “If they can be obviated for now because of Sibanda said when the farmers get good Pre-harvest Crops, Livestock and Fisheries ghum and millet has witnessed a significant
tries would receive normal to below-normal market will decline as everyone would be drought, all sectors which may make it difficult prices from the market, there are able to treat Assessment Report (The Report) released by increase, reflecting the government’s push for
rainfall. wanting to sell their animals. for farmers to buy stock feed, if they can be their animals and also do supplementary feed- the Ministry of Lands, Agriculture, Fisheries, agroecological matching.
So far, as a result of the El Niño weather “And naturally, where there are a lot of obviated, or lessened,” he said, adding that at ing and sustain the livestock industry. Water and Rural Development. Sorghum cultivation increased by 27 per-
phenomenon that is characterised by high goods, like in this case, many animals on the same time the price of chemicals should be “We cannot afford a situation whereby the The assessment was conducted between, cent, and pearl millet by 7,5 percent, indicating
temperatures and prolonged dry spells, we the market, the demand there will be over- lowered, but manufacturers need to continue meat processors make a profit of 200 per- January 21-27, 2024. a shift towards climate-resilient crops. Notably,
have seen farmers who are into crop pro- whelmed by supply. producing and that’s why it is imperative for cent. If they make a profit of 200 percent, it The 2023/24 season has been characterised the condition of traditional grains is much bet-
duction particularly maize across the coun- “What does it mean? — it means the prices the Government to come in with a subsidy or means we are 180 percent poorer, because we by erratic rainfall patterns, particularly during ter than maize, showcasing progress in tackling
try counting losses with little or nothing to are going to go down. some formula for farmers not to be hit hard. expect them to make between 15 percent and the crucial planting window. El Nino’s hot and “policy-induced drought” and encouraging
harvest. “By selling now, you are hedging so that Speaking by telephone from Bulawayo, 20 percent profit, so that we also remain in a dry conditions significantly impacted Matabe- farmers to adapt to their specific regions.
Due to the anticipated drought — one of the when the situation becomes bad, you are in Livestock Union chairman Sifiso Sibanda, sustainable position. leland North and South, Masvingo, Midlands, “Progress was made in reducing “house-
worst in many years is threatening the coun- a better situation as much as you are already said it is now unanimous that Zimbabwe will “But at the moment, I think the meat pro- Manicaland and Mashonaland East provinces, hold induced drought”, a phenomenon where
try’s national herd that presently stands at 5,5 in a dire situation. So, the best thing is to sell be withered by drought this year and farmers cessors have not been sincere to us. They have marking the driest start in four decades, reads households still prefer maize in agro-ecological
million and was expected to reach six million now where also people have got the disposable would be forced to destock to circumvent taken advantage of our desperate situation at The Report in part. regions 4 and 5.
by next year on the back of the Government’s income to buy because by then you may find losses associated with the drought. times and this drought is not going to help This delayed planting and reduced the over- A combination of “household-induced
Agricultural Growth Recovery Plan. that people will be buying food mainly for “This year is threatening to be one of the us anyway. all area cultivated. drought” and “weather-induced drought”
The Zimbabwe Commercial Farmers Union survival,” said the ZCFU president. worst ever in memory, judging by the heat “So, we still have got a long way to go to find Despite these setbacks, the national planting has the deadly effect of wiping crops, leading
(ZCFU) president Dr Shadreck Makombe said As a result of the envisaged drought, that is there and also judging by the scarcity each other as business partners,” he added. target for maize was 97 percent achieved, with to food dependence, hence the government ‘s
in light of the imminent drought, chances of Makombe said stock feed prices will rise of feed — that is quite scary. A prominent Matabeleland-based livestock 1,7 million hectares planted. modification of social welfare access to include
stock feed going up is high. and the net effect will be farmers would be “We also know water will be a challenge farmer Winston Barbage, who is also ZCFU “Cumulatively, the maize and traditional “climate-proof interventions by farmers”, reads
“We do implore the powers that be, espe- discouraged to produce and thus adversely in many areas and the farmers are being Matabeleland North provincial chairman, grains was 99,6 percent of the target, some part of the report.
cially the business persons (stock feed produc- affecting efforts to boost the national herd. advised to invest in water harvesting, that said their situation would be worsened by the 2 349 921 ha,” reads The Report in part. A season of uncertainty
ers), to understand our environment. They “Naturally when beef now is in abundance is the harvesting of underground water and imminent drought taking into account that However, this represents a 12 percent decline
may want to hike their prices, but they should by nature, it means the prices of white meat those that are near dams the better that water Zimbabwe’s livestock industry was recently compared to the previous season. This short- with hope for the future
be considerate of the environment where ordi- might also go down. But of course, it may not, is conserved. battling January Disease which saw thousands fall, coupled with potential panic buying and The 2023/24 summer cropping season pre-
narily, they would put exorbitant prices. we can see the dynamics for health reasons “Talking of piped water schemes its neither of cattle across the country dying. hoarding, could lead to significant price sents a complex picture for Zimbabwe. While
“We are saying let there be nominal pricing most people are going for the white meat and here nor there, but people must be prepared to “The livestock sector is in turmoil at the increases for cereals, reads The Report in part. erratic weather patterns and consumer prefer-
in terms of their stock feed. We are still to so forth. But naturally, we are going to have a harvest the underground water for the water- moment, recently we saw January Disease Consumption habits and ences for maize pose challenges, government
continue to advise farmers that it is time for situation that if people don’t dispose of their ing of animals because when the feed is dry, and its being complemented by this drought interventions and a shift towards traditional
them to start making their own stock feed or animals now they will be forced to dispose animals need more water and that is going now. The situation is that like in some areas changing preferences grains offer a glimmer of hope.
harvesting for stock feed because it is very of for a pittance — that’s a fact and, some like to be very critical at the same time,” he said. like Masvingo province some farmers have Zimbabwe’s annual maize consumption sits The success of the season hinges on manag-
clear that it is a bad season. cattle start dying and it means people now they Sibanda said it is quite disturbing that the declared their crops in the just-ended cropping at a staggering 2,2 million tonnes, with more ing potential food shortages and encouraging a
“Therefore, farmers must be found ready, will dispose and there will be no talk of quality. prices of animals on the market have fallen season a write off. than half (1,8 million) designated for human long-term diversification of crops. Embracing
that is, they must be prepared and at the same “And many people now may go for the as farmers are de-stocking preparing to buy “They are not going to be harvesting any- consumption. This highlights the nation’s climate-resilient options and promoting alter-
time, we are saying they should start reduc- cheap products. By nature, it means beef is feed for the remaining beasts. thing that can be used to make stock feed so dependence on maize as a primary source of native food sources like rice and potatoes will
ing their herd, so that the money which they cheaper as compared to poultry and other “It is quite annoying actually because the the situation we are in is very worrisome,” sustenance. However, there’s a shift in dietary be crucial for Zimbabwe’s agricultural future
would have realised from selling their herd, products, so people will flood to buy beef,” prices have gone very low, but it is understand- he said. patterns, with rice consumption rising from and food security.

‘New currency doomed ers create functional demand for the local
“The gold coins and digital tokens only

without right policy mix’

rewarded those taking speculative positions,”
Mr Muchemwa said, adding this was the rea-
son challenges with exchange rate volatility
and inflation have persisted.
“Government will need to take the bold
step to create demand for the ZW$ by obligat-
◆◆ From Page 1 Zimbabwe has suffered two episodes of ing that all taxes be payable in local currency,
to anchor or back it. economic hyperinflation, in the decade to without which the local currency will be an
Usually, the MPS is out by the last week of 2008 and post reintroduction of its domestic orphan without a guarantor,” he said.
February each year. unit in 2019, both of which manifested in Another economist, Cornelius Dube, said
However, speculation is rife that gold, the currency instability and high inflation. any currency properly supported with the
country’s single largest export and one of the Several measures to stabilise the currency right policy framework to anchor its stability
world’s safest stores of value, is the front-run- have only had limited success. has a good chance to succeed regardless of
ner to take the mantle of the anchor asset, At the height of inflation in 2008, Zim- what anchors it.
which would be a monetary system akin to babwe’s annual inflation rate peaked at 500 The local unit continues to weaken despite
the gold standard first used by the United billion percent, according to the International Zimbabwe’s stellar show on the external sector
Kingdom from about 1821. Monetary Fund. front where the total value of its shipments
The central bank chief revealed the MPS The rate has averaged 42,63 percent from grew by nearly 10 percent to US$7,2 billion in
had been delayed to allow authorities to put 2009 to 2024, reaching an all-time high of 2023 from US$6,59 billion realised over the
together the outstanding details about the 785,55 percent in May of 2020 and a record low same period in 2022.
structured currency; which inadvertently has of minus 7,50 percent in December of 2009. Statistics from the Zimbabwe National Sta-
left the market on the edge. Several misaligned fundamentals have tistics Agency indicate that from 2020 to 2023,
“The MPS shall be released as soon as this been cited for the sustained depreciation of Zimbabwe exported goods worth US$24,2 bil-
process (framework for structured currency) the local currency, including suspected print- lion against imports of US$31 billion, resulting
is completed. The bank is working on the ing (short-term funding) to fund long-term in a trade deficit of US$6,8 billion.
structure to ensure that the structured cur- capital projects. If Zimbabwe indeed turns to gold to back
rency is indeed backed for durable stability At a time when Zimbabwe’s borrowing is its currency, it would retrace the history of
of prices in Zimbabwe,” Mangudya told this limited, the Southern African country has money to the 19th century when the UK used
publication last week. used a combination of its scant foreign cur- the gold standard.
A structured currency is a mix of a fiat cur- rency revenue and billions of local currency The gold standard is a monetary system
rency, a medium of exchange regulated by the to pay contractors, who instantly convert the in which the standard unit of currency is a
Government and the central bank through its money on the open market to preserve value. fixed quantity of gold or is kept at the value
monetary policy, and a commodity-backed From minus 2,21 percent in, Zimbabwe’s Finance, Economic Development and Investment Promotion Minister Mthuli Ncube said the Zimbabwe Capital Markets of a fixed quantity of gold.
currency, which derives its value from a phys- budget widened to minus 4,08 percent in 2023 Investment Promotion Conference held this week in China has been a resounding success, with delegates gathering to The currency is freely convertible at home
ical asset such as gold. although significantly lower than short regu- explore opportunities for investment and collaboration in Zimbabwe. The conference highlighted the importance of or abroad into a fixed amount of gold per unit
Zimbabwean authorities mooted the idea lar falls during the previous administration. sustainable and inclusive economic growth. of currency. The system came to an end in the
of a structured currency to find a lasting solu- While the country’s central bank launched 70’s, after intermittent use over the years occa-
tion to the perennial challenges of exchange the auction system to facilitate orderly cur- sioned by different factors such as war, limited
rate volatility and rapid inflation increase in rency trading, volumes have slumped as exchange rate. if there is no printing. that carries no cost,” he said, adding that the availability of gold and economic depressions,
the country. authorities sought to encourage activity on Economist and Small and Medium Enter- “That unceasing money supply growth is over-expenditure by the Treasury had previ- when limited gold reserves forced the United
By his admission, Mangudya is on record the remodelled interbank market. prises Association of Zimbabwe chief execu- a result of the Government spending well ously been met through printing and could States to revert to paper currency.
saying the fear of “inevitable” domestic cur- Even then, the foreign currency Treas- tive officer, Farai Mutambanengwe, chipped beyond its means,” he said. likely be the drive on the exchange rate run. The advantages of the gold standard are
rency depreciation from the inflation traumas ury used to sell to banks for onward sale to in saying the fundamental issue was, appar- “If that fundamental problem is not fixed, Economist, Brains Muchemwa, noted that (1) it limits the power of governments
of the past was partly responsible for creat- their clients has dwindled, leaving importers ently, unceasing money supply growth. we may change nothing. that while the idea of backing the currency or banks to cause price inflation by exces-
ing a self-feeding cycle of inflation drivers scrambling for the available crumbs and with He said the evidence of excess liquidity “The problem with trying to back the cur- with a valuable commodity such as gold sive issue of paper currency, although there
in Zimbabwe. no option but to turn to the parallel market. due to printing “was the exchange rate itself”, rency, for example, is that you need to have was welcome, its success would be limited is evidence that even before World War I
The coterie of measures the Government Zimbabwe has also suffered from decades which continues to weaken rapidly. the gold. Currently, I do not think we have the to the extent “policymakers create functional monetary authorities did not contract the
has rolled out to stabilise the local currency of economic meltdown, which has decimated “If you look at the official exchange rate, gold in stock to be able to back the currency. demand for the local currency”. supply of money when the country incurred
since its reintroduction in 2019, after a dec- its manufacturing and agricultural bases, over the last couple or three months, it moved “That gold has to come from somewhere “A structured currency in whatever form a gold outflow, and (2) it creates certainty
ade-long hiatus, have only had very limited forcing the country to rely on imports even from $8 000 to about $15 000. It has almost for it to back the currency. It’s easier for us just will not be able to stabilise our domestic in international trade by providing a fixed
success. for trinkets, heaping further pressure on the doubled. The rate would not move that much to say we have just stopped printing money, currency unless and until the policy mak- pattern of exchange rates.

. . . alarm over potential Left in limbo

◆◆ From Page 1 approach might involve a devaluation of the
with a new governor designate require exten- Zimbabwean dollar. This could make exports
sive consultations”. cheaper, potentially benefiting export - ori-

rise in energy costs

“While fully cognisant of the fact that the ented businesses. However, it would also make
time scales for the announcement of the MPS rency will be released “in the fullness of time”. continuing to do business? imports more expensive, increasing produc-
have been exceeded, as domestic investors who Bankers Association of Zimbabwe Presi- “Obviously what we want is that promise tion costs for domestically focused businesses
are fully vested in Zimbabwe, we understand dent and acting chief executive officer of CBZ of 2030, if we can stick to it. We are largely in and raising prices for consumers on everyday
◆◆ From Page 1 solar backup options. It said diesel-powered the importance of having a holistic MPS and Holdings, Lawrence Nyazema, said despite US dollars and transactions are continuing. items.
ducers. “Because either way we are suffering generators are mostly used as an alternative to this direction being given by the Governor the delays, it is wise to wait for a real solution Obviously, we are looking forward to the MPS, Conversely, a tighter monetary policy with
as the demand side is coming down because ZESA in cases of load-shedding. Designate in consultation with the Minister of to the currency challenge. and the solution on the Zimbabwe dollar where higher interest rates would make borrow-
of prices. If you are producing fewer and fewer “The group has been focused on cleaner Finance and Investment Promotion. He said it is imperative to get it (currency we have high levels of inflation,” Nyazema said. ing more expensive, potentially discourag-
products, it is a sign that your business is shrink- sources of alternative power, and it has rolled “We understand the frustration that the solution) right this time around because Business Weekly’s analysts explored the ing investment and dampening economic
ing. So yes, some rationalisation of sorts might out a programme to install solar systems for delay is causing some but at the same time look another failure will limit chances of success potential impacts of different monetary policy growth. However, it could also be a powerful
have to happen. If you are producing from var- shops and offices, with 44 percent of shops forward to a Monetary Policy that addresses in future. approaches on both businesses and consumers. tool to curb inflation by reducing the money
ious points, you might have to scale back and already using the power source,” the com- issues around pricing, export retention and “When we announce the MPS measures, we A looser monetary policy, characterised by supply. This could lead to more stable prices
maybe concentrate on one location, so naturally pany said. It noted that in the medium to long enhancing an enabling environment for busi- want them to be believable, we want them to be reduced interest rates, could be a double-edged for consumers, allowing them to stretch their
that does also affect employment levels,” he said. term, the group plans to invest in solar farms ness to thrive and for the general upliftment of effective. So, from that perspective, as a bank, sword. While it would make borrowing budgets further.
Matsheza said raising capital for energy pro- to sustain its manufacturing activities. Victor all Zimbabweans, “ said Zamchiya. we have been carrying on with our business cheaper for businesses, potentially stimulat- When it comes to foreign exchange, a tighter
jects is not just a one-day event; it takes time; Bhoroma, an economist, said power is the gate- Both the outgoing and incoming Governors as normal as we can. ing investment, expansion, and job creation, policy might involve stricter controls or a more
hence, the solutions are short-term, medi- way to productivity and industrialisation in an of the Central bank have promised the MPS will He said the assurance that the multicurrency it could also lead to a dangerous increase in cautious approach to devaluation. While this
um-term, long-term, and long-term. economy; hence, without addressing power be panacea to the price and exchange rate chal- system will be in place till 2030 was more effec- the money supply. This, in turn, could fuel could stabilise the Zimbabwean dollar and
Agro-focused retailer, CFI Holdings, said generation, the Zimbabwean economy will lenges, while Finance, Economic Development tive than any announcement that will be made inflation and erode purchasing power for con- potentially lower import costs for businesses, it
the group uses different energy sources, with not achieve consistent growth. and Investment Promotion Minister Professor now, “especially if we stick to it”. sumers, leaving them with less money to buy could also create challenges for those that rely
ZESA being the main power source for most Mthuli Ncube has said the MPS, which have “If 80 percent of our business is in US dol- essential goods. on foreign currency for imports or hinder the
operations, with lower usage for shops with ◆◆ Read more on more details on an announced structured cur- lars, the question is what is stopping us from On the foreign exchange front, a relaxed growth of export-oriented businesses.
BusinessWeekly Companies 15 — 21 March 2024 3

New city development Global downturn, local

challenges strain BNC

entices Willdale
Michael Tome persist in the last quarter of
Business Writer

BNCs financial year. Generally,
ICTORIA Falls Stock the turbulent operating envi-
Exchange (VFEX) ronment is anticipated to keep
listed entity, Bindura Zimbabwe’s economic activity
Nickel Corporation (BNC) below its potential.
says low resource grade and Operationally BNC was at a
depressed nickel prices on the disadvantage, affected by the
Nelson Gahadza

Zimbabwe is stepping up efforts to build a said. approximately 123,6 hectares at Haydon, Mt global market are threatening breakdown of its Sub Vertical
rickmaker, Willdale Limited, says new city on Mt Hampden, and a new Parlia- The chairman highlighted that technology Hampden. the survival of the nickel min- Rock Winder (“SVR”) bull gear
the development of a new city in Mt ment building has already been constructed is available to enable all-year-round produc- The principal objective of the aforesaid er’s operations. In the trading since September 2022.
Hampden presents an opportunity for for the city that will gradually become the tion of bricks, and such technology involves Haydon Development Agreement is the update for the nine months This breakdown led to a
the company to diversify into property devel- administrative centre of Zimbabwe. the use of tunnels, rotary dryers and kilns. partnering of the company with Zusammen to December 2023, BNC out- decline in the SVR hoisting
opment on its land nearby. “Furthermore, the company has excess idle “The company intends to acquire and install as the contractor to achieve the development lined several challenges that capacity, which declined to just
The company is utilising its idle land as part land in Christmas Gift, Gweru, measuring a plant with a rotary kiln and dryer to enhance of the 123,6 hectares of land into residential, threaten their operations in the current finan- 25 percent of its installed capacity. The break-
of efforts to raise capital to acquire the latest approximately 12,6 hectares, bringing the total its production capacity,” he said. commercial and industrial stands and the cial year. down fix is, however, expected to be complete
manufacturing technology at an estimated land available for development to about 178,2 According to the circular, the proposed subsequent disposal of the developed stands. Generally, nickel demand has been on a in the first quarter of 2024 from the initially
cost of US$3 million. hectares,” said Makoni. manufacturing technology benefits include Melrose Construction (Private) Limited downtrend, affected by several factors that scheduled October 31, 2023.
Willdale, listed on the Zimbabwe Stock Similarly, in 2017, the company disposed reduction of production waste, production trades as Integrated Construction has 42 hec- include, but are not limited to China’s slow BNC finance director Mr Believe Diror-
Exchange (ZSE), is engaged in making and of part of its land for $11 million, with the cost and production being all year round tares of land to be subdivided into commercial recovery from Covid-19 and the slow uptake imwe (pictured) said the mining company is
selling clay bricks and the company’s products proceeds utilised towards servicing debt and rather than seasonal. Other benefits include an and industrial stands and the subsequent dis- of Electric Vehicles. China’s slow recovery growingly becoming vulnerable to a myriad of
include common bricks, face bricks, semi- settling preference share obligations. environmentally friendly production process posal of the developed stands. from Covid-19 has incited a decline in the viability challenges in its operations.
faced bricks and paving bricks. Makoni said the proceeds from the devel- and international competitiveness. In sync with the development of the new construction sector projects where steel is “Currently, the Company is faced with sev-
“The company has approximately 165,6 hec- opment will then be channelled towards the “In order to fund this new plant, the com- city, construction of the Zimbabwe Cyber used substantially. eral challenges that threaten the survival of the
tares of land in Mt Hampden, an area that is acquisition of a new plant, making the com- pany intends to tap into its land banks through City, a modern capital in Mt Hampden, has Nickel is a significant component used in business and the restart of the mine following
fast developing owing to the new Parliament pany’s bricks of higher quality and enabling the proposed Haydon, Kinvara, and Christ- also begun with the first phase of 50 villa units steel processing, hence less steel used in con- the replacement of the SVR bull gear.
Building and the new city located nearby. the company to compete effectively locally mas Gift partnerships to unlock value and out of 233 units expected to be delivered within struction reduces the demand for nickel. “These challenges include low nickel price
“This has presented an opportunity to and in the region. channel this into the growth of the business. the next 18 to 24 months. The electric car revolution is generally on international markets, high domestic input
develop the land into residential, commercial “The company’s current manufacturing “Shareholder approval is therefore sought The cyber city, bankrolled by Mulk Hold- expected to transform prospects of the nickel costs, particularly electrical power costs, which
and industrial stands,” according to chairman plant only allows for seasonal production of to give directors the authority to bring the ings International, will make Zimbabwe the mining sector, given the product is a major have increased by more than 60 percent over
Cleophas Makoni in a circular to shareholders. bricks, with full-scale production happening development agreements with the contractors first African country with a smart capital city component of hybrid car batteries, but there the last 16 months,” said Dirorimwe.
He said developing the land will result in between March and November, while the pro- into effect and to allow the directors to enter built from scratch and will usher in a new has been a growing use of other battery alter- He however cited the need for more capi-
the company achieving a significantly higher duction plant is shut down for up to three into similar development agreements for the era of economic and social development for natives using Lithium Iron Phosphate (LFPs). tal injection to improve operational viability
value for the land compared to its current months from December to February each year other identified idle land Christmas Gifts,” Zimbabwe. As it stands, nickel surplus is expected to considering the overall low resource grade
valuation of circa US$2,95 million. because of the need to use natural sunlight for Makoni said ahead of an extraordinary general Zim Cyber City will facilitate special win- reach 140 000 tonnes in 2024, from a reported and the prevailing depressed Nickel prices on
“The proceeds from the development will drying bricks before they are fired. meeting to be held on April 4, 2024. dow clearance of blockchain and digital assets 2023 surplus of 200 000 tonnes in an estimated global markets.
then be channelled towards the acquisition of a “This effectively means that there exists Makoni said the company’s management licences and bank accounts, cutting-edge 3,2 million tonnes market. “The company recognises the need to
new plant to make our bricks of higher quality scope for the company to optimise its pro- has entered into two development agree- office spaces, and high-end residential living Glut and subdued global nickel demand acquire the required investment capital and
and enable the company to compete effectively duction capacity by mitigating the downtime ments with Zusammen (Private) Limited for all individuals and entities operating and have consequently led to a rapid slump in for a sustainable electrical power tariff. There
locally and in the region,” said Makoni. occasioned by the aforesaid seasonality,” he in respect of four pieces of land measuring living in the community. global nickel prices, and are expected to remain is a need for capital to refurbish underground
under pressure during the 2024 calendar year. mining mobile equipment and the concentra-
Among all LME base metals, Nickel experi- tor plant, and development of the mine which
enced a substantial decline last year, dropping has been lagging for the past two decades.”
by 48 percent during the calendar year 2023, According to BNC despite facing operational
dropping from $31 200 per tonne at the begin- challenges, particularly the prevailing low
ning of January to $16 300 per tonne at the end Nickel price, Trojan Nickel Mine is sitting on
of December 2023. This was also attributable approximately 13 million tonnes of nickel ore
to the increase in Indonesia’s production of at an average grade of 0,97 percent.
lower purity class 2 nickel which is used in “This substantial resource gives a life of
steel making. Analysts expect nickel prices mine of at least 10 years at maximum design
to remain subdued in the last quarter of the production capacity.”
2024 financial year and to settle at an average According to BNC, no ore was mined or
of US$17 000 per tonne during the year. milled during third quarter of the 2024 finan-
However, the commodity has rallied 8,6 cial year stemming from the above-mentioned
percent this month and is on track for its first SVR breakdown. In the comparable period last
monthly gain since July. Three-month perfor- year, the company mined 51 770 tonnes of ore,
mance on the London Metal Exchange shows milled 50 907 tonnes of ore, and produced
that nickel rose 0, 4 percent to $17 675 a tonne 275 tonnes of nickel in concentrate. As such,
on Thursday last week after touching $17 830, no nickel in concentrates sales were recorded
on November 10, 2023. in the period compared to last year’s 207
Locally, the operating environment remains tonnes. Consequently, the lack of production
fickle, foreign exchange instability and power resulted in a significant decline in financial
shortages notably affected operations in the performance and the company incurred a loss
quarter to December and this is expected to for the quarter.

Simbisa Brands expands regionally,

navigates challenges in Zim
Enacy Mapakame

S imbisa Brands, the Quick Service

Restaurant (QSR) group, reports a
positive contribution from its recent
acquisition — the Eswatini market —
despite regional currency fluctuations.
During the first to December 2023
(H124), Simbisa completed the acquisi-
tion of the previously franchised Eswatini
business. This move aimed to safeguard
brand presence and customer value in the
region following the previous franchisee’s
exit. The Eswatini market, operating 17
counters under the Chicken Inn, Pizza
Inn, and Galito’s brands, generates cash
and contributes positively to group prof-
Meanwhile, Zimbabwe’s business envi-
ronment presented significant challenges
in H124. Persistent foreign currency deval-
uation, power supply interruptions, and Simbisa have a pipeline of 33 additional stores planned for the second half of
a high cost of doing business pressured the year, primarily focused on Zimbabwe.
Additionally, exchange rate volatility
and inflation impacted consumer spend- 72,57 percent. stores, bringing the total to 655. They have
ing due to a rise in living costs. Notably, EBITDA (Earnings Before Interest, Taxes, a pipeline of 33 additional stores planned
the central bank’s report of 80 percent of Depreciation, and Amortisation) grew for the second half of the year, primarily
transactions occurring in USD contributed by 22 percent to US$24,67 million (from focused on Zimbabwe.
to a 19 percent increase in Simbisa’s oper- US$20,20 million), reflecting improved Further customer acquisition is
ating expenses. purchasing efficiencies and stronger mar- expected through continued investment
Financial performance gins (EBITDA margin at 16,81 percent). in delivery services, including brand appli-
However, Simbisa incurred unrealised cations and app-exclusive promotions.
and growth strategy losses due to the devaluation of the Ken- Looking forward
Despite these challenges, Simbisa yan Shilling against the US dollar when
achieved a 7 percent revenue increase in converting their Kenyan subsidiary’s net While some anticipate stabilizing meas-
H124, reaching US$146,75 million com- assets. ures from the monetary authorities to ease
pared to US$136,63 million in the same Market analysts credit Simbisa’s stra- pressure on margins, potential drawbacks
period last year. This growth was driven tegic restructuring for allowing them remain. Deflated agricultural output due
by a 2 percent year-on-year rise in cus- to focus on core markets and maximise to the ongoing El Niño-induced drought
tomer count and a 5 percent increase in shareholder returns. This strategy involves and softening metal prices are expected
average customer spending. Notably, the expanding their footprint through strate- to decrease disposable income among
Zimbabwe market’s contribution to group gic store openings and driving customer lower-income consumers, potentially
revenue increased from 67,65 percent to loyalty. In H124, Simbisa opened 37 new impacting Simbisa’s revenue growth.

Old Mutual expects up to

45 percent jump in profit
P an-African financial services underpinned by exceptional growth in new jump of between 14 percent and 34 percent
group Old Mutual has said its profits business and value of new business as we over the year before.
surged as much as 45 percent last year continue to gain market share across our Old Mutual saw a basic EPS of between
due to “exceptional growth” in new business. segments”. 146,7 South African cents (6p) and 169,8
The London-listed group, which is Africa’s Old Mutual added that higher share- South African cents (7p), a 27 percent to
largest insurer by assets, said in a trading holder investment returns were boosted 47 percent increase.
statement ahead of its full-year results that by higher interest rates and a recovery in The firm did not include profit from its
its profit after tax likely came in at as much equity markets. business in Zimbabwe in its estimates, citing
as R7,59bn (£318m) in the 12 months to It expected to report adjusted headline the economy’s hyperinflation as a cause of
December 31, 2023. earnings per share between 121,3 South earnings volatility.
It pinned the “robust” results from oper- African cents (5p) and 142,6 South African Old Mutual will publish its results on
ations on “strong operational performance cents (6p), which would be a year-on-year March 27. —
4 15 — 21 March 2024 Analysis BusinessWeekly

Note from
Building supportive ecosystems
The Women’s Desk of
the Zimbabwe National
Chamber of Commerce
(ZNCC-WD) proudly
for women entrepreneurs, leaders
hosted a transformative
Women in Business
Symposium on March 6,
2024 at the prestigious
Cresta Lodge in Msasa.

T his event was a significant part of the

commemorations of International
Women’s Day, a global celebration
observed annually on March 8, coinciding
with Women’s History Month. Ms Mona-Lisa Dube
The symposium brought together a
diverse array of women entrepreneurs, pro-
fessionals, and leaders from various sectors,
creating a vibrant platform for dialogue,
networking, and learning.
It was a testament to the resilience, cre-
ativity, and determination of women in
Zimbabwe to excel in business and lead-
ership roles.
Participants engaged in insightful discus-
sions, sharing experiences, challenges, and
successes, while also exploring opportuni-
ties for collaboration and growth.
The event showcased the remarkable
achievements of women in the busi-
ness-world and highlighted the importance
of gender equality and women’s empow-
erment in driving economic development
and prosperity. Advocate Marara
Commissioner Margaret Mukahana- itate women’s participation in politics at (From left): Captain Matimba — Air Zimbabwe; Ms Tatiana Ellis — chief operating officer, West Prop Holdings; Commissioner Margaret Mukahanana-Sangarwe —
na-Sangarwe responded by saying that we the local authority, national assembly, and Chairperson, Zimbabwe Gender Commission; Justice Loice Matanda-Moyo — Prosecutor General, National Prosecuting Authority of Zimbabwe
cannot run away from the situation and presidential level. She advised the delegates
the issues of glass ceilings are real and that power is not given, it is taken. In an porate ladder. given the realities that come with being a emphasising the importance of mindset action against abuse.
numbers do not lie. While reflecting on endeavour to level the playing field, she Structures such as the Network Centre woman. and women supporting each other. Justice There was a call for women not to keep
the business landscape in Zimbabwe, she submitted that there is a need for relevant for Women at WestProp have been criti- Advocate Marara also stressed the Loice Matanda-Moyo challenged women quiet when assaulted and to speak out
reported that women are over-represented supportive laws such as the Gender Equality cal in empowering women and WestProp’s importance of aspiring women leaders to consider what they bring to the table against such injustices. Advocate Marara
in small enterprises and under-represented Act, and Sexual Harassment Act. organisational policy makes it mandatory to having a compelling value proposition and their contributions to their social and and Captain Matimba emphasised the
in major economic sectors like mining, edu- As a point of empowering fellow women, have at least 50 percent of the chief officers that would attract partners and form strong professional circles. She urged continuous importance of safe spaces for women, where
cation, construction, financial services, and Justice Loice Matanda-Moyo submitted being women. The Centre has been assist- business relationships. In closing remarks, education and learning to prepare for lead- they can be vulnerable and seek support.
transport. that women should refuse to be used by ing female employees on how best to deal panellists, including Captain Chipo Mat- ership positions. Captain Matimba highlighted the need for
This was attributed to cultural barriers men. In an endeavour to uplift deserving with stress in a dynamic environment and imba, emphasised that every woman must During the plenary session, several women to accept their humanity and not
and stereotypes. In line with the previous women, the National Prosecuting Authority has been presenting Recognition Awards strive to excel in her field, as anything is important submissions were made and strive for superhuman feats, emphasising
speakers, the Commissioner submitted that of Zimbabwe (NPAZ) has been ensuring that every quarter. possible in life. these included media advocacy. It was the importance of self-care and time man-
what is missing is the men since women women are advanced based on merit since In empowering the female customer, Ms Tatiana Ellis advised women to focus emphasized that media professionals agement.
have been talking to themselves for so long. her appointment. WestProp Holdings has made it possible on three key aspects: mindset, surrounding should present facts and advocate for wom- The Gender Commission was mentioned
In this regard, men are needed in the midst The top eight leaders at the NPAZ now for women to purchase properties without themselves with quality individuals, and en’s rights. Fungai Munyeza highlighted as a safe space for women to report cases of
and in such rooms. have an equal number of females as their collateral, and in this regard, more than 50 developing their skill set. She also empha- the need to debunk the myth that women abuse and seek assistance. These submis-
The Gender Commission introduced a male counterparts. Women should have the percent of inquiries in properties are by sised the importance of communication, cannot work together effectively. sions underscore the diverse challenges
Women Rise in Politics initiative during spirit of lifting one another the leadership women. Mona-Lisa chipped by presenting encouraging women to be assertive and Participants stressed the importance of faced by women and the importance of
the run-up to the 2023 General Elections ladders positions within the organisation a question to Advocate Arthur Marara on intelligent. Commissioner Mukahana- having personal legal counsel for advice advocacy, collaboration, and support sys-
in an endeavour to encourage and facil- and take the initiative to rise up the cor- the importance of having the right mindset na-Sangarwe echoed these sentiments, and the need for courage in pursuing legal tems in addressing these issues.

Cultivating brand loyalty

bility is by giving uncommon tively utilized this procedure. profound associations with clients.
client encounters. Airbnb centres around making This strategy is demonstrated by
This includes blowing away significant and essential encoun- the outdoor clothing and gear com-
client assumptions at each ters for its visitors. The organisation pany Patagonia.
touchpoint. How about we stresses “having a place anyplace” Patagonia has developed brand
inspect the case of Zappos, and means to cultivate a feeling dedication by adjusting its qual-
an internet based shoe and of local area among its clients. ities to those of its clients. The
apparel retailer known for its Through customised proposals, organisation is known for serious
ZIMBABWE remarkable client support. organised travel guides, and a areas of strength for its to eco-
Dr Keen Mhlanga Zappos has gained notori- survey framework that features logical manageability and moral
ety for putting in any amount real encounters, Airbnb fabricates, assembling rehearses. Patagonia
Procedures and of work to fulfill its clients. To entrust and close to home associa- effectively takes part in ecological
Models Introduction:

ensure a seamless shopping tions with its clients. drives, urges clients to fix and reuse
n the present exception- experience, the company pro- items, and gives a piece of
ally cutthroat business
scene, developing brand
vides hassle-free returns and
free shipping. Zappos’ client
Developing its deals to natural causes.
By standing firm on
dedication has turned into
a fundamental objective for
support agents are prepared
to be well disposed, accom-
brand devotion issues that reverberate
with their ideal interest
organisations looking for long modating, and enabled to is a basic goal group, Patagonia has
haul achievement. speedily determine any issue. fabricated a steadfast cli-
Building a base of faithful By reliably conveying excel- for organisations ent base that esteems the
clients drives rehash buys
as well as produces positive
lent client encounters, Zappos
has cultivated an unwavering looking for practical brand’s credibility and
reason driven approach.
verbal, brand backing, and
expanded client lifetime
client base that makes want
more and more.
development and Developing brand
devotion is a basic goal
esteem. Building close to achievement. for organisations looking
In this article, we will inves- for practical development
tigate the systems utilised home Associations and achievement.
by driving organisations to Making profound associa- By empowering explorers to By carrying out powerful meth-
tions with clients is one more
develop brand dependability, interface with hosts and experience odologies and drawing motivation
remarkable system for devel-
featuring certifiable models objections like local people, Airbnb from fruitful models, organisations
that delineate these method-
oping brand unwaveringness. has developed a faithful client base can areas of strength for fabricate
ologies’ viability. At the point when clients feel that esteems the brand’s special rec- associations, convey remarkable
Conveying genuinely associated with a ommendation. client encounters, and cultivate
brand, they are bound to Programmes for loyalty enduring associations with their
remarkable client stay faithful and supporter clients.
encounters for the brand. Airbnb, a stage and individualisation Organisations like Zappos, Air-
One of the best ways of that interfaces explorers with Carrying out unwavering bnb, Starbucks, and Patagonia have
developing brand dependa- interesting facilities, has effec- programmes and customised exhibited the force of these systems
encounters can essentially add in developing brand faithfulness.
to developing brand dedication. By reliably conveying outstanding
Starbucks, the worldwide espresso client encounters, building close
Goliath, has effectively used these to home associations, executing
techniques to draw in and hold its customised unwaveringness pro-
clients. grammes, and participating in
Starbucks’ dependability pro- friendly obligation, these organ-
gramme, Starbucks Prizes, offers izations have effectively made
clients different advantages and steadfast client bases that backer
awards for their proceeded with for their brands.
support. Free drinks, personalized As organisations explore the
offers, and the ease of mobile order- serious scene, they should focus
ing and payment are all available on developing brand dedication as
to members. an essential goal. Companies can
The programme is intended to establish a foundation of devoted
cause clients to feel appreciated customers who will not only con-
and esteemed, making a feeling tinue to support their brand but
of selectiveness and dependability will also become brand ambassa-
to the brand. Moreover, Starbucks dors, driving growth and success
use client information to give cus- in the long run, by investing in the
tomised suggestions and advance- strategies and principles discussed
ments, upgrading the general client in this article.
experience and reinforcing brand ◆◆ Dr Keen Mhlanga is an
dependability. investment advisor with

Connecting through high skills in Finance. He

is the executive chairman
friendly obligation of FinKing Financial Advi-
In the present socially cognisant sory. Send your feedback to
world, marks that show a pledge,
to social obligation can cultivate contact him on 0777597526.
BUSINESSWEEKLY Analysis 15 — 21 March 2024 5

Transforming auditing, accounting

with Artificial Intelligence
Dr Kudzanai Vere By analysing historical data and patterns, accounting also comes with challenges
AI algorithms can learn to recognise fraud- that need to be addressed:
Introduction ulent behaviour and predict future risks. 1. Ethical considerations: As AI systems
Artificial intelligence This proactive approach helps auditors and
accountants to focus their efforts on high-
handle sensitive financial data, maintain-
ing data privacy and ensuring ethical use
(AI) has emerged as risk areas and allocate resources effectively,
minimising financial losses and reputa-
of AI technology are crucial. Regulatory
frameworks and ethical guidelines must be
a groundbreaking tional damage. established and followed to protect stake-
3. Enhanced compliance and holders’ interests.
technology that regulatory reporting
2. Skill development: Organisations
is revolutionising Compliance with regulatory standards
need to invest in training their workforce
to develop the necessary skills to effec-
various industries, and reporting requirements is a fundamen-
tal aspect of auditing and accounting. AI
tively leverage AI tools and technologies.
Upskilling auditors and accountants will be
including auditing technologies can assist in ensuring accuracy
and consistency in compliance processes.
essential to maximise the benefits AI offers.
3. Interpretation and validation: While
and accounting. By continuously monitoring and analys- AI can process and analyse vast amounts of

ing financial data, AI systems can identify data, interpreting the results and validating
ITH its ability to process vast any deviations from regulatory standards the findings still require human judgment
amounts of data, identify pat- and provide real-time alerts. and expertise. Collaboration between AI
terns and make predictions, AI This proactive approach facilitates timely systems and human professionals is vital
is streamlining and enhancing traditional corrective actions, reduces compliance-re- to ensure accurate and reliable outcomes.
auditing and accounting practices. lated risks and enhances overall regulatory Conclusion
In this article, we will explore the diverse reporting accuracy.
applications of AI in auditing and account- 4. Intelligent data extraction Artificial intelligence is transform-
ing, the benefits it offers and the potential ing auditing and accounting practices,
challenges to be addressed. and classification empowering auditors and accountants to
1. Automated data analysis AI-powered optical character recogni- work more efficiently, detect fraud, ensure
tion (OCR) and natural language processing compliance, and make data-driven deci-
One of the key areas where AI has made (NLP) techniques have greatly improved the sions. By harnessing the power of AI tech-
a significant impact is data analysis. Audit- efficiency of data extraction and classifica- nologies, organisations can enhance their
ing and accounting involve extensive data tion processes. financial reporting, reduce risks and gain
processing, which can be time-consuming AI algorithms can scan and extract rel- valuable insights for strategic planning.
and prone to errors. evant information from various financial As AI continues to evolve, it is crucial to
AI-powered tools can automate data anal- documents, such as invoices, receipts and By continuously monitoring and analysing financial data, AI systems can identify any deviations from regulatory standards address ethical considerations, invest in
ysis, enabling auditors and accountants to contracts. and provide real-time alerts skill development, and strike the right
process large volumes of financial infor- This automation significantly reduces balance between automation and human
mation accurately and efficiently. Machine manual data entry errors and frees up val- risks, anticipate market trends and make icant benefits: patterns and anomalies that may go unno- expertise to maximise the benefits of AI in
learning algorithms can identify anomalies, uable time for auditors and accountants to data-driven decisions. 1. Increased efficiency: AI automates ticed through traditional auditing methods, auditing and accounting.
detect fraud patterns, and flag any irregu- focus on higher-value tasks, such as data Predictive analytics enables proactive time-consuming tasks, reducing manual strengthening the overall control environ- ◆ Dr Kudzanai Vere is a forensic
larities that require further investigation. analysis and strategic decision-making. financial planning, budgeting and risk effort and enabling auditors and account- ment. accounting expert who has worked
2. Fraud detection and risk 5. Predictive analytics and management, empowering organisations ants to focus on more strategic and val- 4. Real-time insights: AI provides with various insurance companies
to adapt to changing market conditions ue-added activities. real-time monitoring and alerts, allowing in Zimbabwe on high level insurance
assessment forecasting and optimise their financial performance. 2. Enhanced accuracy: AI algorithms auditors and accountants to address issues claims. He is a director at Kudfort
Detecting fraud is a critical aspect of AI algorithms can analyse historical Benefits of AI in auditing and can process vast amounts of data accurately, promptly and make timely decisions based Zimbabwe and regional director for
auditing and accounting. AI systems can financial data and market trends to generate minimising human errors and improving on up-to-date information. Centre for Business and Entrepre-
analyse financial transactions, identify accurate forecasts and predictions. By lev- accounting the reliability of financial reporting. neurship Development. He can be
Challenges and Considerations
suspicious activities and alert auditors to eraging machine learning techniques, audi- The integration of AI in auditing and 3. Improved fraud detection: AI-pow- contacted on +263772592233 or email
potential fraud risks. tors and accountants can identify future accounting processes offers several signif- ered systems can detect complex fraud Implementing AI in auditing and

What is search engine optimisation?

sites gain authority (called “PageRank” in of the page to use relevant search terms, and Console (formerly known as “Google Web-
Google) in the eyes of search engines, espe- using the alt attribute to describe images. master Tools”) is a free tool provided by
cially if the sites that are linking to them are Updating a page’s meta tags (such as the Google, and is a standard tool in the SEO’s
themselves authoritative. meta description tag) can also be beneficial — toolkit. GSC provides rankings and traffic
Content — In addition to looking at links, these tags don’t have a direct impact on search reports for top keywords and pages, and can
search engines also analyse the content of a rankings, but can increase click-through rate help identify and fix on-site technical issues.
Phillip Jonhera webpage to determine if it would be relevant from the SERPs. Google Ads Keyword Planner — Key-
for any given search query. A large part of SEO Site architecture optimisation — External word Planner is another free tool provided by
Search engine is in creating content that is targeted towards links are not the only thing that matters for Google, as part of their Google Ads product.
the keywords that search engines’ users are SEO, internal links (the links within one’s own Even though it is designed for paid search,
optimisation (SEO) is searching for. website) play a large role in SEO as well. it can be a great tool to use for SEO since it
3. Page structure — The third core com- Thus a search engine optimiser can improve provides keyword suggestions and keyword
the art and science ponent of SEO is page structure. Because web- a site’s SEO by making sure key pages are being search volume, which can be helpful when
of getting pages to pages are written in HTML, how the HTML
code is structured can impact a search engine’s
linked to and that relevant anchor text is being
used in those links to help improve a page’s
doing keyword research.
Backlink analysis tools — There are a
rank higher in search ability to evaluate a page. Including relevant
keywords in the title, URL, and headers of the
relevance for specific terms. Creating an XML
sitemap can also be a good way for larger pages
number of link analysis tools out there, the
two primary ones being AHREFs and Majestic.
engines such as page and making sure that a site is crawlable to help search engines discover and crawl all Backlink analysis tools allow users to analyze
are actions that site owners can take to improve of the site’s pages. which websites are linking to their own web-
the SEO of their site. Semantic markup — Another SEO strategy site, or the websites of competitors, and can
ECAUSE search is one of the main The search engine optimisation process that SEO experts utilize is optimizing a website’s be used to find new links during link building.
ways in which people discover content involves optimising each of these core com- semantic markup. Semantic markup (such as SEO platforms — There are many different
online, ranking higher in search engines ponents of search engine algorithms in order is used to describe the meaning SEO platforms that bring together many of the
can lead to an increase in traffic to a website. to rank higher in the search results. behind the content on a page, such as helping tools that SEO needs to optimize sites.
In Google and other search engines, the Search engine optimisation can be optimised and what new content can parlance) are one of the core ranking factors to identify who the author of a piece of content Some of the most popular include Siteim-
results page often features paid ads at the top be created. in Google and other major search engines, is or the topic and type of content on a page. prove, Moz, BrightEdge, Searchmetrics and
of the page, followed by the regular results techniques Content marketing — Once potential obtaining high-quality backlinks is one of the Using semantic markup can help with Linkdex. These platforms track keyword rank-
or what search marketers call the “organic Understanding how search engines work is keywords are identified, content marketing main levers that SEO has. getting rich snippets displayed in the search ings, help with keyword research, identify
search results”. only the first step of the process in improving comes into play. This can be updating exist- This can involve promoting good content, results page, such as extra text, review stars on-page and off-page SEO opportunities, and
Traffic that comes via SEO is often referred a site’s search rankings. Actually improving ing content or creating brand new pieces of reaching out to other websites and building and even images. many other tasks related to SEO.
to as “organic search traffic” to differentiate it a site’s rank involves leveraging various SEO content. Because Google and other search relationships with webmasters, submitting Rich snippets in the SERPs doesn’t have an
from traffic that comes through paid search. techniques to optimize the site for search: engines place a premium on high-quality con- websites to relevant web directories, and get- impact on search rankings, but can improve Social media — Most social media sites
Paid search is often referred to as search engine Keyword research — Keyword research is tent, it’s important to research what content ting press to attract links from other websites.CTR from search, resulting in an increase in don’t have a direct impact on SEO, but they
marketing (SEM) or pay-per-click (PPC). often the starting point for SEO and involves is already out there and create a compelling On-page optimisation — In addition to organic traffic can be a good tool for networking with other
The benefits of SEO looking at what keywords a site is already piece of content that provides a positive user off-page factors such as links, improving the Top SEO tools webmasters and building relationships that
ranking for, what keywords competitors experience and has a chance of ranking higher actual structure of the page can have tremen- can lead to link building and guest posting
Search engine optimisation is a key part rank for, and what other keywords potential in the search engine results. Good content also dous benefits for SEO, and is a factor that is As a fairly technical discipline, there are opportunities.
of online marketing because search is one of customers are searching for. has a greater chance of being shared on social entirely in the control of the webmaster. many tools and software that SEO relies on to
the primary ways that users navigate the web. Identifying the terms that searchers use media and attracting links. Common on-page optimisation techniques help with optimizing websites. Below are some ◆ Phillip Jonhera is a creative digital
Search results are presented in an ordered in Google search and other search engines Link building — Because links from include optimizing the URL of the page to commonly used free and paid tools: marketer and brand identity special-
list and the higher up on that list a site can get, provide direction on what existing content external websites (called “backlinks” in SEO incorporate keywords, updating the title tag Google Search Console — Google Search ist/founder at Nova Digital.
the more traffic the site will tend to receive.
For example, for a typical search query, the
number one result will receive 40-60 per-
cent of the total traffic for that query, with
the number two and three results receiving
significantly less traffic.
Only 2-3 percent of searchers click beyond
the first page of search results. Thus, even a
small improvement in search engine rankings
can result in a website receiving more traffic
and potentially business.
Because of this, many businesses and web-
site owners will try to manipulate the search
results so that their site shows up higher on
the search results page (SERP) than their com-
petitors. This is where SEO comes in.
How Does SEO works ?
Search engines such as Google use an algo-
rithm or set of rules to determine what pages
to show for any given query. These algorithms
have evolved to be extremely complex, and
take into account hundreds or even thousands
of different ranking factors to determine the
rankings of their SERPs.
However, there are three core metrics that
search engines evaluate to determine the qual-
ity of a site and how it should rank:
1. Links — Links from other websites play a
key role in determining the ranking of a site in
Google and other search engines. The reason
being, a link can be seen as a vote of quality
from other websites, since website owners
are unlikely to link to other sites that are of
poor quality.
Sites that acquire links from many other
6 15 — 21 March 2024 Markets BusinessWeekly

Business Weekly Stock Market Update

Zimbabwe Stock Exchange Key Statistics ZSE
Name Closing Price Previous Price Weekly 2023 Last Price YTD % Mrkt Cap Indices
Change % ZWL$mln Previous Closing WTD % Dec-23 YTD %
Afdis 400300 399998.75 0.08 260000 +53.96 478,336.57 ZSE All Share Index 508,171.16 548,400.18 7.92 210,833.92 160.11
Ariston 7000 6602.79 6.02 4700 +48.94 113,917.69 ZSE Top 10 Index 225,747.61 246,333.17 9.12 90,085.91 173.44
Art 21000 21700 -3.23 6400 +228.13 91,765.25 ZSE Top 15 Index 294,594.59 324,687.51 10.22 121,916.39 166.32
BAT 3382250 3979105 -15.00 1310000 +158.19 697,877.13 Small Cap 12,626,424.35 12,702,579.67 0.60 5,483,703.77 131.64
BFCA 7000 3500 100.00 1700 +311.76 840.00 Market Capitalisation
BFCB 3300 3300 0.00 3365 -1.93 44.29 Previous $mln Closing $mln WTD % Dec-23 YTD %
Cafca 1210000 880000 37.50 334500 +261.73 105,694.81 Total 40,007,003,813 43,642,040,931 9.09 15,770,920,684 176.72
CBZ 738956.87 760000 -2.77 317500 +132.74 3,862,242.80 Top 5 Risers
CFI 260000 260000 0.00 218500 +18.99 275,706.28 Name Current Price Previous %
Cottco 0.2 0.2 0.00 0.2 +0.00 2.19 BFCA 7000 3500 100
Delta 979837.61 819460 19.57 350932.72 +179.21 12,795,205.56 Meikles 394000 245700 60.35816036
DZLH 105197.13 105000 0.19 60699.43 +73.31 376,606.63 Turnall 6500 4158.85 56.29320605
Ecocash Holdings 55909.2 62208.33 -10.13 17617.94 +217.34 2,345,277.96 Cafca 1210000 880000 37.5
Econet 227010.67 165393.13 37.25519917
Econet 227010.67 165393.13 37.26 84595.28 +168.35 6,792,529.73
Edgars 35964.39 39900 -9.86 9000 +299.60 217,314.03 Top 5 Fallers
FBC 280000 280000 0.00 90605 +209.03 1,881,459.80 Hippo 418510.34 550000 -23.90721091
NMB 242250 285000 -15
Fidelity Life 71530 62200 15.00 23500 +204.38 77,912.83
BAT 3382250 3979105 -14.99972984
FML 360000 360000 0.00 104685.6 +243.89 2,484,515.02 Mash 30000 34500 -13.04347826
FMP 58000 58000 0.00 32205 +80.10 718,131.24 SeedCo 194993.64 220000.21 -11.36661188
GB Holdings 13600 13700 -0.73 2400 +466.67 72,976.05
Exchange Traded Fund
Hippo 418510.34 550000 -23.91 190000 +120.27 807,811.02
Current Price Previous Price Change %
Lafarge 14375 14375 0.00 14375 +0.00 11,500.00
Cass Saddle Agric ETF 728.18 850 -14.33
Mash 30000 34500 -13.04 14150 +112.01 506,275.20 Datvest MCS ETF 1999.22 1969.04 1.53
Masimba 293995 294400 -0.14 81000 +262.96 703,789.07 Morgan&Co Made in Zim 1925 1950 -1.28
Meikles 394000 245700 60.36 124697.01 +215.97 1,009,233.92 Morgan&Co Multi-Sector 70155 70150 0.01
Nampak 48076.92 47000 2.29 29500 +62.97 363,292.33 OM ZSE Top-10 ETF 9200 7994.85 15.07
NMB 242250 285000 -15.00 68000 +256.25 979,105.92 Top 10 Market Capitalisation
NTS 16000 16000 0.00 4940 +223.89 40,619.59 COUNTER Value % of total mkt cap
OK Zimbabwe 59080.76 59400 -0.54 21384.44 +176.28 765,870.88 $12,974,697,504,349 29.73
Old Mutual 8202.06 8202.06 0.00 8202.06 +0.00 5,141.08 $6,792,529,734,624 15.56
PPC 798 798 0.00 798 +0.00 295.95 $3,862,242,802,460 8.85
Proplastics 129400 129395 0.00 60800 +112.83 326,004.70 $2,484,515,016,000 5.69
RTG 41000 38000 7.89 16000 +156.25 1,023,153.17 $2,345,277,963,720 5.37 $1,881,459,795,600 4.31
SeedCo 194993.64 220000.21 -11.37 100000 +94.99 486,262.80 $1,023,153,172,630 2.34
Star Africa 921.87 818.63 12.61 800 +15.23 43,466.95 $1,009,233,919,540 2.31
Tanganda 224255 194255 15.44 95700 +134.33 585,450.40 $979,105,916,603 2.24
Truworths 9000 9000 0.00 3900 +130.77 69,132.15 $807,811,018,666 1.85
TSL 220000 235000 -6.38 110000 +100.00 787,769.33 Total $34,160,026,844,193 78.27
Turnall 6500 4158.85 56.29 4000 +62.50 280,522.22 Victoria Falls Stock Exchange
Unifreight 48800 42500 14.82 25000 +95.20 51,959.43 Latest Previous Weekly Change 2023 Last Price Mrkt Cap
Willdale 4990.58 5000 -0.19 4220.97 +18.23 88,732.58 YTD %
UScents UScents % US$mln
ZBFH 200000 190000 5.26 85796.56 +133.11 350,381.28 African Sun 3 3 0.00 5.02 -40.2 44.34
Zeco 4.52 4.52 0.00 4 +13.00 20.94 Axia 8.86 8.88 -0.23 8 +10.8 49.17
ZHL 31958 26500 20.60 18445 -5.3 581,066.36 Bindura 1.1 1.1 0.00 1.13 -2.7 14.00
Zimpapers 10000 10144.33 -1.42 3400 +44.1 57,600.00 Caledonia 16 16 0.00 16.2 -1.2 0.10
Hwange 7.25 7.25 0.00 7.25 12.17 FCB 2.03 2.1 -3.33 2.03 43.87
Innscor 44.1 44.5 -0.90 44 +0.2 251.32
RioZim 119000 119000 0.00 80000 +12.5 145,215.07
Natfoods 127 145.19 -12.53 144.5 -12.1 86.87
Nedbank 1105 1105 0.00 1200 -7.9 1.78
Padenga 13.03 13 0.23 17.05 -23.6 70.57
SeedCo Intl 28.5 28.09 1.46 30.95 -7.9 74.26
Simbisa 34.32 34.95 -1.80 32.5 +5.6 192.94
WestProp 1000 1000 0.00 1000 300.00
Zimplow 3 3.51 -14.53 3.96 -24.2 10.34
GOLD COIN PRICE/oz 14-03-2024
USD 2,276.82
ZAR 42,382.32
BWP 30,977.14
AUD 3,442.95
GBP 1,780.30
EUR 2,081.00
ZWL 44,657,327.11


USD0.0662 ZWL1,299.02

Who qualifies for VAT Registration? INTERBANK RATES

A trader whose taxable supplies exceeds or is expected to exceed US$25,000 or ZWL equivalent) within a period of 12 CURRENCY BID ASK AVG
months qualifies for VAT Registration. Registration can be either compulsory or voluntary. USD/ZWL$ 16906.4761 18755.1660 17830.8211
GBP/ZWL$ 21621.6922 23999.1104 22810.4013
Compulsory Registration EUR/ZWL$ 18497.3755 20521.9026 19509.6391
Applicable to traders whose taxable supplies meets or exceeds the prescribed amount (US$25,000 or ZWL equivalent ZWL$/ZAR 0.0009 0.0011 0.0010
effective 1 January 2024) during any period of 12 months. However, the following circumstances will not be regarded as BWP/ZWL$ 1242.6259 1389.7578 1316.1919
having met or exceeded the prescribed amount: Market Performance | Overview
• Abnormal circumstances of a temporary nature e.g. once off transactions
Selected 1-week
• The sale of stock or other assets due to any cessation of or any substantial and permanent reduction in the size or Index Name Index Level Year-To-Date returns
scale of any trade Markets returns
• The replacement of plant and machinery or other capital assets used in the trade. Local (%) Local (%) USD (%) EUR (%) Date
Botswana BSE DCI 9,053.13 -0.04 +1.38 +0.17 +1.23 14-Mar
Voluntary Registration BRVM BRVM-CI 212.55 +0.77 -0.75 -1.59 -0.94 13-Mar
Applicable to traders who wishes to register voluntarily and whose taxable supplies do not meet or exceed the threshold Egypt EGX 30 31,316.43 +0.05 +25.8 -19.22 -17.81 14-Mar
(US$25,000 or ZWL equivalent for year 2024) during any period of 12 months, and have in the past not been found Ghana GSE-CI 3,349.78 +1.34 +7.01 -1.16 -0.5 13-Mar
having failed to comply with the tax legislation. Subject to minimum turnover set by the Commissioner, the trader will also Kenya NSE ASI 100.04 +5.92 +8.61 +24.61 +26.02 14-Mar
be required to meet the following conditions: Malawi MSE ASI 113,025.26 -0.01 +1.87 +1.42 +2.3 14-Mar
• Should be carrying on trade Mauritius SEM ASI 1,901.71 -0.03 +1.54 -1.88 -0.63 14-Mar
• That they intend to carry on trade from a specified date Morocco MASI 12,968.77 +0.72 +7.24 +5.85 +7.16 14-Mar
• Have a fixed place of abode or business Namibia NSX OI 1,518.64 -1.55 -7.02 -7.94 -6.55 14-Mar
• Maintain records of his transactions Nigeria NGX ASI 104,056.21 +3.71 +39.16 -21.37 -20.98 14-Mar
Rwanda RSE ASI 144.47 - +0.54 -2.54 -3.04 14-Mar
How to register for VAT South Africa JSE ASI 73,340.69 -0.36 -4.62 -6.34 -5.33 14-Mar
• One must be registered with ZIMRA having a TIN Number. Tanzania DSE ASI 1,767.51 +0.03 +0.96 -0.01 +0.25 14-Mar
• For registration visit the official Self Service Portal - SSP at Tunisia TUNINDEX 8,685.72 -0.38 -0.74 -1.74 -0.74 14-Mar
Uganda USE ASI 939.66 +1.19 +7.7 +4.59 +5.68 14-Mar
My Taxes, My Duties: Building my Zimbabwe!! Zambia LuSE ASI 12,450.72 +0.28 +14.98 +19.86 +20.8 14-Mar
Zimbabwe ZSE ASI 569,457.44 +12.52 +170.1 -7.97 -6.44 14-Mar
This article was compiled by the Zimbabwe Revenue Authority (ZIMRA) for information purposes only. ZIMRA shall not
accept responsibility for loss or damage arising from use of material in this article and no liability will attach to the
Stock Market Weekly Review
Business Writer

Zimbabwe Revenue Authority. under a cautionary statement due to a May 2023 ments during the week.
he Zimbabwe Stock Exchange (ZSE) expe- announcement considering delisting from the ZSE Simbisa announced their half-year results to
rienced a strong week, closing bullish for and migrating to the Victoria Falls Stock Exchange December 2023, revealing a 7 percent increase
To contact ZIMRA: the period ending Wednesday, March 13, (VFEX). in revenue to US$146,75 million compared to the
2024. The All Share Index rose significantly by Other notable risers included Turnall (up 56,29 same period in the prior year.
www. 7,92 percent, reaching a new level of 548 400,18. percent), Cafca (up 37,5 percent), and Econet (up This growth was driven by a 2 percent rise in
@Zimra_11 The positive sentiment extended to the ZSE 37,25 percent). customer count and a 5 percent increase in average
ZIMRA.ZW Top 10 Index, which saw an even steeper climb Notably, Econet's strong performance coincided customer spending. Notably, the Zimbabwe mar- of 9,12 percent, closing at 246 333,17. This upward with their declaration of an interim dividend of ket contributed 72,57 percent of the group’s revenue,
trend also contributed to a 9,09 percent increase US$15 million (0,55 US cents per share) for the full reflecting a rise from 67,65 percent compared to
Contact Centre 585/ For Netone08010271 in market capitalization, bringing the total value year ended February 29, 2024. the previous year. to an impressive $43,6 trillion. Despite the overall positive movement, the mar- Additionally, brickmaking firm Willdale Lim-
0242 -758891/5; 790813; 790814; 781345; 751624; 752731 BridgeFort Capital emerged as the week’s star ket also witnessed some decliners. Hippo Valley ited is seeking shareholder approval for the devel-
+263 782729862 performer, recording a remarkable 100 percent suffered the most significant loss, dropping 23,9 opment of approximately 123,6 hectares of land in
e-TIP increase in its share price, reaching $7 000. percent to $418 510,34. NMB, BAT, Mash, and Seed the Mt. Hampden area.
Meikles followed closely with a 60,35 percent Co were among the other companies experiencing Their plan involves converting the land into
gain, pushing its share price to $394 000. It’s impor- share price declines. residential and industrial stands for subsequent
tant to note that BridgeFort is currently trading Several companies saw significant develop- sale to generate cash flow.
BusinessWeekly Construction/Climate 15 — 21 March 2024 7

Site investigation and soils imum stability of the building both provide a fairly stable foundation for
buildings except when they contain exces-
Soil types
sive water.
Soil type is a description mainly according ◆◆ Silt: means soil having particles smaller
to the grain size of the soil. Most natural soils than 60 micrometers but larger than two
are a combination of one or more of the soil micrometers. In general, silts are very fine
types e.g. silty-clay is a clay with some silt. discrete particles which may be felt when
The basic classification of soils into gravels, rubbed with water on the palm of the hand
sands, silts and clays relate to the drainage ◆◆ Clay: means soils having particles smaller
characteristics of the soils. than two micrometers. It’s composed of
All clays and most silts are slow draining very fine particles of sand and organic
soils. On a building site, the contractor is likely matter. When rubbed on the palm with
to encounter any of the following types of soil water, the soil has a soapy or greasy feel. It
◆◆ Fresh rock or bed rock: means a natural has the tendency to be firm in dry weather
geological material which has not been and elastic in wet weather. This causes soil
weathered and normally requires blasting movement which is a danger to the life of
for breaking in excavation. This forms one the building. To prevent such movements,
Engineering and Construction Matters
of the finest natural foundation for heavy clay is made to remain dry and firm by the
Innocent Chatikobo
buildings provided that it covers the entire installation of subsoil drainage
Introduction area on which the building will rest. How- ◆◆ Marshy soils: sometimes called swamp or
ever, where one part of the building is on bog. They are formed by the decay of plants
The construction of bedrock and the other on softer material, in the presence of water over a long period
a building is a very differential settlement will occur causing
the walls of the building to crack
of time. Marshy soils are not recommended
for building purposes because their bearing
expensive undertaking. Mining is one of the major economic activities taking place in Zimbabwe supported by the Government
◆◆ Decomposed rock: means natural geo-
logical material which can be excavated
properties are uncertain
◆◆ Made ground or artificial soil: made up
It is, therefore, essential without blasting. Such decomposed rock of many different materials dumped from
used to erect the building. In addition site topsoil, known as the subsoil is the fairly firm joints. When cut with a pick, the soil tends should be classified and described as a soil town refuse, mining residue and other
that the ground on investigation by the contractor enables him/ layer where excavations for foundations to to break along these joints ◆◆ Boulders: fragments of rock larger than wastes from factories. These soils are not
her to: carry a building are done. This soil should be ◆◆ Shattered — indicates fissures in which 150mm in cross section. Fragments can be recommended for heavy structures, but
which the structure ◆◆ Plan the operations properly and correctly tested for compressibility and shear failure. joints have opened up and are filled with air. rounded, subangular or angular and may with suitable foundations small buildings
will rest is thoroughly ◆◆ Identify site problems and solve them
before work commences on the site
Shear failure is the sliding of the soil under
a load, owing to a weakness or failure. To
The soil fragments are usually stiff or very
stiff, and break out Ina cubical or granular
have a range of sizes
◆◆ Gravel: fragments of rock measuring
eg houses can be built on it.
◆◆ Innocent Chatikobo is an engineer by
investigated. ◆◆ Price the bills of quantities more accurately investigate different soil strata, trial holes or fashion when the soil is cut with a pick. The between 3mm to 150mm. Gravel is a mix- profession with AtroServe Engineering

◆◆ Identify building bye laws affecting the pits should be dug fragments break down with difficulty when ture of stones and sand. It gives the second Zimbabwe. He has extensive knowl-
nvestigation saves on money and site and avert locking horns with the local ◆◆ Trial pits: these permit in-situ visual wetted and worked in the hands best foundation from bedrock. Gravel is edge and experience in structural engi-
time which would be required to repair authority during the construction stage. inspection of the soil strata. The number ◆◆ Micro shattered — shattered extensively , considered the most hygienic soil to build neering and construction. For your
the cracked building. Soil of pits, sizes and depth depends on the with the shattered fragments of the size of on because it’s easily drained comments, views, questions and feed-
Most defects and structural failures in type of structure to be erected and the site coarse sand grains ◆◆ Loam: made up of a mixture of clay and back he can be contacted on the follow-
buildings are as a result of not properly car- All building structures rest on soil. It’s condition e.g. 600mm wide by 1200 long ◆◆ Laminated or foliated — indicates that sand with other organic materials. It pro- ing platforms Cell: +263 777 950 224;
rying out preliminaries and site investiga- therefore important to determine the nature and 900mm to 1200mm deep the soils show the laminated or foliated vides a good foundation for building both +263 712 376 037; +263 782 502 732, Email:
tions. This article shall seek to explain what and type of soil which helps establish the soil ◆◆ Handboring: this is usually ideal where structure of the parent rock from which small and heavy buildings; Facebook: Atro-
is contained in the Model Building By-laws bearing capacity. Soil bearing capacity is the completion of a trial pit is difficult owing they are derived. ◆◆ Sand: means discrete particles which are Serve Engineering Zimbabwe, Follow the
Chapter 4 Section 2 and Schedule. soil’s ability to sustain and distribute loads to presence of water. Handboring allows Knowledge of soil structure helps to deter- clearly visible to the naked eye. Sand is Whatsapp Channel: AtroServe Engineer-
Investigating a site without any appreciable settlement. Settle- for the inspection of the soil strata and the mine what type of foundation to use for max- usually classified as river and pit sand, and ing Zimbabwe
ment is simply the sinking of the building results are the same as that for trial pits.
In some cases due to knowledge of sub i.e. the difference in the level of a building at In soft soils, handboring can be done to a
soil conditions in the locality of the proposed the beginning of the works and it’s level at the depth of even 9 metres.
building, the local authority may permit the completion of the works. Soils have different Soil consistency
erection of a building without a site inves- bearing capacities and this depends on
When required by the local authority, the
◆◆ Type of the parent rock
◆◆ Arrangement of particles
This is a measure of the hardness of the soil
in it’s natural state. Soils fall into two main
site investigation should be done from the ◆◆ Particles composition categories INNOVATION, SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY
point of view of soil conditions which will ◆◆ Moisture content ◆◆ Cohesive soils: generally slow draining soils
affect the foundations. To sum up, site inves- ◆◆ Amount of organic material e.g. humus such as silts and clays; combinations of silts DEVELOPMENT
tigation is a thorough study of the nature and and vegetable matter which they may and clays with sand and gravel
type of the soil contain ◆◆ Non cohesive (granular) soils: generally
◆◆ Position and existence of underground The more compressible a soil is, the lower free draining e.g. gravels and clean sands HARARE POLYTECHNIC
and overhead installations e.g. electrical it’s bearing capacity and the less suitable for In putting the grades in the groups, mould-
cables, drains etc. construction work it is. ing means the moulding of a fresh sample
◆◆ Slope of the ground Soil profile taken from a trial hole and the freshly exposed
◆◆ Existence of obstructions e.g. boulders, big surface is the surface within the trial hole.
trees existing over site, etc. This refers to the vertical section of soil The table of grades can be found on page 7 ZIMBABWE
◆◆ Position and existence of adjacent buildings from the ground surface to the parent rock. of Chapter 4 in the Model Building By-laws.
i.e. if it is a built up area On the building site the soil profile should be Various tests can be carried out to deter- VACANCIES
◆◆ Position of local authority building line ascertained and recorded. Every soil profile mine the shear strength of cohesive soils e.g..
and benchmarks and many other site con- should be recorded from data obtained from Vane shear or Dutch test; penetration tests;
ditions which affect the proposed building a freshly excavated trial hole done to a depth compression tests; and geophysical tests.
The investigation must be done by some- sufficient to ensure that the whole depth of The results of the tests help in the design-
one qualified and experienced to do so. Before subsoil which will be affected by the building ing of sub structures for such soils. Failure to Applications are invited from suitably • Degree in Journalism and Media Studies
preparing working drawings, an architect has been adequately examined. carry out the tests during site investigations qualified candidates to fill lectureship posts • ND in Mass Communication- Print
carries out a site survey. Also before preparing Each layer/stratum in any profile is may result in great financial losses because in the Civic Education, Construction, Journalism is an added advantage.
a tender, a contractor visits the site. described in terms of colour, consistency, soil of repairs which would be required after the Electrical, Mass Communication,
The local authority may require that a copy structure and soil type. The level of the perma- structure has developed some cracksman.
of the site investigation report be submitted nent water table and any perched water table
Mechanical, Science Departments/ (ii)Broadcast x 1
Soil structure Divisions. • Degree in Journalism and Media Studies
to them and should include one or more soil which may be present can also be recorded
profiles. on each profile. Soil structure refers to the description of • ND in Mass Communication- Broadcast
Knowledge of the nature and type of the Top soil — which usually occupies a the jointing condition in the natural soil. The 1. Construction Engineering x 2 posts Journalism is added advantage.
soil enables both the architect and the con- stratum 150mm in depth from the top - is structure may exist in different structural (I) Carpentry and Joinery /Wood
tractor to determine the type of foundation excavated from a building site before any forms e.g.
to be used; the methods of digging and sup- construction work can commence. This is ◆◆ Intact — an absence of fissures or joints machining x 2 6. Science Technology x 1 post
porting the trenches and the materials to be known as a reduced level. The soil below the ◆◆ Fissured — presence of random closed • ND in Construction Technology & Class 1 (i) Chemistry x1
Journeyman • Bachelor of Technology Degree in Applied
C h e m i c a l Te c h n o l o g y / C h e m i c a l

COM2024 focuses on green 2. Civic Education x 1 post

(i) NASS
• Bachelor of Science / Honours Degree in
Engineering or equivalent
*NB: Applicants must have 5 'O' Levels
including Maths and English Language

economies, home-grown solutions History and International

Relations/Development studies/Political
Science or equivalent.
at Grade C or better
*Industry experience, higher
qualification and a teaching
• Masters will be an added advantage qualification will be an added advantage
Business Writer Global Challenges for all posts.

Transforming food systems: Prioritising
he 42nd meeting of the Committee of regional value chains, de-risking investment,
3. Electrical Engineering x3 posts *Applicants previously employed by
and African Solutions (I) Electrical Power Engineering x 2 Government should attach PSC
Experts of the Conference of Ministers and implementing the AfCFTA to improve
of Finance, Planning and Economic Antonio Pedro, deputy executive secre- food security. • HND /Bsc in Electrical Power Clearance.
Development (COM2024) kicked off in Vic- tary at the ECA, acknowledged the worsening Enhancing energy access and afforda- • Class 1 Journeyman Certificate is an
toria Falls, Zimbabwe on February 28, 2024. global situation of economic fragility, climate bility: Embracing a transition to affordable
The theme of the annual ECA Conference change, conflict, and distrust. renewable energy by leveraging solar, wind,
added advantage Applications, accompanied by a detailed
of Ministers, hosted by the Government of He stressed that Africa needs to accelerate geothermal, and green hydrogen resources. CV and certified copies of academic and
Zimbabwe, was “Financing the transition to the adoption of just and sustainable transi- Bridging the digital divide: Increasing (Ii) Electronics Engineering x 1 professional qualifications must be
inclusive green economies in Africa: Impera- tions, requiring long-term structural changes digital connectivity and inclusion to allow • HND/Degree in Electronic Engineering submitted to the address below not later
tives, opportunities, and policy options.” The and adequate investment. Africa to take full advantage of the digital age. • Class 1 Journeyman Certificate in than March 21, 2024.
conference ran from February 28 to March Pedro emphasised Africa’s potential to cre- Transforming education systems: Con-
5, 2024. ate its own solutions and the importance of ducting foresight analysis to inform the trans- Electronic Engineering is an added
A call for Green Transition and collective action, including continued efforts formation of education curriculums to meet advantage. The Principal
to reform global systems. future needs. Harare Polytechnic
Building a more resilient Africa Creating jobs and enhancing social 4. Mechanical Engineering x 2 posts Attention: HOD Human Resource
Professor Mthuli Ncube, Zimbabwe’s Min- protection: Implementing comprehensive
ister of Finance, Economic Development, Rebecca Otengo, the outgoing chair of industrial policies and private sector devel- (i) Fabrication Engineering x2 P.O. Box CY 407
and Investment Promotion, highlighted the Conference of Ministers and Ugandan opment strategies to create jobs for youth and • ND in Production Engineering Causeway
Africa’s underutilised resources. ambassador to Ethiopia, called for imple- improve the transition from school to work. • Class 1 Journeyman Certificate in Harare
He pointed out that with vast amounts of menting the African Continental Free Trade Addressing climate change: Taking bold Boilermaking.
potentially irrigable land and water bodies, Area (AfCFTA) to facilitate the free movement action on climate change, biodiversity loss,
the continent could achieve food security of people, goods, and services. and pollution, as outlined in the Nairobi or
with investment in advanced irrigation tech- She also noted the need for additional Declaration. 5. Mass Communication x 2 posts
nology and climate-proof agriculture. financing mechanisms to meet growing The Committee of Experts meeting con- (i) Print Journalism x 1 Email:
Prof Ncube emphasised the need to demand and boost economic growth. The cluded on March 1, followed by side events • Master`s Degree in Journalism and Media
finance the transition to green economies ECA deputy executive secretary outlined five on March 2 and 3. The Ministerial Segment
with international support and investment key transformative areas for Africa’s devel- wrapped up the conference on March 4 and
Studies DEE:DI6637844
in renewable energy sources. opment: 5, 2024.
8 15 — 21 March 2024 Analysis BusinessWeekly

Applications are invited from suitably qualified individuals to fill the following positions which have arisen in the organization.


The position exists to load petroleum products into road and rail tankers.

 Loading petroleum products
 Enforcing minimum safety and health standards on truck and drivers prior and during loading.
 Housekeeping at the Loading Bay.
In the realm of business, fostering a culture of collaboration and teamwork is indispensable for driving innovation, sparking
QUALIFICATIONS AND EXPERIENCE creativity, and attaining collective success
 5 “O” levels including English Language and Mathematics

The Viking Mode: Lessons

 At least 1 year’s relevant experience.


 Health and safety
 Fuel handling


Supervision of loading and off-loading activities and ensuring that loading targets are met.
in business strategy
business world. This sense of shared purpose and camara-
 Supervision of Rail and Road loading;
 Rail wagon ullaging
Just as the Vikings weathered storms and derie cultivates a positive work culture where
 Assisting in dispatching activities
conquered challenges at sea, businesses that individuals feel valued, supported, and moti-
prioritise resilience can navigate through vated to contribute their best efforts towards
QUALIFICATIONS AND EXPERIENCE rough waters, emerge victorious, and thrive the organization’s success.
 5 “O” level passes including English Language and Mathematics at grade C or Better. in the face of adversity. Embracing the spirit of collaboration exem-
 Supervisory Certificate. By embodying the Viking spirit of resilience plified by the Vikings, businesses can unlock
 A clean Class 4 Drivers License. and determination, companies can fortify the collective power of their teams, driving
 Good interpersonal communication. their operations, inspire their teams, and rise them towards shared goals and aspirations.
 2 years relevant working experience. above challenges with unwavering resolve. By encouraging open communication, mutual
 Experience in the Oil Industry is an added advantage. Embracing resilience as a core value can respect, and collaboration across all levels of
empower organisations to turn setbacks into the organisation, companies can create a
KNOWLEDGE AND SKILLS opportunities, failures into lessons, and obsta- dynamic and innovative environment where
 Computer literate cles into stepping stones towards success. ideas flourish, creativity blossoms, and success
 Good mathematical aptitude Arthur Marara As the Vikings demonstrated through their is achieved through collective effort.
 Supervisory skills Part Two unwavering spirit in the face of adversity, busi- Just as the Vikings achieved greatness
 Team Building skills This is a continuation from last week’s nesses that prioritise resilience can endure through teamwork and cooperation, busi-
 Good communication skills through hardships, overcome obstacles, and nesses that prioritize collaboration can cre-
forge a path towards sustainable growth and ate a more cohesive, high-performing, and
3. HEALTH, SAFETY AND ENVIRONMENT (HSE) OFFICER Lesson 3: Resilience prosperity. engaged workforce that propels them towards
and persistence Lesson 4: Collaboration sustained success and growth.

SUMMARY The Viking Mode of thinking offers a fresh
The position exists to coordinate health, safety and environment activities. he Vikings battled through a myriad and teamwork perspective on business strategy, emphasizing
of hardships and challenges during The legacy of the Vikings is not only defined boldness, strategic planning, resilience, and
KEY RESPONSIBILITIES their daring raids, confronting brutal by their individual acts of bravery and combat collaboration.
 Participate in HSE awareness and industrial hygiene programs and HSE legal compliance. weather conditions, fierce opposition, and skills but also by their remarkable ability to col- By drawing inspiration from the fearless
 Coordinate the identification of HSE risks and mitigation measures. unpredictable circumstances. laborate and work together as a unified force. raiders of old, companies can adopt a mind-
 Coordinate and participate in root cause determination as well as implementation of preventive measures. Despite facing daunting obstacles, their They understood the value of teamwork set of courage, adaptability, and teamwork to
 Assist in the development of HSE internal systems, programs, and standards. unwavering resilience and unyielding deter- and cooperation, combining their strengths navigate the challenges of the modern business
 Participates in HSE Audits and inspections to cause compliance with set standards. mination propelled them forward, enabling and supporting each other to achieve their landscape.
them to overcome adversity and achieve their shared objectives. As we set sail on our own entrepreneur-
QUALIFICATIONS AND EXPERIENCE objectives. This emphasis on collaboration and unity ial voyages, let us embrace the lessons of the
 BSc Occupational Health, Safety and Environment or equivalent
This resilience was a defining trait that set was a key factor in their success and conquests, Vikings and forge a path to success that is both
 Diploma in OSHEMAC, NEBOSH, SAZ Certification is an added advantage.
 At Least 3 years work experience
them apart as indomitable warriors of the seas. showing that the whole was greater than the daring and relentless.
In the ever-evolving landscape of business, sum of its parts.
KNOWLEDGE AND SKILLS resilience is a cornerstone for success and sur- In the realm of business, fostering a culture ◆◆ Arthur Marara is a corporate law attorney,
 Internal Auditing, Root Cause analysis vival in a competitive environment. Compa- of collaboration and teamwork is indispensa- keynote speaker, peak performance and
 Knowledge of QMS, BMS and OHS nies that encounter obstacles, failures, and ble for driving innovation, sparking creativity, corporate strategy speaker. With his delight-
setbacks must demonstrate the same endur- and attaining collective success. ful humour, raw energy, and wealth of life
4. ASSISTANT PLANT OPERATOR MABVUKU DEPOT ance and persistence as the Vikings did during Just as the Vikings relied on each other’s experiences, he captivates audiences and
their voyages. diverse skills and expertise to achieve their inspires them to unlock their full potential.
SUMMARY By fostering a culture of resilience and goals, modern organisations can harness the He is also a leadership expert and a dedicated
The position assists in monitoring the product interface in the pipeline, pipeline receipts and inter-tank transfers. instilling a mindset of tenacity and persever- power of teamwork to unlock new perspec- leadership mentor. He is passionate about
ance, organisations can navigate turbulent tives, ideas, and solutions. developing effective leaders. Through his
DUTIES times, bounce back from challenges, and By cultivating a collaborative environment engaging talks and workshops, he imparts
 Assists in monitoring the product interface in the pipeline. emerge stronger and more resilient than where individuals work seamlessly together invaluable insights and practical strategies
 Assists in monitoring and recording pipeline receipts and inter-tank transfers. before. towards a common purpose, businesses that empower individuals to lead with con-
 Assists in taking dips and maintaining records. Cultivating a spirit of resilience in business can unleash their full potential and achieve fidence and make a lasting impact. Arthur
 Carries out housekeeping activities. means embracing failures as learning oppor- extraordinary outcomes. is the author of “Toys for Adults” a thought
tunities, adapting to changing circumstances, Working together not only enhances per- provoking book on entrepreneurship, and
QUALIFICATIONS and maintaining a steadfast focus on long- formance and productivity but also creates a “No one is Coming” a book that seeks to equip
 National Diploma in Plant Operations or equivalent. term goals. more inclusive and harmonious workplace. leaders to take charge. Send your feedback
 At least 5 years relevant working experience By staying resilient in the face of adver- By promoting collaboration and teamwork, to or Visit his
sity, companies can build a foundation of companies can break down silos, bridge com- website or contact
KNOWLEDGE AND SKILLS strength and endurance that enables them munication gaps, and foster a sense of unity him on +263772467255 (Calls) or WhatsApp:
 Good communication skills to withstand the trials and tribulations of the among employees. +263780055152.
 Tact and Diplomacy
 Good presentation

Key account management in sales

 Confidentiality


An opportunity has arisen for HSE Graduates to join the Trainee Program for two years.
I have personally served so many organisa- tomer experience, companies can increase
QUALIFICATIONS tions to be able to know where to put effort or customer loyalty leading to repeat business
 A degree in Occupational Health, Safety and Environment or equivalent where not to put effort. Beware of customers and increased revenues.
 Age 25years and below that blow their importance out of proportion. Finally, by meeting or exceeding customer
Customer experience goals are important expectations, companies can improve their
ATTRIBUTES because they help to ensure that a company reputation and build trust with their custom-
 Ability to coordinate SHEQ activities is consistently providing a positive experience ers. All of these factors can help to create a
 Excellent communication skills (oral and written) for its customers. By having specific goals, competitive advantage and drive success for
 Computer literacy (Microsoft office word, excel, and outlook) companies can track their progress and make the organisation. Lack of customer experience
necessary adjustments to improve the cus- goals can indeed lead to loss of revenue.
6. INTERNAL AUDIT GRADUATE TRAINEE tomer experience. When companies do not have clear goals
Additionally, setting goals can help to for the customer experience, they may fail to
An opportunity has arisen for Internal Audit Graduates to join the Trainee Program for two years. motivate employees and ensure that they are invest in the necessary resources to deliver a
focused on providing a positive experience positive experience. This can lead to customers
QUALIFICATIONS for customers. having a negative experience which can result
 A degree in Accounting, Finance, Auditing or equivalent Clemence Mutembo Finally, customer experience goals can help in lost sales and a decrease in repeat business.
 Age 25years and below to ensure that the company is meeting the Additionally, negative customer experi-

When I was studying needs and expectations of its customers which ences can lead to negative word-of-mouth
is essential for building loyalty and driving which can deter potential customers from
 Ability to coordinate audit activities sales management as repeat business. Overall, customer experience doing business with the company.
Excellent communication skills (oral and written)
part of my marketing
 goals are an important part of creating a suc- In the long term, this can cause a significant
 Computer literacy (Microsoft office word, excel, and outlook) cessful and sustainable business. decrease in revenue and affect the company’s


studies, I learnt of what If a company does not have customer expe-
rience goals, it is likely to struggle to provide a
ability to remain competitive.
In layman’s terms, customer experience is

An opportunity has arisen for IT Graduates to join the Trainee Program for two years.
is called key account consistent and positive experience for its cus-
tomers. Without clear goals, it can be difficult
the overall impression that a customer has of
a company. It is based on their interactions
to measure progress and make improvements. with the company from the initial contact to
QUALIFICATIONS he thinking behind this concept is to As a result, customer satisfaction may suf- the purchase and beyond.
 A degree in Information Communication Technology or equivalent classify customers according to a cer- fer leading to increased customer churn and A positive customer experience is one that
 Age 25years and below tain criteria for the purpose of such lower revenues. Additionally, without goals, meets or exceeds a customer’s expectations.
things as customisation and also optimising it can be challenging to motivate employees It may involve factors such as ease of use,
ATTRIBUTES sales revenues. to focus on the customer experience. helpful customer service and overall satisfac-
 Ability to coordinate audit activities There is nothing wrong with understanding Finally, without customer experience goals, tion with the product or service.
 Excellent communication skills (oral and written) the value that each customer brings to your it can be difficult to differentiate the company A negative customer experience on the
 Computer literacy (Microsoft office word, excel, and outlook) business. Which is why we even compute the from its competitors and gain a competitive other hand is one that falls short of expecta-
customer lifetime value for each customer. advantage. Ultimately, not having customer tions and may even leave the customer feeling
There are certain customers that have an experience goals can have serious negative frustrated or angry.
Interested qualified candidates should submit their applications with comprehensive CVs, certified copies of academic over-blown notion of their value to certain consequences for a company’s bottom line. It’s very important to note that customer
qualifications not later than 22 March 2024 to Finance and Administration Director, NOCZIM House 100 Leopold Takawira
businesses. This is why it’s very dangerous for Customer experience goals can bring service is a subset of customer experience.
a business to rely on such a few customers for organisational competitiveness in several While customer experience encompasses
its survival!A customer who brings nothing ways. First, by focusing on the customer expe- all aspects of a customer’s interaction with a
to a business is not worth thinking about! rience, companies can improve their products company, customer service refers specifically
Laz DI6638359-T14

You will be wasting your time thinking and services making them more competitive to the support provided to customers when
about that type of customer. The customer in the marketplace. they have questions or problems.
should bring cash to you! Additionally, by providing a positive cus- ◆◆ Read more on
BusinessWeekly 15 — 21 March 2024 9


The Zimbabwe School Examinations Council would like to inform its stakeholders, parents/ guardians, and candidates of the
Interbank rate which shall apply when making payments for the 2024 June Ordinary and Advanced Level Examination Fees in

Fees are pegged in USD, however, they are accepted in the currency which the parents/ guardians are comfortable with. Parents
who wish to make payments in USD or Rands are able to do so until the registration closing dates. Those who would like to make
payments in ZWL will use the rate communicated herein.

ZWL Interbank Rate

Parents/ Guardians who wish to pay registration fees in Zimbabwe Dollars (ZWL) are able to do so during the window of 13 March
to 20 March 2024. The interbank rate of 13 March 2024 will be used during this period to ensure that all candidates pay a uniform
registration fee.
The exchange rate to be applied for payments is

ZWL 17 558 to 1 USD

Payment period 13 March to 20 March ONLY
Payments for the examination fees should NOT be paid directly into ZIMSEC accounts by individual parents. Candidates/ Parents
should make payments to the school or centre of registration for forward remission to ZIMSEC.

Candidates, parents and guardians are encouraged to contact their respective Centres for registration closing dates to avoid any
For more information or queries contact the ZIMSEC Regional offices or Head Office.
ZIMSEC Head Office| 1 Upper East Road, Mount Pleasant, Harare| 0242-302622/3
Email:; WhatsApp: 0772148786; Website:

re m e n t
M e a s u
r m a n c e
For Perfo
10 15 — 21 March 2024 BusinessWeekly
BusinessWeekly Lifestyle 15 — 21 March 2024 11

Health checks young

adults should be doing
to stay healthy and in
control of their lives
Y ou are young and healthy — which High blood pressure is what is known as Diseases estimates that globally, more than
means you are probably focusing on a “silent killer” because often you will not a million people are diagnosed with one or
getting a job, building a career, and experience any symptoms until a serious more STIs like gonorrhoea, chlamydia or
creating an independent life for yourself. It event occurs. High blood pressure typically syphilis every day.
is also possible you are caring and providing happens when the blood in your arteries Early detection of STIs is important to
for other family members at the same time, presses against the artery walls and damages prevent transmission and reduce any com- Depression and Anxiety Group (SADAG) you need to. doctor, you should be tested more regularly.
which means that taking care of your own them, sometimes leading to a heart attack plications such as increased chances of reporting that there has been a noticeable Fedhealth also has specific plans designed Additionally, there are two important self-
physical health is probably even lower on or a stroke. infertility. STIs also increase the risk of HIV increase in the number of adolescents strug- for the young and healthy — making them checks to perform on yourself, which are a
your priority list right now. Provided your blood pressure is optimal infection and transmission so getting tested gling with mental health issues. affordable and perfect for your stage of life. breast exam and testicular exam.
But just as making wise financial decisions and you have no unusual heart disease risk is the responsible thing to do for yourself, as Managing your own mental health, and Cervical, breast and Here it is important to take note of any
at this stage of life will directly impact what factors, you should have your blood pressure well as your sexual partners. knowing when you need help, is a crucial changes to these parts of your body and see
your future looks like, so too is it vital to tested at least once every two to five years life skill to learn while you are young. For- testicular screenings a doctor if you have concerns.
Mental health
make the right decisions about your per- from the age of 18. Luckily a blood pressure tunately, there are now more resources out A cervical screening test tests a sam- It is a wonderful feeling to be young and
sonal health now, while you do not have test is simple for your GP to do — and it is The World Health Organisation (WHO) there to help you do this. ple of cells from your cervix for infection healthy, with your whole life ahead of you.
any age-related conditions to think about. completely painless too. recently reported that suicide rates are esti- If you belong to a medical aid like Fed- with types of HPV that can cause cervical And while your health may be something
With that in mind, here are four areas of Sexual health mated at around 9 percent among 15–19-year- health, you can take advantage of mental cancer. you take for granted right now; it may not
your health you should prioritise while you olds in South Africa — an alarming figure. health resources such as the October Health You should start going for these tests from always be that way.
are a young adult, so you can live a long and If you are sexually active, it is important to While mental health among young app where you can access educational mate- age 21, and it is generally recommended that To minimise any issues later in life, culti-
healthy life in the decades to come: know your HIV status, as well as if you have people is a global issue that has worsened rial on mental health, complete screening you are tested every three years up until the vate good healthy habits now — it will mean
Blood pressure any sexually transmitted infections (STIs). over recent years, it is particularly pressing assessments, and book virtual consulta- age of 65. you are far more likely to live a long and
The National Institute for Communicable in South Africa, with the South African tions with a mental health professional if If you are advised as high risk by your vibrant life as the years go on. — IOL.

Six ways to
naturally boost your
immune system
Stay hydrated
utumn is upon us which
means flu season is around Drinking plenty of water helps flush
the corner. In order to ward out toxins from your body and keeps
off illness one has to have a healthy your immune system functioning
immune system. properly.
While there are many supplements Dehydration can weaken your
and medications available to help immune system, so be sure to drink
Strength training isn’t boost immunity, natural methods can at least eight glasses of water per day.
just about getting strong also be effective in strengthening your Exercise regularly
muscles — it could actu- body’s defences.
ally help us live longer. Here are some natural ways to boost Physical activity can boost your
your immune system. immune system by promoting circula-
Eat a healthy tion and reduc-

Benefits of strength training at the gym

ing inflamma-
Consuming a
While there are many tion.
Aim for at
supplements and
variety of fruits, least 30 min-
f you are a regular gym-goer you have workout regimen. By putting stress on your bones through your energy levels and combat feelings of vegetables, whole utes of mod-
probably wondered what all the fuss is Increased muscle mass resistance exercises, you can strengthen fatigue. grains, and lean medications available erate exercise
about when it comes to weights.
When you see people exercising using One of the most obvious benefits of
them and improve their overall health.
Enhanced performance and
By improving your muscular endurance
overall fitness, you may find that you
proteins can pro-
vide your body to help boost immunity, most days of the
week to support
various equipment such as dumbbells, bar-
bells or machines, they are doing strength
strength training is the ability to build
muscle mass.
have more stamina to tackle daily tasks
Whether you are an athlete looking to and activities.
with the nutri-
ents it needs to natural methods your immune
Strength training is a type of physical
This not only helps improve your overall
strength and endurance, but also boosts
improve your performance or simply want
to be able to move more efficiently in your
Better posture and balance function properly
and support your
can be effective in Manage
exercise that involves using weights to
build muscle strength, endurance and
your metabolism, making it easier to main-
tain a healthy weight.
daily life, strength training can help. Strength training exercises often focus on
By building strength and power in your core stability and proper body alignment,
immune system.
Foods rich in
strengthening your Chronic
It is an essential component of any fitness
Improved bone health muscles, you can enhance your physical which can help improve your posture and
abilities and prevent injuries. balance.
vitamin C, vita-
min D, zinc, and
body’s defences. stress can sup-
press your
routine, offering a wide range of benefits. Strength training has been shown to Increased energy levels This not only reduces the risk of falls and antioxidants can immune system
Here are some of the top advantages of increase bone density, reducing the risk injuries, but also leads to better overall body help strengthen immunity. and make you more vulnerable to
incorporating strength training into your of osteoporosis and fractures later in life. Regular strength training can boost mechanics. — IOL Lifestyle Get enough sleep illness.
Maintain a healthy weight

Olive oil good for your skin

Sleep is crucial for overall health and
a strong immune system. Being overweight or obese can
Aim for 7-9 hours of quality sleep increase inflammation in the body and
each night to allow your body to rest weaken your immune system.
and regenerate. Maintain a healthy weight through
Lack of sleep can weaken your regular exercise and a balanced diet

immune response and make you more to support your immune health. — IOL
live oil is a household water. lem, you can always use olive susceptible to illnesses. Lifestyle
staple with several ben- Reduces the signs of ageing: oil to remove make-up. Add a
efits, including relief for Most people, especially celebri- few drops to cleanser and wash
rheumatoid arthritis. However, ties, do not like ageing. They try your face.
aside from the health benefits, every expensive skin treatment Additionally, use olive oil to
the oil can do wonders for the they can to look younger. wash your make-up brushes and
skin, provided you use it cor- Ageing is not reversible but sponges. Add hot water, dish
rectly. can be slowed, provided you washing soap and a few drops
An article in Very Well exercise, eat well, take care of of olive to a bowl/sink.
Health highlight some of the your mental health and follow Put your make-up tools in the
main benefits of using olive oil a consistent healthy skincare bowl and watch the dirt come
on the skin: routine. out of your tools.
It moisturises: Olive oil con- Rich in antioxidants, olive Promotes wound healing:
tains squalene and vitamin E. oil can combat oxidative stress You can accidentally cut your-
Squalene promotes skin lubri- which is associated with skin self with a knife; life happens.
cation and protection, thereby ageing. And when it does, don’t panic.
supporting the skin’s moisture Applying a thin layer of olive After carefully cleaning Olive oil has
retention, making sure it stays oil after moisturising your skin your wound, apply olive oil to several ben-
moisturised. Vitamin E works can reduce the signs of ageing. help with healing as the oil has efits, includ-
as a sponge, increasing the skin’s Helps cleanse: Don’t have a anti-inflammatory and antimi- ing healing
capacity to absorb and retain make-up remover? No prob- crobial properties. — IOL wounds.

Common mistakes you’re making

that could be damaging your hair
E ven though we all strive to have shaft, leading to dryness, breakage, and prevent further damage. Try to alternate between loose and tight
strong healthy hair, there are several frizz. Brushing incorrectly hairstyles to give your hair a break from
common daily habits that could be To minimise the damage, try to limit the tension.
unknowingly damaging our hair. the use of heat styling tools and always Brushing your hair too vigorously can Chemical treatments
Here’s a look at how you could be dam- use a heat-protecting spray before styling. also cause damage.
aging your hair and possible solutions to Over-washing Instead of using a regular brush, opt for Chemical treatments like colouring,
keep your locks healthy. a wide-tooth comb or a brush specifically perming, and straightening can also
Heat styling Another common culprit for hair dam- designed for wet hair to detangle your damage the hair if done improperly or
age is over-washing. locks gently. too frequently.
One of the most common ways people Washing your hair too frequently can Tight hairstyles If you must colour or chemically treat
damage their hair is using heat styling tools strip it of its natural oils, leading to dryness your hair, make sure to consult a profes-
excessively. and breakage. Tight hairstyles like ponytails, braids, sional stylist and follow their advice on
Blow dryers, flat irons and curling Try to wash your hair only 2-3 times a and buns can also cause damage by putting how to maintain the health of your hair.
irons can all cause damage to the hair week and use a sulphate-free shampoo to stress on the hair follicles. — IOL Lifestyle
12 15 — 21 March 2024 Motoring BusinessWeekly

Ford Ranger tames

Klein Tafelberg: A
thrilling off-road
Kudzanai Sharara, recently in Western itself — a sprawling vista of sun-baked earth ing an updated 10-speed automatic and a

and defiant shrubbery, all conquered by this six-speed manual, provide drivers with the
he Western Cape sun beat down magnificent machine. We took a celebratory control they crave.
on my arms as I gripped the steering break, some snacks and a photoshoot. Ride, handling, and
wheel of the next-generation Ford Finally, we faced the cross-axle ruts — the
Ranger. This was not an average highway bane of any off-roader. Following the guide’s off-road prowess
cruise that I had done with the Ford Ever- advice, I engaged the differential lock. As Ford understands that Ranger owners
est on the first day, or the Ford Raptor on we traversed the uneven terrain, the Ranger demand a truck that excels in diverse situa-
the second day; the Ranger was about to be lurched and bumped, but its movements felt tions. The engineering team focused on the
unleashed on a true off-road obstacle course controlled, like a skilled dancer navigating a fundamentals, optimising ride and handling
at Klein Tafelberg, a sandy and dusty play- challenging routine. for work, family adventures, and off-road
ground designed to test both driver and Emerging from the obstacle course, I could exploration. Relocation of the front wheels
vehicle. not help but marvel at the Ford Ranger’s for a better approach angle and improved
Our expedition leader, Gideo Basson, a capabilities. It had transformed from a sleek off-road articulation are just a few examples.
weathered veteran of these tracks, gave the highway truck to a capable off-road warrior, Redesigned rear suspension dampers
lowdown: a dusty road, a heart-stopping tackling every challenge with aplomb. enhance comfort on all terrains, whether
turn, a merciless steep and rocky incline, and This was not just a drive; it was an adven- you are hauling cargo or cruising with the
those dreaded cross-axle ruts — all waiting ture, a testament to both human ingenuity family. This next-gen Ranger truly embodies
to challenge our mettle. Basson adjusted the and automotive prowess. The Western Cape the spirit of “Built Ford Tough Plus” offer-
tyre pressure of my yellow next-generation sun had a new witness — a driver who had ing the legendary toughness and capability
Ford Ranger to half of the normal pressure. tamed Klein Tafelberg and emerged victo- alongside a smooth, car-like ride.
Deflating them to half felt counter-intui- rious. A tech-savvy and
tive, but he assured us it would increase our About the next-generation Ford
footprint in the sand, which was crucial for user-friendly interior
maintaining traction. Ranger The Ranger’s cabin has undergone a signif-
The moment we hit the loose terrain, I With the next-generation Ford Ranger, icant transformation, evolving into a modern
could feel the difference. The steering felt a Ford went beyond simply designing a new and functional workspace. Premium mate-
touch looser, but the trade-off was clear — truck; they aimed to craft an entire Ranger rials and a prominent portrait-style touch-
the Ranger dug its claws into the sand like lifestyle experience. Years of expertise in screen housing Ford’s latest SYNC® 4 system Smarter access and a more along with a system of spring-loaded cleats lack thereof) may take you.
a determined badger. Basson had already trucks combined with in-depth customer elevate the interior experience. functional cargo box that allow you to create custom compartments This Ranger is ready to be your
advised us to relax our grip on the wheel and research from around the globe fuelled the This intuitive system offers voice-acti- within the cargo box. trusted companion, not just on your daily
let the Ranger navigate the terrain. development process. This translates into a vated communication, entertainment, and Understanding how owners access the The tailgate itself transforms into a mobile commute, but on every adventure you can
And indeed, we navigated the sandy ter- vehicle that seamlessly integrates into your information, keeping you connected and cargo box was a key element in the redesign. workbench, complete with an integrated dream up.
rain with a sense of playfulness, the powerful life, whether you are a small business owner, in control. A new integrated side step behind the rear ruler and clamp pockets — perfect for those The Ford vehicles we test drove in West-
engine effortlessly propelling us forward. a weekend adventurer, or a busy family on Gone are the days of cluttered dashboards; tires provides a stable and secure way to climb on-the-go projects. Finally, a 360-degree ern Cape are available in Zimbabwe through
The real test arrived with the sharp right the go. many traditional driving mode controls have in and out. zone lighting system, controlled via the SYNC a dealership network coordinated by Ford
turn. Since my car was at the forefront, Bas- Enhanced capability been conveniently relocated to the touch- The wider track also translates to a more screen, illuminates your surroundings, ensur- Zimbabwe.
son took over the steering wheel to show screen. With a single tap, you can access functional cargo box, allowing you to fit and ing better visibility during nighttime loading These dealerships are Croco Motors, who
everyone how it is done. The Ranger tilted and performance dedicated off-road and drive mode dis- secure a wider variety of cargo, from building or unloading. have a wide branch network in the country
slightly, a reminder of the delicate balance The Ranger’s rugged good looks are more plays, allowing you to monitor drivetrain materials to full-size pallets. A truck for all your journeys and Duly’s which is the oldest Ford dealership
between grip and tipping. Basson had done than just skin deep. The foundation lies in performance, steering angles, and vehicle Further enhancing functionality is a new, in the world, having handled the brand for
his part, and I was back on the wheel. an upgraded chassis with a wider track and orientation. tough plastic-moulded bedliner that protects The next-gen Ford Ranger isn’t just a more than 121 years and still counting.
The steep rocky incline loomed next. Here, wheelbase, offering increased stability and The focus on user-friendliness extends both the truck bed and your knees. Additional truck; it’s a testament to Ford’s commitment These dealerships are both equipped with
the Ranger truly came alive. Shifting into a off-road prowess. Customer demands for beyond technology. Clever storage solutions cargo tie-down points and durable load box to understanding and exceeding customer state-of-the-art diagnostic equipment to ser-
lower gear, the engine roared as the tyres additional power and torque are answered abound, with features like a large center con- caps ensure your gear stays secure during expectations. From the powerful engine vice the Ford brands released to the Southern
clawed for purchase. Basson’s voice urged me with a choice of proven Single-Turbo and sole bin, spacious door pockets, and an upper any adventure. options and enhanced off-road capability African market and also they have been cer-
onward, and the Ranger, with a determined Bi-Turbo 2.0 inline four-cylinder diesel glovebox catering to your organisational The innovation does not stop there. The to the tech-laden and user-friendly inte- tified on numerous occasions to be compli-
surge, carried me to the summit. engines, delivering both muscle and fuel needs. The thoughtful design even includes a Ranger boasts a new cargo management rior, every detail is meticulously crafted to ant with the rigorous Ford standards to meet
The view from the top was a reward in efficiency. New transmission options, includ- wireless charging pad on the Wildtrak series. system with dividers for various sized items, empower your life, wherever the road (or requirements of handling the Ford brand.

New Isuzu D-Max X-Rider double Toyota said to be working

cab launched in South Africa on new SUV based on Hilux
W Champ, to slot below Fortuner
hen the new-generation D-Max
was launched in 2022 some Isuzu
fans were disappointed that there
was no X-Rider model in the range.

With its sporty exterior and interior touches
and mid-range pricing, the X-Rider was a pop- he Toyota Fortuner is one of South Cruiser label, or it could be called some- as well as its dashboard with the Hilux
ular fixture in the previous range, and now Africa’s most affordable SUVs, but thing like Land Cruiser FJ. Champ, but with some premium touches
it is being offered in the latest D-Max for the with prices starting at R673 100, it An SUV version of the Hilux Champ that will move it slightly upscale but without
first time. is out of reach for many buyers. makes a lot of sense since its IVM 0 plat- encroaching on Fortuner territory.
Available in three 1,9-litre double cab con- But now it appears that Toyota is working form - which is a more basic version of Naturally, engine choices in the new SUV
figurations, pitched between the LS and LSE on a more affordable alternative based on the architecture that underpins the current would include the current 2.4-litre GD-6
variants, the new X-Rider is priced at R640 500 the affordable new Hilux Champ that was Hilux and Fortuner — is modular enough turbodiesel and 2,7-litre normally aspirated
in manual 4x2 guise, with the auto coming in launched in Thailand recently. to allow for multiple body configurations. petrol.
at R659 200, and there’s also a 4x4 auto version According to Autocar India, the rugged Autocar India says the IMV 0 model is Toyota has yet to officially confirm the
that will set you back by R740 700. new SUV, which will be cheaper and more cheaper due to “design optimisation, lighter new SUV model, but it certainly seems to be
Interestingly the original X-Rider double cab basic than the Fortuner, will be revealed materials and rationalisation of equipment”. in the pipeline and we wouldn’t be surprised
cost R366 000 when it launched back in 2016, later this year. The publication said the SUV version if it was on the radar for South Africa too.
which is around R520 000 in today’s money It will reportedly go on sale in Thailand would share its retro front end styling — IOL Motoring
according to the Inflationcalc app. first before being rolled out certain
The new X-Rider models cost R55 000 more world markets.
than the equivalent LS models that they’re There is no word yet on whether
based on, and for that you receive a glut of As per the LS model that it is based on, beaten track.” the new SUV could come to South
unique features inside and out. standard interior features include cruise con- For after-sales peace of mind the X-Rider is Africa.
On the outside you can tell the X-Rider apart trol, rear park assist with reverse camera, rear sold with a five-year or 120 000km warranty But given that the bakkie version
by its 18-inch “diamond cut” alloy wheels, gloss USB ports and a 7,0-inch (17,8cm) touchscreen and five-year or 90 000km service plan. is under strong consideration for
black grille with red Isuzu lettering, LED head- infotainment system. Isuzu D-Max Double Cab Pricing our market, possibly being locally
lights and taillights and X-Rider badging on the For now the X-Rider is available only with manufactured, there would surely
front doors and tailgate. What is more the Isuzu Isuzu’s 1,9-litre turbodiesel engine option, (March 2024) be a strong case for the SUV version.
decal on the latter is now black. which produces 110kW and 350Nm. Both 1,9 TD L 4x2 manual — R550 900 Questioned about the new
Four exterior colours are on offer — Red the manual and automatic gearbox options 1,9 TD L 4x2 auto — R568 500 bakkie earlier this year, Toyota SA’s
Pinel, Islay Gray, Mercury Silver and Splash are six-speed units. 1,9 TD LS 4x2 manual — R585 100 Senior Vice President of Sales and
White — and all feature contrasting black “The new D-Max X-Rider is all about image, 1,9 TD LS 4x2 auto — R603 800 Marketing Leon Theron said the
treatment for the door handles, mirror caps style and capability, and is a great choice for 1,9 TD X-Rider 4x2 manual — R640 500 company was “looking at options”
and curved sports bar. discerning customers that want something 1,9 TD L 4x4 manual — R652 400 to bring it into the country but said
Red accents run throughout the cabin, special,” says Isuzu SA product planning depart- 1.9 TD X-Rider 4x2 auto — R659 200 it was too early to confirm its intro-
including red stitching for the seats, which ment executive Kevin Fouche. 1,9 TD LS 4x4 auto — R685 200 duction. It is strongly rumoured
upgrade from the LS model’s cloth upholstery “The X-Rider will attract a lot of attention, 1,9 TD X-Rider 4x4 auto — R740 700 that the Stallion name would be
to full leather. but to offer value to our customer the new 3,0 TD V-Cross 4x2 auto — R859 800 used for the new workhorse on
You will also find “X” logos on the front X-Rider is based on the mid-range 1.9 Ddi LS 3.0 TD LSE 4x4 auto — R869 500 local shores.
seat headrests and on the dashboard above models with a choice of manual and automatic 3.0 TD V-Cross 4x4 auto — R908 600 Speaking of names, Autocar
the glovebox, while the headlining is black in transmissions in 4x2 form, and a 4x4 automatic 3.0 TD AT35 4x4 auto — R1 159 900. — IOL India believes the new sub-For-
this exclusive model. for adventurous customers heading off the Motoring tuner SUV could revive the FJ
BUSINESSWEEKLY Regional/International 15 — 21 March 2024 13

Scorching heat raises Dimon warns US recession

‘not off the table’ yet
SA food inflation risk J AMIE Dimon said he wouldn’t take the recession remained.
prospect of a recession in the US “off the The comments strike a slightly less optimis-
table”, but that the Federal Reserve should tic tone from the top banker, who has recently
wait before it cuts interest rates. painted a sanguine outlook for world markets
“The world is pricing in a soft landing, at — a sharp divergence from his views less than

probably 70-80 percent,” the JPMorgan Chase two years ago when central banks first started
RYER and hotter-than-usual weather The central Corn is among in at 14,3 million tonnes. & Co chief executive officer said via video link tightening interest rates. Dimon made head-
across South Africa’s main summer bank’s models South Africa’s main Second 2023-24 production forecasts for at the Australian Financial Review Business lines for warning in 2022 that a “hurricane”
crop growing regions is hurting the show severe crop and a staple for summer crops are scheduled for release on Summit in Sydney on Tuesday. was about to hit the US economy.
outlook for the key corn harvest and raising drought condi- millions. The coun- March 26 and will likely indicate worsening “I think the chance of a soft landing in the Federal Reserve Chair Jerome Powell last
risks for higher food-price inflation, according tions caused by try consumes most conditions for corn, he said. next year or two is half that. The worst case week suggested the central bank is getting close
to a farm-industry group. the climate phe- of the corn it pro- South Africa’s annual inflation rate rose for would be stagflation.” to the confidence it needs to start lowering
“The major risks to consumer food infla- nomenon could duces and exports the first time in three months in January to 5,3 Dimon said economic indicators have been interest rates.
tion in South Africa in 2024 will primarily add 3 to 8 per- surpluses mainly to percent from 5,1 percent in the prior month. distorted by Covid-19 and he takes them with “We’re waiting to become more confident
be white maize products,” Wandile Sihlobo, centage points neighbouring coun- Food inflation, which has been the biggest “a grain of salt”, saying the Fed should wait for that inflation is moving sustainably at 2 per-
chief economist at the Agricultural Business to headline infla- tries. contributor to the headline number, slowed more clarity before lowering interest rates. cent,” Powell said Thursday while answering
Chamber of South Africa said. “We see upside tion. In its most recent to 7 percent from 8,5 percent in December. Jamie Dimon speaks on video link at the questions from the Senate Banking Commit-
risks in maize prices and grain products in the While farmers forecast released at Reserve bank Governor Lesetja Kganyago Financial Review Business Summit in Sydney tee. “When we do get that confidence — and
consumer food inflation basket.” have managed the end of February, told Bloomberg last month that the inflation on March 12. “They can always cut quickly we’re not far from it — it’ll be appropriate to
The South African central bank is closely to expand plant- the Crop Estimates outlook is volatile, ruling out the possibility and dramatically. Their credibility is a bit at begin to dial back the level of restriction.”
watching food prices as it assesses if it can ing areas relative Committee saw of rate cuts in the near term. stake here,” he said. “Unemployment in the ‘Going to be a circus’
safely start lowering interest rates later this to the previous harvests for white At its last rate-setting meeting, the central United States is very low at the moment, wages
year. It has repeatedly flagged the risk that season, yields are expected to be poor and and yellow corn falling 17,2 percent and 7,7 bank kept its benchmark interest rate at an continue to go up.” On the topic of the US election, Dimon said
El Niño-induced weather patterns may have suffer from heat damage and a lack of rainfall, percent respectively in the 2023-24 season. almost 15-year high of 8,25 percent, which it Dimon said while the US economy was it was hard to predict a winner between Joe
on inflation. Sihlobo said. Overall corn production is estimated to come has held since May. — Bloomberg “kind of booming” currently, the risk of a Biden and Donald Trump. — Bloomberg

Zimbabwe Newspapers (1980) Ltd.

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Conference Name:
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14 15 — 21 March 2024 Crop & Livestock Survey in Charts BusinessWeekly
BusinessWeekly 15 — 21 March 2024 15

T Zim cricket hit rock bottom last year,

hey have come funding for a T20 league
through their most but ZC are not going there
dismal period in yet.
cricket yet, but with the They hosted a T10
2027 World Cup in their tournament last year,
backyard, Zimbabwe are where there was some

but they are picking themselves up

hoping to rebuild from the investment from Paki-
ground up in time. stan Super League fran-
There’s a saying in chess chises (and resulted in
that no one wins only by floodlights finally being
moving forward; sometimes installed at Harare Sports
you have to go backwards to Club), and would con-
put yourself in a position to sider further partnerships
win. with certain caveats.
Zimbabwe’s failure to qualify for two men's “We will talk to whoever comes along with
World Cups in the same year — the 2023 ODI a meaningful offer to Zimbabwe Cricket but
World Cup and the 2024 T20 World Cup — most importantly, one that develops the game.
caused them to do exactly that. We will be interested in the commercial out-
“We were very worried and very concerned. comes but most important for us is some-
We had thought we had put in place everything thing that can increase our cricket outcome,”
to be able to get to the World Cup, particu- Mukhulani said.
larly the T20 World Cup, and when we didn’t Ultimately ZC currently see themselves very
get there, it called for us to say, ‘Wait a min- much as that: a cricket development organi-
ute, we’ve got to relook at things’,” Tavengwa sation, not just for their country but for the
Mukhulani, Zimbabwe Cricket chairperson continent, which the ICC has identified as one
said. of its two biggest growth areas (the USA is the
“We need to relook at ourselves as a business, other).
as an organisation, to look at our processes “We are one of the two Test nations in
and how we do things, look at our personnel Africa,” Mukhulani, who is also the vice-chair
— how we hire and what sort of personnel we of the Africa Cricket Association, said.
hire — and look at the structure. We have to “Congratulations to Uganda and Namibia
ask if this is what we want, given that we have for the progress they have made, but them
not qualified for the World Cup. Do we have being at a World Cup is not the end of their
the structure to deliver?” journey. They still need to play Zimbabwe and
The answer, which came from a three-per- South Africa for them to grow. We have the
son committee commissioned to look into Zimbabwe failed to qualify cricketing facilities that they don’t have. We
Zimbabwe’s failure to get to world events and for the 2023 ODI World Cup have a big role to play in making sure that the
to review the organisational structure, chaired and the 2024 T20 World Cup, region grows.”
by Harare-based attorney Lloyd Mhishi, was but will be part of the 2027 He also hinted that ZC are championing
a firm no. ODI World Cup as co-hosts. more competitive engagement on the con-
So on February 10, ZC resolved to restructure tinent.
their operations entirely. On March 1, adver- “I was just thinking, ‘Why don’t we have an
tisements for a new men’s head coach and new relevance of a country that has played in only than anyone else on the 2023-2027 FTP (109 “We believe you can only get good cricketers The economic difficulties in Zimbabwe Africa Cup?’ Something with South Africa,
men’s Under-19 coach were put out. one of the last five ICC events. across all formats, one fewer than Ireland) they from playing the longer version of the game.” — hyperinflation was at 175 percent last year Zimbabwe, Namibia, Uganda, Nigeria,
Over the next few years, ZC intends to rede- ZC are prepared for that, and they even have are satisfied with their calendar. Building the player base through Test expo- — means that ZC cannot rely on government Rwanda, Kenya. It will help everyone. It’s a
velop its domestic and development pathways, some answers. “If you look at our FTP, it’s decent as com- sure is one thing, developing the talent pool support to fund programmes at schools, so conversation we are having,” Mukhulani said.
build indoor training facilities at all five domes- “Because we have not qualified at ICC events, pared to other cycles. The only team we don't locally is another. they have started their own. To set themselves up as a credible cricketing
tic centres, and set up a national academy. it makes it difficult to make a case for your have is Australia,” Mukhuhlani said. Much like their neighbours South Africa, The Cricket Kumusha-Cricket Ekhaya pro- presence in Africa is essential ahead of the
On March 7, Hamilton Masakadza resigned country, but having said that, sports is cyclical,” The original document had Zimbabwe Zimbabwe's best sportspeople come from the gramme (kumusha and ekhaya mean “home” 2027 World Cup, where Zimbabwe will be
from his role as director of cricket (it us under- Mukhulani said. scheduled to play West Indies, Ireland, Paki- private school system, essentially elite institu- in Shona and Ndebele) is being rolled out and able to show the cricketing world what they
stood he was going to be stood down as part “In the 1970s, West Indies were everything. stan, Afghanistan, South Africa, New Zea- tions with top-class facilities that can only be has promise. are made of.
of the new plan anyway) but is set to remain But they were with us in the qualifiers and they land, Sri Lanka and Bangladesh at home, and accessed by those with money (or with luck, “We still have to play Test cricket, even if we Expect to see revamped venues, floodlights
involved in the organisation of the 2026 Under- didn’t make it (to the 2023 ODI World Cup). Afghanistan, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, Ireland, a scholarship). are not part of the World Test Championship. at Queens Sports Club in Bulawayo, and pos-
19 men’s World Cup and the 2027 World Cup. Would you say West Indies don’t have a case Pakistan and Afghanistan away. Mukhulani believes that keeps the game We believe you can only get good cricketers sibly a ground at Victoria Falls.
When they co-host that tournament with in cricket? No, they still have it. They have since added five home T20Is too exclusive. from playing the longer version of the game.” “We would love to see Victoria Falls Stadium
South Africa and Namibia, they want to be “In spite of everything that hasn't gone our against India, which will be crucial to their That is one of the reasons ZC turned Mukuhlani being one of the venues, but that is subject to
more than just participants; they want to be way in the field of play in the recent past, we finances, and a four-day Test in England for Takashinga Cricket Club — located in a how fast the other departments we are working
serious competitors. are still a proper cricketing nation that must what will be the first bilateral meeting between high-density area (essentially neglected and “We have a team that goes out and intro- with move,” Mukhulani said.
What happens between now and then will be taken seriously. We can still beat sides. We the two sides since 2004. disadvantaged areas created by colonialism) duces basic coaching skills to school teachers Plans for a 10 000-seat stadium were
mostly take place behind the scenes, since went to Sri Lanka recently and we competed. County sides have been travelling there for — into an international venue. in the rural areas, and we give them equipment unveiled last year after the Victoria Falls Town
Zimbabwe’s men’s side is not due to appear at We have a lot to offer.” a few years, and there seems to be a thaw in It was used for last year's World Cup Qual- to start the game,” Mukhulani said. Council committed a plot of land for develop-
an ICC event until at least the T20 World Cup Tavenga Mukuhlani, ZC political relations between the UK and Zimba- ifiers and spectator presence at the ground “But the real problem is that cricket is still ment to the project.
in 2026, and the Test side is not part of the bwe following the end of the reign of Robert suggested a burgeoning interest in cricket that an expensive sport. If we keep the momentum, If successful, ZC could be home to one of the
World Test Championship (WTC). chairperson Mugabe. surpassed other that for other sports but also we will start to have the numbers coming from most picturesque grounds in the world, with a
The women’s team remains in the running "We have such a rich cricket heritage in Zim- Notably, Zimbabwe play 20 Tests in the showed where the gaps lie. other parts of the country.” 1708-metre wide waterfall, whose indigenous
for the T20 World Cup this year, and will com- babwe. In spite of everything that hasn't gone cycle, eight more than Ireland and one fewer The schoolkids in attendance at Takashinga That ZC is able to do that, however small name translates to “the smoke that thunders”,
pete in a qualifier in April, but their journey our way in the field of play in the recent past, than Afghanistan — the other two Full Mem- have limited access to the game, and those the scale, must be applauded because it was in the background.
on the global stage is in its infancy — they we are still a proper cricketing nation that must bers who are not part of the WTC — and despite further away from the city have even less. only five years ago that the organisation was In peak season, the falls create a mist that
made their first international appearances five be taken seriously. We can still beat sides. We the costs involved in hosting matches and even “Not everybody is fully participating in mired in debt and frozen out of ICC funding. envelopes the area in a soft rain-like embrace.
years ago. went to Sri Lanka recently and we competed. travelling for them, they don’t want to cut that cricket. We still are very reliant on private They have managed to turn that around One local described being in it as being
In three months, Zimbabwe will be the only We have a lot to offer to the world of cricket." down. schools — and that system is solid and pro- by being more prudent in their use of dis- “blessed by African rain”. ZC will hope that
Full Member who is not part of the T20 World They plan on using the next few years to “We believe we still have to play Test cricket, duces good cricketers - but we want more bursements but the struggle to be sustainable by the time their time for rain (in the form of
Cup, and it will hurt to hear that. show that. even if we are not part of the World Test Cham- schools to participate. More so, we want our continues. results from the restructure) arrives, it pours.
Doubtless questions will be asked about the Although Zimbabwe have fewer matches pionship,” Mukhulani said. rural schools involved,” Mukhulani said. A quick-ish fix could be to seek outside — espncricinfo

2024 Arnold Palmer Invitational Djokovic knocked out by

money: Here’s how much every player made lucky loser Luca Nardi
W W orld number one Novak Djok- “Hopefully I’ll win some more and still
ith this being Arnold Palmer Invi- How much T12. Nick Tay- Ludvig Aberg US$162 800 ovic was beaten by 20-year-old keep going. I guess every trophy that even-
tational week, Brad Faxon had an every lor US$389 666 T30. Jordan Spieth US$123 500 lucky loser Luca Nardi in round tually comes my way is going to be great,
Arnold Palmer story. player Brian Harman Lucas Glover US$123 500 three at Indian Wells. to break the kind of negative cycle a little
Faxon wasn’t playing, but he was announc- US$389 666 Mackenzie Hughes US$123 500 Italian Nardi, ranked 123 in the world, bit I’m having in the last three, four tour-
ing as part of the NBC/Golf Channel crew, and
made at Lee Hodges Si Woo Kim US$123 500 had originally been knocked out in qualify- naments where I haven’t really been close
as Thursday’s broadcast of the first round the 2024 US$389 666 Webb Simpson US$123 500 ing but reached the main draw after another to my best.”
started, announcer Steve Sands asked what Arnold Justin Thomas Sam Burns US$123 500 player’s withdrawal. Nardi, who was beaten by Belgium’s
impact Palmer had on Faxon. Palmer US$389 666 T36. Rickie Fowler US$88 375 He hit 34 winners in a 6-4 3-6 6-3 win David Goffin in the final round of quali-
“A tremendous impact,” Faxon said. Invitational Tom Hoge Jason Day US$88 375 over the 24-time Grand Slam champion, fying, said it was an “amazing feeling”.
After graduating college, he moved to US$389 666 Patrick Cantlay US$88 375 converting match point with an ace. “I couldn’t even imagine to play a match
Orlando to be a member at Bay Hill, which 1. Scottie Hideki Keegan Bradley US$88 375 “It’s crazy,” said Nardi, the lowest-ranked against him, and now I also beat him,” he
hosts the API and where Palmer was the long- Scheffler US$4 Matsuyama Austin Eckroat US$88 375 player to beat Djokovic at ATP Masters 1 000 added.
time proprietor. Faxon said he played in mul- million US$389 666 Viktor Hovland US$88 375 or Grand Slam level. “It’s such a dream come true for me.
tiple events at the track. 2. Wynd- T18. C am Cameron Young US$88 375 “I don’t know (how I held my nerve), I After the match, my coaches told me, Luca,
He then said this: “My rookie year, I played ham Clark Davis US$289 000 Justin Lower US$88 375 think it is a miracle, because I am a 20-year- everyone was cheering for you. Incredible.
with Arnold at the Players, in the final round. US$2,2 million Corey Con- T44. Min Woo Lee US$64 000 old guy, and beating Novak.” Against Djokovic, he’s the best player ever.
It was such a thrill to get paired with him, to 3. Shane ners US$289 000 Christiaan Bezuidenhout US$64 000 Djokovic (36) who was beaten by even- “I will keep it, this moment, for the rest
get called out on the first tee with him. Lowry US$1,4 Sungjae Im Stephan Jaeger US$64 000 tual winner Jannik Sinner in the semi-fi- of my life.”
“Walking off the first green, he said to me: million Scottie Schef- US$289 000 Chris Kirk US$64 000 nals of the Australian Open, is yet to win Nardi will play Tommy Paul in the last 16,
‘Do you want to have a long career out here, T4. Rus- fler hits his tee T21. Seamus T48. Nick Dunlap US$54 000 a tournament this year. with the American progressing courtesy of
son?’ He put his arm around me. I said, ‘Yes, sell Henley shot on Satur- Power US$224 750 Denny McCarthy US$54 000 “No titles this year. That’s not something a 6-4 6-4 win over France’s Ugo Humbert.
sir.’ He goes, ‘Then you look people in the eye US$920000 day on the 17th Eric C ole Taylor Moore US$54 000 I’m used to,” said the Serb, who hit 17 win- Daniil Medvedev beat Sebastian Korda
when you walk off the tee. You look them right Will Zalato- hole at Bay Hill. US$224 750 51. C.T. Pan US$51 000 ners, but made nine unforced errors. 6-4 5-7 6-3 and will play Grigor Dimitrov
in the eye.’ I’ll never forget. ‘There the reason ris US$920000 Harris English T52. Adam Hadwin US$49 000 “I was starting the season most of my in the next round.
why you have a job.’ T6. Sahith Theegala US$730 000 US$224 750 Matthieu Pavon US$49 000 career with a Grand Slam win or Dubai win. Holger Rune, Casper Ruud and Taylor
“Boy, could we use that now.” Brendon Todd US$730 000 Rory McIlroy US$224 750 Tom Kim US$49 000 It’s fine. It’s part of the sport. You just have Fritz also made it through to the last 16.
With that, here is a complete list of the 2024 T8. Byeong Hun An US$579 000 T25. Xander Schauffele US$162 800 55. J.T. Poston US$47 000 to accept it. Some you win, some you lose. — bbcsport
Arnold Palmer Invitational payouts for all 58 Andrew Putnam US$579 000 Patrick Rodgers US$162 800 56. Luke List US$46 000
players who made the cut. The total purse is Emiliano Grillo US$579 000 Erik van Rooyen US$162 800 T57. Jake Knapp US$44 500
US$20 million. Max Homa US$579 000 Grayson Murray US$162 800 Sepp Straka US$44 500. —

Kenya drawn with Ghana and Egypt for African Games Rugby 7s
K enya has been placed in the same car, Nigeria, Tunisia, The Democratic Republic
pool as hosts Ghana and Egypt for the of Congo, Sierra Leone, Libya, Niger, Benin,
upcoming 13th All Africa Games Rugby and Togo. The tournament boasts a lineup
Sevens event, set to unfold from March 18th including Uganda, Zimbabwe, Burkina Faso,
to 21st at the University of Ghana. Madagascar, Nigeria, Tunisia, The Democratic
The Kenyan team, Morans, will contend Republic of Congo, Sierra Leone, Libya, Niger,
with Ghana, Egypt, and a 16th-seeded team Benin, and Togo.
in their pool matches. Their first day will see Ahead of the tournament, the team is cur-
them take on the 16th-seeded side, followed rently in a residential training camp at the
by a clash with Egypt to conclude day one. Moi International Sports Centre — Kasarani
On the second day, they will face off against for the next six days until their departure on
Ghana, determining their position for the Wednesday (March 13).
knockout stages. The final roster for the traveling squad
The tournament boasts a lineup including will be announced in the upcoming week. —
Uganda, Zimbabwe, Burkina Faso, Madagas- michezoafrika
16 15 — 21 March 2024 Last Word BusinessWeekly

Is Batoka
good value
in climate
Last Word
he very low rations of water for needing some maintenance catch up. Both
power generation at Lake Kariba could then use their Kariba stations as a
now in force, just an average of hydro should be used, to cope with the
214 megawatts for each of the two power hourly fluctuations between say 2am,
stations, suggests strongly that Zimba- when just one or two generators would
bwe and Zambia need to seriously rethink be in use at each station, to 7am or 5pm
their strategic plan to build the Batoka when both went through major peaks as
scheme between the Victoria Falls and miners, industrialists and domestic users
Kariba. were all going flat out.
It might well result in some of the most The lower flows in recent years into the
expensive power in Africa if the output lake have meant that these two extension
is well below the expectations based on have never really pulled their weight, so
the measured flows since 1925 over the the costs have never really been justified.
Victoria Falls, the only real inflow into The other ground for the extensions
the scheme, minus perhaps up to 20 per- were to be ready for Batoka, which with-
cent to account for climate change. If the out the huge storage of Lake Kariba,
inflows are significantly below that 80 would have to vary output considerably.
percent of average then the two coun- The Zambezi River Authority, looking
tries might be building one of the larger at the energy output, had predicted an
white-elephants. average variation between 4 282 gigawatt
Editorial Advertising
BusinessWeekly Published by + 263 24 2795771 +263 24 2795771 (Harare)
The Zambezi River Authority, which
has been overseeing the planning of this
hours in the second quarter of each year,
as the two stations averaged just under
Zimbabwe Newspapers (1980) Ltd or +263 29 2888871 +263 29 2888871 (Bulawayo hydro-scheme for more than 35 years, has 1000MW each, down to 872GWh in the
herbert.zharare Circulation given an estimate of a little over US$3,6 fourth quarter, as they averaged just over
Herald House billion for the capital costs, including the 400MW each, about a sixth of their max-
31 George Silundika Avenue +263 24 2795771 (Harare) interest payments, for the uS$2,1 billion imum. The monthly variation in inflows
Harare, Zimbabwe @businessweeklyzim dam wall and the two power stations each really hits that scheme.
costed at US$732 000. Batoka and Kariba would have to be
Copyright © Zimbabwe While everyone talks about a pair of run as a pair. During the annual floods
Weekly Business Zim
Newspapers (1980) Limited 1 200MW power stations, one on each side, the two Batoka stations could be taken
the detailed studies have never suggested right up to averaging over 80 percent of
that Batoka will be producing anything their maximum of 1200MW each, while
like this for most of the year. Lake Batoka the Kariba stations would be cut back and
will be a long thin lake with a far smaller let the flood waters coming through the
Editorial complaints can be sent to the Legal Services Department within 20 working days of the publication of the material. energy storage than Lake Kariba. Batoka stations fill the lake. By the fourth
Email address: The Zambezi River has a highly fluctu- quarter, when the Batoka stations were cut
or phone 0242 704 088 /0242 7082 98 ating monthly flow, ranging on historical right back the extended Kariba stations
averages from 262 cubic metres a second would be going flat out.
in October to 2 958 cubic metres a second So while there was talk about an extra

Presumptive tax not a new

in April as the annual floods reach their 1 200MW on each side, the actual extra
peak. These are the averages from 1925, would be around half that. This is the
when accurate measurements of flows problem of having the main storage dam
over the Victoria Falls started, to 2014. downstream of the floodwater power sta-
Even those averages vary considerably tions. These days even that extra average

animal, but has struggled in Zim

when decade-long averages are taken into 600MW might be a gross overestimate.
account. For example during much of the The present flows seem to be less than
1960s and 1970s flows into Lake Kariba predicted. More than 80 percent of the
were well above historical averages, so Victoria Falls flow comes from Angola
much so that British consultants were and the rest from western Zambia. Zimba-
recommending very strongly a signifi- bwe’s contribution is trivial until you reach
cant expansion of the two Kariba power the Manyame and Mazowe confluences,
Policies that promote entrepreneurship, stations. which help Cabora Bassa but not dams
access to finance, and market integration can At this time, even after Kariba North Zimbabwe can use, and the main central
complement presumptive taxation efforts by at around 600MW was commissioned to Zambian runoff goes into the Kafue which
creating a conducive environment for for- join Kariba South’s then 660MW, before a enters the Zambezi well downstream of
malisation. rebuild of the outraces under a new design Kariba. Even the 2022-s023 season, which
increased efficiency to 750MW without was counted above average, saw the Ango-
Challenges and limitations using more water, floodgates had to be lan flows down as a semi-drought hit the
Despite its potential benefits, presumptive opened at times. Neither power station main part of the upper catchment.
was ever rationed to operate below max- Zimbabwean experts had pressed hard
taxation faces several challenges and limi-
imum output. in the 1980s for Mupata Gorge, down-
This meant that Capco, the then dam stream of Kariba and the Kafue dams, so
One challenge is the risk of overtaxation,
owner and operator and also the opera- it would in effect have a regular daily flow
particularly for small businesses operating
tor of Kariba South, never had to reduce with almost zero fluctuation, simply reus-
on thin profit margins. Imposing taxes based sales into UDI Rhodesia even after tak- ing the water that had already generated
on turnover or assets may disproportionately ing into account the Zambian generation power. This was killed by a huge environ-
Economy Uncensored with Tapiwanashe burden businesses with low profitability, hin-
Mangwiro requirements. Kariba North was owned mentalist campaign over the Mana Pools

dering their growth and sustainability. and managed by Zesco, although Capco being flooded, and by the time the engi-
n many economies worldwide, informal Another challenge is the risk of distorting had some unofficial oversight. neers had modified their proposal for a
businesses play a significant role in the market incentives and competition. Pre- That made the political situation a lot lower dam at Mupata using different types
economic landscape and Zimbabwe is not sumptive taxation can create disincentives for easier as well. The complications of try- of turbine that worked on concentrating
an exception. businesses to expand or invest in productivi- ing to organise generation cuts at both river flow more than on creating a long
These informal enterprises, often unregis- ty-enhancing activities since taxes are levied power stations during the very difficult drop, it was too late. Mupata was killed.
tered and operating outside the formal regu- irrespective of profitability. Zambia-Rhodesia relations during UDI But that low level scheme for Mupata
latory framework, contribute to employment, Moreover, differential tax treatment across would have been horrendous, with the now seems to be a better option. Detailed
income generation, and the provision of goods sectors or business types may distort resource Rhodesians being particularly difficult. work would have to be done, but the huge
and services. However, they also pose chal- allocation and hinder economic efficiency. During the 1980s Zimbabwe had a advantage in a starting point would be
lenges for governments in terms of tax col- Additionally, presumptive taxation may small but highly competent group of the regular daily flow from the Kariba
lection and regulation enforcement. inadvertently incentivise informal businesses engineers working in the then Ministry and lower Kafue power stations, and the
One mechanism used by authorities to to remain underground or engage in tax plan- that oversaw energy. ability to use the huge storage of Lake
address these challenges is ‘presumptive tax- ning strategies to minimize tax liabilities. This group was not desperately enam- Kariba. At the very least there would be
ation’. The Minister of Finance, Economic In the absence of robust enforcement mech- oured over external consultants from a predictable daily output and the low-wall
Development and Investment Promotion, anisms and complementary policies, informal Britain, certainly not seeing them as the would minimise environmental impact
Prof Mthuli Ncube reconfigured his presump- businesses may opt to evade taxes rather than supreme all-knowing external group, and since storage would not be required at
tive tax, much to the outcry of the population. formalise their operations. checked the figures. Mupata, just the drop.
Hence, this week we delve into the con- Presumptive taxation is a pragmatic tool for By this stage average annual inflows All this means that the power stations
cept of presumptive taxation, its functioning, Salons now have to pay presumptive tax taxing informal businesses and broadening had decreased from that 15-year high and would be a lot cheaper than Batoka since
rationale, and its effectiveness in compelling the tax base in economies with significant were now close to the longer-term annual there would be no need for extra to cope
informal businesses to formalise their oper- pliance costs. By eliminating the need for factors, including the design of the presump- informal sectors. inflows since 1925. The Zimbabwean group with the floods before cutting back; just
ations. complex record-keeping and accounting, pre- tive tax regime, enforcement mechanisms, and By simplifying tax compliance, addressing were dubious about the wisdom of the enough to recycle Kariba and Kafue water.
To begin with, presumptive taxation is a sumptive taxation makes it easier for informal broader socio-economic conditions. challenges of tax evasion, and incentivising huge investment required to expand the No one since the original Zimba-
simplified method of assessing and collect- businesses to fulfil their tax obligations. Firstly, the design of the presumptive tax formalisation, presumptive taxation aims to two power stations and pressed very hard bwean 1980s estimates has calculated
ing taxes from businesses, primarily targeting Secondly, presumptive taxation addresses regime plays a crucial role. The tax rate, thresh- enhance revenue mobilisation and promote for the second phase of Hwange Thermal costs of construction and the eventual
those operating informally or whose income the challenges of tax evasion and underre- olds, and criteria for applicability must be care- economic formalisation. instead, adding the 440MW of that phase cost of power from the scheme, and those
is difficult to ascertain accurately. porting prevalent among informal enterprises. fully calibrated to strike a balance between rev- However, its effectiveness depends on to the 480MW already commissioned or original estimates were not detailed. So
Instead of requiring detailed accounting Since these businesses often operate in cash- enue generation and compliance incentives. careful design, effective enforcement, and in the process of being commissioned at detailed costs would now have to be done.
records and financial statements, presumptive based economies and lack formal accounting Excessive tax rates or overly burdensome supportive policy measures to address chal- Hwange phase one, largely using the civil At the very least we could then do the
taxation relies on certain presumptions or systems, accurately determining their income requirements may deter informal businesses lenges and foster an enabling environment engineering done by the UDI regime in power costs assuming say three quarters
estimates to determine tax liabilities. for taxation purposes is challenging. from formalising or drive them further under- for formalisation. the 1970s when work suddenly came to and even half flows in the Zambezi from
Under presumptive taxation, tax authorities Presumptive taxation provides a pragmatic ground. Ultimately, striking the right balance a halt after a sanctions-busting deal was Angola and Zambia.
establish predetermined bases for calculating solution by imposing taxes based on easily Secondly, effective enforcement is essential between simplicity, fairness, and compliance exposed and the mechanical and electrical There would be need for a new envi-
taxes based on factors such as turnover, assets, verifiable proxies such as turnover or assets. to ensure compliance with presumptive taxa- incentives is essential for the success of pre- components were blocked. ronmental impact study, this time with
or location. Thirdly, presumptive taxation aims to tion rules. This requires adequate monitoring sumptive taxation in shaping the behaviour of Eventually, in the 2010s, the two exten- the low wall option on the table, but the
These bases are often applied to specific broaden the tax base by bringing informal and oversight by tax authorities to detect and informal businesses and promoting broader sions at Kariba did go through, starting impact would now take into account the
sectors or types of businesses. For example, businesses into the formal tax net. deter tax evasion and underreporting. socio-economic development. with the north bank. At this stage both global warming requirements and the fact
a common approach is to tax businesses By providing a simple and transparent tax Leveraging technology, such as digital pay- In Zimbabwe, the new presumptive taxes Zesa and Zesco recognised that the exten- that other options for Zambia and Zim-
at a fixed percentage of their turnover or regime, authorities incentivise informal busi- ment systems and data analytics, can enhance could have forced businesses to formalise, but sions would not add more energy to the babwe involve coal and gas, carbon fuels.
gross receipts, regardless of actual profits or nesses to register and formalise their opera- enforcement capabilities and reduce oppor- that will not be the case as the formal sector is Kariba output, but that they would allow Whatever solution is used, there will be
expenses incurred. tions to avail of the benefits of formalisation, tunities for tax leakage. over regularised and over taxed which makes the two utilities to cope with the huge an environmental impact, the trick would
such as access to credit, Government services, Thirdly, broader socio-economic factors companies want to remain small. hourly fluctuations in demand during be to find the lowest impact for the most
Rationale behind presumptive a day. guaranteed power, the stress being on that
and legal protection. influence the effectiveness of presumptive ◆◆ Tapiwanashe Mangwiro is a resident
taxation taxation. economist with the Business Weekly and Both now had good power stations to concept of guaranteed.
Effectiveness in encouraging provide far more of the base load, Zesco Just because Batoka was the best 1990s
The rationale behind presumptive taxa- Factors such as access to formal markets, writes this in his own capacity. @willoe_
tion is multi-faceted. Firstly, it simplifies the formalisation business support services, and the overall tee on twitter, with its pair of dams and power stations scheme does not make it the best 2020s
tax compliance process for small businesses, The effectiveness of presumptive taxation in business environment shape the incentives on email and Tapiwanashe Willoe on the Kafue recently upgraded, and Zesa and 2030s scheme unless we are collecting
reducing administrative burdens and com- encouraging formalisation depends on various for informal businesses to formalise. Mangwiro on LinkedIn. with Hwange Thermal that admittedly white elephants.

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