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Name: Alviz, John Andrew D.

Date: 09/13/2022
Journal Entry no: 1 Topic: Ethical Dimension of Human Existence

A Stranger attempting to Suicide

Moral Personal Dilemma:
This is the most unforgettable dilemma I faced after the lifting the lockdown. My mother and I
went outside to go to a store far from us that we have to take 2 public transportations to reach
from there. We were buying a lot of foods, toiletries, clothings, etc. After we buy everything, we
need before we go back into our house, we decide to walk a little because we miss the feeling of
walking on the street, we continue walking as we reach a bridge, I noticed a stranger who is
outside holding the abutment of the bridge, He was looking up and his eyes closed, I realized
from that moment that the stranger wanted to commit suicide. I told my mother that we should
stop and save him and my mother agreed to it. As we save the guy, the people around us are
looking to the stranger, then I noticed a guy who was filming, he was laughing and saying words
that aren’t supposed to be heard.

Decisions I made:
I stood up for the guy and then told him that situation is not supposed to be funny and his attitude
disgusts me. We do not know what the stranger is dealing with so we should not judge someone
by their actions. I realized that the stranger was depressed so I took things very carefully and
tried my best to comfort him because depression is not a joke should not be taken as a light topic.
Be human and know that people like this need help and not to be made fun.

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