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21 Laws of


JD Meier
About the 21 Laws of

• I believe everyone can be more productive in

school, work, and life.

• Productivity is producing desired output and

outcomes in a sustainable way that leverages
our energy, strengths, and skills.

• Productivity can be your superpower.

• With productivity as your superpower, you

can take control of your time, overcome
challenges, and realieze your full potential.

These are the 21 Laws of Powerful

#1. The Principle of

Clarity generates energy.

Use your outcomes to drive your strategy and journey.

Begin every task or project with a clear understanding of your

goals and objectives.

Knowing what you aim to achieve simplifies the path forward.

#2. The Law of

Not all tasks are created equal.

Identify the most important and impactful tasks and allocate

your time and resources accordingly.
#3. The Rule of Three

Every morning, identify three key outcomes that will have the
most significant impact on your day or project and focus on
completing those before anything else.

Think in Three Wins:

• Three Wins for Today

• Three Wins for This Week
• Three Wins for This Month
• Three Wins for This Quarter
• Three Wins for This Year

The Rule of 3 for productivity is introduced in the book

Getting Results the Agile Way.
#4. The 80/20 Principle

Remember that roughly 80% of the effects come from 20%

of the causes.

Focus your efforts on the activities that yield the most

significant results.

The 80/20 Principle is introduced in the book The 80/20

Principle, by Richard Koch.
#5. The Law of

Multitasking spreads your attention thin and reduces the

quality of your work.

Concentrate on one task at a time for maximum efficiency

and effectiveness.
#6. The Principle of

Regular breaks and proper rest are crucial for maintaining

high levels of productivity.

Overworking leads to burnout and decreased performance

over time.
#7. The Automation Law

Automate repetitive tasks where possible.

This frees up time and mental energy for more complex and
creative work.

First figure out how to do a task well, then automate.

#8. The Delegation Principle

Understand which tasks can be delegated to others.

Trusting your team with responsibilities can increase

productivity and foster a supportive environment.

Don’t outsource or delegate what you want to get better at,

or what generates joy for you, or plays to your signature
#9. The Law of
Habit Formation

Productive behaviors become more automatic with


Build productive habits to enhance your efficiency naturally

over time.
#10. The Principle
of Flexibility

Be adaptable in your methods.

If a particular approach isn't working, be willing to adjust

your strategy to overcome obstacles.
#11. The Preparation Principle

Investing time in planning and preparation can significantly

reduce the duration and increase the efficiency of your work.
#12. The Law of Elimination

Regularly assess and eliminate tasks or activities that do not

contribute to your goals.

Simplicity leads to productivity.

#13. The Principle of
Continuous Improvement

Adopt a mindset of lifelong learning and incremental


Small, continuous changes lead to significant long-term

#14. The Law of

Set limits for yourself to foster creativity and focus.

Constraints can lead to innovative solutions and prevent the

paradox of choice.
#15. The Energy
Management Principle

Understand and work according to your natural energy levels.

Schedule demanding tasks during your peak energy periods

for optimal performance.
#16. The Law of
Psychological Well-being

Maintain a positive and healthy mental state.

Stress and negativity can significantly hinder productivity.

#17. The Principle of
Meaningful Work

Engage in work that is meaningful to you.

Passion and interest in your work increase motivation and

#18. The Connectivity Law

Cultivate a supportive network.

Collaborating and sharing ideas with others can lead to

improved solutions and motivation.
#19. The Environment

Optimize your work environment to suit your productivity


A well-organized and personalized workspace can enhance

focus and efficiency.
#20. The Principle of

Regularly review your accomplishments and challenges.

Reflection allows you to learn from your experiences and

improve your productivity strategies.
#21. The Law of Action

Ultimately, productivity comes down to action.

The best principles and strategies are meaningless without

the willingness to implement them.

Take consistent, purposeful action towards your goals.

The Productivity Laws
at a Glance

1. The Principle of Clarity

2. The Law of Prioritization
3. The Rule of Three
4. The 80/20 Principle
5. The Law of Focus
6. The Principle of Rest
7. The Automation Law
8. The Delegation Principle
9. The Law of Habit Formation
10. The Principle of Flexibility
11. The Preparation Principle
12. The Law of Elimination
13. The Principle of Continuous Improvement
14. The Law of Positive Constraints
15. The Energy Management Principle
16. The Law of Psychological Well-being
17. The Principle of Meaningful Work
18. The Connectivity Law
19. The Environment Principle
20. The Principle of Reflection
21. The Law of Action
How To Practice
Productivity Today

1. Perform a brain dump. Write down everything that’s on your

mind. Get it out of your head, and onto paper. This will free your
mind up to do what it does best.

2. Review your calendar for today. Get a simple vision of your

morning, noon, and night. Note your non-negotiables.
Understand what’s on your plate and what you will need your
energy for.

3. Identify your Three Wins for Today. Write down your 3 Future
Wins for Today. This single move forces you to prioritize and
focus on meaningful outcomes. Use your 3 Wins to guide your
actions today.

The more you practice, the better you will get.

Turn your chores into chances and connect your work to your values.

Use your wins to inspire your day forward.

Where to Grow for More?

Unleash Your Greatest Productivity

Getting Results the Agile Way

By JD Meier

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