5 - Network Troubleshooting V2.0

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Upon completion of this topic, students should be able to:-

5.1 Remember basic troubleshooting methodology

5.1.1 List steps involved in the basic troubleshooting
a. Identify the symptoms and potential causes.
b. Identify the affected area.
c. Find what has changed (hardware, software etc.)
d. Implement an action plan and solution.
e. Test the result.
f. Document the solution.

⦿ Example- Power failure, Printer Failure, Internet

Connectivity Failure etc..

⦿ How to identify ?
◼ Is access to the LAN or WAN affected?
◼ Is network performance affected?
◼ Are data or programs affected? Or are both affected?
◼ Are only certain network services (such as printing)
◼ Is one user or are multiple users affected?
⦿ If programs are affected, does the problem
include one local application, one networked
application, or multiple networked
⦿ What specific error messages do users report?
⦿ Is one user or are multiple users affected?
⦿ Do the symptoms manifest themselves

⦿ How many users or network segments are

affected. Do the symptom apply to:
❑ One network station?
❑ A workgroup?
❑ A department?
❑ One location within organization?
❑ An entire organization?

⦿ Determine the chronological scope of a

Gathering information
• 1 - question the individual who reported the problem
as well as any other affected users.
– end user experiences
– observed symptoms,
– error messages
– info. about recent configuration changes to devices or
• 2nd collect information about any equipment that may
be affected. This can be gathered from documentation.
– log files and a listing of any recent changes made to
equipment configurations.
– manufacturer, make and model of devices affected
– ownership and warranty information.
– version of any firmware or software.
• Information about the network can also be gathered
using network monitoring tools.
Basic troubleshooting methodology is based on how
information is gathered.
Discuss the processes on how the information can be
gathered.(3 marks)

Question the individual who reported the problem as
well as any other affected user.
Collect information or documentation about any
equipment that may be affected.
Use the appropriate monitoring tools.
Upon completion of this topic, students should be able to:-

5.1 Know basic troubleshooting methodology(cont’ed)

5.1.2 Describe a systematic troubleshooting process.
5.1.3 Identify common physical problems in network.
5.1.4 Describe variety of software and hardware tools
to diagnose problems
⦿ There are several different structured
troubleshooting techniques available,
◼ Top-down
◼ Bottom-up
◼ Divide-and-conquer
• Top-down
– starts with the application layer & works down.
– It looks at the problem from the point of view of the user
and the application. Is it just one application that is not
functioning, or do all applications fail?
– For example, can the user access various web pages on
the Internet, but not email?
– Do other workstations have similar issues?
• Bottom-up
– starts with the physical layer and works up.
– The physical layer is concerned with hardware and
wire connections.
– Have cables been pulled out of their sockets? If the
equipment has indicator lights, are they on or off?
• Divide-and-Conquer
– begins troubleshooting at one of the middle layers
and works up or down from there.
– For example, the troubleshooter may begin at the
network layer, by verifying IP configuration information
⦿ The structure of these approaches makes them
ideally suited for the novice troubleshooter.
⦿ More experienced individuals may use less
structured techniques such as trial and error or
• Relies on individual knowledge to determine the
most probable cause of a problem.
• Makes an educated guess on the most likely
solution based on past experience and knowledge
of the network structure.
• If the solution does not work, the troubleshooter
uses this information to help determine the next
most likely cause.
• This process is repeated until the problem is
isolated and solved.
• While the trial and error approach has the
potential to be extremely fast, it relies on the
abilities and experiences of the troubleshooter
and can result in incorrect assumptions and
overlooking simple solutions.
• The problem is assumed to be caused by a specific
hardware component or a configuration file.
• The defective part or code is replaced by a known good
device or file.
• While not necessarily locating the problem, this technique
can save time and quickly restore network functionality.
• This relies on the availability of substitute parts,
components, and backup configuration files which can be
very expensive to maintain.
• An example of a substitution technique is when an ISP
replaces a possible broken device rather than send a
technician out to troubleshoot and locate a specific issue.
This technique is also often used for inexpensive parts such
as replacing network interface cards and patch cables.
• Physical problems are concerned mainly with
the hardware aspects of computers and
networking devices and the cables that
interconnect them.
• Physical problems do not consider the logical
(software) configuration of devices.
• Physical problems can occur in both wired
and wireless networks.
• One of the best detection methods for
physical problems is the use of the senses -
vision, smell, touch and hearing.
⦿ Vision is used to detect problems such as
improperly connected or poorly constructed
cables, including:

◼ cables which are not connected

◼ cables connected to the wrong port
◼ loose cable connections
◼ damaged cables and connectors
◼ Use of the wrong type of cable

⦿ Vision also allows us to view the condition and

function of various network devices with LEDs.
⦿ Smell can alert troubleshooters to components
which are overheating. The smell of burning
insulation or components is very distinct and is a
sure sign that something is seriously wrong.


⦿ Troubleshooters can use touch to feel for
overheated components as well as to detect
mechanical problems with devices such as
cooling fans. These devices usually create a
small vibration in the component that can be
detected using touch. The absence of this
vibration or the presence of excessive amounts
of vibration can indicate that the cooling fan has
failed or is about to do so.
⦿ Hearing is used to detect major problems
such as electrical issues and the proper
operation of cooling fans and disk drives. All
devices have characteristics sounds and any
change from the normal sounds usually
indicate a problem of some part.
1) Bad connectors
• connectors are broken or cracked and that the fiber and wire are
not properly and securely in suitable places.

2) Bad wiring:
• incorrect type of cable which used for specific works, or loose

3) Open, short:
• broken copper strand, which prevents current flowing through the
circuit. short will happen when 2 connectors of copper touches
each other
• It can be due to twist or miswiring in the cable at the cut admitting
to touch the bare wires.

4) Split cables:
• Most of the spilt in the cables are intentional which enables you to
runs the wirings in so many directions by using splitter.

5) DB losses:
• The signal power of the data transmission sometime degraded at
one point where transmissions are not perfectly interpreted by the
receiving device. This loss in a signal power is called as a decibel
loss or dB loss. It may occur due to excess distance which is above
the fiber or copper cable limitations.

6) TXRX reversed:
• Reverse connections of the transmit to transmit and receive to
receive, which will never work properly. These kinds of reversal can
evoke by an improper connection of wires on the wall patch or jack

7) Cable replacement:
• Correct cable replacement in the network or datacenter throughout
the building and closest is necessary for the reliable and effective
8) EMI/ Interference:
• Anything which produces a magnetic field must be avoided when
positioning the cable. It also includes speakers, mobile telephones,
power facilities, florescent lights, electric motors, copy machines,
refrigerators, amplifiers, microwave oven and much more. This
property type which affected by an external magnetism is known as
EMI - electromagnetic interference.

9) Distance:
• cable has to use based on network topology and distance between
those components. Most of the technologies of network
communications agonize from the attenuation, which is signal
degradation due to its medium.

10) Crosstalk:
• signal between 2 wires which carries current and adjacent to one
• To eliminate crosstalk completely, usage of fiber optic cable is
more recommendable.
• The twists (for twisted pair cable) are the one which helps to
reduce the crosstalk and more twist will reduce more and so more
twists are efficiently better.
You have a user who cannot connect to a network. Based
on your knowledge as a technician, which components you
should check if you are dealing with physical
network problems? Relate common physical connectivity
problems with the components..(5 marks)

Components you should check:
⚫ The network card on the computer.
⚫ The network cable.
⚫ The network card on the other computer, or the router port.
Common physical connectivity problems:(choose any 2, 1 mark each)
⚫ Bad connectors
⚫ TX / RX reversed
⚫ Bad wiring
⚫ Cable Replacement
⚫ Open, short
⚫ Eml / Interference
⚫ Split cables
⚫ distance
⚫ dB loss
⚫ Crosstalk
Upon completion of this topic, students should be able to:-

5.3 Investigate command line trouble shooting result

5.3.1 Explore command line for troubleshooting network

a. Ipconfig command to examine host network
b. Ping commands examine end-to-end connectivity
c. Tracert command to trace network route
d. Netstat command to examine host network port status
e. Nslookup command to determine DNS server
5.3.2 Analyze output of the command line:
• A number of software utility programs are available
that can help identify network problems. Most of
these utilities are provided by the operating system
as command line interface (CLI) commands. The
syntax for the commands may vary between
operating systems.

Some of the available utilities include:

• ipconfig - Displays IP configuration information
• ping - Tests connections to other IP hosts
• tracert - Displays route taken to destination
• netstat - Displays network connections
• nslookup - Directly queries the name server for
information on a destination domain
Perform troubleshooting using ipconfig command
to examine IP configuration information on a host

❑ Ipconfig
⦿ Ipconfig is used to display the current IP
configuration information for a host. Issuing
this command from the command prompt will
display the basic configuration information
including: IP address, subnet mask and
default gateway.
Perform troubleshooting using ipconfig command
to examine IP configuration information on a

❑ Ipconfig/all
⦿ Ipconfig/all is used to displays additional
information including the MAC address, IP
addresses of the default gateway and the DNS
servers. It also indicates if DHCP is enabled, the
DHCP server address and lease information.
⦿ How can this utility assist in the troubleshooting
process? Without an appropriate IP
configuration, a host can not participate in
communications on a network. If the host does
not know the location of the DNS servers it
cannot translate names into IP addresses.
Perform troubleshooting using ping command to examine IP
configuration information on a host to examine end-to-end
connectivity between hosts.
❑ Ping
⦿ If the IP configuration appears to be correctly configured on the
local host, next, test network connectivity by using ping. Ping is
used to test if a destination host is reachable. The ping command
can be followed by either an IP address or the name of a
destination host, e.g : ping or ping www.cisco.com
⦿ When a ping is sent to an IP address, a packet known as an echo
request is sent across the network to the IP address specified. If
the destination host receives the echo request, it responds with a
packet known as an echo reply. If the source receives the echo
reply, connectivity is verified.
⦿ If a ping is sent to a name, e.g. www.cisco.com, a packet is first
sent to a DNS server to resolve the name to an IP address. Once
the IP address is obtained, the echo request is forwarded to the IP
address and the process proceeds. If a ping to the IP address
succeeds, but a ping to the name does not, there is most likely a
problem with DNS.
⦿ 1.Determine whether the user can ping the loopback
address: ping
-If this fails, then something is wrong with the TCP/IP
stack installation on the PC.
⦿ 2.Next, have the user try to ping the locally
configured IP address.
-If this fails, something is wrong with the IP address
configuration on the PC.
⦿ 3.Next, have the user ping the default gateway.
-If this fails, then something is wrong with the
configured default gateway address, the default
gateway itself, or the subnet mask value configured on
the user’s PC.
Perform troubleshooting using tracert
command to verify end-to-end connectivity
❑ Tracert
⦿ The ping utility can verify end-to-end connectivity. However, if a
problem exists and the device cannot ping the destination, the
ping utility does not indicate where the connection was actually
dropped. To accomplish this, another utility known as tracert must
be used.
⦿ The Tracert utility provides connectivity information about the
path a packet takes to reach the destination and about every
router (hop) along the way. It also indicates how long a packet
takes to get from the source to each hop and back (round trip
time). Tracert can help identify where a packet may have been
lost or delayed due to bottlenecks or slowdowns in the network.
⦿ The basic tracert utility will only allow up to 30 hops between a
source and destination device before it assumes that the
destination is unreachable. This number is adjustable by using the
-h parameter. Other modifiers, displayed as Options in the graphic,
are also available.
5.1.7 Perform troubleshooting using tracert
command to verify end-to-end
❑ Traceroute

⦿ The traceroute command is also used for testing network

connections, but it gives a lot more information than ping.
Whenever you send a packet to a computer that is not on
your own local network, it has to go through one or more
routers. The purpose of the traceroute command is to try to
list all the routers on a path from your computer to some
destination computer.
⦿ If you try other destinations, you might encounter cases
where three stars (* * *) are listed instead of a router. This
might indicate a buggy router (apparently, there are many of
them out there), or it might indicate that a router is
configured so that it refuses to cooperate with traceroute. If
this happens a few times in a row, you might as well give up
by pressing CONTROL-C.
⦿ The information needed by traceroute is not automatically available, so
traceroute has to play some tricks to get the information. It actually uses ping
in a clever way: It is possible to specify that a ping packet will only be sent
through a given number of routers. The number is called the TTL
(time-to-live) of the packet. Every time a router forwards a packet, it
decreases the packet's TTL by 1. If a router receives a packet with a TTL of 0,
it considers that to be an error and it sends an error message back to the
packet's source. The traceroute program uses this error message to determine
the identity of the router. When you run traceroute, it first sends out 3 ping
packets with a TTL of 1. These packets will produce a time-out error at the
very first router on the path, so traceroute now knows the identity of the first
router. Next, it sends out 3 packets with a TTL of 2. These will generate an
error at the second router along the path, so traceroute learns the identity of
the second router. Traceroute continues in this way, with longer and longer
TTL's, until the packets that it sends actually reach the destination. Note that
each line of output from traceroute shows not just the identity of the router
but also the round trip times of each of the three ping packets. If traceroute
fails to get an error response to a given packet within three seconds, it prints
a star (*) on the output line.
⦿ It's possible for two packets that are sent to the same destination to follow
different paths through the Internet. In practice, however, it is unusual for
the path to change within the time period that traceroute runs.
Perform troubleshooting using netstat
examine the open connection on a host

❑ Netstat
⦿ Sometimes it is necessary to know which active TCP
connections are open and running on a networked host. Netstat
is an important network utility that can be used to verify those
connections. Netstat lists the protocol in use, the local address
and port number, the foreign address and port number, and the
state of the connection.
⦿ Unexplained TCP connections can pose a major security threat.
This is because they can indicate that something or someone is
connected to the local host. Additionally, unnecessary TCP
connections can consume valuable system resources thus
slowing down the host's performance. Netstat should be used to
examine the open connections on a host when performance
appears to be compromised.
⦿ Many useful Options are available for the netstat command.
5.1.9 Perform troubleshooting using nslookup to
determine DNS server performance
❑ Nslookup
⦿ When accessing applications or services across the
network, individuals usually rely on the DNS name
instead of the IP address. When a request is sent to
that name, the host must first contact the DNS server
to resolve the name to the corresponding IP. The host
then uses IP to package the information for delivery.
⦿ The nslookup utility allows an end-user to look up
information about a particular DNS name in the DNS
server. When the nslookup command is issued, the
information returned includes the IP address of the DNS
server being used as well as the IP address associated
with the specified DNS name. Nslookup is often used as
a troubleshooting tool for determining if the DNS server
is performing name resolution as expected.
A user informs you that she cannot access the internet
using her laptop. When you visit her, you run the
ipconfig/all utility and see the following information. What
is the most possibility reason the user is having that
problem.??. (CLO1,C3)

A. DHCP is not enabled ANS : C

B. The subnet is incorrect
C. The default gateway setting is not configured
D. The system is on a different subnet than te DNS servers
10. A user complains that an access to a web page is slow.
What is the utility that can be use to find the bottleneck?
Seorang pengguna mengadu bahwa akses ke laman web
adalah perlahan. Apakah utiliti anda boleh gunakan untuk
mencari kesesakan itu?. (CLO2,C3)

A. ping
B. Tracert
C. Netstat
D. ipconfig

You are troubleshooting the network connectivity for one of the client
systems at your company, but you do not know the IP address for the
system. Now you are at the client system and you want to make sure
the system can communicate with itself using TCP/IP. Before making
a solution, you have to identify SIX(6) steps that are involved in the
basic troubleshooting methodology. Next, determine and explain
briefly the TCP/IP utility that can be used to view the IP address.
(15 marks)

SIX (6) steps that involved in basic the troubleshooting methodology:
1. Identify the symptoms and potential causes
2. Identify the affected area
3. Establish what has changed (software, hardware)
4. Implement an action plan and solution
5. Test the result
6. Document the solution

TCP/IP Utility: Ping


For the current configuration, ping the loopback address(ping127.0.0.1).

Next ping the IP address of the computer, to verify the TCP/IP is
properly functioning.
By pinging the IP address if the default gateway or router, as well as other
local IP computers, it determine if the computer is communicating on the
local network
Ping is a basic internet program that allows a user to verify that a particular
IP address exists and can accept requests
Ping is used diagnostically to ensure that a host computer the user is trying
to reach is actually operating.
Ping can be used for troubleshooting to test connectivity and determine
response time.
Ping sends packets to a host computer and receives a report on their
roundtrip time.
Referring to the Figure C2(i) and the output from Figure C2(ii), an
administrator is trying to troubleshoot connectivity between PC1
and PC2. Identify what is the COMMAND used to get the output
such as in Figure C2(ii), where should the administrator begin to
troubleshoot, why having request time out at second and third
hop. Relate the COMMAND you used with the connectivity
problem between PC1 and PC2? (15 marks)

Figure C2(ii): output from

command prompt(cmd)

-Command : Traceroute e.g. tracert

-Tracert use to show data packet taking on its way to the destination
-each time it reaches router (no. 2 and 3) on it path, it will report
back info about the router such as ip address and time it took
between each hops
-great tools to pinpoint where is problem line in the network if data
packet not reach in network
-if we used ping command and fail, we can use tracert
-in this example, data packet go to router 1 but not proceed to
router no 2 and 3
-troubleshoot need to start from output router 1 to input router 2 and
so on.
-Request time out at 2nd and 3rd hop shows router 2 and 3 is down.
** additional notes
The TRACERT or TRACEROUTE utility can be used to check connectivity over longer
distances. If you can access some locations on the network, but not others, you can use
Analyze the ping result in Figure. List THREE (3) steps to
diagnose the problem using PING command.(5 marks)

The host www.ptsb.com did not answer to the ping command.
There is a connectivity problem between the client and the
THREE (3) steps to diagnose the problem using PING command:
1. PING to localhost (**
2. PING to gateway (use tracert to find gatewav)
3. PING to well known host
** additional notes
If you can PING, which is the loopback address, it means that your
computer’s network software works. If you can not PING successfully, you
may have to reinstall the network software.
⦿ Network Diagnostics
By using Network Diagnostics, you can isolate network issues relating to
•Network connectivity problems
•Configuration settings for network adapters, modems, and network clients
•Internet service configuration settings for proxies, newsgroups and e-mail.
•DNS, DHCP, and WINS configuration settings
•Default gateways and IP addresses

To open and use Network Diagnostics,

1) Click Start, and then click Help And Support
2) Click Tools from the Support Tasks area.
3) Select Help and Support Center Tools.
4) Select Network Diagnostics.
5) To start a Network Diagnostics scan on the local computer environment, click
Scan Your System.
6) To add and remove categories of data collected; click Set Scanning Options in the
Network Diagnostics window.
Cable Performance Testers (continued)
• Crossover Cable
• Use to directly interconnect two nodes
• Tone Generator and Tone Locator
• Tone generator is a small electronic device that issues a signal on a wire
• Tone locator is a device that emits a tone when it detects electrical
activity on a wire pair
• Multimeter
• Can measure many characteristics of an electric circuit, including its
resistance and voltage
• Verify that a cable is properly conducting electricity
• Check for the presence of noise on a wire
• Verify that the amount of resistance on coaxial cable
• Test for short or open circuits in the wire
• Cable Continuity Testers
•Wireless Network Testers
•Learn about a wireless environment by viewing the
wireless network connection properties on your

Wireless network connection status

⦿ Wireless network testing tools

•Protocol Analyzers
Upon completion of this topic, students should be able to:-

5.2 Understand Connectivity problems

5.2.1 Define common faults in cabling that cause
disconnectivity in network.
5.2.2 Describe various connectivity problems related
to cabling issues.
5.2.3 Recognize connectivity problem based on
detection of IP address.
• Wired host cannot connect to the integrated

• If the wired client is unable to connect to the

integrated router, one of the first things to
check is the physical connectivity and
cabling. Cabling is the central nervous
system of wired networks and one of the
most common issues when experiencing
1) Use the correct type of cable.
◼ Two types of UTP cables are commonly encountered in networking:
Straight-through cables and Cross-over cables. Using the wrong type of
cable may prevent connectivity.
2) Improper cable termination
◼ one of the main problems encountered in networks. To avoid this, cables
should be terminated according to standards.
i.Terminate cables via 568A or 568B termination standard
ii.Avoid untwisting too much cable during termination
iii.Crimp connectors on the cable jacket to provide strain relief

4) Maximum cable run lengths exist based on characteristics of the

different cables.
◼ Exceeding these run lengths can have a serious negative impact on
network performance.
5) Connectivity problem
◼ verify that the correct ports are being used between the networking
6) Protect cables and connectors from physical damage.
◼ Support cables to prevent strain on connectors and run cable through
areas that will not be in the way.
Determine if your computer is obtaining the correct IP
⦿ If the physical connection to the wired or wireless host
appears to be connecting as expected, then check the
IP configuration of the client.
⦿ The IP configuration can have a major impact on the
ability for a host to connect to the network. An
integrated router, such as the Linksys wireless router,
acts as a DHCP server for local wired and wireless
clients and provides IP configuration, including the IP
address, subnet mask, default gateway, and possibly
even IP addresses of DNS servers. The DHCP server
binds the IP address to a client's MAC address and
stores that information in a client table.
⦿ The client table information should match the local host
information, which can be obtained from the ipconfig /all
command. Additionally, the IP address on the client must
be on the same network as the LAN interface of the Linksys
device. The LAN interface of the Linksys device should be
set as the default gateway. If the client configuration
information does not agree with information in the client
table, the address should be released (ipconfig /release)
and renewed (ipconfig /renew) to form a new binding.
⦿ If both the wired and wireless clients are obtaining the
correct IP configuration, and can connect to the Linksys
device, but are unable to ping each other, the problem is
most likely occurring on the Linksys device. Check all
configurations on the Linksys device to ensure no security
restrictions could be causing the issue.
a. A network administrator is troubleshooting a computer that
operated strangely. It boots slowly, programs will not load,
and the keyboard responds very slowly. What is the best
action can be taken to troubleshoot?(5 marks)

Boot the PC and Run anti-virus and anti-spyware application
from external drive (3m)
Restart the computer and test keyboard again(2m)
b. Amin is a network administrator, he want to expand the Wireless
Local Area Network to another place that has no coverage. With the
diagram, explain what should he do?(7 marks)

and label
(6 m)


Add another wireless router to repeat the signal in the place

that has no coverage(1m)

a. A small office uses a wireless ISR to connect to a cable

modem for internet access. The network administrator
receives a call that one office computer cannot excess external
websites. The first troubleshooting step that network
administrator performs is to ping the ISR. Describe and briefly
explain the troubleshooting technique that has been
implemented.(3 marks)
*** ISR 🡪 Integrated Services Router
The network administrator use Divide and Conquer (1m)
You might decide to start at any layer and work up or down
the OSI stack (1m)
This technique is most suitable if you are experience and
problem has precise symptoms (1m)
b. Refer to diagram below, a network administrator attempts to test
connectivity Host2 from Host1 and receives the result that is shown.
Choose and explain the right test connectivity command in this

Use PING command to check the connectivity(1m)
The PING command display whether the destination responded
and how long it took to receive a reply (2m)
If there is an error in the delivery for the destination, the PING
command displays an error message(2m)
c. One host cannot connect to Access Point(AP) although entering the
key. Analyze the problem and explain how to fix the

Most common settings that are configured incorrectly include
the SSID, authentication and encryption (1m)
a. The SSID is a case sensitive, alpha-numeric string up to 32
characters. It must match on both the AP and client. (1m)
- If the SSID is broadcast and detected, this is not an issue.
- If the SSID is not broadcast, it must be manually entered onto
the client. If the client is configured with the wrong SSID, it
will not associate with the AP (1m)

b. Most APs open authentication is configured by default,

allowing all devices to connect. (1m)
- If a more secure form of authentication is configured.
Both the client and the AP must be configured with the same
key. (1m)


c. Encryption is the process of altering the data so that it is not

usable by anyone without the encryption key.(1m)
- If encryption is enabled, both AP and the client must be
configured with the same encryption key.
- If the client associates with the AP but cannot send or
receive data, the encryption key may be the issue (1m)
2. You are expecting problems with the network connectivity of a
Windows 7 system. You suspect that there might be a problem with
an incorrect route in the routing table. Before making a solution,
identify SIX(6) steps that are involved in the basic troubleshooting
methodology. Next, determine and explain briefly the TCP/IP utility
that can be used to view the routing table.
(15 marks)

SIX (6) steps that involved in basic the troubleshooting methodology (9m)
1. Identify the symptoms and potential causes
2. Identify the affected area
3. Establish what has changed (software, hardware)
4. Implement an action plan and solution
5. Test the result
6. Document the solution

TCP/IP Utility: netstat (2m)

ANS (Cont’ed). Choose any 2 answer (4m)
netstat – network statistics
Netstat is a command-line tool that displays network connection for
the Transmission Control Protocol (both incoming and outgoing),
routing tables and a number of network interface(network interface
controller or software-defined network interface) and network
protocol statistics
Netstat - examine the open connection on a host
Netstat is a useful tool for checking network and internet connection.
1. You are a network administrator for your company. A user calls and
tells you that after stepping on the network cable in her office, she
can no longer access the network. You went to the office and saw
there is some damage along the network cable. Demonstrate how you
would make another cable by explaining the procedure step by step
according to equipment used and safety. (15 marks)

1. Unroll the required length of network cable and add a little extra
wire, just in case…………………………………………………………………………….. (1m)
If a boot is to be fitted, do so before stripping away the sleeve and ensure the
boot faces the correct way.
2. Carefully remove the outer jacket of the cable when stripping the
jacket so not cut the internal wiring (cut with knife about an inch toward
the open end…………………………………………………………………………………..(1m)
3. Inspect the newly revealed wires for any cuts that expose the cooper
wire inside.
If you breached the protective sheath of any wire, you need to do step
one again………………………………………………………………………………………..(1m)
4. Untwist the pairs so they will lay flat between your fingers…….(1m)
5. Arrange the wires based on the wiring specifications. There are two
methods set by TIA, 568A and 568B……………………………………………… (1m)
A straight cable is used to connect two different-layer devices (e.g. a hub and a
Two same devices normally require a cross-over cable.

Put the wires in the following order, from left to right…………….. (2m for
colour code diagram below).

6. Press all the wires flat and parallel between your thumb and
forefinger. Verify the colourshave remained in correct
order……………………………… (1m)
Cut the top of the wires about ½ inch from the base of the jacket. (1m)
7. Keep the wires flat and in order as you push them into the RJ45
connector with the flat surface of the plug on top…………………………….(1m)
The white/orange wire should be on the left if you’re looking down at
the jack.………………………………………………………………………………………….(1m)
You should be able to see a wire located in each hole, as seen at te
bottom right.
8. Place the wired plug into crimping tool. Give the handle a firm
squeeze. …………………………………………………………………………………………….(1m)
You should hear a ratcheting noise as you continue. Once you have
completed the crimp, the handle will reset to the open position…(1m)
To ensure all pins are set, some prefer to double-crimp by repeating
this step.
9. Repeat all of the above steps with the other end of the cable….. (1m)
10. Test te cable to ensure that it will function in the field using cable

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