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i. To get familiarized with Lathe Machine and it’s working principle.
ii. To know about the different parts of a lathe machine, different types of lathe machine and
their applications.
iii. To know about various lathe operations such as facing, turning, taper turning, contour
turning, form turning, chamfering, cutoff, threading, boring, drilling, knurling, and so on.
iv. To be able to perform turning operation in the given workpiece to cast it into the desired
shape having the desired diameter in accordance with the given length.

The given work piece has to be casted into the desired shape as per the measurements given
in the figure. Firstly, the diameter of the tip of the workpiece has to be reduced to 20mm for
a length of 15mm. After that, another 15mm of length has to be reduced to 23 mm diameter.
At the end, 20mm of length has to be reduced to 25mm diameter. All these reductions in the
diameter of the original workpiece have to be carried out by performing turning operation by
the help of lathe machine. Vernier Caliper and steel rule have to be used in order to perform
the measurements of the diameter and the length of the workpiece respectively. High level of
safety and precautionary measures have to be adopted while operating lathe machine since it
is very risky and can cause several hazards.

Various tools falling under the category of both hand tools and machinery tools were
employed in the turning operation of the given cylindrical workpiece in the workshop. The
various tools that were used are as described below:

i. Vernier Caliper:
A vernier caliper is a precision measuring
instrument commonly used in various fields for
accurate length measurements. It consists of a
main scale and a sliding vernier scale, allowing
for both coarse and fine measurements. The Figure;Vernier callipier
main scale is graduated in millimeters or inches, while the vernier scale slides along it. The
vernier scale has markings that closely match the main scale but are slightly offset, enabling
more precise readings. To use a vernier caliper, the user first takes a coarse measurement
with the main scale, and then uses the vernier scale to determine the finer measurement. The
sum of the main scale reading and the aligned vernier scale reading provides the accurate
measurement. The pitch of a vernier caliper refers to the distance between two consecutive
markings on the vernier scale. It is crucial for the precision of the instrument, as it
determines the smallest measurement that can be accurately read. The formula to calculate
the least count (LC) of a vernier caliper, which represents the smallest possible reading, is
given by:
LC = Pitch of the Main Scale − Pitch of the Vernier Scale
The total reading of a vernier caliper is obtained by adding the main scale reading to the
vernier scale reading. The formula for the total reading (TR) is:
TR=Main Scale Reading + Vernier Scale Reading
The main scale reading is the value obtained from the main scale markings, while the vernier
scale reading is determined by the aligned vernier scale marking that coincides with a main
scale marking. The vernier scale allows for a more precise measurement by providing an
additional level of accuracy beyond the main scale.
The vernier caliper is widely used in engineering, machining, and scientific laboratories due
to its versatility and accuracy. It is capable of measuring outer dimensions, inner dimensions,
and depths with high precision, making it an essential tool for various applications.
ii. Steel Rule:
A steel rule, also known as a ruler, is a straight-
edged measuring tool commonly used in various
fields for linear measurements. Typically made
of stainless steel, these rulers are durable and
provide a stable straight edge for accurate
readings. Steel rules come in various lengths,
ranging from a few inches to several feet, and are
Figure;steel rule
available in both metric and imperial units. One
side of the steel rule is usually graduated with markings representing units of length, such as
millimeters or inches, while the other side often includes additional features like a

conversion table or beveled edge for precise marking. The markings are typically engraved
or etched onto the surface to ensure durability and resistance to wear. Steel rules find
applications in fields such as engineering, carpentry, drafting, and various scientific
disciplines. They serve as fundamental tools for measuring lengths, widths, and depths,
providing a straightforward and reliable means of obtaining accurate measurements. Due to
their versatility and durability, steel rules are essential instruments in workshops,
contributing to the precision required in a wide range of activities and professions.

iii. Sandpaper:
Sandpaper is an abrasive material consisting of
particles like aluminum oxide or silicon carbide
attached to a flexible backing. It comes in sheets,
rolls, or discs and is categorized by grit, indicating
the coarseness or fineness. Lower grit values denote
coarser sandpaper for rough tasks, while higher grit
values signify finer sandpaper for finishing. Used in
woodworking, metalworking, and various Figure 1;Sand paper
projects, it smoothens, shapes, and prepares surfaces. Its application involves progressing
through different grits for optimal results. Sandpaper is employed both manually and with
power tools, contributing to tasks such as material removal, shaping, and polishing. With its
versatility and effectiveness, sandpaper is a fundamental tool in industries and DIY settings
for achieving precise and refined surfaces.

Lathe is a machine, which
removes the metal from a
piece of work to the
required shape and size.
Lathe is one of the most
important machine tools
in the metal working
industry. A lathe operates on the principle of a rotating workpiece and a fixed cutting tool.
The cutting tool is feed into the workpiece, which rotates about its own axis, causing the
workpiece to be formed to the desired shape. Lathe machine is also known as “the
mother/father of the entire tool family”.

Principal Parts of Lathe

Lathe Machine is also known as “Centre
Lathe”, because it has two centers between
which the job can be held and rotated.
The main parts of center lathe are:
i. Bed:
It is the base or foundation of lathe. It is heavy
and single piece casting made to support other
parts. Two sets of guide ways are at the top for
carriage and tail stock. Outer ways are for carriage and inner ways is for the tailstock. Bed
length is one of the specifications of lathe.
ii. Head stock:
Permanently fastened on the inner ways at the left
side of the bed. Headstock spindle is hollow
cylindrical shaft supported by bearing, and provides
driving from motor to the holding device. A live
center and sleeve, a face plate, or chuck can be fitted
to the spindle nose to hold and drive the work.
iii. Tail stock:
It is situated at opposite side of headstock, mounted
on the inner guide ways of the lathe bed. It can be
locked at any position along the bed. Tailstock
spindle is hollow tapered shaft, that can be used to
hold the dead center or other tools. Hand wheel is
used to fix the position of the dead center with
iv. Carriage:
Carriage controls and supports the cutting tool. By its help tool moves away or towards the

Types of Lathes
i. Engine Lathe or center lathe:
It is most common type of lathe and is widely used in workshop. The speed of the spindle
can be widely varied as desired which is not possible in a speed lathe.
ii. Bench Lathe:
Small lathe which can mounted on the work bench. It is used to make small precision and
light jobs.
iii. Speed lathe:
It is named because of the very high speed of the head stock spindle. Consists head stock, a
tail stock and tool post. it has no gear box. Applicable in wood turning, metal spinning and
iv. Tool room lathe:
It is similar to an engine lathe, designed for obtaining accuracy. It is used for manufacturing
precision components, dies, tools, jigs etc. and hence it is called as tool room lathe.

v. Automatic Lathe:
A lathe in which the work piece is automatically fed and removed without use of an
operator. It requires very less attention after the setup has been made and the machine
vi. Turret Lathe:
Turret lathe is the adaptation of the engine lathe where the tail stock is replaced by a turret
slide (cylindrical or hexagonal). Tool post of the engine lathe is replaced by a cross slide
which can hold number of tools.

vii. Capstan lathe:
These are similar to turret lathe with the difference that turret is not fixed but moves on an
auxiliary slide. These are used for fast production of small parts.

Lathe Operations
i. Threading:
A pointed tool is fed linearly across the outside surface of the rotating work part in a
direction parallel to the axis of rotation at a large effective feed rate, thus creating threads in
the cylinder.
ii. Boring:
A single-point tool is fed linearly, parallel to the axis of rotation, on the inside diameter of an
existing hole in the part.
iii. Drilling:
Drilling can be performed on a lathe by feeding the drill into the rotating work along its axis.
Reaming can be performed in a similar way.
iv. Knurling:
This is not a machining operation because it does not involve cutting of material. Instead, it
is a metal forming operation used to produce a regular crosshatched pattern in the

v. Facing:
The tool is fed radially into the rotating work on one end to create a flat surface on the end.

vi. Turning:
Instead of feeding the tool radially, the tool is fed parallel to axis of workpiece to remove the
material from outside diameter

vii. Taper turning:

Instead of feeding the tool parallel to the axis of rotation of the work, the tool is fed at an
angle, thus creating a tapered cylinder or conical shape.

viii. Contour turning:
Instead of feeding the tool along a straight line parallel to the axis of rotation as in turning,
the tool follows a contour that is other than straight, thus creating a contoured form in the
turned part.

ix. Form turning:

In this operation, sometimes called forming, the tool has a shape that is imparted to the work
by plunging the tool radially into the work.

x. Chamfering:
The cutting edge of the tool is used to cut an angle on the corner of the cylinder, forming
what is called a ‘‘chamfer”.

xi. Cutoff:
The tool is fed radially into the rotating work at some location along its length to cut off the
end of the part. This operation is sometimes referred to as

Figure 2;Various lathe process

i. A cylindrical rod was taken and clamped between the jaw and chuck using chuck key.
ii. Then the machine was turned on and the work piece rotated.
iii. The tool was adjusted in such a way that it cut the work piece in desired shape and
iv. After machining the work piece, the obtained shape was clamped in bench vice and cut
using hack-saw and was filed to make the cut surface smooth.

The lathe machine was operated and turning operation was performed in order to reduce the
given cylindrical workpiece with certain diameter to the desired diameter varying with
length. The pictures of the workpiece that was obtained after performing the turning
operation is as shown in the pictures below.

The lathe machine operation yielded a well-machined workpiece with the desired shape and
dimensions. The initial clamping and securing of the cylindrical rod proved effective,
ensuring stability throughout the machining process. As the lathe machine rotated the
workpiece, the tool adjustments allowed for precise cutting, resulting in the intended shape.
Post-machining, clamping the workpiece in a bench vice facilitated further cutting using a
hack-saw, and subsequent filing enhanced the cut surface's smoothness. The comprehensive
procedure, from lathe machining to the final refinement, produced a meticulously crafted
component. The successful execution of each step highlights the efficiency and accuracy of
the lathe machine in shaping materials to meet specific specifications.

In conclusion, the lathe machine operation showcased a systematic and effective approach to
machining a cylindrical rod into a precisely shaped workpiece. The initial clamping and
securing of the workpiece, followed by the rotation initiated by the machine, set the
foundation for a controlled and stable machining process. The careful adjustment of the tool
played a pivotal role in achieving the desired shape and dimensions, underlining the
importance of precision in lathe operations. Furthermore, the post-machining steps,
involving clamping in a bench vice, hack-saw cutting, and meticulous filing, demonstrated a
commitment to refining the workpiece and ensuring a smooth and polished final product.
This lathe machine operation not only exemplified the versatility of the machinery but also
highlighted the skilled craftsmanship involved in transforming raw materials into precisely
engineered components. The successful execution of each step in the procedure underscores
the efficiency of the lathe machine in shaping materials and the meticulous attention to detail
applied to achieve the specified outcomes. Overall, the entire process reflects the
amalgamation of technical proficiency, precision, and craftsmanship inherent in lathe
machining operations.


i. Wear safety gear: gloves, safety glasses, and hearing protection.
ii. Inspect sheet metal for defects and remove foreign objects.
iii. Regularly check and maintain tools for optimal performance.
iv. Securely clamp or fix the sheet metal to prevent movement.
v. Understand and use machine safety features.
vi. Ensure operators are well-trained in sheet metal operations.
vii. Provide proper ventilation for tasks involving chemicals or welding.
viii. Exercise caution when handling and storing sheet metal.
ix. Keep a well-equipped first aid kit on hand.

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