English Q3 Module 2 Assessment

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What propaganda technique is used by drug manufacturers in their advertisements that seems to
ASSESSMENT hide the possible harmful side effects of their products?
A. card stacking C. plain folks
NAME:_____________________________________ GRADE. & B. name-calling D. soft soap
SECTION:____________________ 11. “In a school election, a voter is confused on who he is going to vote for school president, but
because most of his classmates and friends love “candidate X”, he decided to go along with the choice
Directions: Read each question and choose the letter of the correct answer. Write of the majority.”
your answers on a separate sheet of paper. What propaganda is used in the situation?
1. What particular technique is used which is intended to make consumers accept or A. bandwagon C. name-calling
approve something without looking closely at evidences? B. loaded words D. simplification
A. advertisement C. announcement 12. Which propaganda technique is intended to reduce the critical issue into a simple one by using a
B. commercial D. propaganda catchy expression to persuade uninformed listeners?
2. What type of propaganda uses appealing phrases which are closely associated with highly valued A. loaded words C. soft soap
concepts and beliefs but without offering any supporting information or reason? B. simplification D. testimonial
A. card stacking C. name-calling 13. “A brand of snack food is loaded with sugar and calories; however, the commercial boasts that the
B. glittering generalities D. soft soap product is low in fat, implying that it is also low in calories.” What propaganda technique is used in
3. What propaganda technique is intended to damage the image of the competitor by using names that these details?
evoke fear or hatred such as, “racist, dictator, and communist”? A. card stacking C. plain folks
A. card stacking C. name-calling B. name-calling D. soft soap
B. glittering generalities D. plain folks 14. Which statement uses soft soap propaganda technique?
4. Which propaganda technique presents a negative quality of a person, entity, object, or value to A. You are a criminal! You don’t deserve to be elected.
discredit it and make the other option more acceptable? B. My actions of service for you are my best work in life.
A. loaded words C. simplification C. I am the right person to be voted because of my visible services.
B. plain folks D. transfer D. I know that you are wise voters. The future of this country is in your hands.
5. What propaganda technique is used in the statement, “Things go better with Coke”? 15. What do you think is the right thing for you to do if you see a propaganda of a slimming tablet with
A. card stacking C. name-calling a promo sale of buy 1 take 1 and sold at a very
B. glittering generalities D. plain folks cheap price and you really want to lose weight?
6. What propaganda technique is commonly used in the world of advertising because A. Not buy the product until I can prove that it is effective.
buyers are on the lookout for real experiences? B. Immediately buy the product for its very good offer.
A. card stacking C. plain folks C. Buy the product because of its convincing promotion.
B. name-calling D. soft soap D. Conduct a thorough research on the product especially for possible negative side effects of the
7. "I love visiting you folks in the city because people are wholesome, hardworking, and family – product before buying it.
centered.” Which propaganda technique is used in the statement?
A. glittering generalities C. plain folks
B. name-calling D. soft soap
8. Which propaganda technique attempts to influence an audience by using words with strong
emotional appeal or may also portray stereotypes that cannot be supported by concrete evidences?
A. bandwagon C. loaded words
B. card stacking D. simplification
9. “A superstar mother talks about her experience of using the diaper that she prefers for her baby and
the advantages of using it.” What propaganda technique is used in the situation?
A. loaded words C. testimonial
B. simplification D. transfer

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