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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education


Name ____________________________ Score ______________
Grade & Sec. _________________________ Teacher _______________
GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS: This is a multiple-choice type of examination covering the topics in Grade
8. You are given four (4) options for each item. Read each item carefully. Choose the letter of your
answer, and shade the letter that corresponds to your answer.

TEST I. READING COMPREHENSION: Read the selection silently. Answer the comprehension
questions below.


Long ago in Old Ayudhya, there lived a man named Nai Hah Tong, with his wife Nang Song Sai.
Nai Hah tong dreamed of turning copper into gold and both with his wife becoming the richest people in
Ayudhya, while Nang Song Sai, had a little faith in magic.
Nang Song Sai decided to talk to her father and told her problem with her husband. her father told
her that he had already made a solution to her problem.
The old man, had dinner with Nai Hah Tong, and told him that he was also looking for a way to
turn copper into gold, he already had the ingredients but he still needed one more thing which was the
banana tree fuzz. The old man said he would provide the loan for the land where Nai Hah Tong would
need to raise his banana trees. Then, Nai Hah Tong agreed to his father-in-law, and obeyed his father-in-
law's instructions.
Nai Hah Tong was determined to prepare his fields in a way that would be most pleasing to all the
gods who might influence his crops, so he decided to approach the priest's guidance in their village. He
patiently waited for the priest's reply while they were walking. He heard the gecko's call seven times,
which made the priest say that the gecko's call was a rare sign of good fortune. The priest told him to
begin his plowing on Wednesday, which is the tenth day of the fourth lunar month, and begin when the
sun is midway between the horizon and the highpoint of noon. The priest added that he must offer rice,
flowers, and incense, lay flat green banana leaves, and place triangular white flags in bamboo poles, so
that the guardian spirit of the field, Phra Phum, would bless their fields. Nai Hah Tong, obeyed what the
priest had told him.
Each morning Nai Hah Tong, collect the banana fuzz, and put them in jars, while his wife
collected the bananas, sold them, and placed her tical in a pottery jar. until three lunar years had passed,
then his father-in-law told him to collect more banana fuzz, because he might not see the copper turn
into gold. So, Nai Hah Tong borrowed more money to buy more land, and plant more banana trees. Now
Nai Hah Tong and his wife worked for so many years., until finally, the time arrived when each had
accomplished a goal. Nai Hah Tong had two jars full of banana fuzz, while his wife had collected many
jars full of tical.
His father-in-law came to their house, and Nai Hah Tong immediately presented him with jars of
banana fuzz. The old man told him, that today he would be the richest man in Ayudhya. Nai Song Sai
presented the jars full of golden tical and placed it before her husband. Nai Hah Tong looked at the
money that came from his father-in-law's directions. The old man said he could not turn copper into gold
but they have harvested god from the sale of their bananas. In honor of his father-in-law, Nai Hah Tong
built a statue of the old man. He hoped that his son's sons would treasure it as an heirloom. Each time
they look upon it, as a reminder of his foolishness and his father-in-law's wisdom.

_____1. What does Nai Hah Tong originally aspire to achieve in "The Golden Harvest"?
A. Turning copper into gold C. Building a successful business empire
B. Becoming a renowned farmer D. Discovering hidden treasure
_____2. Who provides the final solution to Nai Hah Tong and Nang Song Sai's financial woes in "The
Golden Harvest"?
A. The village priest C. Nai Hah Tong himself
B. Nai Hah Tong's father D. Nang Song Sai's father
_____3. What does the village priest advise Nai Hah Tong to do to ensure success in his farming
A. Offer rice, flowers, and incense to the gods
B. Seek advice from neighboring farmers
C. Perform elaborate rituals at midnight
D. Travel to distant lands in search of rare seeds
_____4. How does Nai Hah Tong express gratitude towards his father-in-law at the end of the story?
A. By presenting him with a statue C. By naming his firstborn after him
B. By offering him a share of his wealth D. By dedicating a song in his honor
_____5. What ultimately leads to Nai Hah Tong and Nang Song Sai's prosperity in "The Golden
A. Nai Hah Tong's successful alchemical experiments
B. The unexpected success of banana farming
C. The guidance of the village priest
D. Nai Hah Tong's inheritance from his father-in-law

TEST II. Read each item carefully. Choose the letter of your answer, and shade the letter that
corresponds to your answer.
_____6. Which of the statements below helps a person determine the author’s biases?
A. Use of diction and evidence C. Use of personal thoughts
B. Use of credentials D. Use of words
_____7. What bias is most apparent in the statement "James’ mother, Dr. Anne Georgulas, has been
trying with all her might to make James become a girl. Luckily for James, his father, Jeff, stood up
and fought for him. Even luckier for James, a judge finally did, too."?
A. Confirmation bias B. Selection bias C. Gender bias D. Cultural bias
_____8. “Before the custody battle, Luna’s father launched a campaign to “save” his child that’s been
championed by the far right”- Vox
Which of the words below makes the statement biased?
A. championed B. save C. battle D. launched
_____9. I don't like this kind of life where every month you are faced with some kind of a coup. - Jejomar
Which of the words below makes the statement biased?
A. I don’t like B. kind of life C. faced D. kind of a coup
_____ 10. “In an extroverted society, the difference between an introvert and an extrovert is that an
introvert is often unconsciously deemed guilty until proven innocent.”― Criss Jami, Venus in
Which of the words below makes the statement biased?
A. unconsciously B. difference C. innocent D. guilty
_____11. Which of the following factors influences a person’s bias?
A. evidences B. experiences C. facts D. reality
_____12. Who usually use propaganda techniques?
A. Advertisers B. Media C. Politicians D. All of the above
_____13. Which of the following is NOT a purpose of propaganda technique?
A. convince B. inform C. persuade D. influence
_____14. Which propaganda strategy uses words like everyone, everybody, all or in some cases
A. Testimonial B. Bandwagon C. Repetition D. Name Calling
_____15. In the novel Noli Me Tangere, the Spanish called the Filipinos “Indio” meaning a man without
knowledge, learning or Idiot.
A.Bandwagon B. Name Calling C. Testimonial D. Glittering Generality
_____16. Former Mayor Isko Moreno has been enlisted to endorse several brands because of his good
image. What makes the statement a Testimonial type of Propaganda Strategy?
A.Mayor Isko Moreno B. good image C. enlisted D. endorse
_____17. Which statement uses Soft Soap propaganda technique?
A. You are a criminal! You don’t deserve to be elected.
B. My actions of service for you are my best work in life.
C. I know that you are wise voters. The future of this country is in your hands.
D. I am the right person to be voted because of my visible services.
_____18. Which propaganda technique attempts to influence an audience by using words with strong
emotional appeal or may also portray stereotypes that cannot be supported by concrete
A. bandwagon B. card stacking C. loaded words D. simplification
_____19. What makes the advertisement a Name Calling propaganda?
A. The brand trying to downplay its close competitor to attract customers
from the latter
B. Advertisers incorporate fancy words into their copy to help the
audience identify with a positive belief or desire.
C. The brand utilizes well-known or reputable personalities to strengthen
the message.
D. The ad campaign showcase or stockpile the best features of the products while concealing the
not-so-good ones.
_____20. What makes the advertisement a Card Stacking propaganda?
A. The advertisement intentionally accentuates one point while downplaying the others to create
a blind spot.
B. It aims to sway people’s ideas without allowing them to properly consider the evidence when
celebrity or another person backs a certain ideology or product.
C. It attempts to encourage the target audience to jump on board so that
they do not ‘lose out’ on what everyone else is doing.
D. It unjustifiably links the audience’s good associations to an unrelated
_____21. “Australia, you’ve made the switch. Over a million Australians have
already tried Oral-B toothpaste. Go pro, make the switch today. What words/phrases in the
advertisement make it a Bandwagon type of Propaganda?
A. You’ve made the switch C. Go Pro
B. Over a million Australians D. Tried Oral-B
_____22. Globalization is the only way to go forward.
A.Bandwagon B. Name Calling C. Testimonial D. Glittering Generality
_____23. A kind of Propaganda Technique that similarly capitalizes on the reputation of an individual,
group or institution.
A. Bandwagon B.Testimonial C. Glittering D. Transfer
_____24. Which of these factors is NOT part of a moral issue?
A. difference in beliefs or preferences C. lack of compassion for others
B. poor regard for the common good D. price increase in basic commodities
_____25. Which of the following best describes a social issue?
A. It causes an increase in unemployment.
B. The people recognize the situation as a huge problem.
C. Only overseas workers consider the issue as a problem.
D. It involves a difference in beliefs and preferences of people.
_____26. What kind of issue is presented in the situation?
The unequal distribution of income among individuals or households within a society.
A. social issue B. moral issue C. economic issue D. psychological issue
_____27. North Koreans are desperately seeking and dying for freedom at this moment.
A.Social Issue B. Moral Issue C. Economic Issue D. Personal Issue
_____28. I saw my mother raped. The rapist was a Chinese broker.
A.Social Issue B. Moral Issue C. Economic Issue D. Personal Issue
_____29. 70% of North Korean women teenage girls are being victimized, sometimes sold for as little as
A.Social Issue B. Moral Issue C. Economic Issue D. Personal Issue
_____30. There is only one channel on TV, there is no internet, we aren’t free to sing, say, wear, or think
what we want.
A.Social Issue B. Moral Issue C. Economic Issue D. Personal Issue
_____31. No books, no songs, no press, no movies about love stories. There is no Romeo and Juliet,
every story was a propaganda to promote the Kim dictators
A.Social Issue B. Moral Issue C. Economic Issue D. Personal Issue
_____32. Which of the following best describes a moral issue?
A. It causes an increase in unemployment.
B. The people recognize the situation as a huge problem.
C. It involves a difference in beliefs and preferences of people.
D. Only overseas workers consider the issue as a problem.
_____33. Which of the following statements shows the positive use of mobile phones?
A. Mobile phones can contribute to addiction, leading to excessive screen time and neglect of
real-world interactions.
B.They have been associated with distracted driving, causing accidents and fatalities.
C.Constant exposure to screens on mobile phones may lead to eye strain and other vision-
related issues.
D. Mobile phones have revolutionized communication by allowing people to stay connected
regardless of geographical distances.
_____34. The pandemic has taken on the Philippines as the virus “snuffed” out dreams of prosperity and
had the world living in a trouble. What kind of issue is presented in the situation?
A. social issue B. moral issue C. economic issue D. psychological issue
_____35. Which of the following situations poses a moral issue?
A. The parents support the gender preference of their children
B. Teenagers engage in premarital activities
C. Government employees seek personal benefits from projects for the citizens.
D. Rise in the prices of basic commodities
_____36.”The Story of Ramayana,” is an example of an _________________
A. Philippines epic B. Indian epic C. Thailand epic D.Malaysian epic
_____37. The part of the story where the author introduces the characters and setting. Which of the
events below shows the exposition of the story Ramayana?
A. Rama, the son of King Dasharata, was the prince of Ayohdya. In a neighboring city, the ruler's
daughter Sita chose Rama as her bridegroom at a ceremony called Swayamvara.
B. The ten-headed Ravana, the ruler of Lanka, devised a plan to abduct Sita and sent a magical
golden deer which Sita desired her lover to hunt. While Rama was away, Ravana grabbed Sita
and carried her off to Lanka.
C. A mighty battle took place. Rama killed several of Ravana's brothers and then Rama
confronted him. Finally, Rama killed Ravana, and he freed Sita.
D. As Rama became the king, he ruled Ayodhya with Ramrajya - an ideal time when everyone did
his or her duties and responsibilities.
_____38. Falling Action is when the tension lessens and starts bringing the action to a close. Which of
the events below shows the falling action of the story Ramayana?
A. After Sita had gained her freedom from Ravana, she proved her purity through the trial by fire.
Then, they returned to Ayodhya and Rama became the king.
B. As Rama became the king, he ruled Ayodhya with Ramrajya - an ideal time when everyone did
his or her duties and responsibilities.
C. The ten-headed Ravana, the ruler of Lanka, devised a plan to abduct Sita and sent a magical
golden deer which Sita desired her lover to hunt. While Rama was away, Ravana grabbed Sita
and carried her off to Lanka.
D. A mighty battle took place. Rama killed several of Ravana's brothers and then Rama
confronted him. Finally, Rama killed Ravana, and he freed Sita.
_____39. Which values are evident in the story Ramayana?
A. Compassion, sacrifice, and righteousness C. Greed, jealousy, and deceit
B. Betrayal, vengeance, and manipulation D. Arrogance, indifference, and selfishness
_____40. What motivated Makato to embark on a journey to Sukhothai?
A. His desire for wealth and power
B. His need to find his long-lost relatives
C. His longing for exciting adventures
D. His intention to seek revenge against those who wronged him
_____41. How did Makato initially earn the respect of his employers?
A. By displaying exceptional intelligence C. By bribing them with valuable gifts
B. By showing determination and hard work D. By manipulating others for his own gain
_____42. How did Makato manage to purchase lettuce seeds with only one cowrie shell?
A. By negotiating with the seed seller C. By convincing the seed seller of his
B. By using his charm and charisma D. By offering to pay with a different currency
_____43. What did King Pra Ruang think of Makato's accomplishment with the lettuces?
A. He was skeptical and doubted Makato's story
B. He was impressed by Makato's intelligence and industry
C. He dismissed Makato's achievement as insignificant
D. He suspected Makato of deceit and trickery
_____44. How did Makato's journey from orphan to ruler conclude?
A. He returned to his village as a wealthy merchant
B. He became a respected scholar and philosopher
C. He married into the royal family and became king
D. He vanished mysteriously, leaving behind his legacy
_____45. Which values are evident in the story "Makato and the Cowrie Shell"?
A. Generosity, humility, and perseverance C. Loyalty, honesty, and diligence
B. Ambition, cunning, and deceit D. Indifference, arrogance, and greed
_____46. Literature reflects the culture of a certain place. In the story “Makato and the Cowrie Shell”,
Makato did every kind of work. Although he was paid only small wages, he was satisfied. Which
of the following Filipino culture mirrors this value?
A. Despite facing numerous challenges, Filipinos display remarkable resilience and optimism.
B. Respect for elders, authority figures, and hierarchical structures
C. Filipinos enjoy laughing and finding humor in everyday situations, even during difficult times.
D. Filipinos often demonstrate resourcefulness and creativity in finding solutions to problems
_____47. What is the most basic classification of literature?
A. Fiction and nonfiction C. Novels and short stories
B. Poetry and essays D. Drama and comedy
_____48. What is the theme of a story?
A. The time and place in which the action happens
B. The main character's struggle or problem
C. The central idea or message
D. The interrelated sequence of events
_____49. What is nonfiction based on?
A. Imagination B. Facts C. Mythology D. Fictional events
_____50. Which of the following is an example of fiction?
A. Biography B. Autobiography C. Novel D. Interview


1. A Prepared by:
3. A Grade 8 English Teacher
4. A
5. B
6. A
7. C
8. B
9. A
10. D
11. B
12. D
13. B
14. B
15. B
16. D
17. C
18. C
19. A
20. A
21. B
22. D
23. B
24. D
25. B
26. A
27. A
28. B
29. B
30. A
31. B
32. C
33. D
34. C
35. B
36. B
37. A
38. A
39. A
40. C
41. B
42. C
43. B
44. C
45. A
46. A
47. A
48. C
49. B
50. C

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