Who I Am, Grade 2-3

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Intended for Grades: 2-3 & SPED Estimated Time: 45-60 minutes Draft: 8/11/22

Lesson Title: WHO I AM

Lesson Purpose: Participants will do an introduction activity about self, using the ipu

Materials & Preparation:

* Ipu hand-out (attachment)
* An ipu or picture of ipu (attachment)
* Pencils, coloring pencils or pens

Background Information:
Hawaiians thought of the ipu as being a container of great use and importance for
many things, depending on each individual’s unique characteristics. It also represents
self. We are all unique and special, like the ipu.
1. Share a picture of an ipu or the actual object is best, if available. Ask prior
knowledge questions:
*What is this? (gourd/ipu)
*What is it used for? (hula, water or food container, etc.)

“There are no two ipu are exactly alike, just like each of us! We are all unique and
special in our own way. We all have different talents and interests. We all look different.
How boring life would be if we all looked and acted the same. We can appreciate and
celebrate our differences and similarities as we learn a little more about one another.”

2. Pass out the script questions handout. (attachment) Have students fill in the blanks.
(This is a great lesson to participate in with your students, developing positive

3. Using the answers from the handout, the students can then transfer the information
on to their own blank “ipu” chart. Students may color their ipu.

4. Have each student introduce themselves, using their ipu. Continually validate the
uniqueness of each student/ipu.

5. Reflection Questions:

* What did you learn about the ipu?

* What are some things you learned about your classmates?

* What is something important about me, my ipu, that I want you to know?


My name is _______________________.I live in ______________________________.

I am _________years old.

I like _______________________________________________. (Favorite food)

I like to ________________________________________________________________

_______________________________________________________. (Favorite activity)


My name is _______________________.I live in ______________________________.

I am _________years old.

I like _______________________________________________. (Favorite food)

I like to ________________________________________________________________

_______________________________________________________. (Favorite activity)


My name is _______________________.I live in ______________________________.

I am _________years old.

I like _______________________________________________. (Favorite food)

I like to ________________________________________________________________

_______________________________________________________. (Favorite activity)

Sample ipu


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