English Unit 1 Part 1

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This latest edition of our series is designed as per the prescribed syllabus for the Vsemester

course. it aims at equipping students with the requisite knowledge and skills for overal development.
Each semester unit includes short and long comprehension tests with answers. These well-solved
solutions provide students with comprehensive and gripping knowledge and prepare them for the

end exams. The material offers additional examples and explanations on vocabulary and grammar
topics in asimple and lucid manner. The additional content not only assures agreater comprehension
of the material but also makes it easier for average learners to grasp.

The table below provides acomprehensive overview of thesubject which will help students
to plan, understand and perform well in the end examination.

S.No. Unit Name Description

1. 1. Poem: Ecology This unit includes a poem, prose as well as

AK Ramanujan vocabulary and grammar.
2. Prose: What's the Langauge of the
The poem "Ecology" depicts the association of
the trees with family and familial experiences. It
Henry Hitchings
offers a deep understanding of the Indian approach
|3. Vocabulary: Indianisms
4. Grammar: Framing to ecology, highlighting the intricate relationship
(Including Question Tags)
humans and nature. It reinforces the need
for environmental preservation.
The prose is an excerpt from Hitchings's book. It
presents a lucid account of the debates that shaped
the English Language and offers an insight into the
state of the language today and its likely future. The
essay also focuses on factors that helped the spread
of English in the past, the reasons for the "English
Fever" in the present and the challenges that the
language is likely to face in the future.

The vocabulary section discusses Indian English

and Indianisms as an essential part of English.
Indianisms help us understand how the Indian
variety of English differs from native varieties of

The grammar section deals with franming questions
which is a common feature of everyday use ol
language. This is rather important because the kind of
answers we get depends on the kind of questions we
ask. Therefore, learning to frame correct questions is
a desirable skill one should acquire.
2 A Note to the Teachers
This unit begins with A Note to the Teachers" which
1. Prose Poem: Girl aims at providing the overall objective of the units on
'Gender Sensitization ' and its various nuances. The
Jamaica Kincaid
background knowledge can help teachers sensitize
2. Prose: Gender Equality Is Yoursludents to the imperative need lor gender cqual1ty
Issue Too
and to promole respect for differences.
Emma Watson
The Prose Poem: Girl' by Jamaica Kincaid is taken
'At the
3. Vocabulary: Analogy and Odd |from her first short story collection titled
Word Out bottom of the River'. The poem "Girl" consists of a
series of instructions, pieces of advice and warnings
4, Grammar: Verbs
given by a- mother to her teenage daughter. The
instructions are intended to prepare the girl to be a
woman, to mould her character, and to control her
private and public behaviour.
In the vocabulary section, 'Verbal Analogy and
Odd Word Out'are discussed to show the relationship
between the pairs of words. They enable students to
enhance their critical and logical thinking.
The Grammar section covers Regular and Irregular
verbs, as well as Transitive and Intransitive verb
forms. A detailed understanding of their dilerences
and how they behave in quite diflerent ways can help
students improve their writing abilities significantly.
film reviews
Review Writing: Film Review, This unit explains strategics for writing
3 1. eflectively. Their importance,
Book Review
and book reviews
hone several
Vocabulary Cliements and ihe writing process
2. Vocabulary: Technical skills such as rendingconprehension, analySIs,
(Film, Literature) communication and critical thinking.
3. Grammar: Conditionals words
Technical Vocabulary" lists out specia1scd
literature. Know ledge
lerms used in movies and in
of these lechnical words lelps students
comprehension as well as witing

Ihe Gramnmar seclion eylains CondtoHal

knosn as clauses
Clauses which are comnonly
vartous tyes
They can help distinguish between the
conditional sentences, produce
of real and unreal sentences and
variety of real and uneal
and unreal
explain how verb tense funelions in rcal
conditional sentences.
(Common to B.A, B.Com, B.Sc, B.B.A & B.S.W)
(II1-Year V-Semester (OU)

Syllabus (As per 2019-20 Curriculum)

Unit No. Unit Name

Question No. Page No.
Topic No. Topic Name

UNIT-1 1- 28
Poem 3

Questions and Answers 4

Comprehension -1 Q1 Q10

Comprehension -2 Q1 8
Glossary 11
Questions and Answers 14

Q12 14
Comprehension -1 Q1

Comprehension -2 Q1 Q6 17

1.2 Glossary
29- 52


Questions and Answers 32

Q1 - O8 32
Comprehension- 1
01 - 04 33
2.1 Glossary
Summary 36
Questions and Answers 38
Comprehension - 1 O1 - Q14 38
Comprehension -2 O1 06 40
Glossary 43



UNIT-3 53 70
1.1 Film Review 54
1,2 Book Review 58
2.1 Film Vocabulary 63
2.2 Literature Vocabulary 64
3.1 Conditionals 67




Learning Objectives
Astudernt will be able to understand the following concepts in this unit a student will
learn and be able to understand:

The poem "Ecology" by AK Ramanujan is about tradition and modernity and

speaker's empathy with tradition. Understand the poem and the message it contains.
The poet is an Indian. Understands the poets'rage against the trees and his concern
for his mother's health.
Understand the skilful management of connectors and punctuation marks used
by the poet and the figure of speech "personification.
Comprehend the excerpt of Hitchings's "What's the Language of the Future?"
Recognise the increasing number of Englishes (different dialects).
In the vocabulary section, learn about Indianisms, words, phrases, expressions or
sentence constructions that are widely used and acceptable in Indian English.
In the grammar section, one can learn to frame questions appropriately for practical
purposes such as seeking information and confirmation, etc.
Question tags which are asked expecting confirmation i.e, asking for confirmation.

Unit-l, like other units, includes a poem, prose, vocabulary and grammar. The
poem is about poet's 'rage' against the Red Champak trees which are causing blinding
migraine to his mother. It portrays his mother's rejection to fell the tres; her stoic
acceptance of the discomfort by attaching emotions and pocet's respect to his mother's
tender feeling.

The prose is all about the propagation of nglish language, the challenges it laced,
its craze in the past and present and how many nglish dialects are likely to come in
the future. Despite all odds, English language is the most sought after language in the

The vocabulary section clearly discusses the Indianisms. In the grammar section,
the framing of questions and question tags are clearly explained,
The poet AK Ramanujan nostalgically recollects his past experiences in his mother's house
The association of the trees with family and familial experiences gives a profound insigh
into the Indian approach towards ecology.
The Red
burst intoto bloom during every first rain causingus blinding migrain
to his motbeTPak
The angry trees
poet wanted cut down the trees but the mother used to attao
ttach some
sentiment to the trees to stop her son from felling them. The poet is personifying the house saying
that even the house is exploited because of pollen grains, "whose twalls had ears and eyes, scales, smells
bone-creaks, nightly visiting voices and were porous like us".
The pollen waft in the air all around and in some rare cases cause migraine to some people
Women wear them in their hair passionately. This is the bond of the Red Champaks with humans,
The poem depicts the endearing love of a middle aged women to the tall champak trees in her
yard. Love for flora, love for the welfare of her descendants and the spirit of sacrifice of a mother
for her family are the hallmarks of the poem. The pollens intrude through the minute holes in the
walls. The mother tells that the seed had been dro dby a passing bird and it is a good omen to
the family. The trees produce several basketful of lowers to offer to Gods and her daughters and
grand daughters ever year. Citing all these examples, the mother allowed the trees in the garden.

Summary in Telugu Version

aðáo Kon (1929-1993) ásuo b0oD doc.

somogw ¯vao iodo seó sogáw6 od Koyo (Old and Modem) ao d áomoos

(to,oorto. o38 doto sóered sg s3 xndos "SS ro°¯ (generationáo line of cousins) 3o80


1, POEM: Ecology
K kamanjan

The day after the first rain,
for years, Iwould come home
in a rage,
for Icould see from a mile away
our three Red Champak trees
had done it again,

had burst into flowers and given Mother

her first blinding migraine
of the season

with their street-long heavy-hung

yellow pollen fog of a fragrance
no wind could sift,

no door could shut out from our black

pillared house whose walls had ears
and eyes,

scales, smells, bone-creaks, nightly

visiting voices, and were porous
like us,

but Mother, flashing her temper

like her mother's twisted silver,
grandchildren's knickers

wet as the cold pack on her head,

Would not let us cut down
a flowering tree

almost as old as she, seeded,

she said, by a passing bird's
providential droppings
to give her gods and her baskettuls
and daughters' daughters
of annual flower

and for one line of
a dower of migraines in season.
CRIMINAL act. Anyune found guilty s LIABLE to face LEGAL
rhis book is a

(Answer the following questios briefly)

take place?
Q1. In what season does the 'action' of the poem
Answer :
volume of poems, "Second Sight (1986) The
"Ecology" appeared in AK Ramanujan's thirdexperiences
familial gives a profound insight into the
association of the trees with family and
Indian approach towards ecology.
to visit his hous
The narrator is very concerned about
his mother's health. The narrator used
the vicinity of his
monsoon. The blooming Red Champak trees in
in fury after the first rain of the is allergic to its smell and
wide. His mother
ancestral place used to spread its yellow pollen far and
used to suffer from blinding migraine. Red
during the first rain of monsoon, because the
The narrator used to come home in a fury
Champak used to burst into flowers, causing migraine to his
trees" burst into flowers?
Q2. How often do the "Red Champak
Answer :
volume of poems, "Second Sight (1986)
AK Ramanujan's "Ecology" appeared in the third
says that for a number of years, during every first rain, probably at the beginning of
The poet blinding migraine (severe headache), That
from a
the summer season, he finds his mother suffering the vellow
the season for the Red Champak trees to burst into flowers. The flowers bloom and
pollen grains spread like clouds throughout the street. According to the poet, the Red Champak
trees bloom during every first rain.
Q3. What caused a "blinding migraine" to the poet's
Answer :
Ramanujan's third volunme of poems, "Svond Sight
The poem "Ecology" is excerpled from
published in 1986.
imaginary person who is verv much
The narrator seems to be the poet himself or some
of summer season, his mother
concerned about his mother's health. Every year at the beginning
the fallen vellow vllen grans
used to suffer from a blinding migraine or a severe headache from house He used to get enraged
of the Red Champak trees, which are in the vicinity of his ancestral emoton to the
and would want to fell the trees, but the mother used to attach some
for his mother
Irees, They remained there, causing an unbearable headache
this mean?
Q4. The poet says that the "walls had ears and eyes". What does
Answer :

The poem "Ecology" is taken from Ramanujan's third volune ot poes, "Sond Sight
published in 1986.
The narrator is expressing his grievance against the Red Champak trees throughout the
poem. Because of its pollen grain, his mother suffers from severe bouts of headache. She is not
allowing her children tÍ cut down the trees as she has anostalgic and emotional attachment to the
trees. When the poet says "walls had ears and eyes," he is personifying the house. Like us in te
fanily, it (the house) is also suffering from the bombardnment of pollen grains. The pollen graira
are entering the house through the holes of the walls which are like the pores of the human body.
Unit-1 : Poem: Ecology
Q5. How did the Champak tree
take birth in the house? How old is it?
Answer :

"Ecology excerpted from AK Ramanuian's "Second Sight", (published in 1986), is one of

those poems which deals with man and trees and their relationship. The
woman in the poe,
the poet's mother, reasons of her own for her love of the trocs, ie.,
says that the rees hav grown
through the dropping of the seeds by the birds, whichis providential. She has feelings of tenderness
towards the tree, as the tree is about her ace, and showsa casual connection between her and the
tree. It depicts the blind and innocent faith of an
uneducated Indian woman.
Q6. How does the mother try to deal with her
Answer :
The poem "Ecology", is taken from AK Ramanujan's third volume of poems, "Second Sighl",
published in 1986.

The narrator (poet) vents his anger at the Red Champak trees, which are causing headache
to his mother. Many times it was suggested to cut down the trees but the mother, who iS groping
in the darkness of superstition, is not allowing it. The tree is as old as she is, and that its seed was
seeded by providential droppings by a passing bird. She feels that the mother is able to deal with
her migraine with stoic endurance and cites examples such as, the tree brings good luck and is a
sign of good omen. Aline of cousins or each new generation is able to offer its basketful of annual

Q7. Why would the mother not let anyone cut the trees? What does this suggest?
Answer :

The poem "Ecology" is taken from AK Ramanujan's third volume of poems, "Second Sight,"
published in 1986.
This poem depicts the endearing love of a middle-aged woman for the tall Champak trees,
She does not allow the trees to be felled, although their bewitching smell causes a blinding nigraine
tor the tre
for her. She attaches all sentiments and superstitions as she has developed a sort of love
the mother
for it is of her age. Hence, whenever the suggestion to cut down the Irees is mentioned,
views of pople
angrily shoots down the idea. The poet has tried to show the difference in thetime-tested
on to the values
belonging to the old and new generations. The older generations hold
to the ecology.
emotions, memories and beliefs that are also attached
Q8. How widespread and powerful is the
Answer :
volume of poems, "Seond Sight.
The poem "Ecology" is takern from AK Ramanujan's third
published in 1986.
poerh "Ecology" centres around a cluster of Red Channpak trees that bloonm abundantly.
The "the
float in the air all around and spread far and wide. During the sunmer season,
The pollens pet's
Champak trees' burst into flowers, causing blinding migraine (severe headache) for the street
Red throughout the
They release yellow pollen grains into the air and spread like clouds Nothing
mother. air and thus do not allow the wind to be pure.
remain suspended in the
or the area. They ancestral black-pillared house. They sneak through
from entering the poet's
can prevent the pollen causing and sprcading discases with their captivating fragrance.
the pores of the house (cracks), proceedings.
CRIMINAL act. Anyone found guilty is LIABLE to face LEGAL
book is a
Warning: Xerox/Photocopying of this
Q9. What does the tree give the daughters and the cousins?
Answer :

The poem "Ecology" is taken from AK Ramanujan's third volume of poems, Second Stp
published in 1986.
The poet AK Ramanujan tries to show the difference between people belonging to old a
new generations. Old people have emotions, memories and beliefs attached to their environme
The mother believes that the bird seeded the plants so that aline of cousins or each new generab
may be able to offer its basketful of flowers to the deity and also her daughter (at the time
marriage). The sense of irony indicated is that the trees, along with flowers, would also gve.
terrible migraine to one line of cousins as a legacy.
Q10. The entire poem, as you may have noticed, can be seen as a single sentence. ldenti
the connectors that hold the different parts of the sentence together.
Answer :
"Ecology" is Ramanujan's poem, which is a a blend of both tradition and modernity. The
poem progresses on the basis of a series of contrasts, (namely) viz., the
speaker's anger or rage
against the trees, his concern for his mother's health as she is suffering from a severe
caused by the bewitching fragrance of the Champak flowers. The speaker's
the trees, his respect for the mother's sentiments and so on. unsentimental view f
Ecology is a poem which could be read as one single sentence. However, each
particular idea. There is a casual connection between the ideas and they flow stanza has one
from one stanza to
the next. "Flash her temper" - an instance of the use of
irony - despite her suffering from a blinding
migraine, she is very angry at the idea of having the tree cut down. There is also a
Hindu heritage as he mentions the gods and the ancient beliefs in the reference to his
her anger with twisted silver and also her blinding poem. The poet compares
migraine with silver wire. That's how the poet
makes a very beautiful connection between the lines and their homely illustrations.

Answer the follouwing questions in about 300 vords each
Q1. Attempt a character sketch of the mother, as portrayed in the poem "Ecology".
Answer :
Model Paper-4, 0%a)

"Ecology" is taken from AK Ramanujan's third volume of poems, "Scond Sight. pubiished
in 1986. It is undoubtedly a representative poem wherein Ramanujan talks of family matters, the
house where he was born and the Champak trees in blossom. His nmother's vews and opinions are
highlighted. He writes about the pollen scattering and the air being filled with aheavy and strong
odor and the disease, migraine afflicting his nother. 1he speaker seems to be the poet himself or
some imaginary person vho is concerned about his nother and her health.
"Ecology" by AK Ramanujan depicts the blind and innocent taith of an uneducated woman
who is the poet's mother. She has great love and respect for the Champak trees in her yard. They are
bewitching fragrance
of her age and were providing baskets of flowers to offer to theirgods. But the
So her children have decided to cut
of the Champak flowers gave her severe bouts of headache.
and stubbornly protests against her children. The
them down. On hearing this, she flies into a rage
irony is that she is angrily protesting the idea of cutting down the tree despite her suffering
sense of
Unit-1 : Poem: Ecology
badl from the nigraine caused bv it She has recollects his nostalgic experiences by recalling
developed a kind of enotional attachment to the family matters, the house where he was
the tree, saving that it is as old as herself.
born and the Champak trees in blossom. His
The mother savs that the tree had been mother's views and sentiments/opinions are
seeded by the droppings of a passing bird by highlighted. The speaker seems to be the poet
chance, which is considered to be a good omnen. himself or some imaginary person who is
Itjs providing baskets of flowers to be ofered loyally devoted to his mother and her health.
to her gods and to her daughters and daughter's The poem centres on a cluster of Red
daughters every year. Champak trees that bloom profusely with
One line of cousins are suffering from this extrenely aromatic flowers. Humans and
dreadful disease, migraine, as a legacy, but the nature are inseparable. This poem captures
mother speaks of the benefits of the Champak this bond, highlighting both its glorious and
trees. She also attributes mythological context deleterious effects.
to the tree and the flowers. The poet implies The poet says that for a number of
that through her love for the trees, the mother is
years, during every first rain, probably at the
becoming, unawarely, the spokesperson for the beginning of the summer season, the three
conservation and protection of the environment. Red Champak trees burst into flowers. At the
The mother considers her suffering same time, he finds his mother suffering from
a small offering or sacrifice, which is stoic a blinding migraine, an unbearable headache
because of the flowers the tree is providing her causing the patient to vomit.
with and the overall benefits they bring. The The Red Champak trees' flowers bloom,
mother, an elderly woman, loves the trees for spreading their yellow pollen grains the
their flowers; her descendants (progeny) would air. They are like a thick cloud of dust. The
enjoy bedecking themselves. pollen grains remain suspended in the air,

The actual meaning of the word 'Ecology contaminating the whole atmosphere, thereby
causing ill-health to the people in the vicinity.
is not followed here. The poet attached some
familial and filial emotions and sentiments, The poet is filled with rage and frenzy
specially his mother's. The poet seems to that no door can shut out, ie., prevent the
convey the thought that some trees have both pollen grains from entering into their black
positive and negative factors. Hence, they need pilared ancestral house. He says that his house
not be pulled down. The mother's love for the walls had ears and eyes, scales, smells, bone
Champak trees, the compassion of her son and creaks, nightly visiting voices and were porous
also the respect he is giving to his mother's like humans. The house is personified. It is
sentiments is vividly seen here. A great mother also suffering from the bombardment of pollen
Cxerting/exercising an indelible and strong grains that are coming inside through the holes,
influence on her children! which are like the pores of the human body.
Q2. Describe the Champak trees and their Finally, the poet proposes to fell the trees
effect on the people and the place. which are causing damage to people living in
Answer : Modol Papor-il, Q9(b) the vicinity. The mother was infuriated over
the thought of cutting down the trees and her
"Ecology" is taken from Ramanujan's anger is compared to twisted silver, which
third volume of poems, "Second Sight," shining because of the wet knickers of her
published in 1986. It is undoubtedly a grandchildren. Thus, like the silver wire, his
representative poem where Ramanujan mother's head is also twisted due to severe pain.
Warning : Xerox/Photocopylng of this book Is a CRIMINAL Nct. Anyone found gullty ls LIABLE to face LEGAL proceedingr.
Sne has an emotional attachment to the I Migraine is a very bad kind of headache, ote
The fragrance
tree and she feels that they are
contemporary. causing a person to vornit.
t was seeded by a passing bird's providential Champak flowers is intense and suffocatinz, a
uroppingsS and is a sign of good omen for her the yellow pollen spreads everywhere. He live
and her family. The trees are providing a line of house. Even the doors of the
in an old ancestral
cousins baskets full of flowers to offer prayers speaker's house cannot prevent the purngen
and also for their daughter to bedeck herself at smell from entering the house. The house is
the time of her marriage/wedding. a black-pillared house, the walls of which are
able to absorb almost everything - the sounds,
The mother gets displeased when the
the human voices, the harsh sounds of
matter of felling trees comes up for a discussion
new shoes, etc, but they cannot prevent the foz
and she turns downas for the environment, sense
daughters, grand dauchters of pollen dust from the Champak trees.
of beauty and the The son decides to cut down the tree, but
and sons. The picture of a grandmother
mother, who
huddling and caressing her son's daughters he is stopped from doing so by hisin her garden
and sons also flashes upon when we talk of her. sees the positive side of the trees
Compare and contrast the attitudes of The mother says that the tree is of her age and
was seeded by the droppings of a passing bird
the speaker and the mother towards the by chance. It is a sign of good omen/luck for her
Champak trees.
and her household. Her interest and devotion
Answer : (Model Paper-ll, Q9(a) | (OU) March-22, Q9) to the tree is that it provides baskets full of
"Ecology" is taken from AK Ramanujan's flowers to offer to her gods and to her children
third volume of poems, "Second Sight," and grandchildren to decorate and adorn their
published in 1986. It is undoubtedly braids (daughters and grand daughters).
representative poem wherein Ramanujan talks This poem portrays Ramanujan's strong
of family matters, the house where he was interest in the family. It is an important trait of
born and the Champak trees in blossom. His his poetic craft. Recollections of his childhood
mother's sentiments are highlighted. He writes would inevitably bring the picture of his
about pollens scattering and the air being filled mother, especially since she is self-sacrifñcing.
with a heavy and strong odour and the disease He mentions the gods and the ancient beliefs.
migraine affecting his mother. The speaker which reflects his Hindu heritage.
seems to be the poet himself or some imaginary When the discussion felling the tree
person who is concerned about his mother and
her health. comes, the mother flies into a rage and prevents
it, though she is suffering from a migraine
The speaker is very angry with the Red because of the redolence (fragrance) of the
Champak trees when they are in full bloom, flowers - this is the sense of irony indicated in
bursting with flowers. The redolence of the the poem.
flowers is so strong that it causes blinding The mother is extremelv loving, dedicated
migraine to his mother. The speaker has no to the family and loves nature for the overall
sentimental attachment to the tree. He wants to
health benefits it offers. She is stable, steadv and stoic
cut down the trees, keeping in mind the whereas the speaker is arrogant and domineering
of his mother. He is mindful of his mother's
health. He is a possessive son who wants to For the poet, the Red Champak trees have
disease. no use. The pollens pollute the air and thus the
relieve his mother of her dreadful
city. They cannot be prevented from entering
During the beginning of the summer
are overwhelmed the houses and the human body turning out
season, probably the trees health to people. to be harmful. He decides to cut the trees as he
with blossoms, causing
Unit-1 : Poem: Ecology 9
has no emottons attached to them, His mother's | blind and innocent faith of an uneduCated
perspective is contrary on the other hand- her Indian woman in humanising the tree. She has
endearing love for the Red Champak trees, great love and respect for the Champak trees in
love for flora, love for the well-being of her her yard. They have been there from the time
descendants and the spirit of sacrifice of & she could remember, providing baskets full of
mother for her fanily are the hallmarks of the lowers to the women in the family to ofter to
attitude of the mother in the poem. their gods. The poet implies that through her
04. Explain how Ramanujan humanizes the love for the trees, unweariedly, she is beroming
issue of ecology in the poem? Does i a strong spokesperson for the conservation of
address the issue of blodiversty in the the environment.
current context?
(ou)March-22,at6 The poet personifies and humanises the
house saying that the house walls had ears and
(OR) eyes, scales, smells, bone-creaks, nightly visiting
Explain how Ramanujan humanlses the voices and body pores like humans. Even the
issue of ecology in the poem. house is also suffering from the bombardment

Answer Model Papor-il, 09(a) of pollen-grains coming through the holes

which are like the pores of the human body.
The poem "Ecology" is taken from
Ramanujan's third volume of poems, "Second The poem speaks of love-hate relationship
with nature, speaker's love for his mother and
Sight," published in 1986. The speaker seems to
poet himself or some imaginary personhe tamily, his strong interest in the tamily.
be the There is also a reference to his Hindu heritage
who is loyally devoted to his mother. He is very The mother is showering sympathy and
angry because his mother has a severe attack compassion on the trees.
of migraine, a very bad kind of headache that
an account of the house and its
often causes a person to vomit. This migraine isQ5. Glve occupants as described in the poem.
caused by the pollen grains of the Red Champak
trees and their fragrance. Answer :

The poem "Ecology" is taken from

There is nothing but the talk of the Champak
tres, the mother with her liking or love for the trees Ramanujan's third volune of poems,
"Second Sight." published in
and a sense and sensibility of her own. But the son anthology named
1986.The speaker seems to be the poet hinselt or
complains about cutting it down because of the
disease and discomfort it is causing his mother. sone imaginary person who is concermed abut
his mother and her health. He is verv angrv
tree. The mother
The poet has personified the because his mother has blinding migraine due
developsa sort of emotional passion for the tree.
to the fragrance of pollen grains of Chamak
She feels that the tree is as old as her. She sees flowers every time they ar in bloonm
she is
the only positive side of the tree. Though by
suffering from a bliniding migraine caused The speaker's house is a blakpillard
of the tree, she still loves the house whose walls have ears and eves, cals,
the pollen grains snells, bone-cnvaks, nightlv visiting voices
tree and wants to keep it in her yard. t
and hurt and have pores like a hunman bodv. The
The mother gets displeased personifies the house, saying that ike his
comes up for a discussion
when the matter
it down members, the house is also sutfering from the
She turns
about cutting down the trees. adverse effects of the pollen-grains. They come
environment. The mother attaches the pores of
as for the not allowthrough the holes, which are like
orthodox views to the tree and the human body.
down. The poem depicts the
her son to cut it
LEGAL proceeding,
this book lsa CRIMINAL act.
Anyone found gullty is LIABLE to face
Warning :Xerox/Photocopylng of
When it comes to the actual cutting of the trees, the mother cones with sentirnet
conventions attached to it. The tree is as old as she is, The tree was seeded and feTtilisd
passing bird's providential droppings, iie., a bird of good ormen dropped the seeds of those par
The mother believes that the bird seeded the plants for a line of cousins or each new c
may be ableto offer a basketful of annual Iflowers to the gods. They are used by the
granddaughters to adorn and bedeck their braids at the time of wedding. daughters and
The poet compares the anger of his mother with twisted silver, which is either on the
or in the balcony and which is shining because of the wet knickers of her
Continues that no door can shut out or prevent the pollen from entering grandchildren. The ne
into their black-pillard
ancestral house.
The walls of the house are able to absorb
and the almost everything - sounds, sights, human voices
harsh sounds of new shoes. But the walls cannot stop the fog
theChampak trees. The minute holes in the walls allow pollen or cloud of pollen dust from
sweep them away or ´sife them from the house. inside. No amount of wind can
Q6. Discuss the tone and the use of
irony in "Ecology".
Answer :
Model Paper-4. 8b)
The poem "Ecology is taken from
Ramanujan's third volume of poems, an anthology called
"Second Sight", published in 1986. The speaker
person who is loyally devoted to his seems to be the poet himself or some
her devotion to ecology, which mother. This poem depicts a son's devotion to his imaginary
creates a conflict between the two. mother and
The poet's mother gets
speaker wants to fell the tree, blinding migraine because of the Champak tree's
but his mother prevents him fromRed pollen. The
her religious and emotional doing so. She cites and quotes
every sentence has a casual sentiments There istree. The poem can be read as a single sentence, but
for the
connection. no
literary devices like metaphor, personification and rhyme scheme, but the poet uses a number of
For several years, during every first rain, the
headache because of the Red Champak trees. When poet finds his mother suffering from severe
pollen grains sprawl the whole they burst into plentiful bloom, the vellow
area/earth (in his place) as a
the pollen dust. It
contaminates the very atmosphere. The areacloud. is
No wind can sweep awav
suffocating fragrance/redolence of the flowers. filled with the pungent and
The poet personifies the house, saying
house is a black-pillared house that the pollen enters into his ancestral
whose walls have ears and eyes, scales, house. The
visiting voices and were porous like humans. Due to smells, bone-creaks, nightly
is also suffering from the pores, the pollen enters the house. The house
effects of the disease and the pollen fog.
The mother gets annoyed when the
topic of the felling of trees
suffering of his mother from migraine, the speaker comes, Unable to see the
offers to cut down the trees. The
of reconciling is so
compared with twistedoverwhelming that she wants to suffer like a sacrificial victim.mother's
the wet knickers of her grand which is either on the roof or in the balcony. It is shining because of
to severe headache. children. Like the silver wire, his mother's head
also gets twisted due
According to the belief of the mother, a providential bird
trees which is the sign of good omen. It is for the dropped seeds of the Red Champak
enjoyment or the benefit of a of cousins or each
generations to offer to gods or to adornlinethe braids
new generation, providing flowers for
of the family at the time of of brides
she is not allowing the treesmarriage. Though the mother suffers a
to be cut down, citing the religious such severe pain, the irony is that
She is prepared to bear the pain of sentiments and benefits of the tres.
migraine for the positive effects and the benefits of the trees.
2. PROSE:What'sthe Language of the Future?
+by Henry Hitchings

"Whae's the Language of the Future"?" It is an essay extracted from the book "The
Language Wars: A History of Proper English" written by Henry Hitchings and published in the
year 2011. This book encapsulates the lucid accounts of the debates those shaped the English
language. It offers an insight into the state of the language today and its likely future. This extract
demarcates the factors of lourishment of English in the past and the reasons for the "English
Fever" in the present.
No language has expanded as widely as English, and it continues to expand its tentacles.
There is no doubtthat the desire to learn English has been developing in the past few years among
the non- English speakers. The second half of the twentieth century witnessed the advancements
in the field of science and technology, telecommunications and the Industrial Revolution played an
instrumental role for spreading of English language. The English has spread rapidly via popular
culture, mass media and social media. The English has become the language of employability and it
has transformed into the lingua franca of business. The resultant effect of globalization opened the
doors for International Trade and commerce, diplomacy, computing, medicine, and education. All
these fields have no alternate language except English. The language has become an international
medium. This phenomenon directly or indirectly created an impact on the lives of the people.
Most of the world's rural areas transformed into urban and semi-urban habitat and it helped to
increase the volume of middle class all over the world. Most of the Non-English speaking people
concluded that, "Linguistic capital equals economic capital". The emnbrace of English in the world's
two populous
countries, India and China means the language is changing/ localizing. Some native
are discontented and feel that The Englishness of the English' is being diluted and the
Americans also felt the same. The center of gravity of English language is moving towards the
Non-English speakers. It has become a point of discomfit and rout for the native speakers.
A recent study revealed that in the United Arab Emirates, students perceive that their mother
tongue Arabic is associated with culture, home, religion, tradition, school, artsofand social sciences.
The same students (Arabians) consider the English language as the symbol modernity, work,
and technology. All the mentioned subjects can
higher education, economics, commerce, science available in English. That is the only
be studied only in English because many number of books are
reason why English has become the world's auxiliary language. Accordingchallengers to Hitchings, there
in 21st century. The main are Spain
are challenges ahead to the position of English live in America but the Chinese are
(Spanish) and Mandarin Chinese. Most of the Spanish people
more in number, but it seems they are living in solitude. However, in China, a young entrepreneur
He has
named Li Yang has developed "Crazy English". It is an unorthodox method.

the youth to learn the English

-slogan as "Conquer English to Make China Strong" to encourage
language as it is a mission to prove their patriotism.
business is business for
Henry Hitchings has concluded his speech with a quote," English for shows the spread of
English" by Robert Phillipson. After that, he was stating about a survey which
Englishall the Europe. The report has been done by the British Council in the year 2006. The
l over "International cultural
British council was founded in the year 1934 and now presently changed as speak English as their
relations body". According to the survey, there are 500 million people whopeople claim that 80%
second language all over the world. Netherlands, Denmark and Sweden
of the population can speak in English: Finland 60%, Germany 50%, France and Italy 30%, Spain
organization. Sir Richard Francis says that," Britain's
and Turkey 20%. The Director General of theEnglish Language". Hitchings felt that due to the wide
real black goBd is not North Sea oil, but thediluted with we
the impact of their native tongues. So, the
spread of the English language it can be from the world in
can see many dialects of English and the many languages, going to diminish
nearest future.


Comprehension 1
Answerthefollowing questions briefly)
Q1. What is the status of English in the Q3. What helped the spread of the English
twenty-first century? language in the past and what helps
Answer :
spread in the present?
Answer :
Henry Hitchings's "What's the Language
of the Future?" demarcates and depicts the Henry Hitchings's, "Whae's the Language
history of international language and its of the Future?" demarcates and depicts the
Alourishment. English has spread far and wide. history of international language and its
developing by leaps and bounds. flourishment. English has spread far and wide,
The desire to learn English is impossible to developing by leaps and bounds.
satisfy these days. The world is becoming more The spread of English in the past was
urban and more middle class in the twenty-first becau_e of British colonialism, the technological
advances of the Industrial Revolution,
century. The adoption of English is a symptom American economic and political supremacy
of this. Ernglish is increasingly serving as the
and American technological developments
lingua franca of business and popular culture. in the second half of the twentieth century. In
It is very prominent in the areas like shipping, the present, English is considered a symbol of
diplomacy, education, etc. English has become modermity, work, higher education, commerce,
Synonymous with modernity, work, higher economics, science and technology. It is also the
education, etc., among the students of the lingua franca of business and culture. So it is
twenty-first century. taking wings and spreading.
Q2. WVhat are the Arabic and English Q4 What example does the author cite to
languages associated with the UAE? show the craze for English in Korea?
Answer : Answer :

Henry Hitchings's, "What's the Language

Henry Hitchings's, "What's the Language
of the Future?" demarcates and depicts the of the Future?" demarcates and depicts the
history of international language and is
history of international language and the
flourishment. English has spread far and wide.
flourishment. English has spread far and wide, developing by leaps and bounds.
developing by leaps and bounds. According to Mark Abley, some rich
a recent
For UAE students, according to Koreans pay tor their children to have an
shudy. "Arabic is associated witn raatooperation that lengthens the tongue because
school, arts and. social it helps them speak English convincingly, a5
home, religion, culture,
is "a symbol of it enables them to produce the sounds 'r and
sciences". For them, English of this
work, higher education, commerce, 'I. Many people suspect the efficiencylexample
modernity, technology". Science procedure. It is considered a powerful e
economics, science and way. Koreathe
taught in English in Arabic of learning English in a crazyseduced by
subjects are often because excellent textbooks immigrants in America are which
countries power of English communication skills,
speaking resources aree available
educational Jead to economic growth.
and other
nit-1:Prose: What's the Language of the Future?
05. Which two
languages may appear to pose a challenge English in the twenty-first
century? What are their strengths and
Answer : weaknesses?
Henry Hitchings 's, "What's the Language of the Future?
oi international language and its flourishment demarcates and depicts the history
Jeaps and bounds. English has spread far and wide, developing by
There are two main challenges to the position of English and thev are Spanish and
Chinese. Both have more first-language users than English. But at present, Mandarin
lingua franca. Most of the speakers of Mandarin Chinese live in one neither is much used as
country. Most of the Spanish
speakin8 people live in America. The main challenges for English may come from within. English
was used for anti-English purposes. Many writers have infused their English
flavours, though their first language was not English. This has enabled themwriting with toreign
to parade (display)
their heritage and made it possible for then to reach a wide
Q6. WNhat does the author mean when he says that the main challenge to English may come
from within'?

Henry Hitchings's, "What's the Language of the Future?" demarcates and depicts the history
of international larnguage and its flourishment. English has spread far and wide, developing by
leaps and bounds.
The main challenges for English may come from within. There is a long list of people who
have used the English language for anti-English purposes (ends). Creative artists and political
figures have asserted their distance from Englishness and American-ness. Many writers, whose
English. That's how
first language has not been English, have mingled foreigm flavours into their
thev have exhibited their heritage and reached a wide audience. Some foreign writers whose
of their mother tongue into their
mother tongue is not English have introduced many words
English writings and gained popularity.
challenge to the English language?
Q7. Which two countries are mentioned as potential sites of
Answer :
Future?" demarcates and depicts the history
Henry Hitchings's, "Whae's the Language of the spread far and wide, developing by
flourishment. English has
of international language and its
leaps and bounds. to the Enelsh
countries which stand out as potential sites of challenge is essental
For India's global ambitions, English
There are two
language - one is India and the other is China. than the nle
English is spreading its wings in India far and wide. More learmine
Because of globalization, roots are
colonial. In China, the number ofleaning a skil for
English and its
of the US, Indians use The Chinese consider learning English
increasingly rapid.
the language is world.
Survival in the modern method
English in large numbers7 Which unconventional
Q8. Why are the Chinese China does the author mention?
English in
of teaching
demarcates and depicts the history
Answer :
Language of the Future?" wide.,
Henry Hitchings's, "What'sthe has spread far and
English developing by
and its flourishment.
of international language
leaps and bounds. ound guilty ls
LIABLE Eto face LEGAL proceedings
CRIMINAL act Anyone
book is a C
nYing of this
In China, a great number of students are other languages, feeling/ thinking that othe
learning the language. Li Yang, an entrepreneur languages are not as powertul as their own B.
has developed "Crazy English." an unorthodox the other side of the coin is that Britishcompan
teaching method. It involves a lot of shouting. are often missing out on export opportunit
His slogan is "Conquer English to Make China due to lack of relevant language skills. Henr,
Strong". It is something like "China's English Hitchings also throws light on the importanc
Fever". The strong belief is that learning English of English in the media and communication.
is the essential skill for suryiving in the modern o11. How does the author show that English
world. The Chinese are seduced by the belief that is both 'pushed' and 'pulled'?
linguistic capital equals economic capital -good Answer :
communication skills in English help anyone to
cut an edge over others English is the language Henry Hitchings's, "What's the Language
of employability. of the Future?" demarcates and depicts the
Q9. What is the result of the two most history of international language and its
flourishment. English has spread far and wide.,
populous countries adopting the developing by leaps and bounds.
English language? How does it affect
the native speakers of the language? There is a chance that a command of
Answer : English will, within twenty or thirty years, be
regarded as a basic skill for business. According
Henry Hitchings's, "Whae'stheLanguage to Sir Richard Francis, "Britain's real black gold
of the Future?" denmarcates and depicts the is not North Sea oil, but the English language."
history of international language and its Large companies have worked with the British
flourishment. English has spread far and wide, Council, funding educational schemes to
developing by leaps and bounds. encourage foreign nationals to learn English.
The embrace of English in the world's English for business is business for English. It
two most populous countries means that the 1S the language, that people want to learn more
language is changing. Some native speakers than any other. So, it is said that while English
are discontented with it. They feel that the is being pushed, it is also being pulled.
"Englishness" of English is being diluted, Q12. What is the result of English spreading
and even Americarns feel so. English's centre to different places?
of gravity is moving. The native speakers are Answer :
feeling discomfited and upset. Non-native
Henry Hitchings's, "What's the Language
speakers of English feel that sharing their talk of the Future?" demarcates and depicts the
with each other was easier than conversing with
history of international language and its
native speakers. flourishment. English has spread far and wide.
Q10. What disadvantages are the native developing by leaps and bounds.
speakers likely to face for knowing only English is globally considerd a language
English? of power. Despite many arguments about the
Answer : dominance of 'English, it is still the lingua
Iranca of business, commerce and the nnedia.
Henry Hitchings's, "What's the Language
There are no indications that this will change
the Future?" demarcates and depicts the
in the next few decades, Local "versions" of
history of international language and its English are increasing in number. More cultures
flourishment. English has spread far and wide,
are imbibing English, giving it a local flavour.
developing by leaps and bounds.
and using it in their daily lives as they move
due to
The world has become smaller
speakers of English torward into the future. While the number
globalization. The native diminishing. the
because of their potent language.of languages in the world is
feel superior learning number of English speakers is
They have developed a complex for
lnit-1 :Prose: Whaf's the Language of the
Future? 17

Comprehencion 2
Answer the following questions in about 300 words each)
o4 Explain the main argument of the essay.
Answer :
(Model Paper-l, Q10(a) |(OU) March-22, Q10)
"What's the Language of the Future?" is an excerpt from Hitchings's book "The Language
Wars : AHistory of Proper English" (2011). This book gives alucid account of the debates that
shaped the English language. It also offers an insight into the state of the language today and its
likely future. This extract outlines the factors that helped the spread of English in the past and
the reasons for the "English Fever" in the present. It gives an insight into the challenges that the
language is likely to face in the near future.
No language has expanded/spread as widely as English, and it continues to expand its
territory. There is no doubt that the desire to learn English has increased in the past few years
among non-speakers. The world is becoming more urban and more middle class in the twenty
first century. English has become the language of modernity. One of the reasons for this is that
English has become the lingua franca of business and popular culture. However, businessmen and
aspiring entrepreneurs have developed acraze for learning Engish. The language has also become
prominent in education in countries that do not speak it as a first language.
A recent study revealed that in the United Arab Emirates, students perceive that their
mother tongue, Arabic, is associated with culture, home, religion, tradition, school, arts and social
sciences. At the same time, the same students (Arabians) consider English the symbol of work,
higher education, economics, commerce, science, technology and
English has spread because of advancements technology and telecommunications, the
assisted by
Industrial Revolution, etc. In the second half of the twentieth century, its size has been
popular culture, mass media and social
-a second language, a language of the future
'Today, English is the world's auxiliary tongue
of the English language can be traced
and the lingua franca of business. The worldwide spread
wonders/miracles of the Industrial Revolution.
back to colonialism. Fuelled by the technological
and unable to resist its progress. The British
the world's citizens are eagerly jumping on board
language has gained ground in every single territory
empire has diminished since, but the English
they once governed. politucal
challenges to the position of English from within. Creative artists and
There are
their distance from Englishness. "The global spread of English did not stop then
figures assert English has
former colonies of the British became a super power in the world (US).,
One of the influence.and
world's second language due to their economic and political supremacy,
become the it was introdueed
science and technology. English managed to survive wherever
advances in second lanelave in
estimated 500 million people who speak English as their
There are an bcause thev see bthor
willing to go to any lengh to learn English
the 21st century, People are
of the tunnel. In many parts of the world. sneaLin
the end
opportunities and a better career at
considered a status symbol and a language of power.
bnglish is Local versions of English are increasing in number.
consequences are complex. it. The number of languages in the
English, adding their local lavour to
cultures are accepting number of "English"
dialectss(local versions) is increasing.
world is diminishing, but the
CRIMINAL act. Anyone found gullty is LIABLE to face LEGAL proceedings.
is a
Xerox/Photocopying of this book
Q2. Discuss the current status of English as a global language.

Answer : Model Paper-4, Q10

from Hitchings's book The
"What's the Language of the Future?" is an excerpt
Wars : A History of Proper English" (2011). This book gives
a lucid account of the debat3 Language
of the language todav and
shaped the English language. It also offers an insight into the state
spread of English in the nt
likely future. This extract outlines the factors that helped the
insight into the challenges-h
the reasons for the "English Fever" in the present. It gives an
language is likely to face in the near future.
middle oh
In the twenty-first century, the world is becoming more urban and more
The adaptation of English is a symbol of this. English serves as the lingua franca of businese ,
popular culture. No language has spread as widely/extensively as English, and English continyes
to expand. English has surpassed other languages in areas such as shipping, diplomacy, computing.
medicine and education. Hence, the desire to learm English is irresistible. English spread its roofs
and extended all over the world because of British colonization.
The term "World English" is still in use. But it is criticized because it strikes a strong note
of dominance. Users of English often perceive it as different from the limitations of their native
languages. It is associated with power and social status.

English is moving into the position of being an international language. Native speakers will
be left behind, for bilingualism becomes a prized skill. Around the world, proficiency in English is
often seen as "a symbol of modernity." A native language (in this case, Arabic) is associated with
home, religion and tradition.
British colonisation resulted in widespread use of the language. The number of "Englishes,"
Le., local versions is increasing though the number of other languages is diminishing. This is
because of the globalisation of language. Language is a tool and with time, tools adapt. English
does not stay the same around the world. Language builds borders between people and Ernglish is
an efficient means of communication.
English for busine[s is business for English. English is being pushed and it is also being
pulled. It is the language, that people want to learn more than any other. All over the world, people
have developed afascination and acraze for learning English. It is also alanguage of employability.
Q3. Describe the image and the advantages that English has vis-a-vis the other languages
mentioned in the essay.
Answer: Model Paper-ll, Q10b)

"Whae's the Language of the Future?" is an excerpt from Hitchings's book "The Langus
Wars : A History of Proper English" (2011). This book gives a lucid
account of the deod
shaped the English language. It also offers an insight into the state of the language today and its
likely future. This extract outlines the factors that helped the spread of English in the past and

the reasons for the "English Fever" in the present. It gives an insight intò the challenges that the
language is likely to face in the near future.
According to arecent study amongstudents in the United Arab E
Emirates, Englishisconsidered
a symbol of sophistication, work (employability), higher education, commerce, economics, and
science and technology. But according to them, Arabjc is associated with tradition, home, te
culture, education, arts and social sciences.
Unit-1 :Prose: What's the Language of the 19
Science Subjects are often taught in Enelish in Arabic-speaking countries because exce
textbooks and reference books are witen in Enolish Hence. the propagation of English 15 noa
accident; it is an industry.
English today bears the record as the world's auxiliary tongue. There are more peope w
use Engish as a second language than there are native speakers. Estimates vary, but English has
500 million second-language speakers. Most of the citizens are eagerly jumping on board rather
than trying to resist its progress.
According to Mark Abley, some rich Koreans pay for their childrern to have an operatton tnat
lengthens the tongue so they can speak English convincingly. This is a powerful example of the
height of craziness for speaking English among people around the world. People are seduced by
the belief/ conviction that language (English) skills enhance their economic growth.
In the twenty-first century, English is considered the dominant world language. So it started
facing challenges from Spanish and Mandarin Chinese. Both have more first-language users than
English. English is important to its global ambitions for Indians. India is connected to the world
because of English speaking skills. English is used by more people in India than in any other country.
In China, the number of students learning English is increasing rapidly. Li Yang Li's
teaching method.
entrepreneur has developeda method Crazy English, which is an unorthodox
symptom of China's English Fever.
slogan is "Conquer English to Make China Strong". This is a
English will be regarded as a basic skill for
Within twenty or thirty years, command of cultural relations body", was set
an "international
business. The British Council, which operates as General, Sir Richard
1934 and now operates in more than a hundred countries. Its Director
up in the English language." English
North Sea oil, but
Francis, stated that "Britain's real black gold is not number
more local versions in different places where it is used. Though the
is taking on more and
world is diminishing, the number of English speakers is increasing.
of languages in the of
propagation of English is neither "a happy accident" nor "an act
Q4. Explain how the
Model Paper4ll, Q10(a)
Answer :
"The Language
the Future?" is an excerpt from Hitchings's book
"What's the Language of debates that
English" (2011). This book gives a lucid account of the
of Proper today and its
Wars : A History
offers an insight into the state of the language
shaped theEnglish language. It also in the ust and
helped the spread of English
factors that
likely future. This extract
outlines the
gives an insight into the challenges that the
Fever" in the present. It
the reasons for the "Englishthe near future.
language is likely to face and popular culture. It is also a
symptom of
lingua franca of business
English has become the class, It has attained
becoming more urban and more middle medicine and
world is diplomacy, computing,
modernity, as the 21st century as shipping,
other areas such
dominance and supremacy in
education. British colonialism, the technological
world is due to Its
English all around the political supremacy, etc.
The spread of Revolution, American
economic and
language as well
advances of the Industrial exportation of English as a second
extension/spread is backed by the
as the mass media. CRIMINAL act Anyone
found gullty is
oconving of this book is a
People all over the world have become conscious of the huge benefits of speaking EnglN
Communication skills in the English language have become synonymous with financial stah.
for English is the language of employability. People have developed a sort of craze for English
getting their childr
it was easy for the language to take wings and gain ground. Koreans are
tongues operated to speak English clearly.
Indians are connected to the world because of English. The Chinese have developedCra
English, an unorthodox teaching method. This is a symptom of China's English Fever. They
modern world.
that learning English is an essential skill for surviving in the
In the United Arab Emirates, Arabic is the language of tradition, home, religion, etc. Englsh
is the medium of instruction for Arab-speaking countries to teach science subjects. Excellent text
books and other educational resources are available in English, which is why Arab-speakine
countries accept English. So propagation of English is an industry, it is neither a happy accident
nor altruism.

Q5. According to the author, what kind of English is likely to emerge in the near future?
Answer Model Paper-, 09(b

"What's the Language of the Future?" is an excerpt from Hitchings's book "The Language
Wars : A History of Proper English" (2011). This book gives a lucid account of the debates that
shaped the English language. It also offers an insight into the state of the language today and its
likely future. This extract outlines the factors that helped the spread of English in the past and
the reasons for the "English Fever" in the present. It gives an insight into the challenges that the
language is likely to face in the near future.

Indians and Chinese emnbraced English and it indicates that the language is changing, Some
of thechanges are discouraged by the native speakers. They felt that the "English-ness" of English
was being diluted by its American flavour (accent).

Native speakers of English tend to assume that they are proud of their language and consider
other languages unimportant. Hence, they feel that it is not at all necessary for them to lean other
languages. Due to this, they missed out on export opportunities because of a lack of relevant
language skills.

In the coming days, command of English will be considered as a basic skill for busines
Many people from different countries like the Netherlands, Denmark, Sweden, Finland. German
France, Italy, Spain and Turkey claim to be able to speak English. People from different countre
with different backgrounds and different mother tongues are sure to have their own MTl (mother
tongue influence) while speaking English, adding different flavours.
The British Council is funding educational schemes to encourage foreign students to led
English. This is not an act of altruism. English for business is business for English. British Engis
in reality, is taking on more and more local colour wherever it is used, So, the number of Engi
speakers with different dialects and accents is likely to emerge in the future.


tinH-1:PrOse: Whaf's the Language of the Future? 21
06 What, according to Hitchings, is the likely impact of the "centre of gravity of English
Answer :

"What's the Language of the Future?" is an excerpt from Hitchings's book "The Language
Wars : A History of Proper English" (2011), This book eives a lucid account of the debates that
shaped the English language. It also offers an insight into the state of the language today a
likely future. This extract outlines the factors that helped the spread of English in the past and
the reasons for the "English Fever" in the present It cives an insicht into the challenges that the
language is likely to face in the near future.
India and China, the two most populous countries, feel that language is changing. These two
Countries have embraced English. There are some changes being introduced by some countries
into English, i.e., the "Englishness" of English is being diluted. English around the world is a
cultural aspect in the media and entertainment. There are possible outcomes of English becoming
an international language. Then the native speakers will be left behind because bilingualism has
become a prized skill.

Hitchings here writes about the modernization of global language. There are fascinating
changes happening around the world. The number of languages is diminishing in the world,
whereas the number of English-speaking people is increasing. This is the result of the globalization
of language. Around the world, English does not stay the same. Different
dialects with ditferent
countries like Canada, the US, Australia, and Great Britain speak different
vocabulary and terminology.
century, the language
American flavour is more accepted though diluted in the twenty-first
is moving. If this continues, native English
has many centres. The centre of gravity of English conversing
of English are comfortable
speakers may find themselves at a loss. Non-native speakers
They are trying to avoid conversing with
with one another than sharing talk with native speakers.
language. (Non-native English is diluted).
native speakers for the fear of rigidity of

fare LFGAL Rroseedings.

3. VOCABULARY : Indianisms
Henry Hitchings in his essay "What's the Languave of the Future"? states that a
English spreading to different parts of the world. the language is "changing" and "acquiring m
and more local colour . Hence, the "Englishness of English is being diluted and "the numer
Englishes" is increasing. One such language is Indian English and Indianisms are an esental part
Indianism reters to a word or phrase which is a characteristic of Indian English. Indianism
translated from an
mev also reter to the way a sentence has been structured as if it were iterally
Incian language to English.
Exercise -I
Match the expression in Column I with the words in Column 2
English medicine Complaining
2. Cént per cent b. Lighter skin colour
Blender: Mixer
3 Cut the call
d. Best
4 Non-veg
e Allopathy
5 Batch mate
F. Memorise; Cram
g. Hang up abruptly
7. Cribbing Food containing meat
8. Mixie
Hundred per cent
9. Level best
10. Mug up
Answer :
A. Complaining
English medicine e (Allopathy) Lighter skin colour
Cent per cent i (Hundred per cent) Blender; Mixer
2 abruptly)
3 Cut the call g (Hang up d. Best
h (Food containing
|4. Non-veg i (Classmate) Allopathy
Batch mate Memories; Cram memorise
5 colour)
b (Lighter skin Hang up abruptly
|6. Wheatish a (Complaining)
7 Cribbing h Food containing meat
c (Blender; MIxer)
Hundred per cent
8. Mixie
Level best d (Best) Classmate
9 (Memorise; Cran)
10. Mug up
Exercise - II ucceplable.
sentenCes more
Make the following
1. I ordered for a Engllsh.
discuss common errors in
2. Let us
3 The meeting is
station last week. needful.
4 I was out of application. Please do the
sending you an found gullty is LIABLE to face LEGAL proceedings
5. lam act. Anyone
of this book is
Warning: XeroxPhotocopying
6. He bought this car a few years back.
7. He had studied law. He passed out last year.
3. Kindly revert back at the earliest.
"My computer is not working"."Ok. Do one thing".
10. lam having a headache.
11. On Sundavs. I am sitting at home only.
12 I can be able to do it.
13. Take the umbrella; rain is coming.
14. Iforgot to give key to the watch.
15. He failed to get a job and so he is keeping quiet.
16. What is your good name, please?
17. l'Il go and come.
18, No parking before the gate.
19. Parking at the backside.
20. Have you taken your meals?
21. She is my cousin sister but he is my real brother.

22. Kindly attend the meeting without fail.

23. He told he was going to America.
24. I willexplain you.
25. Let me suggest you something.
26. Why not you try this idea?
27. Please correct if l'm incorrect.
28. You are calling regarding?
29. Can you repeat it again, please?
30. Sorry for the delay in replying to your letter.
Answers :
1. I ordered a cup of coffee.
2 Let us discuss the common errors in English.
3. The meeting is postponed.
The meeting is brought forward.
(The meeting stands advanced.)
Iwas out of town last week.
5. Iam sending an application. Please do what is necessary
6. He bought this cara few years ago.
He studied law. He was graduated last year. (or) 1He graduated last year
8. Please get back at the earliest.
"My computer keeps getting hung". "Ok. Do one thing"
(Doone thing- thoughit is not correct, if it is found in Indian English, it is understood only
in India. If you are an Indian then there is nothing wrong in using it.)
My computer is constantly freezing - Do one thing -clear your history. Run a virus check
Restart your computer.
10 I have a headache.

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