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Department of business and economics

Assignment of intreprenuership course

Business plan Title: Dd Computer Training, Electronics maintenance

. Name Id No

1 tajudin ahmed……………………………………….1403049
2 risaal mohamed……………………………………..1402047
3 abel nuguse…………………………………………1401156
4 Khalid sisay………………………………………..1402344
5 Milkisa sinteyahu………………………………….1402584
6 Denaol workinesh…………………………………1401738
7 Tashale getacho……………………………………1403067
8 Tariku getu…………………………………………1403061
9 Derar mokonnen……………………………………1401740
10 Firaol girma………………………………………...1401963
11 Fasika ashenafi…………………………………….1401916
Submitted to:
Submission date: / /
Table of Contents
1. Introduction.............................................................................................................................................1
2. Executive Summary................................................................................................................................1
3. Name and Address of the Company (Business).......................................................................................2
4. Description of the venture.......................................................................................................................2
4.1. The products or services of our company.........................................................................................2
4.2 Description of the market..................................................................................................................3
4.2 Customer of the Business..................................................................................................................3
4.3 Owners of the Business.....................................................................................................................4
5. Source of capital......................................................................................................................................4
6. Company Summary.................................................................................................................................5
6.1. Mission of the business.....................................................................................................................5
6.2. Entrepreneurial culture.....................................................................................................................5
7. Management and organization of the Business.......................................................................................5
7.1. Roles and responsibilities.................................................................................................................6
8. Business Ideas and Market......................................................................................................................7
8.1 Description of the business idea......................................................................................................7
8.2 .Analysis of competitors....................................................................................................................8
8.3. Strength of competitors.....................................................................................................................9
8.4. Weaknesses of competitors...............................................................................................................9
9. Promotion strategy...................................................................................................................................9
10. Market segmentation...........................................................................................................................10
11. Market positioning...............................................................................................................................10
12. Marketing Plan Product.......................................................................................................................10
13. Startup business and capitalization......................................................................................................12
13.1. Business start-up cost...................................................................................................................12
13.2. Source of Start-Up Capital............................................................................................................13
13.3. Annual income for the first three years.........................................................................................13
13.4. Re-payment Period.......................................................................................................................13
13.5. Total Annual Payment Information and Profit per Year...............................................................13
14. Strategic SWOT analyses....................................................................................................................14

14.1 Strength of our Company...............................................................................................................14
14.2 Weakness of our Company............................................................................................................14
14.3 opportunity of our Company..........................................................................................................14
14.4. Threats to our Company...............................................................................................................14
15. Project Profit And Loss......................................................................................................................15
16. Industrial Analysis...............................................................................................................................15
16.1. Market needs................................................................................................................................15
16.2 Service Business Analysis.............................................................................................................15
16.3 .Competition and Buying Patterns.................................................................................................16
17. Assessment of risk...............................................................................................................................16

1. Introduction
Our business plan is about computer training, Electronics maintenance and shopping. As
the name indicates or implies this business plan focused on giving services to the customer in
order to solve their basic problems by repairing different broken and non-usable electronics, and
teach them more about computers (software and hardware parts) and about basic computer skill..

This small business will also provide training and maintenance based service, special computer
maintenance, selling and ordering electronics.

Initial financing requested is 320,000-birr loan to be paid off over three years. This balance will
be used to buy computer device and other all raw materials which used to start the business
running capital to cover expenses in the first year.

2. Executive Summary
Our business plan that will be known as Computer Training, Electronics maintenance and
shopping will be centered and located at dire dawa Town (specifically konel) and consists of four
members each of them has a specific responsibility or function on the business.

This small business will solve the customers’ basic problems around dire dawa Town based on
the company’s worker performance and experience.

There are more people around dire dawa city like students, merchants, employees, and so on.
While they need consume anything from computer training they faced more challenges such as:
less computer training & Electronics maintenance skills, location of other computer training &
Electronics maintenance are far from they were and so on and also most business companies
relied on money and wealth rather than they work based on customer’s need and do not satisfy
the customers because they give limited training on computer devices because they have no great
experience on their work due to this reason customer do not get the knowledge they want or
expected . To overcome these basic problems just focus on this business plan. The company
specializes in the repairing, training and selling of home electronics.

The entrepreneurs of the business have rich experience about repairing and maintenance of
electronics devices in which will significantly contribute to the success full establishment and
operation of the business. The partner shall carefully monitoring and adjusting the business
products prices and change made on a weekly, monthly or yearly and use different promotional

The company distribute the product to all target market to satisfy increase the customers and the
quality of the product through direct and indirect means. The customers of the business are
students, Teachers, camera mans, shopkeepers and son because this business activity needs
knowledge about electronics devices.

3. Name and Address of the Company (Business)

The name of the business will be known as Computer Training, Electronics maintenance and
Shopping (CTEMSH)
Legal form of the business: Partnership
Contact address
 Tel.: +251903495744/+251966749276
 Email Address:
 Company address: - dire dawa

Type of business: merchandise

4. Description of the venture

4.1. The products or services of our company
1. Selling of mobile phones, CD/DVD, computer and other home electronics
2. Create knowledgeable person in basic computer skill
3. High-quality training at a reasonable price.

The Business has a great of increases computer training & Electronics maintenance skill to our
customers and we will provide core curriculum designed to train individuals from basic

computer skills to certification competencies. People will be retained through Step-Level Based
Training as indicated below:

 Basic/Level 1: consists of people who have had little or no computer training.

 Advanced/Level 2: consists of people who have had at-home or on-the-job
experience with the majority of software packages.
 Intermediate/Level 3: consists of certification training of people in preparation for
the Microsoft Office User Specialist Certification Test.

4.2 Description of the market

DDCTEMSH is a start-up business located in the middle of dire dawa , konel.

The main thing is here there are ways to take part in the service the one is the foundation location
which makes easy to access so it should not be far apart to get involved in the company for main
service deliverance or giving tutor or training for customer which access on of the part of the
DDCTEMSH Some of the company work is providing computer training for the user’s.

The amount of space we provided for our territory is on 500 sq./km the land we chosen is funded
from the dire dawa government fund provision the half percent is provided from the co-workers
involved in the company.

The pricing strategy is the main consideration of the company. This company uses market
penetrators strategy to introduce its products and to expand itself in different market areas, to
penetrates the market the company must know in what price that the competitor are sold their
products. If this is known marking simply in different on the price of the products create a greet
attention for the company’s product by many customer. The company sells the products even
below its reproduction cost up to the level where market is penetrated and getting awareness by
customers to the market.

4.2 Customer of the Business

The services provided are create knowledgeable person in basic computer skill, provide to
customer’s free access internet and to become a regional leader in selling electronics within
shops, repair and maintain disabled electronics devices properly. Every person gets

service from our company but basically the following customers more interrelated with

 Students
 Teachers in junior or high schools
 Shopkeepers
 The one that has a dream to be a typist in the future.

4.3 Owners of the Business

No Name Qualific Responsibility Experience Address Tell

1 RISAAL M. Degree Manager 0 DD +251966749276

2 TAJUDIN Degree accountant 0 DD +251980293036


3 SIMUEL M. Degree Seller 0 DD +251940537774

4 TARIKU G. Degree Technician 0 DD +251904607901

5. Source of capital
In order to accomplish our business the owners have borrowed the loan from commercial bank of
Ethiopia in DIRE DAWA branch, NGO, volunteer persons and others.

Type Source condition Amount(Birr)

Equity Partner Time 150,000
Loan Bank Interest 4% 160,000
Other volunteers NGO & voluntary persons Gift 10,000
Total funding 344,000

6. Company Summary
6.1. Mission of the business
The mission of “DDCTEMSH” is to provide high quality, convenient and comprehensive
Services to our customer such as create acknowledgeable person in basic computer skill,
repairing and maintaining non usable electronics devices, and selling of TV/DVD and other
home electronics to repair at a low cost and get the required profit from this services. Also
“DDCTEMSH” provides the public free access to the Internet, high quality training and
maintenance service in a comfortable environment. The most important aspect of our business is
trust. It is the goal of our firm to have 100% customer satisfaction in regards to quality,
friendliness and time to completion, and discover new ways to exceed the expectations of our
customers while doing so at the lowest possible cost. And also our work will be based on
customer’s basic needs and satisfaction rather than selfishness in a disciplined and proper way.

6.2. Entrepreneurial culture

We have enough knowledge which helps them to operate the training of basic computer skill,
free access to online services and maintenance service and selling of electronic to customer
easily. And also we have experience on how to repair and train customers and operate the
business manly with the adjustment of their marketing source giver though they can easily
identify the competitor and have the ability to win the market with successful profits and the
partners were degree qualification.
The creation of an exclusive, sophisticated, innovative environment that will distinguish
“CTEMSH” from other computer center.

7. Management and organization of the Business

In order to achieve the goal of the company there should be a classification of work for all
stakeholders. According to the classification Mr. RISAAL is assigned as the manager of the
business and responsible for the overall operation of DDEMCTSH. While Mr. TARIKU is
responsible for managing the profit and loss of the company and Mr. SUMUEL is responsible for
sells the product of a company in relation to sale manager and also Mr. KHALID is responsible
for maintain and repairing electronics devices. In addition to those partners there will be seven
persons to fulfill the company’s activities. Those persons have their own responsibility in the

company (secretary, sale manager, purchasing manager, Advertising manager, Computer Man,
Price receiver and seller).

General Manager

Secretary Sale manager

Accountant Advertisin
g manager
g manager

Computer Man
Price Seller


7.1. Roles and responsibilities

 General Manager: - oversee the general operation of the company and management
purpose and also responsible for the overall operation of the computer training &
Electronics maintenance. Also he or she responsible for:
 Making decision regarding the state of business in the future.
 Controlling the overall activity in the business.
 Evaluating the quality of the company (service).
 Sales manager: - Designing and implementing a strategic sales plan that expands
company's customer base and ensure its strong presence. Managing recruiting, objectives
setting, coaching and performance monitoring of sales representatives. And a proper
explanation of the price of goods existing in the company.
 Advertising managers: - The advertising manager is responsible for directing an
organization's advertising and promotional campaigns. They may work for an advertising
agency or in a media company that sells advertising space or time. Advertising managers
generate ideas for an ad campaign by speaking with the sales staff and other employees.
 marketing manager:- rails the marketing plans of the company and searching
information which makes the company power full competitors
 purchasing manager:- supervise how much quantity is returned to purchase, what price
should and unease, what type of merchandise purchase
 Secretary: - the one that writes any document like receipt check to any individual or any
notice to advert the company’s product manually.
 Seller:- sells the product of accompany in relation to sale manager
 Technician: a person whose function on business will be maintaining and repairing
electronics devices.
 Computer man: a person whose function on business will be train and teach the
customer’s about basic computer skill.
 Accountant: a person whose function on business will be doing an activity related with
the profit and loss of the company.

8. Business Ideas and Market

8.1 Description of the business idea
Since our business plan is electronics maintenance, training and shopping, most of the people
want to get service from our business center. We are going to give free and proper service to our
customers to satisfy their basic needs in order to compete to other similar business centers and to
attract much more customers to our business center.
The customers of our business are all people that need to learn about basic computer skills and
any whose electronics devices are out of services and also every person who wants to use an
Internet services to search and find as he or she wants. More over the customers of our business
are especially students, teachers, camera mans, etc.
To reach customers we are going to do works effectively and efficiently as the customers wants
in a proper and disciplined way as well as the following activity will be done do satisfy the
1. Create our brand. Our brand is the most identifiable advantage to bring our customer

expressed in a simple, short phrase. This phrase is constantly repeated in our marketing effort
and informs all other aspects of our business's public presentation (employee behavior,
advertising, tone used in written materials, etc.). Our brand is the message that we want our
customers to hear that will make them choose our product over our competitors'.

2. Utilize traditional marketing techniques. Depending on our understanding of our business

and its customers, there are many traditional marketing techniques to choose from in order to
attract new customers.

 Direct Mail: using direct mail is a way to mail items to a large number of potential
 Newspaper and Magazine: placing advertisements in newspapers or magazines
frequently read by and in your target market can be a cost-effective marketing strategy.
 Phone Book: Listings and advertisements in the commercial section of telephone
directories in your target areas are still a valuable way to market in some industries.

3. Employ online marketing strategies. Sometimes our identified customers may not be local
or easily marketed to by traditional methods. You may have a business that sells products online
or even an entirely online business. In these situations, and others you may determine when
identifying your customers, online marketing is useful.

8.2 .Analysis of competitors

Recently the available competitors in Dire dawa and around that area are high, but the bad thing
is that, there is no much more competitor available in the area local marketing who reproduce the
product in that means way of reproduction system. This leads or intercede these partners to the
group and at the same time to aware the society about the method of production by using skill
man power and system of market strategy to become successful. The available competitors are
not present only DIRE DAWA. That means there may be a competitor who have a high capacity
and provide qualified products in different itself so, to become the wiener, the company should
eliminate these traditional reproduction priesthood and these problems associated with basic
computer skills and training mechanism to increase productivity and to produce qualified
producers. Otherwise, they may be high competitors in the market and leads for risk and failure.

We have to know the strength and weakness of the existing companies or the competitors to
develop our business based on their background. Because these things will be important for our
business to solve customers’ problem easily and become the winner and the complete.

Generally we are going to study the background of the competitors.

8.3. Strength of competitors

The Strength of our competitor are the way of financing mistakes /problems in our products and
the way of trading a solution or mechanism to serve the problems, there is also strong business
network and high quality of products the competitors know the effect of little mistake on the
market structure. That is a onetime mistake takes long period do of time to change the market
situation, sour competitors effective or storing in the protection or avoidance of mistakes in the
quality products.

8.4. Weaknesses of competitors

The weakness of the competitors are they are not knowledgeable to teach about basic computer
skills and their pricing cost are very expensive ,these the customers are not satisfied by their
work due to this the customers are not away from them.

9. Promotion strategy
It is imaginary to think that without promotion of the product the business will be expanded and
profitable that to attract customer promotion of the company’s product is necessary and primary
issue on the targeted market due to this reason promoting company’s prove by using mining
contras (television, radio and networking system like face book, internet etc.) are necessary or
essential, therefore, promoting the products is one best marketing strategy of our company.

10. Market segmentation

The base of the market segmentation was geographically specially in r because in this area there
is a shortage of computer training centers. Generally the market segmentation based on
geographical and behavioral base (user status, usage rate and benefit) .therefore, the market for
the company’s products is inside the country which mainly in 3 specific areas


In all these market areas there are large customers of electronics devices. Our company can
distribute the product other marketing area depending on the existing market structure.

11. Market positioning

On comparative advantage of the business is the way the product is defined by the customer. As
a result of this the business tries to place in the customer mind by biting its competitors through
providing the quality and health products with reasonable prices and improving the brand
uniquely benefit to offer customers. In other word it is said to that positioning the business
output in the customer mind for relatively long period of time.

12. Marketing Plan Product

Products/services description
Some suggestions
 What makes our product/service different, i.e. Unique Selling Point or competitive
 What benefits it offers
 Why customers would buy it from us instead of our competitors
 Potential patents, trademarks or design registrations
To overcome and solve the problems or the drawbacks of other companies, our business as
well as be the first choice of the customer’s center will be enhance and be work on the
following main core points.
1. Provide Legendary Customer Service: Treat our customers like royalty, even if we are not
in the service industry. The belief that customer service only matters in the service industry is a
myth. All customers have an expectation of great service and will not put up with waiting in long
lines or receiving poor responses from representatives.

2. Admit Mistakes and Fix Problems to Build Stronger Relationships. Customers equate

experience with brands. If they have even one bad experience that remains unresolved, they will
write off the brand. And negative feedback spreads like wildfire through social media and word
of mouth. We need to be on top of our game to improve the customer experience, sometimes by
going far out of our way. One major point is to accept our mistakes, whether they are our fault or
not. Customers prefer businesses that own up to their mistakes and take steps to correct them. In
fact, customer relationships can actually be stronger after a problem than before, if handled well
by our people.

3. Be Honest About our Products and Services: Honesty will be manifestation of our
company's worker i.e.: we must give service for our customer honestly and be on time on work
place to solve the customer's problem properly.

4. Come Up With Something New: Continue to reinvent our company by adopting emerging
technologies and introducing new processes, products and solutions. For example, make use of
social media and mobile apps as a growing number of buyers prefer to find and work with you
through their phones.

5. Provide excellent customer service: Be patient with our customers and attentive to their
needs. Keep up a cheerful, positive attitude even in the face of an annoyed or frustrated
customer. They'll eventually calm down and remember your patience and cool head, giving them
a positive experience with your business.we must give services for our customers in a proper and
disciplined way without any negative sign of face and always done on the way of how to satisfy
our customer.

6. Always use positive language to answer the questions of the customers: For example, if
you’re telling a customer that an item they want isn't available right now, avoid saying, "That
product isn't available right now. It's back-ordered until next month." Instead, say, "That product
will be available next month. We can place the order now to make sure it gets to your house as
soon as it's in stock.

7.give a chance for the customer to give or raise their complain :during our work customers
may not be satisfied at this time we give a chance to explain their issues .This issues are also
important to correct our mistake for the next time.

13. Startup business and capitalization
13.1. Business start-up cost

No. Name Quantity Price(in Birr) Total Price(in

1 Computer 10 12,000 120,000
2 Class Room 2 2,000 4,000
3 Electricity 5 40 200
4 Desks&Tables 10 80 800
5 Brush 3 12 36
6 Tiner 2(in Littre) 70 140
7 lead 2 50 100
8 Direct Current(DC) 1 700 700
9 Screwdriver 3 - 200
10 Electronic 10 700 7,000
11 Multimetere 1 1,000
12 magnet 1 200 200
13 Antistatic discharge 300
14 Shopping Goods 29,324
13 Employee’s Salary 10 - 180,000
14 Total - - 344,000

13.2. Source of Start-Up Capital

Type Source condition Amount(Birr)
Equity Partner Time 150,000
Loan Bank Interest 4% 180,000
Other volunteers NGO & voluntary persons Gift 14,000
Total funding 344,000

13.3. Annual income for the first three years
Type of service Year 1 Year 2 Year 3
Maintaining Service 90,000 140,000 230,000
Training 80,000 110,000 120,000
Shopping 30,000 70,000 100,000
Total 200,000 300,000 410,000

13.4. Re-payment Period

Repayment period in Ethiopian Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Total
calendar 2012 2013 2014
Bank loan with Amount to pay 50,000 60,000 70,000 180,000
4% interest Added Interest 2,000 2,400 2,800 7,200
Total payment 52,600 62,400 72,800 187,200

13.5. Total Annual Payment Information and Profit per Year

Type of payment Y1 Y2 Y3
Employee’s salary per person 55,000 75,000 100,000
Bank loan including interest 52,000 62,400 72,800
Total profit per year 93,000 162,600 237,200

14. Strategic SWOT analyses

Strategic SWOT analysis (strength, weakness, opportunity and threats) provides direction to the
business and its market strategies.

14.1 Strength of our Company

 Provide good service for the customer
 Provide unique product for the customer
 The company owners are all honest and patient for the customer needs and wants

 Provide good services and products in fair cost without selfishness properties.
 Better management skill

14.2 Weakness of our Company

 Poor customer knowledge about our business center.
 Not enough money/budget to enlarge our business center as we want to fully achieve the
customer’s needs.

14.3 opportunity of our Company

The opportunities of our business are:

 Increase of the product

 Unlimited wants of the customer to our products.
 Demand of the customer,
 Generally the major opportunity of the business is customer’s great want to learn about to
basic computer skill and the usage of much more electronics devices in home. .

14.4. Threats to our Company

Some of the problems may face to our company when:

 The Electric power is low and absent.

 The cost of raw materials (i.e. electronics accessories) is very expensive.

15. Project Profit And Loss

Marketing expense: DDCTEMSH will allocate 10,000 birr for promotion service for the first
year. This amount will be used for advertising our company’s product in radio, television and
magazines in order to introduce the company’s product to all the customers and build customer

Utilities Expense: - As stated in the contract, the lessor is responsible for the payment of
utilities including power and real estate taxes.

The only utilities expenses that DDCTEMSH“ must pay are electricity and the phone bill
generated by fifteen phone lines;

16. Industrial Analysis

“DDCTEMSH” is facing the opportunity of being the pioneer in the Dire dawa market.
The consistent popularity of maintaining, combined with the growing interest in the computer
training, has been proven to be a winning concept in other markets and will produce the same
results in dire dawa

16.1. Market needs

Factors such as current trends, addiction, and historical sales data ensure that the high demand
for training and will remain constant over the next five years.
“DDCTEMSH” will enjoy the developer advantages of name recognition and customer
reliability. Initially, it will hold a 90 percent share of the well known training and maintenance
market in Dire Dawa. In the next five years, competitors will enter the market. “DDCTEMSH”
has set a goal to maintain greater than a 60 percent market share.

16.2 Service Business Analysis

The selling electronics industry in raft experienced rapid growth from the precious’s and is now
moving into the mature stage of its life cycle. Many factors contribute to the large demand for
high-quality training in dire dawa. The top computer organization is a main source of demand for
electronics sellers. Dire dawa is a haven for technology lovers. Those who are familiar with the
Internet are well aware of how fun and addictive going online can be. Those who have not yet
experienced with the Internet need a convenient, relaxed atmosphere where they can feel
comfortable learning about and utilizing the current technologies. “AMCTEMSH” seeks to
provide its customers with affordable Internet access. Maintenance training in an innovative and
supportive environment.
Due to powerful competition, its owners must look for ways to differentiate their place of
business from others in order to achieve and maintain a competitive advantage.

16.3 .Competition and Buying Patterns

In the market there is great computation between each individual computer center. However,
it will offer substantial computing services to its customers which these competitors are not

providing at the moment. The dual product/service nature of “DDCTEMSH” business faces
competition on two levels.
It competes not only with computer training, but also with maintenance service, and electronics
selling. The good news is that it does not currently face any direct competition from other well-
known computer center in the dire dawa market.
There is a positive relationship between price and quality of training and other service. Some
computer training at 200birr per 1 month while other may give service for as high as 300birr/cup.

17. Assessment of risk

As we know the world is full of challenge and difficulties in every life activities so, while our
company is in progress it will face with some potential hazards and threats that raised from the
less excellence contribution of the company or personal failures of the participants.

So, to reduce and compromise these problems the “DDCTEMSH” designed common legal rule
to reduce failures and save the well style of each owners and customer as a whole.
Those designed rules are accepted by all the four owners’ free agreement.
Among those agreed rules.
 Each owner will have to work hardly and properly to achieve the vision and mission of

 New and positive ideas are encouraged on the business.

 Each owner has a full right to share the profits equally.

 Each owner will have to mention and know the objectives of the business without the
burdens of others.

 A clear commitment should have built so as to implement the working activities.

 For any unexpected failures to the company every shared persons has a responsibility to
back to the normal working conditions.

 All the participant in the company should be punctual and responsible for his/her work.

o DDCTEMSH: - Dire dawa Computer Training, Electronics Maintaining and shopping.
o NGO:-Non-governmental organizations.

 Previously prepared business plan documents from the internet
 W3Schools
 Text Books

 "Business Plan Definition - Entrepreneur Small Business Encyclopedia". Entrepreneur.

Retrieved 2018.10.28
 Small Business Notes business plan outline for small business start-up


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