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UNIT TEST II (2023-24)


Class XII Marks-40

Competency based questions. 4x5 = 20 M

1. A current carrying conductor deflects magnetic compass needle

placed near it. The alignment of magnetic needle is tangential to an
imaginary circle which has straight wire as its centre & has its plane
perpandicular to the wire.

(i) The deflection in the needle indicates that

a) electric field is generated around wire. b) magnetic field is generated
around wire. c) the actual transfer of electrons in wire.
d) None of above.

(ii) If we bring needle closer to the wire

a) The defection in needle increases.
b) The deflection in needle decreases.
c) The deflection in current remains same.
d) None of above.
(iii) The iron filings sprinkled around the wire will arrange themselves in
a) quadrilateral shape with wire.
b) in concentric square with wire.
c) Concentric circles with wire.
d) All of the above.

(iv) A magnetic field can be produced.

a) only by moving charge b) only by changing electric field.
C) Both (a) and (b)
(d) None of the above.

(V) There is a thin conducting wire carrying current. What is the value of
magnetic field induction at any point on the conducter itself.
a)1 b) 0 c) -1 d) either (a) or (b)

2. Convert a galvanometer. It's resistance needs to be lowered, so that

maximum current can pass through it & it can give exact reading.

(i) A shunt resister is connected in .... with the galvanometer.

a)series b) parallel c) both (a) and (b)
d) None of these

(ii) Shunt resister increases resistance of the galvanometer is...

a) increases b)decreases c) constant d)None of these.

(iii) A galvanometer of resistance 15 ohm gives full scale delection for a
current of 2mA. Calculate the shunt resistance needed to convert it to an
ammeter of range 0 to 5A.
a)0.06 Ohm b)0.006Ohm
c)0.04Ohm d)0.004Ohm

(iv) The full scale deflection current of a galvanometer of resistance

1Ohm is 5mA. How will you convert it into a voltmeter of range 5V ?

a) 100 Ohm b) 1100 Ohm c) 999Ohm d) 99Ohm

(v) current sensitivity is

a) θ/I b) I/V c) I/θ d) k/I

3 Let us consider A1B1 & A2B2 are two infinite long straight
conductors. I1 and I2 are the Currents flowing through them & these
are at r distance apart.

(i) Calculate the force per unit length on a long straight wire carrying
current of 4A due to a parallel wire carrying 6A current, if the distance
between the wine is 3cm.

a) 1.6 X 10-⁴ N/m b)1.2x 10-⁴N/m

c) 2·0x10-⁴N/m d) 6.1 X 10-⁴ N/M

(ii) Force between two current carrying parallel conductors is directly

proportional to
a)q1q2 b)I1I2 c) r1r2 d) L1L2

(iii) when two linear parallel conductors carrying currents in opposite

direction they..
a)attract each other b)Neutral with each other.
c) repel each other d)both (a)And (b)

(iv) A short conductor of length 5cm is placed paralled to a long conductor

of length 1.5m near its centre. The conductor carry currents 4A & 3A
respectively in the same direction. What is the total force experienced by
the long conducter when they are 3 cm apart?
a) 2X10-⁶ N b) 5X10-⁶N
c) 4X 10-⁶N d) 6X10-⁶N

(V) Two linear parallel conductors are carrying current in same direction
then they
a) attract each other b)Neutral with each other
c)repel each other d) both (a) and (b)

4. When a current carrying conductor. is placed in uniform magnetic

field, then due to motion of free electrons inside the conductor, a
magnetic force acts on it.

(i) Electrons in a current carrying conductor are flows with...

a)Variable velocity
b) constant velocity.
c)drift velocity
d) both b) and c)

(ii) The magnitude of the force on each electron is

a) еIBcosθ b) eVdBsinθ c) eVd Bcosθ d) eIBsinθ

(iii) when conductor will experience no force due to magnetic field.

a)θ = 90° b)θ = 270° c)θ = 180° d)θ =0°

(iv) If θ = 90° then force is

a) maximum b) minimum
c) negative d) None of these

(V) A 3.0cm wire carrying a current of 10 A is placed inside a solenoid

perpendicular to its axis. The magnetic field inside the solenoid is given to
be 0.27T. What is the magnetic force on the wire?
a)8.1X10-³N b) 8.1 X 10-²N
c) 9.0 x10-²N d)9.0X10-³N

Directions: These questions consist of two statements, each printed as

Assertion & reason. While answeringthese questions,
you are required to choose any one of the following four responses.

a) if both Assertion & Reason are correct and

the reason is a correct explanation of the assertion.
b)if both Assertion & Reason are correct but reason is not a correct
explanation of the Assertion.
c) If the Assertion is correct but Reason is incorrect.
d) If both the Assertion & Reason are incorrect.

5. Assertion: The magnetic field produced by a current carrying solenoid

is independent of its length & cross-sectional area
Reason: The magnetic field inside the solenoid is uniform.

6.Assertion An electron and proton enter a magnetic field with equal

velocities, then the force experienced by the proton will be more than
Reason:The mass of proton is 1837 times more than that of electron.

7.Assertion: An election & a proton, with Same momenta, enter in a

magnetic field in a direction at right angles to the lines of the force. The
radius of the paths followed by them will be same.
Reason: Electron has less mass than protons.

8. Assertion: when radius of a current. carrying loop is doubled, its

magnetic moment becomes Jour times.
Reason: The magnetic moment of a current. carrying loop is directly
proportional to the area of the loop.

9 What is the force on a charge moving along the direction of the

magnetic fields?

10 write the expression for the force between parallel current carrying

11 A charged particle moves through a magnetic field. Is the momentum

of the particle affected?

12 Define the term current sensitivity of a moving coil galvanometer.

13 what is Lorentz force ? Give some important characteristics of this


14. The coil of galvanometer consists of 100 turns and effective area of 1
cm². The restoring couple is 10-⁸ Nm rad-¹. The magnetic field between
poles is of 5T. Current sensitivity of this galvanometer is ?
a)5x10⁴ rad/microA
b) 5X10⁶ perA
c) 2x10-⁷rad/ microA
d) 5 rad/microA


15. Draw a labelled diagram of a moving Coil galvanometer & explain its
working. What is the function of radial magnetic Field inside. the coil?

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