IRS118 Important Questions

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Important topics

1. Elaborate upon Algorithmic Bias? Provide two examples in support of your answer
2. Discuss the impact of AI led automation on human sustenance.
3. Elucidate upon the impact of AI on asymmetrical warfare.
4. Discuss how AI and Blockchain technology are interlinked.
5. Critically analyse the notion of conflict resolution with the help of AI becoming a full-
fledged reality in the near future.
6. Elucidate upon the EU AI Act.
7. Deliberate upon the EU GDPR.
8. Discuss some of the achievements China has made in the field of AI and analyse its
impact upon the US’ technological hegemony.
9. Deliberate upon the global semiconductor crisis with emphasis on the Taiwan
10. Discuss the pros and cons of technological decentralization due to Blockchain
11. Explain how technological progress often leads to disruptions in legal frameworks.
12. Discuss the ways in which private sectors responsible for big tech research &
development can end up becoming a threat to state machineries all over the world.
13. Discuss “black-box” in AI and how it has become a concern in the process of further
evolution of the technology.
14. Elaborate China’s Civil Military Fusion with special emphasis on developments in
15. Delve into algorithmic interpretability. Define it and explain how it can improve
mechanisms for greater accountability.
16. Compare the military AI policies of the US and China respectively.
17. Evaluate India’s position in the global AI race.
18. Explain how AI can even the playing field in terms of offensive and defensive
capabilities of non-nuclear countries.
19. To what extent do ethical considerations influence the use of AI in global governance
and international organizations?
20. Discuss cases where a country's advancements in AI technology have positively or
negatively influenced its image and standing in the international community.
21. Predict the potential future developments and trends in the use of AI in international
22. How can biased AI systems perpetuate existing global inequalities and power
23. Explore the potential global impact of widespread AI adoption on employment. How
can nations address the challenges of job displacement while reaping the benefits of
AI advancements?
24. What might be some repercussions of achieving full AGI development and eventual
development of Theory of Mind AI?
25. Should there be a global framework for sharing AI technologies and research?
26. Should AI systems be granted the authority to make life-and-death military decisions
independently? What safeguards should be in place to prevent unintended
consequences and ethical dilemmas in the heat of conflict?

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