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STEAM Safeer Report Template

Instructions for teacher: Conduct a STEAM Safeer session in a classroom setting, Fill this report digitally or by hand.
Upload on the portal.

School Name: Name of Safeer: Total no. of teachers engaged: Date of

No. of Female teachers:
No. of Male teachers:

Topic of Session: Occupation of Safeer: Total no of students engaged: Session

No. of Female Students:
No. of Male Students:

Session Details
Q1. What organization is the Safeer employed at? (Applicable for external Safeer only)


Q2. Describe briefly the key takeaways of the session conducted by the STEAM Safeer in the space given below






Teacher Feedback
Please respond to the following statement according to the scale given below. Tick any one option of your choice for
each question. (Note: If you are filling digitally, please write “Y” in the box of your choice.)

Statement Strongly Agree Neither Agree Disagree Strongly

Agree Nor Disagree Disagree
The Safeer session was extremely engaging and thought
provoking for students

The Safeer session was extremely engaging and thought

provoking for teachers

Additional Comments: (For Example: You may share a memorable quote/engaging question by a student about their
experience of the activity)
Filename: STEAM_Safeer_Report_Template_h5p8t8_jcakcr (1)
Directory: C:\Users\PAk\Documents
Author: Microsoft account
Creation Date: 25/04/2023 21:25:00
Change Number: 6
Last Saved On: 23/03/2024 10:03:00
Last Saved By: RMX3195
Total Editing Time: 1,237 Minutes
Last Printed On: 24/03/2024 09:56:00
As of Last Complete Printing
Number of Pages: 1
Number of Words: 320 (approx.)
Number of Characters: 1,826 (approx.)

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