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Unit 1 Me 4
Unit 2 My roles 14

Review 1 How well have you understood the topics in Units 1 and 2? 24
Project 1 Make a book about you! 26

Unit 3 My needs and wants 28

Unit 4 Goods and services 38

Review 2 How well have you understood the topics in Units 3 and 4? 48
Project 2 Let’s start a business! 50

Unit 5 Rules and laws 52

Unit 6 People who look after me 62

Review 3 How well have you understood the topics in Units 5 and 6? 72
Project 3 Make a book about rules and laws in the community! 74

Unit 7 Customs 76
Unit 8 Where I live 86

Review 4 How well have you understood the topics in Units 7 and 8? 96
Project 4 Make an information sheet about your town! 98

Unit 9 Maps 100

Unit 10 Exploring the world 110

Review 5 How well have you understood the topics in Units 9 and 10? 120
Project 5 Make a world map! 122

Unit 11 Time 124

Unit 12 Our past 134

Review 6 How well have you understood the topics in Units 11 and 12? 144
Project 6 Make a class museum! 146

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Unit The Big Question Lesson aims New words

Module 1: My Place in the World

1 What is special about me? I can give information about me. an activity (n); food (n);
1 I can describe what is special about a mirror (n); to be special (adj)
Me me.
(pages 4–13)
2 Why is my family special? I can describe my family and other an extended family (n); a nuclear
families. family (n); people (n); the same
I can say why my family is special. (adj)

3 Why is my school special? I can say how schools are different. Art (n); the countryside (n); to be
I can write about how my school is different (adj); a grade (n);
special. to imagine (v); Music (n);
a programme (n); sports (n);
a town (n); a trip (n); a year (n)

4 Why is my town special? I can talk about places in a town and a beach (n); a hospital (n);
what you can do there. a mountain (n); a museum (n);
I can write about why my town is to be narrow (adj); a street (n)

5 Why is my country I can understand facts about different to be cold (adj); to be dry (adj);
special? countries. flamenco (n); a forest (n);
I can write about why my country is to be hot (adj); a lake (n); to be
special. long (adj); paella (n)

1 What is a citizen? I can understand what citizenship is. a citizen (n); citizenship (n);
2 I can explain how I am a good citizen. a community (n); to be kind (adj);
My roles a neighbour (n); a neighbourhood
(pages 14–23) (n); to respect (v); together (adv)

2 What is my role at school? I can explain why we have rules in the to help (v); to be honest (adj);
classroom. to listen (v); to be respectful (adj);
I can describe how I help in the to be responsible (adj); a rule (n)

3 Am I a good friend? I can talk about good friends. to be cruel (adj); to be forgiving (adj);
I can write about my best friend. to be loyal (adj); to be patient (adj);
to remember (v); to be selfish (adj)

4 What is my role in my I can talk about what I do at home. to cook (v); a family (n); to help (v);
family? I can write about how I help my family. to make the bed (v); a role (n);
to tidy (v); a washing machine (n);
to wash up (v)

5 What is my role in my I can say what I can do to help in my to be clean (adj); to be healthy (adj);
neighbourhood? neighbourhood. to live (v); a neighbourhood (n);
I can understand why I should help in to be safe (adj); to work (v)
my neighbourhood.

Review 1 How well have you understood the topics in Units 1 and 2? (pages 24–25)

Project 1 Make a book about you! (pages 26–27)

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Listening and Speaking Reading and Writing Unit features Songs
activities activities

Listening: I look in the mirror Reading: I look in the mirror What does it I look in the
How many people are there in Hoda’s Nuclear and extended families mean?: relationship mirror
family? Khalil’s town
Why is Hoda’s family special? What are Spain and Sweden famous Mini project: Explain
Which school is it? for? why your town is special

Speaking: Say what is special about Writing: Complete a card about you Game time: Mime a
you Write about how you are special place in your town and
Describe yourself and what you like Answer questions about your school guess
doing Write what is special about your school Research: Find out
Say what you do at home and at school Describe your town about your country
Say why your family is special Write three things that are special
Answer questions about your school about your town Did you know?: The
Describe your school and say why you Make a poster about your town biggest school in the
like it Complete a fact file about your world
Guess the place in town country
Compare your country fact file with
your partner

Listening: The community tree Reading: The community tree What does it The community
What is my role at school? Read and complete a questionnaire mean?: citizenship tree
What does Adel learn? Read classroom rules
Listen to a poem What does Adel learn? Mini project: Make a
Does Salah like living in his Read a poem Classroom rules poster
neighbourhood? Game time: Sing a
Writing: Write about the people in
Speaking: Talk about what good your community song for your partner
citizens do Write about why you are a good citizen Research: How
Say words to describe people Write classroom rules did your parents and
Say a poem Write about your best friend grandparents help at
Discuss how you can help at home Write a plan for how you will help at home?
How can children be good neighbours? home
Why do you think it is important to Write a diary about how you help Did you know?:
help in your neighbourhood? at home Classroom rules
How can children be good neighbours?

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Unit The Big Question Lesson aims New words

Module 2: Everybody Works

1 What do I need? I can understand my needs. clothes (n); food and drink (n);
3 I can talk about which needs are the a home (n); love (n); a need (n);
My needs most important. self-esteem (n)
and wants
(pages 28–37) 2 Who helps me to get what I can explain how families meet to encourage (v); to be grateful
I need? children’s needs. (adj); to help (v)
I can write thank-you notes to my

3 How do my school and my I can understand how people in the a builder (n); a chef (n); a dentist
town help me? community help us. (n); a doctor (n); a farmer (n);
I can describe someone I know who a firefighter (n); a nurse (n);
helps people in the community. a police officer (n); a teacher (n) ;
a vet (n)

4 What do I want? I can talk about the things that I want. to be comfortable (adj); to be
I can understand the difference easy (adj); to be fun (adj); to be
between needs and wants. interesting (adj); to need (v);
to want (v)

5 How do people get what I can describe ways that people can advice (n); a break (n); a treat (n)
they want? get what they want.
I can help and encourage my friends
to do well.

1 Why do people work? I can explain why people work. to develop skills (v); a gardener (n);
4 I can understand why people choose a job (n); medicine (n); to work (v)
Goods different jobs.
and 2 What are goods and I can explain the difference between to buy (v); goods (n); to make (v);
services services? goods and services. to sell (v); services (n); to touch (v)
(pages 38–47) I can give examples of different goods
and services.

3 What is trade? I can understand the difference to exchange (v); to move (v);
between trade and exchange. quickly (adv); slowly (adv);
I can describe how goods and services to trade (v); the world (n)
move around the world.

4 Where can I get goods? I can decide where to buy goods. a bookshop (n); an ice cream (n);
I can write a shopping list and decide a market (n); a supermarket (n)
which shops to go to.

5 Can we buy everything I can understand that I can’t always a coin (n); a pony (n); a scarf (n);
that we want? buy everything I want. to spend (v)
I can make choices about what to buy.

Review 2 How well have you understood the topics in Units 3 and 4? (pages 48–49)

Project 2 Let’s start a business! (pages 50–51)

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Listening and Speaking Reading and Writing Unit features Songs
activities activities

Listening: What do these children Reading: What do we need to be What does it mean?: Good things!
need to be healthy and happy? healthy and happy? need, self-esteem,
What do Nada’s family do to help her? What do Nada’s family do to help her? encourage, grateful,
Who does Tarek thank? Good things! want, treat, reward
What do the people want and need? Advice
Good things! Mini project: Make a
Writing: Make a list of ways your class poster of needs
Speaking: Discuss which needs are family helps you
more important Write notes to thank your family Game time: Play a
How do people in the community help Write about a job you would like to do memory game
us? and say why Research: Interview
What jobs do people do in the Make a fact file about someone who someone who helps in the
community? works in your community community
What job would you like to do? Make a list of things that you want
Talk about why you want something Did you know?:
Alexander Selkirk

Listening: Which job should the Reading: A questionnaire: What do What does it mean?: Shopping on
children do? you want from a job? develop skills, goods, holiday
Trade and exchange What are goods? services
How do we move things around the Trade and exchange
world? How do we move things around the Mini project: Make a
Shopping on holiday world? goods and services poster
What goods are Hiba and her mother Shopping on holiday Game time: Name
going to buy and where are they going What does Lama decide to do? goods for each letter of
to buy them? the alphabet
What does Lama decide to do? Writing: Complete a spider diagram
How are services different from goods? Research: Find out
Speaking: Talk about why people Explain the difference between trade where goods come from
work and exchange
Talk with your partner about what job Write a shopping list Did you know?: The
they should do most popular ice cream
Talk about where you can buy things flavour

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Unit The Big Question Lesson aims New words

Module 3: My Government
1 Why do we have rules? I can explain what rules are. to follow (v); to be important (adj);
5 I can understand why we need rules. litter (n); to pick (v); property (n);
R ules and to respect (v); to be safe (adj)
(pages 52–61) 2 What rules are there at I can talk about rules at home. to get along (v); to be helpful (adj);
home? I can understand what rules we have to be kind (adj)
at home.

3 What rules are there at I can give examples of rules at school. break-time (n); a classroom (n);
school? I can write and talk about rules at to be late (adj)

4 What are laws? I can talk about what laws are for. to break the law (v); a law (n);
I can understand how laws are the police (n)
different from rules.

5 Why do we have laws? I can give examples of laws. a community (n); to protect (v);
I can understand why we have laws. a sign (n); to steal (v)

1 Who looks after me? I can describe the people who look advice (n); a dentist (n);
6 after us. a doctor (n); grandparents (n);
People I can give examples of how people help a headteacher (n); to look after (v);
who look us. a nurse (n); to be wise (adj)
after me 2 Who makes rules and laws? I can say who makes the rules at an emir (n); a government (n);
(pages 62–71) school and at home. a king (n); a leader (n);
I can understand who makes the laws a president (n); a prime minister
in my country. (n); a queen (n)

3 Why must we follow rules I can understand why we follow rules to follow (v); a rule (n);
and laws? and laws. a surprise (n); to tidy (v)
I can give examples of how we follow
rules and laws.

4 Why are rules and laws I can understand why rules and laws a bin (n); to clean (v);
important? are important. a community (n); to be
I can explain which rules and laws are important (adj); litter (n);
the most important. safely (adv)

5 Can I make rules? I can explain how we can help to make to choose (v); to be fair (adj); an
rules. idea (n); to be silly (adj); to vote (v)
I can vote for a new rule.

Review 3 How well have you understood the topics in Units 5 and 6? (pages 72–73)

Project 3 Make a book about rules and laws in the community! (pages 74–75)

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Listening and Speaking Reading and Writing Unit features Songs
activities activities

Listening: Happy families Reading: Rules in our community What does it mean?: Happy families
What are the rules at Sara’s school? Your visit to the park property, rule, pick
Happy families
Speaking: Park rules What are the rules at Sara’s school? Mini project: Write
Rules at home Laws and rules game rules
The most important rule at home Why do we have laws?
Why school rules are important Game time: Guess the
Which laws do you think are the most Writing: Park rules law
important? Rules at home Research: Do a survey
What do the signs mean? classroom rules about family rules
Break time rules
Why do you think we have rules at Did you know?: The
school? oldest laws in the world
A law in your community
How laws are different from rules
What laws you have followed this week
Write three laws that you know
Write a new law

Listening: People who look after us Reading: People who look after us What does it mean?: People who look
How does Sami help at home? Rules and laws vote after us
What is the best way to make rules? How does Sami help at home?
Complete a questionnaire Mini project: Make a
Why we follow rules and laws class book about people
Speaking: How do these people look What is the best way to make rules? who look after you
after us?
Why do we have laws? Writing: Who helps you at school? Game time: Change
Complete a questionnaire Write about a person who looks after the rule
Discuss and vote for a new rule you at home Research: Who are the
Family rules most important leaders
Write about a person who makes the in your country?
rules at home or at school
Why rules and laws are important Did you know?: The
Why a rule or law is important first traffic light
Write new rules

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Unit The Big Question Lesson aims New words

Module 4: My Culture
1 What are customs? I can understand what customs are. to celebrate (v); culture (n);
7 I can name some customs in my a custom (n); food (n);
Customs country and say what I do, what I eat, a present (n)
(pages 76–85) and what I wear.

2 Where do our customs I can understand where customs come a bedtime story (n); geography (n);
come from? from. an olive (n); a valley (n)
I can write some of my customs.

3 Does my family have I can talk about the customs in my to decorate (v); to help (v); a party
customs? family. (n); to serve (v)
I can write about my favourite family

4 What are the customs in I can talk about some customs in my a country (n); good manners (n);
my country? country. a guest (n); to be polite (adj);
I can give examples of some customs to respect (v)
in my country.

5 What do stories tell us I can talk about folk tales. a cave (n); a farmer (n); a folk tale
about our culture? I can understand what folk tales tell us (n); a moral (n); a secret (n); a
about our culture. servant (n); a sultan (n); thieves (n)

1 What language do I speak? I can name some languages that a character (n); a language (n);
8 people speak in my country. a letter (n); Mandarin (n);
Where I I can understand some facts about Spanish (n)
live different languages.
(pages 86–95)
2 What food do I eat? I can name some of the food we eat. chicken (n); figs (n); olives (n);
I can name food from other countries. pasta (n); strawberries (n);
yoghurt (n)

3 What clothes do I wear? I can name some of the clothes we clothes (n); a cord (n);
wear. Japan (n); sandals (n);
I can understand why we wear Scotland (n); Sweden (n);
different clothes at different times. a tunic (n); a woolly hat (n)

4 Where do I live? I can talk about why people live in a building (n); a city centre (n); the
different places. countryside (n); a flat (n); a suburb
I can write about where I live. (n); a village (n)

5 How do I travel? I can understand why we use different a bus (n); a ferry (n); a helicopter (n);
forms of transport. a jeep (n); to sail (v); a ship (n);
I can give examples of different ways transport (n); the underground (n)
to travel.

Review 4 How well have you understood the topics in Units 7 and 8? (pages 96–97)

Project 4 Make an information sheet about your town! (pages 98–99)

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Listening and Speaking Reading and Writing Unit features Songs
activities activities

Listening: I love my country Reading: I love my country What does it mean?: I love my country
What customs does Luca have in his What customs does Luca have in his custom, culture, folk tale
country? country?
How many people are in Nada’s family? How many people are in Nada’s family? Mini project: Make a
Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves What customs does your family have? custom collage; Make a
Tales of Goha A poem: Our customs family custom poster
Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves Game time: Mime a
Speaking: Talk about your family Tales of Goha
customs custom
What are your favourite customs in Writing: Compare customs Research: Find out
your country? Write about your family customs about your parents’
Talk about folk tales Write about your customs when you favourite folk tales
have visitors
Write about one of your favourite Did you know?: The
customs Tales of Goha

Listening: Food in our country Reading: Languages What does it mean?: Food in our
Where do Salah and Zeina live? What is Tom talking about? character, suburb country
What forms of transport are in the Food in our country
story? Food descriptions Mini project: Make
Elsa and Joe a class poster about
Speaking: Talk about languages Different types of homes clothes
What languages would you like to What forms of transport are in the
learn? Game time: Describe a
story? form of transport
Talk about what you wear
Talk about different ways to travel Writing: Write about languages Research: Tell the
What do you eat? class about a favourite
Write about where you live recipe
Write about forms of transport you
have used Did you know?: World
Arabic Language Day

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Unit The Big Question Lesson aims New words

Module 5: My World
1 Where am I in the world? I can find countries on a map. a capital city (n); a compass rose
9 I can say where I am in the world. (n); a direction (n); a map (n)
(pages 100–109) 2 What is a map? I can explain what a map is. a building (n); a continent (n);
I can give examples of different maps. an ocean (n); a street (n)

3 Where is north? I understand where north, south, east the cardinal points (n); a compass
and west are. (n); a needle (n); a route (n)
I can use the cardinal points.

4 Can I read a map? I can use symbols to find and show a bus station (n); to divide (v);
places on a map. gridlines (n); a museum (n); a
I can use gridlines to find places on a square (n); a supermarket (n);
map. a symbol (n)

5 Can I draw a map? I can draw a map of my classroom. a desk (n); a door (n); first (adj);
I can use my map to describe the a piece of paper (n); a ruler (n)
location of objects in my classroom.

1 What are the continents? I can say what a continent is and name a continent (n); Earth (n); land (n);
10 the seven continents. an ocean (n);
Exploring I can describe the location of the
the world continents in the world.
(pages 110–119)
2 What rivers and oceans are I can name rivers and oceans, and say to flow into (v); to be long (adj);
there? where they are. an ocean (n); a river (n); a sea (n)
I can name some of the longest rivers.

3 What are mountains, hills, I can name some mountains and a hill (n); a mountain (n); a
and valleys? mountain ranges. mountain range (n); a valley (n)
I can draw mountains and valleys on
a map.

4 What are deserts? I can identify animals that live in hot a camel (n); the desert (n); a hare (n);
and cold deserts. a lizard (n); a penguin (n); a polar
I can name hot and cold deserts bear (n); rain (n); a scorpion (n);
around the world, and find them on a wind (n)

5 How does my environment I can identify houses from different to be cold (adj); to be dry (adj);
affect me? parts of the world. to be hot (adj); an igloo (n); to be
I can describe the clothes people snowy (adj); stilts (n); a stone hut
wear and the activities people do in (n); to be sunny (adj); a tent (n);
different types of weather. to be wooden (adj)

Review 5 How well have you understood the topics in Units 9 and 10? (pages 120–121)

Project 5 Make a world map! (pages 122–123)

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Listening and Speaking Reading and Writing Unit features Songs
activities activities

Listening: How many different maps Reading: Where do they live? What does it mean?: Let’s make a map
do the girls have? A map or a photograph? compass rose, compass,
A compass A compass route, cardinal points,
Why is Imad late? Why is Imad late? symbol, map
Label the map Understanding symbols
Let’s make a map Let’s make a map Mini project: Make a
Instructions country fact file
Speaking: Use the cardinal points to
describe locations in the classroom Writing: Capital cities Game time: Play a
Use a map to talk about the classroom A country fact file guessing game using the
Do you think symbols on a map are cardinal points
useful? Research: Find out
Have you ever used a map? about maps
Make a list of things in your classroom
Did you know?: The
earliest maps

Listening: What is a continent? Reading: What is a continent? What does it mean?:

Where do the animals live? Rivers of the world stilts
Which continents does Wael visit? The highest mountains in the world
Deserts Mini project: Make an
Speaking: Describe a continent Which continents does Wael visit? information sheet about
Talk about rivers, seas, and oceans Descriptions a desert
Describe the weather and what people
are wearing Writing: The continents Game time: What’s in
Talk about what you do in different The longest rivers the square?
kinds of weather Complete a table about desert animals Research: Find out
What activities do you do? about a river
Did you know?: Two

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Unit The Big Question Lesson aims New words

Module 6: My Past
1 What is time? I can talk about what things I do at the morning (n); the afternoon (n);
11 different times of the day and the the evening (n); then (adv); next
Time order I do them in. (adj); after that (adv)
(pages 124–133) I can identify the present and the past.

2 What is a timeline? I can understand what a timeline is on the left (n); in the middle (n);
and what it shows. on the right (n); a timeline (n)
I can complete a timeline to show what
I did last weekend.

3 What are days and dates? I can name the days of the week. to celebrate (v); a date (n); a day
I can talk about special days and say (n); an hour (n); a parade (n);
the dates that they are on. a week (n); a weekday (n);
the weekend (n)

4 What does a calendar tell I can understand how calendars help a calendar (n); a decoration (n);
me? us to make plans. an ordinal number (n)
I can say dates using ordinal numbers a party (n)
and find them on a calendar.

5 What is my personal I can describe my family history. an event (n); grandparents (n);
history? I can make a personal history timeline. parents (n)

1 What is history? I can describe history, the past and ago (adv); a century (n); a decade
12 the present. (n); a generation (n); yesterday
Our past I can predict how life will change in the (adv); the past (n); the present (n);
(pages 134–143) future. the future (n)

2 Where was Mesopotamia? I can explain where Mesopotamia was. to create (v); to invent (v);
I can describe how people lived in the to trade (v)

3 Who are the heroes in my I can write about a hero from my to be born (v); a founder (n); a hero
country from the past? country. (n); the oldest (adj); to be peaceful
I can ask and answer questions about (adj); a university (n)
heroes from my country.

4 Who is important in my I can describe famous and important an environmentalist (n); to be

country? people in my country. important (adj); peace (n); to plant
I can name some of the important (v); a prize (n); to solve (v)
people in my country.

5 Which important person I can talk about the life of an to aim (v); an award (n); a birth
should I choose? important person in my country. date (n); the environment (n);
I can make a timeline of an important environmental (adj); an event (n);
person’s life. to be international (adj); a meeting
(n); to receive (v); a timeline (n)

Review 6 How well have you understood the topics in Units 11 and 12? (pages 144–145)

Project 6 Make a class museum! (pages 146–147)

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Listening and Speaking Reading and Writing Unit features Songs
activities activities

Listening: A timeline Reading: Sami’s day What does it mean?: The days of the
What do you know? A timeline present, past, timeline, week
The days of the week Timelines date, parade, calendar,
What are Hadi and Roula planning for? What do you know? ordinal number
Circle the dates on the calendar The days of the week
Salma’s personal history Noha and Fouad Mini project: Make an
What are Hadi and Roula planning for? important date calendar;
Speaking: Talk about what you do in Make a personal history
the morning, afternoon, and evening Writing: Write about your day timeline
Talk about a day that you celebrate Write about your favourite activity
every year What did Sara do last weekend? Game time: Mime
Describe what happens on each date in What did you do last weekend? something you do in the
the story Write about a day that you celebrate morning, afternoon, or
Talk about why three dates are every year evening
important to you Complete a table about your family Research: Find out
history about your parents’ or
Complete a fact file about your grandparents’ lives
personal history
Did you know?:

Listening: History Reading: History What does it mean?: History

Where does Rana travel to? A timeline and map generation, founder,
Hazza Al Mansoori and Wangari Where does Rana travel to? solve, environmentalist
Maathai Sheikh Zayed bin Sultan Al-Nahyan
Fatima Al-Fihri Mini project: Make a
Speaking: What do you think a The 14-year-old girl who won a Maths book of heroes
family tree is? competition
Talk about objects in the past and the Game time: Mime a
present Writing: Make a family tree hero
What is different now? What is different now? Research: Find
How will life be different 100 years Imagine that you can travel to a place out about an ancient
from now? in the past. Where would you go? civilisation
Talk about heroes Write about a hero from your country
Who is important in your country? Complete a table about heroes Did you know?:
Present an important person to the Would you like to be famous? Mesopotamia
class Complete a fact file about Elizabeth
Make a timeline for an important
Complete a fact file about an
important person

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