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—- Ady ttl ste) Aaaalsh Guylore oncers Academy Schools Maths Department Worksh Dat 12.2019 ‘Name: -RATE OF FLOW NOTTO SCALE ‘The diagram shows a circular pool, of radius 2.5 metres, surrounded by a path 0.8 metres wide. (@) Calculate (the perimeter of the pool, aw (a5) sw e Answertani) AS. m2] (i) the area ofthe poo!, AW @.5)2 2s 1 v Answer(an i m 2] Gi) the area ofthe path wealt- W Crs} “Ee ae Answer(aniti) Prepared by Mrs. Nida Ahmad (©) ‘The water in the pool has a depth of 04 metres. Calculate the volume of water inthe Give your answer in litres. Answer(b) Titres [2] (©) When the pool is emptied for cleaning the water flows out a arate of 250 lites cosh minute Caleulate how long it takes to empty the pool, Give your answer to theinearest'mintte. Vos v R = SUSoom. e ese & - low =. Bs\< Hy) Answer(c) min (3] Prepared by Mrs. Nidaa Ahmad Ws, 2. Water flows through a pipe into an empty cyfindrical tank, ‘The tank has a radius of and a height of 110 em. ta) Calculate the volume of the tank. ay PB) Vic we 2 Wx Hore Wo = \1boe0 W 3 eotane. = Soon (b) The pipe has a erss-seetional area of 1.6 en. “The water comes out ofthe pipe ata speed of M4 ems. ow long does it take t fill the nk? Give yoo anserm hours and mes, cet to hares mine uh eee As & + Wem x bbew™ = 22Hew free eat T = NV. \tbocot ot 5 (Gh Sn oe cbs, {e) Allthe water from the tank is added to pond which has a surface area of 70m ‘Work out the increase in the depth of water in the pond. Give your answer in millimetres, correct tothe neaest millimetre, a = avca x choghhs 2) xd iieena= CONAN: ee Jo x00 o x00" 0.184 m7 4 aa SAS ee | te olay, yam 8 Prepared by Mrs. Nidaa Ahmad The diagram shows a channel for water. The channe! lies on horizontal ground. This channel has a constant rectangular cross section with{area aN The channel is fll and the water flows through the channel at arate off metres‘minute. \ SP Calculate the number of cubic metres of water that flow along the channel i 3 hours. Rab = SKA A 4 my 0.45 m Prepared by Mrs. Nidaa Ahmad NOTTO SCALE Wem ‘The diagram shows a cylinder with radius Sem and height 12cm which is full of water. A pipe connects the cslinder to a cone. ‘The cone has radins 4em and height 10cm. (a) @ Calculate the volun of water in the eylindes. ‘Show that itrounds to 2410cm* correct to 3 significant figures. Wf Re ae = 168-7 PS PANO 4 [2] Prepared by Mrs. Nida Ahmad 240 i: i) Change 2410cas* into litres. == 1000 yr 3 Loo oo ites 4) (©) Water flows from the cylinder along the pipe into the cone at ieee ee R (es cio peel Calculate the time taked to fill the empty cone. Give your answer in minntes and seconds corect tothe nearest second. es (The volume. ¥. of a cone with radius rand height his P= -}xr%] EL rs : Vc Ne 4 ih ee 8.77 see R Doe fies ( 48) be Answertb) nin (©) Find the number of empty cones which can be filled completely from the full cylinder. ye ee TY bow k rime = Wei dove eld Prepared by Mrs. Nida Ahmad NOT TO SCALE 0.4m— ‘A rectangular tank measures 1.2m by 0.8m by 0.5m. (a) Water flows from the full tank into aeylinder at arate of 0.3m"/min. it takes for the full tank to empty. in minutes and seconds. Calculate thet Give your answ Oa x Ovouy 2 ae = 6 4. née ee 3 8 few O-% me be aera Answer(a) Prepared by Mrs, Nidaa Ahmad. (b)_ The radius of the cylinder is 0.4m. Calculate the depth of water, d, when all the water from the rectangular tank i in the cylinder. 4B = W otk Wwe 0-454 Answer(b) d=, (©). Theeylinder has height of 1.2m and is open atthe top. ‘The inside surface is painted at a cost of $2.30 per m*. Calculate the cost of painting the inside surface. os Suen fren s OME Ke Say oe (Case Sons x2) 2 70 ING”. o46T BN \2S om ye =§ 8.0424 Answer(c) $ 1} Prepared by Mrs. Nidaa Ahmad (Water flows over the Browne Falls 1(b) 2018 / Oct. /Nov. te of 3680 litres per second. Wa inthis rte increases to 9752 lies per second Caleulate the percentage increase in his rate- 4 fie eeee x00 ‘Le pe ee ald x \00'f- aa 2680 agen G Bacercenen % BI @ er nin, water Now over Stn Falta ate of 7240s Be O08 This is an inrease of 45% on the rate before the rain. Calculate the rate before the rin Rew = 4424O Sagas NS if, % oxhe \oo Revguel = Rew x — cenmnneneunen ltres/second [3] \o0 + “fo = #4240: Aee Yoo 445 24 DNase. Prepared by Mrs. Nida Ahmad 2018 / Oct, Nov. / 42 O19 7 (@) The lake behind a dam bas angrea tar When fic pte in the dam re open, wae ows out at fate of 75000 lites pr second @ Show that 90 million litres of water flows out in 20 minutes. We RN 2 S000 Lb A x Gomm x60) = 40000000 s oy (ii) Beneath the surface, the lake has vertical sides. Calculate the op inthe water level of the ad when the gates are open for 20 minutes Give your answer in centimetres. [hectare = 104m, 1000 litres = 1°) uc 40 wo cea L 9 1107 L =1000 Volune = Aven x Depth Deptr = Vee Acta x \G. = NNO Btn emt (85 X10" )ea™ = ee 5S a awe oc Ge 55 Prepared by Mrs. Nidaa Ahmad a 2019 / Feb/March / 22-018 seer Apipeis full of water." ~ ‘The cross-section of the pipe is a circle ‘Water flows through the pipe into a tank ata speed of 12 centimetres per second. Calculate the numberof lites that flow into the tank in one hour. Rate = Speed » Aven = Vem ae C26)" emt a As 19 = BIN2 W cm) hee = BMT ow Au, xGon bo) see 2 AIH S.5B cms \ooo = 4y4. 4455 Prepared by Mrs. Nidaa Ahmad % a, © 2007 / May/June /04— 07 7 wp 12m “The diagram shows water in a channel “This channel has a rectangular cross-section, 1,2metres by 0.8metres- (o) When he fina water OS mash water Rows along th channel caeltethe numberof vie meves which Rw along te chamel none ou 3 gate = Ree Seed Nis (oe -(L98 we x60) x Ver \ een eae . — a eens) (en ig de of arin the channel inereases to O8mettes, the water flows at a Cals prongs inn name ofetc mts which Now along the channel in one Rab = Aw> syed Gye 26M aVe a 2 (en 40-8) «NS \ ened an = {Ya mn? Pore (x60) ) 264-648 gr00 fe = $o4 nt few | sa-% Prepared by Mrs. Nidaa Ahmad of wren 1233.33 {: 1280 %| (©) The water comes from a cylindrical tank. ‘When 2 cubic metres of water leave the tank, the level of water in the tank goes down by 13 millimetres. Ctelste the radius ofthe tank, in metres greet to one decimal place.) i} Vez Aaa a Dept .. sy Were Ad we ee aaa " Sg ose Vite ialoiatees V x — pprererreres nel N24 ae ore decin' plate, (@) When the channel is empty, its interior surface i repaired. This costs $0.12 per square mete. The ltl costs $50.40, Calculate the length, in metres, ofthe chamel “1 2 50-40 NE \so cosk Prepared by Mrs. Nidaa Ahmad 2005 / Oct. Nov. / 04-07 10 35m NOTTO SCALE ‘The diagram shows a swimming pool of length 35 m and width 24 m, ‘A cross-section of the pool, ABCD, isa trapezium with AD = 2.5 m and BC: (0) Calculate (© the area ofthe rapecum ABCD, el) pe Ciel 2-5) 435 (6307 (te volume of te poo, a ice pee rests ow aK [ie Ss aa (4th manber tives ater te pool, when is al m wy + 0.005 (©) 48=35.03 mort 102 decimal places, °°0! ‘The sloping rectangular Tloor of the pool is painted. costs $2.25 to paint one square metre Q) (Calculate the cost of painting the floor of the poo!. oh hemmetet a © 35.03. &, 2H pe ee. 2h 1862 cy Write your answer to part (b)() correct to the nearest hundred dollars. uw § 1100 © @ Calculate the volume of cylinder, radius 12.5 em and height 14 em. 2) year Ces od Gage dae = 6840 crm* {When the pool is emplid, the water lows trough a cylindrical pipe ofa Fenn oink pie agnor teatime per second) ce Calculate the time taken to empty the pool a a Give your answver ia days and hour, correct othe nearest hur. aa ea see see = _220015.743% (66x60 x24) Prepared by Mrs. Nidaa Ahmad 15

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