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2019학년도 재외국민과 외국인 특별전형 수강능력시험(자연계열)


재외국민과 외국인 특별전형 수강능력시험


성 명
전 형
2019학년도 재외국민과 외국인 특별전형 수강능력시험

Directions for questions 1~8: Read the texts that follow. A word or phrase is
missing in parts of each text. Select the best answer to complete the text. Then
mark the number, 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5 on your answer sheet.

I've never been able to master the art of cleaning up my room in a way that
totally ➀ my mom. The files of clothes which look orderly to me seem
cluttered to her. The dust on my sports trophies doesn't bother me at all, but
drives her crazy. She doesn't seem to understand that I like to save up my dirty
towels so that I have a really nice pile to put into the washer at one time. The
"lived-in" look which I find ➁ about my bedroom makes my mom roll her
eyes in disbelief and despair. The music which is frequently blaring from my
room seems to confuse her while it soothes me. Finally, my mother doesn't
seem to understand that the one item in my room ➂ I must be able to
locate at all times is my telephone――a teenage girl's best friend.

1. Which best fits into the blank ➀? [1.5점]

(1) satisfying (2) satisfactory (3) satisfies (4) satisfy (5) to satisfy

2. Which best fits into the blank ➁? [1.5점]

(1) depressing (2) frustrating (3) surprising (4) confusing (5) charming

3. Which best fits into the blank ➂? [1.5점]

(1) which (2) for which (3) in which (4) to which (5) at which

Over three million shipwrecks are at rest on the ocean floor, many laden with
priceless art treasures and artifacts from thousands of years ago; their fate is
uncertain as the technology of underwater exploration improves. Back on land,
museums ringing the Mediterranean, the Black Sea, and countless other bodies of
water are crammed with unphotographed objects ➃ scientific documentation.
The legal case for a source country retaining all objects found within that nation's
borders is clear. What's not so obvious is ➄ is best for those objects. If
existing museum basements are full, yet most of the ➅ world is still underwater
and underground――a good part of Pompeii awaits excavation――how will the
resources be found to safeguard, document, and share the importance of tens of
millions of as-yet-undiscovered artifacts?

4. Which best fits into the blank ④? [1.5점]

(1) lack (2) lacks (3) lacking (4) lacked (5) to lack

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2019학년도 재외국민과 외국인 특별전형 수강능력시험

5. Which best fits into the blank ➄? [1.5점]

(1) that (2) which (3) so (4) what (5) as

6. Which best fits into the blank ➅? [1.5점]

(1) ancient (2) marine (3) animal (4) alien (5) Mediterranean

There have been efforts to train animals to see if they can acquire language skills
at the level of humans. Parrots are well known for being able to imitate human
speech sounds. When we say "Hello" to them, they can talk back at us by repeating
"Hello!" However, parrots can say only what is taught or what they hear. Some
researchers once tried to train parrots to combine the words they have learned and
produce sentences they have never heard. ➆ , parrots were taught to say "I
want a cracker." They also learned the word carrot. But they only repeated "I want
a cracker" and "carrot" separately, unable to produce a sentence like "I want a
carrot." On the contrary, children can easily say "I want a cracker" and "I want a
carrot" after learning the words cracker and carrot. Furthermore, after they learn to
use and, they can produce a complex sentence, "I want a cracker and a carrot." It
is amazing to see children ➇ on their own as early as at the age of three or

7. Which best fits into the blank ➆? [1.5점]

(1) However (2) Nonetheless (3) For instance (4) In addition (5) Furthermore

8. Which best fits into the blank ➇? [2.1점]

(1) say what is taught
(2) imitate speech sounds
(3) repeat what they hear
(4) produce sentences creatively
(5) learn words like cracker and carrot

Directions for questions 9~25: In this part you will read a selection of texts. Each
text is followed by several questions. Select the best answer for each question and
mark the number 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5 on your answer sheet.

Being nature smart――also known as having naturalistic intelligence――means you

have the ability to understand and relate to natural surroundings. This includes
possessing a heightened sensitivity to nature, growing plants, and interacting
well with animals. It may also include being able to detect changes in the
weather or seasons. In other words, people with highly developed naturalistic
intelligence have a tendency to understand the natural world better than others.
They delight in working and exploring outdoors.

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2019학년도 재외국민과 외국인 특별전형 수강능력시험

9. Which of the following cannot be inferred from the passage? [2.1점]

(1) Being nature smart means being sensitive to seasonal changes.
(2) People who are nature smart have the ability to relate to natural surroundings.
(3) People with high naturalistic intelligence grow plants.
(4) Naturalistic intelligence includes the ability to interact well with animals.
(5) People with high naturalistic intelligence have jobs of exploring outdoors.

10. Which of the words is closest in meaning to the underlined word, "detect"? [2.1
(1) induce (2) perceive (3) detach (4) bring (5) search

Many significant changes were triggered by the arrival of Christopher

Columbus in the Americas in 1492. After this, transfer of food, plants, animals,
and even diseases occurred at a global level. This brought together the Old
World (Europe, Africa, and Asia) and the New World (North and South
Americas), affecting nearly all of the peoples of the world in one way or
another. [A] People were and are still under the influence of this phenomenon
called the Columbian Exchange. [B]
The Columbian Exchange was most evident in the transfer of agricultural
crops between the two worlds. Potatoes, sweet potatoes, corn, tomatoes, cacao,
red peppers, and other crops were carried from the New World to the Old.
Sugar, coffee, soybeans, oranges, bananas, and other crops traveled in the
opposite direction.
[C] In the Americas, for instance, the introduction of crops from
Europe led to riches for some farmers. They could produce the crops on a large
scale and make a large profit. The Americas quickly became the major supplier
of European crops. For many others, however, the transfer meant slavery. Many
slaves had to work on the plantations owned by the rich.
[D] In Europe, the nutritious food crops from the Americas stimulated a
population explosion. Around 1492, Europe's population stood at about 60 million.
By 1800, however, it had increased sharply to 150 million. [E] The new corps
grown on the continent could feed a greater population. As the population grew,
more and more people started to migrate into the cities, prompting more
urbanization in Europe.

11. In which of the positions marked [A], [B], [C], [D], and [E] does the
following sentence best belong? [2.1점]
"This exchange of food crops resulted in far-reaching consequences in both
(1) [A] (2) [B] (3)[C] (4) [D] (5) [E]

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2019학년도 재외국민과 외국인 특별전형 수강능력시험

12. What is not mentioned as a consequence of the Columbian Exchange in the

passage? [2.8점]
(1) Europe's importing food crops from the Americas
(2) Making some farmers in the Americas wealthy
(3) Production of some crops on a large scale in the Americas
(4) Slavery in Europe
(5) Rapid population increase in Europe

According to advocates of globalization, free trade has brought greater wealth to people
in poorer nations, giving them a foothold on the ladder of progress and prosperity.
Wealth gradually "trickles down" from the richest to the poorest, making everyone's life
better in the long run. The trouble is that very often it does not. Now there are many
good examples of companies working respectfully with partners in developing countries,
providing fair prices that help communities gain ⑭ to such vital things as education
and basic healthcare. But there are many more corporations supporting a shadowy world
of sweatshops, ⑮ working conditions are appalling and wages are too low to allow
workers to meet even their basic daily needs, let alone enable them to climb out of
poverty. If 'trickle-down" theory works, why are so many of the world's people still in

13. Which of the words is closest in meaning to the underlined word, "advocates"?
(1) scholars (2) opponents (3) critics (4) experts (5) supporters

14. Which best fits into the blank ⑭? [2.1점]

(1) access (2) answer (3) profit (4) wealth (5) glimpse

15. Which best fits into the blank ⑮? [2.1점]

(1) which (2) when (3) where (4) so (5) then

16. To which claim will the author of the passage be most likely to agree? [2.8점]
(1) Free trade is required for globalization.
(2) Free trade has not been a way to prevent exploitation of workers.
(3) Free trade has brought greater wealth to the workers in developing countries.
(4) Free trade will eventually improve the working conditions of workers.
(5) Free trade leads companies to offer fair prices to their partners in developing

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2019학년도 재외국민과 외국인 특별전형 수강능력시험

What makes us so adaptable? In one word, culture――our ability to learn from

others, to copy, imitate, share, and improve. When humans learned to
communicate using oral and, later, written language, ideas, knowledge, and
practices――how to make a fishhook, build a boat, fashion a spear, sing a song,
carve a god――could replicate and combine like genes. But unlike genes, they
could jump from one mind to another across distances of time and space.
Culture freed humans from the limitations of their biology; according to
evolutionary biologist Mark Pagel, when humans discovered culture, they
achieved a momentous shift in the balance of power "between our genes and
our minds." Humans became the only species to acquire guidance on how to live
from the accumulated knowledge of their ancestors, rather than just from their

17. According to the passage, in what way does culture free human beings from
the limitations of their biology? [2.8점]
(1) By introducing different ways of communication.
(2) By helping to copy and combine ideas, knowledge, and practices.
(3) By making it possible to use the knowledge and practices beyond one's lifetime
and physical reach.
(4) By maintaining the balance between our genes and our minds.
(5) By helping to acquire guidance on how to live from our DNA.

18. Which of the words is closest in meaning to the underlined word, "shift"? [1.5
(1) weight (2) selection (3) lift (4) record (5) change

Artists have always had practical reasons for making self-portraits; for instance,
artists get a model who is always available and works for free; self-portraits
are a good way for an artist to practice showing different expressions and
moods; and they can serve to advertise the artist's skill to potential customers.
Self-portraits may also represent an artist's search for immortality, as a way to
leave behind an image that will continue to exist. In addition, a self-portrait can
preserve a memory and help an artist further understand himself or herself.

19. Which of the following is not suggested as a reason for making self-portraits?
(1) Artists do not have to hire a model.
(2) Self-portraits can be good samples for advertising the artist's skill.
(3) By drawing a self-portrait, the artist can avoid death.
(4) A self-portrait can be a way to understand oneself.
(5) With self-portraits, artists can preserve some memory.

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2019학년도 재외국민과 외국인 특별전형 수강능력시험

Killer whales have been observed in all oceans and seas, but are more prevalent
in the coastal waters at higher latitudes. Although reported in both tropical and
offshore waters, killer whales prefer colder and more productive waters of both
hemispheres, and are found in greatest abundances at high latitudes. Along the
West Coast of North America, killer whales occur in British Columbia and
Washington inland waterways along the entire Alaskan coast. They also occur
along the outer coasts of California, Oregon, and Washington. Killer whales are
black with white underparts. There is a white spot on each side of the head,
just above and in back of the eye. Their dorsal fins are sharply triangular and
very tall, reaching up to 6 feet in height. Killer whales can reach up to 31 feet
in length. Like sperm whales, killer whales are unusual among cetaceans in that
males reach a much larger size than females.

20. What is not true about killer whales according to the passage? [2.1점]
(1) They are more likely to be in the coastal waters at higher latitudes.
(2) They prefer warm and offshore waters.
(3) They are found along the West Coast of North America.
(4) They are black and white.
(5) They have dorsal fins.

21. What makes killer whales unique among cetaceans? [2.1점]

(1) They have a white spot in back of the eye.
(2) They can grow up to 31 feet in length.
(3) Males grow bigger than females.
(4) Their fins reach up to 6 feet in height.
(5) They have triangular dorsal fins.

There is a common myth that we use only 10 percent of our brains. We're not
sure exactly where this idea came from, but one possibility is that in
experiments recording brain tissue's electrical activity, some scientists assume
that at any one time roughly 10 percent of neurons will be spontaneously active
――firing off action potentials. But it is important to remember that the lab is
hardly a natural environment. The brains under investigation either belong to
anesthetized animals or are thin slices of tissue kept alive in a dish. Imaging
technologies look at regions of the brain over time, so the pictures they create
are too general to allow us to count how many neurons are firing at any one
time. Even apart from these qualifications, we must consider that neurons that
are temporarily silent may well be fulfilling some important role by not being
active. Single neurons, just like larger brain regions, do not operate in isolation.
㉕ , the whole is more than the sum of its parts.

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2019학년도 재외국민과 외국인 특별전형 수강능력시험

22. What is the main argument of the passage? [2.8점]

(1) The claim that we use only 10 percent of our brains can be mistaken.
(2) Scientists proved that we use only 10 percent of our brains by recording brain
tissue's electrical activity.
(3) Single neurons do not operate in isolation.
(4) Neurons that are temporarily silent may well be fulfilling some important role
by not being active.
(5) The whole is more than the sum of its parts.

23. Which claim least supports the main argument of the passage? [2.8점]
(1) The brains examined in the lab are not in a natural state.
(2) Imaging technologies look at regions of the brain over time, so the pictures
they create are too general.
(3) The pictures of the brains are taken over time, so the pictures do not give
specific numbers of the neurons firing at any one time.
(4) Neurons that are temporarily silent or not active do not work.
(5) Neurons do not operate in isolation and can be working by not being active.

24. Which of the following is supported with the examples from the underlined
sentence? [2.1점]
(1) At any one time roughly 10 percent of neurons will be spontaneously active.
(2) The lab is hardly a natural environment.
(3) The pictures are too general to allow us to count how many neurons are firing
at any one time.
(4) Neurons when active fire off action potentials.
(5) Neurons that are temporarily silent may well be fulfilling some important role
by not being active.

25. Which best fits into the blank ㉕? [1.5점]

(1) Accordingly (2) On the contrary (3) Nevertheless (4) In brief (5) However

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2019학년도 재외국민과 외국인 특별전형 수강능력시험

26. 집합    에서     로의 함수의 개수와 일대일 함수의 개수를 차례로 구하
면? (1.5점)
(1) 9, 6 (2) 9, 4 (3) 8, 6 (4) 8, 4 (5) 9, 0

27. 빨간 공, 노란 공, 파란 공이 각각 10개씩 들어있는 주머니에서 10개의 공을 꺼낼 때, 각

색깔의 공이 적어도 한 개씩은 포함되도록 하는 경우의 수를 구하면? (1.5점)
(1) 20 (2) 36 (3) 45 (4) 66 (5) 120

28. 한 개의 동전을 4번 던질 때, 앞면이 나오는 횟수가 뒷면이 나오는 횟수보다 크거나 같을

확률은  이다.   의 값을 구하면? (단, 와 는 서로소인 자연수이다.) (2.1점)

(1) 10 (2) 13 (3) 15 (4) 21 (5) 27

29. 어느 제과점에서 만드는 빵 한 개의 무게는 평균 300g,

   ≤  ≤  
표준편차가 10g의 정규분포를 따른다고 한다. 이 제과점에서 0.5 0.1915
만든 빵 한 개의 무게가 310g 이상일 확률을 오른쪽 1.0 0.3413
표준정규분포표를 이용하여 구한 것은? (1.5점) 1.5 0.4332
2.0 0.4772

(1) 0.0456 (2) 0.0896 (3) 0.1336 (4) 0.1587 (5) 0.1915

30. 전체집합  에 대하여 두 조건  의 진리집합을 각각    라고 하자. 다음 중 명제

 → 가 거짓일 때, 그 반례가 반드시 속하는 집합은? (1.5점)
(1)  ∩  (2)  ∪  (3)  ∩   (4)  ∩  (5)  ∪  

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2019학년도 재외국민과 외국인 특별전형 수강능력시험

31. 명제
‘모든 실수 에 대하여      ≥ ’
이 참이 되도록 하는 정수 의 개수는? (2.1점)
(1) 4 (2) 5 (3) 6 (4) 7 (5) 8

32. 집합       ≤  ≤ 에서 집합      ≤  ≤ 로의 함수       의 역

함수      →  가 존재하도록 하는 상수  의 합   를 구하면? (2.1점)
(1) 0 (2) 8 (3) 10 (4) 12 (5) 14

33. 이차방정식       의 두 근을  라고 할 때,       과     의 값을 차

례로 구하면? (2.1점)
(1)   (2)   (3)    (4)    (5)   

34. 닫힌 구간    에서 함수
          
의 최댓값을  , 최솟값을 이라 할 때,   의 값은? (2.1점)
(1) 7 (2) 13 (3) 17 (4) 20 (5) 24

  
35. 함수     의 그래프가 점  에 대하여 대칭일 때,   의 값은? (1.5점)
(1) 4 (2) 5 (3) 6 (4) 7 (5) 8

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2019학년도 재외국민과 외국인 특별전형 수강능력시험

36. 함수    

    의 정의역은    ≥ 이고, 치역은    ≥ 일 때  의
값은? (단,  는 상수이다.) (1.5점)
(1) 10 (2) 12 (3) 14 (4) 16 (5) 18

37. 집합       에 대하여 함수    →  를

        ≥  

로 정의한다.               ∘    이고, 이 3 이상의 자연수일 때
     ∘      라고 할 때,   의 값을 구하면? (2.1점)
(1) 1 (2) 2 (3) 3 (4) 4 (5) 5

38. 다항식   에 대하여

               
이 항등식이 되도록 하는 상수  의 곱 와   를   로 나눈 나머지를 차례로 구하
면? (2.8점)
(1)   (2)   (3)   (4)    (5)  

39. 순환소수  ⋯ 를 분수로 나타내면? (2.1점)

    
(1)  (2)  (3)  (4)  (5) 
    

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2019학년도 재외국민과 외국인 특별전형 수강능력시험

(40-41) 다음은 함수      의 그래프이다.   가        를 만족한다고 할 때

다음 물음에 답하시오.

40.                ′   의 그래프를 차례대로 나열한 것은? (1.5점)

㉠ ㉡ ㉢

(1) ㉠ ㉡ ㉢ (2) ㉠ ㉢ ㉡ (3) ㉢ ㉡ ㉠ (4) ㉡ ㉠ ㉢ (5) ㉢ ㉠ ㉡

41. 함수  를 다음과 같이 정의하였을 때 다음 보기에서 옳은 것만을 있는 대로 고른 것

은?     
      ≤  ≤ . (2.1점)

㉠      이다.
㉡  는 열린구간    에서 미분가능한 함수이다.
㉢    이 되는 가 열린구간    에 유일하게 존재한다.
㉣   는 증가 함수이다.

(1) ㉡ (2) ㉠ ㉡ ㉢ (3) ㉠ ㉢ (4) ㉠ ㉡ ㉣ (5) ㉢ ㉣

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2019학년도 재외국민과 외국인 특별전형 수강능력시험

42. 곡선    위의 점    에서의 접선이 축과 만나는 점의 좌표를  , 곡선 위의

점     에서의 접선이 축과 만나는 점의 좌표를  라 한다. 이와 같이 곡선 위의 점
  에서의 접선이 축과 만나는 점의 좌표를    이라 할 때, 수열  에 대하여

lim  을 구하면? (1.5점)

→ ∞

(1)  (2) 1 (3)  (4)  (5) 

43. 다음 보기에서 옳은 것만을 있는 대로 고른 것은? (1.5점)

㉠ 급수 
 이 수렴하면 lim    이다.
→ ∞

㉡ 급수  
은 수렴한다.

㉢    인 실수 에 대하여 
 
  이 성립한다.
 

㉣ 급수    

은 발산한다.

(1) ㉠ ㉡ (2) ㉠ ㉢ ㉣ (3) ㉠ ㉢ (4) ㉡ ㉢ ㉣ (5) ㉠ ㉣

44. 어떤 그릇에 채운 물의 깊이가  cm 일 때, 수면의 넓이가 

 cm  라고 한다. 물의
깊이가  cm 일 때, 그릇에 담긴 물의 부피를 구하면? (1.5점)
(1) 27 (2) 18 (3)  (4)  (5) 

45.      
일 때, 다음 극한값은? (2.1점)
      
lim 

→   
 
(1)  (2)  (3) 1 (4)  (5) 
 

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2019학년도 재외국민과 외국인 특별전형 수강능력시험

46. 함수   는  ′       이고     을 만족한다.   을 계산하면? (2.1점)

(1)  (2)  (3)    (4)  (5) 

47. 다음 수열의 첫째항부터 제100항까지의 합은? (2.8점)

   
     ⋯
⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ⋅
   
(1) 1 (2)  (3)  (4)  (5) 
   

48. 실수집합에서 정의된 두 함수       가 다음과 같이 주어졌을 때 보기에서 옳은 것

만을 있는 대로 고른 것은? (2.8점)
 sin 
 
     ln   
  

      
   

㉠ 함수   는 실수 전체에서 연속인 함수이다.

㉡ 함수   는 실수 전체에서 연속인 함수이다.

㉢ 함수  는 구간  ∞    에서 감소하는 함수이다.

㉣ 함수   는 구간  에서 감소하는 함수이다.

(1) ㉡ ㉢ ㉣ (2) ㉡ ㉣ (3) ㉠ ㉢ ㉣ (4) ㉢ ㉣ (5) ㉡ ㉢

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2019학년도 재외국민과 외국인 특별전형 수강능력시험

49. 아래와 같은 값을 갖는 미분 가능한 함수    와    에 대하여,

       sin     이라 할 때,  ′   의 값은? (2.8점)

        ′    ′  

   4 2

(1)  (2)  (3)   

 (4)   
 (5) 

 
50. 구간     에서 두 곡선   cos 와   sin 로 둘러싸인 도형의 넓이를 구하면?
 
 
(1)  (2)  (3)  (4) 
 (5) 
 

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