Emi 75 Questions Paper

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Technocrats Institute of Technology (Excellence)

B.Tech.,III Semester
Grading System(GS)
EMI (EC-302)
Unit-1 Theory of Measurement: Introduction, Characteristics of Instruments and
measurement systems (Static &Dynamic) Error analysis: Sources, types and statistical
analysis. Instrument Calibration: Comparison Method. DC and AC Ammeter, DC
Voltmeter- Chopper type and solidstate, AC voltmeter using Rectifier. Average, RMS,
Peak responding voltmeters, Multi-meter, Power meter, Bolometer and Calorimeter.

1. 1.Explain the following in detail

ii) Resolution


2. List out different AC Voltmeters and explain any one type in detail?
3. Explain the construction and working of series type ohmmeter with a circuit
4. What is error? Write different types of errors occurred is instruments in detail.
5. Define the terms -
i) Types of errors
ii) Resolution
iii) Calorimeter
iv) Multimeter
6. Explain the principle of extending the range of AC ammeter.
7. Define the following terms:
i) Accuracy and Precision
ii) Sensitivity
iii) Bolometer
iv) Hysteresis
8. Define rectifiers in terms of AC voltmeter and chopper type DC voltmeter.
9. 9.Discuss the theoretical analysis of measuring instruments. Explain its
characteristic features.
10. How we can analyses errors during measuring through instruments? Give its
11. Explain the working principle of AC voltmeter working as a rectifier circuit.
12. Explain the principle of extending the range of DC ammeter.
13. Write any five differences between the multi meter and power meter.
14. Explain DC type chopper voltmeter?
15. What do you think about permissible error in Ammeters and Voltmeters ? Explain?
16. An Electrostatic voltmeter consist of two attracted plates (movable & fixed provided
with guard rings).When a potential difference of 10 KV is applied between the plates,
there is a pull of 5x10 -3 N on the movable plate. Find the change in capacitance produced
due to the change in the position of the movable plate by 1mm.Diameter of the movable
plate is 100mm.
17. Why is it preferable to have slightly under damped instruments? Explain?
18. Compare between ideal characteristics of ideal voltmeter and ideal ammeter?

Unit-2 CRO: Different parts of CRO, Block diagram, Electrostatic focusing,
Electrostatic deflection, Post deflection acceleration. Screen for CRTs, Graticules,
Vertical and Horizontal deflection system, Time base circuit, Oscilloscope Probes,
Applications of CRO, Special purpose CROs- Multi input, Dual trace, Dual beam,
Sampling, Storage (Analog and Digital) Oscilloscope
Bridges :Maxwell’s bridge (Inductance and Inductance-Capacitance), Hay’s bridge,
Schering bridge (High voltage and Relative permittivity), Wein bridge. Impedance
measurement by Qmeter

1. Explain the concept of storage oscilloscope along with circuit diagram?

2. Draw the circuit diagram of sampling oscilloscope and explain its operation in
3. Draw the circuit diagram of Schearing Bridge and explain its operation in detail?
4. Explain the”Parallel-Connection” method of using Q-meter? Obtain the

expressions for resistance, reactance and Q-factor?

5. Draw the circuit diagram of dual trace oscilloscope and explain its operation in
detail ?
6. Derive an expression for vertical deflection of an electron beam in CRT.
7. Describe in detail the construction and working of an analog type storage
oscilloscope. Explain the principle of secondary emission.
8. Explain special purpose CRO's with examples
9. Explain the principle of Impedance measurement by Q Meter
10. Explain the measurement of capacitance using Schering Bridge
11. Discuss the operating principle of transducers. Give a brief classification of
12. Write some of the differences between Photo Diode and Photo Transistors
13. Draw the block diagram of a CRO and explain briefly its vertical deflection
14. Explain the measurement of inductance and capacitance using Maxwell’s
15. Describe different types of sweeps used in CRO.
16. Draw and explain the basic block diagram of CRO.
17. What do you mean by post deflection acceleration? What are the consequences
of these accelerations in CRO images?
18. Explain special purpose CRO's with examples.
19. Explain the principle of Impedance measurement by Q meter.
20. Derive a relation for high voltage and relative permittivity of Schering Bridge.
21. Draw and explain the basic block diagram of CRO.
22. Show how the Wein’s bridge can be used for the measurement of frequency in audio
range. Derive the equation for frequency f?
23. Discuss the condition during which the bridge sensitivity is maximum for a detector?
24. Discuss about the electrostatic focussing deflection system of a CRO with necessary
25. Draw the internal structure of CRT and list its functions?
26. List the different types of probes used in oscilloscope? Explain front panel control of
27. Explain Maxwell’s bridge?
28. Explain Anderson’s bridge and write its uses?
Unit-3 (Transducer): Classification of Transducers, Strain gauge, Displacement
Transducer Linear Variable Differential Transformer (LVDT) and Rotary Variable
Differential Transformer (RVDT), Temperature Transducer- Resistance Temperature
Detector (RTD), Thermistor, Thermocouple, Piezo-electric transducer, Optical
Transducer- Photo emissive, Photo conductive, Photo voltaic, Photo-diode, Photo

1. What is thermistor explain its importance along with advantages of it?

2. Draw Linear variable differential transducer and explain its operation in
3. What is difference between photo conductive, photo emissive & photo voltaic
4. Describe the working of a low voltage Schering bridge. Derive the equations for
capacitance and dissipation factor.
5. Why is it preferable in bridge circuits, that the equations of balance are independent
of frequency? Explain?
6. Write short notes on:
a) RTD
b) L V D T
7. What is Linear variable Differential Transformer? Explain its working.
8. Explain strain gauge with its derivation
9. Explain the working of Resistance Temperature Detector (RTD) and Thermistor.
10. Discuss the operating principle of transducers. Give a brief classification of
11. Write some of the differences between Photo Diode and Photo Transistors
12. Write short notes on the following:
a) Piezo-electric transducer
b) Loading Effect
c) Optical Transducer
13. Discuss the operating principle of transducers. Give a brief classification of
14. Explain the construction and working of a LVDT. Explain how the magnitude and
direction of the displacement of core of an LVDT is detected?
15. Explain the measurement of capacitance using Schering bridge?

16. In Hay’s bridge the four arms are arranged as under AB is a resistance of 600ohms in
series with an inductor of 0.18 H, BC and DA are non inductive resistances of 1200
ohms each and CD consist of a resistance R in series with a capacitor C.A potential
difference of 3V at a frequency of 50 Hz is applied between A and C. Determine the
value of Rand C. Drive the condition for bridge balance?

17. What are the applications of LVDT?

18. What is rotary variable differential transformer?Explain its working?

Unit-4 Signal and Function Generators, Sweep Frequency Generator, Pulse and Square
Wave Generator, Beat Frequency Oscillator, Digital display system and indicators,
Classification of Displays, Display devices: Light Emitting diodes (LED) and Liquid
Crystal Display(LCD).

1. Explain working of sweep frequency generator and pulse wave generator.

2. Write short notes on :
i. Beat frequency oscillator
ii. LCD
3. How you can define signal? How many types of signals you can explain?
4. Explain some points that gives the explanation between the LCD and LED.
5. Explain the working of function and square Wave Generator?
6. Discuss different typed of digital display system and indicator?
7. Write short notes on:
i. Spectrum Analyser
ii. Square wave generator
Unit-5 Advantages of Digital Instrument over Analog Instrument, Digital-to-analog
conversion (DAC) - Variable resistive type, R-2R ladder Type, Binary ladder,Weighted
converter using Op-amp and transistor, Practical DAC. Analog-to-digital Conversion
(ADC) - Ramp Technique, Dual Slope Integrating Type, Integrating Type (voltage to
frequency), Successive Approximations. Digital voltmeters and multi-meters,
Resolution and sensitivity of digital multi-meter
1. Draw the block diagram of 3 bit R-2R ladder DAC and explain its

2. Write and explain total number of clock pulses needed for counter type,
flash SAR and dual slope ADC’s?

3. Explain the working principal of successive approximation A/D conversion

with suitable diagram?

4. Explain four bit weighted resistor type D/A convertor in detail?

5. Compare analog and digital instruments.
6. Describe the working Digital voltmeters and multi meter.
7. Explain the working of dual slope integrating type ADC with diagram
8. Write some of the advantages of digital instrument over analog instrument with
suitable examples.
9. Discuss the principle of Resolution and Sensitivity of digital multimeter.
10. Explain about the conversion logic used in case of simultaneous type of A/D
11. Draw a weighted resistor DAC and obtain the transfer characteristics of a 3bit
12. Draw and explain the circuit operation of successive approximation ADC?
13. Draw the circuit of weighted resistor DAC and derive expression for output
analog voltage VO ?
14. Find out step size and analog output for 4 bit R-2R ladder DAC ,When input is
0111 and 1111,assume V ref = +5v.
15. Explain in case of DVM
i. 3 ½ digit
ii. 5 ½ digit

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