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• It’s in the powerpoint already so just read it and help them play the Game/ Trivia.


-Do you already have an idea about our reporting for today everyone?? Our Live Reporting would be
about these 4 people that are part of the 12 Apostles named Philip, Bartholomew, Matthew and

And their significance are the Gospel of Thomas is regarded by some scholars as one of the most
important texts in understanding early Christianity outside the New Testament.

Bartholomew visited the Armenians early in the first century and introduced Christianity among the
worshippers of the god Ahura Mazda. The new faith spread throughout the land, and in 302 A.D.

Meanwhile, Philip convinced Nathanael to join Jesus’ disciples, helped Gentiles learn about Jesus’
teachings, and distributed the miraculous bread and fish to the multitude that Jesus fed. And;

As an eyewitness to the Savior, Matthew recorded a detailed account of Jesus’ life, the story of his birth,
his message, and his many deeds in the Gospel of Matthew. He also served as a missionary, spreading
the good news to other countries. And those are the significance of the 4 Apostles of God that we will

2. Who Were the Apostles.

Today we would tackle about the 4 Apostls Matthew, Bartholomew, Philip and Thomas

The name “Matthew” is popular in the Bible and Christian traditions as it is the name of one of Jesus’
disciples as well as the title of one of the four New Testament gospels. Matthew was one of the twelve
disciples who followed Jesus, the founder of Christianity, in the 1st century BCE. Matthew was not only a
follower of Jesus but also an apostle, a “messenger” who spread Jesus’ teachings around the area. In
Christian religious thought, Matthew is generally considered the author of the Gospel of Matthew, one of
the four gospels in the New Testament that tells about the life and teachings of Jesus. Matthew is an
influential figure in the Christian tradition and is considered a saint in the Catholic Church.

St. Bartholomew (known as Nathaniel in St. John’s Gospel), was a doctor in Jewish law and a dear friend
of St. Philip the Apostle. He went willingly with Philip to see Christ and recognized the Savior
immediately as the Son of God. On that initial meeting, Jesus uttered the glorious compliment, “Behold,
an Israelite indeed in whom there is no guile!” After having received the gifts of the Holy Spirit on the
first Pentecost, Bartholomew evangelized Asia Minor, northwestern India, and Greater Armenia. In the
latter country, while preaching to idolaters, he was arrested and condemned to death. After the
Resurrection, Bartholomew was favored by becoming one of the few apostles who witnessed the
appearance of the risen Savior on the Sea of Galilee (John 21:2). Following the Ascension, he is said to
have preached in Greater Armenia and to have been martyred there. While still alive, his skin was torn
from his body. Concerning the fate of his relics
Philip was one of the 12 disciples of Jesus, the founder of Christianity, whose teachings influenced the
Greco-Roman world and Middle East in the 1st and 2nd centuries CE. Although Philip is included in the lists
of the disciples in the Gospel of Matthew, the Gospel of Mark, and the Gospel of Luke, the only
information about his life comes from the Gospel of John. However, St. Philip is an important saint in
Catholicism who is associated with the story of Jesus’ miracle of loaves and fish. According to the Gospel
of John, Philip was from Bethsaida, a fishing town located on the northernmost coast of the Sea of
Galilee. Andrew and Peter, two of Jesus’ other apostles, were also from this town. Unlike some of Jesus’
other followers, Philip has a Greek first name rather than Hebrew. While nothing is mentioned about
Philip’s life before following Jesus, some believe that Philip was a follower of John the Baptist, the cousin
of Jesus who taught that Jesus was the Messiah and Lamb of God.The story about Philip meeting Jesus is
very brief. Jesus simply ‘’found Philip’’ near Galilee and said ‘’Follow me,’’ and Philip followed him (John
1:43, NRSV). Immediately after meeting Jesus, Philip helped recruit another apostle. Nathanael,
presumably also from Bethsaida or the region surrounding, appears in the Gospel of John 1 as a skeptic,
only believing Philip after meeting Jesus personally. This transition from John the Baptist discussing
Jesus’ role as Messiah to Philip presenting the same information to Nathanael is another evidence of
Philip being a follower of John the Baptist.

Thomas the Apostle (also known as St. Thomas in the Catholic Church) was one of Jesus’ 12 apostles
during his ministry in Israel, and is depicted in the hit show The Chosen. Thomas was a dedicated and
brave follower of Jesus and later helped spread His gospel across the world. Thomas’ name in Greek
means “twin,” and he is often referred to as the Apostle of India, the patron saint of architecture, 3and
the patron saint of the blind. Afterwards, Thomas is most known for his reaction after Jesus’
resurrection. While the other apostles believed Mary about the resurrection, Thomas didn’t initially
believe. This instance is where he got the name “Doubting Thomas.” The resurrected Christ went to the
Upper Room to visit with his apostles and followers, and Thomas was notably absent from this event
because he didn’t believe. He said, “Unless I see the mark of the nails in His hands and put my finger into
the nail marks, and put my hand into His side, I will not believe”

3. Contribution

The Contribution of our Apostles are that Matthew made the Gospel about Jesus’s Journey,
Bartholomew is remembered for his zeal for spreading the gospel and for his efforts to bring people to a
closer relationship with God. He is also remembered for his willingness to suffer for his faith, and for his
unwavering commitment to his mission. Philip He convinced Nathanael to join Jesus’ disciples, helped
Gentiles learn about Jesus’ teachings, and distributed the miraculous bread and fish to the multitude
that Jesus fed.

The quotes or lessons of the Apostles.


•Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called children of God.


•When we seek truth, we can more clearly see God and respond to his call.

•Hate no one. God never comes where there is no love for our neighbors. If you really wish to become a
saint, never be defensive and always acknowledge yourself in your fault, even when what is alleged is


• The more challenges us to grow beyond ourselves, to seek the truth wherever it may lead, and to serve
our world with grace and magnanimity.

4.Spreading the Gospel.

After Jesus’ Ascension, Matthew preached the Gospel, as Jesus asked his disciples to do. It is believed
that he established Christian communithe was the es in Ethiopia and other sections of the continent of
Africa. Tradition tells us that he died as a martyr. The symbol for Matthew’s Gospel is a man with wings.

Bartholomew had been preaching and converting people to the faith, and planting new churches as they
went to spread the word of God.

Meanwhile, Philip he was the one of the seven deacons appointed to tend the Christians of Jerusalem,
thereby enabling the Apostles to freely conduct their missions. And;

Lastly, Later Christian tradition says Thomas extended his apostolate into India, where he is recognized as
the founder of the Church of the Syrian Malabar Christians, or Christians of St. Thomas.

Legacy and Influence (1-2 minutes):

The legacy and influence of the apostles Matthew, Bartholomew, Philip, and Thomas on Christianity and
global religious history are significant. Their contributions and teachings have had a lasting impact on the
development and spread of Christianity.

Firstly, the apostles played a crucial role in establishing the foundation of the early Christian community.
They were chosen by Jesus himself to be his closest followers and witnesses to his teachings, miracles,
death, and resurrection. Their firsthand experiences and interactions with Jesus provided the basis for
the New Testament and the Christian faith.

Moreover, the apostles were instrumental in spreading the gospel message and establishing Christian
communities in various regions. Matthew, for example, is believed to have traveled to Ethiopia and other
parts of Africa, where he preached and established Christian communities. Bartholomew, along with
other apostles, ventured into different territories, including Asia Minor, northwestern India, and Greater
Armenia, to spread the teachings of Jesus and establish churches.

The apostle Philip played a significant role in bringing Gentiles into the Christian faith. He not only
convinced Nathanael to join Jesus’ disciples but also actively engaged in teaching Gentiles about Jesus’
teachings. Philip’s involvement in the miraculous feeding of the multitude, where he distributed bread
and fish, demonstrated his dedication to providing for the physical and spiritual needs of the people.

Thomas, also known as “Doubting Thomas,” is known for his initial skepticism regarding Jesus’
resurrection. However, upon encountering the risen Christ, his doubt transformed into unwavering faith.
Thomas played a vital role in the early spread of Christianity, particularly in India. He is recognized as the
founder of the Church of the Syrian Malabar Christians, which has a rich history and continues to thrive
in India today.

The apostles’ influence extends beyond their individual missions. They were instrumental in establishing
the apostolic succession, which is the passing down of spiritual authority from the apostles to their
successors, particularly bishops. This concept of apostolic succession has been significant in the
development and structure of the Christian Church, ensuring the continuity of leadership and teachings
from the time of Jesus to the present day.

In the Christian tradition, bishops are considered successors of the apostles and hold a central role in
guiding the Church and preserving its teachings. The apostles’ commission to “go and make disciples of
all nations” (Matthew 28:19) has been carried forward by bishops and other church leaders throughout
history, resulting in the global spread of Christianity.

Furthermore, the apostles’ teachings and writings have become foundational texts for Christian
theology. The Gospel of Matthew, written by Matthew himself, provides a detailed account of Jesus’ life,
teachings, and deeds. It serves as a valuable source for understanding the life and ministry of Jesus.
Additionally, the Gospel of John, authored by the apostle John, contains profound theological insights
and teachings that continue to shape Christian belief and practice.

In conclusion, the apostles Matthew, Bartholomew, Philip, and Thomas have left an indelible mark on
Christianity and global religious history. Their role in spreading the gospel, establishing Christian
communities, and passing down spiritual authority has shaped the development of the Christian faith.
Their teachings and writings continue to inspire and guide believers, making them foundational figures in
the history of Christianity.

Conclusion and Reflection (1-2 minutes):

In conclusion, the apostles Matthew, Bartholomew, Philip, and Thomas have made significant
contributions to Christianity and the world. They were chosen by Jesus to be his closest followers and
witnesses to his teachings, miracles, death, and resurrection. Their experiences and interactions with
Jesus laid the foundation for the New Testament and the Christian faith.
These apostles traveled far and wide, spreading the gospel message and establishing Christian
communities. Matthew preached in Ethiopia and other parts of Africa, while Bartholomew evangelized in
Asia Minor, northwestern India, and Greater Armenia. Philip played a crucial role in bringing Gentiles into
the faith and distributing bread and fish to the multitude that Jesus fed. Thomas, despite his initial
doubt, became a dedicated follower of Jesus and played a significant role in the spread of Christianity in

Their legacy and influence extend beyond their individual missions. They contributed to the
establishment of the apostolic succession, ensuring the continuity of leadership and teachings in the
Christian Church. Their writings, such as the Gospel of Matthew and the Gospel of John, have become
foundational texts for Christian theology, guiding believers throughout history.

Today, we can reflect on the teachings and examples set by these apostles. They demonstrated
unwavering faith, commitment to spreading the message of Jesus, and a willingness to suffer for their
beliefs. Their stories remind us of the importance of sharing the good news, embracing diversity, and
living out our faith with love and compassion.

As we consider their contributions, let us also examine how we can follow in their footsteps. How can we
spread the message of Jesus in our own communities? How can we build bridges and bring people closer
to God? The examples of Matthew, Bartholomew, Philip, and Thomas inspire us to be peacemakers,
seekers of truth, lovers of our neighbors, and individuals who are willing to grow and serve others.

Let us carry forward their legacy by living out the values they embodied and continuing to share the
transformative message of Jesus Christ. In doing so, we contribute to a world where love, peace, and
understanding prevail.

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