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Work with a partner. Answer these questions. Pragarismiswhen you pretend that someone lees words or idea ae your. 1. Have your teachers ever explained plagiarism to you? 2. What do you think is the appropriate punishment for plagiarism at your school or university? Situation z= Peter's roommate Kan needs help with his writing, Peter suspects that he has plagiarized, Listen to their conversation, Peter: Kan, [looked at the paper you wrote for your class. ‘Thanks for checking the English. Did make a Jot of grarnmar mistakes? Your grammar is pretty good, but did you write everything in this paper? Ofcourse I did. Why? ‘You only have @ couple of references in the pa- per, but the ideas you introduce look like they ‘were taken from a book or something. Wel, um... guess I did get some ideas from this one book, But that's research, right? F Ifyou copy word for word, you have to use Quotations. But even if you simply take ideas from somewhere, you have to show clearly ‘whose ideas they are. You can't give the im- pression that YOU came up with them. ‘Wel, it was just a kind of inspiration. Really? In some places there are whole Paragraphs that look directly copied from Somewhere, The sentences are perfect and very difficult. It’s hard to believe you wrote i. ‘Umm... Well, I can take that ont. No big deal Look, you're plagiarizing, The university is very strict about that. If they catch you, youl fail the class. You could even get kicked out of school, ‘Well, Iwas just trying to get good ideas. Maybe ‘you can help me fix it. You know, improve it? Sorry, but I can't help you. School rules say that students have to report anyone they sus- ect to be plagiarizing. Look, I'm sorry. You know studying in English is hard for me. You know Tstudy alot. ‘Thats true. But I can't help you with your pa- ers anymore. I could get in trouble. But Ihave to hand this in this afternoon! Tm sorry, Kan. You'll have to find someone else, You don't understand. I cannot fail this course! Sorry. I just cant help you, ‘wor for word 38 ‘wotationn, SIRES. 3 ‘ome up with #8, $8, Insprationn, ag nobig deal RAZOR TH fio. RE suspect 0 IE + Check Your Understanding + Answer the questions. Circle a, b, orc 1, Why did Peter look at Kan's paper? 2. Why does Peter think Kan is plagiarizing? 8. How does Peter feel about plagiarizing? alHe thinks its OK. b)He's against ito) He also does it sometimes. 4. What does Peter decide to do about Kan’s paper? 5. Why did Kan say he plagiarized? a) He made amistake. b) He thinks ts OK. English hard for him What Do You Think? Sz=x= Listen carefully to the opinions of these four people. Check all of the opinions you agree with. 7 ais: Kan should do his own work Peter’ right not to help him anymore. D1 Yeon-Suk: Kan should be more careful, but Peter shouldn't stop helping hit. Work with a classmate. What do you think of the opinions above? opiniconETWORK thks ‘bales tks, have te sn pion 1 batt ane ig dont sa | corti ats. isagree. luis Pete’ rght not help Kan anymore 8) Kan had asked him to. b)Peterjst happened to see it c) hey are inthe same class 8) Kan tld him thathe dd.) Kan asked him how to doit.) Somethings in he paper it’ seem right. 9} Hewill help him xt. b)He wont help him anymare. c) Hels not sure what to do O Ken: Peter is cruel. Kan just doesn’t understand how to ‘write papers correctly. is understandable. It’s hard to study in a foreign language. Luis thinks Peter's right not to help Kan anymore, Yeah, Ihave the same opinion. Kan should do his own work, ic Helping 2 friend 1 and decide what You would do. uation fast and hits another Extending the Topi .d? Read the sit © wnat would you do to help frien c var friend is driving 102 ne aca int your rend i Oy rena is drving 00 18 Ne Youare ina rte other car sulers Sm ur ed No Sa a ll cat The pee hn ast your end Fou elt do ‘pr inserious trouble. I'you le, rfertjend wont be punished: We y Se pio trie tae ote te nent tous i te pice pets ye tend peso : pesson nem what you would do. th two or three classmates. Tell © 1 quess | would tell the police the truth, 2 (aww) Bi Because it's not fair to the pe "i What do you think your friend would want you to do? jerson who was hurt Report your group’ ideas to the class. ‘Who had the best reasons for telling the truth? For protecting the friend? Culture Corner Extra Activity Role play = Avoid plagiarism — Checklist! ‘Situation: A police officer asks you about the \ se \ = | — 8:YBU ae ihe person in your friend's ca 1 Yrs adocege sameness | Pol Police oBlen ask B questions about the accident. eg are: b te anieten art 3 Paraphrasn and sur «He you eed you oan wt ard : Hee fast was he/she going? [s he/she usually a careful driver? ‘Sentence structure? " «+ Doyo ise aster mats when Prato ply. Ten show our py to voshe aorsead nage 4. ich seo sm yh snes des atid 5. Does your it of i works ced include al SOueesyeu hae dom ton Sharing My Ideas Nice guys finish last! Does being nice help you succeed in life? Talk about your philosophy on success, Choose Select your topic: Clt you're too nice, you get left behind! [Being nice helps you succeed! + COMy ideas about success Prepare Organize your presentation by making an outline, Use these questions to get started. Speaking notes: ‘ What is success for you? £ Hin’ © Language Do you like competition? pane What kind of people succeed? Ears rntatk about What is the key to suecess for you? } New. Introduction: 1 poaterthing's- {paymain points ema Body: pincer Conclusion’ Rehearse Present Practice with a partner, Give your presentation to a new partner or toa Usenet group. Use gestures to emphasize your important What connecting, porns. expressions did Listener task: What gestures did you see you hear? the speaker use? ) Presentation Tip’ Using oestures and body language vl ts Situation Sz=sm HyesJin has a problem with her boyfriend, Kwan. asking for her advice. Listen to their conversation. Dear Dr. Moon, My boyfriend and [ have a problem, a big problem. First, let me tell you that we're in love and want to get married, Our families agree to the marriage, too. Now, here's the big problem: housework! ‘This is the one thing that we cant agree on. Both of us work and we plan to continue working after getting married. Kwan is eit Yashioned and sags he'll not do any housework after sve get married. He says that housework is wornen's ye He says his father never does housework and Yat his mother does it all. He wont listen to me when Tay that times have changed a lot since his parents Tot married. Most of my married friend say that the Bok ands share the household duties. And T don't want to be like his mother! T have been trying to persuade him to help me with the housework, but he refuses. Its really not fair. He just rower understand how important this i to me, Should .? Marry him and just-do Tmarry him or not marry hita’ ai ahe housework? Marry him and hope he changes his atjna? Or simply not marry him UNTIL he changes his mind? ‘What should Ido? Hye-sin She writes a letter to a famous doctor, Dr. Moon, p> voeinsanes 7” answer these questions. 1, When you were a child, who did most of the housework? 2, Which housework tasks do you like to do? Which do you hate? Dear Hye-Jin, [agree with you that it would not be fair. Kwan’ - Kovan's mother does all of the housework, but she de | have a job outside the home. =e You're right. Times have changed. Now mi % |. Now many married romen have responsible jobs. Their husbands should not expect them to do all of the housework ‘Think about these possibilities. First, calculate all ofthe time you would s leaning aa ofthe expenses housework weld cost in one month. Show Kwan that. Make him ‘eae that Housework not fee But ihe sill joesrt want to help you, then both of you should {0 hire housework professionals. % Finally, if Kwan refuses to pay his i thathe mado the housework nen ln Of course, i Oteae, this third possiblity might postpone the Goodluck! Dr Moon agree on RIL, RL ines ty m SEE, expense. 88 profesional mule stare. 8 ++ Check Your Understanding . Answer the questions, 1. Whatis Kwan's reason for not doing housework? Why does Hye. x “Jin want Kwan to ‘help with the: housework? eB What does HyeJin bout her married friends? ’ 4 What does Dr. Moon say about Kwars mother 5. What is De Moon's advice to Hiye-tin? What Do You Think? m=: Listen carefully to the opinions of these four people. Check all of the opinions you agree with. Il =) ae r = Mark: When both wie ant Rasband C1 Shingo: Husband or wife, ) 1 Mat he ange | should be mainly responsible, 3 th Sean Iris: Housework is women's Crete sory thsi thee js, Not going to change. Work with a partner. ‘Talk about your ideas. SpinicnWETWO. How do you feel about | Mari’ opinion? 4 = oom? = : How do you feel about Mark point? =e ret = Sr = Timon in Lao rispointofview. | | a professional is deft understand his | ; the best solution. ot ro wate’ ting abot, ae Extending the Topic 1” : gps it fai? aly does these household tasks’ @ snyour experience, who wt ia far? ii fe No taking re of the baby for te fay is caring mney ong ay < 7 Yes / No ‘leaning the house cos ‘aking out the garbage cong rca sm yea: ©} BP se sur tne ithe tetas 3 ‘As Who usualy washes the dishes? 3 Yes / No managing frances ves No changing bt bubs iy ie 8: nmy house it depends. “00k id washes the dishes. If he cooks dinner, Ido. oe (~ B:if cook ainner, my husban ee a “That sounds fai, AThat Bieah, It works for us! Report your group's ideas to the class. What were some “fair” situations that you talked about? EXTENSI Extra Activity Debate » Work in pairs. Culture Corner »~ ‘A: You boliove that Ife is easier for women. 7 TT of ays in which is easier fo bea woman. Housework Done by Men and Women, * Czech Republic, 32.2% Prepare your debating pints, Fano nates abou wha yu want Lo ay that ark " ™% ‘A.and B debate in front of another pair. Neo 02% ‘When they are fished, the other students judge sfusa 35.8% ‘winn +Sneden 36.3% ‘Unied Stes 37.3% Women 703% 286% 78.3% 75.1% 70.4% 68.6% 67.3% 70.8% Sharing My Ideas 4 letter to Dr. Moon Choose Think of a problem you have (or someone you know has). Prepare Look at HyesJin’s letter to Dr. Moon. Try to write aletter like hers. Speaking notes: Examples: * A friend is always late. # Your roommate takes things without asking. Introduce the person with the problem: * Your boytriend/girlfriend doesn't spend enough time with you, Present the problem: What is your problem? Explain how you've tried to solve the problem: Describe the person's reaction to your idea: » Language Hints: ‘have a big problem. ‘have tried. doesnt undestandiwont fiston to me. Rehearse = What shoul | do? Exchange your letter with a classmate. See if it has the parts above: 1, Person with the problem Present Read your revised letter to another classmate. Listener task: You are Dr. Moon. Give your classmate some advice, 2. The problem. 3. Your classmate’s solution. 4, Other person's reaction. 5. Question(s) for Dr. Moon. ‘esentation Tip: reeset

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