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Experiment No. 2 Date : ………………..

Signature of Class Teacher : ………………………..

Name of Experiment: To determine the focal length of a Convex lens by UV method.

Apparatus Required
i. Optical bench ii. A convex lens iii. Two needles iv. A scale

If u is the object distance, V is the image distance, then focal length 'f of a convex lens is given by
𝟏 𝟏 𝟏
= +
𝒇 𝒖 𝒗
1. Find the rough focal length of the convex lens by focusing a distance object on a screen.
2. Place the lens, object pin and image pin on their stand of optical bench (lens between object pin and
image pin) and the heights of pins are adjusted so that their tips lie on the principal axis of the lens.
3. Place the object pin at a distance of twice the rough focal length (2f) one side on the lens. The image pin
are adjusted on the other side of the lens till a real and inverted image is seen in it. (Note: parallax should
be eliminated).
4. Note the position of the lens and object and lens and image by using optical bench.
5. Repeat Step (iii) and (iv) for 3 times, increasing the object distance beyond 2f and adjusting the image
pin in each case and 3 times decrease the object distance within f and 2f.
6. Apply the index correction with the help of index rod.
7. Plot the graph between (i) u and v (ii) u and m as in figure.

length of convex lens

1. The focal length of a convex lens from observation table =………………cm
2. The focal length of a convex lens from graph = ………….... cm
1. The heights of the pins should be up to the height of the pole of the lens.
2. The screws and the base of the stands should be tight enough.
3. Parallax should be completely removed.
4. During observation the eye should be at least 25 cm from the pin.

Name of Student:
Section : Signature of Class Teacher

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