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1. Food
what's your favourite food/ what are popular foods in your country? Eat at home/ eat outside/
Describe a meal/ food you ate at a restaurant

2. Friends
best friends/ qualities of a good friend/ why don't some people have many friends/ describe your
best friend/ a friend from your childhood

3. Hobbies and pastimes

what are your hobbies? Extreme sports? Risk takers? Describe a hobby you like to do in your
free time
- What
- When
- who
- Where
- How
- Why
4. Art
are you interested in art? Do you like to take art courses? Qualities to be an artist? Describe an
artist/ painting/ picture

5. Email
often use email? Who do you send email to? Difference when you send an email to a friend and
to someone older than you? Benefits ( informal/ casual <> formal)

6. Language
interested in languages/ which one? Qualities of learning a language/ benefits/ learn a language
vs translation apps. Describe a time you used another language to talk to a stranger/

7. Festivals
big festivals in vietnam?/ need more festivals? What do you do at a festival? Describe a festival
you went to

8. Colors
what is your favourite color? Do colors have special meanings? Any colors you dislike?

9. Future
in 50 years, any changes in terms of technology?/ job in the future/ houses in the future vs houses
right now

10. Hometown
where/ anything famous? Change something in your hometown? Suitable for young people.
Describe a place in your hometown
11. Jobs
your dream job? Qualities to do job well? What will you do? Why? Describe your dream job

12. Personal background & Description of a typical person

your name? school? Which year? Major? Special ? Describe someone

kind of weather you like? Why? Typical weather in Vietnam? Do you like the weather in
Vietnam? Rainy and dry seasons. Describe a time when bad weather stopped you from doing

14. Accommodation
where live/ flat= apartment/ houses ( advantages/ disadvantages) your dream house/ in the
countryside/ cities. Describe your dream house.

15. Books
interested in books? Types of books? Detective/ horror/ love story/ adventure/ novels/ self-help/
How often ? Benefits/ paper books vs e-books/ Describe a book you once read

16. Education
advantages of attending university/ gap year why? University vs getting a job after high school?
Describe an interesting lecture you attended/ teacher you like.

17. Event
important events in your life? What you do to celebrate them? Holiday? Need more holiday?
Describe a wedding party/ birthday party

18. History
interested in history? Why? Admire historical figures? Why? Historical events/ why don't some
people like history? How to make it more interesting. Describe a period of time in history/
historical figure

19. Entertainment
what you do for entertainment? Young people ? Old people? Types of entertainment. Describe
an activity you do to relax.

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