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Grade Level Ten Quarter Third

Semester 2nd Semester Region III

March 12, 2024 (12:30 am-2:30
Learning Area TLE 10 Teaching Date

A. Content Prepare client for wellness massage
B. Performance The learners enumerate of methods of draping.
C. Learning
Competencies/ TLE_HEWM9- 12WT-IIIa-j -3 LO 1. Apply wellness massage techniques
D. Lesson
Objective/s At the end of 60-minute
period, the students are
expected to:
a. Explain the Importance of
doing detailed consultation
prior to massage
b. Follow the procedure of
methods of scanning
c. Appreciate the significance
of methods of scanning
At the end of 60-minute
period, the students are
expected to:
a. Explain the Importance of
doing detailed consultation
prior to massage
b. Follow the procedure of
methods of scanning
c. Appreciate the significance
Grade Level Ten Quarter Third
Semester 2nd Semester Region III
March 12, 2024 (12:30 am-2:30
Learning Area TLE 10 Teaching Date

of methods of scanning
At the end of the lesson, the students are expected to:
 Explain the importance of applying proper draping method in massage.
 Follow the procedure of methods of draping.
 Appreciate the significance of methods of draping.
1. Learning Perform application of proper draping method.
(1 Within
A. References K to 12 Basic Education Program
Wellness Massage
1. Teacher’s
Guide pages
2. Learner’s CBLM III
Materials pages Cosmetology.
Module II.
Lesson II.
3. Textbook
4. Additional
Materials from
Resource (LR)
B. Other
Learning Other tools to be used:
Resources Gadgets: laptop and television

Materials: cards, pictures, and chalk/marker

Time Allotment 5 minutes

IV. PROCEDURE Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity

1. Daily Routine
Before we
start our
lesson this
1.1 Prayer
please, stand Everyone, let’s close our eyes and bow
our heads as we feel the presence of God.
Grade Level Ten Quarter Third
Semester 2nd Semester Region III
March 12, 2024 (12:30 am-2:30
Learning Area TLE 10 Teaching Date

Lord, thank you for giving us another day

up. and let us in our life and thank you for this day and
to gain knowledge in our teacher. Amen.

Before we
start our
1.2 Energizer
lesson this
afternoon, (The Learners will participate in the

please, stand
up. and let us
Before we start our lesson this
1.3 Greetings
afternoon, please stand up and (Students will greet the teacher)
let us pray. Good afternoon, Ma’am Wendy.
Yes, Ma’am.

Who will lead the prayer?

(Calls student.)


1.4 Checking of

(Students write their names)

Okay! Please remain standing.

Since its’s already afternoon, I
know you already spent your
energy on your morning class.
1.5 Classroom Let us have an energizer. Let us
Management watch a video for the
instructions on what we will do. (Students arrange their chairs and pick
(Plays the video of the up the trash)
Grade Level Ten Quarter Third
Semester 2nd Semester Region III
March 12, 2024 (12:30 am-2:30
Learning Area TLE 10 Teaching Date

Good afternoon, class! Did you

like the compliments that you
have received from your

That is nice to hear.

“Yes, Ma’am.”

I will give a piece of paper,

kindly write your names for
your attendance.

Before you take your seat,

kindly pick up some pieces of
paper under your chair and
arrange your chair and sit

Before we continue, it's

important to understand and
uphold our classroom
1. Show respect to everyone
2. Raise your hand if you wish
to contribute; avoid talking
3. Engage actively in class
discussions and activities.
4. Store personal devices away.
5. Practice attentive listening.
“Do you understand, class?”
“Thank you, let’s start our

Time Allotment 5 minutes

A. Reviewing Class, before our discussion, let us have (Student gives summary of the previous
Grade Level Ten Quarter Third
Semester 2nd Semester Region III
March 12, 2024 (12:30 am-2:30
Learning Area TLE 10 Teaching Date

previous a short review of the lesson previously lesson)

lesson or discussed. Can anyone give me at least
presenting the two things that you have learned from
new lesson the previous topic?
(Teacher will call a student)

Time Allotment 5 minutes

B. Establishing a
purpose for the “Now let’s have a game”
(ENGAGE) I have here individual letters. The class
will be divided into three groups. Each
group will receive sets of letters. You
must arrange the letters into words. After
you have arranged the letters into words
you will write the word that you have
gotten in the blackboard. The group who
will finish first will have plus points on
our activity.

Are you ready class? “Yes, Ma’am.”

(Students will participate in the game)
Grade Level Ten Quarter Third
Semester 2nd Semester Region III
March 12, 2024 (12:30 am-2:30
Learning Area TLE 10 Teaching Date

C. Presenting
nces of the
new lesson Based on the words that we had gotten “Ma’am, it is all about the Application of
(EXPLORE) in our game, what do you think is our Proper Draping.”
topic all about?

(Calls student.)

Yes, that is correct. Very good.

Our topic this afternoon is all about the

Application of Proper Draping.

When you hear the word proper

draping, what idea comes to your mind?

(Calls student.) (Student gives her idea)

That is correct. Thank you.

What do you think is the importance of

knowing how to apply proper draping?

(Calls student.) “Ma’am, it is important that we know

how to apply proper draping so that we
can properly cover our clients’ bodies as
well as keep the warmth on the parts that
Very good! we are not yet massaging.”

Time Allotment 10 minutes

D. Discussing Let us now move to our lesson.
new concepts First, let us know what draping is.
Grade Level Ten Quarter Third
Semester 2nd Semester Region III
March 12, 2024 (12:30 am-2:30
Learning Area TLE 10 Teaching Date

and practicing
new skills Draping is the technique of using a
(EXPLAIN) large towel or sheet to keep you covered
while you're getting a massage. This
allows you to be totally nude under the
sheet or towel and still feel safe, warm,
and unexposed.

What do you think are the benefits of


(Calls student.) “First and foremost, draping is to protect

the client's privacy. Throughout the
massage you should feel covered, warm
and comfortable.”

That is correct. Now let us move on to

the different draping methods.

Draping Methods
1. Posterior Leg - To drape the
posterior leg,
a. Gather the drape at the greater
trochanter and at the ankle.
b. Fold the bottom end of the drape at
an angle across the opposite leg while
holding the drape at the greater
trochanter as a pivot point.
c. With the lower, grab the fold of the
drape and tuck it under the opposite
d. Fold the top section of the drape
across the back, leaving the gluteal
exposed. With practice, this draping can
be accomplished in three moves and
provides a clean line for the application
of spa products from the toes to the top
of the posterior superior iliac spine
Grade Level Ten Quarter Third
Semester 2nd Semester Region III
March 12, 2024 (12:30 am-2:30
Learning Area TLE 10 Teaching Date

For better understanding, I will show

you a video performing posterior

(Presents video.)

2. Anterior Leg- To drape the anterior

a. Gather the drape at the anterior
superior iliac spine (ASIS) and at the
b. Fold the bottom section of the drape
at an angle across the opposite leg using
the upper hand to hold the drape at the
ASIS as a pivot point.
c. With the lower hand, grab the fold of
the drape and tuck it under the opposite
d. Fold the top section of the drape
across the belly, leaving the ASIS

For better understanding, I will show

you a video performing anterior

(Presents video.)

What do you think is the difference

between posterior and anterior draping?

(Calls student.)

“The difference between posterior and

anterior is that posterior is facing
backwards and anterior is frontal.”
Yes, that is correct. Very good.

3. Breast Drape - Align the

top edge of the main drape
with the bottom edge of a
hand towel or pillowcase. As
the main drape is pulled
down, the hand towel or
pillowcase becomes a breast
drape and takes its place.
Grade Level Ten Quarter Third
Semester 2nd Semester Region III
March 12, 2024 (12:30 am-2:30
Learning Area TLE 10 Teaching Date

(Presents video in breast


4. Anterior Pelvic Drape -

After the breast drape is in
place, continue to pull the
main drape down until the
abdominal muscles are
uncovered. Align the fold of
the main drape with the
bottom edge of a hand towel
or pillow case. As the main
drape is pulled down, the
hand towel or pillow case
will become a pelvic drape.
Tuck the bottom section of
the pelvic drape between the
legs leaving a safe distance
between the tucking hand
and the genitals.

(Presents video in anterior

pelvic draping)

5. Turban Drape - This type of

drape protects the client ‘s hair
from spa products and prevents
heat loss during a treatment.
a. Put a bath towel on the table
before the treatment.
b. Bring the bath towel up over
the client ‘s head to cover the
forehead or the eyes.
c. Using the hand as a wedge on
each side of the drape, bring the
Grade Level Ten Quarter Third
Semester 2nd Semester Region III
March 12, 2024 (12:30 am-2:30
Learning Area TLE 10 Teaching Date

side portions around the neck

and tuck them into the top of the
body drape.

6. Gluteal Drape
a. Uncover the back and fold the
drape down to the gluteal cleft.
b. Grasp the folded edge of the
main drape and the bottom edge
of the hand towel or pillow case.
c. As the main drape is pulled
down to expose the gluteals, the
hand towel or pillow case
replaces it.
d. Tuck the bottom of the gluteal
drape between the legs, leaving
a safe distance between the
tucking hand and the genitals.
e. Fold the edges of the gluteal
drape to create clean lines for
product application.

(Presents video in gluteal


7. Side-lying position, this

drape is different than it would
Grade Level Ten Quarter Third
Semester 2nd Semester Region III
March 12, 2024 (12:30 am-2:30
Learning Area TLE 10 Teaching Date

be for a massage. It is important

to ask clients to wear disposable
undergarments to preserve their
modesty. The sheet is kept over
the client until he or she is
moved into the side-lying
position. Undrape the client‘s
upper body ( females should
either wear a disposable bra or
hold a towel over their breasts)
and place a bath towel across the
client‘s hip. Grasp the folded
edge of the main drape and the
bottom edge of the bath towel.
As the main drape is pulled
down to expose the gluteals, the
bath towel will replace it, and
the sheet is removed completely.

(Presents video in side-lying

position draping)

Those are the different draping

methods. Let us check if you
have remembered the different
methods in draping.

Can someone please give at least

3 out of the 7 different draping

(Calls student)
Grade Level Ten Quarter Third
Semester 2nd Semester Region III
March 12, 2024 (12:30 am-2:30
Learning Area TLE 10 Teaching Date

(Student shares her answer)

Time Allotment 30 minutes

For our activity, you will have to

form yourselves into 7 groups. You will
have to demonstrate the different
draping method. Each group will be
assigned one draping method each.
You will pick a paper inside a box. The
paper contains the method that will be
assigned to your group.

A. Developing Group performance will be evaluated

Mastery/ using the scoring rubrics below:
practical 10 - Can perform this skill without
applications of supervision and with initiative and
adaptability to problem situations.
concepts and
7 - Can perform this skill satisfactorily
skills in daily
without assistance or supervision.
living/Making 5 - Can perform this skill satisfactorily
generalizations but requires some assistance and/or
and supervision.
abstractions 3- Can perform parts of this skill
about the satisfactorily, but requires considerable
lesson assistance and/or supervision.

Are you ready class? “Yes, Ma’am.”

(Students proceed to perform group


Time Allotment 10 minutes

A. Evaluating “Now that you have thoroughly comprehended our lecture, we will conduct your
learning first quiz, so get 1 full sheet of paper and answer the following questions in 10
(EVALUATE) minutes.”
Direction: Multiple Choice: Read and analyze the questions carefully. Choose the
best answer and write the letter on a sheet of paper

1. Is a technique using a large towel or sheet to keep you covered while getting
a massage
a. Draping
b. Massage
c. Cupping
d. Hygiene
2. What do you call the type of drape used to protect the client hair
Grade Level Ten Quarter Third
Semester 2nd Semester Region III
March 12, 2024 (12:30 am-2:30
Learning Area TLE 10 Teaching Date

a. Facial drape
b. breast drape
c. Gluteal drape
d. Turban drape
3. It is a kind of drape to cover the abdominal muscles.
a. Breast Drape
b. Anterior Pelvic Drape
c. Gluteal Drape
d. Side Lying Position
4. It is a kind of draping where it covers the back leg.
a. Posterior leg
b. Anterior Pelvic Drape
c. Anterior leg
d. Gluteal Drape
5. It is a kind of draping to cover the front leg
a. Posterior leg
b. Gluteal Drape
c. Anterior leg
d. Anterior Pelvic Drape

Answer key:
1. A
2. D
3. B
4. A
5. C

Time Allotment 10 minutes

B. Additional
activities for In ½ sheet of paper (Crosswise), answer the following question in 3 sentences only.
application or
remediation 1. What is the importance of knowing how to properly apply draping method?
(EXTEND) 2. How can you make sure that your clients feel safe and secured while you are
massaging them?
The assignment will be submitted next meeting.

A. No. of learners
who earned 80% in
the evaluation
B. No. of students who
require additional
activities for
remediation who
scored below 80%
C. Did the remedial
lessons work? No. of
learners who caught
up with the lesson.
D. No. of learners
who continue to
Grade Level Ten Quarter Third
Semester 2nd Semester Region III
March 12, 2024 (12:30 am-2:30
Learning Area TLE 10 Teaching Date

require remediation.
E. Which of my
teaching strategies
worked well? Why
did this work?
F. What difficulties
did I encounter
which my principal
or supervisor can
help me solve?
G. What innovation or
localized materials
did I use/discover
which I wish to
share with other


Student Teacher-NEUST Cooperating Teacher/ TLE Master Teacher 1

Checked and verified by:

Grade Level Ten Quarter Third
Semester 2nd Semester Region III
March 12, 2024 (12:30 am-2:30
Learning Area TLE 10 Teaching Date


TLE Head Teacher III Principal IV

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