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Name: Shoboyede Zainab Okiki

Matric No: 2230110064

Author Name: Vikas Mendhe

Date of Publication: January 2024

Medical Forensics Principles and Cyber Crime Forensic Investigation Model


The paper delves into the foundational principles of medical and traditional forensic science and examines their
potential applicability in computer forensic investigations. By extrapolating key principles such as individuality,
exchange, progressive change, comparison analysis, and the concept that facts do not lie, the paper seeks to
elucidate their relevance and utility in the context of cybercrime forensic investigations. This exploration is
further enriched by integrating case law examples to substantiate the practical implementation of these forensic
principles in addressing cybercrime scenarios. The research endeavor encompasses an extensive literature
survey spanning from 1995 to 2022, aiming to comprehensively review existing crime investigation frameworks
and identify their inherent processes and limitations. Leveraging this knowledge base along with practical
insights gained from domain expertise, the researchers propose a robust digital forensic process model tailored
to effectively gather and analyze digital evidence. The proposed digital forensic investigation model is
structured into distinct phases, each delineating specific procedures and methodologies to be followed. Phase 1
initiates the investigation process with readiness assessments and preparation steps, including digital forensic
case management and investigation planning. Phase 2 focuses on data seizure, isolation, and communication
shielding to preserve the integrity of digital evidence. Phase 3 delves into data acquisition, duplication,
recovery, and preservation techniques, utilizing widely accepted tools compatible with various computing
operating system infrastructures. Moving forward, Phase 4 emphasizes data identification, examination, and
analysis, incorporating detailed procedures for data identification and digital forensic object analysis (DFOA).
This phase also entails the identification and utilization of deep learning algorithms for enhanced data
examination and analysis, contributing to the development of advanced investigation tools. In essence, the paper
presents a meticulously crafted digital forensic process model, fortified by established forensic principles,
advanced technological tools, and methodical investigative procedures, poised to augment the efficiency and
effectiveness of cybercrime forensic investigations.

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