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=+ Method Statement & Risk Assessment H S Jackson and Son (Fencing) Limited 'STOWTING COMMON, NR ASHFORD, KENT, TN25 6BN ‘TELEPHONE: ASHFORD 01233 750393 FAX. 01233 750403, Customer: Ref: Site address: Project details: Provisional start date: Stelios Sophocieous 46 Vine Gardens Ilford Essex IG1 20J wie NOTE: The programme i intended asa guide to those persons camyng out the operations of H S Jackson and Son Fencing and sho not be used fr chery pregramming| Date of preparation: Prepared by: Rev no: _ Rev date Page 1 of 15 Titfoduction. Personnel. Emergency Procedures. Site Preparation. Product Installation. COSHH Assessment Risk Assessment INTRODUCTION This Method Statement and Risk Assessment are prepared for the project specified only. Any difficulties in applying the requirements of the Method Statement must be referred to the Contracts Manager immediately. This document is intended to meet the duty placed on H S Jackson and Son Fencing, to provide as far as is reasonably practicable, a safe system of work for all operational activities. All personnel engaged by H S Jackson and Son Fencing ‘on this project are expected to fully co-operate with the client by carrying out their tasks in accordance with the requirements set out in the Method Statement. Failure to do so must be reported to the Contracts Manager who must then notify senior management in order that appropriate action can be instigated. The installation methods contained in this statement are recommended by Jacksons for safely installing Jackson's product, Fence installers are contracted for their experience and skills in this area and should inform Jackson's contract, department and safety manager if there are any major differences in the method used. This should be done before the installation starts to ensure communication of information to the client to allow any further risks to be assessed. If fence installers find anything missing or information that is incorrect contained in this document it should be reported to Jackson's safety manager for immediate evaluation Page 20f 15 2 PERSONNEL ~ Managing Director Mr Peter Jackson Responsible for overseeing the design of the works and providing input into the installation sequence to ensure stability and safety at all stages.” ~ ? Contracts Manager Mr Steve Hancock Responsible for overseeing the operation of the contracts department and the installers. To ensure in conjunction with the safety manager that work is planned to provide a safe system of work for installers and others. Health and Safety Manager Mr Darren Pearson cmi0sH AIEMA DipNEBOSH MSM Responsible for providing Health and Safety management to H S Jackson and Son (Fencing) Ltd, and for carrying out random inspections of sites Fencing Manager Responsible for carrying out site inspections, ensuring that so far as is reasonably practicable, that site operations are carried out in accordance with the Method Statement Site Supervisor Responsible for supervising and controlling work on site in accordance with the method statement. Erectors Responsible for carrying out their work in accordance with the method statement and instructions given by supervision. Must wear and use all necessary safety clothing and ‘equipment as directed NOTE ‘Al personnel have the author to sop the work if anyhing Is noted which places employees or others at imminent risk of Inpry. Ins ever the mattr must be immediately referred i the Cent apd Jacksons Fencing, 3. EMERGENCY PROCEDURES 3.1. Inthe event of a serious accident’ incident IMMEDIATELY (after first aid provision) Telephone Senior Contracts Manager/ Health and Safety Manager at: HS Jackson and Son Fencing - Office - 01233 750393 Advice to site personnel when working near underground services ‘+ Underground services, particularly electricity and gas, can be dangerous. Damage to electricity cables can cause a flash, leading to severe burns or even death. Gas leaks can cause fire or explosion. ‘+ Damage can result from excavation or penetration of the ground, for example by a road pin. + Underground services may be found in roads, footpaths and on sites. Always assume that they are present. Treat all services as LIVE, despite their apparent physical condition. Page Sof 15 Accidents have happened because people have mistaken-one service for another, for example black plastio-covered electricity cables look like black plastic water pipes and cast iron gas and water mains look alike. Check before you act. In most cases there will be no permanent surface marker posts or other visible indication of the presence of a buried cable. Even if no cables are shown on plans or detected by a locator, there may still be cables present, which could be live and a close watch should be kept for any signs which could indicate their presence ‘Most underground ables are laid in trenches between 450mm and 1m deep. Some high-voltage (HV) cables will be deeper. However depths should never be ‘assumed. Cables can be found just below the surface and even shallow ‘excavations may be a source of danger. Before starting work: Make sure you have plans of the underground services in the area. This may not always be possible for all sites. Remember that service connection cables and pipes from the main to a building or street light may not be shown. Use a cable- and pipe-locator to trace electricity cables and metal pipes. You should follow your training when completing this. If in doubt, or if you have any difficulty, ask your supervisor for advice. Mark the positions of the cables and pipes using paint or other waterproof ‘marking on the ground. Look for signs of service connection cables or pipes, for example a gas meter or service connection entry into a house or a street light. Hand dig trial holes (as many as necessary) to confirm the position of services in the area of your work. This is particularly important if there are plastic pipes, which cannot be found using a locator. When you start work: Wherever possible, hand dig near buried services. Spades and shovels are safer than picks, pins or forks. ‘Check that any cable which is embedded in concrete and has to be broken out has been made dead before work starts, or that another safe way of working has been agreed with the cable owner (often the regional electricity company) ‘Watch out for signs of services as work continues. Repeat checks with the cable- and pipe-locator as the excavation progresses. Backfill around services with a fine material. Do NOT use flints, bricks, mass concrete or similar material. Report any damage to a cable, pipe or pipe coating. Even if there is no immediate danger, damage could cause danger at a later date. Do not attempt repairs, Do not use hand-held power tools within 500 mm of the marked position of Avoiding danger from underground services an electricity cable (if the number of services present or surface obstructions makes this impossible seek further advice). Do not use hand-held power tools directly over the marked line of a cable unless: = you have already found the cable at that position by careful hand digging beneath the surface and it is at a safe depth (at least 300 mm) below the bottom of the surface to be broken; or Page 4 0f 15 = physical means have been used to prevent the tool striking it. ‘+ Do not use @ mechanical excavator within 500 mm of a gas pipe. if an excavator 's used near an elect cable keep everyone dear ofthe bucket whl Is Sigging. Do not use exposed services as a convenient step or handhoid. Do not handle or attempt to alter the position of an exposed service. Do not install plant close to an existing service. Ask your supervisor to tell you ‘what the separation should be. Do not build existing services into a manhole or other structure or encase them in concrete, If you suspect a gas leak: ‘+ Evacuate everyone from the immediate area of the escape. Remember that if a service connection to a building has been damaged, it may cause a leak in the building. Warn the occupants of the building, and of adjoining buildings, to leave. + Donot attempt repairs. + Telephone BG Transco on 0800 111999 immediately. ‘+ Ban smoking, naked flames and other sources of ignition within at least 5 m of the leak. + Help Transco, the Police or Fire Services as requested. REMEMBER - IF IN DOUBT, ASK. 4 SITE PREPARATION The Client Site Manager should inform our Site Supervisor of any activity on site which could affect the safety of our personnel or work. The Client Site Manager should identify the site safety rules and procedures in a site safety induction. It is the duty of all persons working for and on behalf of Jacksons to attend the induction before commencing any works on site. ‘The Client Site Manager is to ensure that the installation area and areas for delivery, storage and handling of sections, is levelled and consolidated to provide ‘safe access for delivery vehicles and an adequate base for the operation of plant. ‘Any areas of the site where there is made up ground, underground structures, services or other factors, which could affect the stability, must be brought to the attention of our Site Supervisor. ‘The Client Site Manager is to ensure that personnel on the site other than our installation team are not permitted to enter the installation area other than with the agreement of our Site Supervisor. Access by the public to the installation area must be prevented. ‘Suitable welfare facilities should be provided and identified at induction for the Use of our personnel Al Jackson's vehicles will be fitted with a portable first aid kit, 1* Aid personnel, should be identified at site safety induction. PPE requirements Proper use of PPE should be observed (general and task specific) and this is to include: Safety footwear - type S1 Hi viz clothing — to EN471 Page 5 of 15. Safety glasses/goggles — to EN1661F Hard hat - to EN397 = Gloves - to EN388 Flame retardant overalls (in areas specified by site manager) - to EN531 ‘Compliance with these procedures is to be monitored by the fencing supervisor. 5. SCHEDULE OF WORKS Skip is to be in place prior to work commencing and is to be installed as per suppliers instructions using delivery lorry. All persons to adopt a safe position away from the supported load during the operations All waste is to be removed to skips at regular intervals to minimise slip / trip hazards. Operatives are to observe the requirements of the site waste management plan. Acoustic Fencing and gate Establish fence lines mark and agree. Post hole foundations excavated at positions to receive 800mm embedded depth of post (Pian size to suit local ground conditions). Holes are to be excavated by hand and / or by Mechanical Auger. Mechanical Breakers are to be used to break surface only. First post positioned and concrete placed in layers into excavation. Repeat for further bays to determine fence line for tongue and groove boards Where the posts require base plating to @ concrete surface or mounting to a wall. The fixing holes are drilled out ‘and cleaned of dust before inserting the threaded bars. C-Mix resin applied and allowed to set. Posts set to levels and nuts tightened to suit. Install Boards, ~ Base board has no groove. -When finished, every post should have Timberiok sorews at 125mm c/c .Do not over tighten screws (washer section should sit flush on surface) as they will go right through the post or strip the thread. - Every hole in the spur post above ground should be fitted with M10 x 130 stainless steel bolt, nut, washer & 2° square washer. The large hole should then be plugged with a 11%’ black plastic cap. The top coach screw is sacrificial & should be used only to hold the timber and steel together whilst concrete is setting. Each 4.8m board should be half staggered with the boards above and below. install 8No boards to 1m high. Fix the Timberiok screws (& spur post bolts) to the bottom four boards. Install a further 4No boards (500mm), and fix the second four boards. Repeat in 500mm sections until required height is achieved. Every 4th board (PLUS the top board) should be fixed with a Timberiok screw from the opposite side of the fence. Posts are supplied approx 125mm over length. Trim top of posts as required. Screw 145 x 36 capping rail to top of posts. Push 70 x 35mm counter rails tight to capping rail (to either side of top board) and screw in position, then screw capping down to counter rail Page Gof 15 For Manual Gates Set out according to installation drawings. Detect underground services with site manager and Service Drawings prior to ‘excavation, CAT scan, visual check fence line for any undetected services and set out according to installation drawings Excavations to be dug by hand using long handle shovel. Surface to be broken out using mechanical breaker. Place the post in the excavation. Set the post in lined and levelled as the drawing specifies. Backfill the hole with concrete. Gates are to be hung onto hanging rides pre-welded to posts and set to adjustment using threaded eye bolts. Drop bolt housing where required positioned and set into concrete surround. When the ground can't be excavated the posts will require base plating to a concrete surface or mounting to a wall. The fixing holes are drilled out and cleaned of dust before inserting the threaded bars. C-Mix resin applied and allowed to set. Posts set to levels and nuts tightened to suit ‘The gateway now operated opening and closing with the final adjustment to ensure ‘smooth running operation. Locking bar fitted to suit the closed position. Grinding Operations ‘Some fence posts or panels may require trimming to suit the site conditions and levels. Cutting down of waste material may also be required. In these cases the Grinding Area is to be classed as a Hot Work Area and will have the following precautions: Hot Work: © Area to be cleared of any combustible material = Rubbish / Packaging Material / etc ‘© Grinders checked to ensure in good working order ‘© Surrounding area protected by barriers and screens as required ensuring safety of others. Screens used if required ©. Fire Extinguishers to be at hand © Area to be checked 30 minutes after Hot Work has finished ensuring no smouldering / fire has started, © Personal Protective Equipment will be worn by both Fence Erectors. "Safety Glasses * Gloves = Overalls = Safety boots. Page 7 of 15 Working at height procedures To access high sections of fencing and gates operatives should select the appropriate means of working at height. Ladders are for short duration work only and must be properly footed and tied off where appropriate. There should be no lone working with ladders and operatives should maintain suitable points of contact and refrain from leaning out. For most high sections an alloy tower, razor deck or cherry picker are the preferred means of access and these should be installed and/or operated only by competent operatives. All harnesses and lanyards should be properly used in accordance with instruction and checked prior to carrying out any works Plant use procedures Breakers are to be used for breaking out the surface only. If the ground conditions dictate or a trench needs to be dug along the fence line it may be necessary to hire in a mini digger to complete the operation. Only trained and competent persons are authorised to operate this equipment and the fencing supervisor is responsible for ensuring statutory test documentation is checked prior to use. To avoid manual handling injuries and comply with the relevant statutory provisions a fork lift truck will be hired to enable the manoeuvre of product that can't be handled with a two man lift. In most cases this will be identified prior to ‘work commencing. Page Bof 15 6. COSHH ‘Assessment 01 Name of hazardous substance: Cement Where used: On installation sites How is the substance used? To mix concrete for posts 4. Identified hazards List the main hazards here e.g. skin irritants; corrosives. ‘+ May cause damage to eyes ‘© tating to respiratory system © Sensitization by skin contact {f there are other hazardous properties list them here, None How exposure occurs. Identity how exposure may occur, ¢.9. via the skin, eyes, ingestion or inhalation, © Contact with eyes ‘= Inhalation © Contact with skin Process design. ‘+ Delivery of ready mix for larger works f control How are controls maintained? ‘= Supervision on site imi ut n of the hi 1s substan Record actions you can take if any ‘© Use of post-crete; mixed in post hole for smaller works 5.Are additional controls required? What else is necessary? + Refer to Material Safety Data Sheet and manufacturers instructions + Dust mask Page 9 of 15 Assessment 02 Name of hazardous substance: Diesel Where used: On fence installation site, various tanks at head office and Bath depot How is the substance used? Transfer from storage to equipment fuel tanks 4. Identified hazards IE sung siettneee; corsa. OD Limited evidence of carcinogenic effect May cause lung damage if swallowed Repeated exposure may cause skin dryness and cracking Toxic to aquatic organisms If there are other hazardous properties list them here, e.g. flammable. ‘+ Dangerous for the environment How exposure occurs. Inhalation Process design. New risks. ‘© Environmental risks from spillage 3. Mai How are controls maintained? ‘= Supervision Information / instruction 4, Elimination/sut n. Te Record actions you can take if any: 5. Are. ‘What else is necessary? Refer to Material Safety Data Sheet and manufacturers instructions Page 10 of 15 Assessment 03 Name of hazardous substance: Unleaded Petrol Where used: On installation sites How is the substance used? Transfer from storage to equipment fuel tanks fi List the main hazards here e.g. skin irtants; corrosives. Initating to skin May cause lung damage if swallowed Harmful tothe unborn child Danger of serious damage to health through prolonged inhalation If there are other hazardous properties list them here, e.g. flammable. + Extremely flammable + Dangerous for the environment How exposure occurs. + Inhalation + Ingestion «Skin absorption Process design. ‘Small quantities stored Secure storage in appropriate container Bund/mat under equipment in use Re-fueliing in appointed area as per site rules New risks. = None 3, Maintenance of controls How are controls maintained? «Supervision ‘© Information / instruction 4, Elimination/substitution of the hazardous substance Record actions you can take if any: ‘= Possible to use battery or 110v tools in some circumstances 5. Are a controls required? ‘What else is necessary? ‘+ Refer to Material Safety Data Sheet and manufacturers instructions Page 11 of 15 Assessment 04 Name of hazardous substance: C-Mix Resin Where used: On installation sites How is the substance used? To set/anchor studding for base-plates and wall fixings Identified hazards List the main hazards here e.g. skin irritants; corrosives. ‘© May cause skin irritation, sensitization or dermatitis ‘= Iritating to eyes and skin ‘* Harmful by inhalation If there are other hazardous properties list them here, e.g. flammable, © Flammable How exposure occurs. Identify how exposure may occur, e.9. via the skin, eyes, ingestion or inhalation. ‘= Contact with skin or eyes Process design. * Product is supplied in a dispenser to reduce transfer operations New risks. = None 3. Maintenance of controls How are controls maintained? ‘© Supervision on site jon of the hazardous substance Record actions you can take if any: ‘© None wired? ‘What else is necessary? ‘+ Refer to Material Safety Data Sheet and manufacturers instructions. 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