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Geographical Issues

Air quality: In Australias biggest cities, air pollution is a major problem.

Lung problems & asthma. Better public transport can improve air quality.
Spatial Inequality:

Relationship between where people live and access to food, clothing, housing, healthcare and education (standard of living) Harbour & waterway areas are wealthier e.g. Mosman.
Sydneys west and south areas have less wealth e.g. Maroubra

more crime, poverty, health issues.

Land and Water Management:

Important as water resources are limited and land is overused Biggest land management issue in Australia is Salinity
Government researching, funding, water restrictions Murray-Darling longest & most important river as it supplies us

with water for irrigation, food, etc. 4kg of waste per person Lack of landfill in Sydney
We can recycle, buy in bulk, limit packaging. Coastal Management is about managing all development along the

coast so that it is sustainable.

Key impacts humans have on coastal areas:

Housing and Development Ports and Marinas Stormwater Runoff and Pollution Sand Mining Recreation and Tourism

Key processes shaping coastal environments:

Estuary where the river meets the ocean Groyne wall designed to trap sand stop erosion Dunes an accumulation of sand Erosion wearing away of land due to wind + waves Deposition distribution of sand along the coast dunes, spits, bars Waves constructive + destructive Currents Longshore drift + rips

Management strategies

Groyne- artificial structure to trap sand from longshore drift Seawall parallel to coastline separate land from sea Beach nourishment artificial placement of sand spread naturally Buy back govt. buys back properties to restore natural beach

Urban Growth and Decline

Sydney population 4.1 million +1000 each week

Geographic processes relevant to urban growth and decline:

Urban Sprawl Urban Decay Urban Renewal Gentrification Urban Consolidation Positive Limits urban sprawl Helps accommodate growth Negative Overcrowding

Traffic & Parking problems Overshadowing Increased house prices Pyrmont Inner city suburb 1km west of CBD Urban renewal project started in 1991 aims to house 20,000 people by 2010 Changes in industry, housing, retailing, transport, open space, people Former water police site was to be converted to apartments

Friends of Pyrmont Point meetings, lobbied council, protests, letters Residents against lose views, overshadowing, decrease property value Developers for promised this site by state gov. Local Gov. against paid $30 million to convert to parkland/public space State Gov. for planned to hand site over to developers

Australias Place in the World

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