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Revision Worksheet


1. Various reformers actively debated the meanings of tradition and modernity to justify
female education. Identify the one who emphasized the glory of Aryan period to justify
female education.
a. Jyotiba Phule
b. Kandukuri Veeresalingam
c. Iswar Chandra Vidyasagar
d. Bal Gangadhar Tilak

2. In which year did Surat witness a small epidemic of plague?

a. 1994
b. 1990
c. 1921
d. 1911

3. Choose the incorrect snippet with reference to Karachi session of Indian National
Congress(1931), which issued a declaration on the Fundamental Rights of Citizenship
a. All citizens are equal before the law, irrespective of religion, caste, creed or sex.
b. No disability attaches to any citizen, by reason of his or her religion, caste, creed or sex,
in regard to public employment, office of power or honour, and in the exercise of any
trade or calling.
c. The franchise shall be on the basis of universal adult suffrage.
d. Women shall have the right to vote, but not to represent and or the right to hold public
offices. (Report of the Sub-Committee, ‘Woman’s Role in Planned Economy’, 1947:
4. Assertion (A): Civil society is called the sphere of active citizenship.
Reason (R ): Civil society allows individuals to take up social issues, try to influence the state,
pursue their collective interest or seek support for a variety of causes.
a. Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A.
b. Both A and R are true but R is not the correct explanation of A.
c. A is true but R is false
d. A is false but R is true

5. Assertion (A): Syncratic Heritage is shown in India through devotional songs and poetry of
Sufi and Bhakti movements.
Reason( R): Syncretism is defined as the combination of different religions, culture, beliefs, or
schools of thought.
a. Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A.
b. Both A and R are true but R is not the correct explanation of A.
c. A is true but R is false
d. A is false but R is true
6. Choose the statement that stands true
a. The highest child sex ratio are found in Punjab, Haryana, Chandigarh, Delhi, Gujarat,
b. Maternal mortality rates are rising in India as well as internationally.
c. Sonograms are used to identify and selectively abort male fetuses.
d. From 941 in 1961, the sex ratio had fallen to an all time low of 927 in 1991, but it posted
a modest increase in 2001.

7. An important legislation that removed the layer of intermediaries that stood between the
cultivators and the state was:
a. The abolition of zamindari system
b. The tenancy abolition and regulation act
c. The land ceiling acts
d. The land protection acts

8. Assertion (A): Humanity has only limited ability to voluntarily reduce the growth of population
through preventive checks.
Reason (R ): Celibacy, chastity and contraception are examples of preventive checks

a. Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A.

b. Both A and R are true but R is not the correct explanation of A.
c. A is true but R is false
d. A is false but R is true

9. Satnami movement in eastern Madhya Pradesh is an example of:

a. Women's rights movement
b. Peasant movement
c. Dalit movement
d. Tribal movement

10. Right right to Information campaign is an example of:

a. Counter movement
b. Reformist movement
c. Redemptive movement
d. Revolutionary movement

11. Karl Marx and Mahatma Gandhi thought that ____ would endanger employment.
a. Urbanization
b. Privatization
c. Globalization
d. Mechanization

12. Who invented a new system known as Scientific Management in the 1899s?
a. Henry Ford
b. Frederick Winslow Taylor
c. Karl Marx
d. Harry Braverman

13. Which of the following is not an example of dominant land owning castes?
a. Jats and Rajputs of Uttar Pradesh
b. Kammas and Reddys in Andhra Pradesh
c. Vocalykas and Lingayats in Karnataka
d. Mahars in Maharashtra

14. _____ particularly from the British Presidency regions of Bengal and Madras moved as
Government employees and professionals like doctors and lawyers moved to different parts of
the country.
a. Upper class
b. Middle Class
c. Nobility
d. Lower class

15. Most ascriptive identities are accidental and ____.

a. Conditioner
b. Achieved
c. Temporary
d. Unconditional

16. The ways in which individuals may become cut off from full involvement in the wider society
is known as:
a. Social inequality
b. Social discrimination
c. Social exclusion
d. Social stratification

17. The social resources can be divided into __ forms of capital according to Pierre Bourdieu:
a. Three
b. Four
c. Five
d. Six
18. Considering from an urban point of view the rapid growth in urbanization shows that the
town or city has been acting as a magnet for the rural population. Choose the incorrect
statement about urbanization in India.
a. Rural to urban migration has increased due to the decline in common property resources
b. Urban areas are decisive force in terms of political dynamics
c. People go to cities in search of work
d. Cities of an anonymity to the poor and oppressed class
19. What is the meaning of the term beggar in the Indian agrarian context?
a. Bonded labour
b. Free labour
c. Landlords
d. Tenant
20. Policies promoting integration involve:
a. Outright suppression of identities of groups which are in minority
b. Complete erosion of cultural differences between groups
c. Elimination of ethno national and cultural differences from public arena
d. All of the above

B. Case Based Questions:

1. On 7 June 2021, the Government of Assam declared Dehing Patkai, with an area of
231.65 square kilometres (sq km) of land, as the seventh national park of the state. The
term Dehing Patkai is derived from two entities: the river Dehing, a southern tributary of
the Brahmaputra; and the Patkai hill range, which is braided by the same river. The
rainforest is a part of the eastern Himalayan biodiversity hotspot, which is an
amalgamation of a number of forests located in Assam-Arunachal border areas. These,
also called the “Assam Valley Wet Evergreen Forest” or “Holong Nahor Forest” or
“Ama­zon of the East,” are significant for three reasons. The rainforest is known for the
biodiversity hotspot with its unique flora and fauna.
This decision was the outcome of a controversy that emerged in the middle of 2020,
centred on the issue of coal mining in the rainforest region. In April 2020, amid the
pandemic, the Standing Committee of National Board for Wildlife (NBWL), under the
Ministry of Forest, Env­ironment and ­Climate Change (MoFECC), approved a coal-mining
project in the Saleki proposed reserve forest, which is a part of this rainforest. This
decision of the government sparked a strong protest, in various social media platforms,
by student communities, environmental activists, non-governmental organisation (NGO)
activists and concerned general public, since coal-mining has a detrimental effect on the
forest and the environment.
(Source: Green Politics and Ecological Nationalism in Assam, Economic and Political
Weekly,Vol. 58, Issue No. 16, 22 Apr, 2023)
Based on the given passage, answer the following questions.
a) What is a social movement?Would you classify this social movement as old or new?
Give reasons for your answer.

b) Based on your reading of the passage, identify the issues that the
social movement addresses.

2. How were labourers recruited?

Tea industry began in India in 1851. Most of the tea gardens were situated in Assam. In
1903, the industry employed 4,79,000 permanent and 93,000 temporary employees.
Since Assam was sparsely populated and the tea plantations were often located on
uninhabited hillsides, bulk of the sorely needed labour had to be imported from other
provinces. But to bring thousands of people every year from their far-off homes into
strange lands, possessing an unhealthy climate and infected with strange fevers,
required the provision of financial and other incentives, which the tea-planters of Assam
were unwilling to offer. Instead, they had recourse to fraud and coercion; and they
persuaded the government to aid and abet them in this unholy task by passing penal
laws. …The recruitment of labourers for tea gardens of Assam was carried on for years
mostly by contractors under the provisions of the Transport of Native Labourers Act (No.
III) of 1863 of Bengal as amended in 1865, 1870 and 1873.

i) The planters were fully aware that the laws of a colonised country did not have to stick to the
______________ norms that the British back home had to follow in Britain.
a) Democratic
b) Autocratic
c) Exclusionary
d) Discriminatory
ii) The Tea industry is an example of how _________________ did not happen in India the way
it did in Britain.
a) De-industrialisation
b) gentrification
c) Industrialisation
d) Exclusion

iii) The government helped the planters by providing for _________in case of non-fulfilment of
the contract by the labourers.
a) Penal sanction
b) Reward
c) Appreciation
d) Incentive

iv) The life of the planter and that of the labourers in the Tea industry are ______________.
a) Equal
b) Contrasting
c) Similar
d) Cooperative


● You are advised against doing selective study

● The questions above are sample questions for practice prior to the AISSCE,2024. There
is no need for any online submission.
● Although answer keys will be provided in due course, you are advised to answer them
● In case you have queries regarding any portion of the syllabus, you may send your
query to your evaluators through the CHAT Section.
● Answer Key will be posted on 2nd January, 2024


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