Class Test 05 Eng

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MM : 40 TIME : 30 MIN

SECTION–I : (i) Only One option correct Type
This section contains 3 multiple choice questions. Each question has four choices (A), (B), (C) and
(D) out of which ONLY ONE is correct. 3(–1)
1. On roasting , iron pyrite, FeS 2, converts quantitatively into Fe 2O3.
4FeS2 + 11O2 ¾® 2Fe2O3 + 8SO2
A sample of FeS2 is roasted completely in a closed vessel, by twice the stoichiometric amount
of air (O2 = 20%, N2 = 80%, by volume) needed. What is the volume percent of SO2 gas in the
final gaseous mixture present in the vessel ?

800 800 25 400

(A) % (B) % (C) % (D) %
19 107 3 59
2. A chalk sample exactly requires 200 ml of 7.3% (w/w) HCl solution of specific gravity 1.2, for
complete reaction with all CaCO3 present in it. If the chalk sample is 72% pure, the mass of
sample taken is :

200 50 100
(A) 100 gm (B) gm (C) gm (D) gm
3 3 3
3. A mixture of CaCO3 & CaO on heating gives off 22.4 lit of CO 2 gas at 273 K & 1 atm. The same
mass of mixture when treated with HCl required 219 gm of HCl for complete reaction, then
the mole % of CaCO3 in the mixture is
(A) 50% (B) 33.33% (C) 25% (D) 66.67%
(ii) One or more options correct Type
This section contains 4 multiple choice questions. Each question has four choices (A), (B), (C) and
(D) out of which ONE or MORE are correct. 4(–1)
4. When 2.96 gm gaseous mixture of C2H6 and C3H8 gases is burnt completely in excess of O2
gas, 8.8 gm CO2 and 5.04 gm H2O vapours are formed. The correct information(s) related
with the initial mixture is /are
(A) Equal moles of both the gases were taken
(B) Equal masses of both the gases were taken
(C) Mass ratio of 'C' and 'H' atoms is 30 : 7
(D) The total mass of oxygen used in combustion was 10.88 gm

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5. Study the following reactions :

2Al + 3H2SO4 ¾¾¾

® Al2(SO4)3 + 3H2

2H2 + O2 100%
¾¾¾ ® 2H2O

2KClO3 ¾¾¾
® 2KCl + 3O2
Al is dissolved in excess of dil. H2SO4 solution to produce H2 gas and KClO3 is the source
of O2 gas. The correct information(s) is/are -
(A) For each mole of Al reacted, 1.5 moles of H2O must produce
(B) From 2 moles of Al and excess of KClO3, 3 moles of H2O will form
(C) From 2 moles of Al and 2 moles of KClO 3, 6 moles of H2O will form
(D) From 2 moles of KClO3 and excess of Al, 6 moles of H2O will form
6. The Haber’s process for preparing ammonia involves the direct conversion of hydrogen and
nitrogen gases into NH 3 at high temperature and pressure using a catalyst

N2(g) + 3H2(g) ¾¾
® 2NH3(g)
If air [consider it to contain 80% N2, 20% O2 by volume] is used as source for nitrogen, O2
present in the air oxidise NH3 to NO as per reaction

4NH3(g) + 5O2(g) ¾¾
® 4NO(g) + 6H2O(g)
Air and H2 are taken in equal volumes in the beginning. Assume that both above reactions
get completed & no other reaction is taking place. Select the correct statement(s).
(A) O 2 is completely exhausted (B) H2 is completely exhausted
(C) N2 is completely exhausted (D) NH3 is completely exhausted

7. 5 moles of N2 and 20 moles of H2 are allowed to react to form NH3 , as the only product. The
correct information(s) is/are
(A) At t = 0, average molar mass of gaseous mixture = 7.2 gm/mol
(B) After complete reaction , average molar mass of gaseous mixture = 12 gm /mol
(C) After 50% reaction of N2 gas, average molecular mass of gaseous mixture = 9 gm /mol
(D) At any stage of reaction, 90% of H2 may be consumed.

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(iii) Paragraph Type

This section contains 1 paragraphs each describing theory, experiment, data etc. 3 questions relate
to two paragraphs with two questions on each paragraph. Each question of a paragraph has only one
correct answer among the four choices (A), (B), (C) and (D). 3(0)
Paragraph for Q.8 to Q.10
The following sequence of reaction occurs in commercial production of aqueous nitric acid.
NH3(g) + O2(g) ¾¾
® NO(g) + H2O(l) .....(1)
NO(g) + O2(g) ¾¾
® NO2(g) .....(2)
NO2(g) + H2O(l) ¾¾
® HNO3(aq)+ NO(g) .....(3)
In an industry 378 kg of HNO3 was required to be produced
8. If % yield all reactions is 100% then mass (kg) of NH3 required is (NO produced in reaction-3 is not re-
used in reaction-2)
(A) 306 (B) 170 (C) 126 (D) 153
9. If % yield of reaction (1), (2) & (3) is 85%, 60% & 50% respectively. Then mass (kg) of NH3 required
(NO produced in reaction-3 is not re-used in reaction-2)
(A) 30 (B) 600 (C) 6000 (D) 300
10. If % yield all reactions is 100% then mass (kg) of NH3 required is (NO produced in reaction-3 is
re-used in reaction-2)
(A) 153 (B) 126 (C) 102 (D) can’t be determined.
SECTION-III : (Integer Value Correct Type)
This section contains 2 questions. The answer to each question is a single digit Integer, ranging from
0 to 9 (both inclusive) 3(0)
1. Zn + O2 ¾¾¾
® ZnO .....(i)

ZnO + H2O ¾¾®Zn(OH)2

If on taking the 130 gm of Zn with 100 gm of O 2 and 50 gm of H2O afterwards 178.2 gm Zn(OH)2

is obtained. The value of is. [Take Zn = 65]
2. 10gm equimolar mixture of KHCO3 & K2CO3 after treatment with KOH is dried & heated.
What will be mass (in gm) of CO2(g) obtained after heating ?

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