6 Essential Nutrients

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1. Carbohydrates  primary source of energy.  Fatigue  Weight gain and obesity  Whole grains (Brown
When consumed, they are  Weakness  Tooth decay and dental rice
broken down into glucose  Difficulty problems  whole wheat bread
and used by cells for fuel. concentrating  Insulin resistance and an  whole grain pasta)
increased risk of type 2  fruits
diabetes  broccoli
 Increased triglyceride levels  spinach
and cardiovascular disease  carrots
risk  beans
 yogurt
2. Proteins  Building blocks of body  Edema  Calcium loss  Beef, chicken, pork,
tissues and regulate various  Fatigue and  Digestive issues lamb, and other animal
physiological processes. Weakness  Dehydration meats
 Transport oxygen in the  Slower wound  Kidney strain  Eggs
blood, and transport healing  Almonds, peanuts
proteins move molecules  Skin and hair  Soy-based products
across cell membranes. problem

3. Fats  Serve as a concentrated  Dry, scaly skin  Weight gain and obesity  Avocado
source of energy, providing  Dermatitis  Elevated LDL cholesterol  Nuts and seeds
more than twice as many  Poor wound (the "bad" cholesterol)  Olive oil, canola oil
calories per gram compared healing levels  Salmon, mackerel,
to carbohydrates and  Increased  Increased risk of trout
proteins. susceptibility to cardiovascular disease  Whole milk, cheese
 Necessary for the infections  Increased risk of type 2  Coconut
absorption of fat-soluble  Impaired growth diabetes  Meat and poultry
vitamins from the digestive (in children)  Inflammatory responses in
tract. the body
 Cushions and protects
internal organs.
4. Vitamins  Essential for vision,  Night blindness  Nausea, vomiting  Leafy greens (kale,
immune function, skin  Fatigue and  Excess is excreted in urine spinach)
health, and cell anemia  GI discomfort  Fatty fish
differentiation.  Scurvy  Blood clot formation  Citrus fruit
 Involved in energy  Rickets and  Tomatoes
metabolism, & the Osteomalacia  Sweet potatoes
formation of red blood  Blood clotting  Fortified dairy product
 Essential for calcium
absorption, bone health,
and immune function.
5. Mineral  Essential for building and  Weak bones  Kidney stones and impaired  Bananas, potatoes,
maintaining strong bones (osteoporosis), absorption of other sweet potatoes,
and teeth, muscle muscle cramps minerals. oranges, and beans
contraction, blood clotting,  Iron-deficiency  Organ damage with chronic  Red meat
and nerve function. anemia excessive intake.  Dairy products (milk,
 For transporting oxygen in  Fatigue  Can cause irregular yogurt, cheese)7
the blood (hemoglobin) and  Weakness heartbeat.
energy production  irregular heartbeat
 Important for muscle
contraction, nerve function,
maintaining blood pressure,
and electrolyte balance.
6. Water  maintain the balance of  Thirst  Headache  Bottled water
fluids within and outside  Dark urine  Nausea  Beverages
cells.  Dry mouth and  Vomiting  Soup
 Regulate body temperature dry skin  Confusion  Yogurt, smoothie and
by dissipating  Fatigue  Swelling popsicle
 Transports oxygen,  Dizziness  Muscle cramps
nutrients, and waste  Rapid heartbeat  Seizures
products throughout the  Low blood
body. pressure
 Rapid breathing

Calcium  Important for bone health,  Osteoporosis  Constipation  Milk, yogurt, cheese,
muscle function, and  Muscle cramps  Muscle weakness almond milk, canned
blood clotting.  Tingling and numbness  Excessive thirst and sardines, leafy
 Fatigue urination vegetables
Phosphorus  Plays a role in bone and  Weakness and fatigue  Joint pain  Eggs, sunflower
teeth formation, energy  Loss of appetite  Itching and shin seeds, lentils, peas,
metabolism, and DNA  Impaired growth rash meat and poultry
synthesis.  Irritability  Nausea and
 Difficulty breathing vomiting
Magnesium  Involved in muscle and  Muscle weakness  Low Blood  Dark Chocolate
nerve function, bone  Irregular Heartbeat Pressure  Whole Grains
health, and energy  Personality Changes  Irregular Heartbeat  Fish
metabolism.  Hypocalcemia  Muscle weakness  Avocado
 Legumes
Sodium  Essential for fluid balance,  Muscle cramps  High Blood  Table salt
nerve function, and  Headache Pressure  Processed food
muscle contractions.  Confusion and  THirtst  Fast food
irritability  Kidney strain  Condiment
 Seizure  Stroke  Cheese

Potassium  Important for muscle  Frequent Urination  Muscle Weakness  Bananas

contractions, nerve  Constipation  Abnormal  Potatoes
function, and maintaining  Tingling and numbness Electrocardiogram  Oranges and Orange
blood pressure. (ECG) Readings Juice
 Tomatoes and
Tomato Products

Chloride  Works with sodium to  Muscle Weakness  Edema (Swelling)  Pickles

maintain fluid balance and  Dehydration  Hypertension  Canned Soups and
proper nerve function.  Confusion  Thirst Sauces
 Meat and Fish
Sulfur  Found in amino acids and  Reduced Protein  Irritation  Protein-Rich Foods
vitamins, supporting Synthesis  Respiratory  Cruciferous
protein structure and  Joint Issues Distress Vegetables
enzyme function.  Skin and Hair Issues  Confusion and  Nuts and Seed
Fatigue  raisins and apricots
Iron  For oxygen transport in  Fatigue  Gastrointestinal  Red Meat
the blood (as part of  Pale Skin Distress  Poultry
hemoglobin) and energy  Pale Conjunctiva  Iron Poisoning  Shellfish
production.  Liver Damage  Tofu
Zinc  Involved in immune  Impaired Growth  Gastrointestinal  Beef, pork, and lamb
function, wound healing,  Immune Dysfunction Distress  Chicken and turkey
and DNA synthesis.  Loss of Appetite  Metallic Taste  Eggs
 Lowered Immunity
Copper  Essential for the formation  Anemia  Hemolysis  Nuts and Seed
of red blood cells and  Neutropenia  Kidney Damage  Chocolate
connective tissues.  Osteoporosis  Neurological  Mushrooms
 Fatigue Symptoms
Manganese  Plays a role in bone  Impaired Growth and  Neurological  Spinach, kale, and
formation, blood clotting, Development Symptoms collard greens
and antioxidant defense.  Abnormal Glucose  Cognitive  Pineapple, berries,
Metabolism Impairment and avocados
 Altered Lipid  Psychiatric  cloves, cinnamon,
Metabolism Symptoms and turmeric
Selenium  Acts as an antioxidant,  Hair and Nail Changes  Selenosis  Seafood
supports thyroid function,  Weakened Immune  Respiratory  Eggs
and helps protect against Function Distress  Milk and cheese
infections.  Thyroid Dysfunction  Cognitive and  Fruits and vegetables
Iodine  Essential for thyroid  Goiter  Thyroid  Seafood
hormone production,  Fatigue Dysfunction  Iodized Salt
which regulates  Weight Gain  Thyroiditis  Milk, yogurt, and
metabolism.  Irregular Menstrual  Gastrointestinal cheese
Cycles Distress
Fluoride  Supports dental health by  Cavities  fluoride toxicity  Fluoridated Water
preventing tooth decay.  skeletal fluorosis  Dental Treatments
 Fluoride Supplements
Chromium  Enhances insulin action  Impaired Glucose  Respiratory Issues  whole wheat, bran,
and helps regulate blood Tolerance  Skin Irritation and oats
sugar.  Increased Risk of Type  Cancer Risk  Broccoli
2 Diabetes  Nuts
 Weight Changes
Molybdenum  Required for the function  Sulfite Sensitivity  Joint Pain  Dairy Products
of certain enzymes  Increased Risk of Gout  Neurological  Leafy Greens
involved in amino acid Symptoms  Liver
metabolism.  Gastrointestinal
Cobalt  Essential for red blood  Anemia  Respiratory  Eggs
cell formation.  Mood Changes Symptom  Shellfish
 Pernicious Anemia  Dermatitis  Liver
 Thyroid
Nickel  Involved in the  nickel dermatitis  Hives  Nuts and Seed
metabolism of certain  Skin Irritation  Blistering  Whole Grains
vitamins and minerals.  Eczema-like  Legumes
Symptoms  Chocolate
Boron  May play a role in bone  boron toxicity  Skin Irritation  apples, pears, grapes,
health and hormone  Gastrointestinal  Neurological and plums
regulation. Distress Symptoms  almonds and peanuts
 Reproductive
Silicon  Supports connective tissue  respiratory symptoms  cough  oats, barley, brown
health, including bones  shortness of breath rice, and whole wheat
and cartilage.  Beer
 beans and lentils
Vanadium  May influence blood  Gastrointestinal  Hormonal Effects  fish and shellfish
sugar regulation and bone Distress  Liver and Kidney  mushrooms,
health. Effects asparagus, and
 Neurological spinach
Symptom  Dairy products like
milk and cheese
Arsenic  Required in trace amounts  Arsenic toxicity  Gastrointestinal  rice and rice-based
for normal cellular Distress products
function, but toxic in  Cancer Risk
excess.  Impaired Cognitive
 Respiratory

Vitamin A  Essential for vision, immune  Night blindness  Vomiting  Carrots
(Retinol) function, skin health  dry skin  dizziness  sweet potatoes
 increased  skin changes  spinach
susceptibility to  kale
infections  eggs
Vitamin B1  energy metabolism  Beriberi  Not common  Whole grains
(Thiamine)  nerve function  Fatigue  Beans
 confusion.  Nuts & pork
 enriched cereals.
Vitamin B2  Essential for energy production,  Cracked lips  Not common  Dairy products
(Riboflavin) metabolism of fats, and  red tongue  lean meats
antioxidant defense.  skin  green leafy vegetables,

Vitamin B3  for energy metabolism and DNA  Pellagra  Flushing  Meat, poultry
(Niacin) repair  liver damage  fish, whole grains,
 gastrointestinal legumes
Vitamin B5  Involved in energy production  fatigue   Avocado
Acid) and the synthesis of fatty acids  numbness  Chicken & beef
 whole grains
Vitamin B6  Essential for amino acid  Anemia  Nerve damage  Chicken
(Pyridoxine) metabolism, neurotransmitter  Dermatitis  numbness,  Turkey & Fish
synthesis, and red blood cell  confusion  difficulty walking  Bananas
formation.  potatoes
Vitamin B7  Important for fatty acid  hair loss   Egg yolks
(Biotin) synthesis, energy metabolism,  skin rash and  nuts
and skin health. neurological  whole grains
Vitamin B9  Essential for DNA synthesis, cell  Anemia   Leafy greens, legumes
(Folic Acid) division, and preventing neural  neural tube  fortified grains
tube defects during pregnancy. defects, fatigue  oranges
 poor growth
Vitamin B12  Vital for red blood cell  Anemia   meat, fish, dairy
(Cobalamin) formation, nerve function, and  Fatigue products, fortified
DNA synthesis.  memory cereals
Vitamin C  Antioxidant, collagen synthesis,  Scurvy  Diarrhea  Citrus fruits,
(Ascorbic immune system support  gastrointestinal strawberries
acid) upset  broccoli
 pepper
Vitamin D  Regulates calcium and  Rickets  Hypercalcemia  Fatty fish, fortified
(Calciferol) phosphorus absorption,  Osteomalacia  kidney stones dairy products,
important for bone health. sunlight
Vitamin E  Antioxidant, protects cell  muscle weakness   Nuts, seeds, vegetable
(Tocopherol) membranes and nerve oils, spinach
Vitamin K  for blood clotting and bone  Easy bruising,  Not common  Leafy greens
(Menadione) health  excessive  Broccoli
bleeding  Brussels sprouts
Vitamin F  Important for overall health,  Dry skin  Not common  Fatty fish
(Fatty Acid) including heart health and brain  hair loss  Flaxseeds
function  poor wound  walnuts

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