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Hari/ Tanggal : Rabu/5 April 2023

Waktu : 08.00 – 10.00 WIB


1. Berdoalah terlebih dahulu sebelum mengerjakan

2. Pilihlah jawaban yang paling benar
3. Periksa kembali jawaban anda sebelum dikumpulkan
4. Kerjakan dengan jujur dan bertanggung jawab
5. Untuk soal hal-hal yang kurang jelas dapat dipertanyakan kepada pengawas

In this section of the test, you will have the chance to show how well you understand spoken
English. There are four parts to this section, with special directions for each part.
Part I. Pictures
Questions : 1 to 3

For each item, there is a picture in your text book and four short statements about it on the
tape. They are spoken TWICE, and are not written out in your text book, so you must listen to
them carefully. You must choose one statement , (A), (B), (C), or (D) - that best describes the
picture. Then, on your answer sheet, mark your choice.

Look at the following picture

Now, listen to the following statements

A. The man is wearing a tie
B. The man is wearing a T-shirt
C. The woman is wearing glasses
D. The woman is wearing a jacket

Choice (D), The woman is wearing a jacket - best describes what is seen in the picture.
Therefore, you should mark (D) on your answer sheet.
Let's begin with the question number 1. Look at this picture, then listen and choose to
the right answer.

Let's begin with the question number 2. Look at this picture, then listen and choose to
the right answer.


Let's begin with the question number 3. Look at this picture, then listen and choose to
the right answer.

PART II, Question - Responses

In this part of the test, you will hear several questions spoken in English, followed by three
responses, also spoken in English. The questions and responses will be spoken TWICE. They
will not be printed in your text book, so you must listen to them carefully to understand what
the speakers say. you have to choose the best response to each question.

Now listen to a sample question,

You will hear,
Woman : Could you tell me how to get the convention centre?
you will also hear,
(A) No, The convention was already over
(B) Sure. Go two blocks and turn left
(C) Yes. I have to get it now

Choice (B) - "Sure. Go two blocks and turn left" - is the best response to question. " Could
you tell me how to get to the convention center?
Therefore, you should mark (B) on your answer sheet.
PART II, Question - Responses

4. Listen the question and give the right response.


5. Listen the question and give the right response.

6. Listen the question and give the right response.

7. Listen the question and give the right response.

Part III. Short Conversation

Questions number 8 to 11
In this section of the test you will hear short conversations. You will hear the conversations
TWICE. The conversations will not be printed in your text book, so you must listen carefully
to understand what the speakers say.
In your text book, you will read a question about each conversation. The question will be
followed by four answers. You have to choose the best answer to each question, and mark it
on your answer sheet.

You will hear,
Woman : I ordered that last Tuesday. It should have arrived by now.
Man : Maybe there was a delay in sending it. Have you called them?
Woman : Not yet. I will call them now.

You will read : What will the woman probably do?

A. phone the company
B. order the software
C. cancel the order
D. arrive at the store

Choice (A) - "Phone the company" - is the best answer to the question, " What will the
woman probably do?" Therefore, you should mark (A) on your answer sheet.

8. What does the man say about the weather?

A. It appears on TV.
B. The woman will bring an umbrella.
C. The city will be wet.
D. The weather will be sunny.
E. It will be thunderstorm

9. What does the woman think of the box office movie?

A. It was very dull.
B. It was very terrible.
C. It was very good.
D. It was very boring.
E. It was very annoying
10. What kind of sport does the man like to play?
A. Fitness
B. soccer


C. tennis
D. badminton
E. football

11. What did the man ask?

A. Information about a sign.
B. A question about a notice.
C. A picture hanging on the wall.
D. Permission to light a cigarette.
E. No smoking in the area


Questions number 12 to 15
In this part of the test, you will hear short monologue. Each will spoken TWICE. They will not
be printed in your text book, so you must listen to them carefully to understand and remember
what is said.
In your text book, you will read two or more questions about each short monologue. Each
question will be followed by four answers. You have to choose the best answer to each
question and mark it on your answer sheet.

12. Whom is the instruction intended to?

A. Receptionist.
B. Guest
C. Employees
D. Officers
E. Students

13. What should you do when entering the building?

A. Get a pass.
B. Read the sign.
C. Go immediately to your destination.
D. Contact your company.
E. Wear the protective dress

14. When is this show being broadcast?

A. on Monday
B. on Tuesday
C. on Thursday
D. on Saturday
E. on Friday

15. What topic does Mr. Hernandez write about?

A. Art.
B. Food


C. Clothing
D. Animals
E. Occupation

This is the end of listening section


Question 16 refers to this letter

Mr. William Chan

Personel Manager

Wong and Lim Consulting

PO Box 583, Kwai Chung


Dear Mr. Chan,

I am writing to apply for the post of Management Trainee, which was advertised on the Student Affairs
Office notice board of the Hongkong Polytechnic University on 1 March 2005.

My working experience at Lucky Star Garment Manufactory Limited improved my leadership skills,
communication skills and ability to work in a team environment. I have fluent spoken and written
English. I also have fluent spoken and written Mandarin, and can therefore work in mainland China.

Currently I am studying a B.A. in Management at the Hongkong Polytechnic University, graduating in

2005. Subjects which I am studying that are relevant to the post of Management Trainee include
Operations Management, Human Resources Management, Accounting, Marketing and strategic

During my studies I have had the post of Executive in management Society. While leading and
organizing Management Society activities I have improved my ability to lead and supervise
subordinates effectively, ability to work under pressure and ability to work in a team environment.

Working for Wong and Lim Consulting appeals to me because it has a good reputation and it provides
excellent training. Your organization produces a high-quality service, and I can contribute to this with
my leadership skills and my ability to work under pressure. I am available for interview at any time. I
look forward to meeting you.

Yours sincerely,

Wong Wai Man Wilfred

Taken from

16. What job is applied in the letter above?

A. Consultant
B. Operation management


C. Human resources management
D. Accounting
E. Management trainee
17. What skills and personnel qualities are required?
A. Leadership skills, communication skills and ability to work in a team environment
B. Fluent spoken and written Mandarin
C. Have known about environment
D. Hard worker
E. Willing to work overtime

18. ” I can contribute to this with my leadership skills and my ability to work under
pressure”. What is the synonym of the word “contribute”?
A. receive
B. accept
C. give
D. decline
E. reserve

Questions 19 - 21 refer to the following text

Instructions Burning with two CD Trays

1. Insert the CD from which you want to burn music into your computer’s CD tray.
Insert a blank CD into your computer’s second CD tray.
2. Open windows media player and wait for it to recognize the CD.
3. Click the “burn” option at the top of windows Media Player. Drag the songs you
want from the list of your songs into the area on the right labeled “Burn List”.
4. Choose the blank CD onto which you want to burn your song. This can be done at
the top of the Burn List Menu.
5. Click the “Start Burn” button when you have all the song you want for the CD added
to the Burn List. Wait for your computer to finish the CD, then take both of the CDs

19. What does the instruction tell us?

A. How to run two CDs.
B. How to open Media Player.
C. How to copy a compact disc.
D. How to choose the blank CD.
E. How to close the CD

20. What should we do after click the “burn” option at the top of Windows Media Player?
A. Choose the blank CD onto which you want to burn your song.
B. Drag the songs from the list of songs.
C. Open windows media player and wait for it to recognize the CD.
D. Wait for your computer to finish the CD, then take both CDs out.
E. Click the “Start Burn” button when you have all the song you want
21. “The process of copying CD is possible with any computer…” The underlined word has
closest meaning to…
A. Improbable


B. Unlikely
C. Probable
D. Doubtful
E. Impossible

Questions 22 - 24 refer to the following text.

Ant-eaters are perhaps the most curious looking animals.
Their long head and snout look like tubes, and they have no teeth at all. Their front legs are
very strong and armed with heavy curved claws with which they break open the nets of ants
and termites and then, when the insects rush out, use their long, sticky tongues to lick them
up at great speed.
True ant-eaters are found in the swamps and forests of central and South America. Scaly
ant-eaters, or pangolins, are found in Africa and tropical Asia.
Various other insect-eating animals are sometimes called ant-eaters, although they really
belong to other groups of animals. One of them is the ant-bear, which lives on the plains of
South and Central Africa. This has long, erect ears but short blunt claws, an almost hairless
tail, yellow brown in color. Unlike the true ant-eaters, it has small teeth.

22. What is the purpose of the text?

A. Tell the story of ant-eaters
B. Give the information of ant-eaters
C. Discuss the history of ant-eaters
D. Describe the body of ant-bears
E. Persuade the reader to like ant-eaters

23. What is the ant-bear?

A. The animal has long, erect ears and small teeth
B. The animal looks like a pangolin.
C. The animal has no sticky tongue
D. The animal does not like to eat ants
E. The animal does not live on the plains of South

24. From the passage above, we can conclude that….

A. all ants are friends of other insects
B. ants live in the disgusted places
C. ants are classified as predators
D. ants belong to the insect group
E. ant-eaters are found in the swamps

Questions 25 – 27 refers to the following text.

Abdulrachman Saleh


Born into a family of doctors in kampung ketapang, Kwitang Barat,
Jakarta,Abdulrachman Saleh also became a doctor. After finishing MULO, he studied at
STOVIA. While still a student, he was appointed assistant at the laboratory of physiology.
Graduating from STOVIA, Abdulrachman Saleh continued his work at the lab while having
his own medical practice.
Abdulrachman Saleh's role in medicine was significant. He became a lecturer in Jakarta,
Surabaya,Malang.and Klaten. For his meritorious service in medicine specifically in
physiology,in 1958, the university of Indonesia bestowed him the title of Bapak Ilmu Faal
( Father of physiology).
25. What is generic structure of the text above?
A. Introduction-Events-Reorientation
B. Classification-Description
C. Identification-Description
D. Orientation-Description
E. Newsworthy-sources-conclusion

26. The main idea of the first paragraph is that Abdulrachman Saleh...
A. Was appointed assistant at the laboratory of physiology
B. Started his career as a doctor in STOVIA
C. Had his own medical practice
D. Studied at the medical school in STOVIA.
E. became a lecturer in Jakarta

27. For his meritorious service in medicine specifically in physiology.

The synonym of the underlined word is …
A. Awesome
B. Dishonorable
C. Corrupt
D. Choice
E. Deserving

Questions 28 refers to the following dialog

Jack : “What are doing tom“?
Tom : I have just read Agarta Cristine Novel
Jack : What do you think about that novel?
Tom : Wow ....It is an interesting novel that I ever read before..

28. From the dialog we concluded that….

A. Jack gives opinion to Tom

B. Jack asks opinion to Tom

C. Tom gives opinion to Jack

D. Tom asks opinion to Jack

E. Jack reads Agarta novel


Questions 29 refers to the following text

Azka : Hi, where is your motorcycle ?

Dimas : My motorcycle ……………by my brother.

29 The correct sentence to complete dialogue above is…

A. Is borrow
B. Is borrowed
C. Are borrowed
D. Have borrowed
E. Will be borrowed

Questions 30 refers to the following dialog.

Azhar: What's wrong with your camera, Tom?
Tom: The lense doesn't focus well.
Azhar : ...?
Tom: No, thanks. I can fix it myself.

30. The suitable expression to complete the dialogue is …

A. Do you need some help

B. Have you had it repaired

C. Would you buy a New One

D. Should I change It

E. Can I borrow your camera

Questions 31 refers to the following dialog.
ons 28 refer
Bella to the
: What following
happened dialog
to the game?
Ricko : The game would have become better, If the trainer …. a substitute in during the
second half.

31. The correct sentence to complete dialogue above is…

A. Sent
B. Was sent
C. Is sending
D. Has sent
E. had Sent

Questions 32 refers to the following dialog.

Dian : I think our city is saved from the corona Virus so we can go around
Elis : But ...... our city isn’t saved. We must stay at home at least in the luck down time

32. The correct sentence to complete dialogue above is…
A. I agree
B. I am with you
C. I think so
D. I don’t think so
E. I am on your side
Questions 33 refers to the following dialog.

Rafa : When do you always do your homework ?

Nadira : …

33. The correct sentence to complete dialogue above is…

A. I have did my homework at 6 PM
B. I did my homework at 6 PM
C. I do my homework at 6 PM
D. I am doing my homework at 6 PM
E. I have done my homework at 6 PM

Questions 34 refers to the following dialog.

Roni : How did you go to your grand mother’s home last week ?
Dedi : I ………….by my motorcycle to my grandmother’s home last week
because it was near from my home.

34. The correct sentence to complete dialogue above is…

a. Ride
b. Rides
c. Riding
d. Rode
e. Ridden

Questions 35 refers to the following dialog.

Angga : Which paintings will be exhibited tomorrow?
Bagas : We don’t know yet, they…………by a team.

35. The correct sentence to complete dialogue above is…

A. Still be selected
B. Are still selecting
C. Are still selected
D. Are still being selected
E. Will selected

Questions 36 refers to the following sentences.

Arrange the random news items below into a good news item.
1. The speedboats were ferrying tourists to the Pha-Ngan island for
a “Fullmoon” party, a monthly event that attracts thousands of young, mostly
western tourists.

2. Provincial police officer, Adipong Tapee said of the 42 travelers injured,
39 were hospitalized including four Britons, four Australians and
four Singaporeans. Also among them were Irish, Norwegian, Malaysian and Thai
tourists, he said.

3. The boats collided and overturned before midnight Saturday, throwing

the passengers into the rough sea water just off the island, the website of
The Nation newspaper said. –AP

4. Forty-two passengers were injured and two missing after two boats carrying
Thai and foreign tourists collided during a popular island beach party, police
said Sunday.
36. Arrange the sentences above into a correct paragraph.
A. 4–1–2–3
B. 4–2–1–3
C. 4–3–1–2
D. 4–3–2–1
E. 4–3–1-2

Questions 37 refers to the following text.

Announcement! *

This announcement is addressed to all 12th grade students of Bhakti Raharja High School,
that the uniforms used during graduation are:
men: dark cloth tops and trousers women: kebaya
for those who do not have the dress code, you … contact Ms. Hardiningrat at the
secretariat room for the purposes of renting a dresscode.
Thank you
37. Fill in the blanks of the text above with the correct auxiliary!
A. can
B. would
C. should
D. could
E. might

Questions 38 refers to the following text.

To: all employees

There will be a blackout each Saturday during this month. …(38), we will use the generator
as the electric source. So, please do not use air conditioners on Saturdays.
Please don’t forget to turn off the lights, computers, printers during the break as usual.

38. Fill in the blanks of the text above with the correct conjunction!
A. Consequently
B. Because of

C. Although
D. In spite of
E. Accordingly

Questions 39 refers to the following text.

To : All employees
From : Teddy Mcbrian The Personnel Manager
Date : June 23, 2021
Sub : Company Travel

Effective July 1, all personnel officers traveling on company business must use the most
…………………… (39) means possible. No flight under five hours can be booked in
business class. No flight regardless of duration can be booked in first class or on the
39. Fill in the blanks of the text above with the correct adjective!
A. economy
B. economical
C. economic
D. economies
E. economically

Questions 40 refers to the following text.

From: Stevan Hunt

To : <
Date : 10 March
Subject: next meeting
Following our phone conversation this morning. I would like to confirm our meeting
(40) ... 16 March at 2.30 pm to discus the new advertising campaign. I apologize for the
change of plans and hope this does not cause any problems. A map showing how to get,
to our new office follows on the next page.
I look forward to seeing you

40. Fill in the blanks of the text above with the correct preposition!
A. On
B. At
C. In
D. Of
E. By

Question No 41 complete the blank

Andita : “ I have a terrible toothache. What should I do ?”
Bagas : “.....................”
Andita : “ Yes, Maybe I should.”

41. Complete the dialogue above with the expression of suggestion

A. I recommend you to follow her advice
B. How about walking to school tomorrow ?

C. I must take a rest
D. Why don’t you look it up on the dictionary
E. I think you should go to the dentist

Question No 42 complete the blank

Ana : I got stomachache last night.

Fani : …………………………………..?

Ana : I ate spicy meatball last night.

42.The correct sentence to complete dialogue above is…

A. Where do you eat last night?
B. What will you eat last night?
C. What did you eat last night ?
D. Where did you eat last night?
E. Why did you eat last night?

Question for number 43 refer to the following text.

Using best teaching method by qualified teachers, You have

found the right place to learn English.
Join us right now : Let’s speak English !
100% money back if you cannot speak English.
Interested ???
Find us on jalan Botania Jati 11,
Nagoya, Batam
For more details, visit us on

43. What is the purpose of the text above?

A. To describe about qualified teachers.
B. To tell what english course looks like
C. To give information about the best teaching method
D. To entertain the reader
E. To persuade people to join English Course

Andi : Did you attend the meeting last Monday?

Fena : I would If I had been invited.

44. The underlined Phrase means ….

A. Fena didn’t attend the meeting
B. Fena plans to attend the meeting
C. Fena knew about the meeting and She attended the meeting
D. Fena was not invited to the meeting but She come
E. Fena was attended the meeting

45. Look at the sign above, what do you learn from the sign?
A. we may use our cell phone at 8:00 AM.
B. we are allowed to use our cell phone anytime.
C. We might not use our cell phone at 8:00 PM.
D. we are not forbidden to use our cell phone after 4:00 PM.
E. we are not forbidden to use our cell phone before 4:00 PM

Below is a beverages list from a cafe called “Arrasya Cafe” read the menu and choose the
correct answer.
Arrasya Café
Beverages list :
 Wamena Robusta Coffee
 Wamena Torabica Coffee
 Ice Tea
 Hot Tea 10

 Latte 25

 Orange Juice
 Avocado Juice

46. What is the most expensive?

A. Hot Tea
B. Wamena Torabica Coffee
C. Avocado Juice
D. Orange Juice

E. Wamena Robusta Coffee

Question No 47 look at this picture below!

47. What is the main idea of the caption above?
A. to become a wise man
B. to make an effort something
C. to love each other
D. to motivate somebody
E. to keep the earth

Question No 48 look at this picture below!

48. Where was the location in the picture?

A. Central Park
B. Garden
C. Floristry
D. Central Kiev
E. Tulip City

Question No 49 read the text below.

The Jakarta Post: Downed communication lines following a landslide in the remote
region of Natuna, Riau Islands, which killed at least 30 people, are hindering evacuation

National Disaster Mitigation Agency (BNPB) head Suharyanto said he had instructed
Natuna regency administration to quickly recover the downed communication lines as
they were important for disaster mitigation efforts.

He also said local radio stations should be recovered soon to help mitigation efforts, and
he asked two national telecommunication providers XL and Telkomsel to quickly
restore their telecommunication services on Serasan island.

“These must be done quickly,” Suharyanto said in a statement on Wednesday.

The landslide on Serasan Island, 80 kilometers of the coast of Kalimantan and part of
the Natuna Islands chain, occurred on Monday following six days of heavy rain.

Evacuation efforts still continue the search for body of victims killed by the landslide
and those who are still missing.

Muhamad, spokesperson of the joint disaster mitigation team, said up to 30 houses had
been detected to have been buried by the landslides.
49.” National Disaster Mitigation Agency (BNPB) head Suharyanto said he had
instructed Natuna regency administration to quickly recover the downed
communication lines as they were important for disaster mitigation efforts.
(paragraph: 2)
The form of underlined sentence above is …
A. Simple present tense
B. Reported speech
C. Conditional sentence
D. Passive voice
E. Past perfect tense

50. Rearrange the following jumbled sentences into the correct and meaningful
1. The fire started at 4.40 p.m. and was declared under control at 6.14 p.m.
2. Jhon Carey of Yonkers Arson Squad said the cause of the fire was under
3. A four alarm fire damaged 14 stores today in the Cross County Shopping center.
4. And spread through a utilities duct above the 13 other stores.
5. Two fire investigators said the blaze apparently started in a pile of cardboard
cartons at the rear of a shoe store.
.The correct arrangement of the sentences is ……
A. .5 – 4 – 1 – 3 – 2
B. 3 – 5 – 4 – 1 – 2
C. 4 – 5 – 1 – 3 – 2
D. 4 – 1 – 5 – 4 – 2
E. 2 – 1 – 3 – 5 – 4



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